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Re: cop and cookies

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Glad you got out to relatives house even if you didn't feel like going.

Towards the end of taking Celexa, I always took it right before I went to

bed because I wanted to be asleep when it took effect. I was told though

that after having been on it for a while, I wouldn't feel like a " kick in "

effect, but I did. I don't like taking medication but I know the effects

weren't just in my head. It is hard to describe how I felt. I kind of got

that restless leg feeling, a little anxious, the feeling of dread would set

in. Does that make sense? Kind of like a little black cloud would be over

me. The exact opposite of what that drug is supposed to do. Hope that

helps. Is that how it makes you feel?

I will take your advice and not look out the window while is playing.

We will probably both be happier that way. My kids went back today also.

The house is too quiet. We are expecting a snow storm, which here in GA we

are never prepared for so I am sure they will be home tomorrow. Thanks for

the very sound advice. Appreciate it.



>Reply-To: OurMyositis

>To: OurMyositis

>Subject: cop and cookies

>Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 04:50:43 -0000


> How exciting for you Vicki!I hope they can keep him in there for a

>bit so he doesn't go out for revenge... at least you and all those

>neighbors are watching carefully. Thank goodness. That's great news!

>You could almost set up your own type neighborhood watch thing out

>there and let those creeps know it. It'd be mighty hard for the

>father to NOT know what that guy was up too.

> OK Mike- here's the deal. If/When I or my kids go out to Buffalo

>again, I'll made those cookies and make them extra evil, just for you!

>I now need to dream up something in return... my evil mind will, so

>you can count on that :)

> Cari, I SO appreciated your post concerning the antidepressants. I

>honestly think they are not for me and have done some " funny " things

>to me. Can you describe sort of how you felt when you said you felt

>funy after about an hour? Yes, I've been down about this, not at all

>feeling myself and not sure who that self really is! I have always

>taken the pills as prescribed and I've been on al of them long enough

>for them to get in my system and start to work. This morning I found

>I had 2 Celexa leftover from before, so instead of taking the Zoloft,

>I cut a Celexa in half and took that. So, I have enough for 3

>days....which I'm sure isn't enough to wean off. I've been bothered

>by a pounding heart a LOT recently, and I'm wondering if it's the

>Zoloft. I don't think Celexa did that to me. I don't like the feeling

>at all. Sometimes seems to jump around, too- my heartbeat.I'm not

>taking the Trazodone tonight, either. Today we drove up to my

>father's for dinner and to exchange gifts, and I really didnt want to

>go. Too tired, skin getting too itchy and irritated, and simply felt

>blah. But I went. It was OK and nice to see the family, but I'm sure

>I didn't add much livliness. Only when I tried to " play " the trombone

>my stepmother got my 78yr old dad for Christmas!! He always wanted to

>play one and never has. I actually made some noise with it, but found

>it hard to hold up. My hands don't seem to have the strength they

>used to. Don't know why. When my husband tried to play it, all the

>sounds that came out sounded like " bathroom sounds in the morning:) "

>. I laughed until tears came out my eyes.

> Kids go back to school tomorrow, so I get to be alone for a few

>hours. I'm SO glad. Plan on sleeping late and not doing much.Cari, my

>advice is: do NOT look out your window at . I know how that is,

>though. He knows his own limits by now, mostly, and sometimes he will

>just have to push beyond them, and hurt or get too tired. But, he'll

>learn to manage himself better that way, in the long run. Well, MAYBE

>he will. Ha- do any of us??

> Lynn, we rented a movie call After the Storm, with Armande Assante

>and Bratt. It was really an excellent movie, and I recommend

>it. Takes place down in Bimini in the 1930's. It's a drama with

>suspense. Great ending! Then we watched the ball drop and everyone

>went to bed except me. That racing, pounding heart feeling was

>keeping me awake. So, I didn't get enough sleep last night.

> Here's my local " crime report " for the day: We have a real honest

>to goodness Mafia compound near us.You should see the decorations

>they have up!Amazing. The place has been there for years. It's the

>Persico crime family. A friend of my son's who lives right across

>from the mafia place told him that the FBI accidentally wiretapped

>her family's house a couple months ago. The dummies got the wrong

>house, and this girl's parents were told of the mix-up. I suppose I

>could see that happening, but gee whiz. The caretaker there is an old

>guy who plays golf at my husband's golf club. His name is Joe Trunk-

>probably short for Truncato, or something more sinister :) Rick says

>he's awfully nice. I told him to ask nice Joe some questions. My

>husband said " are you kidding? " I would, if ever I get the

>chance.Heck, I'd volunteer to do undercover work, if they'd let me.

>Seriously:) I need some excitement. At times I tend to make my own,

>and that always doesn't turn out too well- BIG smile. Ah,






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