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Kim R. Hi. I was just telling my dh about you and how today is your

due date! I just found out my induction date is Tuesday just like

you. Wouldn't that be crazy if we had our babies around the same

time? I sure hope we both go sooner but it is nice to have a date

scheudled isn't it? Thanks for the compliment on the names. We are

planning to spell Zac, Zackery...I know you are not suppost to do

that (for the childs sake) but I just like this spelling better. Gosh

I just can't wait to find out what I am having. What is your guess?

Do you have any plans this weekend? Are you going to try to stay

active or rest?

39 Weeks

(Is your signature line going to read, " due " or 1 day past due? :-)

- In PregnancyBabiesAfterEctopic@y..., krusso96@y... wrote:

> :

> I to was hoping that we would have already been in the hospital


> But today is my due date and I am still here, Christian shows no

> signs that he might arrive today! But the good thing is that it can

> all change in a moments notice! He must be very comfy in there.


> would be cool if the babies arrived on the same day. Oh, I hope you

> have made progress when you go for your check up, I can't wait to

> hear. I feel the same way about my life being in limbo, you don't

> know when and where it might happen - at this point I am starting


> doubt if there is even a baby in there! LOL. The funny thing is


> I still can't believe that I am even pg, and going to have a baby


> day, I have felt this way the entire pg. It just seems so weird to

> think that there is a baby in there.


> I hope you are feeling well, and you have some good news for us

> today! I love names you picked, is great! And we have friends

> who just had a baby 7 weeks ago, his name is Zachary, we call him



> Kim

> 40 weeks

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, I haven't been on the computer the last couple of days....I am trying to catch up here at work. (computer problems kind of at home...) Anyway, you are suppose to be having your u/s right? I am sorry, I can't remember exactly when......good luck. I am thinking of you! 22wks1d -----

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Since somehow the discussion of nail clipping came up (my email finally came in all at once--230 messages--and all out of order), I figured I'd also mention what I did with . I just used an emery board (they usually come with infant nail clipping sets) to file her nails down. I was much more confident that way bc I didn't have to worry about her bleeding. I tried clippers twice and was just too nervous. Anyway, that's an alternative if you are like me and feel completely scared about clipping. Amy 29w 1d ,I forgot to tell you too, when you clip the baby's nails the very firsttime you have to be really really really careful because the nail islike attached to the skin beneath it. You think you are just cuttingnail and oops! then their little finger starts to bleed! It took meuntil my 4th baby to figure this out! I think with Mikaela I let the gofor awhile or I just tore them off because at first the do tear offeasily. One book said if you do accidentally cut their little fingers tojust dap neosporin on it. (with kids you need LOTS Of neosporin around!)Vicki

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" (also have to keep a hamper downstairs......though none of the

clothes BOB takes off hit the hamper......) "

This is yet another laundry problem I have. I thought I'd be sly and told

him that I wouldn't wash anything that didn't make it into the hamper...now

he just waits until the end of the week to pick everything up so it gets

washed....grrrrr! Okay, I am done now, no more posts on my laundry/men

troubles...I could go on forever!!!!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

You are too funny, girl!!


Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:48:52 -0000

Subject: SusaN*!!!

Hello*!!!! hey I am going this weekend...(payday is

friday)....teeheehee still have to get big bootie panties......but

soon I will be able to get the " pretty " ones....and omar the tent

maker can retire from my house......teeheehee

(God Bless America)

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Yep ~ that's the one I bought and it's also the same one Kendall has. It's the Medela "Pump In Style". Mine was $259.99 and I paid an additional $10.00 for a car lighter adapter thing. I haven't had to use that yet, but it's nice to know I have it just in case (power outage or something). It is much easier to use than it looks, really it is. And, I love the way it works. It takes no time at all! I hope you like it!


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The test operates on that no news is good news principle. The tech

said if there is a problem, that you will usually hear from your dr's

nurse the next day...so I say if I don't hear from them by Monday I

should be all clear!


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Okay, you are right, " on time " would work for me too...I guess I was just

thinking how rarely that happens so I was just thinking in terms of early vs

late...any time after the 18th is fair game!!! :) I was discussing this

with someone at work and she told me she knew a lady who went into labor the

day before her last final and she had her books and everything with her at

the hospital trying to study for that final!!! The nurse told her to give

it up, she wasn't going anywhere any time soon!! LOL Oh, I can just tell

I'm going to start having nightmares about this in a couple months.....

Speaking of Christmas dinner..you're going to LOVE this...it is our (as in

Bob and I) turn to host Christmas for his family this year!!!!!!!! They

rotate it from house to house each year between the siblings that still live

in the area. His sister and sil offered to take over, but Bob really has

his heart set on doing it (and after all he's not the pg one, so of course

he said we would still do it!). It'll be his first time hosting since he

lived out of state for quite a while and has only owned the house for a

couple years. It's the house they all grew up in, so I think that part adds

to some of his excitement over having everyone there for Christmas again,

but boy oh boy is it ever going to be interesting!!!! His sil may just have

to take over unexpectedly ;)! I warned Bob that he may be doing a lot of

work for it by himself cause if I'm still pg I don't know how much help I'm

going to feel like being and if I have a brand new baby...well I still don't

know how much help I'm going to feel like being ;)! Either way it will be a

Christmas to remember!



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" It is kind of scary....if we really think about it, we don't have alot of

time left. "

You are soooo right! I've just started feeling like this in the past week

or two. I've already been in school for a month...it feels like I just

started again, so I'm sure with all this activity I have going on the next 3

months are going to FLY! We need to clean out our future nursery as well.

I finally got a wee start on it this weekend..I got Bob to move the unused

dresser he had downstairs, upstairs and into the baby's room. Now, he

didn't take any of the other furniture out of the room, but at least I can

start putting clothes away and seeing if there is something I really still

need! When I start to think about all the things I want/need to do in the

next 3 months I start to feel overwhelmed, so I'm taking it one week at a

time and one task at at time...if I don't I'm going to have a little




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Hello! I

go to the drs. again next week and I think I take the glucose then. The doc

said I would need to bring something to read as I would have to drink the stuff

then sit there for an hour or so. He said if I went back to work, it might make

the results incorrect. that’s kind of a drag as my office is one block from the

drs. office. Oh well. I don’t anticipate any problems.


worry about the weight gain. I’ve gained close to 20 myself and really should

gain more than 25 since I’m only 5 feet 2 inches. I’m starting to really feel

the extra weight too. I’ve just felt heavy the past few days. It’s kind of


Take care,


26 wks

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After a nice long afternoon nap, I feel much better! We live in

Asheboro, NC, which is right in the middle of the state where the state zoo is.

Don’t get too jealous. It was 88 last weekend. It gets plenty hot here, of

course not like Fl.





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Vicki is right, you are going to be holding your little one someday!!!! You have been through alot and it is all going to pay off!!! ,You are definately not sounding bitter. You deserve a baby and I trulybelieve that someday you will be holding your own little one in yourarms. The bad thing about life is that we can only plan so much andcontrol so much and then it is just out of our hands and into God'shands. I know you realize that and it's hard to be patient, but you aredoing just great, and you are on the road to conceiving.....hang inthere! I just am flabbergasted that she just isn't over the moon afterall she's been through to finally be pregnant, yet it still isn'tenough! I hope in time she will see how truly lucky and blessed she is,right now the glass is still half empty....I guess this whole thing hastaken such a toll on her that she is not thinking normally. I reallystill think if she'd had some counseling from a professional she wouldbe doing better, but she is too stubborn.Vicki

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Hey, that

is a good idea—to have dh call family when I’m getting pretty close to


I know I

felt relieved when my mil called us after my sil’s baby was born. I had worried

about what the proper etiquette would be if they called us and said she’d gone

in labor. Like should we sit in the waiting room until we knew she’d had it and

was okay, or could we stay at home by the phone? It might seem like we didn’t

care if we didn’t hang out at the hospital, but then again they might think we

were usurping their private space.

It’s a tough call and you never know how people will react. It was nice

when the mil just called to tell us our nephew was born. Then we were able to

plan our day and visit the sil after work.

I’m just real

self-conscious as I’ve never been around babies before. I’d like a little time

to gain some confidence, then I’ll open the doors to the world.


26 wks

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It seems like yesterday that I was TTC. I can't believe that not only am I pg but also getting very close to l & d. It's very exciting and I am enjoying every minute of it. I wish I were not so tired al the time. I swear I could stay in bed all day. But between getting up to pee and the baby waking up and moving around about 4 every morning I don't get much sleep. But it's atime a will never ever forget and I know you won't either. It's funny how quickly life can change.


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hilarious! Well we all have issues and I’m glad that you were able to get help!


27 wks




Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001

12:29 PM



Subject: Janice*!!!

Hello*!!! well you sure are sweet for saying that and

bringing a

huge smile to my face....BUT I have to tell you before I went on the

Paxil (wonder drug in my opinion) I was not the nicest person to be

around (in person)......teeheehee Bob and My Mom would hide from me

when I would get inraged.......and you know what it is nice to be

back to a " normal " state of mind again........

(God Bless America)

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When we

first bought our house, I tried to take down the border in our bathroom and had

no luck. It must have been put on the drywall or something. I tried everything

and ended up having someone just wallpaper over the whole bathroom. We had this

border in our hallway and living room and it took me two days to get it down

and clean the walls, etc. We decided after that that wallpaper wasn’t for us

and issued an edict that we would never wallpaper again. I hadn’t heard

about the apt. border though. That sounds pretty cool.


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That is awesome that you had your first show! Congratulations! I know, I'm also nervous about having my first one too! It's 10/21. But, once it's behind me, I know I'll be fine with it. Good luck to you too Sweetie!


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The shower was wonderful...full of old friends and new. My Mom and sister were here for it and it was such a Southern Girls shower. I mean from the cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches all the way to the butter cream petite fours with the little blue booty icing on top. I had a BLAST!!! We got so many fantastic gifts. We now have everything that is offered in the Lennon theme for the nursery. We got baby books, diaper bags, clothes, blankets, bottles, pack and play, bouncer seat, bath tub, stroller, high chair, boppy pillows, baby monitor, lamps, glider and ottoman, personalized towels and teddy bears. I swear you name it we got it. I told that we could furnish two nurseries with all we got. I mean it took like 2 hours to open all the gifts <which I admit was a helluva lot of fun>. But it was great having our friends (my co-workers as well) and family here to share it with.. They are all as excited as we are and that's hard to imagine. I don't know if we should have the other 2 showers cause there's nothing else we need really. The only problem is they shopped off the registry but half of it didn't get marked off so I can see us getting alot of duplicates. Well, I figure if we get two of something, we can either exchange it or donate it to a community program that serves under privileged women -- that whole share the wealth. It was just amazing to be the receiver of gifts finally after so many years of being the giver.


31 weeks 6 days

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Just wanted to say how glad I am that you had such a wonderful time

surrounded by family and friends and what a fortunate little boy Chase

is to have such thoughtful and caring people in his life. I think

the idea of donating the un-needed items is wonderful when there are so

many people in need. Take Care and enjoy the rest of your showers



gradstu12@... wrote:



shower was wonderful...full of old friends and new. My Mom and sister were

here for it and it was such a Southern Girls shower. I mean from the cucumber

and cream cheese sandwiches all the way to the butter cream petite fours

with the little blue booty icing on top. I had a BLAST!!! We got so many

fantastic gifts. We now have everything that is offered in the Lennon

theme for the nursery. We got baby books, diaper bags, clothes, blankets,

bottles, pack and play, bouncer seat, bath tub, stroller, high chair, boppy

pillows, baby monitor, lamps, glider and ottoman, personalized towels and

teddy bears. I swear you name it we got it. I told that we could

furnish two nurseries with all we got. I mean it took like 2 hours to open

all the gifts <which I admit was a helluva lot of fun>. But it was great

having our friends (my co-workers as well) and family here to share it

with.. They are all as excited as we are and that's hard to imagine. I

don't know if we! should have the other 2 showers cause there's nothing

else we need really. The only problem is they shopped off the registry

but half of it didn't get marked off so I can see us getting alot of duplicates.

Well, I figure if we get two of something, we can either exchange it or

donate it to a community program that serves under privileged women --

that whole share the wealth. It was just amazing to be the receiver of

gifts finally after so many years of being the giver.



weeks 6 days

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I can completely relate to the yawning thing!!! Once they start coming, it's

all downhill from there! LOL

It is getting more difficult to go to school, but I have one class that will

be over after next Tuesday, which will help ALOT! It's perfect timing

too...just when it is starting to feel like I'm doing too much, I'm going to

get a little relief!!! Thank goodness!



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