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Please note that the Carol who wrote this introduction is not

the Carol who has been asking questions and discussing being new

to insulin use. That said, we'll need to differentiate ourselves

somehow. I'll sign my posts as CarolR, which I frequently do anyway.

Carol, can you come up with a sig that doesn't use the full name, so we

can stay different? Maybe, CarolC (for clueless, which you won't be for

long if you stick with this list.) And, welcome to the list.


Huntington Beach, CA

Carol wrote:


> Hello Everyone,


> I was just diagnosed two weeks ago with diabetes type II.

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Greetings Carol (TCO),

Glad to have you join us, but sorry for the reason you had to be here. Please

don't worry about being " clueless " as that's where we all started!

Great that you're exercising. That's my particular Achilles heel.

You say you're " watching what you eat. " That can mean lots of things so could

you give us a little idea of your WOE (Way of eating) which helps when

forming answers to your questions.

It's early yet, but were you prescribed a tester & are you testing your blood

glucose (bg)?

If you post questions, if you could include your bg #'s, this also helps in

forming an answer in many cases.

Have you been scheduled for a " diabetes education " class. If not, you should

ask for it.

Diabetes is a disease where there " must be " very much patient involvement in

the treatment regimen for it to be successful, & education about all facets of

the disease, & it's treatment is necessary to successfully carry out this


Along the lines of education there are a couple of books that would be very

useful to you at this point---

" The First Year Type 2 Diabetes: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed "

by Gretchen Becker.

& my personal favorite:

" Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution " by K. Bernstein, M. D.

Becker's book is a good overall view of the many things about diabetes & it's

treatment that your Dr should have told you, but undoubtedly didn't! It

explains the disease & the many varied treatment options and their


Great book for the " newbie " to the disease such as yourself.

Bernstein's book, on the other hand, while giving an in-depth explanation of

the disease & the possible complications, is very focused on achieving bg

control with a goal of being in the normal non-diabetic range (70-110mg/dl &


<6.0%). Maintaining " non-diabetic " bg's will minimize the risk of the onset

of the many horrendous complications that can befall a diabetic. Above those

levels, the risks rise & it becomes a matter of time before one or more

complications " will happen. " The higher the bg, the greater the risk.

I consider that Bernstein's book saved my life, literally, after what my Dr

prescribed as a treatment plan just wasn't working!

Did you get a copy of your lab work (bg & any other tests) at diagnosis? If

not, you should ask for it & keep it in your file so that " you " can track your

progress at your regular Dr visits.

You didn't mention it, but did the Dr have a " Hemoglobin A1c test " (HbA1c)

done yet? If not, you should ask for it to be done. The HbA1c test measures the

overall average bg for about the last 3 months with emphasis on the most

recent few weeks. The most important reason for having the " HbA1c " test is that


is the best indicator we have for " complication risk, " with normal

non-diabetic being 6.0% or less at most labs. When you get the test, ask what

the " normal

non-diabetic " cutoff number is for your " your particular lab. " Here again,

ask for a hard copy of your results.

A newly diagnosed diabetic has a lot to learn if they are to achieve control

in the levels to minimize, delay or prevent ( & in some cases even reverse)

complications. It can seem overwhelming at first, but it does get easier. There

are many here on the list that are living this thing, some for many years, &

are very willing to answer any & all questions. This is something that you can

control, but knowledge is the key.

A diabetic can live a long, active, productive life if they maintain

excellent control of their bg's. If they don't well, then not so much!

Well, I've probably said enough for a first response, so I'll quit!

Hoping to hear more from you soon.

, T2, dx'ed 4/98, controlling with LC & Supplements

Average fasting bg 100mg/dl, last HbA1c 5.7%


Hello Everyone,

I was just diagnosed two weeks ago with diabetes type II. Didn't come

as a real big surprise. My mother was a severe diabetic and so was

her sister. I had not been feeling good the last few months and

decided it was time to get things checked, and yes, it was diabetes.

I am on oral medication, watching what I eat and going to water

exercises at the Y. I am also on a search and rescue team so getting

out a couple of times a week chasing my dog is something else I do

for exercise.

I have read back through some of the posts and low and behold, it

looked like I had already been posting!! Another Carol .

Should be easy to keep us identified, I will be the one who is

clueless, VBG.

I look forward to " meeting " all of you and learning as much as I can.

Carol , the clueless one.

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Hi ,

I'll try to answer all of your questions.

As to how I am eating. I am cutting back on carbs and fats, more fruits and

veggies, yuck. And I am not eating as much. I have already lost a few pounds and

I think it is making a difference already. My blood sugars are lower already. My

medication is Advandemet (sp?), twice a day.

My Ac1 when they checked it was 11. My doctor almost had a fit. He said the cut

off was 6.

Yes, I have a tester and I am checking the bg's at least three times a day, more

if I feel like it is getting too low just to verify that it is what I think it

is. I had a low yesterday and the day before so I am really trying to be more

careful today and see how it goes. My fasting this morning was 105, but had been

running about 135-150 the last two weeks. Yesterday morning was 121. Right

before lunch yesterday was 71, and I was feeling it. Took two hours to feel

better again, but it just really seemed to take it out of me.

I hope this helps. Thanks for all the advice.

rogerhlmn@... wrote:

Greetings Carol (TCO),

Carol , member of PANSAR (Panhandle Search and Rescue), K-9 handler.

Jax of My Heart, SAR dog

Jill of Our Hearts, SAR dog

PANSAR website: http://pansar.voices-inc.com/


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  • 1 year later...
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I'm new to this group, but I'm not new to VVS and other symptoms that this group have been discussing. I'm glad I joined this group because of its active membership.

I'm currently recovering from a left inguinal (lower abdominal/groin area) hernia repair surgery (open-incision). My doctor, Dr. in Mission Viejo, suspected that the pain I was experiencing in the lower abdominal region was a small indirect hernia. I was told that hernias are more commonly found in men, because most hernias in women are very small (1 cm in diameter or less), but can cause vulvar/pelvic pain. The ilioiguinal nerve and genitofemoral nerve runs through the opening near the hernial sac and the irritated nerves can cause pelvic pain.

After alot of research over the last 18 months, I decided to have the surgery in February, hoping that it might alleviate or completely eradicate VVS pain. I've been experiencing complications from the surgery: specifically extreme nerve pain in a specific region of the pubic bone (ilioinguinal nerve irritation) which is calming down and a strange painful hardened lump at the site of the cortisone injections that were supposed to calm the irritated nerves.

Because there are irritated nerves, the VVS on the left side is worse now than pre-surgery. Vaginismus is also worse on the left side. I've also developed a hard vertical band of muscle that leads from the hardened lump to my belly button that is painful.

Dr. said some of his pelvic pain patients experienced relief after the hernias were repaired. I'm still hoping that I might find some relief from VVS.

Here is my background in chronological order:

-1970's-1990's: since age 3, severe atopic eczema (whenever I lived in Japan only); also was on daily antibiotics to prevent heart muscle inflammation after having rheumatic fever at age 6. Since age 7, I had shoulder and neck muscle spasms and pain.

-since early 1980's (teens): cold feet, hands, low body temperature

-1982 (age 15): Developed lower back aches after hurting my back.

-1983 (age 16): dull aching in the left lower abdominal region which disappeared about 1 year late

-1984 (age 16): recurrent urinary tract infections, used antiobiotics several times.

-1984 (age 17): developed pelvic floor dysfunction (sore vaginal muscles)

-1985 (age 17): developed vulvar vestibulits after chemical exposure (Back then there was no name for this condition, but I found out years later after a painful biopsy, colposcopy, and exams by countless doctors and specialists). Noticed pain throughout my body and fatigue (later, found out it was fibromyalgia).

-1985 (age 17): diagnosed with mytral valve prolapse (there seems to be a higher percentage of women with fibromyalgia with mytral valve prolapse)

-1986 (age 19) - early 1990's (early 20's): chronic fatigue (mild to moderate), systemic yeast infection, recurrent vaginal yeast infections, Epstein-Barr, sore throat

-early 1990's to current: developed IC

-1989 (age 22) - Diagnosed with tears in vulvar tissue

-1992 (age 25) - Developed asthma

-1999-2002: Myterious severe pain illness developed after vaginal yeast infection and use of topical anti-fungals/oral antibiotics. Each pain attack caused debilitating burning pain in vulvar & anal tissues, oral (external lips), and right areola (nipples) for 48 hours and then skin cracking for about 1 week. Attacks were worse if they happened after 7 pm and during the latter half of the menstrual cycle. Eating carbs made it worse. Large doses of oral Diflucan controlled the attacks but was not a long-term solution. I was desperate, but I was suddenly cured of it after a healing and prayer session with a Hawaiian kahuna. I had one recurrence 9 months later when I took one dose of Diflucan to control a vaginal yeast infection.

-2003: Diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. Diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Go on Armour Thyroid (prefer "natural" over synthetic) for several months, but caused irritability and nervousness.

-2004: IC bladder distension test caused severe pain and activated severe left lower abdominal pain. Diagnosed with IC. Suspected left indirect inguinal hernia. Ever since the IC bladder distention test, my urethra has become highly sensitive to any gels or liquids (lubricating liquid, menstrual blood) that it comes into contact with.

Diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (auto-immune disease that attacks one's thryoid gland). Switched to Sythroid and the side-effects that I had from Armour Thyroid clears up.

-2005: After many inconclusive tests, an active (coughing) ultrasound shows a small hernia.

-2006, February: Hernia repair surgery

VVS background:

I have contact-only vulvodynia (vulvar vestibulitis). I do not have dyesthetic vulvodynia (general and constant burning).

Back in the 1980's and 1990's, my VVS symptoms used to be worse during the latter half of my cycle and much better when I was experiencing alot of joy in my life. At first, the VVS was limited to the 4:00-7:00 position, but over the years it has spread and now it is 1:00-11:00.

During the 1980's and early 1990's, there were periods (weeks, sometimes months) of complete relief. Sexual intercourse was possible for a while (because the pain was not felt every time that area was touched or because the pain itself was moderate) but for the last several years, it has been impossible. I'm very grateful to have a very patient husband. Now, there are no periods of pain relief.

Like many of you on this board, I have tried many treatments to deal with VVS.

Some of them that didn't provide good relief from VVS were:

-Yogurt insertion, high-dosage acidophilus (oral and/or vaginal)

-Oral Zovirax (1980's) - anti-herpes medication

-Tea Tree oil suppositories and topical application (1980's)

-Premarin (discontinued 2nd day due to side-effects)

-Estrace (same as above)

-Oral low-dose Elavil, Neurontin (discontinued after 1 week because of side-effects)

-Topical ELA-max

-Topical ketamine-lidocaine (discontinued because of drowsiness from ketamine)

-Compounded estrogen, testosterone topicals: Not sure, because I only used them for about 1 month. Itching discouraged me to continue.

-Compounded DHEA cream: Caused itchy red bumps on the skin (non-vulvar skin)

-Lidocaine soaked in cotton ball placed on VVS tissue overnight (great relief the next day, intense irritation from 2nd day, and took 2 weeks to recover)

-All-natural (no preservative) diet

-Yeast-free diet

-Low Carb diet

-Oral guaifenesin supplementation

-Oral Calcium Citrate supplementation

-Various supplements (Omega-3's, vitamins, minerals, CoQ10, colloidal silver, herbs)

-Low oxalate diet

-Alternative therapies, such as Reiki, Barbara Brennan's Hands of Light, Hellerwork, Rolfing, acupuncture, herbs (topical and oral), Breathwork, hypnosis, intense and regular spiritual and emotional counseling, psychological counseling, "healing" sessions, etc.

-Electrical stimulation (internal): Relaxed the muscles near the entrance of the vaginal canal, but later caused nerve irritation (tingling sensation felt hours and days afterwards. Did not affect VVS pain level.

-Botox injections into the superficial muscles near the entrance of the vagina relieved some of the muscle spasms near the vaginal entrance, but not in the deep muscles. Botox injections into the major pelvic muscles near the vagina caused 6 months of anal incontinence and some urethral muscle weakness. If you are going to try Botox for IC or vaginimus, PLEASE be very careful!

-The nitroglycerin ointment was effectively initially for temporarily relief of VVS pain (70-100%), but I discontinued it because of headaches.

-Lidocaine compounded in olive oil provides temporary relief of alot of the VVS pain, but I'm suspicious of whether it causes the VVS tissues to become more irritated afterwards.

Some of the things did give me some relief were/are:

-Network Spinal Analysis chiropractic care by a chiropractor with advanced training (relief of lower back, shoulder and neck muscle aches, postural problems, and vaginismus)

-Stents (dilators) helps with vaginismus

-Rinsing the vulva after urinating brings the VVS pain somewhat down

-Using 100% Aloe (absolutely no preservatives, not even natural preservatives like grape seed extract) helps to calm VVS pain somewhat. The only product like this that I found is from Aubrey Organics. http://www.aubrey-organics.com

-The dime-sized area on my vulva that was biopsied in 1992 healed with "new skin" - pink, healthy and pain-free. However, the rest of the irritated VVS tissues are still painful. Over the years, the small circle of normal tissue that grew over the biopsied area has become smaller. The VVS tissues seem to be slowly growing over it.

What I'm on right now for pelvic pain:

-Network Spinal Analysis chiropractic care

-Physical Therapy

-Stent work

Medications I'm on:


-Asthma (non-steroidal) sprays: Albuterol and serevent

-Elmiron (IC)

-Lidocaine skin patch for (hernia) surgical nerve pain relief

Because I experienced severe nerve pain after my recent hernia surgery and I'm still experiencing complications, I'm hesitant to have vestibulectomy - or for that matter, any surgery...

However, I haven't closed the door to it (vestibulectomy) yet. After reading many of your posts, I've come to the conclusion that many of you have had success with vestibulectomy and am interested in hearing your personal experiences about it.

Before the late 1990's, I used to think that I was the only one with this strange pain syndrome. It was a huge relief to find out in 2000 or so that there were online support groups for this condition. I used to be at the VVS-yahoo board but there weren't many posts there. I'm glad to have found this group! There are times when I still feel very depressed and despondent over my condition, but reading your emails really help!

Thank you to the Moderator for creating this group! I hope to find support here and provide support and help to others too!


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