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> Please, i need badly one information. I spoke to one Acad. Prof.Dr. med who

works in Germany and he said he could cured me from MS, for 50.000 euro. Does

anybody hear for SMD,



Never believe any one who says they can cure MS or any other disease with out

checking the medical science behind the so called cure and the persons

credentials. It's the same with relieving symptoms, what works for one doesn't

work with another. There are many so called medical practitioners around the

world who will claim they can cure this or that. I've had too many friends fall

in to this trap with cancer and other cures to believe any of these are

credible. One died from these so called cures. Some of these so called cures

do more harm and leave you in worse shape than before. Some leave you dead.

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Be very wary..sounds like a scam to me.




Please, i need badly one information. I spoke to one Acad. Prof.Dr. med who

works in Germany and he said he could cured me from MS, for 50.000 euro. Does

anybody hear for SMD, maybe situated in Munich? He seemed very promising, and

his approach is different than classic medicine. Do not know what to thing.

Anybody hears something about clinic in Germany that guaranties that can cure

your ms? Also, Medical Molecular Research is mentioned on visit card.

I will be thankful for any kind of information!!!


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I second what Tom says.

If there were any real cures out there, one of us is bound to have heard of it.

The BBD and Dudley's list of alternative treatments are as good as it gets right



To: mscured

From: tbayuk@...

Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:38:10 -0400

Subject: Re: MMR


Be very wary..sounds like a scam to me.




Please, i need badly one information. I spoke to one Acad. Prof.Dr. med who

works in Germany and he said he could cured me from MS, for 50.000 euro. Does

anybody hear for SMD, maybe situated in Munich? He seemed very promising, and

his approach is different than classic medicine. Do not know what to thing.

Anybody hears something about clinic in Germany that guaranties that can cure

your ms? Also, Medical Molecular Research is mentioned on visit card.

I will be thankful for any kind of information!!!


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Hi Sasha, I urge you to be careful and do more research on this subject. It is

correct that their is a facility/clinic in Munich ( as well as other German

cities) conducting research on MMR. However the last I read about it (by the way

I am German)was MMR mainly for colon cancer. DO you have the doctors name or the

clinic name he has given you? Let me know I will gladly snoop it out for you.

Meanwhile don't believe promises that may only leave you with a hole in your

wallet; I agree that some one in this group would have already heard/tried





> Please, i need badly one information. I spoke to one Acad. Prof.Dr. med who

works in Germany and he said he could cured me from MS, for 50.000 euro. Does

anybody hear for SMD, maybe situated in Munich? He seemed very promising, and

his approach is different than classic medicine. Do not know what to thing.

> Anybody hears something about clinic in Germany that guaranties that can cure

your ms? Also, Medical Molecular Research is mentioned on visit card.

> I will be thankful for any kind of information!!!

> Sasha


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Sasha, I found something on the internet. This is a Prof. Dr. Mirko Segina in

Forsten/GER. This is the website which you can also read in English:

http://www.mmr-info.de/3.html . Still, I would contact them via e-mail and see

if what you were told comes from them even then I still would be careful...I

wonder if some one uses this man's ID b/c he is not talking at all about curing

people on his website! Please don't get tricked!!!

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Sasha, just out of curiousity, how does 50.000 euro convert to American Dollars?

(For all I know, I spend more than that on vitamins every year!!.........)


> >

> > Please, i need badly one information. I spoke to one Acad. Prof.Dr. med who

works in Germany and he said he could cured me from MS, for 50.000 euro. Does

anybody hear for SMD,


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I went to Dr. Neiper for the Cal-Eap treatment in 1987. At that time it was not

allowed into this country. Dr. Neiper advised against it because once started

if discontinued...patient became significantly worse.

However, he had a nutritional protocol that I have followed ever since. No

sugar, dairy, gluten and various supplements. www.copingandprevailing.com


Tom Bayuk


I would think it's worth looking into more--but before jumping into

it--finding other who have tried it. Germany tends to be a leader in alternative

treatments. That is where Hans Nieper came up with the CAL EAP intravenous

injections protocol, which worked for many people with MS. I believe if he had

lived longer, there would be a lot more people doing or trying the EAP

injections.....The Brewer Library has many testimonials written and patients who

people can call in regard to the CAL EAP. I believe the improvement rate on the

EAP was about 70%. I looked into that but don't have the resources to pay

someone to give me IV injections three times per week for 7 years. Plus I have

awful veins, so I don't think I really could have been a candidate. Anyway, re

the MMR, if I were looking into this, I would certainly ask the clinic for

testimonials from others with MS who took the treatment or anywhere else you

could find testimonials. There only seem to be maybe 20 to 30 or so people in

this group who post here out of the 2,000 or so members, so I think it is

possible none of those 20 to 30 people are familiar with it. Most of the people

here are more focused on the BBD and LDN...Hardly anyone is familiar with EAP

either, even though I personally have spoken to many people whom it helped

trememdously--although there were also a few I spoke to for whom it (the CAL

EAP) did not help....

Anyway, I am just bringing up the CAL EAP as a comparison point. I don't know

anything about MMR. I wouldn't dismiss it, but if it was something I was looking

into, I'd be looking for others who had done it, which is what you already seem

to be doing.

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