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At 08:35 AM 9/27/2009, you wrote:



>Can anyone help with experience on what a " normal " postop course

>should be? How long does it take this to quiet down? Her sciatica

>was gone after surgery but the back pain was unreal. After having to

>travel in the car for a postop wound check, the buttock pain came

>back but not the leg. That was 5 days ago.


>The anxiety that goes along with all this is just as bad as the pain

>(and feeds the pain I'm sure). I know everyone is different but some

>feedback on what to expect after surgery would probably help her.


>Thank you.



The length of postop pain depends on the type of operation and the

skill of the surgeon, plus as you stated the anxiety. I've had 3 back

surgeries. The first the post op pain never went away because the

operation was a failure. The second I had fusion and a pretty quick

recovery. Same with the 3rd. The anxiety really feeds the pain,

tensing up anticipating the pain. I know for me for operations 2 & 3

the best thing was to get moving, where a back brace, get in and out

of bed correctly using all the tricks they taught me, and not be

afraid to ask for and use pain medication. Another thing that really

effects the recovery is to keep your bowels moving, the pain

medication, lying around, and the anethesia really blocks you up and

causes pain. Bottom line to answer your question she should start

feeling some relief by about 10 days -2 weeks if I remember

correctly. There is pain from them cutting through muscles if they

did it the old fashion way. If they did it macroscopily then much

less pain. Now I still have pain 10 years later in my butt cheek.

They scraped bone off my hip to use for the fusion. They no longer do

that and use donor bone or artificial bone. Hope this helps,

Dave BTW I was operated on at ages 23, 27, and 40.

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Welcome ine! I am from GA. I am sorry you have problems that bring you here

but this is a good place to get answers and support.

Jane H.

From: rosedragon <rosedragon@...>

Subject: new here

neck pain

Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 9:04 AM


Hi everyone. I'm new here so please bear with me as

I try and explain through upcoming emails what's going

on with me.

First off...is there anyone here in Michigan? We have

about a two year waiting period because things are

so backed up in this state.

Has anyone had an attorney file an " on the record " ?


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Thanks Jane. I've got a lot of questions.


new here

neck pain

Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 9:04 AM

Hi everyone. I'm new here so please bear with me as

I try and explain through upcoming emails what's going

on with me.

First off...is there anyone here in Michigan? We have

about a two year waiting period because things are

so backed up in this state.

Has anyone had an attorney file an " on the record " ?


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It sounds as if you are doing a wonderful job with him. Wow, the memorization....that is great...wish my son would be that! LOL. My son is the opposite...he needs to see a picture to understand something...my son is a visual learner.

As for mouthing and chewing everything...would your son chew gum? My son does and it helps. They now say chewing gum while taking a test helps the children ...stimulates their brain and they get better grades. The other thing is to find something safe that he can chew on or suck...there is a site (sensory integration) that sells such items. I think he probably needs to chew or suck to soothe himself. I am sure someone in this group has that site written down...if not google it.

Keep up the great work...you are doing a super job! Kudos to you.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: <ladle24@...>Subject: ( ) New Here Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 9:52 PM

Hi,While we are on a waiting list for therapy for our son, I have been looking around to see what elase I can find out on my own.About 6 months ago, our 5yo ds was dx with Aspergers. All along, I thought I was just a bad parent, and that my son, the middle of three boys, was just VERY immature. Watching him at the playground, and the way he talks to people, and the impulsivity, I finally realized that he wasn't just going to grow out of it.At 5yo, he is reading, writing, and proficient in math (four basic operations), but has a hard time with spoken words...he speaks tons, but he is at right angles to the world in the things he says, and his inability to answer questions, even about things he knows. I didn't know until the evaluations that he wasn't understanding pictures well either, and now that he is reading, I feel like we finally have a way to help him. We could talk about something 3,000 times, and not have it stick, but

now when he sees the words, he understands. It is kind of creepy as the parent, since this kind of wiring seems so backwards.He is an information junkie, especially if it contains numbers. He knows all the presidents, all the states, the multiplication table, etc., and every so often, I have to try to find a new, compatible special interest for him to memorize or I will go stark raving mad if I have to hear about all the presidents (or whatever it is at the moment) one more time.Because he has mastered much of the academic stuff he needs without anyone teaching him, I am keeping him at home for school two days a week and working almost exclusively on language and vocabulary development with him this year. I feel like we are making HUGE progress in this area. The therapists at the school were kind enough to show me a lot of the materials they use, and help me get started in researching what to do with him.Each problem area with my ds goes

through cycles, and right now he is having major oral stimulation issues again. He has always chewed, licked, eaten almost anything he gould get his mouth on. Instead of the usual stimming things-rocking, headbanging, or what have you, his seems to be biting things. He bites things, adn himself when he is under duress. And sometimes he just bites, licks, eats everything for no apparent reason. As a toddler he was very stressful to deal with... he could figure out how to get and eat the plants on top of the fridge. There was nowhere high enough where he couldn't figure out how to get it, so I felt like I was always callig poison control for something, even though I made sure we didn't keep any terrible chemical cleaners around. He chewed holes in the vacuum cleaner hose, and he licked any liquid on the ground outside, so we could never let him out of his stroller. He was always eating everything off the bottom of his shoes (while he was wearing them),

always picking things out of the carpet to eat, and so on. He would climb to get nails, tacks, and pins to put in his mouth. He drank any liquid he could...fish tank water, dirty dish water, toilet water, and many others. He is always licking doorknobs, cars, playground equipment, etc. As a result, he used to be sick all the time, but at least thankfully, his immune system seems to have caught up with him, and he doesn't get sick quite as much. His latest thing is chewing wood. He is chewing his bed rails, and the back of his guitar. There is a major chunk of his bedrail missing. We keep putting tape over it to cover it, but he chews through the tape. This is one area where i really wish I knew what to do.He seems to be very much of a sensory-seeker. ..loves flying through he air, jumping off things, loves loud noises (think setting off alarms, mic feedback), etc.For us, it feels like figuring out the language problems are about 1/3 of the

battle, and the sensory issues the second third. It seem s like the meltdowns diminish in proportion to how we figure out how to deal with the language and sensory problems. But also, the theory of mind bit seems to cause a lot of problems. I feel like if we could get inside his head and help him understand things, that would solve a lot too.Besides all the craziness, he is a really sweet and fun-loving little boy...when his world isn't being disturbed by any of 10,000 possible irritants ;-).

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  • 1 month later...

My son began having seizures during puberty. We also put him on seizure meds

and the doc kept increasing the dose. He was basically a zombie for those three

years. Later, an autism specialist suggested that we start backing him off the

meds. He told us later (by typing) that the meds just covered up the seizures

but he still had them. Years later, Dr. Amy told us to increase his taurine

levels; we never saw a seizure after that.

Mercury lowers the taurine levels and thus the seizure threshold--so I'm told.


[ ] new here

Hello, I am actually new to this group but have really enjoyed reading the

posts. My son is 13 with Asperger's and started having seizures about 3 years

ago. He is of course on seizure medication (trileptal) and other medication for

anxiety and ADD. He does fairly well but has noticable difficulties. I would

love to get him off as much of this medicine as possible. I actually put off

medicine as long as I could but his anxiety and ADD began to really impede his

daily life. I have been doing a lot of research on chelation but don't know

where to start. Plus I am not sure if safe because of his seizures. Anyone in

the same boat? Would love to know what you think.

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Did you do the supplements or chelaton that I have been reading about and has

it helped?  I am trying to keep up but I have to admit am pretty confused. 



From: jromkema <jromkema@...>

Sent: Tue, November 10, 2009 10:51:25 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] new here


My son began having seizures during puberty. We also put him on seizure meds and

the doc kept increasing the dose. He was basically a zombie for those three

years. Later, an autism specialist suggested that we start backing him off the

meds. He told us later (by typing) that the meds just covered up the seizures

but he still had them. Years later, Dr. Amy told us to increase his taurine

levels; we never saw a seizure after that.

Mercury lowers the taurine levels and thus the seizure threshold--so I'm told.


[ ] new here

Hello, I am actually new to this group but have really enjoyed reading the

posts. My son is 13 with Asperger's and started having seizures about 3 years

ago. He is of course on seizure medication (trileptal) and other medication for

anxiety and ADD. He does fairly well but has noticable difficulties. I would

love to get him off as much of this medicine as possible. I actually put off

medicine as long as I could but his anxiety and ADD began to really impede his

daily life. I have been doing a lot of research on chelation but don't know

where to start. Plus I am not sure if safe because of his seizures. Anyone in

the same boat? Would love to know what you think.

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Welcome to the list. Your'e in the right place. If your son has ANY mercury

amalgam dental fillings (ones that look silver, gray, or black) you have to have

those safely removed using proper protocol before you can chelate. Where to

start? Read here, see if your local library has copies of Andy Cutler's books,

order a DDI (Doctor's Data, Inc) hair elements test through DLS (Direct Lab

Services) unless you live in NYS. If you mention this group they'll give you a



new here

Posted by: " erinpruitt@... " erinpruitt@...


Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:15 pm (PST)

Hello, I am actually new to this group but have really enjoyed reading the

posts. My son is 13 with Asperger's and started having seizures about 3 years

ago. He is of course on seizure medication (trileptal) and other medication for

anxiety and ADD. He does fairly well but has noticable difficulties. I would

love to get him off as much of this medicine as possible. I actually put off

medicine as long as I could but his anxiety and ADD began to really impede his

daily life. I have been doing a lot of research on chelation but don't know

where to start. Plus I am not sure if safe because of his seizures. Anyone in

the same boat? Would love to know what you think.


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Thanks.  Fortunately, he does not have any of those kinds of fillings.  I am

trying to keep up with everything on here.  I will definitely get Andy's book

because every where I ask he seems to be the one they refer me too. 


From: Shepard Salzer <_Shepard@...>

autism treatment

Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 12:45:53 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: new here


Welcome to the list. Your'e in the right place. If your son has ANY mercury

amalgam dental fillings (ones that look silver, gray, or black) you have to have

those safely removed using proper protocol before you can chelate. Where to

start? Read here, see if your local library has copies of Andy Cutler's books,

order a DDI (Doctor's Data, Inc) hair elements test through DLS (Direct Lab

Services) unless you live in NYS. If you mention this group they'll give you a



new here

Posted by: " erinpruitt@rocketma il.com " erinpruitt@rocketma il.com

erinpruitt@rocketma il.com

Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:15 pm (PST)

Hello, I am actually new to this group but have really enjoyed reading the

posts. My son is 13 with Asperger's and started having seizures about 3 years

ago. He is of course on seizure medication (trileptal) and other medication for

anxiety and ADD. He does fairly well but has noticable difficulties. I would

love to get him off as much of this medicine as possible. I actually put off

medicine as long as I could but his anxiety and ADD began to really impede his

daily life. I have been doing a lot of research on chelation but don't know

where to start. Plus I am not sure if safe because of his seizures. Anyone in

the same boat? Would love to know what you think.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sure you will need testing if you haven't already had it done. Your adrenal

functions and antibodies and Free T3, Free T4 and Reverse T3 as well as TSH. You

sound like you might be hypothyroid, but you could also have an adrenal problem.

We can't actually say exactly what is going on without reading the tests results

along with the ranges that appear on the test results sheet which you must get a

copy. Most people are probably with their families and busy with the holiday.

Welcome to the group and have a Happy Holiday.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: Elisse <elisselopez@...>

Subject: New here


Date: Monday, December 21, 2009, 9:21 PM

Hello all:

I'm Elisse, 31 yrs old, married, no children.  I was just wondering what are

some of the symptoms experienced by members on here.  Personally, I often feel

very fatigued, depressed, my hair seems to fall out in clumps, my hands and feet

and me, in general, are always freezing. Lately I've had an all-over body itch,

wicked headaches, loss of appetite, etc.  I don't even know if I'm in the

correct group.  If not, would you please suggest what group I should be writing

to?  Thanks so much and have a great holiday.



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I don't. My son has never had any kidney problems. Those are usually associated

with high dose acute mercury poisoning, not low dose chronic long term

poisoning. We give milk thistle for his liver daily and he has never shown any

symptoms that indicated he has liver problems.



> Thanks Jan and for your responses. I'll be studying Andy's protocol

before I see the DAN again. Do you guys check liver and kidney function while



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Lots of s here. I'm chelating myself and do not check liver and kidney

function. I do take milk thistle to support the liver though.


New Here

Posted by: " " vegascurls@... vegascurls

Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:29 am (PST)

Thanks Jan and for your responses. I'll be studying Andy's protocol before

I see the DAN again. Do you guys check liver and kidney function while



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  • 3 weeks later...

Please know that even if your lyme tests come back negative, you may still

have lyme. I had 3 different tests come back negative - never got a

postive. BUT... an LLMD put me on a 4 month trial antibiotics and at month

3, I finally started improving slightly. He said that 50% of his patients

with lyme never get a postive test result, And his suspicion that I had

lyme was that everything else had been ruled out and he said anytime he see

a series of neurological symptoms doesn't point to any specific neurological

diagnosis, he suspect lyme disease. At this point, I have been on

treatment for about 9 months and while not yet out of the woods, have

improved greatly!

As to symptoms - they vary widely from person to person. I've had all you

mentioned as well as others. Lyme, is often called the 'great imitator'

because it can mimic many other diseases. I never noticed a tic bite or

bulls-eye rash - my first symptom was vertigo and bad headaches. Over time,

I developed joint & muscle pain and then muscle weakness to the point where

I could practically no longer walk. My balance & coordination was very much

off and I experience mental fogginess & confusion. Numbness & tingling

sensations and strange pains that came & went without cause - my skin &

muscles felt as if I had a very bad bruise, but there was no bruising, nor

had I bumped into anything - it just came on its on. Lots of other symptoms

too - in fact, started off thinking it was fibromyalgia - then thought

spinal stenosis - was tested for lots of others as well. If I hadn't had

the LLMD suggest treatment, I'd probably still be getting tested and

probably would have been dx'd with MS - as it gets dx'd when everything else

has been ruled out. I'm not familiar with hashimoto, but you might see if

you can get on a 4 month trial. I take flagyl & doxy and it's done well for

me - other than the inconveniences of feeling sick to my stomach almost

constantly and not being able to go out in the sun. But... small price to

get rid of all the other symptoms that were crippling me.

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 7:02 AM, adnil1988 <lindamax@...> wrote:



> Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

> muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all.

> I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination

> problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same

> as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing

> me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like

> to know what I could do in the meantime.

> The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do

> it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a

> cleansing.

> I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

> pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy

> all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.





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The best thing to do right now is to hang tight until those results come back.

If they are negative, though, do NOT assume that you do not have Lyme. The

standard tests have been stripped of the proteins most likely to accurately

identify Lyme; and you should not accept a negative diagnosis until you've

gotten a test that includes testing for these proteins.

But that's getting ahead of ourselves. When you get to that point, we'll walk

you through it.

Weight gain is a problem for 90% of us. (I'm up 60 pounds myself -- painful,

since I was an athlete in college.) If you do have Lyme, the weight gain happens

because the disease disrupts your entire endocrine system, including the

hormones like leptin and insulin that control how much we weigh. Many of us find

that we're able to lose at least some of it once we've been in treatment a long

time, and our hormonal balance and our ability to exercise returns. Others of us

learn to live with the weight -- really, it's the least of our problems with

this disease.

In the meantime, you can read up. Go to the library and check out " Cure Unknown "

by Pamela Weintraub. It's the definitive book on the history and politics of

Lyme. If you do get a positive result, you'll understand a lot more about what

you're in for.

It's too bad you have trouble swallowing pills, because there are supplements

that can at least alleviate some symptoms -- regardless of what the problem

turns out to be. A few suggestions for things to try:

For muscle and joint pain:

A good-quality glucosamine -- 1-2 gr 2/day

1 g Magnesium taken with 350 mg B-6


For neurological problems:

a good B-vitamin, plus an extra serving of B12 taken with folinic acid (not the

same as folic acid -- look online)

For immune issues:


alpha lipoic acid

grapeseed extract

Let us know how it goes.


On Jan 17, 2010, at 7:02 26AM, adnil1988 wrote:

> Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of muscle

and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all. I gained

weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination problems,

mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same as with

hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing me for lyme

disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like to know what I

could do in the meantime.

> The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do it.

I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a


> I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my pants

hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy all the

time. I do not eat refined products at all.





> ------------------------------------


> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

> net: http://www.topix.net/health/lyme-disease


> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

> http://tinyurl.com/23dgy8


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Hi Kathy,


In the beginning did you ger very dry lips and skin of the face from the doxy? I

have not gone out in the sun but about a week ago I looked like I had sunburn.

My lips continue to crack and are very dry. They tested me for Sjroens. I

probably spelled that wrong but I do not know the results yet.




> Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

> muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all.

> I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination

> problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same

> as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing

> me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like

> to know what I could do in the meantime.

> The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do

> it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a

> cleansing.

> I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

> pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy

> all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.




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what is LLMD ?

what is flagyl & doxy?

Is it recommended to take parasite cleansing?


> From: mauimamaw@...

> Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 14:09:11 -0800

> Subject: Re: [ ] New here


> Please know that even if your lyme tests come back negative, you may still

> have lyme. I had 3 different tests come back negative - never got a

> postive. BUT... an LLMD put me on a 4 month trial antibiotics and at month

> 3, I finally started improving slightly. He said that 50% of his patients

> with lyme never get a postive test result, And his suspicion that I had

> lyme was that everything else had been ruled out and he said anytime he see

> a series of neurological symptoms doesn't point to any specific neurological

> diagnosis, he suspect lyme disease. At this point, I have been on

> treatment for about 9 months and while not yet out of the woods, have

> improved greatly!


> As to symptoms - they vary widely from person to person. I've had all you

> mentioned as well as others. Lyme, is often called the 'great imitator'

> because it can mimic many other diseases. I never noticed a tic bite or

> bulls-eye rash - my first symptom was vertigo and bad headaches. Over time,

> I developed joint & muscle pain and then muscle weakness to the point where

> I could practically no longer walk. My balance & coordination was very much

> off and I experience mental fogginess & confusion. Numbness & tingling

> sensations and strange pains that came & went without cause - my skin &

> muscles felt as if I had a very bad bruise, but there was no bruising, nor

> had I bumped into anything - it just came on its on. Lots of other symptoms

> too - in fact, started off thinking it was fibromyalgia - then thought

> spinal stenosis - was tested for lots of others as well. If I hadn't had

> the LLMD suggest treatment, I'd probably still be getting tested and

> probably would have been dx'd with MS - as it gets dx'd when everything else

> has been ruled out. I'm not familiar with hashimoto, but you might see if

> you can get on a 4 month trial. I take flagyl & doxy and it's done well for

> me - other than the inconveniences of feeling sick to my stomach almost

> constantly and not being able to go out in the sun. But... small price to

> get rid of all the other symptoms that were crippling me.


> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 7:02 AM, adnil1988 <lindamax@...> wrote:


> >

> >

> > Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

> > muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all.

> > I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination

> > problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same

> > as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing

> > me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like

> > to know what I could do in the meantime.

> > The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> > Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> > I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do

> > it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a

> > cleansing.

> > I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

> > pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy

> > all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Hi Sara,

I am taking selenium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamin b12 with folic acid /

all for the thyroid. I had Epstein Barr virus 4 years ago and ended up with lots

of muscle pain. I never had issues with vertigo or coordination problems, weight

gain until I took the new formulated armour and later on thryroid from a

compounding pharma / which was not armour.

First I thought I have hypo symptoms but I realized that it was much worse

including new symptoms / the brain fog and coordination problems.

I hope I don't have MS. I thought I get myself some parasite cleanser, can't

make it worse, until I get the blood results.

thank you

From: srobinson@...

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 14:15:40 -0800

Subject: Re: [ ] New here

The best thing to do right now is to hang tight until those results come


If they are negative, though, do NOT assume that you do not have Lyme. The

standard tests have been stripped of the proteins most likely to accurately

identify Lyme; and you should not accept a negative diagnosis until you've

gotten a test that includes testing for these proteins.

But that's getting ahead of ourselves. When you get to that point, we'll walk

you through it.

Weight gain is a problem for 90% of us. (I'm up 60 pounds myself -- painful,

since I was an athlete in college.) If you do have Lyme, the weight gain happens

because the disease disrupts your entire endocrine system, including the

hormones like leptin and insulin that control how much we weigh. Many of us find

that we're able to lose at least some of it once we've been in treatment a long

time, and our hormonal balance and our ability to exercise returns. Others of us

learn to live with the weight -- really, it's the least of our problems with

this disease.

In the meantime, you can read up. Go to the library and check out " Cure Unknown "

by Pamela Weintraub. It's the definitive book on the history and politics of

Lyme. If you do get a positive result, you'll understand a lot more about what

you're in for.

It's too bad you have trouble swallowing pills, because there are supplements

that can at least alleviate some symptoms -- regardless of what the problem

turns out to be. A few suggestions for things to try:

For muscle and joint pain:

A good-quality glucosamine -- 1-2 gr 2/day

1 g Magnesium taken with 350 mg B-6


For neurological problems:

a good B-vitamin, plus an extra serving of B12 taken with folinic acid (not the

same as folic acid -- look online)

For immune issues:


alpha lipoic acid

grapeseed extract

Let us know how it goes.


On Jan 17, 2010, at 7:02 26AM, adnil1988 wrote:

> Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of muscle

and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all. I gained

weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination problems,

mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same as with

hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing me for lyme

disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like to know what I

could do in the meantime.

> The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do it.

I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a


> I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my pants

hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy all the

time. I do not eat refined products at all.





> ------------------------------------


> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

> net: http://www.topix.net/health/lyme-disease


> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

> http://tinyurl.com/23dgy8


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I have a friend with MS who has had the standard tests for Lyme -- which, as

noted, are far from definitive. A lot of people who are diagnosed with MS

actually have Lyme. Because of this, I personally wouldn't accept an MS

diagnosis until I'd tested negative on a full-spectrum Lyme test first (or

tested positive, and attempted to treat it).

It sounds like you're doing what you can (have you tried L-tyrosine? It directly

supports the thyroid). A cleansing can't hurt, but if it's Lyme, it's likely to

be a short-term feel-good solution. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)


On Jan 17, 2010, at 5:30 12PM, Wilbert wrote:


> Hi Sara,

> I am taking selenium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamin b12 with folic acid /

all for the thyroid. I had Epstein Barr virus 4 years ago and ended up with lots

of muscle pain. I never had issues with vertigo or coordination problems, weight

gain until I took the new formulated armour and later on thryroid from a

compounding pharma / which was not armour.

> First I thought I have hypo symptoms but I realized that it was much worse

including new symptoms / the brain fog and coordination problems.

> I hope I don't have MS. I thought I get myself some parasite cleanser, can't

make it worse, until I get the blood results.

> thank you









> From: srobinson@...

> Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 14:15:40 -0800

> Subject: Re: [ ] New here





























> The best thing to do right now is to hang tight until those results come





> If they are negative, though, do NOT assume that you do not have Lyme. The

standard tests have been stripped of the proteins most likely to accurately

identify Lyme; and you should not accept a negative diagnosis until you've

gotten a test that includes testing for these proteins.




> But that's getting ahead of ourselves. When you get to that point, we'll walk

you through it.




> Weight gain is a problem for 90% of us. (I'm up 60 pounds myself -- painful,

since I was an athlete in college.) If you do have Lyme, the weight gain happens

because the disease disrupts your entire endocrine system, including the

hormones like leptin and insulin that control how much we weigh. Many of us find

that we're able to lose at least some of it once we've been in treatment a long

time, and our hormonal balance and our ability to exercise returns. Others of us

learn to live with the weight -- really, it's the least of our problems with

this disease.




> In the meantime, you can read up. Go to the library and check out " Cure

Unknown " by Pamela Weintraub. It's the definitive book on the history and

politics of Lyme. If you do get a positive result, you'll understand a lot more

about what you're in for.




> It's too bad you have trouble swallowing pills, because there are supplements

that can at least alleviate some symptoms -- regardless of what the problem

turns out to be. A few suggestions for things to try:




> For muscle and joint pain:


> A good-quality glucosamine -- 1-2 gr 2/day


> 1 g Magnesium taken with 350 mg B-6


> bromelian




> For neurological problems:


> a good B-vitamin, plus an extra serving of B12 taken with folinic acid (not

the same as folic acid -- look online)




> For immune issues:


> N-acetyl-L-cysteine


> alpha lipoic acid


> grapeseed extract




> Let us know how it goes.




> Sara




> On Jan 17, 2010, at 7:02 26AM, adnil1988 wrote:




>> Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of muscle

and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all. I gained

weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination problems,

mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same as with

hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing me for lyme

disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like to know what I

could do in the meantime.


>> The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.


>> Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.


>> I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do

it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a



>> I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy all

the time. I do not eat refined products at all.










>> ------------------------------------




>> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the


>> net: http://www.topix.net/health/lyme-disease




>> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease


>> http://tinyurl.com/23dgy8



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LLMD = Lyme-literate medical doctor. A qualified MD who practices under the

guidelines of (and, preferably, is a member of) ILADS -- the Infectious Lyme and

Associated Diseases Association.

Flagyl is the brand name of metronidazole, an antifungal antibiotic commonly

taken by Lyme patients to stop the disease in its cystic phase.

Doxy is doxycycline, a macrolide antibiotic that's mainly aimed at the disease

in its intracellular phase. This is the first drug many of us take for Lyme,

because it's the only thing your average GP knows to give.

Parasite cleansing can't hurt -- our immune systems are typically on the fritz,

and will let all kinds of weird bugs have free rein in our bodies -- but it's

not one of the things we usually spend a lot of time thinking about. It's a

matter of personal preference. If it makes you feel better, go for it.


On Jan 17, 2010, at 5:21 05PM, Wilbert wrote:


> Hi,

> what is LLMD ?

> what is flagyl & doxy?

> Is it recommended to take parasite cleansing?








>> From: mauimamaw@...

>> Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 14:09:11 -0800

>> Subject: Re: [ ] New here


>> Please know that even if your lyme tests come back negative, you may still

>> have lyme. I had 3 different tests come back negative - never got a

>> postive. BUT... an LLMD put me on a 4 month trial antibiotics and at month

>> 3, I finally started improving slightly. He said that 50% of his patients

>> with lyme never get a postive test result, And his suspicion that I had

>> lyme was that everything else had been ruled out and he said anytime he see

>> a series of neurological symptoms doesn't point to any specific neurological

>> diagnosis, he suspect lyme disease. At this point, I have been on

>> treatment for about 9 months and while not yet out of the woods, have

>> improved greatly!


>> As to symptoms - they vary widely from person to person. I've had all you

>> mentioned as well as others. Lyme, is often called the 'great imitator'

>> because it can mimic many other diseases. I never noticed a tic bite or

>> bulls-eye rash - my first symptom was vertigo and bad headaches. Over time,

>> I developed joint & muscle pain and then muscle weakness to the point where

>> I could practically no longer walk. My balance & coordination was very much

>> off and I experience mental fogginess & confusion. Numbness & tingling

>> sensations and strange pains that came & went without cause - my skin &

>> muscles felt as if I had a very bad bruise, but there was no bruising, nor

>> had I bumped into anything - it just came on its on. Lots of other symptoms

>> too - in fact, started off thinking it was fibromyalgia - then thought

>> spinal stenosis - was tested for lots of others as well. If I hadn't had

>> the LLMD suggest treatment, I'd probably still be getting tested and

>> probably would have been dx'd with MS - as it gets dx'd when everything else

>> has been ruled out. I'm not familiar with hashimoto, but you might see if

>> you can get on a 4 month trial. I take flagyl & doxy and it's done well for

>> me - other than the inconveniences of feeling sick to my stomach almost

>> constantly and not being able to go out in the sun. But... small price to

>> get rid of all the other symptoms that were crippling me.


>> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 7:02 AM, adnil1988 <lindamax@...> wrote:




>>> Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

>>> muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at all.

>>> I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have coordination

>>> problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the same

>>> as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was testing

>>> me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would like

>>> to know what I could do in the meantime.

>>> The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

>>> Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

>>> I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to do

>>> it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do a

>>> cleansing.

>>> I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

>>> pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat healthy

>>> all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.








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The doxy makes you very very sun sensitive. If you've been out in a car or

anywhere, you might well get sunburned. As to dry lips & skin - I've

always had -- so no difference there for me... plus wouldn't have noticed

because of my move from Maui, HI to Eau , WI and then to Reno, NV -

both extremely dry compared to Maui.

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Chiaravalloti




> Hi Kathy,


> In the beginning did you ger very dry lips and skin of the face from the

> doxy? I have not gone out in the sun but about a week ago I looked like I

> had sunburn. My lips continue to crack and are very dry. They tested me for

> Sjroens. I probably spelled that wrong but I do not know the results yet.






> >

> >

> > Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

> > muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at

> all.

> > I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have

> coordination

> > problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the

> same

> > as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was

> testing

> > me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would

> like

> > to know what I could do in the meantime.

> > The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> > Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> > I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to

> do

> > it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do

> a

> > cleansing.

> > I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

> > pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat

> healthy

> > all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.

> >

> >

> >

> >



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i use coconut oil liberally on my dry hands and lips and it really clears up

the dry skin. it smells and tastes good too! also, it is recommended to

take 1 tblsp a day, it has antifungal, antiparasitic, and antibacteria


On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Kathy Sargenti <mauimamaw@...>wrote:

> The doxy makes you very very sun sensitive. If you've been out in a car or

> anywhere, you might well get sunburned. As to dry lips & skin - I've

> always had -- so no difference there for me... plus wouldn't have noticed

> because of my move from Maui, HI to Eau , WI and then to Reno, NV -

> both extremely dry compared to Maui.


> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Chiaravalloti

> <tscollo@...>wrote:


> >

> >

> > Hi Kathy,

> >

> > In the beginning did you ger very dry lips and skin of the face from the

> > doxy? I have not gone out in the sun but about a week ago I looked like I

> > had sunburn. My lips continue to crack and are very dry. They tested me

> for

> > Sjroens. I probably spelled that wrong but I do not know the results yet.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

> > > muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at

> > all.

> > > I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have

> > coordination

> > > problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the

> > same

> > > as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was

> > testing

> > > me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would

> > like

> > > to know what I could do in the meantime.

> > > The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> > > Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> > > I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to

> > do

> > > it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to

> do

> > a

> > > cleansing.

> > > I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight,

> my

> > > pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat

> > healthy

> > > all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

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Excellent - I'll get some! I didn't know about the

antifungal/parasitic/bacterial properties...

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:07 PM, le Handy <kndplus2@...> wrote:



> i use coconut oil liberally on my dry hands and lips and it really clears

> up

> the dry skin. it smells and tastes good too! also, it is recommended to

> take 1 tblsp a day, it has antifungal, antiparasitic, and antibacteria

> properties!!!


> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Kathy Sargenti


> >wrote:



> > The doxy makes you very very sun sensitive. If you've been out in a car

> or

> > anywhere, you might well get sunburned. As to dry lips & skin - I've

> > always had -- so no difference there for me... plus wouldn't have noticed

> > because of my move from Maui, HI to Eau , WI and then to Reno, NV -

> > both extremely dry compared to Maui.

> >

> > On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Chiaravalloti

> > <tscollo@... <tscollo%40sbcglobal.net>>wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi Kathy,

> > >

> > > In the beginning did you ger very dry lips and skin of the face from

> the

> > > doxy? I have not gone out in the sun but about a week ago I looked like

> I

> > > had sunburn. My lips continue to crack and are very dry. They tested me

> > for

> > > Sjroens. I probably spelled that wrong but I do not know the results

> yet.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms

> of

> > > > muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy

> at

> > > all.

> > > > I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have

> > > coordination

> > > > problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are

> the

> > > same

> > > > as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was

> > > testing

> > > > me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would

> > > like

> > > > to know what I could do in the meantime.

> > > > The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> > > > Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> > > > I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how

> to

> > > do

> > > > it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me

> to

> > do

> > > a

> > > > cleansing.

> > > > I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight,

> > my

> > > > pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat

> > > healthy

> > > > all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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Thanks. I am here in CT. I thought maybe it was wind burn.



> >

> >

> > Hi my name is , I am diagnosed with hashimoto, but my symptoms of

> > muscle and joint pain persist. I have ringing in my ears, no energy at

> all.

> > I gained weight because I am on the sofa all day long. I have

> coordination

> > problems, mild. My eyes are blurry. Actually, all the symptoms are the

> same

> > as with hypothyroidism, but since they do not go away, my doc. was

> testing

> > me for lyme disease. I will get the blood result next week, but would

> like

> > to know what I could do in the meantime.

> > The general symptom of fatigue can lead into different directions.

> > Maybe one of you can tell me more about symptoms and treatment.

> > I was thinking about a cleansing / but do not know what kind and how to

> do

> > it. I have trouble swallowing pills, so it will be difficult for me to do

> a

> > cleansing.

> > I can not go on like this, hurting all over. I gained so much weight, my

> > pants hardly fit anymore. I never weight so much in my life. I eat

> healthy

> > all the time. I do not eat refined products at all.

> >

> >

> >

> >



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Kathy, quick reminder... best to get organic. I've found one of the best prices

at Vitamin Shoppe (in store or online). They carry a 54oz tub of Nutiva org.

coconut oil and if you ask for the on-line price (which they will honor for

everything they carry in the store), it's only about $23. Really a great price

and you can do just about everything with it... all the skin stuff and it's the

best oil to cook with, as well. Have fun!


Cindi Callanan, MsT, CST, BEC

Re: [ ] New here

Excellent - I'll get some! I didn't know about the

antifungal/parasitic/bacterial properties...

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BTW, all, I erred the other day. It's not Vitamin SHOPPE that got the great

rating from ConsumerLabs.org. It's Vitamin WORLD.

You can see where the confusion came from.


On Jan 18, 2010, at 4:37 48PM, Cindi Callanan wrote:

> Kathy, quick reminder... best to get organic. I've found one of the best

prices at Vitamin Shoppe (in store or online). They carry a 54oz tub of Nutiva

org. coconut oil and if you ask for the on-line price (which they will honor for

everything they carry in the store), it's only about $23. Really a great price

and you can do just about everything with it... all the skin stuff and it's the

best oil to cook with, as well. Have fun!


> Cindi


> Cindi Callanan, MsT, CST, BEC


> Re: [ ] New here



> Excellent - I'll get some! I didn't know about the

> antifungal/parasitic/bacterial properties...





> ------------------------------------


> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

> net: http://www.topix.net/health/lyme-disease


> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

> http://tinyurl.com/23dgy8


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  • 3 weeks later...


> My name is Bonnie. First day w/women's chronic pain syndrome, was recommended

here. Reading thru. Words of wisdom?

+++Hi Bonnie. Welcome to our group. What kinds of symptoms are you having?

I think you should see if you have candida, since it often occurs in women with

such issues. Take the questionnaire on this page:


In order for anyone to improve their health they need to build up their immune

system by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

If you do not have candida read Foods That Damage, Foods That Heal:


If you have candida read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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