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When your dr did the surgery would he not have been able to see the signs of

infection or scarring caused by the chlamydia? My husband and I found out

that we had it right after we started having " relations " . We had both been in

relationships only weeks prior to meeting in which our significant others

slept around on us, so we are unsure of where it came from. We never had any

symptoms (which is common) but we are pretty sure we did not have it long

when we were treated. This is part of why I feel so guilty about my ep. If

Earl and I had only been with eachother this never would have happened.

Here's the other bad part - we decided not to tell the dr we had this because

my dr practices in the same town as my husband. I don't think my dr would

ever reveal anything about a patient, but they run in the same social circles

and the small town politics are horrible around here. Even though Chattanooga

isn't that small, all the professionals know eachother. I know that sounds

really shallow, but I've gone through enough emotional agony lately. The dr

did say that he didn't see any infection or scarring when he did the surgery,

but I am worried that the cillia are damaged. What info did your dr give you

rearding the matter? Did he seem to think you would continue to have problems

because of the chlamydia?

I am not sure which hormones - whichever hormones still linger after the ep.

On a lighter note - yes, finals are over, thank God. I am celebrating

tonight. I came to check mail real quick, I hope my words aren't slurred!!!!!!


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I had an HSG prior to my ep with similar results. I later had lap

surgery to see what was going on and I had adhesions all over my

tubes. We ended up going IVF.


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Dear Sheila,

Your sisters-in-law sound AWFUL!!!!!!! I am lucky my family isn't THAT bad -

they are pretty bad though. Having to put up with that crap was bad BEFORE

the ep, now it's intolerable - and I've never been good at keping mouth shut

anyway! :)

Hang in there


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Hi Carmen,

That is really good that you don't put up with anything. My dh has always

said Sheila you let everyone step all over you. But thank God I have

learned. My dh and I have almost been married for almost 10 years and been

together almost 12, and it took me to last year to figure it out about his

sisters. But anyways my family ain't peaches and cream, but I hear you my

family ain't that bad either. Thank God for us, huh?

Take care,


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I don't know about the cigarette issue but I do know about the guilt thing.

After my ep I thought it must be my fault somehow. First I thought since when I

questioned if I would be a good mom and if I could handle things after finding

out if I was pg, I thought I was being punished somehow. Maybe I wouldn't be a

good mom since I was questioning the whole issue and that is why I lost my baby.

I never told anyone that until, I think it was Dominique and that

brought it up here and than I realized that I guess those thoughts were kind of

normal. I was just scared. Than when I heard that taking b/c for so long, I felt

even more guilt because I had taken birth control for so long. Though I had

stoppen a year before starting to get pg. I guess what I am saying (well, what I

am rambling on about) is that since we all want answers to why this happened to

us that it is easy to blame ourselves. It would help if we really could find out

an answer though. Ok, rambled on way too much! (smile) Talk to you later.

ep 12-00 7wk4d

carme1ita@... wrote:

Amy r,

Your question is not off base at all. My husband and I smoked maybe once or

twice a week (usually on weekends) before we found out we were pg. Between

the smoking and the chlamydia I have worked up this real nice guilt trip for

myself. I had read that maternal smoking could cause an ep, even if it's

minimal. When I read this I cried and cried because I can't believe I helped

do this to my baby. I smoked while I was pg because I didn't know I was pg.

Of course I quit when I found out and I haven't wanted to since then because

the thought that smoking may have been the culprit just makes me not even

want to see a cigarette. I didn't know that smoking can damage the cillia or

that they can repair themselves. That gives me so much hope. Do you have any

idea how long it takes for them to become functional again??? Do you think we

should wait longer than 3 cycles to ttc? Does anybody else know anything

about this?

Thank you so much for telling me this.


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Carmen, I am sorry to hear about your sister. Hard to believe! I don't see how

anyone could just give up on their child. There is a girl I went to school with

and my mom and her mom are still friends, and she and her dh broke up. Well, the

dh wanted to move out of state and she allowed him to bring their little boy!!

She goes to visit....how nice of her!! I guess she couldn't have a child and be

a " cool " single mom!! It just makes me mad!!!

As for dysfunctional families, I think we all have one somehow or other!!!!

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Hello, Carmen, yeah, I am going to talk to OB Tuesday and she what if anything

she suggests. I have seen two urologist. This has been going on since ep surgery

and I seen two urologist, but should of pushed for more testing, for some reason

neither seemed to what to investigate further. This last urologist said when I

first started seeing him that he felt that I had blood from rupture that was not

reaborbed back into my body yet and that was probably applying pressure to the

bladder and sometimes after a surgery your bladder can lose its

elasticity...both which should clear up in a couple of months he said. Than he

gave me two meds that helped take the feeling away. I figured he knew what he

was talking about and since the meds seemed to help, I was happy. I stopped

taking meds when I found out I was pg and well, as you know, problem not

solved!! I wanted to ttc so bad and I figured bladder was getting better so I

started ttc as soon as I received the news that left tube was clear during HSG.

In hindsight I should of waiting to start ttc until I knew for sure that I was

ok with bladder, (as my dear mom has mentioned a couple of times!) but I didn't

hold out much hope for 1st month and olny one tube, but I was extremely lucky.

Now I don't know if I did go to another urologist, if he could really do any

testing or whatever since I am pg so I guess I will talk to OB first. I don't

know how to exactly say it, but she did do ep surgery and it started right after

surgery....I mean, maybe bladder is ok, but something could of gotten bumped or

something, I don't know. I don't to make it sound like I blame her in anyway, I

just wonder if there could be something else besides the actually bladder

causing it. Ok, I am so sorry, I am totally rambling on about my bladder

mess....just what you wanted to hear!!!!! I guess I was thinking (and typing)

aloud. So to ramble on!!!!!! Thanks though for everything.

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I did not have surgery for my ep...I was treated with methotrexate. I don't

know if the scarring from tubal infection would be visible during surgery or not

(anyone else know??!?). I guess I've just begun to accept that I probably will

never know what caused my ep.

I can understand why you wouldn't want your dr. to know about an std - I

don't think it's shallow. If there is not a reason for someone to know, it' s

your business. How did you even know you had chlamydia? I don't know if I

ever did, actually. That is just one theory of what may have predisposed me to

an ep. I was quite promiscuous for a period when I was a lot younger, so it

wouldn't be surprising. My dr.'s have been very positive about future

pregnancies. The percentage repeat ep rate they quote is 20%. I don't feel

quite so positive, especially since I don't know what actually caused it. I

certainly can sympathize with your desire to have this knowledge.


carme1ita@... wrote:


When your dr did the surgery would he not have been able to see the signs of

infection or scarring caused by he chlamydia? My husband and I found out

that we had it right after we started having " relations " . We had both been in

relationships only weeks prior to meeting in which our significant others

slept around on us, so we are unsure of where it came from. We never had any

symptoms (which is common) but we are pretty sure we did not have it long

when we were treated. This is part of why I feel so guilty about my ep. If

Earl and I had only been with eachother this never would have happened.

Here's the other bad part - we decided not to tell the dr we had this because

my dr practices in the same town as my husband. I don't think my dr would

ever reveal anything about a patient, but they run in the same social circles

and the small town politics are horrible around here. Even though Chattanooga

isn't that small, all the professionals know eachother. I know that sounds

really shallow, but I've gone through enough emotional agony lately. The dr

did say that he didn't see any infection or scarring when he did the surgery,

but I am worried that the cillia are damaged. What info did your dr give you

rearding the matter? Did he seem to think you would continue to have problems

because of the chlamydia?

I am not sure which hormones - whichever hormones still linger after the ep.

On a lighter note - yes, finals are over, thank God. I am celebrating

tonight. I came to check mail real quick, I hope my words aren't slurred!!!!!!


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Thaks for trying to help me feel better about my guilty feelings, but I will

always know that I have done things that possibly could have caused this.

Maybe I will think about the guilt less as time goes by, but I know it will

always be there.

Happy Mother's Day, !


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I hope your OB can do something for your bladder problem. If not, I would go

back to a urologist somewhere and demand a solution!!!!!!!!! I know you're

going crazy right now. Hang in there.


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I had never even heard of chlamydia and was always in what I thought were

monogomous relationships. I had been feeling really tired and just crappy all

over and it wouldn't go away. I went to a walk-in clinic because our

insurance covered it and I wouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for a dr appt (I

didn't have a dr because I never really got sick much). I also thought I had

a mild UTI. They didn't think it was a UTI so they tested me for everything

under the sun that day. I think they try to test everyone they can in places

like that - especially since so many girls/women have it and don't know it

becuase there aren't any distinct symptoms. The tests came back that I had

Chlamydia and a mild UTI. Earl and I were both treated and we thought we

would never have to think about it again.

Have you decided when and if you're going to start ttc again? I understand

your reservations. If this happened again I would never forgive myself.


By the way, does anybody know if the dr could really see scarring/infection

when doing surgery? I had the larger cut if it makes a difference.

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Carmen, I understand and I hope we are able to find some peace one day. It is

very hard when you don't have an answer to something, I know. Take care.

carme1ita@... wrote:


Thaks for trying to help me feel better about my guilty feelings, but I will

always know that I have done things that possibly could have caused this.

Maybe I will think about the guilt less as time goes by, but I know it will

always be there.

Happy Mother's Day, !


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Carmen, thanks. I would love to be able to put this behind me.

carme1ita@... wrote:


I hope your OB can do something for your bladder problem. If not, I would go

back to a urologist somewhere and demand a solution!!!!!!!!! I know you're

going crazy right now. Hang in there.


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It totally freaks me out about the PID/Chalmydia problem that exists in so

many young women. It isn't talked about very much and people don't realize

that it can totally destroy a woman's reproductive system. I wish it was

something that received more attention... yikes, it really freaks me out!


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You are so right about the PID/chlamydia problem. I had never even heard of

it and I was not exactly behaving promiscuously. I know how people my age

(22) sleep around and I have a feeling that the rate of ectopics will

explode. I've heard it called the silent epidemic (chlamydia) before and that

it is so true. I bet the % of teenagers who have it right now is staggering.

Probably very close to the % of teenagers having sex. It really is so sad.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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<P> & nbsp;Carmen,

<P> & nbsp; I have a confession to make...I hate all

pregnant women too!!! & nbsp; (also with the exception

of members of this list!) & nbsp; I'm glad you said it

first :)

<P> & nbsp; Hope af is kind to you and leaves soon.

<P> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp\

; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & \

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sp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp\

; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & \

nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;


<P> & nbsp; <B><I>carme1ita@...</I></B> wrote:


5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid " ><TT>Dear

Angel,<BR>I am sorry I sould not write yous sooner; I

have been out of town. My story <BR>is so similar to

yours. I found out I was pg Wed, Apr 11 and had

surgery for <BR>my ep on Sat Apr 14. We weren't " not

trying " if you know what I mean and were <BR>so happy

that I when we found out I was pg. I was also 8 weeks

pg and also <BR>had gotten my period which kept me

from realizing.<BR><BR>You can ask anyone here - I am

so frustrated about not knowing why this <BR>happened

to me. I had a risk factor but my dr determined that

it was not the <BR>cause of the ep.<BR><BR>I also

recovered fairly quickly physically. My dr also said

4-6 weeks before <BR>af and she just ended Friday

which was exactly 6 weeks after surgery. I was

<BR>starting to get nervous, too.<BR><BR>I have also

had to listen to all the miscarriage stories. I just

want to <BR>scream that it's not the same thing, but

you hate to discount what other <BR>people are saying.

I'm sure the women with miscarriages have it rough

too, <BR>but I think I would feel better if my body

had decided to get rid of the <BR>pregnancy instead of

a surgeon.<BR><BR>If it makes you feel better, I hate

all pregnant women. (Except the ones on <BR>this site

- they deserve being pg). I will continue to hate all

pg women <BR>until I myself am pg and it's in the

right place and it's healthy.<BR><BR>I'm sorry if I

have repeated a lot of what the others said because I

haven't <BR>read many posts since I got back in town.

I have more than 400. I read your <BR>post and had to

respond b/c our eps are so similar. If you have

anymore <BR>questions, please ask. The best advice I

can offer right now is to talk it <BR>out. It kind of

takes the sting away.<BR><BR>I'm the nosey one so I

have lots of questions.<BR>Where are you from?<BR>How

old are you?<BR>Have you gotten your period since you

posted?<BR>You better tell me all!!!!!<BR><BR>Please



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  • 1 month later...
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Carmen, I had pain on my right side which came out of no where one day and

thought it was gas too. It would come and go. I know some don't seem to have

any " warning " pain but I sure did!! Take care.

carme1ita@... wrote: ,

It is not necessarily true that the pain does not subside with an ep. My pain

was excrciating, but then went away which is why I didn't worry too much about

it at first - I just thought it was gas or something. It was sharp at first,

then went away for a day, then returned as a very dull and more subtle pain.

Just FYI. Let us know what happens.



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You may be right about it being a UTI. I felt like I was starting to get one,

but I didn't know you could have blood with a UTI. The blood is only when I

urinate, so I really shouldn't have called it " spotting " . I'll try to get an

appointment tomorrow. It's not bothering me enough to go to the ER.

Thanks for answering. It really was bothering me and you're the only one who

responded. Where is everybody?!?



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Caremen, could have a point with the mid-cycle bleeding. I wish I could

be more help but I am really not sure. I know you don't like your dr and that is

so hard when you are stuck with one you don't really want to go to but if it

continues, you should check with him....just to see what he says, you don't have

to listen to him...... Good luck and I will be thinking of you.


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Sorry, I am alittle behind on my posts. If you think it could be an UTI, maybe

you could go call your dr and see if you could do a u/s....do you have to make

an apt to see the dr or could you just have nurse check the u/a? I know, the

nurse just checks the u/a. If not, don't they have those home testing kits in

the drugstores now? I don't know how much they cost though.... keep us



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear ,

When you were having all that bleeding and anovulatroy stuf going on did you

go on Clomid? This has got to go away. It's driving me crazy. My spotting

sounds so much like yours. I was so worried about if for awhile that I took a

pg test b/c it looked so much like the spotting from my ep. Thankfully it was

neg. and I was not having another ep. But it's going to be kind of hard to

get pg if I'm not even O, wouldn't ya think?!?

I might go ahead and get on Clomid before the hsg b/c I really want to be

able to ttc after the hsg.

Let me know what you (or anyone else) think.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Carmen, Thank you so much for saying that. I don't think I know the right

thing to say sometimes but I just want to be there for everyone here the way

everyone has been there for me. I just want the best for everyone here and I

know how hard it can be.

Yeah, I will miss Don. We aren't apart very often. I know it is only 3 nights,

but I am a big baby, what can I say! At least my bed will not be empty!!!!....I

will have my doggie and 2 kitty cats!! (smile)

Are your classes almost over with?

You are right, no matter what happens with the u/s everything will be ok....I

needed to be reminded of that. Take care.


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