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FW: FitNet - Happy New You!

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From: Enid Fox <enid.fox1@...>

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 08:33:27 -0800

Subject: FitNet - Happy New You!

Happy New Year to all of my FitNet Readers!

Every New Year brings the opportunity to be a healthier you; a new you.

Below I have compiled some of FitNet's news making topics of last year. In

2009  there were many news items pointing out how delicate the balance of

health really is. We are seeing more and more evidence of how much influence

our environment has on our health. The evidence of  environmental endocrine

disruption is now clear. Use of antibiotics in CAFO animals is headline news

this week.

There is much about our environment that we cannot control and remains

unpredictable. But there are things that you CAN control and are

predictable... the ability to effectively improve and maintain your health

through diet and exercise. Every time you eat, you can choose the 'good,

better or best' way to feed your health. The predictability of consistent

workouts will never change - do the work and reap the benefits. These are

things over which you Do have control!

I wish you all the very best in health and happiness in the coming year,


FitNet 2009 Year in Review

Food and Nutrition

* " Food Inc. " <

  This must-see

documentary about our food sources kicked off a busy year with food and

nutrition in the news. It is now available online. February 11, 2009

* A guy's guide to great health  - USA Weekend:

<http://www.usaweekend.com/09_issues/090607/090607menshealth.html> " Soy in

large quantities can lower testosterone and even cause men's breasts to grow

and libido to drop, " citing a study in the Journal of the American College

of Nutrition. June 2009


* The cover story of Time magazine.

<http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1917458,00.html> The

article, " Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food " August 21, 2009

* In the U.K,research by Kingston University


visits_for_children/index.html> in London shows that farm visits are one

way to challenge ignorance and misconceptions about farming. September 2009

*   <http://goog_1261701561602> A study published in the Journal of Pharmacy

and Pharmacology <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/163275.php>

shows that there is  a significant difference between the level

phytonutrients in organic vs. conventional produce. September 9, 2009

* The American Heart Association published a study


racts/S426?maxtoshow= & HITS=10 & hits=10 & RESULTFORMAT= & fulltext=1017 & searchid=1

& FIRSTINDEX=0 & resourcetype=HWCIT> that looked at people with metabolic

syndrome (often a pre-diabetic condition) and now recommends a moderate fat

diet of 40% fat and reduced carbohydrate diet of 45% carbohydrate. Read the

forum report


rts-cutting-carbs.htm> .   November 4, 2009

*  A list of foods to avoid


according to food safety experts. November 24, 2009


* Muscular Strength and Adiposity as Predictors of Adulthood Cancer

Mortality in Men

<http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/18/5/1468?HITS=10 & hits=10

& fdate=%2F%2F & maxtoshow= & FIRSTINDEX=0 & resourcetype=HWCIT & titleabstract=stren

gth+training & searchid=1 & RESULTFORMAT=> February 2, 2009

* Sprints may be best for diabetes prevention

<http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSTRE51F2T320090216> - Reuters 

February 16, 2009

* Men with big muscles cut cancer risk by 40 per cent


ut-cancer-risk-by-40-per-cent.html> May 23,  2009

* Stress And Culture Affect Exercise Motivation

<http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/151698.php> May 28, 2009

* The American Journal of Cardiology,

<http://www.ajconline.org/article/PIIS0002914909005499/fulltext> found that

men who regularly and exclusively jogged were at increased risk of

developing AF (atrial fibrillation) June 1, 2009


* Can You Get Fit in Six Minutes a Week


eek/> ? June 24, 2009

General Health

* Can lifestyle prevent Alzheimer's disease?

<http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/143551.php> March 25, 2009

* Brown fat can burn huge numbers of calories. The New England Journal of

Medicine <http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/360/15/1500> .April 9,


* EPA to Identify Endocrine Disruptors - Including Thyroid Disruptors -

Among Pesticides and Chemicals

<http://www.epa.gov/scipoly/oscpendo/pubs/final_list_frn_041509.pdf> April

21, 2009

* Benefit Of Exercise On Diabetes Risk May Be Undone By Vitamin Supplement,

<http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/149672.php> May 12,  2009

* Endocrine Society presented its first-ever Scientific Statement on 

endocrine-disrupting chemicals

<http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/154462.php> June 18, 2009  Here

is the 50 page report






* Brown fat cells are equipped with a large supply of mitochondria -- tiny

organelles that use oxygen to burn sugar from the diet to generate heat,

rather than store the energy as fat, "   Medical News Today

<http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/159308.php> July 30, 2009.

Finally there was an article on AlterNet that summed up 2009 in terms of

food pretty well... " The Year Food Was Totally Schizoid: Growing Local Takes

Off, As Giant Agribiz Becomes More Dominant "



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