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? on SSDI doctor

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Thanks, . I started a journal last week and am keeping up with it daily! Of course, every other hour is that I have to sit down and rest or take a nap! It is going with me whenever I get my appt."lastinline10@..." wrote: Just tell him every ache and pain that you have. When I filled out that paper for what I was being seen for I simply put MS and extreme fatique. I should of put down every pain,

ever ache and "problem" I had had for a year at least. He looked at the paper and said that I was just tired and need some rest to feel better. I was so mad when I left I had a brain fog for weeks. Write it down and don't let him forget there is something really wrong. It is not normal for a person at our ages to need a nap or 3 naps a day. It is not normal for us to need to rest before, after or durning making dinner, taking the kids to school, dusting, dishes. This is not normal, we have MS, FM, ON, OA, and lots of other things. We worked our butts off for others and paid our taxes and we deserve to be able to get a check no matter how small each month. This doc is going to try to leasen your need. just make sure he knows that you hurt, need naps, need help, are in pain everyday. He will probibly be nice but remember he is working for the other side. Be nice back, but if it takes you an hour to talk to him and get it all out. Then they will pay him

for that hour and he will understand or at least know what your day is like. Don't be intimidated, he puts his pants on just like you do.......well with out the holding the wall thing. LOL Always, Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply, Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ? on SSDI doctor Anyone have any advice on how to convince whatever doctor SSA sends me to, that my symptoms, which sometimes have better days, that most of the time it would be impossible to hold a job. I have to take cat naps. I have to stay near my bathroom because there is no warning when I need to go. When I get that "you gotta pee" signal, it is the one that normal people get when they have held it for way too long. Somedays, simple movement is painful due to the FM. You all know what I mean when I say that not every symptom is present 24/7. This last migraine started at 3pm on Saturday and at 1am Monday morning, I am finally up and able to read my email! Just wanted to know if there was a

foolproof way to state my ailments so that this doc will see that everyday is a new challenge for me. Tammy Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

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