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What day is Don leaving? I'm just out of luck when Earl's gone b/c we don't

keep animals in the house. Mine are stuffed (and I'm not even supposed to

have those - allergies) but somehow the nonliving ones just aren't the same.

The last time he had to without me (I was in school) I stayed 2 nights alone

and then drove to where he was and skipped school the rest of the week. He

even skipped one day of his conference so that we could lay in bed and watch

thunderstorms from the 20th floor and cuddle all day. The point is - I'm a

big baby too!

Yes, my classes are finally over with. I am officially a college graduate!

It's only an associate degree though and I am going at least through a

master's, so it's still a long road ahead. When are you going back? I know it

will be hard with a baby.


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That is okay. I can't remember too much myself. Af

is due sometime this weekend. I think Sunday or

Monday. Thanks for asking.

How are you doing right now?

--- carme1ita@... wrote:

> ,


> Af should be here around the 20th. Since my ep my

> cycles have been between 28

> and 30 days, but not ever the same. Unfortunately,

> that is the weekend we

> will celebrate our 2 year anniversary :(

> I still got af at the normal time too after I

> spotted for 2 weeks last month.

> When is she supposed to arrive for you? I know you

> just said in another

> message but I forgot, ok?!? And I already deleted

> it. I need to start taking

> notes on all of you. I swear that's what must

> do. That woman can

> remember every stinkin' detail about everyone. And I

> know I'm younger!!!


> Carmen



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Thanks for asking - I am doing fine. I'm pulling my hair out trying to get

everything ready for vacation. I will be dying to know the whole time whether

or not you're pg!!!

As for me, I dont' know. I guess there's still a slight chance. I won't test

unless af hasn't come by the 20th. Actually, I will probably test on our

anniversary which is the 21st. I know that's a lot more than 2 weeks, but I

really don't know when af came this month so I'm just going to be really

conservative so I don't get my hopes up. I hope when I get back from vacation

I found out that you're pg!!


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I just had to tell you that you are not alone...Bob would never think

of doing the flowers either (like's 's dh did). In fact, he

bought me roses when I was in the hospital for the ep and I was in

complete shock!! But ever since then, it has been back to

normal...no romantic thoughtful sensitive gestures. He's not a bad

guy...I think he is a GREAT guy, but just not in this one

area...*sigh* I guess we can't have everything, now can we?! ;o)


P.S. Love the comment about " bless his heart " !! :)

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Hey Carmen, I know it isn't the best timing but I do hope you and dh try to

enjoy your anniversary. You two have been through alot together lately.

As for taking notes, I actually do sometimes, (I use to more in the beginning)

but I still get people confused sometimes. Actually I wish I could remember

school work so easily!! Sometimes, I think my memory is definitely slipping

away from me as each b-day comes!! lol!!



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Carmen, It was very sweet of Don but he doesn't usually do that sort of thing

much either. (usually get flowers on Valentine's Day but that is about it) Don

and I handled our loss differently though too. He didn't really talk about it

and that drove me crazy b/c that was all I could think about in the beginning.

I thought I was going crazy. I always tell him that he has this little switch

that he can turn off and on. He says he thinks of stuff but in is all up

here...(and points to his head) Go figure, men......gotta love


I'll have to remember that about the south!!!......Where do you live

again?.....that is too funny, as I typed that I thought about how you said I

remember everything, but darn, if you mentioned that before, I don't remember!!!

Talk to you later.

carme1ita@... wrote: ,

That was so sweet of Don to send you roses. Earl would NEVER think of

something like that. I know he would consider that " dwelling on the past " . He

just does not see it the same way I do. You are so lucky to have someone so

thoughtful and sensitive. I know I'm lucky to have Earl - just not for either

of those reasons, bless his heart.

(In the South you can say something really bad about someone and still come

across as being polite as long as you say " bless his/her heart " afterward).


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Carmen, That sounded so nice,you and Earl just hanging out in bed all day and

watched the thunderstorms. (wouldn't it be nice if we could do things like that

more often?...) I would have more real aniamls if I could but Don drew the line

with the 2 cats and dog. (besides sometimes the way they act it seems like we

have a whole house full on them!! Hey, I do have my stuffed ones too....Don

says I have too many of them too!! lol!! I have one rabbit...well, he is

falling apart, I have had him since I was 2 and actually brought him to our

wedding!! My family use to tease me and say, you will be carting him to your

wedding and I did. (though I couldn't really walk down the aisle with him b/c he

really is falling apart!) So, I would say wer are both definitely big babies!!

It must be such a great feeling knowing that you are done school!!!


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Carmen, Oooooops, I didn't answer your question in my last post (sorry, it is

5:45 in the morning here and I guess I am still sleeping) Don is leaving Thurs

morning and returns (yea!)...Sunday around 4pm! The cats will be fine, it is me

and the dog that I am not so sure about....lol!!! Apollo (the dog) hates when

one of us is out past 8pm!!


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Yes, I have used a opk.......my cycles were fairly regular...about 29-31 days.

I told the average of three months like the directions told me and than started

testing on that day it said too and usually used all 5 sticks (I think that is

want was included) and as soon as I saw the line darken.....I quickly found


carme1ita@... wrote: ,

I sent you that last message before I read all of yours, so I probably

repeated info. Now I'm just confused so I'm probably repeating again - so far

there hasn't been any spotting today, so hopefully that means it was

ovulatory spotting. I am still going to try one of those ovulation predictor

kits. Have you (or anyone else) used one???


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