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Re: Weight Watchers

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Well said Gillian!!Gillian Hood-son wrote: I know there was some discussion earlier this month about the ridiculous WW commercials that came out after New Year's, claiming they aren't a diet. It's a good thing I was out of power due to a wind storm for 5 days because I was about to throw things at the TV everytime I saw one. The good news about this claim, which we know if a huge lie, is that WW realizes that the non-diet movement is taking hold and

they are going to have to change their marketing to keep up their masses that come in to attempt to lose weight. Our message is getting out there. I was horrified the first time I saw the commercial. Even my husband, who really doesn't know a whole lot about what I do for a living or IE recognized that WW was lying without me even saying anything. I was inspired to write a rant about the new marketing campaign on my blog and I think many of you might enjoy it. It took me about 10 minutes to write, my fastest ever! I was just so mad and insulted and it just came out of me. Here it is. Enjoy! http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/blog Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

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Awesome post!!!!!!


> I know there was some discussion earlier this month about the

ridiculous WW

> commercials that came out after New Year's, claiming they aren't a


> It's a good thing I was out of power due to a wind storm for 5 days


> I was about to throw things at the TV everytime I saw one. The good


> about this claim, which we know if a huge lie, is that WW realizes

that the

> non-diet movement is taking hold and they are going to have to

change their

> marketing to keep up their masses that come in to attempt to lose


> Our message is getting out there.


> I was horrified the first time I saw the commercial. Even my

husband, who

> really doesn't know a whole lot about what I do for a living or IE

> recognized that WW was lying without me even saying anything. I was


> to write a rant about the new marketing campaign on my blog and I

think many

> of you might enjoy it. It took me about 10 minutes to write, my


> ever! I was just so mad and insulted and it just came out of me.


> Here it is. Enjoy! http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/blog


> Thanks!

> Gillian


> Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

> Healthier Outcomes

> It's not just about losing weight!



> Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight?


> Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to Guilt


> Eating " by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

> <http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/>


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Last night, I saw for the FIRST time one of these ridiculous

commercials! I was flabbergasted. I have known so many people who are

duped into WW and spend money (for what????) to be judged and coerced

into making food an occupying thought of each moment. When I hear

friends tell me they had hearts of palm for lunch just so they could

drink a mudslide at a party and stay within the points....well, that is

just pitiful. Where is the " Why " question in all of these diets? Why do

we overeat? Why do we focus on food? Why is our culture hell bent on

disregarding the fact that we all change and age over time? Why? Why?

Why? Thank goodness for IE-we need to ask the whys instead of trying to

beat ourselves into submission each and every day.

Phew, sorry for that rant. I can't remember if I saw that commercial

while I was flipping between American Idol and the Cake Challenge on


Have a great day everyone,

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>Where is the " Why " question in all of these diets? Why do

> we overeat? Why do we focus on food? Why is our culture hell bent on

> disregarding the fact that we all change and age over time? Why? Why?

> Why? >

This reminded me of something interesting my

doctor said last month, while I was having my

physical. I was complaining about the fact

that my body is so horribly efficient at

maintaining it's weight, no matter what I do.

He said, actually, if you get past 40 and then

to 50 and to 60 and you HAVEN'T put on 10

pounds each decade, that's actually a WEIGHT

LOSS - because the human body gains weight as

it ages. It's just what bodies DO. Simply

MAINTAINING your weight past 40 is a victory

over your body's natural preference to put ON

weight as you age.


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I LOOOOVE those cake challenges!!!! Except I get so nervous when

they transfer the cakes from the worktables to the display tables.

(Half the time I end up closing my eyes,lol!)


> Last night, I saw for the FIRST time one of these ridiculous

> commercials! I was flabbergasted. I have known so many people who


> duped into WW and spend money (for what????) to be judged and


> into making food an occupying thought of each moment. When I hear

> friends tell me they had hearts of palm for lunch just so they


> drink a mudslide at a party and stay within the points....well,

that is

> just pitiful. Where is the " Why " question in all of these diets?

Why do

> we overeat? Why do we focus on food? Why is our culture hell bent


> disregarding the fact that we all change and age over time? Why?


> Why? Thank goodness for IE-we need to ask the whys instead of

trying to

> beat ourselves into submission each and every day.


> Phew, sorry for that rant. I can't remember if I saw that


> while I was flipping between American Idol and the Cake Challenge


> FoodTV.


> Have a great day everyone,



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Gillian, I have tried out all sorts of diets and they don't work out for me to lose weight. Which one does? I need help with this. Goldie


You are right on - diets don't address the why at all. And this is the most important question of all, as we know from IE. I'm glad you're here and that all of you are here. We have almost 900 members! Hopefully we'll just keep growing and getting the word out. I'm tired of seeing so many people suffer.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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> This reminded me of something interesting my doctor said last month,

while I was having my physical. I was complaining about the fact that

my body is so horribly efficient at maintaining it's weight, no matter

what I do. He said, actually, if you get past 40 and then to 50 and to

60 and you HAVEN'T put on 10 pounds each decade, that's actually a

WEIGHT LOSS - because the human body gains weight as it ages.

Well that's a step in the right direction . . . .

> It's just what bodies DO. Simply MAINTAINING your weight past 40 is

a > victory over your body's natural preference to put ON

weight as you age.


> Interesting....

Now the NEXT big step for our 'supportive medical community' is to go

with the NATURAL flow of -

> body's natural preference to put ON weight as you age.

INSTEAD of looking at it this way -

> Simply MAINTAINING your weight past 40 is a VICTORY over your

body's natural preference to put ON weight as you age.

WHY are we all fighting that?!? Many posts back Ivy linked to an

article about how eating fats is actually good for our bodies in many

ways. One point made in that article was that studies are now finding

that older people with 'extra' (by today's so called standards) body

weight seem to live longer.



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Gillian, what did you do that you lost weight? I am here looking for answers. Goldie

Hi Goldie,

Great question and thanks for asking! This group and others like it are the only place you will get the truth about this, because the answer isn't always the one you want to hear.

There simply isn't a single diet that works, period. Many people have been "successful" on diets, meaning they have lost weight. But in at least 95%, probably more, cases, the weight comes back plus more. And with each time the weight comes back, you gain a higher percentage of fat, versus muscle which is one of the reasons your metabolism gets slower and it's harder to take off the weight with the next attempt.

I could go on for hours, but here's the basic reason why diets don't work. Diets focus on external rules versus your internal wisdom and body's guidance. Any diet - including Weight Watchers who claims they aren't a diet - have rules such as what to eat, what not to eat, what time to eat, when not to eat, what combinations of foods to eat, how much you can eat, sometimes where to eat (like at the table with no distractions), and the list goes on. It's easy to follow rules for a while, and many people think that structure works for them. But this design is doomed for failure. It's human nature to rebel against rules and to want the things we can't have. So you have this rules that are eventually met with rebellion and you end up failing. And the diet industry is a multi-million or even billion dollar industry because diets fail. They wouldn't make any money if diets were successful! They also let you believe that the failing is all because of you - you have no willpower, you're just a loser, etc. Believe me, it's just not true!

So, your question was, what works? I dieted for years and years, and as a result also became a binge eater and emotional eater. I tried everything. And then I found Intuitive Eating. It's not a quick fix, it's not a miracle super fast weight loss plan, but it is a permanent solution and I can tell you that IE gave me my life back, after 25 years of misery. IE addresses why we eat, that's the question that needs to be answered, but diets never ask. It also helps you get back in touch with your body. If you let it, your body will tell you when it's hungry and full and what it really wants. It's a matter of trust and getting back in touch. I promise you had this ability when you were born, you can see it with small children.

A very important and sometimes difficult aspect of IE is that you need to put weight loss on the back burner. It doesn't mean you can't or won't lose weight, just other things need to be taken care of first. When they are, or during the process, you can return to whatever your natural weight is. When we are on a diet, we are putting off living our lives until we lose weight. How many more years are you going to wait to live your life? I waited 25 and it makes me sad. But this is your opportunity to live life now, and get back in touch with your body and make peace with food. It's a wonderful freedom.

We are all here to lend support and advice. I'm sure many can share their journey with you and I as well as others have lost weight. But I didn't really lose the weight for good until I reached that point where I accepted myself right where I was and decided to be happy. It's funny that it works that way, but it does.

I hope this helps. Please ask any questions you have.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I would like to talk to you privately on how Intuitive Eating works. I am not familiar with it at all and I would like to become successful at it. I would appreciate your time. Thank you, Gillian. Goldie


Honestly, I just followed the principles of Intuitive Eating. It was a process, not a quick fix. I got back in touch with physical hunger and fullness, learned how to deal with feelings and emotions without eating them away, started taking better care of myself and my needs, asked for the things I wanted instead of putting my needs last, decided I was good enough the way I was now and accepted myself, and decided to start living my life and not wait for some stupid number on the scale or pants size. I know it sounds crazy to someone who isn't familiar with IE, but it is 100% true. The weight loss came when I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just taking care of myself and finding joy in life instead of being miserable and punishing myself by dieting and endless exercise because I had weight to lose. I promise you this is the truth. Hopefully some others on this board can back me up with the same experience.

I am an Intuitive Eating coach, you are welcome to talk with me more privately about this, or find a dietician or other specialist in your area to help you. If you haven't read any of the books, check out our home page, there are some good books there. My favorite to start with is "Intuitive Eating" by Resch and Tribole.

Keep asking, we're here! Just keep in mind there are no miracles or simple answers. If you hear of one, chances are it's a diet.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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> I LOOOOVE those cake challenges!!!! Except I get so nervous when

> they transfer the cakes from the worktables to the display tables.

> (Half the time I end up closing my eyes,lol!)


Last night Duff (from Ace of Cakes) didn't even finish and when he

tried to move his incomplete cake, it crashed!!!!!!

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Thanks everybody, I'm glad you liked the post. It was actually fun and cathartic to write.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of alyzu1Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:03 AMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Weight Watchers

Awesome post!!!!!!>> I know there was some discussion earlier this month about the ridiculous WW> commercials that came out after New Year's, claiming they aren't a diet.> It's a good thing I was out of power due to a wind storm for 5 days because> I was about to throw things at the TV everytime I saw one. The good news> about this claim, which we know if a huge lie, is that WW realizes that the> non-diet movement is taking hold and they are going to have to change their> marketing to keep up their masses that come in to attempt to lose weight.> Our message is getting out there.> > I was horrified the first time I saw the commercial. Even my husband, who> really doesn't know a whole lot about what I do for a living or IE> recognized that WW was lying without me even saying anything. I was inspired> to write a rant about the new marketing campaign on my blog and I think many> of you might enjoy it. It took me about 10 minutes to write, my fastest> ever! I was just so mad and insulted and it just came out of me.> > Here it is. Enjoy! http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/blog> > Thanks!> Gillian> > Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM> Healthier Outcomes> It's not just about losing weight!> > > Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight?> > Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free> Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com> <http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/>>

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You are right on - diets don't address the why at all. And this is the most important question of all, as we know from IE. I'm glad you're here and that all of you are here. We have almost 900 members! Hopefully we'll just keep growing and getting the word out. I'm tired of seeing so many people suffer.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of abfabuloussweetieSent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:12 AMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Weight Watchers

Last night, I saw for the FIRST time one of these ridiculous commercials! I was flabbergasted. I have known so many people who are duped into WW and spend money (for what????) to be judged and coerced into making food an occupying thought of each moment. When I hear friends tell me they had hearts of palm for lunch just so they could drink a mudslide at a party and stay within the points....well, that is just pitiful. Where is the "Why" question in all of these diets? Why do we overeat? Why do we focus on food? Why is our culture hell bent on disregarding the fact that we all change and age over time? Why? Why? Why? Thank goodness for IE-we need to ask the whys instead of trying to beat ourselves into submission each and every day.Phew, sorry for that rant. I can't remember if I saw that commercial while I was flipping between American Idol and the Cake Challenge on FoodTV. Have a great day everyone,

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Hi Goldie,

Great question and thanks for asking! This group and others like it are the only place you will get the truth about this, because the answer isn't always the one you want to hear.

There simply isn't a single diet that works, period. Many people have been "successful" on diets, meaning they have lost weight. But in at least 95%, probably more, cases, the weight comes back plus more. And with each time the weight comes back, you gain a higher percentage of fat, versus muscle which is one of the reasons your metabolism gets slower and it's harder to take off the weight with the next attempt.

I could go on for hours, but here's the basic reason why diets don't work. Diets focus on external rules versus your internal wisdom and body's guidance. Any diet - including Weight Watchers who claims they aren't a diet - have rules such as what to eat, what not to eat, what time to eat, when not to eat, what combinations of foods to eat, how much you can eat, sometimes where to eat (like at the table with no distractions), and the list goes on. It's easy to follow rules for a while, and many people think that structure works for them. But this design is doomed for failure. It's human nature to rebel against rules and to want the things we can't have. So you have this rules that are eventually met with rebellion and you end up failing. And the diet industry is a multi-million or even billion dollar industry because diets fail. They wouldn't make any money if diets were successful! They also let you believe that the failing is all because of you - you have no willpower, you're just a loser, etc. Believe me, it's just not true!

So, your question was, what works? I dieted for years and years, and as a result also became a binge eater and emotional eater. I tried everything. And then I found Intuitive Eating. It's not a quick fix, it's not a miracle super fast weight loss plan, but it is a permanent solution and I can tell you that IE gave me my life back, after 25 years of misery. IE addresses why we eat, that's the question that needs to be answered, but diets never ask. It also helps you get back in touch with your body. If you let it, your body will tell you when it's hungry and full and what it really wants. It's a matter of trust and getting back in touch. I promise you had this ability when you were born, you can see it with small children.

A very important and sometimes difficult aspect of IE is that you need to put weight loss on the back burner. It doesn't mean you can't or won't lose weight, just other things need to be taken care of first. When they are, or during the process, you can return to whatever your natural weight is. When we are on a diet, we are putting off living our lives until we lose weight. How many more years are you going to wait to live your life? I waited 25 and it makes me sad. But this is your opportunity to live life now, and get back in touch with your body and make peace with food. It's a wonderful freedom.

We are all here to lend support and advice. I'm sure many can share their journey with you and I as well as others have lost weight. But I didn't really lose the weight for good until I reached that point where I accepted myself right where I was and decided to be happy. It's funny that it works that way, but it does.

I hope this helps. Please ask any questions you have.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of Gldmdlst@...Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:11 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Re: Weight Watchers

Gillian, I have tried out all sorts of diets and they don't work out for me to lose weight. Which one does? I need help with this. Goldie


You are right on - diets don't address the why at all. And this is the most important question of all, as we know from IE. I'm glad you're here and that all of you are here. We have almost 900 members! Hopefully we'll just keep growing and getting the word out. I'm tired of seeing so many people suffer.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Honestly, I just followed the principles of Intuitive Eating. It was a process, not a quick fix. I got back in touch with physical hunger and fullness, learned how to deal with feelings and emotions without eating them away, started taking better care of myself and my needs, asked for the things I wanted instead of putting my needs last, decided I was good enough the way I was now and accepted myself, and decided to start living my life and not wait for some stupid number on the scale or pants size. I know it sounds crazy to someone who isn't familiar with IE, but it is 100% true. The weight loss came when I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just taking care of myself and finding joy in life instead of being miserable and punishing myself by dieting and endless exercise because I had weight to lose. I promise you this is the truth. Hopefully some others on this board can back me up with the same experience.

I am an Intuitive Eating coach, you are welcome to talk with me more privately about this, or find a dietician or other specialist in your area to help you. If you haven't read any of the books, check out our home page, there are some good books there. My favorite to start with is "Intuitive Eating" by Resch and Tribole.

Keep asking, we're here! Just keep in mind there are no miracles or simple answers. If you hear of one, chances are it's a diet.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of Gldmdlst@...Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:38 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Re: Weight Watchers

Gillian, what did you do that you lost weight? I am here looking for answers. Goldie

Hi Goldie,

Great question and thanks for asking! This group and others like it are the only place you will get the truth about this, because the answer isn't always the one you want to hear.

There simply isn't a single diet that works, period. Many people have been "successful" on diets, meaning they have lost weight. But in at least 95%, probably more, cases, the weight comes back plus more. And with each time the weight comes back, you gain a higher percentage of fat, versus muscle which is one of the reasons your metabolism gets slower and it's harder to take off the weight with the next attempt.

I could go on for hours, but here's the basic reason why diets don't work. Diets focus on external rules versus your internal wisdom and body's guidance. Any diet - including Weight Watchers who claims they aren't a diet - have rules such as what to eat, what not to eat, what time to eat, when not to eat, what combinations of foods to eat, how much you can eat, sometimes where to eat (like at the table with no distractions), and the list goes on. It's easy to follow rules for a while, and many people think that structure works for them. But this design is doomed for failure. It's human nature to rebel against rules and to want the things we can't have. So you have this rules that are eventually met with rebellion and you end up failing. And the diet industry is a multi-million or even billion dollar industry because diets fail. They wouldn't make any money if diets were successful! They also let you believe that the failing is all because of you - you have no willpower, you're just a loser, etc. Believe me, it's just not true!

So, your question was, what works? I dieted for years and years, and as a result also became a binge eater and emotional eater. I tried everything. And then I found Intuitive Eating. It's not a quick fix, it's not a miracle super fast weight loss plan, but it is a permanent solution and I can tell you that IE gave me my life back, after 25 years of misery. IE addresses why we eat, that's the question that needs to be answered, but diets never ask. It also helps you get back in touch with your body. If you let it, your body will tell you when it's hungry and full and what it really wants. It's a matter of trust and getting back in touch. I promise you had this ability when you were born, you can see it with small children.

A very important and sometimes difficult aspect of IE is that you need to put weight loss on the back burner. It doesn't mean you can't or won't lose weight, just other things need to be taken care of first. When they are, or during the process, you can return to whatever your natural weight is. When we are on a diet, we are putting off living our lives until we lose weight. How many more years are you going to wait to live your life? I waited 25 and it makes me sad. But this is your opportunity to live life now, and get back in touch with your body and make peace with food. It's a wonderful freedom.

We are all here to lend support and advice. I'm sure many can share their journey with you and I as well as others have lost weight. But I didn't really lose the weight for good until I reached that point where I accepted myself right where I was and decided to be happy. It's funny that it works that way, but it does.

I hope this helps. Please ask any questions you have.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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OK, I will send you a private email in just a minute so we can schedule.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of Gldmdlst@...Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:54 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Re: Weight Watchers

I would like to talk to you privately on how Intuitive Eating works. I am not familiar with it at all and I would like to become successful at it. I would appreciate your time. Thank you, Gillian. Goldie


Honestly, I just followed the principles of Intuitive Eating. It was a process, not a quick fix. I got back in touch with physical hunger and fullness, learned how to deal with feelings and emotions without eating them away, started taking better care of myself and my needs, asked for the things I wanted instead of putting my needs last, decided I was good enough the way I was now and accepted myself, and decided to start living my life and not wait for some stupid number on the scale or pants size. I know it sounds crazy to someone who isn't familiar with IE, but it is 100% true. The weight loss came when I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just taking care of myself and finding joy in life instead of being miserable and punishing myself by dieting and endless exercise because I had weight to lose. I promise you this is the truth. Hopefully some others on this board can back me up with the same experience.

I am an Intuitive Eating coach, you are welcome to talk with me more privately about this, or find a dietician or other specialist in your area to help you. If you haven't read any of the books, check out our home page, there are some good books there. My favorite to start with is "Intuitive Eating" by Resch and Tribole.

Keep asking, we're here! Just keep in mind there are no miracles or simple answers. If you hear of one, chances are it's a diet.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I wish I could do this. I really do. I can't separate what I eat from

what I look like. I look bloated fat and ugly and I need to

discipline myself to eat clean.


> Goldie,


> Honestly, I just followed the principles of Intuitive Eating. It

was a

> process, not a quick fix. I got back in touch with physical hunger


> fullness, learned how to deal with feelings and emotions without

eating them

> away, started taking better care of myself and my needs, asked for


> things I wanted instead of putting my needs last, decided I was

good enough

> the way I was now and accepted myself, and decided to start living

my life

> and not wait for some stupid number on the scale or pants size. I

know it

> sounds crazy to someone who isn't familiar with IE, but it is 100%

true. The

> weight loss came when I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just

taking care

> of myself and finding joy in life instead of being miserable and


> myself by dieting and endless exercise because I had weight to

lose. I

> promise you this is the truth. Hopefully some others on this board

can back

> me up with the same experience.


> I am an Intuitive Eating coach, you are welcome to talk with me more

> privately about this, or find a dietician or other specialist in

your area

> to help you. If you haven't read any of the books, check out our

home page,

> there are some good books there. My favorite to start with

is " Intuitive

> Eating " by Resch and Tribole.


> Keep asking, we're here! Just keep in mind there are no miracles or


> answers. If you hear of one, chances are it's a diet.


> Thanks!

> Gillian


> Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

> Healthier Outcomes

> It's not just about losing weight!



> Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight?


> Get your copy of our fr*e special report, " 6 Simple Steps to Guilt


> Eating " by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

> <http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/>



> _____


> From: IntuitiveEating_Support

> [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of

> Gldmdlst@...

> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:38 PM

> To: IntuitiveEating_Support

> Subject: Re: Re: Weight Watchers





> Gillian, what did you do that you lost weight? I am here looking for

> answers. Goldie



> Hi Goldie,


> Great question and thanks for asking! This group and others like it

are the

> only place you will get the truth about this, because the answer


> always the one you want to hear.


> There simply isn't a single diet that works, period. Many people

have been

> " successful " on diets, meaning they have lost weight. But in at

least 95%,

> probably more, cases, the weight comes back plus more. And with

each time

> the weight comes back, you gain a higher percentage of fat, versus


> which is one of the reasons your metabolism gets slower and it's

harder to

> take off the weight with the next attempt.


> I could go on for hours, but here's the basic reason why diets

don't work.

> Diets focus on external rules versus your internal wisdom and body's

> guidance. Any diet - including Weight Watchers who claims they

aren't a diet

> - have rules such as what to eat, what not to eat, what time to

eat, when

> not to eat, what combinations of foods to eat, how much you can eat,

> sometimes where to eat (like at the table with no distractions),

and the

> list goes on. It's easy to follow rules for a while, and many

people think

> that structure works for them. But this design is doomed for

failure. It's

> human nature to rebel against rules and to want the things we can't

have. So

> you have this rules that are eventually met with rebellion and you

end up

> failing. And the diet industry is a multi-million or even billion


> industry because diets fail. They wouldn't make any money if diets


> successful! They also let you believe that the failing is all

because of you

> - you have no willpower, you're just a loser, etc. Believe me, it's

just not

> true!


> So, your question was, what works? I dieted for years and years,

and as a

> result also became a binge eater and emotional eater. I tried


> And then I found Intuitive Eating. It's not a quick fix, it's not a


> super fast weight loss plan, but it is a permanent solution and I

can tell

> you that IE gave me my life back, after 25 years of misery. IE

addresses why

> we eat, that's the question that needs to be answered, but diets

never ask.

> It also helps you get back in touch with your body. If you let it,

your body

> will tell you when it's hungry and full and what it really wants.

It's a

> matter of trust and getting back in touch. I promise you had this


> when you were born, you can see it with small children.


> A very important and sometimes difficult aspect of IE is that you

need to

> put weight loss on the back burner. It doesn't mean you can't or

won't lose

> weight, just other things need to be taken care of first. When they

are, or

> during the process, you can return to whatever your natural weight

is. When

> we are on a diet, we are putting off living our lives until we lose


> How many more years are you going to wait to live your life? I

waited 25 and

> it makes me sad. But this is your opportunity to live life now, and

get back

> in touch with your body and make peace with food. It's a wonderful



> We are all here to lend support and advice. I'm sure many can share


> journey with you and I as well as others have lost weight. But I


> really lose the weight for good until I reached that point where I


> myself right where I was and decided to be happy. It's funny that

it works

> that way, but it does.


> I hope this helps. Please ask any questions you have.


> Thanks!

> Gillian






> _____


> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape

> <http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?

NCID=aolcmp00300000002489> in

> the new year.


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NO WAY!!!!!



> > I LOOOOVE those cake challenges!!!! Except I get so nervous when

> > they transfer the cakes from the worktables to the display tables.

> > (Half the time I end up closing my eyes,lol!)

> >



> Last night Duff (from Ace of Cakes) didn't even finish and when he

> tried to move his incomplete cake, it crashed!!!!!!


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Will you be happy eating clean forever??? I haven't been doing IE for

very long, and I am not happy about the way I look right now, but I am

really trying to put that on the back burner and look inside. I think

disciplining yourself is a harsh way to treat yourself when you deserve

some kindness. I think it is difficult at first to separate. Be kind to

yourself. Hang in there,


> *Sigh*

> I wish I could do this. I really do. I can't separate what I eat from

> what I look like. I look bloated fat and ugly and I need to

> discipline myself to eat clean.



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I know! Tell me about it. I totally agree with you. I couldn't even

respond when I saw my first new WW commercial. I was like, " Who

the...what the....Huh? This makes no sense! " I just don't understand

how they get away with it. I am so tired of people being exploited

because of their size. I actually almost went on WW before I found IE.

Thank GOD! I am so much happier now than I would have been if I

actually went down that road. Being weighed in front of a bunch of

people and obsessing over " point values " would drive me right into a

pit of self-hatred.

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Thanks for responding.

I don't know. I just can't stand this. It's odd because when I do IE I

do lose weight.

I've never lost weight on the eat clean mini-meals stuff. Yet, I keep

doinng it because people online and where ever keep saying they got the

body of their dreams.

The problem is that I know I can be smaller. I was way smaller and the

fact that " it's possible " is there makes it worse.


> Press,

> Will you be happy eating clean forever??? I haven't been doing IE for

> very long, and I am not happy about the way I look right now, but I


> really trying to put that on the back burner and look inside. I think

> disciplining yourself is a harsh way to treat yourself when you


> some kindness. I think it is difficult at first to separate. Be kind


> yourself. Hang in there,




> ---

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Press -

Keep going, it took me a long time, but that doesn't mean it does for everyone. I think one thing that helped me was I got very angry at the fact that I couldn't accept myself. I was tired of living that way, tired of it all. I was mad at the media, the fitness and diet industry, and others, and myself. While I didn't know this at the time, anger is a higher emotion on the emotional scale, which means it is higher than depression or despair. When you are in despair, you can't move, you can't take any action. By moving up, it helped me take some action and I kept moving up until I hit acceptance and then happiness. I know this sounds kind of weird, but that's what happened to me.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of press182Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:34 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Weight Watchers

*Sigh*I wish I could do this. I really do. I can't separate what I eat from what I look like. I look bloated fat and ugly and I need to discipline myself to eat clean. >> Goldie,> > Honestly, I just followed the principles of Intuitive Eating. It was a> process, not a quick fix. I got back in touch with physical hunger and> fullness, learned how to deal with feelings and emotions without eating them> away, started taking better care of myself and my needs, asked for the> things I wanted instead of putting my needs last, decided I was good enough> the way I was now and accepted myself, and decided to start living my life> and not wait for some stupid number on the scale or pants size. I know it> sounds crazy to someone who isn't familiar with IE, but it is 100% true. The> weight loss came when I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just taking care> of myself and finding joy in life instead of being miserable and punishing> myself by dieting and endless exercise because I had weight to lose. I> promise you this is the truth. Hopefully some others on this board can back> me up with the same experience.> > I am an Intuitive Eating coach, you are welcome to talk with me more> privately about this, or find a dietician or other specialist in your area> to help you. If you haven't read any of the books, check out our home page,> there are some good books there. My favorite to start with is "Intuitive> Eating" by Resch and Tribole.> > Keep asking, we're here! Just keep in mind there are no miracles or simple> answers. If you hear of one, chances are it's a diet.> > Thanks!> Gillian> > Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM> Healthier Outcomes> It's not just about losing weight!> > > Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight?> > Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free> Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com> <http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/> > > > _____ > > From: IntuitiveEating_Support > [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of> Gldmdlst@...> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:38 PM> To: IntuitiveEating_Support > Subject: Re: Re: Weight Watchers> > > > > Gillian, what did you do that you lost weight? I am here looking for> answers. Goldie> > > Hi Goldie,> > Great question and thanks for asking! This group and others like it are the> only place you will get the truth about this, because the answer isn't> always the one you want to hear. > > There simply isn't a single diet that works, period. Many people have been> "successful" on diets, meaning they have lost weight. But in at least 95%,> probably more, cases, the weight comes back plus more. And with each time> the weight comes back, you gain a higher percentage of fat, versus muscle> which is one of the reasons your metabolism gets slower and it's harder to> take off the weight with the next attempt.> > I could go on for hours, but here's the basic reason why diets don't work.> Diets focus on external rules versus your internal wisdom and body's> guidance. Any diet - including Weight Watchers who claims they aren't a diet> - have rules such as what to eat, what not to eat, what time to eat, when> not to eat, what combinations of foods to eat, how much you can eat,> sometimes where to eat (like at the table with no distractions), and the> list goes on. It's easy to follow rules for a while, and many people think> that structure works for them. But this design is doomed for failure. It's> human nature to rebel against rules and to want the things we can't have. So> you have this rules that are eventually met with rebellion and you end up> failing. And the diet industry is a multi-million or even billion dollar> industry because diets fail. They wouldn't make any money if diets were> successful! They also let you believe that the failing is all because of you> - you have no willpower, you're just a loser, etc. Believe me, it's just not> true!> > So, your question was, what works? I dieted for years and years, and as a> result also became a binge eater and emotional eater. I tried everything.> And then I found Intuitive Eating. It's not a quick fix, it's not a miracle> super fast weight loss plan, but it is a permanent solution and I can tell> you that IE gave me my life back, after 25 years of misery. IE addresses why> we eat, that's the question that needs to be answered, but diets never ask.> It also helps you get back in touch with your body. If you let it, your body> will tell you when it's hungry and full and what it really wants. It's a> matter of trust and getting back in touch. I promise you had this ability> when you were born, you can see it with small children.> > A very important and sometimes difficult aspect of IE is that you need to> put weight loss on the back burner. It doesn't mean you can't or won't lose> weight, just other things need to be taken care of first. When they are, or> during the process, you can return to whatever your natural weight is. When> we are on a diet, we are putting off living our lives until we lose weight.> How many more years are you going to wait to live your life? I waited 25 and> it makes me sad. But this is your opportunity to live life now, and get back> in touch with your body and make peace with food. It's a wonderful freedom.> > We are all here to lend support and advice. I'm sure many can share their> journey with you and I as well as others have lost weight. But I didn't> really lose the weight for good until I reached that point where I accepted> myself right where I was and decided to be happy. It's funny that it works> that way, but it does.> > I hope this helps. Please ask any questions you have. > > Thanks!> Gillian> > > > > > _____ > > Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape> <http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489> in> the new year.>

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Press -

I really would recommend that you take a break as much as you can from wherever you are getting fed (so to speak) all these messages about clean eating. You know what works for you and you know what doesn't. The only person that can tell you what is right for you is you, your body. I've gotten to the point that if someone is talking about dieting around me, I ask them to stop because I don't want to hear it and I'm not going to get involved in the conversation. You have a right to set boundaries and you don't need to be exposed to conversation that can trigger you.

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSMHealthier OutcomesIt's not just about losing weight! Want to eat your favorite foods without gaining weight? Get your copy of our fr*e special report, "6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating" by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com

From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of press182Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 5:39 AMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: Weight Watchers

,Thanks for responding.I don't know. I just can't stand this. It's odd because when I do IE I do lose weight. I've never lost weight on the eat clean mini-meals stuff. Yet, I keep doinng it because people online and where ever keep saying they got the body of their dreams.The problem is that I know I can be smaller. I was way smaller and the fact that "it's possible" is there makes it worse. >> Press,> Will you be happy eating clean forever??? I haven't been doing IE for > very long, and I am not happy about the way I look right now, but I am > really trying to put that on the back burner and look inside. I think > disciplining yourself is a harsh way to treat yourself when you deserve > some kindness. I think it is difficult at first to separate. Be kind to > yourself. Hang in there,> > > > ---

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Thanks Gillian.

You're right. One thing I need to do is stop visiting fitness sites.

Even the most " benign " seeming ones are rife with diet and good/food

bad food talk.

The problem is that magazines such as Oxygen feed the notion that if

you don't have the body you want, it's YOUR fault. You're eating too

much, not enough, too many carbs, too little, etc.

You probably know all about this being in the fitness industry.

I KNOW many of the things these people do are disordered and they

also use shady means to get that look.

Thanks again for the advice.

> >

> > Press,

> > Will you be happy eating clean forever??? I haven't been doing IE


> > very long, and I am not happy about the way I look right now, but


> am

> > really trying to put that on the back burner and look inside. I


> > disciplining yourself is a harsh way to treat yourself when you

> deserve

> > some kindness. I think it is difficult at first to separate. Be


> to

> > yourself. Hang in there,

> >

> >

> >

> > ---


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There's a part of me that wants the freedom of IE and another part

that just thinks I'm making excuses and weak. Does that make sense?

It's never going to stop unless I stop the body hatred,huh?

I've never been able to change my shape except when I was bony. That

was my new shape " boney " .

Yet again, I keep thinking I'm doing something wrong that it's not

working? The diet and fitness industries are pretty nasty pieces of



> Press -


> Keep going, it took me a long time, but that doesn't mean it does


> everyone. I think one thing that helped me was I got very angry at

the fact

> that I couldn't accept myself. I was tired of living that way,

tired of it

> all. I was mad at the media, the fitness and diet industry, and

others, and

> myself. While I didn't know this at the time, anger is a higher

emotion on

> the emotional scale, which means it is higher than depression or


> When you are in despair, you can't move, you can't take any action.


> moving up, it helped me take some action and I kept moving up until

I hit

> acceptance and then happiness. I know this sounds kind of weird,

but that's

> what happened to me.


> Thanks!

> Gillian


> Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

> Healthier Outcomes

> It's not just about losing weight!




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