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I was on Enbrel for 1 year and i had a sore throat almost the entire time, it

would go away after a day or two.


madre_agua_ny <madre_agua_ny@...> wrote:

Hi there! My name is chris. I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

Wednesday. Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down. I

am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy head &

chest. It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

not want to bother my Doctor. Is this a normality for enbrel? Or do

you think that it is more likely just the change in weather.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


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Thanks Trudy, that makes me feel so much better!!

Trudy Burch <tru0204@...> wrote:

I was on Enbrel for 1 year and i had a sore throat almost the entire time, it

would go away after a day or two.


madre_agua_ny <madre_agua_ny@...> wrote:

Hi there! My name is chris. I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

Wednesday. Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down. I

am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy head &

chest. It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

not want to bother my Doctor. Is this a normality for enbrel? Or do

you think that it is more likely just the change in weather.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


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Hi there,

I would like to tell you that when I got a sore throat while on Enbrel

my doctor stopped my treatments right away afraid of infection. I would

recommend you get checked by a doctor and make sure it is not an

infection because infection and Enbrel are bad.


madre_agua_ny wrote:

> Hi there! My name is chris. I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

> Wednesday. Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down. I

> am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy head &

> chest. It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

> not want to bother my Doctor. Is this a normality for enbrel? Or do

> you think that it is more likely just the change in weather.

> Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


> Chris









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Hi Chris. It's hard to say what is going on since it's your first

dose. Enbrel can make you more susceptible to infection.

You really should let your doctor know what is going on. If it bothers

him, he's not doing his job!

I've been on Enbrel since 1999 and don't have any problems. Hopefully

this will pass quickly and you will get some relief from Enbrel.


On Jun 17, 2005, at 9:17 AM, madre_agua_ny wrote:

> Hi there!  My name is chris.  I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

> Wednesday.  Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down.  I

> am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy head

> &

> chest.  It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

> not want to bother my Doctor.  Is this a normality for enbrel?  Or do

> you think that it is more likely just the change in weather. 

> Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


> Chris









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Thank you so much a!!! My doctor is a female and she really does not get

bothered when I call. She opens that. I just feel like I call alot!


a <a54@...> wrote:

Hi Chris. It's hard to say what is going on since it's your first

dose. Enbrel can make you more susceptible to infection.

You really should let your doctor know what is going on. If it bothers

him, he's not doing his job!

I've been on Enbrel since 1999 and don't have any problems. Hopefully

this will pass quickly and you will get some relief from Enbrel.


On Jun 17, 2005, at 9:17 AM, madre_agua_ny wrote:

> Hi there! My name is chris. I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

> Wednesday. Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down. I

> am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy head

> &

> chest. It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

> not want to bother my Doctor. Is this a normality for enbrel? Or do

> you think that it is more likely just the change in weather.

> Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


> Chris









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Thank you so much for your time and support Corinne!!

Corinne Drover <Corinne@...> wrote:Hi there,

I would like to tell you that when I got a sore throat while on Enbrel

my doctor stopped my treatments right away afraid of infection. I would

recommend you get checked by a doctor and make sure it is not an

infection because infection and Enbrel are bad.


madre_agua_ny wrote:

> Hi there! My name is chris. I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

> Wednesday. Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down. I

> am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy head &

> chest. It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

> not want to bother my Doctor. Is this a normality for enbrel? Or do

> you think that it is more likely just the change in weather.

> Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


> Chris









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Since Enbrel and other " biologics " supress your immune system, I would

talk to my doctor about this. You may have a viral infection and there

are things they can do to reduce your risk of serious complications.

Until you have been on Enbrel for a while and know how it affects you,

it is better to err on the side of caution.


> Hi there! My name is chris. I just took my first shot of Enbrel on

> Wednesday. Since I took this shot, I have felt tired and run down.


> am also feeling very sick as in a soar throat, stuffy nose, achy

head &

> chest. It could be the sudden change in weather here in NY, so I do

> not want to bother my Doctor. Is this a normality for enbrel? Or


> you think that it is more likely just the change in weather.

> Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


> Chris

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The combination of Enbrel and Methotrexate have had very good results.

Since you're not getting relief with just the MTX, adding the Enbrel

may be an option to discuss with your doctor. Enbrel is expensive, so

unless you have insurance it may not be an option.

Methotrexate and Enbrel together may be better than either alone.



On Jun 28, 2005, at 2:24 PM, Jex wrote:

> a,


> No I have heard quite a few positive things about it.

> I have only been on the meth for 5 months and we just

> increased it to 25 mg.   Is Enbrel better?


> Jessy

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  • 1 month later...
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Jeff, can't tell you about Enbrel, but I can tell you about knees and

fingers. I am/was an avid needleworker, but the more severe it gets in

my fingers, the less I can do. As for knees... I'm in big trouble. I

had my left knee replaced in 2003 due to a childhood injury, and then

I damaged my right knee in February of this year. The PA came back

when I could no longer afford Remicade because of my divorce (no

hubby's insurance) and getting on medicaid is like walking through

quicksand (disability is just sinking in it). I can't take

methotrexate anymore due to liver involvement, ibuprophen is pointless

(do I look like I have cramps?), and until I can get an answer from my

medicaid caseworker things just get worse and worse. Now it's in my

left wrist making it more difficult to get up from a sitting position.

Heaven help me if it gets in my right wrist I don't know how I'll EVER

make it off the toilet! I'm really starting to have trouble with the

speed of the wheels of government. Good luck with your treatment.


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Hi Jeff,

I, myself, am experiencing my 2nd day in belonging to this group;

and I did not want you to go unacknowledged. Dialogue is important

for people who find themselves in fragile lifeboats. Invigorating

it is, my knowing that we are not lonely castaways; that, here, we

can tell our stories and " listen " to others in our quest to find

healing shores.

I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis (PS) one week ago. I have

been battling the arthritis component for more than 10 years. I was

a troublesome diagnosis due to a number of physical and emotional

traumas in my youth and young adulthood. I was investigated for

years as HB-27+ probable ankylosing spondylitis (AS) with other

arthritic problems. Until 2 weeks ago (when I used 2 mirrors to

look at red/itchy patches on my scalp that just didn't seem to leave

and compared it to psoriasis pictures I found on the internet, I

didn't have a clue that it was PS. Then, while reading an AS

article to prepare/inform myself for a visit to my rhumatologist a

week ago,I stumbled upon a PS article!

I showed the rhumatologist my scalp and he exclaimed, " It all makes

sense now! "

I have been taking anti-inflamatories for 8 years -- Celebrex for

the last two. I am going to begin taking 25mg injections of Enbrel

2X/wk as soon as the infected black widow spider bite heals on one

the only 2 of my fingers that do not experience chronic pain. I

find this ridiculusly funny by the way. I am hopeful that it will

return to me some of the vitality that has been leaving me.

I hope to be able to continue working so as to provide some security

for my wife and kids. Fortunately, I have a job that allows me much

flexibility as to whether I sit, stand, or walk. I live but 10

minutes from work and it is a good thing: at times, it is almost

more than I can bear to drive for that long. It has been my pattern

to drag my carcass home from work and sleep on a bed of ice for an

hour, get up, eat dinner, then fall back to bed until I awake with

unbearable pain, drag myself out to a living room couch (of a

different firmness), then sleep a few hours more until morning... I

am not whining, as I know that others' journeys are far worse than

mine. I yearn to find the means to halt the damage to my spine and

other joints so that I may continue to contribute to society.

I will keep you informed as to how I fare with the Enbrel. Have you

had many side-effects from the Methotrexate? Take care.


> Hi, I'm Jeff from Oregon. Diagnosed (after 2 years of suffering)

> with PsA. Started in the left hand/forefinger, MISdiagnosed as

> trigger finger and now lost 40% of the use of it (crappy because I

> USED to

> play guitar a little - have a dozen good guitars gathering dust).

> That's not a serious issue really. What is bad is my knees. Can

> barely walk or lift myself from a chair. 800MG Ibuprofen 3 x day

> keeps me out of a wheelchair. It got really bad and finally got


> Dr. to send me to a knee specialist, then a Rheumatologist. Took

> all of 5 minutes to see the symptoms and diagnose me with PsA.

> Started on Methotrexate a few months ago, 15MG once a week. It


> made a significant difference in my knees. I can go for 8 to 10

> hours sometimes with no Ibuprofen and as long as I'm not just

> sitting and getting stoved up, I do just fine. The problem now is

> my right hand/forefinger is now fully involved and very painful.

> Methotrexate dosage question: What kind of doses do some of you

> take and how bad are your symptoms? How many of you have tried

> ENBREL and how is it working for you?


> I am so pleased to find this group. A little hope would be a good

> thing. I know I probably have it easy compared to a lot of PsA

> afflicted people, and for that I'm thankful. But I would


> any information on what has worked for others.


> Thanks

> Jeff

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Hi Jeff,

So sorry to hear about what you have been through...it sounds like alot of what

I have been through not being diagnosed for years with the correct problem while

in the meantime the joints are all going bad. If I could do again I would have

skipped Enbrel-it was a waste of time and money-but Remicade hadn't came out

yet/been approved for PA so I had to wait. Enbrel hasn't helped the ones with

the worse PA...I have had my first treatment last week and I feel 10x better

than I felt when I was on Enbrel and it wasn't just the energy level it is the

joints are moving better and hardly no pain. I'm a professional artist so it

has been God sent!! Glad you have joined this group.

God Bless, Sue, Sussiesue.

leojeff2002 <refocus@...> wrote:

Hi, I'm Jeff from Oregon. Diagnosed (after 2 years of suffering)

with PsA. Started in the left hand/forefinger, MISdiagnosed as

trigger finger and now lost 40% of the use of it (crappy because I


play guitar a little - have a dozen good guitars gathering dust).

That's not a serious issue really. What is bad is my knees. Can

barely walk or lift myself from a chair. 800MG Ibuprofen 3 x day

keeps me out of a wheelchair. It got really bad and finally got my

Dr. to send me to a knee specialist, then a Rheumatologist. Took

all of 5 minutes to see the symptoms and diagnose me with PsA.

Started on Methotrexate a few months ago, 15MG once a week. It has

made a significant difference in my knees. I can go for 8 to 10

hours sometimes with no Ibuprofen and as long as I'm not just

sitting and getting stoved up, I do just fine. The problem now is

my right hand/forefinger is now fully involved and very painful.

Methotrexate dosage question: What kind of doses do some of you

take and how bad are your symptoms? How many of you have tried

ENBREL and how is it working for you?

I am so pleased to find this group. A little hope would be a good

thing. I know I probably have it easy compared to a lot of PsA

afflicted people, and for that I'm thankful. But I would appreciate

any information on what has worked for others.



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I was on Enbrel for 4 months and it helped my RA symptoms tremdously,

unfortunatly I had a rare reaction to it and it caused my immune system to go

way down. I couldnt stop getting sick from Upper Resp Infections to Bladder and

kidney infections, I have been off the Enbrel and Meth meds for 5 weeks, and I

will start on Monday the Humeria and Sunday the meth agian. Enbrel is a good

med, I gave myself the shots with no problems and I miss them acutally becuase

the intense pain is so bad i can barely move right now. Good luck and keep us

posted. I felt better after my 3 shot, so middle of next week you should be

feeling better if you are at all like me.


JANE <janeatregis@...> wrote: Hey yall.

My doc decided that the remicade just wasn't doing the job anymore,

and ins. approved me for Enbrel. I go Tuesday to my " how to give

yourself a shot " class. Does anyone wish to share their experiences

with this med?



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Hi Jane:

I have been on Enbrel now for two and a half months,

and do feel the difference in less joint pain. I also

take 25 mg of Mtx a week, Mobic, and Ultracet, but the

addition of the Enbrel has helped me. The shots are

easy to do - I never thought I could give myself a

shot, but I am getting to be a real pro at it lol.

The only thing I notice is bruising at the site of the

shot, no other adverse reactions. You do have to be

careful of illness - if you are sick or feel you are

getting sick, then skip the Enbrel until you are

better. This week I have had to skip one shot so far

because of a flu type virus I am dealing with. I

started feeling better after about one month of shots.

Good luck to you and hope Enbrel helps you -

Kathe in CA

--- JANE <janeatregis@...> wrote:

> Hey yall.

> My doc decided that the remicade just wasn't doing

> the job anymore,

> and ins. approved me for Enbrel. I go Tuesday to my

> " how to give

> yourself a shot " class. Does anyone wish to share

> their experiences

> with this med?

> Thanks!

> Jane




Kathe in CA


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It made a HUGE difference for me. Until Enbrel, nothing was effective

for me. I've been on it for 6 years with no problems.

I have not had any increased infections. Occasionally I'll get

bruising. Can't help with the injection part. My husband

wants to do it for me and I don't object LOL! The twice a week dose

has a smaller needle than the once a week dose, and

I rarely even feel the needle. I hope it helps you.


On Aug 18, 2005, at 10:34 AM, JANE wrote:

> Hey yall.

> My doc decided that the remicade just wasn't doing the job anymore,

> and ins. approved me for Enbrel. I go Tuesday to my " how to give

> yourself a shot " class. Does anyone wish to share their experiences

> with this med?

> Thanks!

> Jane






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Hi Jane,

Enbrel has been working very well for me. At first I was scared to give

myself a shot, but soon became an old pro. I inject into my tummy, and

it doesn't hurt at all. Just be forceful and stick the needle in at an

angle. Back when I tried to be too gentle with myself, it did sometimes

hurt. I always give it plenty of time to warm up after I mix it, also,

and that probably helps. I much prefer the twice-weekly 25 mg to the

once-weekly 50 mg. The needles with the 50 mg are very dull. I also

found that it didn't last as long for me. Good luck! Sue

On Thursday, August 18, 2005, at 10:34 AM, JANE wrote:


> My doc decided that the remicade just wasn't doing the job anymore,

> and ins. approved me for Enbrel. I go Tuesday to my " how to give

> yourself a shot " class. Does anyone wish to share their experiences

> with this med?

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  • 2 months later...


I have been on Enbrel for almost 4 yrs. First in combination with

methotrexate and now in combination with prednisone. I have had very good

success with

it. My pain is 95% resolved, and my psoriasis has completely disappeared. I

am on a 50 mg shot once a week with 10 mg of prednisone. I am one of the

fortunate ones who had immediately relief with the first shot. I have never had


site reaction either. I am completely happy with my treatment. I hope you

have the same luck that I have had.

Carol in Vancouver, WA

In a message dated 10/29/2005 6:09:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,

obx9398@... writes:

Im new to this site. Im 22 and was diagnosed with PA in August. My

pain started in my jaw then went into my shoulders, my ankle, my foot,

my other ankle and that foot, and into my lower back. In august my

doctor put me methotraxte and predisone, I have continued to take the

methotraxte but because my left ankle have gotten so bad I just have

surgury on it 2 weeks ago. And now Im going to go back to my rhemy on

Tuesday and he wants to start me on Enbrel. Can Anybody tell me about

their experience with Enbrel? Im kind of scared cause I dont know

much about it. Also how long did it take to start working. Anything

anyone has to say will greatly help.

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I have been on Enbrel January will be 3 years. As far as helping with my PA it

has helped greatly. When I do my shots like i'm supposed to I don't hurt.

Sometimes my toes and the occasional joint aches but that's to be expected I

think. I have been sick off and on for the last 4 months or so with upper

respirtory and sinus infectons. When I get sick and have to go on antibiotics I

have to stop my shots that's when the pain starts. For me I felt immediate

relief with my first injection but it's not like that for everyone. Hopefully it

will be that way for you. I get really chapped lips in the two corners of my

mouth where the lips connect, it seems to happen every time I go back on my

shots, even though I use chap stick and stuff but i'm not sure if this is due to

Enbrel or not. I do hope that it helps your PA. Good Luck!



> Hi,


> Im new to this site. Im 22 and was diagnosed with PA in August. My

> pain started in my jaw then went into my shoulders, my ankle, my foot,

> my other ankle and that foot, and into my lower back. In august my

> doctor put me methotraxte and predisone, I have continued to take the

> methotraxte but because my left ankle have gotten so bad I just have

> surgury on it 2 weeks ago. And now Im going to go back to my rhemy on

> Tuesday and he wants to start me on Enbrel. Can Anybody tell me about

> their experience with Enbrel? Im kind of scared cause I dont know

> much about it. Also how long did it take to start working. Anything

> anyone has to say will greatly help.


> Thank you,

> Charlene


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Hi Charlene,

I share your pains (many of them anyhow) and probably many of your

fears. I have been on Enbrel for 10 weeks and I am very pleased

with the results. I currently take 25 mg every 3 days, with 100 to

200 mg daily of Celebrex and 10 to 20 mg of amitriptylene to help me

sleep through the pain at night. I am ever so thankful to the

Chinese hampters that grow etanercept on there ovaries for us to use

in this way. I'm not quite sure how they go about convincing these

rodents to do this, but I am sure it is not the easiest (nor

cheapest) bit of magic. Enbrel seems to be effective about 50% of

the PA people who try it. I am humbly thankful that I can be one of

the 50%. I noticed a difference the first day of use; and by the

2nd day, I could not remember feeling better. I am sure that

without it or some other equally wonderful drug (mtx, Humera, etc) I

would no longer be working: the pain and fatigue would have been too

much by now. I don't seem to be getting worse, though I do have days

that are better than others. I have begun to exercise a bit again -

which is also important. Good luck, and if this one does not work

for you there are other meds that may. Brent

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 12/12/05 9:18:43 PM Central Standard Time, ajaomom@...


> Holly is flaring again, this has been the worst year for her......she has

> basically flared everytime that we tried to stop the pred. The rheumy said

> she would have tried her on Enbrel along time ago if she wasn't so needle

> phobic........its awful!!!!!!! every Friday night is awful, it did get

> some

> better recently after spending a few hours at shriners talking about some

> coping strategies with child life. Her question when we talk about the

> Enbrel is,

> how big is the needle?? my question, is what is the typical amount is it

> under an ml?? any thoughts?? this has been holly's worst year over

> all,

> since she was diagnosed, i mean the arthritis has been worse, she has been

> sicker and in more pain at times, but this has been a year now that we have

> not

> got her under even a real medicated control. Talk to you soon


> Luv and hugs,

> Aj and Holly (11 yrs old, systemic jra since 9/94)


My daughter is taking Enbrel. It is worth it. The needle is small. My

daughter takes 2 - 25 ml injections.

I can still remember her first treatment. She woke up and said she felt

great and that nothing hurted. This was over a year and a half ago. She used

to take only one shot but her rheumatologist recommended to go with 2 because 1

was not lasting.

She did try the 1 - 50 ml injection. Those are terrible. The needle is a

bit bigger and my daughter would say that it would sting or burn as it would

go in.

We went back to the 2 shots.

Hope this helps.

o Salas

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Hi Aj

If Holly is 11 I would assume that she would be on the full dose which is one

milliliter. My daughter is 18 well almost 19 now and terribly needle phobic but

she will take th eEnbrel over MTX anyday via needle. It comes in a once a week

dose now (we aren't on that one so not sure how much is in it). It is

subcutaneous, not intramuscular so better than most shots. For most people they

seem to have a good response early on so it is definetly a good choice for

moving on to. She can learn some guided imagery for the injections that can

help her get through the anxiety of the injection, or wearing headphones with

good music while you do the injection (always prep out of site to decrease the

anxiety) etc. Hope that helps.


ajaomom@... wrote:

Holly is flaring again, this has been the worst year for her......she has

basically flared everytime that we tried to stop the pred. The rheumie said

she would have tried her on enbrel along time ago if she wasn't so needle

phobic........its awful!!!!!!! every Friday night is awful, it did get some

better recently after spending a few hours at shriners talking about some

coping strategies with child life. Her question when we talk about the enbrel


how big is the needle?? my question, is what is the typical amount is it

under an ml?? any thoughts?? this has been hollys worst year over all,

since she was diagnosed, i mean the arthritis has been worse, she has been

sicker and in more pain at times, but this has been a year now that we have not

got her under even a real medicated control. Talk to you soon

Luv and hugs,

Aj and Holly (11 yrs old, systemic jra since 9/94)

_www.caringbridge.org/visit/holly_ (http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/holly)

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AJ, I am so sorry to hear about Holly and I so hope she finds relief soon!

Hugs to you guys along with thoughts and prayers for better days. I was

wondering and have heard it said that as kids get close to puberty that flares


increase. Being one who went into pregnancy remission I do believe hormones

can play into the mix. As for puberty I was moody young lady before, during and

after but my flares did get worse between ages 9-12 and again after I gave

birth....makes ya wonder....

Brighter days!!!


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I believe that the Enbrel needles are 27 guage. What dosage is she going to

go on? The mix kind if 25mg/1ml and the prefilled are 50mg/1ml. With

was always had some fliud leak out no matter how we tried to do it.

Also she insisted on us going into her thighs and no where else.. What has

Dr. Rothman had to say about it?

hope things get better soon,

Emilie ( 6 Poly)


> Holly is flaring again, this has been the worst year for her......she has

> basically flared everytime that we tried to stop the pred. The rheumie

> said

> she would have tried her on enbrel along time ago if she wasn't so needle

> phobic........its awful!!!!!!! every Friday night is awful, it did get

> some

> better recently after spending a few hours at shriners talking about some

> coping strategies with child life. Her question when we talk about the

> enbrel is,

> how big is the needle?? my question, is what is the typical amount is it

> under an ml?? any thoughts?? this has been hollys worst year over

> all,

> since she was diagnosed, i mean the arthritis has been worse, she has

> been

> sicker and in more pain at times, but this has been a year now that we

> have not

> got her under even a real medicated control. Talk to you soon


> Luv and hugs,

> Aj and Holly (11 yrs old, systemic jra since 9/94)

> _www.caringbridge.org/visit/holly_

> (http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/holly)






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