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Hi ,

I'm in Florida, a 45 yr old widow with 2 teenagers (there are many of us at

this age with AIH). My mom (a self taught " herbologist " ) keeps asking me if

I hear from meds or treatments used in the UK, or India, or other lands that

seem more sophisticated and supportive of alternative methods for liver

disease. As you know, the US FDA is very slow to approve of treatment that

may be beneficial to us all. I pray for you and all of us in this loving


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  • 2 months later...
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> My doc is going to put me on the rebetron and interferon. He


> mentioned the peg treatment yet.

>>>****Dear , I know lots of people who've told me that they've

responded to that, I didn't, but people with livers that are more

damaged have. My liver is between a 1-2/4 I don't know what that

means, but that was the biopsy report. I don't know what genotype I

have, but I had close to a million PCR when I started the tx. I hope

and pray that it works for you. If you need someone to talk to or

complain to about the tx, you can email me at: @... I'm

always here. Take care,,,and " Happy Easter " to you and everyone

reading this!!!

Hepper Hugz***

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi ,

I recognise the problem with the abdomen when I used a high doses of pred.

Good news is that all is gone now that I use 10mg per day. So there is hope.

And going to the gym almost every day thats wonderful. I really admire you

for that! Keep up the good work and loose the water. I am sure they can will

find something for you!

With love Loes, the netherlands

Re: [ ]

> Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, my life has been

> crazy!! But a good crazy. Just last week my doctor lowered the


> to 5mg a day. I was excited because he had told me that once I got down


> 5mg a day, that's when I should start noticing some weight loss. Does

> anyone know if this is true. Did this happen to anyone? I sure hope so.

> But recently I've been noticing that I gained weight, but only in my


> area. I've been going to the gym almost every day, but I weigh more know

> than I ever did. I told the nurse for my doctor this and she said that it

> sounds like I have abdominal swelling which is caused by all the water

> starting to be retained mostly in my abdomen. Lucky me. She said she was

> going to talk to the doctor and get back to me. She said that he might

> increase my water pills and put me on another medication to help with the

> water loss. She called me back and said that the doctor wants me to have


> ultrasound of the abdomen and liver done to make sure that nothing's


> before he goes changing dosages of certain medications or putting me on

> something else. I hope that nothing is wrong. Anyone else experience


> side effects?


> Thanks,



> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com





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I just loved your post about " one year later " . You made my day and I'm glad

you didn't sit it out, DANCED


Mobile, AL


-34 pounds

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear ,

Why do you say that? Luring in what respect? I'm not trying to catch

anything. You appear to be an advocate of Dr. and I thought

you could answer my question. Can you?


> Mahkti,


> Your questions sound like a lure to me, to put it

> politely.





> > According to Dr. Hulda any Cancer can be cured

> > in 5 Days simply

> > by ordering one of her Cancer Specific Cancer Cure

> > Kits.

> >

> > Has anyone in this group been cured or knows of

> > someone who has been

> > cured using Dr 's Kit?

> >

> >




> __________________________________________________


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Find information at the following link;


> > > Mahkti,

> > >

> > > Your questions sound like a lure to me, to put it

> > > politely.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > According to Dr. Hulda any Cancer can be

> > cured

> > > > in 5 Days simply

> > > > by ordering one of her Cancer Specific Cancer

> > Cure

> > > > Kits.

> > > >

> > > > Has anyone in this group been cured or knows of

> > > > someone who has been

> > > > cured using Dr 's Kit?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > __________________________________________________

> > >

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> > Mahkti,

> >

> > Well Mahkti, I owe you an apology then if you say you

> > ate not anyone's puppet. I do not think I am more

> > insightful than anyone else here. We all have

> > different areas of knowledge. I have been to Dr.

> > 's clinic and I have seen her and have been

> > tested by her, so I can relay information about her

> > first hand, and I know the style of her opponents.

> >

> > Your wording of " any Cancer can be cured in 5 Days

> > simply by ordering one of her Cancer Specific

> > Cancer Cure Kits " sounded suspect to me.

> >

> > I still don't know where at that website you got that

> > phrase. Could you copy and paste that paragraph here?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > I am no ones puppet. I am not as insightful as you.

> > > I took the site

> > > at face value. Thank you for the clarification. I

> > > will check these

> > > sites out.

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Christel, here is what I think is important: He says

to drink apple cider vinegar w/honey 2x per day. On

the OxyPlus site, Jim said to do the same thing - it

reduces lactic acid. In TCAD, Dr. says it helps

with digestion, and she says in the Syncromer Manual

that it reduces phenol from benzene in the body. Dr.

Barefoot says the body needs lots of salt to help with



, thanks for your long letter. I for one can't even think of taking

anything related to that cleanse. It was to drastic for me. I am taking my

Fiberblend and DR Schulzés # 1. I am still juicing, taking my garlic and

cayenne. My vinegar with honey, digestive enzymes, probiotics, calcium ,

colostrum, celtic seasalt , ozonated water,colemas and you name it.....

I still have the same problem. Had some good results with the overdose on

Homozon but had to give it up because I have not been able to get more due to

some breakdown somewhere.

My problem is really always in the same spot. Real high, almost under my

ribcage. It is always swollen and gives me the feeling of being full. Even

when I don't eat.

One day I will figure it out.


We obviously don't have the right

bowel bacteria


That is true and due to all the cleansing we have done.


don't like the

instructions we got with the 7 Day Cleanse - they make

you think the other stuff isn't necessary but it is!


I never followed those at all. I did my cleanse strictly by the book,

including the supplements he has listed that Sonne does not have.

I am glad something is working for you now. You obviously still have lots of

parasites. Me too, I think mine were liverflukes but I am not sure.

Keep up the good work. I am leaving town next Wednesday for 4 days. My first

outing since Christmas. Having to eat food without making my own stuff. I

know it will set me back and I have to start all over when I return. But by

that time I hope to have my Homozon and will go to work with it.

Take good care of yourself.

Thanks for the post on the #4 position. OLDER people have trouble with that.


This old lady has no problem working out, dancing, playing tennis. But the

only way I can do that pose is putting my hands further back than instructed.

Tschüss, bis bald


Are you just doing clay and psyllium now? Or are you taking the nasty

greenlife and the other things too.

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Hi ,

Thanks for writing to me...BTW, my name is ........I also have seen your posts and am quite empathetic to what you are dealing with. It does help to know that there are other folks trying to come to terms with this illness in a beneficial way. I have great strength in my faith that we will survive these physical and emotional trials. Having the support and love from this group has been a saving grace for me as well. My kids (girl 13 and boy 16) keep me informed when I start acting or talking "a little weird", and then I remember to take the Lactulose dose that I had forgotten! My kids and I live alone (dad passed from brain cancer), and I MUST survive as I love them so very much. I've allowed them to go on a church camping trip this weekend and I miss them already.

I've already placed you on my prayer list when I first saw the post from Greg (this was you, wasn't it?)

Let's keep up with the meds and pray for the road to health.

God bless,

BTW, what does BTDT mean?

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Yes Gregg did send a post about me. He is my caregiver and my power of attorney. My illness keeps him on his toes, especially the encephalopathy. I want to be around for him since I have never met a man with so much caring and compassion before. BTDT means Been There Done That. Do you know what a/s/l means. SOmeone wrote that on a message to my grandaughter and her mother and I can't even figure what it could mean. WHat did we do before abbreviations? I am sorry to hear about your husband and having to raise your kids all alone. I will keep you in my prayers as I do everyone in our group. I have been having a bout with depression and manic depression these days but I have been trying to overcome it. Keep in touch. It was nice meeting you.


& Gregg

Tustin, CA

Re: [ ] to

Hi ,

Thanks for writing to me...BTW, my name is ........I also have seen your posts and am quite empathetic to what you are dealing with. It does help to know that there are other folks trying to come to terms with this illness in a beneficial way. I have great strength in my faith that we will survive these physical and emotional trials. Having the support and love from this group has been a saving grace for me as well. My kids (girl 13 and boy 16) keep me informed when I start acting or talking "a little weird", and then I remember to take the Lactulose dose that I had forgotten! My kids and I live alone (dad passed from brain cancer), and I MUST survive as I love them so very much. I've allowed them to go on a church camping trip this weekend and I miss them already.

I've already placed you on my prayer list when I first saw the post from Greg (this was you, wasn't it?)

Let's keep up with the meds and pray for the road to health.

God bless,

BTW, what does BTDT mean?

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Dear ,

a/s/l mean age/sex/location used alot when people are just meeting and everyone wants to know about everyone else. with all the different screen names, sometimes you do not know who you are really talking.


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Dear ,

a/s/l mean age/sex/location used alot when people are just meeting and everyone wants to know about everyone else. with all the different screen names, sometimes you do not know who you are really talking.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi !

Thank you so much for your well wishes ! I am trying desperately to give

this baby as healthy a start in life as I can. I am still trying to find

out what I'm supposed to do...and not supposed to do as far as vitamins,


This is my second...so I am not completely clueless...however my daughter

just turned 6 ...and I am scrambling to remember everything !


~ ~

>From: " wwmohler " <wwmohler@...>


> " MGB Post OP " < >


>Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 19:32:50 -0500



> Congratulations, take care of that precious little one growing inside

>of you! What a wonderful gift to give him or her, a healthier mommy!


> in MN




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I know this has been agonizing for you. You have made the right decision.

Good things are ahead for you. Keep eating healthy, the weight will stay off

and you will feel GREAT! Looking forward to meeting you at the picnic.




231/175/also on the plateau from HE* &

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Hey this is Sharon in Nc... I am Manda's littermate...... and I have

been following your weight loss and I have sooooo happy for u, but pissed

off..... heheheh..... you had your surgery 1 week before me and weighed 5 pds

less and you have lost 98lbs........... damn.... I have only lost 77.... tell

me what the hell are you doing?????????? You have really inspired me........

I must be too something wrong?????? please tell me your secret..........



MGB 3/12/01


Dr. R

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I don't know that I am doing anything special really. I feel like my

weightloss is very good, but I think it's just fortunate that it is, because

I promise you, I do what everyone else does. The body might just be making

it up to me for all the years it sat my big butt in a recliner hurting! LOL

Here is my very simple program. It's probably just like yours.

Get up and have a protein shake. Head to the gym. Walk on a treadmill for 1

1/2 miles (I just upped it for the 5k walk I am doing in Sept.). Drink lots

of water right after sweating. Head to the pool for water aerobics. This is

Mon-Fri. Eat whatever I want for lunch. Usually chicken and salad, and if I

want carbs, usually I eat them at lunch.

Go home and do what I have to do (I'm a terrible housekeeper, but I cook!

LOL) Make dinner and usually, if I make the family what they want (something

I really don't think is my best choice) I will have a yogurt or some soup

instead. If I go lite like this, I will add another protein shake. I try to

make healthy meals without high carbs for dinner so they too will have the

benefits of a good meal. I am heavily into eating protein and veggies.

I take my vitamins and ZMA fuel, but I'll admit I'm STILL a terrible Citracel

girl. I also take string cheese or handipaks cheese and crackers along as

snacks. I also enjoy the handisnacks applesauce and cinnamon crackers. YUMMY.

I think the key early on is simply keeping our metabolism high with small

meals, but after a while, at least for me, I think the exercise is key. I

was on a plateau and this month my loss will be VERY low, but when I upped my

walking, the plateau moved on ....for me, that's all I have to contribute.

Follow Dr. R's advice and move and then leave it up to your body. We will

ALL lose it in the end....it's not a race and you have lost VERY WELL TOO so

don't say " hey did this why didn't I " because can say " Hey that

Deb in Ok is kicking my butt, what am I doing wrong? " when none of us are

doing anything wrong, we just have different bodies. In the end, they'll all

be healthy and better for it and we will all one day lock arms at a picnic



in Ark

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Sharon, you are not doing something wrong while someone else is doing right.

You are being you, and your body is being your body, and that is the deal.

We are all different. No two people will lose the same, even if they live

together and do it all exactly the same. Please don't set yourself up to be

disappointed and frustrated because your numbers don't match someone else's.

Enjoy your own loss as it happens and measure your own success against your

own history. No one else is you. If you are feeling better, looking better,

moving better. . . what more can anyone expect? Keep up the good work. And

enjoy!!! PhillyJude, slower than I wanna be, but happy nonetheless and oh so

much better than last year!

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Sharon love,

When I catch up to you.... then you can complain... until then...

shuddup! can't wait to see you at the picnic. Romy(the really tall

littermate we had, in the room next to me) is going to be my roomie.

I wish we had all gotten a pre-op photo. I think we'll all be there

except for , and I haven't heard from her in a while. Perhaps

she and her family will make it also. Romy and I consistently lose

the same amount of weight. We're both at 65 lbs, and have been since

for a while.


> Hey this is Sharon in Nc... I am Manda's littermate...... and

I have

> been following your weight loss and I have sooooo happy for u, but


> off..... heheheh..... you had your surgery 1 week before me and

weighed 5 pds

> less and you have lost 98lbs........... damn.... I have only lost

77.... tell

> me what the hell are you doing?????????? You have really inspired


> I must be too something wrong?????? please tell me your





> Sharon

> MGB 3/12/01

> 327/250/?

> Dr. R

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> > Hi Mahtki,

> >

> > > This is not a good time to be making argumentative

> > > statements about > Hulda e because we just got

> > over a major> disagreement among some

> > > of the members of this board.

> >

> > Someone said on another group that there is no

> > controversy about Dr. . She is one curer of

> > many.

> >

> > > It would seem that some of us are tired of arguing

> > > about this topic > and will let a post of this

> > nature go unanswered.> However, I won't.

> >

> > > Most of the statement you make is true. However,

> > > not all the things > you say about Hulda e are

> > true. Also, none of> the work you > mention was

> > originally developed by her and that> work has been

> > > pioneered by someone else.

> >

> > Mahtki, I said before that she references everyone in

> > her books. From the zapper development to her

> > findings on the effects of metals and carcinogens in

> > the body. What is your point???

> >

> > > I am not saying that I am a great person,

> >

> > What does that have to do with anything???

> >

> > but I do> question those > practices of Hulda e

> > which are automatically> accepted by many.

> >

> > Who has automatically accepted her practices Mahtki?

> >

> > I ask how you can make a statement like this. Do you

> > understand what you are saying and how you are

> > phrasing your sentences and what you are implying by

> > your phraseology?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > > This message is cross posted from ,

> > > where there is a > discussion> > about Dr.Hulda

> > .\> > Mike Cinelli happend to be one of the few

> > people

> > > who is able to see

> > > the whole

> > > > picture of modern satanism.

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Mahkti,

I do not find posts with comments interspersed in them to be

NECESSARILY " confusing " . In fact, when someone is commenting

on several points in a post, this method (when done well) can

be much EASIER to follow. I've read a lot of mail using all

different formats for indicating what is the prior post and

what is the reply. I read large amounts of email both on lists

like this one (and others) and in the context of my work.

You are correct that the standard that the

moderators of the list have adopted is NOT interspersed.

I don't think your theories on WHY posts with comments

interspersed are really appropriate subject matter for the list.

If the list MUST hear such comments, perhaps I could (at some

future date) add some comments of my own about why rebelliousness

can be a useful/admirable personal attribute, and the kinds of

situations in which it is useful (and harmful). Medical

repression might quality as one where it is useful. Also, in

matters requiring independent action and thought that is

in conflict with " conventiontion ideas " at the time.

Like, um, bowel cleansing.



At 02:43 PM 8/7/2001 -0000, you wrote:


>> Dear ,


>> Please stop interspersing you comments within my posts. It is very

>> confusing to anyone who is trying to read.


>> There is a standard to replying to posts on this board and you seem

>> to insist on developing your own standards and continuing to give

>> into your dogmatic nature and to be the " Rebel " and do things the


>> you please.


>> Mahkti

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Dear Moria,

It seems as though you havn't read some of the more recent posts.

Else you may have had a better understanding of the subject matter in

my reply to . I have asked her nicely, in the past , not to

intersperse her comments into my posts. It is very difficult to

distinguish what I posted and what she posted am some members have

mistaken my words for hers and vice versa. Perhaps now you can

understad my objection.


> >> Dear ,

> >>

> >> Please stop interspersing you comments within my posts. It is


> >> confusing to anyone who is trying to read.

> >>

> >> There is a standard to replying to posts on this board and you


> >> to insist on developing your own standards and continuing to


> >> into your dogmatic nature and to be the " Rebel " and do things


> >way

> >> you please.

> >>

> >> Mahkti

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Hi I as well am new to the group. My cousin who is basicly like my little brother was just diagnosed and I am trying to find out every little bit of info I can. I do hae a quick question for you : He is on 40 mg of pred. and has been for two weeks now. What were you started out on. Will, my cousin, lies in NC and the doctors here have not seen a case of this personally. So I am a little weary of their knowledge. Thanks, Celia

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Hi Celia,

Sounds as if Will is lucky to have a cousin like you! Welcome to the

group. This is one of the best places to get information on

Autoimmune Hepatitis, links to other sites, other sources, as well as

from our own experiences. One of the best introductions to AIH can be

found in a book by Palmer, " Hepatitis & Liver Disease " ; you

can purchase that online @ Amazon.

How old is Will? There are people of all ages who post here (or

whose family members post) so I know if there are concerns or

questions that might be more age related, someone here will be

able to help. Where in NC does he live? I live in Greensboro, and

there are other folks here from NC as well.

I am in my 40's and was diagnosed about 9 mos ago. I was started on

60 mg prednisone, and after some ups and downs, am down to 5 mg, along

with taking another medication. I am feeling much better than I was

last fall, but still have some not so good days.

I am being treated by a gastroenterologist who has some experience

with AIH. I was lucky that the family doctor I saw knew about it and

got me referred to this specialist. I have found that in having to

seek treatment for other things that other medical people know very

little about this disease, probably because it is uncommon.

As you learn more about this, you will have more and more

questions...so just ask away....

Wishing you and Will the best


> Hi I as well am new to the group. My cousin who is basicly like my


> brother was just diagnosed and I am trying to find out every little

bit of

> info I can. I do hae a quick question for you :

> He is on 40 mg of pred. and has been for two weeks now. What were

you started

> out on. Will, my cousin, lies in NC and the doctors here have not

seen a case

> of this personally. So I am a little weary of their knowledge.

> Thanks, Celia

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