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Re: Coats.....?

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How old is Jenna?

My suggestion is for y'all to move down here to Texas. It won't be a

problem anymore. LOL... (not helpful, I know)

~ Karin

njm6262 wrote:

> last friday i went to a rummage

> sale in town, and i found 5 different

> jackets for jenna for winter...She has

> a hard time with any type of clothing..

> has to be certain color, texture,type..

> etc..you get the picture..this is the

> first time i've been rummage saleing,

> and i found it quite fun..i thought this

> way, i could get a bunch of stuff and if

> she didn't like it, oh well, i was out

> 4 dollars...so when she came home from

> school on friday, she went nuts with all

> the coats...LOVED them ALL...kept trying

> them on, looking in the mirror, then

> put it away..next one..same thing..this

> went on all weekend...she was having so

> much fun....WELL...this morning comes

> and its 35degrees outside, we even had

> frost on the windows...i go to get her

> the jacket she seemed to like the best

> and tell her to put it on...NOT...so i

> even told her to pick one...NOT...so

> we go outside to wait for the bus..i bring

> the coat with us...she stands there, crying

> because she is soooo cold...BUT will NOT

> put on the coat...so off she goes to school..

> when she came home, the coat was in her

> backpack...i guess school didn't have any

> luck with it either....: (

> anyone else have this problem, when it

> starts to get cold...transitioning from

> summer clothes to winter clothes????

> aaaahhhh!!!!!!! nancy :/








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How old is Jenna?

> My suggestion is for y'all to move down here to Texas. It won't

be a

> problem anymore. LOL... (not helpful, I know)


> ~ Karin


LOL!!! thats funny...the thing is my

14yr old son would absolutely love that

idea, cause he is a big Dallas Cowboys

fan... ;)

and jenna turned 6 this past May....

nancy :)

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....transitioning from

> summer clothes to winter clothes????

> aaaahhhh!!!!!!! nancy :/

This is a HUGE problem with . Only it's the other way around.

She wants to wear coats in 90 degree weather. She wanted to wear her

winter coat this morning and it wasn't cold enough for it. All she

needed was a light weight jacket. We've had major battles over it for


She's also decided she doesn't want to wear shorts because....


Are you ready for this one?

Someone might see the hair on her legs.

I had to Nair her legs to get her into shorts this summer. :/


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This is a HUGE problem with . Only it's the other way around.

> She wants to wear coats in 90 degree weather. She wanted to wear


> winter coat this morning and it wasn't cold enough for it. All she

> needed was a light weight jacket. We've had major battles over it

for years.

YES--this happens when winter is over and spring has begun!!!!

> I had to Nair her legs to get her into shorts this summer. :/


How did that go?? I've been thinking of jenna getting older

lately :( dreading every minute of it!!! She doesn't like to

wear shirts either (luckily this is only at home)..and i think

she is gonna start " blossoming " very early..ugh!!


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> > I had to Nair her legs to get her into shorts this summer. :/

> Tina


> How did that go?? I've been thinking of jenna getting older

> lately :( dreading every minute of it!!! She doesn't like to

> wear shirts either (luckily this is only at home)..and i think

> she is gonna start " blossoming " very early..ugh!!

> nancy~~

is starting to develop public hair, breasts... ARGH! I'm not

ready! She's almost 11 though. *sigh* I feel so old now.

Anyway, she did far better than I thought she would. I sat with her

and held her feet so she wouldn't put her legs down on the furniture.

Our bathroom is rather small so I just rinsed her in the tub, but we

sat on the dining room chairs for the 4 minutes. She doesn't

particularly want me to do it again, but she didn't tantrum, and she

didn't try to rub it off. Now that it's getting colder, I won't do it

again until next spring. What I'm dreading is trying to do her

underarms. *ICK!!* I don't EVEN want to think about that.


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In a message dated 9/23/2002 9:24:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

danaar1@... writes:

> This is a HUGE problem with . Only it's the other way around.

> She wants to wear coats in 90 degree weather

too...lol, and if he has a coat on it HAS to be zipped ALL the way up

until the zipper runs out even if that means he can barely move his neck

(he's got a good size neck). I usualy use those jacket vests to make the

transition betweeen seasons and this past year it's been ok, of course,

though, they must be zipped ALL the way too;)


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> This is a HUGE problem with . Only it's the other way around.

> > She wants to wear coats in 90 degree weather. She wanted to wear


> > winter coat this morning and it wasn't cold enough for it. All she

> > needed was a light weight jacket. We've had major battles over it

>for years.


We had this problem for a long time with also. I started putting the

weather channel on in the morning. He wasn't happy that he couldn't watch

his cartoons, but we just add weather to his morning list of things he had

to do to watch cartoon. when they would do our ocal weather i would go over

it with . pointed out what the different pics met etc and what would be

a good choice to wear for the day. than I made a game out of it. using

lamanated paper dolls with his picture on the face. A happy and a sad

. we would go over the weather at night before he went to bed. than we

talked about the weather for the next day and if he listened he got to play

with the paper dolls. He would have to pick clothes that would be a good

choice on the happy doll clothes that would be a bad choice on the unhappy

doll. It took awhile but he started to catch on what was allow in what

weather. Now windy days still gives us a hard time. He says he is cold when

it is windy and it does matter if it is indy and 95 degrees he is cold so we

keep working on the right phrase to use and clothes o choice on windy days



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What I'm dreading is trying to do her

> underarms. *ICK!!* I don't EVEN want to think about that.


> Tina

oh my...never even thought of that one..lol

im glad it went well...i'll have to remember

the Nair thing, when its time for that to

start!!! does she wear a bra yet? i did

buy a training one for jenna just to see

if she would put it on, and i thought she

may like the tightness on her...NOPE, she

put it on...and wanted it right back off..

i thought she could just wear that around the

house...nope, guess i'll just keep trying tho...

nancy :)

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too...lol, and if he has a coat on it HAS to be zipped ALL

the way up


jenna is just the complete opposite...when

we finally get the coat on, NO zipper!!!

even if its below 0...no zipper!!!!


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It's nice to know isn't the only one with this problem. She

insists that her coats are buttoned or zipped to the top too. She

can't stand to have them hanging open.


He would have to pick clothes that would be a good choice on the

happy doll clothes that would be a bad choice on the unhappy doll. It

took awhile but he started to catch on what was allow in what



Oh! This is a wonderful idea! I'll have to give this a try. I have a

friend who draws beautiful paper dolls and loves to play with

them. I printed them out and used clear contact paper to laminate

them. I removed the tabs and uses poster putty to hold the

clothes in place. It would be simple to put one of 's pictures

over one of the bodies and have her pick clothes. Thanks for the idea!

>Now windy days still gives us a hard time. He says he is cold when

> it is windy and it does matter if it is indy and 95 degrees he is

cold so we keep working on the right phrase to use and clothes o

choice on windy days


doesn't like wind either. She hates it blowing her hair in her

face and she doesn't really care for the feel on her skin either. I

allow her to wear a light weight, long sleeved shirt if it's really

stressing her out or if we need to go somewhere that's going to be

stressful for her. This helps some but not entirely.


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It has been very cold here too, and no, Kep won't wear a coat. I did find

his old Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. It is a bit small but he'll wear that.

I'll have to find a coat with Mickey on it this year. :)

Amy H--in Michigan

Kepler 5 ASD and Bethany 6 1/2 NT

" Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. " ~ Jefferson


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> What I'm dreading is trying to do her

> > underarms. *ICK!!* I don't EVEN want to think about that.

> > Tina


> oh my...never even thought of that one..lol

> im glad it went well...i'll have to remember

> the Nair thing, when its time for that to

> start!!! does she wear a bra yet? i did

> buy a training one for jenna just to see

> if she would put it on, and i thought she

> may like the tightness on her...NOPE, she

> put it on...and wanted it right back off..

> i thought she could just wear that around the

> house...nope, guess i'll just keep trying tho...

> nancy :)

I started with very loose undershirts about 2 years ago and worked

very slowly up to training bras. She's just starting to develop so

there's really no need for a bra yet, but she's very slow to accept

change (aren't most of our kids?) so I wanted to get started before

it became necessary.

It does help that she has two older cousins. Allyson and are

15 & 16 so they've just recently gone through puberty. She also has a

younger sister and cousin. Sami's 9 and Kayleigh's only 3 months

younger than . They're both 10. So there's lots of talk about

puberty at family get togethers right now. Poor is hiding in

the other room with his father and grandfather. He thinks we need to

talk about something else! ;o)

One of the toughest problems we faced with the underwear was the fact

that she outgrew the sizes with cartoon characters on them about a

year ago. If they'd put Barbie, or one of the Disney princesses on a

bra, I wouldn't have any problem getting her to wear them at all.


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is just the opposite. He jumps at the chance to wear jeans and long

sleeve shirts again (it's harder to transition him into warm weather), but

he still isn't putting on socks and wants to wear his tennies.


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> opposite again, here!!

> jenna will ONLY wear plain,

> plain, plain....occasionally a

> stripe..but nothing with any

> kind of picture on it...goes

> with all of her clothes...very

> boring :(...no frilly anything

> for this girl ;)...so i usually

> end up in the boy department, cause

> most of the girl things, have some

> type of print on it!!! and only

> sweat pants...no jeans...!!!

> but my little one who is 17months,

> is gonna be a girly, girl...loves

> to dress up!!! yea!!

> nancy :)

didn't wear jeans until she was about 6. All she would wear

before that was sweat pants or leggings. She's always liked dresses

and frilly stuff but dresses are often over her head. She just likes

to flip them up in the air. Her latest passion with print shirts, is

PowerPuff Girls. She doesn't care that much for the cartoon but she

likes their pictures. Not sure what's up with that. Fortunately,

she's not attached to any item of clothing and never really has been.

She's had a few things that she's liked, but it's never been an

obsession. She'll wear just about anything I lay out for her. I'm

trying to get her to pick her own clothes but we're having a lot of

trouble with the season appropriate items.


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> by the way, Tina,

> it is soo cool to have

> you and your " older " daughter

> on this list, so i can know

> what to kind of expect in years

> to come--Thank you!!!!

> nancy :)

:o) You're welcome.

I wish I'd found a group like this when was younger, but I'm

very happy that I found it now. :o) (thanks Jacquie!)

It's nice to hear from other mothers that I'm not the only one ready

to scream on occasion. I thought I was going nuts a time or two

before was dx'd. Life really does get easier (most of the time)

as the kids get older. Of course, there's always " something " to

challenge us. and I will make it through puberty, I just might

have a lot more grey hair before it's over!


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> Tina,


> I have seen bras with Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh at Sears and

Zellers. Would she like either of these?


> Tuna

I thought she'd like Winnie the Pooh because she loves watching the

show and she loves playing with the Pooh toys she has, but she

doesn't want him on her clothes. Mickey Mouse just doesn't exist to

her. She has no interest what-so-ever. The only thing I can figure is

that Pooh is a boy and 'girls wear bras mom, not boys!' So I'm

thinking she relates Pooh to boy's clothes and not girl's. That just

doesn't fit into her idea of how the world works.

She likes my Pooh, Tigger and Mickey Mouse shirts, she just won't

wear them herself. Tweety Bird is really popular in some of the

Meijer stores around her, but she doesn't like that cartoon so she

has no interest in wearing him either.

" Princesses! We must have Princesses! "

Maybe that's why she likes Power Puff Girls so much. They're girls.

If I asked her about this, she'd probably look at me like I was an

absolute idiot for not figuring it out sooner.


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I could do that. The iron on paper that goes through the computer

printer works okay. Not great, just okay. If she decides she doesn't

want to wear the bras anymore, I'll try that. So far she's doing

quite well. I did have a bit of trouble convincing her that she

didn't need to wear the bra to bed and it was 'okay' no one was going

to see her boobies. lol! She's back to wearing her gowns without the

bra, but it took a few days to change her mind.

It's not that she " has " to have the cartoon characters on her

clothes, she just prefers it.


> Tina,

> What if you would buy a iron on or some kind of little thing like

> that where you could put it on a bra. My mind isn't working quite

> right tonight so I can't think of word for what I'm thinking right

> now. Do you know what I mean though? Maybe this way you could put

> the charicters on the bra that she likes so she will wear it.

> Tina W.

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> > What if you would buy a iron on or some kind of little thing like

> > that where you could put it on a bra.

Then again... just thinking here....

has a terrible time putting her panties on the right direction.

If I ironed on a picture of a cartoon character, she should be able

to use that to help her remember how to put them on right.

(wonder if I could do something like that with her shoes since she's

too big for the character shoes....)



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Tina wrote:

> One of the toughest problems we faced with the underwear was the fact

> that she outgrew the sizes with cartoon characters on them about a

> year ago. If they'd put Barbie, or one of the Disney princesses on a

> bra, I wouldn't have any problem getting her to wear them at all.


> Tina

There is probably some things already out there like this but why isn't

there a company that makes products like this especially for ASD kids?

Everything they make special could also almost have the complete

opposite in the same product so that the little girl that wants

characters on her training bra could be served as well as the little

girl that wants everything completely plain. They could make coats that

don't zip up so high and what I would like to own is a fold up umbrella

stroller that could fit a 3 1/2 foot 40lb. 3 year old. I would probably

continue to use it with him even if he gets older (4, 5, 6 etc.) if he

still didn't mind sitting in it. Let the starers be damned. I would do

it anyway if it meant I didn't have to scream at him to stop and wait

for me or try to chase him down.

~ Karin

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There is probably some things already out there like this but why


> there a company that makes products like this especially for ASD


> Everything they make special could also almost have the complete

> opposite in the same product so that the little girl that wants

> characters on her training bra could be served as well as the


> girl that wants everything completely plain.

~ Karin


i have yet, NOT seen a store like this,

but wouldn't that be WONDERFUL!!!

Let's open up one ourselves!! ; )


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> There is probably some things already out there like this but why

> isn't there a company that makes products like this especially for

ASD kids?

> > Everything they make special could also almost have the complete

> > opposite in the same product so that the little girl that wants

> > characters on her training bra could be served as well as the

> little girl that wants everything completely plain.

> ~ Karin


> karin--

> i have yet, NOT seen a store like this,

> but wouldn't that be WONDERFUL!!!

> Let's open up one ourselves!! ; )

> nancy

I've seen lots of stores like this for kids, but not for kids the

size of my " kid " . She's wearing 5/6 in womens. :o( I bought her some

32A bras and they're all getting tight. I'm going to have to go up to

a 34. She's not the least bit fat, which is really rather surprising

because I have to pry her off the couch and out from in front of the

TV. She just tall and growing up WAY too fast. :o(


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She just tall and growing up WAY too fast. :o(


> Tina

this is jenna too...she is 6, and she

weights 61lbs...not fat, whatsoever,

very tall for her age too...and i

really think she is gonna be well

" endowed " when she gets bigger..ugh!


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> She just tall and growing up WAY too fast. :o(

> >

> > Tina


> this is jenna too...she is 6, and she

> weights 61lbs...not fat, whatsoever,

> very tall for her age too...and i

> really think she is gonna be well

> " endowed " when she gets bigger..ugh!

> nancy

I know what you mean. Large breasts run in my father's family but not

my mothers. I got them, my sister is almost flat chested. Somehow I

don't think I'm going to get lucky enough for to miss out. I

have this very deep seated fear that she's going to look a lot like I

did at 12. I was constantly mistaken for 17 - 19. I was also sexually

harrassed by a teacher who liked to cop a feel if he got the

opportunity. I finally threatened to push him down the steps if he

didn't stop grabbing me. I'm terrified that will be harrassed

by someone like him and I don't know that she'd be able to protect

herself. Not that I was very good at it. I couldn't get an adult to

believe me and I had to threaten violence before he would back off.


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I'm terrified that will be harrassed

> by someone like him and I don't know that she'd be able to protect

> herself.


> Tina

that is VERY scary...sorry you had

to go thru that! yikes...

and for our girls to have to go

thru something like that too, I

don't even want to think about it..

i am very worried of just that..something

like this happening, and her not understanding

what is going on...

nancy :(

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> >We've discussed having her sterilized

> > too but we're not making any decisions yet.

> >

> > Tina



> This would scare me only because 'humanitarian' interest groups

who've never HAD a special-needs child love to seize on things like

that. Would something like that be likely to happen where you are?

It happened to a woman in BC; it was HORRIBLE. They made her into

some kind of monster in the media. Said she was interfering with her

barely-functioning twenty-year-old son's human rights. Of course,

you know if that boy fathered a baby, they'd be screaming at her over

the added burden to the welfare and health-care system.


I know, I've heard other horror stories of parents being portrayed as

evil villians with no interest in their children's welfare when that

is their main concern! It makes me sick to think that these parents

who are trying so hard are put through things like that.

It's always a possibility. Who knows where these people come from?

But I'm pretty sure her school would be supportive and so would the

board of MRDD in our county. They know . They know what she's

capable of handling. I can't even imagine the thought of trying to

control an autistic girl in labor. *shudders violently* An abortion

would be traumatic for her too, even if I could accept it.

I would have my gyn do the surgery, if we decide to go that route. He

knows me, he's talked to me about . He understands her

limitations. I think if we go to that extreme, it could be done

quietly without too much fuss. *I hope!*


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