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If it is a yeast/fungal infection try Zeeasorb (sp) anti fungal powder. My

son kept getting yeast type infections in his diaper area and this worked

wonders. I have used it under my boobs and in various creases. It worked

like a charm. I did have to ask the pharmasist (sp) to order it however.

Good luck

Kim in VA

" doin' the insurance dance "

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I'm no doctor (so this, of course, can't beconsidered a diagnosis or

anything - LOL) But, I wonder if it's a yeast infection. Sorta sounds

like it. Can you call in to your PCP's office or a nurse help line or

something to get a suggestion to try? (I wonder if some of the OTC

stuff like Monistat would work on it?? Not sure) - maybe one of the

nurses on this list can answer more intelligently. Good luck. Beth

Kathy wrote:


> From: thestewarts@... (Kathy )


> Hi gang

> I know this is not completely related to WLS but I hope that someone

> here can understand and help.......it is embarrassing and God knows that

> this is the only place that I could say this,....


> I have a terrible, rather large rash (about 3inches by 2 inches) in the

> crease between my thigh and my stomach.....(I guess this is the " apron "

> that everyone talks about!!!)....anyway, this rash is not very

> irritating, but it is super red and enlarged....more solid type rash

> than the prickly heat type that I normaly get.....


> I have tried Gold Bond and vaseline....what do you all think??? Has

> anyone else ever had to deal with this problem?????? I want to avoid

> going to the Doctor for this problem since it is in onew of those " hard

> to see " places....what should I do??? Also, would it be smart of me to

> go to the doctor in order to get documentation in case I ever get my WLS

> and then need a tummy tuck....I need your advice.....


> Thanks and love

> Kathy


> ---------------------------

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  • 2 months later...

Dee in NC, this is Dee in MI: how difficult this must be for you. You are

wrapped in our love and prayers, Dee. There isn't any one among us who

hasn't " frozen " at some decision point. When you think of this, think of it

as an opportunity: you're going to get to do this in stages! You got to the

OR doors this time; next time, you'll get through those doors and back up to

your own room all ready to be the new person you really want to be. Yes,

you can face Dr. R. again. First, you need to let yourself off the hook of

guilt and self-condemnation. The little girl inside you was terrified. You

had mercy on her and let her stop outside the OR doors. Now sit with her

until she's strong again...and take her hand and help her go all the way

through those doors the next time. You can do it, Dee...we're lifting you in


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Dee, I am so sorry for what has happend. Maybe you should talk to a

counselor about your fears. I am not a bit afraid, not one tiny little bit.

I have complete confidence in Dr Rutledge and I haven't even met him yet!!!!

But I have listened and read and listend and read and read the online

testimonies about how he has helped soooooooooooooooooo many people that I

know he can help you and me!!!! May I ask your age?? I am 55 and that may

make a difference. I have had 2 children, and a hysterectomy in the years

gone by. I have said many many prayers about this and I feel confident that

this is what God wants me to do. My family all agree. Is your family

supporting you to do this?? If ever you need someone to encourage you please

call on me as I am positive this is something that will change your life for

good and that it will be the greatest blessing that has happened to anyone

that is desperate to lose weight. I have nothing to fear for God is with me

and with you. My faith in God reminds me that God has been, still is, and

ever will be guiding and inspiring us along our way, through every moment of

our lives. We are safe and secure, for we are protected by a loving,

always-present Creator. Hugs,

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I am having my surgery on Nov. 29. If you want we can go together. I have

had many surgeries and am a calm cucumber and maybe we can be roomies. I

will be happy to share the experience. I am very excited but I understand

your fear and it could happen to any of us. That's what happens to me when I

have to climb a ladder. I do not deal with heights at all. Keep praying

for peace and try doing some calming self-therapy. Think about the most

relaxing place you have ever been. Like laying on the beach at sunset or in

a field with the wind blowing or whatever and kind of train yourself to

transfer yourself to that place at will. Then maybe you can get through

those doors. Also, ask Dr.R if he can give you anything for your nerves

before the surgery. That can be done in many cases. Good luck.

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good luck. I understand more than i can probably transmit through these

words. The closer the date for me gets the more petrified i am becoming the

biggest thing for me is not only is this the thing that is gonna save my life

(medical reasons) and give me a life for the first time free of weight... but

i have money invested and dogs that have been setup to be kenneled and

airline tickets and a mother that would kill me if i backed out now :) so i

try to take it minute by minute.. day by day .. one breath at a time when i

get too overwhelmed. I know this surgery is not anymore dangerous than the

open hysterectomy i had 3 years ago but it sure does feel that way at times.

I think the best thing for me is to just let go. course i know how much

easier that is to say than do. I am sure if you ask debbie she would agree

as i probably call her every other day .. for really no reason other than i

just don't know what to do with myself :)

I'll be there on the 13th .. maybe you could have it then and the two

chickens can cluck together :) ok bad joke...

Have a great night :)

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I am sorry that happened to you! You must have been so scared!! I can

understand your feelings but I can honestly tell you, as scared as I was,

going through with this surgery has been the very best gift I have ever


Good luck and I wish you the best in your decision! Dr. R will understand so

don't be afraid to face him! He is a compassionate person!

in AL

MGB 8/2/99

42 1/4 lb. gone so far!

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Dee, sweetheart, no need to be embarrassed. It is ok that you changed your

mind. We are here for you ever need to chat with anyone one on one, I would

love to do that for you. I have not been on the list but maybe a week

myself. I know for myself I need to have this done or die. I am 5ft and

weight in at 286 and counting. I guess my fears are not being able to eat

again, I know that is silly but it is a fear of mine. The other one is that

the last time I had surgery. On of my lungs collapsed. It was so scary. I

kept telling them that I couldn't breath and they sent me home. With in the

hours I was back at the hospital in the ER. That is my biggest fear. We are

hear for you. It is going to ok.


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We all have to make our choices. I f you were not ready, you were not. I

was going to viset you and was concerned how you did. right now I am home

with my 5 yr old grandaugther, sick with asthma. I wish I could say more to

help you, I understand your fears. It is a life changing procedure. Email

me if you want to talk, Ill be glad to be here for you.


>OK, I've been debating on this message all day, but I know I need this

>group more than ever. Today was supposed to be my surgery date. I even

>got all the way to the OR and I just couldn't do it. I was so scared. I'm

>not really afraid of afterwords, just of the surgery itself. I don't know

what to

>do now. I NEED this surgery. I am so embarrassed, I don't know if I can

even face Dr. R


>Any feedback or support would be greatly appreciated.

>Dee in NC


>>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net



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Dee, Don't beat yourself up over this. You have to feel right with

things in order to go through with something like this. I hate pain and

am a major wuss, my surgery is Thurs. If you want to email me

afterwards or talk in the hosp I would be happy to. I will give you all

the details. Dr R does such a good job of teaching I can't imagine what

I can add but you never know. I think somewhere deep down your'e a

little uncertain that this is the right move for you. Just take a little

time and really think things thru and don't let anyone influence you and

I think you'll come to the right decision for you. good luck your'e in

my thoughts anne hunt mgb 10/28

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Oh, Dee, I wish I knew the perfect words to say. Please don't back away

from Dr. Rutledge. He is a VERY understanding, compassionate, professional

person. I am not sure where the anxiety about surgery comes from but there

are many possibilities to help with that. Surgery IS a very serious thing

AND this procedure, by Dr. R., appears to be one of the safest procedures

you can have. For me, I realized my life would probably be cut short

without the surgery and I also feel reconciled with life and my God so death

does not frighten me. I feel so for you and hope you come to peace with

whatever decision you make.

Amy in IL


>From: gypsygal@...


>OK, I've been debating on this message all day, but I know I need this

>group more than ever. Today was supposed to be my surgery date. I even

>got all the way to the OR and I just couldn't do it. I was so scared. I'm

>not really afraid of afterwords, just of the surgery itself. I don't know

what to

>do now. I NEED this surgery. I am so embarrassed, I don't know if I can

even face Dr. R


>Any feedback or support would be greatly appreciated.

>Dee in NC


>>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net



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Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and support. I am going to call

Debbie tomorrow and get a new date and I will get there. I have to, for me.

Dee in NC

Yarnmama@... wrote:

> From: Yarnmama@...


> Dee in NC, this is Dee in MI: how difficult this must be for you. You are

> wrapped in our love and prayers, Dee. There isn't any one among us who

> hasn't " frozen " at some decision point. When you think of this, think of it

> as an opportunity: you're going to get to do this in stages! You got to the

> OR doors this time; next time, you'll get through those doors and back up to

> your own room all ready to be the new person you really want to be. Yes,

> you can face Dr. R. again. First, you need to let yourself off the hook of

> guilt and self-condemnation. The little girl inside you was terrified. You

> had mercy on her and let her stop outside the OR doors. Now sit with her

> until she's strong again...and take her hand and help her go all the way

> through those doors the next time. You can do it, Dee...we're lifting you in

> prayer.


> > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

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Thank you . I am 33 and yes my family does support me. They were there

today, but I also have had severe panic disorder for most of my adult life and I

just let it take over. I'm not giving up. I will get to the other side.

Dee in NC

Deckbound@... wrote:

> From: Deckbound@...


> Dee, I am so sorry for what has happend. Maybe you should talk to a

> counselor about your fears. I am not a bit afraid, not one tiny little bit.

> I have complete confidence in Dr Rutledge and I haven't even met him yet!!!!

> But I have listened and read and listend and read and read the online

> testimonies about how he has helped soooooooooooooooooo many people that I

> know he can help you and me!!!! May I ask your age?? I am 55 and that may

> make a difference. I have had 2 children, and a hysterectomy in the years

> gone by. I have said many many prayers about this and I feel confident that

> this is what God wants me to do. My family all agree. Is your family

> supporting you to do this?? If ever you need someone to encourage you please

> call on me as I am positive this is something that will change your life for

> good and that it will be the greatest blessing that has happened to anyone

> that is desperate to lose weight. I have nothing to fear for God is with me

> and with you. My faith in God reminds me that God has been, still is, and

> ever will be guiding and inspiring us along our way, through every moment of

> our lives. We are safe and secure, for we are protected by a loving,

> always-present Creator. Hugs,


> > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

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At the age of 17 I was poked and prodded and it was decided that I need

surgery for an ovarian cyst. Maybe it was that my cousin( a doctor) answered

all my questions maybe it was that medicine is a given to me and therefore

not a mystery, I am not sure, but SOMETHING made it ok. Maybe it was my

Faith that I still had things to do in my life and it would not be my time.

I guess there is a calmness that settles over me that keeps me from getting

nervous. I have since had two other surgeries and have felt the same. For me

the information is helpful, I am a WHY person. This trait in my personality

did not end with the age of three, if I do not understand what will happen I

balk at doing things. Now, in Dr Rutledge you have someone who is very

understanding of these issues and would probably explain everything to you.

I would say that maybe you should explore the way the surgery is done more.

Maybe you feel you have left things unsettled in a relationship or with a

family member. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you need the

surgery, you will do what it takes for YOU to take care of the issues that

are causing you trouble and face this head-on. After waiting for my silly

insurance company to ok this surgery I am so ready to do it that the

readiness in itself is scary! LOL Do you honestly think in your heart of

hearts that Dr R would see you any differently? I do not think so, he is a

very understanding man. Do you believe that you will be left to drift about

all by your lonsome after surgery? No, that is why Dr R chooses his staff so

carefully. And when you are home again, that is what WE are for!!!!!!!!:) I

am guessing that you just need to slow down a bit and let your mind catch up

to your emotion:) If you want a play by play of what my cousin has told me

and what I remember about surgery let me know. All of the surgeries were

basically the same it was just a different area was a bit sore afterward:) I

hope this has helped in some way, and know that fear is NORMAL you just need

to figure out why and what you are afraid of specifically and then deal with

it with Dr R,a friend, or family member. I wish you all the bestest and let

me know if I can help :)Godspeed, Paige

>From: gypsygal@...

>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>Subject: Help

>Date: 26 Oct 1999 21:37:38 -0000


>OK, I've been debating on this message all day, but I know I need this

>group more than ever. Today was supposed to be my surgery date. I even

>got all the way to the OR and I just couldn't do it. I was so scared. I'm

>not really afraid of afterwords, just of the surgery itself. I don't know

>what to

>do now. I NEED this surgery. I am so embarrassed, I don't know if I can

>even face Dr. R


>Any feedback or support would be greatly appreciated.

>Dee in NC



>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net


><< text3.html >>

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In a message dated 10/26/1999 4:59:52 PM Central Daylight Time,

gypsygal@... writes:

<< OK, I've been debating on this message all day, but I know I need this

group more than ever. Today was supposed to be my surgery date. I even

got all the way to the OR and I just couldn't do it. I was so scared. I'm

not really afraid of afterwords, just of the surgery itself. I don't know

what to

do now. I NEED this surgery. I am so embarrassed, I don't know if I can even

face Dr. R


Any feedback or support would be greatly appreciated.

Dee in NC >>

Well, Dee, since you got right to the OR and decided not to go I would say

wait until you are ready. I know Dr. R has a busy schedule, but I am sure

that it is better to have backed out now if you didn't feel comfortable. What

do you think is the problem? I have had several major operations and that

part didn't alarm me especially since the anesthesia team came out and

introduced themselves which they usuaully don't do in hospitals. I have to

say my stay at Durham Regional was about the best ever...it was the best. I

had complete confidence in the staff. Just know that God works through their

hands and HE wouldn't have brought you this far. I say pray on this and

write down all the steps before surgery. To me being wheeled into the OR was

the easy part. Know you are in very competent hands.


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I read your post to Dee. I had the same fear about not being able to eat

again but guess what? I do get to eat!! It is wonderful. I don't

necessarily like some of the things that I did before, or at least not as

much so I just don't want them. But if we go out with friends to dinner then

I order a completely normal meal, just like the rest of them! I may only eat

two bites of each thing but the fact is I still got to eat just like my

friends. The only difference was the amount. Nothing has ever made me sick

at all. The only thing I do not tolerate real well are things very high in

sugar, they make me feel, not sick, but yucky! (Sorry, best word I could

come up with!).

I guess what I am rambling on about is, I had the same fear but now I don't

worry because I eat a perfectly regular diet just like everyone else. I just

don't eat as much. I do tend to choose healthier foods because as time goes

on you are definitely more aware of what foods you put into your body. As

someone once said, now we are eating to live instead of living to eat.

Good luck!

in AL

MGB 8/2/99

42 1/4 gone so far!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Kiddo!,

Incidentally, I DID send that the day you sent the message. Sometimes my

hotmail goes wookey and holds onto mail before sending it.I just wanted you

to know that I am still thinking about you and if you want to ever e-mail me

just let me know k? Maybe if you are ready to go when I get ok'd by the

insurance, I would be more than happy for you to join me when I go then we

could go to the other side together! Whatcha think?? Just do not make

yourself sick working to hard! It is OK just remember that! :) Holler if ya

need! PAige

>From: gypsygal@...

>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>Subject: Re: Help

>Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 19:19:54 -0800


>Thanks Paige

>I am still feeling pretty down about it. I went back to work this week and


>been working 12 hour shifts just to keep my mind off of it.

>Dee in NC


>paige windahl wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dee,

> > At the age of 17 I was poked and prodded and it was decided that I need

> > surgery for an ovarian cyst. Maybe it was that my cousin( a doctor)


> > all my questions maybe it was that medicine is a given to me and


> > not a mystery, I am not sure, but SOMETHING made it ok. Maybe it was my

> > Faith that I still had things to do in my life and it would not be my


> > I guess there is a calmness that settles over me that keeps me from


> > nervous. I have since had two other surgeries and have felt the same.

>For me

> > the information is helpful, I am a WHY person. This trait in my


> > did not end with the age of three, if I do not understand what will

>happen I

> > balk at doing things. Now, in Dr Rutledge you have someone who is very

> > understanding of these issues and would probably explain everything to


> > I would say that maybe you should explore the way the surgery is done


> > Maybe you feel you have left things unsettled in a relationship or with


> > family member. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you need the

> > surgery, you will do what it takes for YOU to take care of the issues


> > are causing you trouble and face this head-on. After waiting for my


> > insurance company to ok this surgery I am so ready to do it that the

> > readiness in itself is scary! LOL Do you honestly think in your heart of

> > hearts that Dr R would see you any differently? I do not think so, he is


> > very understanding man. Do you believe that you will be left to drift


> > all by your lonsome after surgery? No, that is why Dr R chooses his

>staff so

> > carefully. And when you are home again, that is what WE are

>for!!!!!!!!:) I

> > am guessing that you just need to slow down a bit and let your mind

>catch up

> > to your emotion:) If you want a play by play of what my cousin has told


> > and what I remember about surgery let me know. All of the surgeries were

> > basically the same it was just a different area was a bit sore

>afterward:) I

> > hope this has helped in some way, and know that fear is NORMAL you just


> > to figure out why and what you are afraid of specifically and then deal


> > it with Dr R,a friend, or family member. I wish you all the bestest and


> > me know if I can help :)Godspeed, Paige

> >

> > >From: gypsygal@...

> > >Reply-To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

> > >To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

> > >Subject: Help

> > >Date: 26 Oct 1999 21:37:38 -0000

> > >

> > >OK, I've been debating on this message all day, but I know I need this

> > >group more than ever. Today was supposed to be my surgery date. I even

> > >got all the way to the OR and I just couldn't do it. I was so scared.


> > >not really afraid of afterwords, just of the surgery itself. I don't


> > >what to

> > >do now. I NEED this surgery. I am so embarrassed, I don't know if I can

> > >even face Dr. R

> > >again.

> > >Any feedback or support would be greatly appreciated.

> > >Dee in NC

> > >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > >This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at


> > >Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> > >

> > ><< text3.html >>

> >

> > > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at


> > Please visit our web site at http://clos.net






>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net


><< text3.html >>

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My Aunt lives in that area and my cousin used to work at the Hosp. in

Greenville I will ask for you and see what I get for a response. My Aunty

called yesterday anyway so I need to call her. :) PAige

>From: newbabyhope@...

>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>To: MiniGastricBypassonelist

>Subject: HELP

>Date: 9 Nov 1999 02:55:46 -0000


>Hi Everyone!

>I had posted earlier in regards to my PCP not being willing to refer me

>to Dr R.

>I need to know now if there is anyone out there from Greenville SC or

>the surrounding

>area that can recommend a good Dr that will be open minded! I need to

>find someone

>to recommend me for this surgery. I have cried over this, and prayed

>over this

>and I know this is the Dr for me. But I am stuck! ANYONE???





>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net


><< text3.html >>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hiya ,

I ran into the same problem. The office I went to had never heard of

this process. I told them that in order to have the surgery, my surgeon just

wanted to be sure I wasn't suffering with any psychoses and that the

psychiatrist would/could be available to help me through any rough times


Now, I have to say that I did pay cash for the visit since the

psychiatrist couldn't find a diagnosis code to fit my situation. That was

fine with me although I guess he could have fudged it to have it covered. I

just wasn't interested in having a " false " diagnosis out there.

The psych office tried to reassure me that the doctors there were not

surgeons and that I should go to a surgeon for pre-op clearance! LOL We both

had a great laugh over that.

You can also print out the web site page about what Dr. R wants in the

psychiatrist's report to help the process along. I also took my manual with

me for the psychiatrist to review. He actually quizzed me about the surgery

to be sure I understood what was going to happen and that I was well

informed. He was delighted for me and is waiting for the surgery as eagerly

as I am!

Go for it and good luck.

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Hi everyone,

I would really like to stress how very important it is to establish a life

line to someone in the mental health field, whether it be a psychiatrist or


I thought I would be just fine after the surgery. Then about 6 weeks

afterwards, I was feeling horrible, and I couldn't figure out why. I'd cry

for no reason, be very irritable (just ask the husband and co-workers), all

in all, I wanted to pull the covers over my head so I wouldn't be bothered

by the world!

With the help of friends and remembering what Dr.Rutledge said about

depression, I made an appointment with the dr who evaluated me for the

surgery. I'm so glad I did.

I'v been diagnosed with clinical depression, put on Wellbutrin and all is

right with the world again. I just can't believe the difference the

medication and talking to someone has had on me. It's like night and day!

I'm hoping that no one else has to go through this, but if you think you

may be, then it is important to have established a connection before hand!

Sometimes these things are out of our hands, but they can be managed!

Just thought you might want to know from my standpoint why Dr. Rutledge

insists on us having a psych evaluation. It can be of great importance to

someone after the surgery. You never know who is going to suffer from

depression and who isn't!

Hope everyone is doing well! Both pre-ops and post-ops!


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Dana S. !!

How nervous you must be and excited at the same time, but I agree with the

advice already given that you can't be too careful. You really do need to see

your doctor ASAP just so you can be assured all is where it should be. I'll

be keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping all is well. Keep us

updated, and welcome to the group!!

Dana F.

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Hi Dana S,

I know being pregnant again is scary and that bloodtests are

unpleasant, but you really need to get to your doctor so that he can

monitor you. Everyone here is all too familiar with the danger that

an ep poses. After having one ep, we need to get checked early on in

our subsequent pregnancies.

Please call the doctor tomorrow and request an HCG test. I'm keeping

my fingers crossed for you!!

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I will, thank you for your response. I think I just don't want to admit to

myself that it could happen again, even though I know the odds are stacked

against me. When it happened the first time it felt like I was having a

dream, and even to this day it seems like it happened to someone else. I

know that sounds stupid, and I would NEVER wish this on someone else, it's

just weird the tricks your mind can play on you...

Re: Help

> Hi Dana S,


> I know being pregnant again is scary and that bloodtests are

> unpleasant, but you really need to get to your doctor so that he can

> monitor you. Everyone here is all too familiar with the danger that

> an ep poses. After having one ep, we need to get checked early on in

> our subsequent pregnancies.


> Please call the doctor tomorrow and request an HCG test. I'm keeping

> my fingers crossed for you!!










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