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>Being young doesn't make it hurt less and it doesn't

>mean it won't happen again.

You are so right! Age has nothing to do with the hurt losing a much wanted

baby causes. I was 23 when I had my ep and I seemed to get the " you're

young...you have lots of years ahead of you to have babies " comments...they

made me want to scream!!!!

>My dr acts like this is no big deal and doesn't seem to be trying to find a


>for my ep.

If you had none of the risk factors for an ep and he could see no scarring

or anything that would cause one when he did surgery, there isn't a whole

lot more he can do to find a cause. Sometimes they are just deemed " flukes "

because there doesn't appear to be any reason for it. It sucks to be told

this though, because it would help so much to know WHY. There is a test

called an HSG that you could have once you have healed from surgery. They

run dye through your uterus and if your tubes are open the dye will spill

through them. It is not an end all to your questions, but you will at least

know if you have any blockages in your tubes...which your dr couldn't see

when he did surgery, because he can't see the inside of them.


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Thanks AmyR - I will definitely request an HSG. I wonder why he never told me

about it??? One would think it would be a standard procedure if the cause

cannot be determined otherwise. - Carmen

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One thing that I never really thought about until I started researching

about ectopics - ALL natural conception takes place in the fallopian tubes.

It takes a couple of days for jnr to make the trip to the womb.

Given that fact, it's a wonder that more women don't experience ectopics and

it could just be as simple as the filia? (little fingers) in the tubes not

moving things along fast enough for whatever reason.

Just my 2cents,


> RE: Carmen



> >Being young doesn't make it hurt less and it doesn't

> >mean it won't happen again.


> You are so right! Age has nothing to do with the hurt losing

> a much wanted

> baby causes. I was 23 when I had my ep and I seemed to get

> the " you're

> young...you have lots of years ahead of you to have babies "

> comments...they

> made me want to scream!!!!


> >My dr acts like this is no big deal and doesn't seem to be

> trying to find a

> cause

> >for my ep.


> If you had none of the risk factors for an ep and he could

> see no scarring

> or anything that would cause one when he did surgery, there

> isn't a whole

> lot more he can do to find a cause. Sometimes they are just

> deemed " flukes "

> because there doesn't appear to be any reason for it. It

> sucks to be told

> this though, because it would help so much to know WHY.

> There is a test

> called an HSG that you could have once you have healed from

> surgery. They

> run dye through your uterus and if your tubes are open the

> dye will spill

> through them. It is not an end all to your questions, but

> you will at least

> know if you have any blockages in your tubes...which your dr

> couldn't see

> when he did surgery, because he can't see the inside of them.


> -AmyR





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The HSG is usually scheduled between days 7-11 (day 1 is the first day you

see red blood). They do it during those days so that they 1) know you

aren't pg and 2) don't interfere with you ovulating. You will probably want

to wait a couple of months before you have it though so you can allow your

body to heal first. As far as insurance coverage...it depends on your

insurance, you might want to call and ask them about it now...maybe it will

help to feel like you are getting things moving in the right direction.


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Hi Carmen! I had the same surgery too. It does take away to heal

physically. It was a good month or so. My dr. did put the

biodegradable stitches in too. It is going to take awhile to heal and

get your strength back. As for the hsg, many women do have it. I am

glad you are going to look into it, good luck.


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I just wanted to add about the HSG...my insurance (Blue Shield HMO)

covers only 50% of infertility diagnostics which includes things like

the hsg, post-coital test, progesterone testing, etc. So anyhow, the

financial advisor is really nice and called to give me the price break

down of things so we knew how much we'd be spending and the HSG was

around $400 (so $200 to us). Since not all insurance covers all

testing, that may be another reason why doctors don't automatically

recommend an HSG. Mine didn't really want to until I had a miscarriage

in January and got referred to an RE. They're usually more aggressive

about figuring out what went wrong. Many women around here have

gotten pg soon after their eps so it isn't always necessary. Hope you

are doing well.


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I will try to find out next week if my insurance will cover an hsg. My hubby

is pretty good at harassing them into paying for things.

I am in school as well (I'm an accounting major - now you know why i'm so

obsessed with information and needing to know WHY). I'm sure your schedule is

much more rigorous than mine. Be glad you're on quarters - if you weren't you

would be taking finals right now, too!


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Supposedly, there are a lot of ectopics that resolve themselves - the women

never even know anything happened. Some doctors say at least 1 in 50



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Hi Carmen! I was sorry to read about your dh's brother. Wow, you all have been

through alot. You are right, times like things or other major crisis can be very

hard on a relationship. I am glad you and dh are doing good. I know my dh and I

had some rough spots through our ep. We just both handle things so differently.

I hope you are able to rest some soon. Don't be hard on yourself, you have been

through alot and it is all still so new.

carme1ita@... wrote:


I know you weren't being serious, but you really should take a vacation. My

husband's little brother died very tragically last year. About a month later,

we were arguing all the time too. We decided to go to Key West for 2 weeks.

We only planned it about 5 days in advance (which was not very cost

effective) but it made all the difference in the world. We returned as best

friends again.

My ep was 3 weeks ago. We're planning on going to the lake house for 2 weeks

in about 2 weeks and I can't wait. Luckily we haven't been fighting through

this, but I just can't seem to get a grip on my emotions and I can't seem to


Anyway, just my 2 cents.


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We have had more than our share of troubles in the past year or so, but it's

made us so much closer. We handle things differently too, but we have learned

so much about eachother.

Speaking of being able to rest, Friday night I slept 12 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It felt so good. Then I took a 3 hour nap. When I woke up Earl had put up a

fence in the backyard by himself. I mean concrete and everything! I felt kind

of guilty but he got to use tools, so I'm sure he enjoyed it :) . Saturday

night I slept 10 hours. Tonight I'll be cramming for a final again, but at

least I am well-rested.


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I had such a good weekend! I slept a lot, watched movies and ate popcorn with

hubby, and today I shopped till I dropped - literally. Lots of good sales in

Atlanta since it is close to Mother's Day (don't really want to think about

that, though. When we found out we were pg we said right away we were going

to celebrte m day and f day).

I'm glad you liked my pictures. Your wedding souds like a dream come true. I

have never been to California, but I hear the vineyards are a gorgeous place

to get married.


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I did wonder about the " Lilliputians " thing...at first I thought it was your

last name, but then I saw that wasn't it, but then by the time I got done

looking at the pictures, I forgot all about it! I've had that problem

lately :)

Great observation about age regression and beer! Too funny!!!!! LOL


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Carmen, I am so happy to hear that you got some much needed rest!! It will

take aawhile for your body to get back to normal but you slowly will. As for

you dh, I a sure he was just happy knowing you were finally geting some sleep,

sounds like he was working pretty hard though! Wow! Good luck with the studying

for finals!

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Carmen (just me again) I think you are right, the fact that we all found each

other after this horrible nightmare and are able to help each other is


carme1ita@... wrote:


I dont' know about you, but it feels therapeutic to be able to offer some

advice. It's as if maybe something good came out of this nightmare.


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Yea, Carmen... you got to sleep finally... bet you feel better!! I just

started taking a yoga class and last tuesday night slept the deepest sleep I

've had in 9 months...

I can't wait for tomorrow's class!!

lisa r

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The HSG is not really a risky procedure at all. The main risk is that there

is a slight chance of infection from the dye, however the chance is very,

very slight and some drs will even give you antibiotics to take for a couple

days before and after just to ensure that it doesn't happen. It sounds like

you feel very strongly about having the test done and in that case I see no

reason why you shouldn't do it. I would talk to your dr about when you go

to your check up for the ep surgery (that is still coming up right?). I'm

sure he will want you to wait a bit still to let your body heal first, but

it doesn't hurt to get the ball rolling and let him know your intentions.


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Oops that's not what I meant..sorry! Sometimes what we are trying to say

gets lost when you are typing. I meant to wait and see what the results of

your HSG are to see if you even needed to worry about a tubal surgery or IVF

or any of those things. Again, sorry for the confusion.


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I was not necessarily suggesting you sue - it seems like that would drag this

out even more and, if you're like me, you just want to forget this ever

happened even though you know you won't :( . If the same thing happens to

someone else, that is a different story. I am so sorry you had such a bad

experience. I'm glad you found a dr you like.


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Amy R,

I think I figured out what you meant. I think the confusion was my fault. I'm

just being paranoid about this happening again because it seems like it's no

big deal (to the drs) until you have had more than one ep. Shame on me for

thinking any of you would think that way. Sorry.


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Hi Carmen,

No I knew you didn't mean we should sue. I thought I had posted that it was

the dr at the time when I had my ep(in July of '99)that was surprised that we

didn't sue because we had complications from the surgery and some people

within the families you know the ones that are always trying to make a fast

buck. I knew that once I typed that and sent it that I had made a mistake,

but it was too late. Sorry that I confused you but like I said I thought I

was clear but my mind is anywhere but here and I probably got you all balled

up. Sorry once again that I got you confused. Please take care.


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Hi Carmen,

I can very much relate to your desire to know exactly what went wrong to cause

your ep. I hope you find some answers. I haven't been able to and it drives

me crazy. I haven't had an hsg yet but probably will if I don't conceive in the

near future, although I'm not hopeful that it will provide the answers I want.

My dr. told me that I could have had a chlamydia infection that damaged my tubes

years ago and might not even have known it. I think not knowing exactly what

happened is one of the worst parts of dealing with this! Are you done with

finals yet? My husband's last final is tomorrow.. he is psyched!

re: your question about hormone levels..which hormone are you talking about??


carme1ita@... wrote:

and Amy,

I must have been confused because it sounds like most who go to an RE have

fertility problems also. I conceived the very first time we tried, so that

doesn't seem to be the problem. My only reason for wanting an hsg is to see

if my tubes are blocked and if that is the cause of my ep. Do ob/gyn's do

that test or do you have to see an RE? I will be sure to ask my doc at my

next appt. Is there any way to determine if the cillia are functioning or

not? If they aren't, does that mean another ep is inevitable?

My next dr appt is supposed to be scheduled after af returns which has not

happened yet. That will be in another 1 - 4 weeks. I think I read that you

have to wait 3 cycles after ep to do an hsg. I am curious to see what he will

say about it. Like I said before, he seems very nonchalant about all this.

Thanks both of you for your concern and all your info.

I have one more question - after the ep will my hormone levels continually

drop or do they go up and down? I have felt sad the past few days but have

not been crying as much, but today I cried all day long and my heart is just

sunk in my chest. Maybe stress from finals? Thank God, today was the last


Thanks again,

Carmen the Rookie

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I promise I was not " balled up " about that! I could tell it was not what you

wanted and I only meant to second your opinion. My hubby is a lawyer and

often we see clients who sue out of vengeance only to get wrapped up in a

drawn out lawsuit (especially when they deal with hospitals and doctors) that

never gets anywhere and only festers an emotional wound. I think you have

made such a wise decision. Many would not move on as you have.


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