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Hi Darlene

That's a very good question.. And one I was never gave thought

to til now.. I have read the info I was given and there was no information

regarding VEGEMITE ... Nothing was said by my doctor regarding the spread..

However, I would think that it would be allowable to be consumed around the same

time you would be allowed to have bread (wholemeal) .. In this case would be at

stage 4 ( I'm currently at stage 3 yet dietitian suggested i could I could sneak

in the odd slice here and there on my way to stage 4 PROVIDING is was toasted as

it breaks down alot quicker..) I have had vegemite with this odd slice of

wholemeal toast and there has been no side effects from the cunsumption to


For those who don't know what VEGEMITE is.. It is a spread that is popular

throughout Australia that is a high source in vitamin B.. and YES it is an

aquired taste....

Hope this helps


At what time frame are you allowed to have Vegemite? do they think there is

any problem with it and the pouch?

Darlene Wells

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Start drinking protein shakes NOW. You are going thru a lot just because of

the surgery and add to that your boy friend leaving. You need the protein

for your body to function correctly and then you will be better able to cope

with the other problems. I had my surgery 2 days before you and I'm now

drinking 5-6 8 ounce shakes a day and not eating anything for another 2

weeks. I feel great. Please do this for yourself.

in Sacramento, CA

Dr. in Burlingame, CA

Lap RNY 9-16

Starting weight 380

Pre-op weight... 311

Current weight... 292

Total weight loss... -88

Goal 130

RM2003VR158 @ aol.com

" Beauty is soul deep. Learn that and you may realize

that you are far more attractive than you ever thought. "

by Steve Goodier

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No need to apologize, as even those of us here in the US have different names

for things(not just food) in different parts of the country (e.g. - the thing

you drink water from, here in s.e. Wisconsin, we call them bubblers, but other

places refer to them as drinking fountains).

Jeanne's DH,


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> No need to apologize, as even those of us here in the US have

different names for things(not just food) in different parts of the

country (e.g. - the thing you drink water from, here in s.e.

Wisconsin, we call them bubblers, but other places refer to them as

drinking fountains).

Dave, we call them bubblers in RI too, and get odd stares in other

states when we ask if there's a bubbler around!

I've always thought it odd that Wisconsin is so far away, yet they

call it a bubbler - but if I cross the border to Connecticut or

Massachusetts, they don't know the word.

Everyone knows a fountain is one of those sculptures in parks with

water coming out of it! <G>

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Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), or Uterine Artery Embolization

(UAE), as it's more commonly referred to, is a non-surgical, less

invasive option for treatment of fibroids wherein the blood supply to

the fibroid(s) is cut off, causing them to degenerate and die

(shrink). Check out www.fibroidoptions.com for lots more info, as well

as the Yahoo embo group. Gynecologists often seem to neglect telling

patients about this option. (It's not performed by gynecologists; it's

performed by interventional radiologists.)

Ellen E

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Hi my name is Sharon - to answer your question - I have the same problems

as you - my bladder is the number one thing that has had me in surgery so

many times - I have had two Myo (in order to have children) I now have two

(7 and 8 years old) so I'm done with having kids - I also had to have two

C-sections for their births - then because of all of my surgeries I had to

a another operations because of adhesion had blocked my bowels - now the

fibroids (which grew back of course) make me have to go to the bathroom

every 45 min to a hour - I am having a UFE tomorrow at 10:30 AM to see if

this will help with the problem - I'll let you know if it does - I'll be

off work starting then for 8 days afterwards not just for the procedure -

but I was taking off work to move anyway and decided to have it done while

I was off - I don't know if I will need that much time to recuperate - the

doctor said about a week - is all that it usually takes before you feel

good enough to return to normal activity.

I am also 41 years old and don't want to have another Myo or a Hys right

now - so hopefully this will work until Menopause.

If you want to e-mail my address is (swithey@...)

Bye now.

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Vangie, Thanks for the tip. I will try it.:)

> -----Original Message-----

> From: vangietan@...


> byfs,

> for temp relief of the bladder pressure, try elevating your feet

> up when you

> are resting.

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In a message dated 10/14/02 8:13:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

strange@... writes:

> For those who don't know what VEGEMITE is.. It is a spread that is popular

> throughout Australia that is a high source in vitamin B.. and YES it is an

> aquired taste....



And available in my supermarket here in Maine : )

When I was teaching grade 3, my class did a yearly unit on Australia

And we did try VEGEMITE~ usually about 3/4's of 3rd graders enjoyed the taste

Elaine in Maine

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I had hoped for significant weight loss after myo. i did lose about 10 lbs

initially-- because it took me a few weeks to get my appetite fully back. but

once it returned, and i still wasnt exercising, the weight came back. i wouldnt

put too much hope in permanent weight loss due to the myo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never had cystitis and I have fibroids. I would think it's a coincidence.

However, I do know that fibroids cause pressure on other organs, so it possibly

could happen, but I'm not sure? I had a myomectomy a couple of years ago and I

have fibroids again. I'm supposed to have a sonogram in a couple of weeks and I

will take it from there. At this point I do not have any symptoms, just some

pressure and a small tummy, which I would like to get rid of. I was told that I

could live with the fibroids, but I'll have to exercise to reduce the growth?

Good luck.

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Many thanks to all of you who have responded. It seems like I'm not alone

in having thrush/yeast problems. I see a specialist about this in two weeks

time so will let you know what the outcome is.

To nna - you really don't want to know what the symptoms are, do you?

Oh well, okay then. Hope this doesn't make your eyes water!!

Pain, burning, itching, raw, sore feeling around the vaginal entrance.

Pain/burning on passing urine, and if all that isn't enough, a lovely

discharge which has the appearance of cottage cheese.



What are thrush/cystitis symptoms?


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What are thrush/cystitis symptoms?


[andra Pappou]

I don't know much about cystitis but thrush can give you a yeast smelling

yellow discharge and in addition you may experience tenderness in the area

and itchiness. I hope this helps


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  • 11 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...


As Lavon keeps telling you, you have to check this stuff out on the hoax

site. This is a hoax as far as happening in West Virginia. It was,

however, documented in Tennessee. The family name was Hickman, I think.


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  • 1 month later...

, He made me cry to!!...........Yes he has a way with words I've tried to

encourage him to write something but I guess you need something to inspire

you to put pen and ink on paper..................Flora

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Yolanda,

I have been wanting to write you and tell you how much I enjoy every one of

your posts. I hope no one takes offense because your letters are of

encouragement to each and everyone one of us. Unless I missed a post I do

not think anyone is referring to your words of praise. Thank you Yolanda and

God Bless.

> Hi PLS Friends,


> I read the posts about finding offense in religious and political issues.

I do very much want to apologize if I have offended anyone here, it was

never my intention. I do realize we are all different and have different

beliefs. I have been offended by posts that have had sexual innuendos, but

I have used my delete button, I don't believe anyone on this list

intentionally tried to offend me. I could say the only thing we have in

common is our neurological disease, but that would be ignorant because I

also see that when one of us has a serious concern how so many of us come

forward and offer consolation through an experience, an encouraging word, or

a promise to uphold them in prayer. Because of this I believe we all have

many things in common and though we may not understand why each one believes

what he/she believes, we do understand that having each other, at this

critical time, takes priority. I have been encouraged by many of you and I

look forward to reading your posts everyday. Don't feel left out if I say

God Bless or I'll pray for someone, I really have grown to hold each of you

very dear to my heart. You are all very special to me. Again, I apologize.

I promise never to offend you.


> God Bless

> Yolanda




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Since I wrote that little ditty about suggesting what not to bring up, I

want to respond. Your writings is not what I am talking about. Now if you

would start saying that the reason we are sick is because we have all sinned

and repent, well that's different. Or my religion is better than yours...

When someone says " God Bless you " , they are not trying to force their

religion on you, they are giving you a comment in the best, deepest way they

know how. You (not you Yolanda ;-), may not even believe in God but you

understand how the person is saying it...

does this help? or am I making it murkier?



> I read the posts about finding offense in religious and political issues.

I do very much want to apologize if I have offended anyone here, it was

never my intention. I do realize we are all different and have different

beliefs. I have been offended by posts that have had sexual innuendos, but

I have used my delete button, I don't believe anyone on this list

intentionally tried to offend me. I could say the only thing we have in

common is our neurological disease, but that would be ignorant because I

also see that when one of us has a serious concern how so many of us come

forward and offer consolation through an experience, an encouraging word, or

a promise to uphold them in prayer. Because of this I believe we all have

many things in common and though we may not understand why each one believes

what he/she believes, we do understand that having each other, at this

critical time, takes priority. I have been encouraged by many of you and I

look forward to reading your posts

> everyday. Don't feel left out if I say God Bless or I'll pray for

someone, I really have grown to hold each of you very dear to my heart. You

are all very special to me. Again, I apologize. I promise never to offend



> God Bless

> Yolanda




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Thank you . I just wanted to make sure no one is hurt. Take care.

God Bless


> Hi PLS Friends,


> I read the posts about finding offense in religious and political issues.

I do very much want to apologize if I have offended anyone here, it was

never my intention. I do realize we are all different and have different

beliefs. I have been offended by posts that have had sexual innuendos, but

I have used my delete button, I don't believe anyone on this list

intentionally tried to offend me. I could say the only thing we have in

common is our neurological disease, but that would be ignorant because I

also see that when one of us has a serious concern how so many of us come

forward and offer consolation through an experience, an encouraging word, or

a promise to uphold them in prayer. Because of this I believe we all have

many things in common and though we may not understand why each one believes

what he/she believes, we do understand that having each other, at this

critical time, takes priority. I have been encouraged by many of you and I

look forward to reading your posts everyday. Don't feel left out if I say

God Bless or I'll pray for someone, I really have grown to hold each of you

very dear to my heart. You are all very special to me. Again, I apologize.

I promise never to offend you.


> God Bless

> Yolanda




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Dale, thanks for your sincere comment. I would never judge anyone, that's not

my job. I'm happy my God bless you's are not offensive. Thanks again for

making me feel better.

God Bless




Since I wrote that little ditty about suggesting what not to bring up, I

want to respond. Your writings is not what I am talking about. Now if you

would start saying that the reason we are sick is because we have all sinned

and repent, well that's different. Or my religion is better than yours...

When someone says " God Bless you " , they are not trying to force their

religion on you, they are giving you a comment in the best, deepest way they

know how. You (not you Yolanda ;-), may not even believe in God but you

understand how the person is saying it...

does this help? or am I making it murkier?



> I read the posts about finding offense in religious and political issues.

I do very much want to apologize if I have offended anyone here, it was

never my intention. I do realize we are all different and have different

beliefs. I have been offended by posts that have had sexual innuendos, but

I have used my delete button, I don't believe anyone on this list

intentionally tried to offend me. I could say the only thing we have in

common is our neurological disease, but that would be ignorant because I

also see that when one of us has a serious concern how so many of us come

forward and offer consolation through an experience, an encouraging word, or

a promise to uphold them in prayer. Because of this I believe we all have

many things in common and though we may not understand why each one believes

what he/she believes, we do understand that having each other, at this

critical time, takes priority. I have been encouraged by many of you and I

look forward to reading your posts

> everyday. Don't feel left out if I say God Bless or I'll pray for

someone, I really have grown to hold each of you very dear to my heart. You

are all very special to me. Again, I apologize. I promise never to offend



> God Bless

> Yolanda




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  • 3 years later...

The other thing that can cause it is one day of taking your HC/Isocort in

too high a dose or too long between doses or even skipping a dose. This just

happened to me. My Candida was under control and I had a day where I

couldn't remember if I took it or not then took another dose later and sure

enough the next day I was itching like crazy and the Candida was flaring up.

I think our bodies are very reactive while we are trying to stabilize them

so a small change can be big. I was shocked how one day could throw me off

so badly (with sleep and other issues too). I think this confirms why Val

always says to take it slowly, and some of our bodies react stronger and

quicker than others. I seem to have a very reactive one, probably because my

toxicity levels are high (which yours might be too) and the added strain on

the liver to process can lead to Candida overgrowth.

So in my case it wasn't too much Isocort overall, it was not staying on

schedule when my body was accustomed to the routine and it confused my

immunity or just overloaded the liver or something. Just something to

consider. If one day of Isocort could do that to me, I think one day of

Florinef or even T3 meds or whatever could cause a flare-up in sensitive

people. If you feel it was Florinef, then it is just learning for next time.

I certainly got back on my Isocort schedule and dosage pronto and while I

still have the candida problem now, my lesson is to go buy a timer watch and

make sure I take the right dosage at the right time. :)


Re: Val

So your theory is that the one overdose caused all my T3 to be used up and

made me hypo and caused the severe flare-up? It's a little hard for me to

grasp this because when I went back to my regular dose and raised thyroid, I

still had the issue. The only thing that started to give me relief was

decreasing florinef. And for the record, my temps. during this time were a

steady 98.6 so I don't think candida thriving at low temps. factored in.


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