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Visit with the neuorologist would be a great idea. My son has a seizure

disorder, and rapid eye blinking can be a type of seizure called Absence

Seizures. These can be blank stares or blinking repetively. They usually last

less than 10 seconds. You may want to have the doctor rule this out.

Best of luck to you and yuor family.


> Hi, all. I'm new here. I have a three-year old son, who has not yet been put

on the spectrum. I say not yet, because he is showing some fairly good social

skills, interaction, etc. But he does have " autistic features. " That aside,

Jake's SLP has mentioned possible apraxia, but because of his age, from what I

understand, that would be hard to diagnose. In any event, my son has not yet

seen a neurologist, which I believe he should, not only because of his speech,

but also my concerns with this strange blinking thing that he occasionally does.


> My question is what neurologist to see? And can a neurologist diagnose



> Because I live in the Washington DC/Baltimore area, the two names that come to

mind are Dr. Mott with town and Dr. Zimmerman with Kennedy

Krieger. Jake has been to Kennedy Krieger several times to see a developmental



> Does anyone have any opinion on either of these doctors or perhaps a

recommendation other than these two?


> Also, one of the problems with my son's speech is that his pronunciation can

change with the same word. Is this a sign of apraxia?


> Thank you in advance!


> Debbie


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Hi Debbie,

I've heard good things in general about Dr. Mott (but can't vouch personally

since we ourselves have never seen him). Since you're in the DC area, I'd

recommend joining the GreaterDCAreaApraxiaSupport group. There are

parents on there, some of them also members of this and other apraxia boards,

who might also be able to help. Good luck!

Mom to 3 year-old twins, and Cecilia

From: jakebaby0413 <dbenfield@...>

Subject: [ ] New Here

Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 1:18 PM

Hi, all. I'm new here. I have a three-year old son, who has not yet been put on

the spectrum. I say not yet, because he is showing some fairly good social

skills, interaction, etc. But he does have " autistic features. " That aside,

Jake's SLP has mentioned possible apraxia, but because of his age, from what I

understand, that would be hard to diagnose. In any event, my son has not yet

seen a neurologist, which I believe he should, not only because of his speech,

but also my concerns with this strange blinking thing that he occasionally does.

My question is what neurologist to see? And can a neurologist diagnose apraxia?

Because I live in the Washington DC/Baltimore area, the two names that come to

mind are Dr. Mott with town and Dr. Zimmerman with Kennedy

Krieger. Jake has been to Kennedy Krieger several times to see a developmental


Does anyone have any opinion on either of these doctors or perhaps a

recommendation other than these two?

Also, one of the problems with my son's speech is that his pronunciation can

change with the same word. Is this a sign of apraxia?

Thank you in advance!


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Thanks, ! I'll do that. I found out last week that Mott is leaving the

area. My son does have an appointment with his developmental pediatrician in

two weeks, who I didn't realize was a neurodevelopmental pediatrician. I guess

I'll start there.

Thanks again.


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Do an internet search of the definition of facet arthopathy and cervical


It's painful bone spurs and degeneration which is " drying out " and has caused

one vertebra to slide forward out of alignment , thus causing pressure on nerves

and spinal cord.

 --- Babbitt


From: sharron <satyrrell@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 7:33:51 PM

Subject: new here


My name is Sharron ...

I am new here and have just been diagnosed with advanced arthritis in the neck.

I had had apin on and off since January but since it wasn't constant I stupidly

didn't have it looked at. Recently it was hurting all the time. I went to the

doctor and was sent to the hospital for x rays. The diagnosis came back as, I

have no idea what allthis means so I am going to write what was on the paper

from the Dr who read the x rays.

Findings: Five views obtained demonstrate anterolisthesis of C5 on C6 by under

one-quarter vertibral body width, with remaining vertibra anatomic. Mild

narrowing of the disk spaces is present at c3-c4 and c4-c5. Advanced bilateral

facet arthritis is present with facet joint narrowing and hypertropic changes,

most severe from the c2-c3 to c5-c6. Bilateral foraminal narrowing is present

involving upper foramen.

Impression: Advanced bilateral facet arthritis with degenerative anterolisthesia

of c5 on c6.

I have not a clue what all of this means I have been set up with an appointment

with a ortho surgeon next Wednesday but I sure would like to get and idea of

what to expect. I am 64 years old, female and have been exercising by walking 2

miles to and back from the post office most days and on the days when I don't

walk I go out on the lake in my kayak for about an hour ...

thank you for allowing me to join your group .. it is scary not knowing what to


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Thanks you so much ... I already know more with your help. I will do the

search ... Sharron


> Do an internet search of the definition of facet arthopathy and cervical





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  • 2 weeks later...

hey  dara...my name is laina i just started on this site as well...i know what

you mean about these test coming back neg but our kids having these crazy

symptoms its really ard for me because my daughter is only two and lots of times

i'm not sure what is the truth and what she is complaining about for

attention..i dont know anything about the dr that you mentioned but i have heard

of dr jones in ct. and he sis supposed to be spectacular and i have heard that

he will tell you honestly if he doesnt think it's lyme.... that means alot to

me... i dont want to pump my kids with antibiotics for months if i dont have

to only one of my bands came back positive from the local lab but the dr said

its almost a " sure thing " if you start taking the meds and feel really bad... it

means the meds are killing them in mass quantities and your body is trying to

get rid of all of the toxins.... but eventualy youll start to feel better it's

only been a week on the meds for

me and i am NOT myself but i am way better than day 2 of meds that was

horrible!!i have heard good things about igenex... i called them yesterday and

ordered a kit for myseld and one for ea of my kids you have the blood drawn

locally and then mail it back to them and its $100 per western blot ....i am

gonna do it.. i just can't see treating them with out an actual tick or bulls

eye... i just dont know for sure and i hate to put them on meds... i think the

igenex testing will give me a little peace of mind and who knows if it comes

back negative and the symptoms continue ....i'll treat em anyway i guess.i never

knew much about lyme and it seems like the more i research and lear the more it

seems to be a really gray area and i am a blcka nd white kind of person ..... i

hate not having definate answers you know...? Frustrating...Sorry for all of

theser typos it's nap time for my daughter and i plan to do 1 million things in

the next half hour!!! :)so i am

gonna run sorry i am not super educated on this but i can relate if that helps

at all...

also one last thing.. i am finding this bloggin thing great for info but i am

trying not to read it every day because it can kind of make ya crazy about it ya


enjoy your daypeacelaina

From: darabeth2003 <dara.alewine@...>

Subject: [ ] New here

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 9:47 PM


Hi, I am new here. I wrote a little of my story in response to

another post, but here is a little longer version with some questions.

I got bloodwork back yesterday and the doctor says I am " borderline positive " .

The test in positive and the Western Blot is negative. From what I can

tell there is one band on the Western Blot that is positive. I don't even know

really what that means yet, as my PCP emailed me- did not even call me about it.

About 4.5 years ago, when I was pregnant with my second child, I had a tick bite

and insisted on getting tested. At that time, the test came back equivocal

and the Western Blot was negative. They told me I was negative, and I did not

think more about it. I got out the old results and the same band in the Western

Blot that is positive then, is the band that is postitive now.

Over the past several years, I do have some unexplainable symptoms- some

inflammation and pain to the touch in my legs, developed asthma. tired all of

the time, and some mental fogginess, low enegery but chalked that up to being a

mom to 2 little kids, one with developmental delays. Which brings me to my now 6

year old son. He has been diagnosed with low muscle tone (no cause can be

found), global motor delays, motor planning issues, sensory issues, and used to

wake up crying about pain in his legs, and more recently has increased anxiety,

and OCD-like symptoms, sleeping issues and temper tantrums. he also has muscle

spasm in his neck, with recurrent torticollis. Some of this can be part of

dyspraxia (motor planning), and he was born with a torn neck muscle, so never

thought of lyme for him, until yesterday when I was researching for myself. As a

baby I remember he had a rash on his bottom that the dermatologist tested for

lyme and told me it was

negative. Again, never thought anything else of it. He did have a tick bite

about a month ago. The hairdresser found it when he was getting his hair cut. It

was not embedded yet.

So I don't know if I have lyme, and if I do, whether it is new and in early

stage or a flare-up of something I have had for years. I would think my daughter

would have it's fairly mild. I know now my son has to get tested as a rule-out


Here are some questions:

-If my son does have lyme, are there other antibiotics than amoxicillan that can

treat it? He is allergic to amoxicillan, and also had a questionable reaction to


-I read on some post that starting the antibiotics can make you feel worse?

Because I am on day 3 of doxicyclene and feel like crap- much worse than before

I started the med. I started probiotics tonight and made an appt for acupuncture

for next week too.

- Has anyone seen Dr. Streit in New Jersey either for adult or pediatric?

Please email me off-line if you are not comfortable posting about him.

-Does Igenex ever come back with negative results? I had someone tell me today

they always come back with some positive result. What do they do differently

that a test may be postive, when regular testing comes back negative?

If you are still reading this, thanks so much.


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A couple short answers.

> -If my son does have lyme, are there other antibiotics than

amoxicillan that can treat it? He is allergic to amoxicillan, and also

had a questionable reaction to omnicef.

Yes. My daughter is also allergic to amoxicillin, but tolerates

minocyclene (Minocin) well.

> -I read on some post that starting the antibiotics can make you feel

worse? Because I am on day 3 of doxicyclene and feel like crap- much

worse than before I started the med.

Yes. The term for this is herxheimer reaction. I'm sure others can

explain this better than I can.

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Yes there are several other kinds of antbs...when you say " allergic " what does

that mean? It's probably actually a Herx reaction to the antb from the Lyme.

Re: [ ] New here

A couple short answers.

> -If my son does have lyme, are there other antibiotics than

amoxicillan that can treat it? He is allergic to amoxicillan, and also

had a questionable reaction to omnicef.

Yes. My daughter is also allergic to amoxicillin, but tolerates

minocyclene (Minocin) well.

> -I read on some post that starting the antibiotics can make you feel

worse? Because I am on day 3 of doxicyclene and feel like crap- much

worse than before I started the med.

Yes. The term for this is herxheimer reaction. I'm sure others can

explain this better than I can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, Debby. How heartbreaking to read. Was the virus identified or just a

routine virus? Many describe improvement with fever like you say; some even to

the point of being asymtomatic.

I would investigate anti-viral supplements. Olive Leaf Extract, Lysine, Oil of

Oregano. I know how hesitant you are to supplement without direction. Also,

look in to anti-inflammatory foods and supplements (flax seed oil if no fish?

Vitamin E, curcumin).

I hope you have an open-minded and knowledgable neurologist involved. I guess

I could be way out there suggesting all of the viral/inflammation angle... maybe

run viral titers?

And no more Tylenol! Just Motrin. Acetaminophen depletes glutathione which our

bodies use to flush toxins plus it is hard on the liver.

Ask as many questions as you need. I'm sure someone here has been down a road

similar to yours (mine was vaccines).



> I thought I'd introduce myself and say hello! I hope everyone will forgive the

novel to follow:


> We have a 2.5 yr old daughter who is not yet diagnosed but whom I believe is

mildly autistic. She communicates and makes observational comments (that's a

blue car) and appropriate requests (I want a drink of water, I need to wear it)

but does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the mud, "

over and over). She looks for objects to bang together or claps her hands

whenever she's not engaged in an activity or if she's upset. She makes somewhat

odd facial expressions and waves her fingers near her eye when she talks. She

doesn't wave hello or goodbye and doesn't respond to her name. She doesn't

follow or seem to understand directions very well. She seldom cries but does

high pitched screaming when upset. Some days she is better than others. She had

a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was developing normally

until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a virus as well as a yeast

infection. Before this she was quite bright and seemed ready to start toilet

training. She would respond to me calling her with " I'm here, mama! " Now toilet

training seems out of the question and I'm not entirely sure she knows her name.

With the GFCF diet, removal of soy, sugar and yeast from her diet, and focused

attention she has gone from almost no talking, no singing and no interest in

activities other than staring blankly at books, banging sticks and wrapping

herself in a blanket to the language I described, a return to singing and

interest in other activities and enthusiasm in interactions with family members.

She was never vaccinated and has received no medication other than children's

Tylenol throughout her life. She has been a vegetarian from birth (no fish,

poultry, dairy or egg products). Her teeth are quite healthy (no cavities or

fillings). She was born at home (breech)with brief anoxia during delivery but

was conscious and alert after birth. Other than doing things that won't hurt her

and seem to help (lots of outside time, physical activity like swinging and

jumping that requires her to use her sense of balance, focused attention,

sharing books, singing songs together, trying to encourage pretend play and

keeping her on a very restricted but healthy diet, I'm not sure where to start.

I have read the FAQ with interest but I am reluctant to buy supplements willy

nilly without some idea of what would best help her. We'll have her evaluated

by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I don't have a lot of faith in

conventional medicine. So far the one resource we were referred to by our family

practice MD told me " It couldn't be autism since it wasn't present from birth. "

And the family practice MD told me that it was probably a phase. I don't know of

any DAN doctors or alternative biomedical treatment options in our area

(Southwest Virginia) but I would be willing to travel if someone has a positive

experience with a practitioner they can recommend.


> Anyway, any thoughts from others who have embarked on this journey and have

experience to share would be welcome.


> Thanks so much,

> Debby


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Hi Debby -- I'm sorry I had to quickly scan your email I am working but we are

in VA and see Dr. Madren out of VA Beach. Takes insurance which is

wonderful and also has a child on the spectrum. Google his email and send him

an email and he will likely email you back or call you (he called me and I was

flabbergasted). Pleased so far.


> >

> > I thought I'd introduce myself and say hello! I hope everyone will forgive

the novel to follow:

> >

> > We have a 2.5 yr old daughter who is not yet diagnosed but whom I believe is

mildly autistic. She communicates and makes observational comments (that's a

blue car) and appropriate requests (I want a drink of water, I need to wear it)

but does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the mud, "

over and over). She looks for objects to bang together or claps her hands

whenever she's not engaged in an activity or if she's upset. She makes somewhat

odd facial expressions and waves her fingers near her eye when she talks. She

doesn't wave hello or goodbye and doesn't respond to her name. She doesn't

follow or seem to understand directions very well. She seldom cries but does

high pitched screaming when upset. Some days she is better than others. She had

a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was developing normally

until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a virus as well as a yeast

infection. Before this she was quite bright and seemed ready to start toilet

training. She would respond to me calling her with " I'm here, mama! " Now toilet

training seems out of the question and I'm not entirely sure she knows her name.

With the GFCF diet, removal of soy, sugar and yeast from her diet, and focused

attention she has gone from almost no talking, no singing and no interest in

activities other than staring blankly at books, banging sticks and wrapping

herself in a blanket to the language I described, a return to singing and

interest in other activities and enthusiasm in interactions with family members.

She was never vaccinated and has received no medication other than children's

Tylenol throughout her life. She has been a vegetarian from birth (no fish,

poultry, dairy or egg products). Her teeth are quite healthy (no cavities or

fillings). She was born at home (breech)with brief anoxia during delivery but

was conscious and alert after birth. Other than doing things that won't hurt her

and seem to help (lots of outside time, physical activity like swinging and

jumping that requires her to use her sense of balance, focused attention,

sharing books, singing songs together, trying to encourage pretend play and

keeping her on a very restricted but healthy diet, I'm not sure where to start.

I have read the FAQ with interest but I am reluctant to buy supplements willy

nilly without some idea of what would best help her. We'll have her evaluated

by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I don't have a lot of faith in

conventional medicine. So far the one resource we were referred to by our family

practice MD told me " It couldn't be autism since it wasn't present from birth. "

And the family practice MD told me that it was probably a phase. I don't know of

any DAN doctors or alternative biomedical treatment options in our area

(Southwest Virginia) but I would be willing to travel if someone has a positive

experience with a practitioner they can recommend.

> >

> > Anyway, any thoughts from others who have embarked on this journey and have

experience to share would be welcome.

> >

> > Thanks so much,

> > Debby

> >


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Dear Debby,

Regression is hard to deal with or even believe it's happening. Sounds

like you are doing a very good job with your daughter.

One thing I can unequivocally recommend from our own personal

experience is patterning. See the Institutes for the Achievement of

Human Potential at www.IAHP.org.

Also you can get any of Glenn Doman's books. How To Teach Your Baby to

Read is wonderful, and works beautifully, and encourages speech, in our


You can easily make your own cards with oaktag or large size index

cards and a red broad felt tip marker. Some of my daughters early

reading words were refrigerator and strawberry, so the length of the

word doesn't matter.

If you want some other ideas, feel free to email me. The way math is

learned is wonderful too. And your daughter is not too young at all.

The youngest I ever saw a child read words was 10 months and she was

able (in her mind) to transfer the abstract to the concrete. This

stuff is really fun to do.



Speak with Him Thou for He hearest.

Spirit with Spirit can speak.

Closer is Love than breathing,

Nearer than hands and feet.

(with appreciation for Tennyson)

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Hi Francine,

we've only been doing word cards for a couple of weeks but I have a question -

my son repeats all words after me so I cannot go through them as fast as the

method recommends.

Is that ok or should I " talk " over him to maintain the speed? But then he won't

hear the next word, if I say it while he is repeating the previous one?



> Also you can get any of Glenn Doman's books. How To Teach Your Baby to

> Read is wonderful, and works beautifully, and encourages speech, in our

> experience.

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Hi Debby

It seems like you are doing a very good job, encouraging pretend play and

interaction in general.

Your daughter may have sensory processing problems which a good OT may help,

possibly hard and expensive to come by. I was wondering if you may have amalgam

fillings yourself? You said that your DD has not had any medicines would this

include the virus bout?

I'm sure that there are people here that can help you regarding anti-virals.

As far as not answering her name a goood tip maybe to only say her name almost

exclusively for positive things like giving her a snack/candy/favourite

activity, etc and rarely use her name for demands. Also regarding receptive

speech maybe dropping unecessary words and slowing speech down can often help.

Exaggerating gestures and vocal intonations may also help as she is still very

young, especially in the long term.

BTW your family practice MD and their resource, uumm? Maybe best to ignore them

and let them carry on talking to the trees.

Cheers Kenny


> I thought I'd introduce myself and say hello! I hope everyone will forgive the

novel to follow:


> We have a 2.5 yr old daughter who is not yet diagnosed but whom I believe is

mildly autistic. She communicates and makes observational comments (that's a

blue car) and appropriate requests (I want a drink of water, I need to wear it)

but does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the mud, "

over and over). She looks for objects to bang together or claps her hands

whenever she's not engaged in an activity or if she's upset. She makes somewhat

odd facial expressions and waves her fingers near her eye when she talks. She

doesn't wave hello or goodbye and doesn't respond to her name. She doesn't

follow or seem to understand directions very well. She seldom cries but does

high pitched screaming when upset. Some days she is better than others. She had

a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was developing normally

until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a virus as well as a yeast

infection. Before this she was quite bright and seemed ready to start toilet

training. She would respond to me calling her with " I'm here, mama! " Now toilet

training seems out of the question and I'm not entirely sure she knows her name.

With the GFCF diet, removal of soy, sugar and yeast from her diet, and focused

attention she has gone from almost no talking, no singing and no interest in

activities other than staring blankly at books, banging sticks and wrapping

herself in a blanket to the language I described, a return to singing and

interest in other activities and enthusiasm in interactions with family members.

She was never vaccinated and has received no medication other than children's

Tylenol throughout her life. She has been a vegetarian from birth (no fish,

poultry, dairy or egg products). Her teeth are quite healthy (no cavities or

fillings). She was born at home (breech)with brief anoxia during delivery but

was conscious and alert after birth. Other than doing things that won't hurt her

and seem to help (lots of outside time, physical activity like swinging and

jumping that requires her to use her sense of balance, focused attention,

sharing books, singing songs together, trying to encourage pretend play and

keeping her on a very restricted but healthy diet, I'm not sure where to start.

I have read the FAQ with interest but I am reluctant to buy supplements willy

nilly without some idea of what would best help her. We'll have her evaluated

by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I don't have a lot of faith in

conventional medicine. So far the one resource we were referred to by our family

practice MD told me " It couldn't be autism since it wasn't present from birth. "

And the family practice MD told me that it was probably a phase. I don't know of

any DAN doctors or alternative biomedical treatment options in our area

(Southwest Virginia) but I would be willing to travel if someone has a positive

experience with a practitioner they can recommend.


> Anyway, any thoughts from others who have embarked on this journey and have

experience to share would be welcome.


> Thanks so much,

> Debby


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>>does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the mud, "

over and over).

This was eliminated at my house with anti-fungals, anti-virals, and B12.

>>waves her fingers near her eye when she talks.

Same list as above.

>>She had a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was developing

normally until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a virus as well as a

yeast infection.

Viruses and viral die off caused a tremendous amount of yeast here.

Improvement with a fever generally indicates the child has latent viruses. My

son had viruses in his brain, which took four years of OTC anti-virals to

remove. He made *tremendous* progress during those four years.

>>We'll have her evaluated by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I don't

have a lot of faith in conventional medicine.

My son was dx as " classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning by two

separate pediatric neurologists. Both of them were entirely useless tho,

because they told me to put him in an institution [he was 3]. Today he is no

longer autistic, but not yet age-appropriate. I recovered him without a doctor

because I also don't have much faith in conventional medicine.

My son's story is here, if you are interested. I need to update it, but most of

it is on this page



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Thank you everyone for the fantastic advice. What a huge help in getting

started. I am going to try some digestive enzymes coupled with probiotics

and olive leaf extract and vitamin A. For better or worse a fair amount of

what I do with her is guided by what feels right. For instance raw carrots

and pure cod liver oil (although non-vegetarian) seem to have a good effect

with no negatives, so I use those in smoothies.

I'm not exactly sure about dosage (she's around 28-30 lbs) but I will try to

sort through what's out there to figure it out.

I am curious about using an arachidonic acid supplement as well. This is a

precursor to some of the immune molecules (ILs) that are involved in the

fever response. Has anyone had any experience with arachidonic acid or

progesterone from natural sources such as wild yams?

Thank you again--you all are quite wonderful!


On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:32 AM, danasview <danasview@...> wrote:




> >>does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the

> mud, " over and over).


> This was eliminated at my house with anti-fungals, anti-virals, and B12.


> >>waves her fingers near her eye when she talks.


> Same list as above.


> >>She had a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was

> developing normally until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a virus

> as well as a yeast infection.


> Viruses and viral die off caused a tremendous amount of yeast here.


> Improvement with a fever generally indicates the child has latent viruses.

> My son had viruses in his brain, which took four years of OTC anti-virals to

> remove. He made *tremendous* progress during those four years.


> >>We'll have her evaluated by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I

> don't have a lot of faith in conventional medicine.


> My son was dx as " classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning by two

> separate pediatric neurologists. Both of them were entirely useless tho,

> because they told me to put him in an institution [he was 3]. Today he is no

> longer autistic, but not yet age-appropriate. I recovered him without a

> doctor because I also don't have much faith in conventional medicine.


> My son's story is here, if you are interested. I need to update it, but

> most of it is on this page


> http://www.danasview.net/myson.htm


> Dana





Debby , Otter Babies, LLC



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Progesterone with a toddler creeps me out; wild yams or not.

Being a non-meat eater I guess could lead to a need for arachidonic acid. I did

find some brief info about using arachidonic acid to treat dyspraxia. Learning

something new again! Coupled with GLA (borage or black currant oil) it worked

wonders with a few kids.

Thanks for mentioning it!


> > >>does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the

> > mud, " over and over).

> >

> > This was eliminated at my house with anti-fungals, anti-virals, and B12.

> >

> > >>waves her fingers near her eye when she talks.

> >

> > Same list as above.

> >

> > >>She had a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was

> > developing normally until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a virus

> > as well as a yeast infection.

> >

> > Viruses and viral die off caused a tremendous amount of yeast here.

> >

> > Improvement with a fever generally indicates the child has latent viruses.

> > My son had viruses in his brain, which took four years of OTC anti-virals to

> > remove. He made *tremendous* progress during those four years.

> >

> > >>We'll have her evaluated by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I

> > don't have a lot of faith in conventional medicine.

> >

> > My son was dx as " classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning by two

> > separate pediatric neurologists. Both of them were entirely useless tho,

> > because they told me to put him in an institution [he was 3]. Today he is no

> > longer autistic, but not yet age-appropriate. I recovered him without a

> > doctor because I also don't have much faith in conventional medicine.

> >

> > My son's story is here, if you are interested. I need to update it, but

> > most of it is on this page

> >

> > http://www.danasview.net/myson.htm

> >

> > Dana

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Debby , Otter Babies, LLC

> www.otterbabies.com

> http://twitter.com/otterbabies




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I try to approach all treatment options and therapies with an open mind

since most physiological molecules have multiple functions. Progesterone is

present from birth at very low basal levels in both males and females and is

produced by the adrenal gland in addition the ovarian corpus luteum. From

what I gather it plays a role in fever regulation, immune response and

cognition in addition to its role in reproduction. Most scientists agree

that there is no evidence that the form of progesterone precursor present in

plant sources such as wild yams is converted to progesterone in the body.

But I do think that a supplement that contains the building blocks of a

molecule that may be deficient or enhance functioning is something to

consider and evaluate objectively.

From Front



May;29(2):313-39. Epub 2008 Feb


Progesterone receptors: form and function in brain. *Brinton

RD*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Brinto\

n%20RD%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pub\



RF*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Thomps\

on%20RF%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pu\



MR*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Foy%20\

MR%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_\



M*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Baudry%\

20M%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed\



J*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Wang%20\

J%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_D\



CE*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Finch%\

20CE%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubme\



TE*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22\

%20TE%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubm\



CJ*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Pike%2\

0CJ%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed\



WJ*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Mack%2\

0WJ%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed\



FZ*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22Stancz\

yk%20FZ%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pu\


*Nilsen*<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22N\

ilsen%20J%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.\


Emerging data indicate that progesterone has multiple non-reproductive

functions in the central nervous system to regulate cognition, mood,

inflammation, mitochondrial function, neurogenesis and regeneration,

myelination and recovery from traumatic brain injury. Progesterone-regulated

neural responses are mediated by an array of progesterone receptors (PR)

that include the classic nuclear PRA and PRB receptors and splice variants

of each, the seven transmembrane domain 7TMPRbeta and the

membrane-associated 25-Dx PR (PGRMC1). These PRs induce classic regulation

of gene expression while also transducing signaling cascades that originate

at the cell membrane and ultimately activate transcription factors.

Remarkably, PRs are broadly expressed throughout the brain and can be

detected in every neural cell type. The distribution of PRs beyond

hypothalamic borders, suggests a much broader role of progesterone in

regulating neural function. Despite the large body of evidence regarding

progesterone regulation of reproductive behaviors and estrogen-inducible

responses as well as effects of progesterone metabolite neurosteroids, much

remains to be discovered regarding the functional outcomes resulting from

activation of the complex array of PRs in brain by gonadally and/or glial

derived progesterone. Moreover, the impact of clinically used progestogens

and developing selective PR modulators for targeted outcomes in brain is a

critical avenue of investigation as the non-reproductive functions of PRs

have far-reaching implications for hormone therapy to maintain neurological

health and function throughout menopausal aging.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:24 PM, noaholiviaian <phaselow@...> wrote:

> immun


> Progesterone with a toddler creeps me out; wild yams or not.


> Being a non-meat eater I guess could lead to a need for arachidonic acid. I

> did find some brief info about using arachidonic acid to treat dyspraxia.

> Learning something new again! Coupled with GLA (borage or black currant oil)

> it worked wonders with a few kids.


> Thanks for mentioning it!


> Pam




> > > >>does a lot of scripted and repeated phrases ( " two dogs sitting in the

> > > mud, " over and over).

> > >

> > > This was eliminated at my house with anti-fungals, anti-virals, and

> B12.

> > >

> > > >>waves her fingers near her eye when she talks.

> > >

> > > Same list as above.

> > >

> > > >>She had a fever a few days ago and improved remarkably. She was

> > > developing normally until about 6 months ago, following a bout with a

> virus

> > > as well as a yeast infection.

> > >

> > > Viruses and viral die off caused a tremendous amount of yeast here.

> > >

> > > Improvement with a fever generally indicates the child has latent

> viruses.

> > > My son had viruses in his brain, which took four years of OTC

> anti-virals to

> > > remove. He made *tremendous* progress during those four years.

> > >

> > > >>We'll have her evaluated by a pediatric neurologist on Thursday but I

> > > don't have a lot of faith in conventional medicine.

> > >

> > > My son was dx as " classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning by

> two

> > > separate pediatric neurologists. Both of them were entirely useless

> tho,

> > > because they told me to put him in an institution [he was 3]. Today he

> is no

> > > longer autistic, but not yet age-appropriate. I recovered him without a

> > > doctor because I also don't have much faith in conventional medicine.

> > >

> > > My son's story is here, if you are interested. I need to update it, but

> > > most of it is on this page

> > >

> > > http://www.danasview.net/myson.htm

> > >

> > > Dana

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Debby , Otter Babies, LLC

> > www.otterbabies.com

> > http://twitter.com/otterbabies

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi spots, you are coming in here the same way we did,scared and i can tell you

ive learned more in here talking to others than i did talking to my doc. they

definitly will push treatment but in my case im passing it up.i feel like i will

be fine with out it,a chance im taking. there are others in here that will

better explain the facts so i will leave it to them,i may not word things right.

you had the biopsy,well thats the first steps before treatment and did you get

those results back yet? do you have any questions?

From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 6:45 PM


Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am really

scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the biopsy

done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need to

talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.

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Hi Sheri, Most people will die WITH it not FROM it.

The important thing is now that you know of your infection...what are you going

to do about it! A lot will depend on your biopsy results. If you are in good

health and there is little scarring on the liver you can skip treatment and do

" Watchful Waiting " . In doing so you would have blood tests every year and a

biopsy about every 5 years. The biggest thing is going to be watching your

diet, caring for cuts and injuries, ensuring you avoid toxins...ingested,

inhaled and absorbed through the skin. The biggest NO is NO ALCOHOL!!! Others

will tell you to start treatment as soon as possible. It is you decision with

advice from your doctor. The drugs are getting better.

Look for " Guide For the Newly Diagnosed " at www.hcvadvocate.org.

Take care, Glenn


> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.


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Hi Spots and welcome to the group


You might start by telling us how long you think you've had it.  Doesn't matter

how you got it.  You are a victem of between7 and 10 mil here in the states.  I

contracted it 30 years ago so you have lots of time and could get run over by a

bus before you feel any effects.  Time is on your side.  We, the long time

sufferers are fighting for you with our doctors, congressmen and other

politicians to one admit how many of us there are, two stop telling us to not

tell anyone we have it, three, give us a treatment that is not poisenous to our

entire bodies.  HIV and HCV is similar in that if they find something to attack

it,  it mutates which is why it is so hard to cure.


My advice is to talk with your friends, family and get their support first.  I

call it the silent dragon in that we don't know we have it until we start

feeling tired and go to the doctor for that.  Stop eating fried foods, take milk

thistle, fish oil, lots of C and B.  Get a copy of every test they take and

chart it yourself, i.e. my last test showed low in Vit D so got doctor to write

a script for that.  Vit B complex shots are avaiable from your doctor also for

energy. Take lots of antioxidents.  Drink tons of water, get a reverse osmosis

system for your home as water keeps us flushed out and helps the liver.  Stress

is your number one enemy.  Chinese have believed for thousands of years that the

liver is the center for anger and stress.  Stay away from negative toxic

people.  Don't worry, be happy. think positive thoughts.  If you don't believe

in God then believe in a higher power and pray for guidence.  Teach your friends

how not to

contract it, needles, manicures, tatoos, shavers,


Write if and when you feel like it.


Good luck


From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 6:45 PM


Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am really

scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the biopsy

done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need to

talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.

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Hi Spots and welcome to the group


You might start by telling us how long you think you've had it.  Doesn't matter

how you got it.  You are a victem of between7 and 10 mil here in the states.  I

contracted it 30 years ago so you have lots of time and could get run over by a

bus before you feel any effects.  Time is on your side.  We, the long time

sufferers are fighting for you with our doctors, congressmen and other

politicians to one admit how many of us there are, two stop telling us to not

tell anyone we have it, three, give us a treatment that is not poisenous to our

entire bodies.  HIV and HCV is similar in that if they find something to attack

it,  it mutates which is why it is so hard to cure.


My advice is to talk with your friends, family and get their support first.  I

call it the silent dragon in that we don't know we have it until we start

feeling tired and go to the doctor for that.  Stop eating fried foods, take milk

thistle, fish oil, lots of C and B.  Get a copy of every test they take and

chart it yourself, i.e. my last test showed low in Vit D so got doctor to write

a script for that.  Vit B complex shots are avaiable from your doctor also for

energy. Take lots of antioxidents.  Drink tons of water, get a reverse osmosis

system for your home as water keeps us flushed out and helps the liver.  Stress

is your number one enemy.  Chinese have believed for thousands of years that the

liver is the center for anger and stress.  Stay away from negative toxic

people.  Don't worry, be happy. think positive thoughts.  If you don't believe

in God then believe in a higher power and pray for guidence.  Teach your friends

how not to

contract it, needles, manicures, tatoos, shavers,


Write if and when you feel like it.


Good luck


From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Subject: New Here

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 6:45 PM


Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am really

scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the biopsy

done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need to

talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.

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Hey spots, Just remember that you are not alone. most of your questions can be

answered right here. I have had this thing a long time and I'm still kicking. My

name is Lloyd. God Bless.........


From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Hepatitis C

Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:45:22 PM

Subject: New Here

Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am really

scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the biopsy

done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need to

talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.

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Hey spots, Just remember that you are not alone. most of your questions can be

answered right here. I have had this thing a long time and I'm still kicking. My

name is Lloyd. God Bless.........


From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

Hepatitis C

Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:45:22 PM

Subject: New Here

Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am really

scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the biopsy

done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need to

talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.

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MILK THISTLE is NOT the cure-all. First, let you doctors know you intend to

take herbs. They can't stop you, but they need to know what else you are

taking. Only take milk thistle if you are not taking ANY prescriptions for

depression, cardiac or about 2 dozen other RX and O-T-C items. My $00.02



> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

> Subject: New Here

> Hepatitis C

> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 6:45 PM







> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.





















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MILK THISTLE is NOT the cure-all. First, let you doctors know you intend to

take herbs. They can't stop you, but they need to know what else you are

taking. Only take milk thistle if you are not taking ANY prescriptions for

depression, cardiac or about 2 dozen other RX and O-T-C items. My $00.02



> From: spots141 <sherisheeder@...>

> Subject: New Here

> Hepatitis C

> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 6:45 PM







> Hi everyone. I am new here and don't really know what is happening. I am

really scared and have just recently been told I have Hepitis C. I have had the

biopsy done and will be talking to my dr about treatment options. I guess I need

to talk to someone who is going thru what I am, someone that understands why I'm

scared. Thank You for you time.





















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