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Hi, Sylvia! Congratulations on your great weight loss, WOW!

Protein is one of the things our bodies don't digest as well, so many of

us supplement with protein drinks. Usually predigested whey in one form

or another, because it's the most bioavailable, lowest carb and lowest

fat. Everyone has different tastes, of course, but you can get samples


www.vitalady.com to try the different flavors. If you like chocolate, I

can strongly recommend the whey stack, or the proscore 100. Jeanne

finds the PS100 a bit too sweet, so she prefers the procomplex choc.

Others do just fine with the vanilla or the strawberry. So far I

haven't sampled a vanilla or strawberry I'm exactly wild about, but

haven't tried the whey stack in either flavor. That's on my next order.

I am doing the PB55 strawberry twist, which I find to be OK,

particularly when made with crystal lite. Although I'm preop I'm doing

some protein loading to support my surgery in a couple of months.

Pam in Niceville


Lap RNY 11/20/02

Dr. Champion/Atlanta



How did i ever make it on my own??

I have only been reading posts for a couple of days, but the support and

encouragement here is great. I did my surgery cold turkey. No support



I have a question about the " protein " drinks you all are raving about...


are they? do they REALLY take good? and where can i try them?



Surgery 12-3-96

475/142(160 now)

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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Dear Sylvia,

Congratulations on your awesome weight loss and your continued

success. Visit www.vitalady.com and try some of her sample packs. Everyone

swears by the protein, protein, protein to MAINTAIN their weight loss. Give

it a try..? Good luck and God bless you richly.



Surgery date -- 9/5/02 -- One day and counting!

Starting weight -- 351.2

Current weight -- 342/ /145?

Dr. Schechner,

Va. Beach and Norfolk, VA

Gal. 2:20

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Welcome Sylvia. Protein is soooooo important to staying healthy. Some drinks

are really yucky, some are OK, and usually there are one or two that you'll

love. With me it took adding that spoonful of peanut butter to turn me into an

addict. I find the drinks fill me up, help give me some energy, and satisfy my

cravings for peanut butter cups. I only need to eat a small lunch and dinner

to get through the day. So that's a lot less chances of eating too much fruit

or carbs that might make me gain weight. So, there are a couple of places that

you can order samples of drinks on the web. Our favorite is www.vitalady.com.

For just $2, you can try a sample without having to invest in a whole big can of

powder that you might not like. Make sure you mix with water only, as milk adds

too much sugar. So, how are you doing? You're about 6 years out. Have you had

great success? Any side effects?

Jeanne in WI

Age 39

Open RNY 05/21/2002

314/ 259./150-175

5' 8 "


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Order from www.vitalady.com and if you like chocolate, then Pro Score 100

Chocolate is AWESOME. Pro Blend 55 are good too.


I have a question about the " protein " drinks you all are raving about...


are they? do they REALLY take good? and where can i try them?



Surgery 12-3-96

475/142(160 now)

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Sylvia I get mine from www.vitalady.com and love the PS 100 go for a visit

and get samples



> Wow!!

> How did i ever make it on my own??


> I have only been reading posts for a couple of days, but the support and

> encouragement here is great. I did my surgery cold turkey. No support at

> all.


> I have a question about the " protein " drinks you all are raving about...


> are they? do they REALLY take good? and where can i try them?


> thanks.


> Sylvia.

> Surgery 12-3-96

> 475/142(160 now)



> Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

















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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome to WW and to this group, Ginnie! I hope you find the support and

info you need! :) Take care!

~ O


on WW since 1/7/02


> Hi All... I am starting Weight Watchers today.


> I just wanted to say hello.


> I hope this will be a good support for my diet..


> Ginnie

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome Miriam....I think you will find this group very supportive and ready to

help deal with weight loss issues. Many here have lost lots of pounds and know

the ins and outs of weight loss. I suggest you take advantage of their wisdom

and ask questions as they come to you. Seek advise on any problem areas too.

The folks here will be happy to help.

Have a very good day....

Sharon, north coast CA

A one thousand mile journey begins with the first step...

Hello everyone! My name is Miriam and I just re-joined WW

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello ,

Ah' that is great :)

Are you a member of a weight watchers in florida? If so, is it

working for you?

I am not a member yet, but checking into it.

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I am a member and go to meetings every Thursday. I for one cannot

fo this on my own and my meetings are extremely important to me.

> Hello ,

> Ah' that is great :)

> Are you a member of a weight watchers in florida? If so, is it

> working for you?

> I am not a member yet, but checking into it.

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  • 1 month later...


When I first stared WW there was a woman in my class who had just

reached 60lb loss - I thought this was an incredible amount (although

I had much more to lose) and remember thinking I could never do

that. Well I am now only 7lb away from that 60lbs and in a few weeks

time I hope to be the one that new members are thinking " Wow, she's

done so well " .

All I can say is if you stick to it, you can do it. Sure, its hard

work but to achieve you've got to be prepared for some hard work.

Give it a go, you might surprise yourself.



> i was getting ready to start weight watchers but i figured it

> wouldn`t work for me i quit before i start. sometimes i wonder if i

> can really do it i am 35 5`2`` and 213 was told by dr. i am 80


> over weight and he would like me lose 60 at least. i am having


> knee and tendon problems in my heal. i need serious moral support.

> any advice or strength would be greatly appreciated people give up


> me too easy. i need a friend who will stick with me through good


> bad thanks for your time. my name is martha..

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me too easy. i need a friend who will stick with me through good and

bad thanks for your time.


You've got friends here. Read my last post on where the motivation comes from

and do this for yourself. There is no question of whether or not you can do

this. Believe me. I am learning to cook (it ain't always pretty, but it's

always different), and I was once over 400 pounds. I couldn't walk from my car

to my office without my thighs and back hurting. Now I'm down over 150 lbs

(23lbs of it since WW), and I work out every day. I promise you that if I can

do it, anyone can. I just decided I wanted it, and it's taken awhile, and I

still have a 55 pounds to go, but I'm doing it. I don't say that now to pat

myself on the back. I'm telling you this because I firmly believe that my

success didn't start from a diet. It started from deciding that I had had

enough of being in poor health and just plain fat. Make the decision for

yourself. If you want to do it, you will. It's as simple as that. And I would

be happy to be one of the friends to be with you on your journey, through those

good and bad weeks!

In Him,


Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.

— Luther

Please note: message attached

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Hello Martha,

You have come to the right place to get encouragement and support.

This is a great message board. Why do you think Weight Watchers

won't work for you? Weight Watchers does work, but you have to work

the program. I lost almost 90 pounds and reached my goal weight a

week ago...something I thought I would never do. But like you, when

I was 90 lbs heavier I was beginning to experience feet and leg

problems as well. After I lost weight, the problems just

disappeared, no medication, no surgery.

You have to go into the program with a positive attitude...it does

work! It isn't going to happen over night though. The journey is

sometimes a long one, but the benefits are worth it. I was your

typical couch potato who filled up on junk and over-ate myself into

obesity. I am now a slim and trim 175 pounds and exercise and have

learned a whole new lifestyle...Oh why did I wait so long to do


For me, going to meetings every week was important. I needed the

accountability of weighing in each week and the support from the

others helped me stay on track and keep me motivated. For others,

they have been very successful doing WW online. Whatever works for


I hope you take the step to begin a healthier lifestyle...it is

definitely worth it! Whatever you decide, my best to you.


> i was getting ready to start weight watchers but i figured it

> wouldn`t work for me

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There are LOTS of people, including me, who have lost a lot more, or

started out a lot heavier than you are on Wwers. Why do you think it

wouldn't work for you?


Tory Klementsen, MCP A+

Career and Technology Educator

The successful person will do things that the unsuccessful person will


> hello



> i was getting ready to start weight watchers but i figured it

> wouldn`t work for me i quit before i start. sometimes i wonder if i

> can really do it i am 35 5`2`` and 213 was told by dr. i am 80 pounds

> over weight and he would like me lose 60 at least. i am having ankle

> knee and tendon problems in my heal. i need serious moral support.

> any advice or strength would be greatly appreciated people give up on

> me too easy. i need a friend who will stick with me through good and

> bad thanks for your time. my name is martha..




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There are LOTS of people, including me, who have lost a lot more, or

started out a lot heavier than you are on Wwers. Why do you think it

wouldn't work for you?


Tory Klementsen, MCP A+

Career and Technology Educator

The successful person will do things that the unsuccessful person will


> hello



> i was getting ready to start weight watchers but i figured it

> wouldn`t work for me i quit before i start. sometimes i wonder if i

> can really do it i am 35 5`2`` and 213 was told by dr. i am 80 pounds

> over weight and he would like me lose 60 at least. i am having ankle

> knee and tendon problems in my heal. i need serious moral support.

> any advice or strength would be greatly appreciated people give up on

> me too easy. i need a friend who will stick with me through good and

> bad thanks for your time. my name is martha..




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Hi Martha,

Coming from the Couch Potatoe President herself here, ha ha ha.

What harm would it do to give WW a try for 1 week??

That's what I said to myself 9 weeks and 10 lbs ago. I went to the

first meeting with an open mind, but was really expecting myself to

quit after the first week. I am STILL on the plan. The plan is

EASY. You REALLY can eat anything you want (within your points).

I had close to 100 to loose and 10 are already gone. I look at it

this way. Yes, it's slow going but it's like (an analagy here) 10

(tubs, boxes, cartons or whatever you call them) of butter gone


There are millions of recipes on the net for low cal, low fat,

diabetic, low sugar etc. I am comprising my own cookbook and meal

plans using these recipes. You really can do this. There is a quote

(I don't know who invented it)


I say this as my mantra to myself everytime I reach for that cookie,

that extra dinner roll, or another helping of mashed taters.

There are 1122 (current total of members on this board as of this

second) who are also giving this a try. You CAN do this. Good Luck

with whatever you choose.

I am having trouble with plantar fascitis on both feet and it has

calmed down somewhat since loosing those 10 lbs. Any support I can

give you I will try my best.


~*~ Love and respect yourself NOW, you will be prouder of yourself

when the weight comes off. ~*~ me

> sometimes i wonder if i can really do it

> i am having ankle knee and tendon problems in my heal.

> i need a friend who will stick with me through good and bad. my

> name is martha.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi ,

At least it saves you the driving to have a mail order pharmacy. It feels

like I am always running to the pharmacy for one drug or another, and you must

take even more being post transplant.

I think I remember that you were returning back to work in November. Is that

still the plan? If so, I hope you can really relax and enjoy your last

couple of weeks before going back.

Do you feel ready to return to work?

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Hi ,

I just returned from the post transplant clinic and they decreased my prednisone

to 15mg a day and said for me to stop 3 meds when I finish with this

prescription. I will love that. It will also be kind of scary because the only

immunosuppressant I will be on will be the Prograf and the prednisone. I also

understand that it will go down to below 5mg to even not taking it at all. I am

hoping to the not taking it at all part for me.

And yes, I will be going back to school in 2 weeks. I had my Doc, in Augusta

sign my release that gives me permission to go back to work. I have enjoyed my

extended vacation. I also understand that there is a large group of disruptive

students in the 7th grade this year. I looked on the school email and saw that

one 7th grade team had 8 students in the in-school suspension program last week.

Also I am going to be coming in late and the students are usually resentful of a

teacher that replaces the teacher they are used to. It is going to be

interesting to say the least. I think that physically I am ready for work, but

not mentally. Oh, well, I need to go back to work though and I miss my


Re: hello

Hi ,

At least it saves you the driving to have a mail order pharmacy. It feels

like I am always running to the pharmacy for one drug or another, and you must

take even more being post transplant.

I think I remember that you were returning back to work in November. Is that

still the plan? If so, I hope you can really relax and enjoy your last

couple of weeks before going back.

Do you feel ready to return to work?

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Sounds great about your medication. Hope my son will do as well. His

transplant will be next month. How long was your " extended vacation " . Good

luck at school. I am getting ready to retire in July from 30 years in the

school business. I have decided it is time to stay home and take care of


Good luck.


Re: hello

Hi ,

At least it saves you the driving to have a mail order pharmacy. It feels

like I am always running to the pharmacy for one drug or another, and you


take even more being post transplant.

I think I remember that you were returning back to work in November. Is


still the plan? If so, I hope you can really relax and enjoy your last

couple of weeks before going back.

Do you feel ready to return to work?

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Scarry indeed to drop those three meds. How funny/sad it is... When you

start on an email list, the mindboggling number of drugs that members are on

strikes terror. I know I can't be the only one who would read a post and

think " well, at least my kid isn't on that drug " as a way of gauging

things. How things turn around when being taken off drugs is the thing that

strikes the terror!! Given the problems you had initially, there's even

more grounds for fear. You stay close in touch with us on that one, you


I hope you're not going back to as much of a handful as it sounds with

respect to work. Is there any way you can ease into it - maybe start with a

lower class load? I bet the kids will be extremely happy to get you back.

Somehow it seems with returning to work that one big chapter is over. I

wish you and the kids all the best.


Re: hello



> Hi ,


> At least it saves you the driving to have a mail order pharmacy. It


> like I am always running to the pharmacy for one drug or another, and

you must

> take even more being post transplant.


> I think I remember that you were returning back to work in November. Is


> still the plan? If so, I hope you can really relax and enjoy your last

> couple of weeks before going back.


> Do you feel ready to return to work?







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Hi ,

It is always very hard to come in after the kids have gotten used to a

teacher. They will certainly test to see where your limits are. Seventh grade


not an easy one is it? The kids seem to grow up so fast these days too.

I must say that I am very surprised to hear you will just be on the prograff

and prednisone. The one thing that most scares me is the meds you have to

take post transplant since I hate taking any medications. Would you mind


with me all of the required meds? I mean are you still on ACE inhibitor or

cholesterol lowering meds or anything else besides the prograf and Prednisone?

If it is really just those two exclusively, then that is less than the 4 I

have to take now, so maybe it won't be such a bad transition.

It is a blessing that you have gone so quickly from being near ESRF, to

transplant, to returning to work. Let me know your first official day back so I

can pray for your transition back!

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The kids aren't glad to get me back, they don't even know who I am!!! I am

going to be the interloper who takes the teacher that they have away. That is

not a good thing. I have seen this kind of thing before. No, there is not a

way that I can ease back into work, but I get extra days at Thanksgiving and

then Christmas comes. I will do 3 weeks and then another 3 weeks after

Thanksgiving. That is a good thing. I also will get a 3 day weekend on the

21st of Nov. because I am going to Augusta to clinic then. After Christmas I

will try to schedule clinic on days that the students are not at school.

Thanks for the nice note of concern though. And Yes you are correct, I am going

to be nervous about going off these drugs, but I guess these folks know what

they are doing.

Re: hello



> Hi ,


> At least it saves you the driving to have a mail order pharmacy. It


> like I am always running to the pharmacy for one drug or another, and

you must

> take even more being post transplant.


> I think I remember that you were returning back to work in November. Is


> still the plan? If so, I hope you can really relax and enjoy your last

> couple of weeks before going back.


> Do you feel ready to return to work?







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Thanks for that feedback . It does still sound like lots of meds to be

taking. I think that is what scares me the most about a transplant,

especially knowing how I did not tolerate Prednisone when I tried to take it a


of years ago.

Well, I am going to practice 6:23 and not worry about what tomorrow

may bring!

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I still take a lot of meds even with the reduction of the Cytovine,

Dapsone, and the swish and swallow. I have to take Prilosec, for my

stomach, blood pressure, cholesterol, and meds that are helping me get

my hemoglobin back up. They also put me on aspirin because when they

took my central line out, I had an episode where the top half of my

vision was gray for about 5 minutes. I don't know what caused that. On

Sunday I take my three weekly pill boxes out and put my meds in them. I

still feel like I am a better living through chemistry person. I do not

taken ACE inhibitors because they give me the cough. The morning after

my transplant, the nurse come into my room and went through the meds

with me. They posted a chart of the medicines and put a container with

all of the medicines in it. I had to pick the meds for the three times

a day that I had to take them. It really helped me learn what I was

supposed to be taking.

(Thanks for the prayers on my first day of school. I will let

you know when I go back.)

Re: hello

Hi ,

It is always very hard to come in after the kids have gotten used to a

teacher. They will certainly test to see where your limits are.

Seventh grade is

not an easy one is it? The kids seem to grow up so fast these days too.

I must say that I am very surprised to hear you will just be on the


and prednisone. The one thing that most scares me is the meds you have


take post transplant since I hate taking any medications. Would you

mind sharing

with me all of the required meds? I mean are you still on ACE inhibitor


cholesterol lowering meds or anything else besides the prograf and


If it is really just those two exclusively, then that is less than the 4


have to take now, so maybe it won't be such a bad transition.

It is a blessing that you have gone so quickly from being near ESRF, to

transplant, to returning to work. Let me know your first official day

back so I

can pray for your transition back!

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