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Sorry to see you go, but I understand. Please take care of yourself and your

loved ones and give us a periodic update on the Enbrel. It's very exciting,

and I am so glad it's working for you. May God Bless You!

Patty B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, thanks. Way to go!!!!!


(no subject)

>From: AngieCATW1@...



>Dear Santa,


>I rarely ask for much. This year is no exception. I don't need diamond

>earrings, handy slicer-dicers or comfy slippers. I only want one little

>thing, and I want it deeply.


>I want to slap Martha .


>Now, hear me out, Santa. I won't scar her or draw blood or anything. Just

>one good smack, right across her smug little cheek. I get all cozy inside

>just thinking about it.


>Don't grant this wish just for me, do it for thousands of women across the



>Through sheer vicarious satisfaction, you'll be giving a gift to us all.


>Those of us leading average, garden variety lives aren't concerned with

>gracious living.


>We feel pretty good about ourselves if our paper plates match when we stack

>them on the counter, buffet-style for dinner.


>We're tired of Martha showing us how to make centerpieces from hollyhock

>dipped in 18 carat gold. We're plumb out of liquid gold. Unless it's of


>furniture polish variety.


>We can't whip up Martha's creamy holiday sauce, spiced with turmeric. Most


>us can't even say turmeric, let alone figure out what to do with it.


>OK, Santa, maybe you think I'm being a little harsh. But I'll bet with all

>the holiday rush you didn't catch that interview with Martha in last week's

>USA Weekend. I'm surprised there was enough room on the page for her ego.


>We discovered that not only does Martha avoid take-out pizza (she's only

>ordered it once), she refuses to eat it cold (No cold pizza? Is Martha

> Living?) When it was pointed out that she could microwave it, she

>replied, " I don't have a microwave. "


>The reporter, Zaslow, noted that she said this " in a tone that

>suggests you shouldn't either. " Well lah-dee-dah. Imagine that, Santa!


>lovely microwave you brought me years ago, in which I've learned to

>make complicated dishes like popcorn and hot chocolate, has been declared

>undesirable by Queen Martha. What next? The coffee maker?


>In the article, we learned that Martha has 40 sets of dishes adorning an

>entire wall in her home. Forty sets. Can you spell " overkill " ? And


>put away, no less. If my dishes make it to the dishwasher, that qualifies


> " put away " in my house!


>Martha tells us she's already making homemade holiday gifts for friends.

> " Last year, I made amazing silk-lined scarves for everyone, " she boasts.


>just scarves, mind you. Amazing scarves. Martha's obviously not shy about

>giving herself a little pat on the back. In fact, she does so with such

>frequency that one has to wonder if her back is black and blue.


>She goes on to tell us that " homemaking is glamour for the 90s, " and says


>most glamorous friends are " interested in stain removal, how to iron a

>monogram, and how to fold a towel. " I have one piece of advice, Martha:

" Get

>new friends. "


>Glamorous friends fly to Paris on a whim. They drift past the Greek


>on yachts, sipping champagne from crystal goblets. They step out for the

>evening in shimmering satin gowns, whisked away by tuxedoed chauffeurs.


>do not spend their days pondering the finer art of toilet bowl sanitation.


>Zaslow notes that Martha was named one of America's 25 most influential

>people by Time magazine (nosing out Mother Theresa, Madeline Allbright and

>Maya Angelou, no doubt).


>The proof of Martha's influence: after she bought white-fleshed peaches in

>the supermarket, Martha says, " People saw me buy them. In an instant, they

>were all gone. " I hope Martha never decides to jump off a bridge.


>A guest in Martha's home told Zaslow how Martha gets up early to


>with her dogs to pick fresh wild blackberries for breakfast. This confirms

>what I've suspected about Martha all along: She's obviously got too much

>time on her hands. Teaching the dogs to rollerblade. What a show off.


>If you think the dogs are spoiled, listen to how Martha treats her friends:

>She gave one friend all 272 books from the Knopf Everyman Library. It

>didn't cost much. Pocket change, really. Just $5,000. But what price

>friendship, right?


>When asked if others should envy her, Martha replies, " Don't envy me. I'm

>doing this because I'm a natural teacher. You shouldn't envy teachers. You

>should listen to them. " Zaslow must have slit a

>seam in Martha's ego at this point, because once the hot air came hissing

>out, it couldn't be held back.


> " Being an overachiever is nothing despicable. It is only admirable. Never

>lower your standards, " says Martha. And of her Web Page on the Internet,

>Martha declares herself an " important presence " as she graciously helps

>people organize their sad, tacky little lives.


>There you have it, Santa. If there was ever someone who deserved a good

>smack, it's Martha . But I bet I won't get my gift this year.


>You probably want to smack her yourself.



>A Hopeful " Child "




>Love and Gentle Hugs,







>>hi and welcome. maybe we can come up with answers that our doctors can't


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Angie, please give that jeff guy another chance? he called me and he is VERY

SORRY for upsetting me and others, I think NO I KNOW they are really trying

to help us!

they have NOTHING to gain by this!

I am embarresed for the way I along with others treated him.

Think about it.


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In a message dated 11/08/1999 9:57:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Lu1953@... writes:

<< who wrote the martha stewart dear santa letter???? I laughed until I hurt


was ssoooooo funny....

Lu >>

someone on my auto list sent that and I knew it was too good not to share.

Love and Gentle Hugs,






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In a message dated 11/8/1999 10:43:01 AM Pacific Standard Time,

AngieCATW1@... writes:

<< the martha stewart dear santa letter???? I laughed until I hurt


was ssoooooo funny....

Lu >> >>

I agree. It has proved a big hit. I have made a bunch of copies for s

dad. He is sending them all over. Also my daughters are all sharing it with

thier friends.

It was a good one.


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In a message dated 11/8/99 11:50:21 PM Central Standard Time,

AngieCATW1@... writes:

<< the martha stewart dear santa letter >>

I accidently deleted mine can someone re send it to me please


I will as soon as I can find it...LOL so much old mail in mailbox

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Welcome Joyce. This is a great group...I've learned a lot from them and

the support is wonderful!


At 07:16 PM 11/16/1999 EST, you wrote:



>Hi everybody and thanks for letting me know that I am finally communicating

>with someone out there. I am sorry that anyone has RP but I am glad that

>there are others who know what Iam going through. Have been to Beth Isreal

>and Dr. Trenthem twice now. He just basically confirmed my diag and put me

>on methotrexate and off pred. Went to a Rheum here in sburg who took

>me down too far on the Metho and I had a lot of bad problems with my eye.

>Notice I say eye as in one. I was born with very limited pereferial(speller

>Iam not) vision in my right eye. Of course all the problems I had were with

>my left eye. Go figure. Am now going to the head of Rheum. at WVU


> He seems to know what he is doing so we'll see. I think that my RP started

>with a strep throat which was ignored by my MD and it turned into a raging

>staph infection. The next thing I know, my thyroid quit working and then I

>started getting all these joint aches and swelling. Come to think of it , I

>went to Cleveland Clinic when I was around 12 with joint pain which was


>diag. Makes you wonder. Anyway, I was sick for around 3 years and just

>couldnt seem to get any better. My DR here in Pburg finally stumbled onto


>article about RP. She told me if my ears ever got red and painful to come


>her office immed. Guess what. About a week later my ears got red and

>painful (Thank GOD) or I would probably still not know what was wrong.

>Anyway, I feel pretty good most of the time and am still able to work. (By

>the way, I am 49, soon to be 50 but dont tell anyone.) One thing that

>worries me is that my brother(51) and sister(33) both have some kind of

>cartl. disease which is as yet unknown. Their bloodwork doesnt show


>abnormal. Now where have I heard that before? Anyway I am just glad that

>there is a support group out here where I can tell someone how I feel. I

>dont really look that sick(most of the time) so people unfamiliar with RP

>sometimes dont understand how bad you can feel. Dont get me wrong, I know

>that there are a lot of things out there that are a heck of a lot worse and

>that I am lucky that I was able to get help. I have discovered that low

>humidity and high elevation(as in Colorado) make me feel better. (Two pain

>pills a week instead of two a day.) Well I am cooking meatballs and sauce


>I had better get off of here. Thanks for being there. I dont feel like


>an " orphan " anymore.





>>hi and welcome. maybe we can come up with answers that our doctors can't



Circulation/Interlibrary Loan Phone:

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In a message dated 11/24/99 7:22:38 PM Pacific Standard Time,:



> >I dreamed I had an interview with God. " What surprises you most about

> >mankind? "

> >

> >

> >God answered:

> > " That they get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and


> >long to be children again.

> >

> >That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to

> >restore their health.

> >

> >That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present,


> >that they live neither for the present nor the future.

> >That they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had


> >lived... "

> >

> >What are some of life's lessons?

> >

> >God replied with a smile:

> >

> > " To learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to

> let

> >themselves be loved.

> >To learn that what is most valuable is not what they have in their


> but

> >who they have in their lives.

> >

> >To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.

> >

> >To learn that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is one


> >needs the least.

> >

> >To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in

> persons

> >we love, and that it takes many years to heal them.

> >

> >To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it totally

> >different.

> >

> >To learn that a true friend is someone who knows everything about

> them...and

> >likes them anyway.

> >

> >> People will forget what you said.

> >> People will forget what you did, but

> >> People will never forget how you made them feel.

> >



----------------------- Headers --------------------------------


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Reply-To: >>



> To: Tupper ; Dave

and Amy Magnusen ; Ted Lambert

; Helen


> Subject: Fw: (no subject)

> Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:08 AM



> ----


> >I dreamed I had an interview with God. " What surprises you most about

> >mankind? "

> >

> >

> >God answered:

> > " That they get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and


> >long to be children again.

> >

> >That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to

> >restore their health.

> >

> >That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present,


> >that they live neither for the present nor the future.

> >That they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had


> >lived... "

> >

> >What are some of life's lessons?

> >

> >God replied with a smile:

> >

> > " To learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to

> let

> >themselves be loved.

> >To learn that what is most valuable is not what they have in their


> but

> >who they have in their lives.

> >

> >To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.

> >

> >To learn that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is one


> >needs the least.

> >

> >To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in

> persons

> >we love, and that it takes many years to heal them.

> >

> >To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it totally

> >different.

> >

> >To learn that a true friend is someone who knows everything about

> them...and

> >likes them anyway.

> >

> >> People will forget what you said.

> >> People will forget what you did, but

> >> People will never forget how you made them feel.

> >



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  • 1 month later...


I guess my little one has just that, small feet. =)

~~Shelby's mommy


~~~~~Life isn't a matter of milestones, But of moments.~~~



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply

Ja'Ayrn, uses the old fashioned method, yelling and hearing aids, I would

love to learn more about the FM system, keep me posted, how long has he held

that 16.2 Ja'Aryn has been 21 pounds for a whole year amazing. Is his

immune system very low, Ja'Aryn cannot go to school because her body wants

all the diseases they have to offer, from a minor running nose to mouth

herpes! So I took her out and my mom keeps her thank GOD for my mom keep me

posted on those triplets you must be a housewife I don't think I could do it

and I admire you because you have the best job in the world.

(no subject)



> Hi Jackie,


> I have 2-year old triplets, and . has

> RSS. He's 16.2 lbs., 29-1/2 " long. One thing that caught me by your

> email is your childs hearing impairment. has a severe to

> profound hearing loss. We just got him hooked up with an FM system

> yesterday. It's probably not going to be strong enough for his

> disability, so are trying a variety of systems to find a match for him.

> If these do not work, we are seriously considering a cochlear implant -

> time will tell. Since is under 3, the state pays for all his

> hearing equipment. At age 3, who knows? I hear there's grants and

> things you can apply for in the State of Connecticut. The town has to

> pay for any special needs services he requires, but equipment comes out

> of our pocket at 3 years. I'm interested as to what your child needs

> for hearing equipment?


> Cheryl





> ---------------------------

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I'm glad for you and Max. It sound like you a good visit and thing, as

you said, fallen into place.It makes it easier when it feels 'right'. As

always my prayers to you all and I'll say a special prayer on Monday.

Peace and Prayers

Mark dad to 4 ( 5 in April), G-tube

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Cheryl, this is why I just love this support group. No matter what each of

us is going through, someone else has been there, done that, and can help

out in some way. Even if no one can really help, it brings some issues to

the surface that I think we tend to ignore, bury, or not want to deal with

alone. Your message did make me smile. I'm so glad I am not alone.

BTW, my in-laws did come over. They sat in the living room with Max and me.

They asked a few questions, gave Max a bag of organic cookies (?), and then

we stared at each other. There was really nothing to say. Max wanted to

sleep because I had given him more Tylenol 3, and I just wanted them to

leave. They made a little bit of small talk, and then left. Whew! My own

mother, on the other hand, forgot about the surgery. She is in Singapore

with her husband, made me promise to get to her after the procedure, then

forgot about us!! While my brother was here last night, we called her (it

was 8am in Singapore), woke her up, and she did not even want to talk to me!

She said hello to Max and was done with us. I wonder what our children will

say about us when we are grandparents? I hope I am learning from these


I am glad you are going to see Dr. Harbison. She will be a tremendous help

to you and . She is responsible for the quick scheduling of surgery

for Max - and the surgeon she insisted on is just wonderful. Don't be

surprised if she takes over with 's implant surgery. Rest assured,

however, that she will watch every step and make sure he is okay.


(no subject)



> OK you guys you had to bring up the in-law stuff. We have major

> problems with the in-laws and grandmothers in general. They are both

> very helpful, but just don't seem to get it when it comes to all

> 's problems. My Mom walks around telling people he can hear and

> with some help he'll be big someday. Nope! She hopes for the best, and

> believe me, I do too, but reality tells me different. She just can't

> handle bad things. My mother-in-law on the other hand doesn't say a

> darn thing. It's like, you know, we got some issues here wouldn't you

> like to know more info about your grandson. Nope! I have no clue what

> she's thinking. They both of course think they have all the answers in

> raising triplets too, but that's a whole different story. Raising one

> child at a time is different than multiples. They don't get that

> either. So, needless to say, I have you guys for support for all the

> RSS stuff, my triplets friends for triplet stuff, my support list for

> g-tube stuff, and now a support group for hearing impaired stuff.

> Anything else I should add? As always, thanks for listening. Talking

> about in-laws, etc. hit home big time here.


> Cheryl



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Thank you ken and everyone else who suggested we see Stanhope but I

have a further question.

Why Stanhope - why not an endo and/or geneticist? So far three peads

locally have agreed my daughter has RSS - I now want an 'official' (as

conclusive as one can be) diagnosis. It was suggested by the Child Growth

Foundation that any endo/geno would be able to give a diagnosis? Any more


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I have a little boy who is almost 4 years old and has RSS.I live in

Hertfordshire so if I can be of any help let me no.Feel free to e-mail me

personally or phone 01279722208.

Joanne mum to Christian rss,nearly 4.GH,31.5 lbs,98 ish cms

(no subject)

> From: monosolo@...


> Dear

> I nearly slept last night and I feel so much better - every day I am


> a little more strength and I am going to knock it to them!

> My daughter, as I mentioned, is nine months old. From early on in my

> pregnancy I have received no help at all. Due to my referral to the


> for appointments I never even had a midwife or any ante-natal counselling.

> Since being discharged from hospital with a 3lb odd baby who wouldn't feed


> was left alone to fend for myself - I was a new mother with little or no

> confidence - she didn't do what it said they do in the books. I had no

> family to help out and friends and neighbours couldn't understand that

such a

> beautiful little baby could cause me so many problems. I felt

incompetent -

> I had no sleep - so I asked a neighbour to watch my baby for a while so I

> could sleep - she was a confident mother of two and a ''voice' in the

> neighbourhood - she brought my baby back after only a couple of hours


> she couldn't cope with her - that made me feel better! It restored the

> little confidence I had in my abilities.

> I say nobody knows what it is like to cope with what seemed like permenant

> feeding 14 - 16 bottles a day 1 or 2 oz at a time 6 - 8 bottles a night!


> maybe some people on this list will remember the early days like this.

> Over time, at about 4 months she started going every 2 hours - WOW at five

> months came out of premature clothes and diapers.

> I empathize with you totally when you say that the health professionals do

> not know enough about RSS. It almost seems our case was too difficult to

> take on - no one wanted to do anything about it because it was so

unusual - I

> still feel the same - I am so sick and tired of them saying she'll


> catch up, or she may just be small and come back in 3 months. I have a

> problem understanding how we could have such a small child when I am tall


> dad is really tall, both from stocky backgrounds with no adverse medical

> history. I believe there is a problem, isn't it obvious when you look at


> daughter - she's so small! So why don't they do something about it -


> yes they are - they do some more tests and then I go back in three

months -

> nothing is conclusive so do some more tests and come back in three months.


> wonder what will happen when I go back next? Don't worry that is what I'm

> psyching myself up for - ACTION!

> We are based over in the UK - I gather from the list that many of you are

> based in the US where things are different. I do have to decipher some of

> your terminology and abbreviations. I find the group so helpful but feel


> need some support from this side of the atlantic - I have been in contact

> with the HGF in London and they will help support my case. I do not have


> endos or GIs or big people working on our case but we are entitled and so

> when I go to the Peads on Monday I will insist on a referral to a Endo or

> Genetisist who is an expert in RSS and not just aware of the condition or

> maybe come across it once or twice in their career. If I gather my


> and fight I will get action - It hurts so much that everything is a fight


> get what we need.

> If anyone else, or you , are still awake by the time you get this


> down - could you please tell me of your early experiences - were they like

> mine?

> Love, luck and thanks to you all




> P.S. I'm working on putting some pictures in the gallery - watch this

> space!!!


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as

> 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.

> Apply NOW!

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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------




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I will be very interested to hear how you get on. Are

you seeing him at the Portland Consulting Rooms? Lily

was born at the Portland just across the road. How are

you travelling? Let me know if you need any help with

the best way to get there. I work in London and

obviously know my way around that area. We have an

appointment with the dietician at the Portland on



--- monosolo@... wrote:

> From: monosolo@...


> Thanks for your note - I have been given all sorts

> of information outside of

> this group which does not tally with our real life

> situations - therefor I

> have telephoned Dr Stanhope today and I have

> an apt for Friday to see

> him for a conclusive diagnosis.

> You see the strength and confidence people in the

> group can give.


> Thank you everyone - I will keep you posted





> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as

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Hi Michele

It's all sorted out - I'm having such a problem focusing at the moment - even

the little tasks seem so difficult.

I will be travelling down to the Portland on Friday morning - our apt is at

11 am - £136 for a day return to travel by rail! - I have decided to travel

back the following day on a Saver ticket for £57 and stay over on the Friday

night at the Thistle in Euston. Ironic isn't it that this way is cheaper

than a day return.

I know you said you worked in London would you like to meet up while we are

down there? My home phone no. is 01287 806017.

I can't wait for Friday to be over!

Kindest regards

& Sapphire

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Cheryl and Jodi,

Cheryl it seems to me you had just the right word. So Jodi I'll double

those word has well as the margeritas.

Jodi and Cheryl you both are strong people. It does suck to watch your

child suffer. But the love you have for child, which is what makes it hard to

see them in pain, will also get you through this. Just remember...

...Breath in... Breath out...

... order another margerita...

...Breath in...breath out..

May you both have peace and rest( and a margerita) soon!!!

Peace and Prayers to two very devoted moms


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You are one heck of a Dad and I truly hope we can meet next month. It may sound

kind of mushy sometimes with all these support words we use, but you know what,

they really help! I look forward to pulling down my messages each night. I say

to my husband, want to meet all my friends? He can't believe the wealth of

support out there. I'll tell you, when it's 's time to be in the

hospital, my husband will be printing messages and bringing them in to me just

like Jodi's did. Thanks again.


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Cheryl, your words were perfect. Don't ever doubt yourself. Your message

was the last one I read before going to sleep last night. I was greatly

comforted by it. Thank you.

BTW, what do you think of pina coladas or frozen dacquiris?


(no subject)



> Hi Jodi,


> Me again. Well, I've been thinking all day as what to say to you and the


> thing I can come up with is this sucks! It must be so hard to see Max in


> this pain and not have any answers. 3 lbs. is sure a lot to lose. You

are a

> strong person and I know you'll get through this like everything else you


> Max (and , too) have had to endure. It sure ain't easy being Moms


> Dads to these kids. Who said God only gives you what you can handle? I


> you and I have had our share - ENOUGH! I would sure love to sit down with


> girl friend like you and have a few strawberry margeritas (you're buying,

> right?) Make that a double then and I want top shelf!!! Anyway, all I

can say

> is hang in there and hope tomorrow will be a brighter day. We're here for


> Kathleen always had the right words to say. I'm sorry I don't, but am


> thinking of you.


> Cheryl

> Mom to Jen, , and - 25 months



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as

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> Apply NOW!

> http://click./1/2121/0/_/229381/_/952999751/

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I am going to arrange a dinner with my girlfriends. We are going to go to

TGIFridays - and the margeritas are on me! Now, if I could only get out of

this house for a little while to do that. My husband has good intentions,

but when Max is in pain, I seem to be the only one who is able to calm him.

I am getting to the point, however, where I think Max can be on his own for

a couple of hours so I can get away. I am exhausted!


Re: (no subject)

> From: mdppdm@...


> Cheryl and Jodi,


> Cheryl it seems to me you had just the right word. So Jodi I'll double

> those word has well as the margeritas.

> Jodi and Cheryl you both are strong people. It does suck to watch


> child suffer. But the love you have for child, which is what makes it hard


> see them in pain, will also get you through this. Just remember...



> ...Breath in... Breath out...


> ... order another margerita...


> ...Breath in...breath out..


> May you both have peace and rest( and a margerita) soon!!!


> Peace and Prayers to two very devoted moms

> Mark


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