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> Hey spots, Just remember that you are not alone. most of your questions can

be answered right here. I have had this thing a long time and I'm still kicking.

My name is Lloyd. God Bless.........





> ________________________________

> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

> Hepatitis C

> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:45:22 PM

> Subject: New Here



> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.









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> Hey spots, Just remember that you are not alone. most of your questions can

be answered right here. I have had this thing a long time and I'm still kicking.

My name is Lloyd. God Bless.........





> ________________________________

> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

> Hepatitis C

> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:45:22 PM

> Subject: New Here



> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.









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(((((((((((((HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD)))))))))))))

From: angeliquekeeler <angelique2230@...>

Subject: Re: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 5:34 AM




> Hey spots, Just remember that you are not alone. most of your questions can be

answered right here. I have had this thing a long time and I'm still kicking. My

name is Lloyd. God Bless....... ..





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@ ...>

> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:45:22 PM

> Subject: New Here



> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.









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(((((((((((((HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD)))))))))))))

From: angeliquekeeler <angelique2230@...>

Subject: Re: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 5:34 AM




> Hey spots, Just remember that you are not alone. most of your questions can be

answered right here. I have had this thing a long time and I'm still kicking. My

name is Lloyd. God Bless....... ..





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@ ...>

> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:45:22 PM

> Subject: New Here



> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.









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Go to the library and get the book Raising Your Spirited Child. It helped me

tremendously. It helped me think about behavior in a different way. I started

using the ideas when was 2. He is 12 now and doing very well. What this

book does is assume that all behavior has a cause and a purpose. Your son may

be advocating for himself in the only way he knows how. Something in his

environment could be upsetting him. Maybe he needs occupational therapy to deal

with sensory integration issues. If he's getting that maybe he needs more of it

or a different kind. Maybe there's a sensory thing in his classroom he doesn't

like. The teacher's perfume, the flashing of florescent lightbulbs (they flash

but most people can't see it, autistic people are sensitive to this).

If this is about something in his environment that isn't right then the

punishment won't even make sense to him. Putting him in time-out after school

for something he did AT school might just be confusing him.

I have found that my son responds well to an extremely positive approach. We

ignore as much bad behavior as we can. If he's not hurting anyone, not damaging

property and not making me so nuts that I want to hit him, then I don't do

anything. I just try to keep him safe and other people safe and property safe,

mostly. Then, whenever I catch doing the RIGHT thing I tell him about

that. " I like how you waited in line. " There will be positive things along the

way and you can increase them by letting him know. My favorite way to do this

is to let overhear me bragging about things he's done well. The impact is


When it comes to class work, it should be broken down. He might get overwhelmed

by too many words on a page. So his teachers can cover up all but one question

or just point to it and say, " Why don't you do this one? " Or point to one that

you know involves something that fascinates him. When he does it, it's an

opportunity to make a big deal out of something in a positive way. If he

doesn't like people telling him he did a great job maybe a sticker chart. When

he gets a certain number of stickers he can choose a little prize from a

treasure box. had this at school until about 4th grade with the exception

of one terrible school in Texas. did no work the second half of first

grade. Well, almost no work. They ended up hiring a crisis intervention

teacher who was very good but hamstrung by the principal who wouldn't even let

me TALK to the woman. Anyway, for kids the age of your son the sticker chart

and treasure box (filled with dollar store junk or used stuff)might work very

well. is in 7th grade now and if he finishes work then he gets to have a

break to read peanuts comics or calvin and hobbes.

Here is a link for Raising Your Spirited Child. It's a little book, not very

expensive. I bought it for 50 cents at a yard sale because it was recommended

to me by some other parents I knew. It isn't specifically for asperger kids.

It's really great for any and all kids.



> hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with high

functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age 5 but we

always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into therapy around the age

of two after he stopped speaking and really i had always noticed even as a baby

that something was just a little different. He has come such a long way and it

has been a very long 6 years. My question today is i was wondering what to do

about discipline for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We

can take every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will just

forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two weeks of

school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks everyday this

week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of course is just

teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him messing with other

children while they are working and so much they can't get their work done.

Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is another. Its been all week of

talking back and messing with other kids. I make him do chores i take his toys

away and he immediately goes to time out when we get home. Is there any other

suggestions i could do that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed

to think he was ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to

act like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a six

year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and his

understanding is still very behind although his speech and communicating is so

much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen a pattern from last year and

this year that he has bad weeks whenever we leave town the weekend before.

Doesn't matter where we go but if we leave town for the weekend his week at

school is a harder week. If we stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why

but we have noticed it! thanks shara stewart


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Become a parrot head.  Buffet makes me laugh at my own self.  I'm the one for

changes in latitude, changes in attitude and hope to be going to Panama in Oct.

I'm a worrier by nature but half of what u worry about never comes to be.  Take

this advice from someone 65 and still fighting windmills.  See the best in

people and yourself, not the worst.



From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 12:21 AM


Thank you all for your input. First of all we believe that I got it through a

blood transfusion about 25yrs ago. They found it during a recheck appointment

after having a stroke in may. Thay wanted to see what my colestoral level was

and noticed a high blood count so they tested for hepititic and I came back

positive, so they sent me to a specialist, who did more blood work and the

biopsy. They said the biopsy shows that I'm moderatly active and need to speak

with the dr. to find out what my treatment options are. I don't have insurance,

so all this will have to be payed by me. I don't understand why it wasn't found

earlier like when I had the stroke or when I was in a accident a few years ago.

I do have most all of the symptoms. I get tired real fast, I hurt all over, loss

of appitite and a few more. I am all ready on medication for other health

reasons and I recently celabrated 4yrs. of sobriety. I'm just really scared

cause I don't understand and I

just found out the biopsy thing today. I have always been a worrier and get

stressed out very easily so this don't help any.

Thank You


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Become a parrot head.  Buffet makes me laugh at my own self.  I'm the one for

changes in latitude, changes in attitude and hope to be going to Panama in Oct.

I'm a worrier by nature but half of what u worry about never comes to be.  Take

this advice from someone 65 and still fighting windmills.  See the best in

people and yourself, not the worst.



From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 12:21 AM


Thank you all for your input. First of all we believe that I got it through a

blood transfusion about 25yrs ago. They found it during a recheck appointment

after having a stroke in may. Thay wanted to see what my colestoral level was

and noticed a high blood count so they tested for hepititic and I came back

positive, so they sent me to a specialist, who did more blood work and the

biopsy. They said the biopsy shows that I'm moderatly active and need to speak

with the dr. to find out what my treatment options are. I don't have insurance,

so all this will have to be payed by me. I don't understand why it wasn't found

earlier like when I had the stroke or when I was in a accident a few years ago.

I do have most all of the symptoms. I get tired real fast, I hurt all over, loss

of appitite and a few more. I am all ready on medication for other health

reasons and I recently celabrated 4yrs. of sobriety. I'm just really scared

cause I don't understand and I

just found out the biopsy thing today. I have always been a worrier and get

stressed out very easily so this don't help any.

Thank You


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shari, i too wonder why this wasnt caught earlier,i could have know and cut out

any drinking i did in the last 14 yrs :( i mean i wasnt a daily drinker but when

i did i binged,like if i sat with friends on a sat afternoon i could drink 8 to

12 hrs straight but that was not often but im sure my liver felt offended by it

anyhow :( ive had 2 varicos veins removed just for cosmedic purpose. and had

several health check ups which included blood testing for diabetes and other

normal things they check for, iron count and that stuff but they need to check

people for hep a, b and c,how stupid are they...im serious!!! if they are

checking your blood just as a routine thing,you would think HEP would be the

first thing they would look for before your iron levels,lmao...MY GOD!!! and

they probably still arent checking as they should be. thank god i gave plasma

because i know now and i can take much better tender loving care of myself :) as

we do a new baby

From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 8:33 AM


First thing I want to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD. Then I want to comment on if

the biopsy hurts. They Give you something to make you relax and I don't remember

a thing but I was sore for about three days afterwards. The first 24hrs you stay

in bed or I did anyways. They say not to do anything for the first 24 and no

lifting and some other stuff for 72hrs. The nurse said everyone is different and

it's unusual to have alot of pain. They had to go thru some cartledge to get to

a part of my liver to get the sample and thats why I was hurting, they said that

was very uncommon also. I have alot of other things that are happening in my

life right now so my stress level is very high. Since I got clean and sober 4

1/2 yrs ago it's seems like everything has gone down hill but I will never go

back to the old life, it's not worth it. I feel some comfort knowing I have

found a place here where there are other people that know what I'm going thru

but I am still




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shari, i too wonder why this wasnt caught earlier,i could have know and cut out

any drinking i did in the last 14 yrs :( i mean i wasnt a daily drinker but when

i did i binged,like if i sat with friends on a sat afternoon i could drink 8 to

12 hrs straight but that was not often but im sure my liver felt offended by it

anyhow :( ive had 2 varicos veins removed just for cosmedic purpose. and had

several health check ups which included blood testing for diabetes and other

normal things they check for, iron count and that stuff but they need to check

people for hep a, b and c,how stupid are they...im serious!!! if they are

checking your blood just as a routine thing,you would think HEP would be the

first thing they would look for before your iron levels,lmao...MY GOD!!! and

they probably still arent checking as they should be. thank god i gave plasma

because i know now and i can take much better tender loving care of myself :) as

we do a new baby

From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 8:33 AM


First thing I want to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD. Then I want to comment on if

the biopsy hurts. They Give you something to make you relax and I don't remember

a thing but I was sore for about three days afterwards. The first 24hrs you stay

in bed or I did anyways. They say not to do anything for the first 24 and no

lifting and some other stuff for 72hrs. The nurse said everyone is different and

it's unusual to have alot of pain. They had to go thru some cartledge to get to

a part of my liver to get the sample and thats why I was hurting, they said that

was very uncommon also. I have alot of other things that are happening in my

life right now so my stress level is very high. Since I got clean and sober 4

1/2 yrs ago it's seems like everything has gone down hill but I will never go

back to the old life, it's not worth it. I feel some comfort knowing I have

found a place here where there are other people that know what I'm going thru

but I am still




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Hi Spots, my name is Bea.

I Join the groups only a few days backs. You will find that there amazing people

with amazing Hearts..

My Husband Dave was Diagnosed almost 9 weeks ago..Completely Shocked and i mean

shocked..Dave and I, don't drink, no drugs, no tattoos, and never had any blood

products.. Dave was being followed by a local MD too, she never said a word.. I

Took him to emergency room and that when we were told he was in 4th stage, end

stage Liver Failure... Baffle at how he contracted HEP C we will never know and

i was tested recently and was positive...I Know your Scared.. I Think we all

are, that why this Group is so important we support each other and share

information and where there for each other...... This group is a life line to

me.... with alot of knowledge.....

God Bless,




From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Hepatitis C

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:21:04 AM

Subject: New Here


Thank you all for your input. First of all we believe that I got it through a

blood transfusion about 25yrs ago. They found it during a recheck appointment

after having a stroke in may. Thay wanted to see what my colestoral level was

and noticed a high blood count so they tested for hepititic and I came back

positive, so they sent me to a specialist, who did more blood work and the

biopsy. They said the biopsy shows that I'm moderatly active and need to speak

with the dr. to find out what my treatment options are. I don't have insurance,

so all this will have to be payed by me. I don't understand why it wasn't found

earlier like when I had the stroke or when I was in a accident a few years ago.

I do have most all of the symptoms. I get tired real fast, I hurt all over, loss

of appitite and a few more. I am all ready on medication for other health

reasons and I recently celabrated 4yrs. of sobriety. I'm just really scared

cause I don't understand and I

just found out the biopsy thing today. I have always been a worrier and get

stressed out very easily so this don't help any.

Thank You


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Hi Spots, my name is Bea.

I Join the groups only a few days backs. You will find that there amazing people

with amazing Hearts..

My Husband Dave was Diagnosed almost 9 weeks ago..Completely Shocked and i mean

shocked..Dave and I, don't drink, no drugs, no tattoos, and never had any blood

products.. Dave was being followed by a local MD too, she never said a word.. I

Took him to emergency room and that when we were told he was in 4th stage, end

stage Liver Failure... Baffle at how he contracted HEP C we will never know and

i was tested recently and was positive...I Know your Scared.. I Think we all

are, that why this Group is so important we support each other and share

information and where there for each other...... This group is a life line to

me.... with alot of knowledge.....

God Bless,




From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Hepatitis C

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:21:04 AM

Subject: New Here


Thank you all for your input. First of all we believe that I got it through a

blood transfusion about 25yrs ago. They found it during a recheck appointment

after having a stroke in may. Thay wanted to see what my colestoral level was

and noticed a high blood count so they tested for hepititic and I came back

positive, so they sent me to a specialist, who did more blood work and the

biopsy. They said the biopsy shows that I'm moderatly active and need to speak

with the dr. to find out what my treatment options are. I don't have insurance,

so all this will have to be payed by me. I don't understand why it wasn't found

earlier like when I had the stroke or when I was in a accident a few years ago.

I do have most all of the symptoms. I get tired real fast, I hurt all over, loss

of appitite and a few more. I am all ready on medication for other health

reasons and I recently celabrated 4yrs. of sobriety. I'm just really scared

cause I don't understand and I

just found out the biopsy thing today. I have always been a worrier and get

stressed out very easily so this don't help any.

Thank You


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PERFECT ADVICE Patti!! There's nothing like sitting outside, watching a

beautiful sunset listening to Jimmy Buffett!



> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

> Subject: New Here

> Hepatitis C

> Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 12:21 AM







> Thank you all for your input. First of all we believe that I got it through a

blood transfusion about 25yrs ago. They found it during a recheck appointment

after having a stroke in may. Thay wanted to see what my colestoral level was

and noticed a high blood count so they tested for hepititic and I came back

positive, so they sent me to a specialist, who did more blood work and the

biopsy. They said the biopsy shows that I'm moderatly active and need to speak

with the dr. to find out what my treatment options are. I don't have insurance,

so all this will have to be payed by me. I don't understand why it wasn't found

earlier like when I had the stroke or when I was in a accident a few years ago.

I do have most all of the symptoms. I get tired real fast, I hurt all over, loss

of appitite and a few more. I am all ready on medication for other health

reasons and I recently celabrated 4yrs. of sobriety. I'm just really scared

cause I don't understand and I

> just found out the biopsy thing today. I have always been a worrier and get

stressed out very easily so this don't help any.

> Thank You

> Spots





















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gosh we sound so much the same I am also in recovery and have been clean since

FEb 19 of 2003. Yes things of kind of gone down hill for me also. But I would

not trade a day of this down hill to 1 day of trying to find dope in Mexico and

selling my shoes and walking in the cold.

Stress seems like we all have tons of it. Somedays more than others. Today in my

house we woke up with my 22 month old coughing and wheezing and it scared the

beJesus out of me and I am a nurse then I questioned myself if I should take him

to the ER or not. Run him over to mothers cause I have my husband yelling at me

who is use to universal medical coverage and has no idea what they can cost for

just a couple of hours in the ER. So anyway we get his humidifier working,

Children's motrin for the fever. He is still wheezing but laughing and playing

on the floor as I type. He is eating and drinking and with good color.

Then my husband tells me my older son( his step son) gave it to " his " son blah


so anyway I guess I am not going to church today with sick kids but boy I am

praying. I could use some prayers from you guys not to take my kids and run.

lol. Which is something I would do in my past. If I did not like something I

would just get up and say SEE YA!!

So I am doing what my sponser told me to make a graditude list:

Grateful for my sobriety

My sweet babies

My job and the fact I can go back to school

My husband even though he can be a pain in my backside he is a great provider

for my family and helps me with the kids

Greatful I am not with my ex who would probably be knocking the crap out of me

wanting to get him a fix.

Glad I am American even with the crap fighting going on over finances and

healthcare would still not want to be anywhere else.

Glad I have a higher power that loves me and forgives me just as I am ( warts

and all)

Glad I have friends here that I can share good and bad feelings with.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. with less stress and peace and serenity.

New Here

First thing I want to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD. Then I want to comment on

if the biopsy hurts. They Give you something to make you relax and I don't

remember a thing but I was sore for about three days afterwards. The first 24hrs

you stay in bed or I did anyways. They say not to do anything for the first 24

and no lifting and some other stuff for 72hrs. The nurse said everyone is

different and it's unusual to have alot of pain. They had to go thru some

cartledge to get to a part of my liver to get the sample and thats why I was

hurting, they said that was very uncommon also. I have alot of other things that

are happening in my life right now so my stress level is very high. Since I got

clean and sober 4 1/2 yrs ago it's seems like everything has gone down hill but

I will never go back to the old life, it's not worth it. I feel some comfort

knowing I have found a place here where there are other people that know what

I'm going thru but I am still scared.



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I would see the Rheumatologist for exactly the reason you stated. The secret to

effectively controlling RA is a fast diagnosis and an aggressive treatment. At

your age it would be well worth knowing what's going on.


Seattle, Sun!

[ ] New here

Hi, Now that I just posted a question, I wanted to introduce myself. I am a 22

year old female and I was injured pretty severely last Nov. from a 6-8 foot

fall. I fell on my hands and knees but primarily on my left wrist and knee. It

hurt so bad but the xrays came back negative for any breaks. I was pretty much

just diagnosed with sprains and strains of my left knee, left hip, left wrist,

and thoracic spine. Later, I was told that I have piriformis syndrome of the

left hip, chondromalacia of the left knee, bursitis of both the left hip and

left knee, and now have chronic myofascial pain and instability with stiffness

in my upper back. Then in June my fingers started aching almost all the time in

the finger joints and knuckle joints and I also started having pain and grating

in the small joints of both feet. My doctor(orthopedic surgeon) diagnosed me as

having hypermobile joints and wanted to do tests for RA, and lupus, which the

lupus one was negative and I'm not sure what to think of the RA factor being

active(instead of non reactive). My doctor wants me to see a rheumatologist (he

said for fibromyalgia ) but I told him I didn't think I had fibromyalgia so he

didn't give me a referral and he told me he wanted me to go back to PT for 4

more weeks. Now, I'm thinking that maybe it would not be a bad idea to see a

rheumatologist if not for anything else but a second opinion.  



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I to went through alot of abuse with my ex and in the old life would pack up and

run at a moments notice, without thinking of the out come it might have. My

children are now grown with their own kids, so I have alot to be greatful for

and make a list daily, if not on paper than in my head. I don't go to church but

I do believe in god and pray every morning and every night, one to make it

through the day and the other to make it through the night. Today I got to spend

2hrs on the road to go watch my 8yr old grandson play flag football for a hour,

5hrs fishing at a lake on the way back, the 2hr drive home and I'm so exhausted

I can hardly keep my eyes open but I had so much fun that it out does the way I

feel, that I would do it all over again if they called me right now, and all I

caught was a carp. lol..

It don't matter what I do, it totally wipes me out but I'm not giving up, I'm

going to enjoy everything I can.

I have been able to add one more thing to my list of things to be greatful for

and that is this support group, I'm truely greatful I found it. Have a goodnight



From: emily <emily_sweethang@...>

Hepatitis C

Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:11:42 AM

Subject: Re: New Here



gosh we sound so much the same I am also in recovery and have been clean since

FEb 19 of 2003. Yes things of kind of gone down hill for me also. But I would

not trade a day of this down hill to 1 day of trying to find dope in Mexico and

selling my shoes and walking in the cold.

Stress seems like we all have tons of it. Somedays more than others. Today in my

house we woke up with my 22 month old coughing and wheezing and it scared the

beJesus out of me and I am a nurse then I questioned myself if I should take him

to the ER or not. Run him over to mothers cause I have my husband yelling at me

who is use to universal medical coverage and has no idea what they can cost for

just a couple of hours in the ER. So anyway we get his humidifier working,

Children's motrin for the fever. He is still wheezing but laughing and playing

on the floor as I type. He is eating and drinking and with good color.

Then my husband tells me my older son( his step son) gave it to " his " son blah


so anyway I guess I am not going to church today with sick kids but boy I am

praying. I could use some prayers from you guys not to take my kids and run.

lol. Which is something I would do in my past. If I did not like something I

would just get up and say SEE YA!!

So I am doing what my sponser told me to make a graditude list:

Grateful for my sobriety

My sweet babies

My job and the fact I can go back to school

My husband even though he can be a pain in my backside he is a great provider

for my family and helps me with the kids

Greatful I am not with my ex who would probably be knocking the crap out of me

wanting to get him a fix.

Glad I am American even with the crap fighting going on over finances and

healthcare would still not want to be anywhere else.

Glad I have a higher power that loves me and forgives me just as I am ( warts

and all)

Glad I have friends here that I can share good and bad feelings with.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. with less stress and peace and serenity.

New Here

First thing I want to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY LLOYD. Then I want to comment on if

the biopsy hurts. They Give you something to make you relax and I don't remember

a thing but I was sore for about three days afterwards. The first 24hrs you stay

in bed or I did anyways. They say not to do anything for the first 24 and no

lifting and some other stuff for 72hrs. The nurse said everyone is different and

it's unusual to have alot of pain. They had to go thru some cartledge to get to

a part of my liver to get the sample and thats why I was hurting, they said that

was very uncommon also. I have alot of other things that are happening in my

life right now so my stress level is very high. Since I got clean and sober 4

1/2 yrs ago it's seems like everything has gone down hill but I will never go

back to the old life, it's not worth it. I feel some comfort knowing I have

found a place here where there are other people that know what I'm going thru

but I am still




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It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but

did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a

big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is

not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home

takes away his " home time " to get away from school problems/people

problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to

be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be

any connection.

First, I would request a " functional behavior assessment " be done by

someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number

of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in

place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover

some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide

during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or what he

needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start

figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If

he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you

can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle

things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express

some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day.


" The only

thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) new here

hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two

weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

messing with other children while they are working and so much they

can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids.

I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

his understanding is still very behind although his speech and

communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

it! thanks shara stewart

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He actually does have an aid in the classroom. They use her only when they feel they need her which to me isn't often enough. We have even done home visits with a behavioral specialist and honestly we already did the stuff she told us to do. We have always done stickers or stampers for him about the only thing new she suggested was going online and making stories using him as the character about some things that may be hard for him. One was starting school and the other was making friends. You can make the character look similar to him and it uses his names and family or teachers names. You personalize it and read it or have him read it. It helped some but he is the sorta of child who is always needed to be reminded of things. Honestly none of his behavior except any that harms himself or others really bothers me but his school just makes me feel like such a

terrible parent that i feel i need to do something. He has gotten better the end of last week and so far this week. He does still get to play with most toys just his favs like video games are taken away. His timeout is only for a little bit. I always allow him a few hours before we do homework because i do know hes overworked at school. Its always hard to know the right thing to do. He is a great kid though and he really has come along way. Thanks so much. shara stewart

From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...>Subject: Re: ( ) new here Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home takes away his "home time" to get away from school problems/people problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be any connection.First, I would request a "functional behavior assessment" be done by someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or

what he needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day. Roxanna"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke ( ) new herehello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age 5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6 years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an

awesome first two weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him messing with other children while they are working and so much they can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is 0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids. I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and his understanding is still very behind although

his speech and communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticedit! thanks shara stewart

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Can you post the link to that website please? It sounds like something that

might help with my son.





> From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...>

> Subject: Re: ( ) new here


> Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:20 AM








> It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but

> did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a

> big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is

> not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home

> takes away his " home time " to get away from school problems/people

> problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to

> be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be

> any connection.


> First, I would request a " functional behavior assessment " be done by

> someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number

> of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in

> place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover

> some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide

> during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or what he

> needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start

> figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If

> he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you

> can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle

> things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express

> some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day.


>  Roxanna


> " The only

> thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

> nothing. " E. Burke


> ( ) new here


> hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

> high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

> 5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

> therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

> had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

> different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

> years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

> for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

> every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

> doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

> just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two

> weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

> everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

> course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

> messing with other children while they are working and so much they

> can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

> 0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids.

> I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

> time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

> that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

> ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

> like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

> six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

> his understanding is still very behind although his speech and

> communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

> a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

> we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

> leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

> stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

> it! thanks shara stewart


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Sure no problem! It's www.sandbox-learning.com there is a small fee but it has so many different stories to personalize. He loves to read and to be read too so he really enjoyed them. SharaSent from my iPhoneOn Sep 14, 2009, at 5:05 PM, "juice011111" <juice00000@...> wrote:


Can you post the link to that website please? It sounds like something that might help with my son.





> From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...>

> Subject: Re: ( ) new here


> Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:20 AM








> It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but

> did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a

> big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is

> not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home

> takes away his "home time" to get away from school problems/people

> problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to

> be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be

> any connection.


> First, I would request a "functional behavior assessment" be done by

> someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number

> of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in

> place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover

> some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide

> during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or what he

> needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start

> figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If

> he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you

> can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle

> things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express

> some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day.


> Roxanna


> "The only

> thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

> nothing." E. Burke


> ( ) new here


> hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

> high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

> 5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

> therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

> had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

> different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

> years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

> for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

> every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

> doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

> just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two

> weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

> everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

> course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

> messing with other children while they are working and so much they

> can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

> 0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids.

> I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

> time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

> that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

> ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

> like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

> six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

> his understanding is still very behind although his speech and

> communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

> a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

> we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

> leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

> stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

> it! thanks shara stewart


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I think a functional behavior assessment is different than “home

visits with a behavioral specialist”.


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of shara stewart

Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 3:39 PM

Subject: Re: ( ) new here

He actually does have an aid in the classroom. They use

her only when they feel they need her which to me isn't often enough. We have

even done home visits with a behavioral specialist and honestly we already did

the stuff she told us to do. We have always done stickers or stampers for him

about the only thing new she suggested was going online and making stories

using him as the character about some things that may be hard for him. One

was starting school and the other was making friends. You can make the

character look similar to him and it uses his names and family or teachers

names. You personalize it and read it or have him read it. It helped some but

he is the sorta of child who is always needed to be reminded of things.

Honestly none of his behavior except any that harms himself or others really

bothers me but his school just makes me feel like such a terrible parent that

i feel i need to do something. He has gotten better the end of last week and

so far this week. He does still get to play with most toys just his favs like

video games are taken away. His timeout is only for a little bit. I always

allow him a few hours before we do homework because i do know hes overworked

at school. Its always hard to know the right thing to do. He is a great kid

though and he really has come along way. Thanks so much. shara stewart

From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...>

Subject: Re: ( ) new here

Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but

did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a

big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is

not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home

takes away his " home time " to get away from school problems/people

problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to

be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be

any connection.

First, I would request a " functional behavior assessment " be done


someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number

of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in

place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover

some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide

during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or what he

needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start

figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If

he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you

can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle

things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express

some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day.


" The only

thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) new here

hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two

weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

messing with other children while they are working and so much they

can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids.

I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

his understanding is still very behind although his speech and

communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

it! thanks shara stewart

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Oh ok I will have to look into that! Thanks!Sent from my iPhoneOn Sep 14, 2009, at 6:25 PM, " Elgamal" <cindyelgamal@...> wrote:

I think a functional behavior assessment is different than “home

visits with a behavioral specialistâ€.


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of shara stewart

Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 3:39 PM

Subject: Re: ( ) new here

He actually does have an aid in the classroom. They use

her only when they feel they need her which to me isn't often enough. We have

even done home visits with a behavioral specialist and honestly we already did

the stuff she told us to do. We have always done stickers or stampers for him

about the only thing new she suggested was going online and making stories

using him as the character about some things that may be hard for him. One

was starting school and the other was making friends. You can make the

character look similar to him and it uses his names and family or teachers

names. You personalize it and read it or have him read it. It helped some but

he is the sorta of child who is always needed to be reminded of things.

Honestly none of his behavior except any that harms himself or others really

bothers me but his school just makes me feel like such a terrible parent that

i feel i need to do something. He has gotten better the end of last week and

so far this week. He does still get to play with most toys just his favs like

video games are taken away. His timeout is only for a little bit. I always

allow him a few hours before we do homework because i do know hes overworked

at school. Its always hard to know the right thing to do. He is a great kid

though and he really has come along way. Thanks so much. shara stewart

From: Roxanna <MadIdeasaol>

Subject: Re: ( ) new here

Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but

did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a

big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is

not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home

takes away his "home time" to get away from school problems/people

problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to

be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be

any connection.

First, I would request a "functional behavior assessment" be done


someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number

of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in

place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover

some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide

during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or what he

needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start

figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If

he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you

can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle

things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express

some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day.


"The only

thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing." E. Burke

( ) new here

hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two

weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

messing with other children while they are working and so much they

can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids.

I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

his understanding is still very behind although his speech and

communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

it! thanks shara stewart

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These books look great! My DS loves books too and having me read to him.

Personalizing them so he is the main character will be the icing on the cake!


> >

> >

> > From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@>

> > Subject: Re: ( ) new here

> >

> > Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It sounds like they plopped him into the regular classroom setting but

> > did not provide any supports. Then he is acting out, which is not a

> > big surprise. I would not really punish him. This is because he is

> > not in a supported setting and he needs help. Punishing him at home

> > takes away his " home time " to get away from school problems/people

> > problems and it also does not address the problem. I mean, he needs to

> > be dealt with where and when the problem is occurring for there to be

> > any connection.

> >

> > First, I would request a " functional behavior assessment " be done by

> > someone who is qualified. You can google that term and find a number

> > of articles on it. A positive behavior plan should then be put in

> > place to address any behavioral needs. And also, the FBA might uncover

> > some problems that can be changed or fixed. Or he might need an aide

> > during regular classes. It's hard to tell what is going on or what he

> > needs, only that he needs some help! So get that FBA going and start

> > figuring out how to help him. Don't punish him when he gets home. If

> > he has a good day, praise him to the stars! If he has a bad day, you

> > can ask him what happened and talk about different ways to handle

> > things or try to figure out why he's so frustrated. But just express

> > some disappointment and say you know he will try hard the next day.

> >

> > Roxanna

> >

> > " The only

> > thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

> > nothing. " E. Burke

> >

> > ( ) new here

> >

> > hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

> > high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

> > 5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

> > therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

> > had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

> > different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

> > years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

> > for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

> > every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

> > doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

> > just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an awesome first two

> > weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

> > everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

> > course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

> > messing with other children while they are working and so much they

> > can't get their work done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

> > 0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other kids.

> > I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

> > time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

> > that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

> > ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

> > like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

> > six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

> > his understanding is still very behind although his speech and

> > communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

> > a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

> > we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

> > leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

> > stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

> > it! thanks shara stewart

> >


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You said that they use the aide only when they need her - well, they

obviously are not doing that. He's having problems and he needs the

aide. So where is she/he? I would work on that and also on what you

expect the aide to be doing to avoid meltdowns in the first place.

This is where requesting the FBA will come in. This is an assessment

done at the school to find out what is happening at school to cause him

to act out and to determine ways to teach him alternate behaviors.

Again, this is all about school since the problems are happening at

school and not at home. So the intervention/evaluation needs to happen

at school to figure out what is going on and what he needs. Then you

can all design a behavior plan that is implemented at school. Social

stories are nice and can be helpful. But it is not " the " solution

here. Sounds like he needs help, direct instruction and someone to

prompt appropriate behavior. But you won't know what he needs until

the problem(s) are identified. That's what the FBA is for.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) new here

hello i'm new here my son jacob is 6 almost 7 and was diagnosed with

high functioning autism possibly asperger. He was diagnosed around age

5 but we always knew before hand that he would be. I got him into

therapy around the age of two after he stopped speaking and really i

had always noticed even as a baby that something was just a little

different. He has come such a long way and it has been a very long 6

years. My question today is i was wondering what to do about discipline

for him. He has never seemed to care about anything we do. We can take

every toy away from him and make him sit in time out for awhile and it

doesn't seem to be working. Talking with him helps alittle but he will

just forget the next day. My issue today is he had an

awesome first two

weeks of school and now this week is been terrible. He has folder marks

everyday this week. Its not like him to get them everyday.Some of it of

course is just teachers nitpicking but some things bother me. Like him

messing with other children while they are working and so much they

can't get their wo

rk done. Telling the teachers he doesn't want too is

0Aanother. Its been all week of talking back and messing with other


I make him do chores i take his toys away and he immediately goes to

time out when we get home. Is there any other suggestions i could do

that may have a better affect on him? The school seemed to think he was

ready for a normal classroom setting but then they expect him to act

like a perfect gentleman which besides having autism he is still just a

six year old boy. Drives me crazy. He still takes speech therapy and

his understanding is still very behind although

his speech and

communicating is so much better. Oh yeah and my husband and i have seen

a pattern from last year and this year that he has bad weeks whenever

we leave town the weekend before. Doesn't matter where we go but if we

leave town for the weekend his week at school is a harder week. If we

stay home then he has good weeks. Not sure why but we have noticed

it! thanks shara stewart



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Thanks Stan. I am going to make an appointment to rheumatologist in my area.



> I would see the Rheumatologist for exactly the reason you stated. The secret

to effectively controlling RA is a fast diagnosis and an aggressive treatment.

At your age it would be well worth knowing what's going on.




> Stan


> Seattle, Sun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since surgeries are so different, for me it is hard to relate.. I can say

that after my surgery the pain did go down for a short while but a couple

of months it came back and now is here to stay..

Hopefully your daughter has a doctor that is willing to at least prescribe

meds for both the pain and the anxiety..

I am sorry..


In a message dated 9/27/2009 6:36:39 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

drkellon@... writes:

Hello all,

I'm new here and just reading the last page of messages I know I'm in the

right place.

First, I want to say how very, very sorry I am for what all of you are

dealing with. Pain is a terrible thing on many levels.

My husband and I have both experienced lumbar disk pain, but I'm writing

for my 24 year-old daughter who recently had a lumbar laminotomy and

diskectomy for a very large free fragment at L5-S1. She's a CNA in a nursing


on a floor that does not have a lift and hurt herself assisting a patient.

Her nerve roots at that level were massively swollen. We were totally

unprepared for the severity of the postop pain.

Can anyone help with experience on what a " normal " postop course should

be? How long does it take this to quiet down? Her sciatica was gone after

surgery but the back pain was unreal. After having to travel in the car for a

postop wound check, the buttock pain came back but not the leg. That was 5

days ago.

The anxiety that goes along with all this is just as bad as the pain (and

feeds the pain I'm sure). I know everyone is different but some feedback on

what to expect after surgery would probably help her.

Thank you.


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