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Hi. Robbie tried Vioxx but it did not work for him. He did not have

any side effects. The rheum. said that most of his patients have reported

that is doesn't work as well as Naprosyn or Clinoril, but these are adults.

As a side note, it is much easier on the stomach then most, so hopefully

it will work! Jana

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  • 1 month later...

: I agree. However, the data is not fully in yet whether Vioxx and

Celebrex are significantly better for ulcers. Charlie

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 08:45:44 -0800, onelist wrote:

From: " WILLIAM PRICE " <william.e.price@...>

| I have a question about Celebrex. My daughter, age 11 with systemic JRA,

is on naprosyn. It seems like eventually all kids start to have gastro

problems with this medication. Why don't they start these children on

Celebrex that is supposed to be easier on the stomach? It seems like the

doctors first start with naprosyn, wait for the child to bleed internally,

and then move to something else. We have enough problems, why should we

give n a bleeding ulcer? We have an appt. next week with a new ped.

rheumy, so any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks, in



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Hi all

I went to the doc with yesterday - the good news is she has grown 2

1/2 centimetres! I was thinking about it and I realised that three months

ago, she could hardly get into bed - now she manages quite fine! You tend

to get so involved in this disease that you don't see the wood for the

trees. Anyway, I'm hoping that her good days will turn into good weeks.

Celebrex is the drug most parents here in SA would LOVE to get their hands

on! It will only be available here maybe at the end of this year. My doc

said that he has another child whose parents managed to get some from the US

and he says it is a hundred times better than - e.g. - relifan. His patient

has had no more upset or sore tummy's at all now that she is on it.

A question - I'm taking to a Tai Chi class next week to see how she

likes it - it may be too slow for her, but the instructor is keen to take a

look at her. Does anyone know if this type of excercise may be beneficial?


Ady Ogilvie


> Re: celebrex


> From: Charlie <_C_S@...>


> : I agree. However, the data is not fully in yet whether Vioxx and

> Celebrex are significantly better for ulcers. Charlie



> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 08:45:44 -0800, onelist wrote:

> From: " WILLIAM PRICE " <william.e.price@...>

> | I have a question about Celebrex. My daughter, age 11 with systemic

> JRA,

> is on naprosyn. It seems like eventually all kids start to have gastro

> problems with this medication. Why don't they start these children on

> Celebrex that is supposed to be easier on the stomach? It seems like the

> doctors first start with naprosyn, wait for the child to bleed internally,

> and then move to something else. We have enough problems, why should we

> give n a bleeding ulcer? We have an appt. next week with a new ped.

> rheumy, so any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks, in

> Portland






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In a message dated 1/21/00 1:49:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

aogilvie@... writes:

<< A question - I'm taking to a Tai Chi class next week to see how she

likes it - it may be too slow for her, but the instructor is keen to take a

look at her. Does anyone know if this type of excercise may be beneficial?



I had a close friend that is the spokesperson for patience tai chi and

when he found out that Tally had Still's, he sent me a tape that he made on

it. It's slow and Tally is 5, he's not terribly interested in it yet but it

helps me more than him right now. Gives me time to just unwind from long

days... My RD's recommended it actually when they told me what excercises

to get Tally to do. It's slow and controlled but calming.


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

> All-over iching is a sign of liver toxicity.


> ~a

Or of allergic reaction. I would call the doctor ASAP and see if they want

you to take any more.

If there are other signs of allergy, such as feeling of heaviness or

tightness in chest, puffiness of face especially around the eyes, wheezing,

hives.....the general rule is to stop the medication immediately and do not

take more until you have consulted a doctor. Also, if you have the

reactions in breathing, and they do not improve with stopping the

medication, an ER visit may be in order, if you cannot contact your own


Other signs of liver toxicity, are yellowing of skin or the whites of the

eyes, flu-like symptoms, (fever, chills, muscle aches), nausea, headaches.


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> > All-over iching is a sign of liver toxicity.

> >

> > ~a


> Or of allergic reaction. I would call the doctor ASAP and see if

they want

> you to take any more.

Ever since i started the Celexa I have had one alergic reaction after

another. Eye pain and itching and headaches, so bad i went to eye

doctor and got expensive drops. Finally I stopped the celexa and it

went away, tried it again and got monster hives. I have also been

taking a little vioxx and I have been having spells of the all over

itching throughout this time. Both doctors sorta acted like they

thought i was crazy when I said I thought it was the medicine. I also

had flea bombed my house at about the time this started and know some

people are allergic to pyrethrins. I havent felt flulike though.

Everytime I have a reaction that i know is from drugs the doctors


treat me like I am a hypochondriac.

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Show them this. It was just posted in another discussion I was involved in

about allergic reactions to drugs. I thought it was a good link. It has

remarks about eye involvemnet in this kind of allergic reaction.

And join the club....

I have a lot of weird reactions to drugs, know what you mean. It felt good

to read that part in The Road Back where Dr. Brown explained why this might

be more common for us.

Club membership includes " Kick Me " and other fun stickers to paste on the

back of the doc's lab coat when they are not looking. ; ) Liz G

> Everytime I have a reaction that i know is from drugs the doctors

> just

> treat me like I am a hypochondriac.

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  • 3 months later...

Good Morning Everyone,

I have been taking 200 mg of Celebrex for 3 days now. I am not impressed.

While the drug may provide a few hours of some relief, it doesn't last long

enough and I often wish I could take something else about half way through

the day.

Is 3 days long enough to give the drug a chance to work? Also--if I'm not

awake through the night because of pain, I am awake because of nightmares.

Has anyone else experienced nightmares while taking celebrex?


Jeanne in Idaho

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Hi again Everyone,

I guess I am confused about how Celebrex works. I thought it was an

anti-inflammatory (similar to aspirin) and worked quickly with slightly more

duration than other nsaids. I didn't think it had to build up to achieve a

more effective result.

I am currently taking only the celebrex, glucosamine and a multi vitamin.

Since I have been taking the glucosamine for over a year, I don't believe it

is causing the nightmares. The pain I am currently experiencing is mostly in

my knees.

On Saturday I finished a 10 day course of Prednisone. On Sunday I began the

Celebrex. Monday and Tuesday were painful nights full of nightmares. I just

have to believe it is the Celebrex causing the nightmares. I did take the

celebrex this morning but question if I really want to continue. At this

point I am not getting enough relief with the Celebrex to accept those


On a side note--Saturday, after finishing the last of the prednisone, I

noticed my normally swollen grapefruit knees were no longer swollen--they

were flabby. All that skin that is normally tight with pressure was just

flabbing down around my knees. I know it's weird--but I really got a kick

out of that. I hadn't seen anything but grapefruit knees in so long that

those knees didn't even look like they belonged to me!

Jeanne In Idaho

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Hi I'm taking Celebrex 200mg twice a day now for 6 months and it doesn't

seem to be doing much for me. I also would like to be able to take

something else through the day. I thought it was just me having the sleep

problems from it and yes I'm having nightmares. Don't know what to try



Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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Hi Jeanne,

> I have been taking 200 mg of Celebrex for 3 days now...

> Is 3 days long enough to give the drug a chance to work?

Probably not long enough.

> Also--if I'm not awake through the night

> because of pain, I am awake because of nightmares.

Sounds like you may have something else going on

at the same time. And sleep disturbances can

create their own problems, symptoms similar to

fibromyalgia. Are you taking other drugs or have

other symptoms? What kind of pain?

> Has anyone else experienced nightmares while taking celebrex?

I didn't notice any increase in nightmares nor

any decrease in pain.

Hope you feel better soon,

Patty B in the Pineywoods of East Texas

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Like all drugs, Celebrex takes time to work. I noticed no change in my

symptoms for 6 weeks when I started taking it. I started MTX (5mg) two

weeks ago, and has incredible nausea and diarrhea, so my rheumy had to

prescribe folinic acid for me.

You need to remember that these drugs give your system a " kicking " ,

that's what they are for. With PA, your body is constantly fighting the

disease. The drugs are supposed to take over that job, to allow your

body some R & R and an opportunity to repair the damage.

I am constantly amazed by the lack of information given to you people in

the States by your doctors. My rheumy gave me a month to find out about

MTX before prescribing it, and he only did so after I " interviewed " him

for a good twenty minutes. I asked him all the questions I could, based

on information and anecdotes from this group. If your rheumy doesn't

communicate with you, be a consumer and walk!


in Sydney

now4now5@... wrote:

> Good Morning Everyone,


> I have been taking 200 mg of Celebrex for 3 days now. I am not

> impressed.

> While the drug may provide a few hours of some relief, it doesn't last

> long

> enough and I often wish I could take something else about half way

> through

> the day.


> Is 3 days long enough to give the drug a chance to work? Also--if I'm

> not

> awake through the night because of pain, I am awake because of

> nightmares.

> Has anyone else experienced nightmares while taking celebrex?


> Thanks,

> Jeanne in Idaho

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In a message dated 10/24/00 3:55:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Rodali@... writes:

<< Hi I'm taking Celebrex 200mg twice a day now for 6 months and it doesn't

seem to be doing much for me. >>

I took Clebrex before I had PA, for osteo arthritis in my knees and it did

not help me at all. My RD sticks with indomethocin..it's old, cheap and

works great for me:)

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In a message dated 10/24/00 5:47:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

davids@... writes:

<< My rheumy gave me a month to find out about

MTX before prescribing it, and he only did so after I " interviewed " him

for a good twenty minutes. I asked him all the questions I could, based

on information and anecdotes from this group. If your rheumy doesn't

communicate with you, be a consumer and walk >>

Hi :

I have to say, my RD spent 2 1/2 hours with my husband & I when I was first

diagnosed..and after a couple of months and no improvement, he started

tellling me about MTX. I have heard some horror stories about doctors not

communicating and I was really, really expecting this from him (I work in

medical billing and have worked with doctors for 20 years). I kind of

approached him as I would other " Specialist " who thinks they are superior and

the peon patients don't know anything, however, I was pleasantly surprised

with the time he took to let me consider the MTX and the time he still takes

when I go in. I am a stubborn case for him and he does actually remember

details from visit to visit. From hearing others, I think I am lucky to have

this doc and it did take me 3 mos to get the appointment!

, Monroe, MI

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You folks give so much informative info that just want to tell you how much

it is appreciated. Think I will drop celebrex to 1x/day and then 0 as I

can't tell if it is really doing anything. I am back on enbrel again and

after 3 wks. I " m getting the bubbly feeling on the skin of my upper arms

that I had before and is itchy. Not too bad yet. I called the company

before and they have not had this complaint before. I would think I'd get

generalized rash if allergic. Have had that long ago from a bug bite that

became anaphylactic reaction 2x. Everything swelled up and was kept a long

time in ER. I am a RN so am familiar. Anyone else had anything similar? I

have scabs from last rash that are like I was attacked by misquitos. Betty

in VA

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Hi Jeanne!

I tried celebrex last summer(1999). I took 200 mg. a day. I

wasn't impressed either. It wasn't working at all after 3 days! Vioxx

works better on me than anything else I've tried so far.I still have

to take aspirin occasionally though. Good luck and God bless.

Diane C. Indianapolis

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I'm allergic to most of the meds, Enbrel (1/2 dose) caused shortness of

breath and facial swelling, Arava (10mg) caused all over " ill " feeling, loss

of hair and a rash that I have had on my back, arms, and face for months

after discontinuing. Imuran put me in the hospital, high fever and severe

asthma attack. As a result, I am on Prednisone (almost 3 straight years),

and Oxycontin. I was on MTX (25mg) for a couple of years and didn't get

relief and still had the side effects. My RD is just a bit reluctant to try

other stuff since I can't take NASIDS as well, they cause hives and close off

my breathing. There are others, but the drug manufacturers always claim

innocence, " Never heard of that type of reaction. "


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  • 3 months later...

My stomach told me before their panel did.... Neither Celebrex or

Vioxx were easier on my stomach. I had to stop taking both of them

because of stomach problems. However I wonder if having taken NSAIDS

for so long, about 30 years, that my stomach just can't stand any of

them any longer no matter what they are.

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In a message dated 02/13/2001 10:19:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

legerpj@... writes:

<< My stomach told me before their panel did.... However I wonder if having

taken NSAIDS for so long, about 30 years, that my stomach just can't stand

any of

them any longer no matter what they are.


Hi ,

Me too. I only took NSAIDs for 2 years and found Celebrex to worse on my

stomach than any of the NSAIDs.

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I have done the same thing to the point I constantly change meds to find

something that doesn't do this. And I go without awhile and then all the

flares and pains come back so start up again. Lexi

From: " Leger " <legerpj@...>

My stomach told me before their panel did.... Neither Celebrex or

Vioxx were easier on my stomach. I had to stop taking both of them

because of stomach problems. However I wonder if having taken NSAIDS

for so long, about 30 years, that my stomach just can't stand any of

them any longer no matter what they are.

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Thanks for the info everyone....basically, I like to hear some personal testimonials prior to starting on a new drug...I've been able to get down to Mino and prednisone...the doc wants to use celebrex primarily to get me off the prednisone....I know I can find the canned info online but tend to prefer real life experiences to the propoganda we often find on the web sites..thanks again!!!


rheumatic Celebrex

Just got back from my RD appt...anyone using Celebrex?....the Doc wants me to use it...tks

TonyTo unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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I found meloxicam trade name mobic to be as good if not better than celebrex.Mobic has a longer record of usage and good safety profile and cheaper.I have ankylosing spondylitis and peripheral arthritis for 2years.I don't know if you can get it in the states.I am from Malaysia


rheumatic Celebrex

Just got back from my RD appt...anyone using Celebrex?....the Doc wants me to use it...tks

TonyTo unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroupsTo unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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