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Hey, I replied by telephone......

he must be having an " off " day, you are right, does not sound at all like our

doc.....weird! Maybe he talks to men differently, hehehe

I hope does ok tonite, I will def. be thinking about her!!!! She is

toooooo cute.

take care,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Joe,

My name is and I also have a son named . I am glad to

hear of

your s progress. We have scheduled a g tube placement for our son for

May 26. He turned 2 on January 29th. He now weighs 14 lbs.12 oz. and is 29in.

What was s weight before you got the gastrostomy and how much

has he gained since? Was his behavior ever a problem?

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  • 1 month later...
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Mark -

Tell (and you) congrats!!! Her growth is awesome! I now understand

a lot more about Dr. H's info on how and when they start growth hormone, I

think??? One, I guess, they look to see what the difference is between their

projected height with and without RSS (so if it is only a couple inches, it

wouldn't be worth giving a child a shot every night - ouch!). And second,

they look to see if their current growth trend is less than 2 inches per

year? Is this what you understand to be true?

Thanks Mark! And see you in Chicago! S. (, 4.5, RSS)

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  • 5 months later...

hello All,

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and i hope we can all be failry hive-free in the New Year. I have been quite busy and have not posted in awhile so thought i would give an update. I began 10mg of Zyrtec about a week ago or a bit longer. It worked VERY well but it did make me sleepy.......but i have to say being a graveyard worker, i took it about 3:30AM and by the time i got home from work, i would sleep SO good......so there were two benefits for me, less hives and great sleep...:).........as i feared would happened........my body has adjusted to the 10mg daily and i have already increased to 20mg per day.......on my own though, i need to call my doctor tomorrow and have him call in the increase for my perscription insurance purposes. I have to say the zyrtec definately works better than any antahistamine i have tried to date for my hives. But i am wondering from others on the list that are on Zyrtec.......do you find your body adjusts to the level of Zyrtec and then you have to continually increase the dosage? This would suck if that were the case......:( I also take Previcid for GERD, but i know Zantac with the Zyrtec is supposed to be a great combo, so i got the over the counter Zantac and take that as well. I can say this now, when i have a couple of days that are hive free.......i realize what i had been missing the days where i was full of hives and had that "skin crawling feeling"........miserable feeling, but i need not have to explain myself to this group........thankful i found the group....

Have a great night and hopefully a hive free one for everyone!

Teri in Dallas

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Dear Teri,

Here's my deal:

4 Tavist

4 Claritin in the AM

1 PRilosec

4 Benedryl

4 Zytrec in the PM

I still can't sleep many nights. Does anyone know what side effects these

drugs have?


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Hi Teri, My daughter has currently been taking 20 mg of Zyrtec daily for the

last 9 months. We tried 10 mg but it didn't last long enough. So far it

has worked great with her and she hasn't had the sleepiness side effect that

many have. Like you I wonder if she will have to increase as time goes on.

I tried the Zyrtec/Zantac combo this week for an experiment while we were out

of town on vacation but ran out of the Zantac one night and that night her

hive were a little worse and it took the Zyrtec longer to work. There have

been occasions when she has had to take 30 mg. but it is usually when she has

a cold which luckily she has few of. Donna

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, I really feel for your daughter. Mine is 11 years old and has had

them everyday for almost a year now. She did have earlier episodes with them

though when she was a baby so I know to some extent how you must feel

especially when they are so small and feel so miserable and you are trying to

keep them from digging at their skin and hurting themselves, I remember my

daughter twitching continuously in her sleep. My daughter has no known

allergies and all test have come back normal so that is what makes it

frustrating for me and also since she is starting her puberty years I'm just

afraid of how much worse it might get. So far she has a normal, happy,

active life and we try to make light of the situation when she does have an

outbreak but she likes to keep it a secret and she is starting to develop so

we have already experienced trouble with wearing bras. Preteen and teenage

years can be hard and I know this won't make it any easier. I hope one day

your daughter will get some relief. The sooner the better, right. Donna

(Richmond, IN)

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I think the long-term effects of us taking such high doses of antihistamine will be that we all turn into an antihistamine and anyone with allergies can stand near us and be healed! hee hee Sorry, i have to have a sense of humor when it comes to this, or i will surely go insane! I DO worry about the long term effects of high doses of antihistamines, but then what else are we to do? It "seems" to me that when you tell your doctor that you have hives, it is NOT taken as a big deal......even when you say you suffer daily and have for many years......it seems because they don't see it as life threatening, it is pushed aside, or perhaps they simply do not know much about it, so it is just easier to give us the antihistamines in order to help the symptoms......today my doctor increased my Zyrtec to 20mg a day....it frightens me to think i will just have to keep uping the dosage for the same relief later....and they DO make me sleepy for sure.....but not as bad as when i first began taking them.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Teri in Dallas

Re: Update

Dear Teri,Here's my deal:4 Tavist4 Claritin in the AM1 PRilosec4 Benedryl4 Zytrec in the PMI still can't sleep many nights. Does anyone know what side effects these drugs have?BB

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Hi Teri,

I am very concerned about the medicines my daughter is on. She is 25 months old and is on Cyproheptadine (5ml-3xday) Zyrtec (5ml-2xday) Cimetidine (5ml-4xday) Gastrocrom (4 vials day) and Adarax 4x-day. She also takes motrin for pain when needed. And takes Predinisolne (sp) when nothing else works. I can tell you she takes more medicine than food even passes through her lips. She is miserably tired all the time and I am scared the day will come when she will become immune to all of the meds shes on now. I can't imagine even sending her to school with this mess. Am I crazy thinking this is an insane amount of medications? I guess it doesn't matter, it seems to be what it takes to give her some relief from this.

Have a wonderful New Year-

Re: Update

Dear Teri,Here's my deal:4 Tavist4 Claritin in the AM1 PRilosec4 Benedryl4 Zytrec in the PMI still can't sleep many nights. Does anyone know what side effects these drugs have?BB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you do wish to unsubscribe then you can click on the following link: <mailto:urticaria-unsubscribeegroups>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This list is in the service of those who suffer from Chronic Urticaria (hives). We strive to support and lift each other as a worldwide cyber-family. We share whatever needs to be shared to help one another in our struggle with Chronic Urticria. Any posting that is off the main topic of Chronic Urticaria, we post with a prefix of NCU -. This is done out of respect for those who do not wish to read such postings.

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Dear ,

My heart goes out to you and your daughter. Myra has been an angel to most of us and has done a lot of research on CU. Please look for any information she has on the web site and ask her questions...she has been very supportive of looking for answers and finding your triggers and meds that work. Granted her daughter (suffered from severe CU until they found an infection and treated it) is older than yours, but she can relate to your search for help for your little one. Wishing you and your family the best of health in the new year!


Re: Update

Dear Teri,Here's my deal:4 Tavist4 Claritin in the AM1 PRilosec4 Benedryl4 Zytrec in the PMI still can't sleep many nights. Does anyone know what side effects these drugs have?BB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you do wish to unsubscribe then you can click on the following link: <mailto:urticaria-unsubscribeegroups>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This list is in the service of those who suffer from Chronic Urticaria (hives). We strive to support and lift each other as a worldwide cyber-family. We share whatever needs to be shared to help one another in our struggle with Chronic Urticria. Any posting that is off the main topic of Chronic Urticaria, we post with a prefix of NCU -. This is done out of respect for those who do not wish to read such postings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you do wish to unsubscribe then you can click on the following link: <mailto:urticaria-unsubscribeegroups>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This list is in the service of those who suffer from Chronic Urticaria (hives). We strive to support and lift each other as a worldwide cyber-family. We share whatever needs to be shared to help one another in our struggle with Chronic Urticria. Any posting that is off the main topic of Chronic Urticaria, we post with a prefix of NCU -. This is done out of respect for those who do not wish to read such postings.

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hi , no i don't think you are crazy one bit for thinking your daughter is on too many meds.....and poor little thing at such a young age to have to deal with this crap.......my heart breaks for her......it is bad enough as an adult and "sorta" understanding what is going on but a baby doesn't have a clue except they feel bad.....you and your daughter and everyone else on this list are in my prayers! I know you and other parents have to fear that your children will become immuned to the meds and then more will have to be taken, which in an of itself must cause anxiety.

I began the Zyrtec\Zantac combo and was wondering what amount of the Zantac do most people on this list who take this combo take per day? I just increased my Zyrtec to 20mg a day and am not at all sure what mg of the Zantac i should take (i bought the over the counter kind).

Everyone have a safe and happy New Year!

Teri in Dallas

Re: Update

Dear Teri,Here's my deal:4 Tavist4 Claritin in the AM1 PRilosec4 Benedryl4 Zytrec in the PMI still can't sleep many nights. Does anyone know what side effects these drugs have?BB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you do wish to unsubscribe then you can click on the following link: <mailto:urticaria-unsubscribeegroups>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This list is in the service of those who suffer from Chronic Urticaria (hives). We strive to support and lift each other as a worldwide cyber-family. We share whatever needs to be shared to help one another in our struggle with Chronic Urticria. Any posting that is off the main topic of Chronic Urticaria, we post with a prefix of NCU -. This is done out of respect for those who do not wish to read such postings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you do wish to unsubscribe then you can click on the following link: <mailto:urticaria-unsubscribeegroups>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This list is in the service of those who suffer from Chronic Urticaria (hives). We strive to support and lift each other as a worldwide cyber-family. We share whatever needs to be shared to help one another in our struggle with Chronic Urticria. Any posting that is off the main topic of Chronic Urticaria, we post with a prefix of NCU -. This is done out of respect for those who do not wish to read such postings.

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Thank You Donna When did your daughter have earlier episodes. My daughter

first had hives at about 5 months old. How long did they go away for?

Happy New Year~

Re: Update

> , I really feel for your daughter. Mine is 11 years old and has


> them everyday for almost a year now. She did have earlier episodes with


> though when she was a baby so I know to some extent how you must feel

> especially when they are so small and feel so miserable and you are trying


> keep them from digging at their skin and hurting themselves, I remember my

> daughter twitching continuously in her sleep. My daughter has no known

> allergies and all test have come back normal so that is what makes it

> frustrating for me and also since she is starting her puberty years I'm


> afraid of how much worse it might get. So far she has a normal, happy,

> active life and we try to make light of the situation when she does have


> outbreak but she likes to keep it a secret and she is starting to develop


> we have already experienced trouble with wearing bras. Preteen and teenage

> years can be hard and I know this won't make it any easier. I hope one


> your daughter will get some relief. The sooner the better, right. Donna

> (Richmond, IN)



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> If you do wish to unsubscribe then you can click on the following link:

> <mailto:urticaria-unsubscribeegroups>

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> This list is in the service of those who suffer from Chronic Urticaria

(hives). We strive to support and lift each other as a worldwide



> We share whatever needs to be shared to help one another in our struggle

with Chronic Urticria.


> Any posting that is off the main topic of Chronic Urticaria, we post with

a prefix of NCU -. This is done out of respect for those who do not wish to

read such postings.


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Hi , The first episode I really remember without looking through

medical papers was around 2 yrs old. She did supposively have chicken pox 3

times though before that so I don't know if there was a connection (2 mild

cases and 1 severe case). Everytime she has had hives (usually once a year)

she has been put on predisone and after a little over a week they have went

away except for this last time. She will have had them daily for 1 year come

February. All allergy testing and childhood disease testing has come back

normal. I hope it is something she will outgrow, as doctors have suggested

but I'm not holding my breath. Donna

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would check into the disease thing first no i don't know alot about that

disease never even heard of it .. But from study this crazy thing ,, I

believe it is surely linked to something going on with your body.. And the

kind of treatment your doctor is recommend sounds very dangerous i would have

to get a second opion maybe even a third opion.. I have found that some of

these doctors are just like every other profession. that don't know what they

are doing.l. please whatever you do ge

another opion..

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In a message dated 01/12/2001 11:23:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

madeline808@... writes:

<< how do I get tested for Hashimoto's >>

what is this and do you think it could cause your hives?


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Hi, Jean. That is my sister in laws name. Anyway, what is Alpha

Interferon for, your hives, or the asthma? What about the gamma globulin?

Sorry to hear you are going through all this. Thanks for any info you can

give us all.

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To answer your question about the interferon...it's for the hives. My doc at

Mayo has had a lot of success with CU patients and the interferon injections.

He thinks it is very safe. I just have reacted pretty strongly to it, but

hte nice thing is over time the side effects lessen. Like I said, compared

to long term steroid therapy (9 yrs. for asthma and 2 yrs for CU), I'm ready

for it, as long as my blood coutns and liver are okay.

The gamma globulin is used for autoimmune diseases such as lupus, MS, it's

supposed to really boost the immune system and it's also been proven to be

" steroid sparing " in steroid dependent asthma (which i have). My doc here in

Chicago also has had success w/ it with CU. It involves a monthly IV

infusion and it's expensive, but we are going to really fight the insurance

to get it.

My illnesses have greatly impacted my life, and I am willing to try almost

anything for some help. I've been all over the country for consulting adn

second opinoins and this is the best iv'e found.

so....that's the deal. I wish I had some literature on the inteferon for CU

but I don't! I don't think much work has been done on it.

take care

(or Maddy)....i go by both.

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Hashimoto's is underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. This occurs when the

thyroid antibodies attack the thyroid gland. I believe this is my cause. I

have the thyroid antibodies but have not developed Hashimoto's. I believe

these antibodies have caused my immune system to react, causing the CU.

There is medical research to support this. I brought some articles to my

family doctor which suggested that CU patients with thyroid antibodies but

no thyroid condition be treated with synthroid. Synthroid is usually

prescribed for a thyroid condition. My doctor was skeptical but allowed me

to try it and it worked. After 5 days my hives were gone. I've had a few

hives here and there but nothing of any concern. Go to your doctor and ask

to be tested for thyroid antibodies. If you'd like the articles to back up

your request, let me know and I'll send them to you.

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Terri, hello from Pearland to my neighbor up north. You wrote something that triggered a thought for all the new people. I did not do this nor think to do it 12 years ago when this began, but I believe that everyone should keep a daily diary with the places they have hives, how long, meds taken, etc. Then when you go to your doctor, at least you will have an exact list of everything you went though. Now...if they are like all my eager doctors, they will say something like..."Wow, you really have had a lot of pain and I know it must be so uncomfortable...so let's try more prednisone, more antihistamines, etc." But, maybe that will help. Also when you take in an idea to the doctor take along documented information and reformat it so it will not look like an email. They like things centered and organized in order to believe it.

Oh well...my 2 cents.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Congratulations ! Did Ben's foot look like

it was a severe clubfoot from the ultrasound? Just

wondering as my baby is not due until May and clubfoot

has been determined by ultrasound, I'm so hoping that

it is a positional thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Do you actively have mono right now with the hives?? I was also tested for

mono and it came back positive but I was not sick. My doctor explained to

me that I could have had mono years ago. There is something that remains in

the blood and that was the reason for the + test. How were you treated for

the mono?

Itchy in Pa.


>Reply-To: urticaria

>To: <urticaria >

>Subject: Update

>Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:28:00 -0400


>Out of all the suggestions everyone will see on this site, here's another

>one to consider:

>After coming down with urticaria on New Years Eve 2000. we finally found

>one thing that I do have, or at least had recently: Mononucleosis. After

>pushing the doctor to run some more tests, he grudgingly agreed to run the

>mono test because I had been exposed sometime last Nov/Dec. He didn't think

>that was what it was and gave me a prescription for scabies. I honestly

>didn't hink it was scabies, but wasn't in a mood to argue any more. The doc

>was surprised when it came back positive, but at least it explains a lot.

>And yes I do still have hives, but I think they are in remission for now

>(hopefully a long while).

>All I can do for now is wait and see. If they come back, then we'll try

>some other things if necessary.

>I want to thank everyone for the support you've given through all of this

>and pray that everyone finds relief, if not answers.

>Robin in KY


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There is no treatment for mono, its pretty much just suffer through it. I can trace my exposure to a specific source. As near as I can tell, the first week in January I had a sore throat with the hives being very bad. This must have been when I developed mono (incubation is 30-50 days). After that the hives hung around in minor form. Then about three weeks ago I had another real bad sore throat. I think I had a relapse because the hives were very bad again for a couple of days and now I have the classic exhaustion that comes with mono. The last week the hives have kind of eased up. When the doc told me I had mono, he could tell that I had it very recently. Since it remains in the body for the rest of your life, it would explain why the CU never completely goes away. The antibodies are always there to trigger it. All I can do now is wait and see.

Robin in KY

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  • 1 year later...
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I hear your frustration. I'm praying for you. Trust God to give you strength to climb the mountians in this part of the journey of your life. His love is awesome. I understand the frustration and the feelings of being out of control. I am sending you hugs.


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