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Re: venting and anger

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Thanks Kelley

I have already been grieving and yes I have been in denial for years. The

whole 3 1/2 yr period that seemed normal, she obviously wasn't and I

should have faced it head on then and encouraged her to get counseling or

else----or else I wouldn't help her financially, or babysit the boys, or

whatever it

took to at least get her to be evaluated. I made her life too easy, I enabled

her to continue this craziness. And now I have to live with its affects on

my darling, wonderful little grandsons.

I will enable no more. ANd I do so appreciate all you guys say in your

posts. Had I not had this group throughout this nightmare, I honestly do not


what I would have done. EAch and everyone of you has been a tremendous

support and comfort to me. And , I know you have always had my best


at heart with what you have written.


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If you are angry and need to vent, you can address your emails to me - either

here at this site, or personally. You can say whatever you want and be as angry

as you want. You can be catty, mean and hateful! It will NOT offend me, I

promise! You can hate your daughter and I won't judge you, as I've not walked

in your shoes. And you can say that you do not believe your daughter does not

love her kids. I believe it is possible that she doesn't. You need support and

understanding right now above all else. I would like to offer that to you and

allow you to say anything to me that you feel you need to say. You can disagree

with me. Just talk and let your feelings out. I want you to know that I am

here and will listen. I care! The best thing my therapist did for me, was to

let me say ANYTHING that I wanted to without judging me or trying to tell me I

was wrong. I hated my daughter and what she had become, and my heart was

completely broken. After I was able to work through and let go of some of what

I was feeling, then she was able to help me. Until you can find a therapist, I

will be happy to listen...

La Nell

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WE all will....

Re: Re: venting and anger

If you are angry and need to vent, you can address your emails to me - either

here at this site, or personally. You can say whatever you want and be as angry

as you want. You can be catty, mean and hateful! It will NOT offend me, I

promise! You can hate your daughter and I won't judge you, as I've not walked

in your shoes. And you can say that you do not believe your daughter does not

love her kids. I believe it is possible that she doesn't. You need support and

understanding right now above all else. I would like to offer that to you and

allow you to say anything to me that you feel you need to say. You can disagree

with me. Just talk and let your feelings out. I want you to know that I am

here and will listen. I care! The best thing my therapist did for me, was to

let me say ANYTHING that I wanted to without judging me or trying to tell me I

was wrong. I hated my daughter and what she had become,! and my heart was

completely broken. After I was able to work through and let go of some of what

I was feeling, then she was able to help me. Until you can find a therapist, I

will be happy to listen...

La Nell

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" WE all will.... "

Some, perhaps many will, but I've read at least one that won't. now is

not the time for you to have to be thoughtful of the bpd or be tagged for

something you say that is taken personally or deemed inappropriate. It made me

sad to see you apologizing when you are operating in such a crisis. Often

people don't say or do what is " right " when they are operating in a crisis, and

they do lash out at others who are not to blame. I want you to know, you will

not have to apologize to me...

La Nell

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I'm getting a little ticked at these emails that are coming across, not

saying my name, but obviously pointed at me.

I sit in judgment of no one. But, I'm also not stupid. Anger and

bitterness DOES destroy a person, and I would not be a friend or supportive

if I did not say so, and urge anyone experiencing those emotions to seek


To say I am not supportive and that I'm non-understanding is a total

misrepresentation of both me and my posts. To be frank, as you obviously

felt the freedom to be frank, La Nell, if you've got something to say about

me, then be a big enough person to talk to me. Talk about walking in

someone's shoes--you have no concept of where my feet have been.

Am I ticked? You better believe it. I have no problem with ANYONE saying

they hate their kid. I've been there, too! What makes you think I haven't?

Just because I don't fall all over myself gushing about how terrible the

other person's lot is doesn't mean I don't think they're experiencing bad

times. We all experience bad times.

But, there are things we need to open our eyes to, things that will help us

get through those hard times. If I fail to share what has helped me, how am

I being a friend?

Your implication that I don't care about and her problems infuriates

me. Of course I care!! If I didn't care, I wouldn't share things that have

helped me personally, in both my battle with bp and dealing with my dtr.

Sure, we can wallow in self-pity, refuse to deal with anger and bitterness,

but what help is that? It doesn't mean we don't feel those things. But

part of being supportive is pointing the way when we're so close to the

things that are hurting us that we can't see the way. That's what a true

friend does.

If you are angry and need to vent, you can address your emails to me -

either here at this site, or personally. You can say whatever you want and

be as angry as you want. You can be catty, mean and hateful! It will NOT

offend me, I promise! You can hate your daughter and I won't judge you, as

I've not walked in your shoes. And you can say that you do not believe your

daughter does not love her kids. I believe it is possible that she doesn't.

You need support and understanding right now above all else. I would like

to offer that to you and allow you to say anything to me that you feel you

need to say. You can disagree with me. Just talk and let your feelings

out. I want you to know that I am here and will listen. I care! The best

thing my therapist did for me, was to let me say ANYTHING that I wanted to

without judging me or trying to tell me I was wrong. I hated my daughter

and what she had become,! and my heart was completely broken. After I was

able to work

through and let go of some of what I was feeling, then she was able to help

me. Until you can find a therapist, I will be happy to listen...

La Nell

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Are we all not here to support each other? It is not logical to allow some to

be angry and to expect others to have no feelings. The difference in

the ones we seek support to be around and live with thier mental illnesses and

us is that we can vocalize when we are hurt and then we can apologize if we hurt

others and we truly mean it. As NON parents we have learned our

boundaries. It is a healthy boundary to say hey dont be angry at me, and just

as healthy to stop and say hey yes I guess I am a little out of line forgive me.

I have a tremendous right to be angry right now that i have termites, but not to

take it out on you, or or , or Carolyn or anyone else.

We all have valid reasons for fealing anger but it is how we handle the anger

that is the key. I think I and others like are woried to death over

Jean's anger and it causing her more harm. It matters not who said what but

encouraging someone to blast away is not the same as venting, nor is it healthy,

nor will it help. It serves only to escalate anger. Misplaced anger can eat

you alive.

I think everyone is emotionally invovled with Jeans horrors right now. We will

all help differently, or see things differently but I dont think anyone here has

not supported her, namely . I hope this nighmare ends for you soon

somehow. You have been through denial, you are angry now, and soon you may go

through the moruning phase as well. It is all a process of grief and I think

everyone here shares with you in your grief.

Hugs to all


Re: Re: venting and anger

" WE all will.... "

Some, perhaps many will, but I've read at least one that won't. now is

not the time for you to have to be thoughtful of the bpd or be tagged for

something you say that is taken personally or deemed inappropriate. It made me

sad to see you apologizing when you are operating in such a crisis. Often

people don't say or do what is " right " when they are operating in a crisis, and

they do lash out at others who are not to blame. I want you to know, you will

not have to apologize to me...

La Nell

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We all do what we can, support where we can. None of us have been through

the exact same thing, which is great, because it means we all have something

different to contribute to each other. Hopefully, that helps to add a truly

balanced and rounded picture to those going through rough times.

Let's celebrate the differences and unique views that we can each add to

support our friends here on the forum!

Re: venting and anger

Thanks Kelley

I have already been grieving and yes I have been in denial for years. The

whole 3 1/2 yr period that seemed normal, she obviously wasn't and I

should have faced it head on then and encouraged her to get counseling or

else----or else I wouldn't help her financially, or babysit the boys, or

whatever it

took to at least get her to be evaluated. I made her life too easy, I


her to continue this craziness. And now I have to live with its affects on

my darling, wonderful little grandsons.

I will enable no more. ANd I do so appreciate all you guys say in your

posts. Had I not had this group throughout this nightmare, I honestly do

not know

what I would have done. EAch and everyone of you has been a tremendous

support and comfort to me. And , I know you have always had my best


at heart with what you have written.


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" To be frank, as you obviously felt the freedom to be frank, La Nell, if you've

got something to say about me, then be a big enough person to talk to me. "

I don't...if I did, I would address you.

" Talk about walking in someone's shoes--you have no concept of where my feet

have been. "

Your are right, I don't know NOR you, I. So what is your point? I've never

referred to " where you have been " . It is not of interest to me.

" I have no problem with ANYONE saying they hate their kid. I've been there,

too! What makes you think I haven't? "

This was not about you...but rather my daughter...and my feelings.

" Am I ticked? "

As you told someone in a post the other day, " chill " .

" We all experience bad times. "

Some times are worse than others, and some of us are not as strong as others.

What is manageable to some, is seen as a crisis by others.

" But, there are things we need to open our eyes to, things that will help us get

through those hard times. "

True, but often when someone is in the midst of anger and emotion as Jean's

demonstrated, they are not in a frame of mind to " open their eyes " to anything

but the awful pain they feel.

" Your implication that I don't care about and her problems infuriates me. "

I thought two of your e-mails to her today showed little understanding. In

fact, I wonder if it is the anger you have at your daughter that is coming out

in your responses today - which is what you accused of...

" Sure, we can wallow in self-pity, refuse to deal with anger and bitterness, but

what help is that? "

I saw EMS and the police haul my daughter out of a hotel room screaming, kicking

and fighting, and saw the police beat her to a pulp to restrain her (4 men - my

daughter weighs 130 lbs.) and she was yelling and sobbing " Please Mom, please

Mom, please don't let them kill me " . She was psychotic and did not believe it

was the EMS or the police but rather drug dealers disguised - I wallowed in

self-pity, anger and bitterness because that's all there was left of my soul.

It wasn't any help at all...it's all that was left of me.

To be completely honest, , I have gained a great deal from some of your

posts. And I the fact that you have recovered gives me some of the only hope I

have for my daughter to recover. On the other hand, I disagree with you often.

I don't comment, I just ignore it. Today, I felt really bad for and was

glad it was not me that you had written those responses too, because it could of

propelled me to an even worse emotional state.

I really thought this was a place where people could dialogue, but it seems more

that it for those who know what the right thing is to do, and then discuss how

they did the right thing.

I apologize for even logging on to this site. I'll find comfort and

understanding elsewhere. Thanks, .

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You have a lot to get through, and grieve over. Dont forget tears are

cleansing, someone posted somewhere there was a study done. People who cry from

hurt and pain actually shed toxins in thier tears....so when you get there go

ahead and boo hoo till you are dry!

You problaby still have lots of drama to come to, but I think you will come

out of it better than ever!



Re: venting and anger

Thanks Kelley

I have already been grieving and yes I have been in denial for years. The

whole 3 1/2 yr period that seemed normal, she obviously wasn't and I

should have faced it head on then and encouraged her to get counseling or

else----or else I wouldn't help her financially, or babysit the boys, or

whatever it

took to at least get her to be evaluated. I made her life too easy, I enabled

her to continue this craziness. And now I have to live with its affects on

my darling, wonderful little grandsons.

I will enable no more. ANd I do so appreciate all you guys say in your

posts. Had I not had this group throughout this nightmare, I honestly do not


what I would have done. EAch and everyone of you has been a tremendous

support and comfort to me. And , I know you have always had my best


at heart with what you have written.


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Here Here and Cheers to all of us!



Re: venting

and anger



> Thanks Kelley


> I have already been grieving and yes I

have been in denial for years. The

> whole 3 1/2 yr period that

seemed normal, she obviously wasn't and



> should have faced it head on then and

encouraged her to get counseling or

> else----or else I wouldn't help her

financially, or babysit the boys, or

> whatever it

> took to at least get her to be

evaluated. I made her life too easy, I

> enabled

> her to continue this craziness. And

now I have to live with its affects on

> my darling, wonderful little



> I will enable no more. ANd I do so

appreciate all you guys say in your

> posts. Had I not had this group

throughout this nightmare, I honestly do

> not know

> what I would have done. EAch and

everyone of you has been a tremendous

> support and comfort to me. And ,

I know you have always had my best

> interest

> at heart with what you have written.


> Jean



> [Non-text portions of this message

have been removed]





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If you go to court, if your daughter loses her hubby for good, there is still

more to come from her.......I call it drama, another good word is chaos. Your

daughter has obviously set up working on a good distortion campaign against you

with the school and the daycare. Seh may continue on with a restraining order.

I would consider what you are going through with your daughter to be more

closely resemblinga divorse with a BPD involved.



Re: venting and anger


What do you mean I have lots of drama to get through???


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When our bp dtr was 15, she ran away from home. Long story. We took her

immediately to counseling.

On the way home from the first appointment, she had the nerve to ask us how

she could get herself legally emancipated from us! We told her she'd have

to talk to an attorney about that. Then (and I couldn't believe this,

either), she asked US to make an appt. for HER with an attorney!!!

I think on one hand, she was hoping we would, so she could prattle on about

how we didn't want her and throw it in our faces later. But, still,

underneath, there was that seeking behavior. It was the old

" if-you-love-me-you'll-do-this-for-me " trick right alongside the

" if-you-love-me-you-WON'T-do-this-TO-me " !!!

So, I think Kelley has a point. Your bp dtr may indeed try to seek a

restraining order against you. In our state, there have to be three

provable (in court) instances of threats of bodily harm by the person

against whom the restraining order is sought.

If you've been keeping good records, and if your dtr does try and do that to

you, you can drag out your own proof as to who did what. Obviously, we hope

it never comes to that.

We found (for us) in dealing with the police that our bp dtr would tell them

all sorts of lies--lies to make her look good and picked on, and lies to

make us look evil and conspiring. When they came to our house, we simply

showed them the contract we had her sign, and talked about her bizarre

behaviors. They left shaking their heads.

But, conversely, I have found many people who are taken in by her lies and

manipulations--and I rank right up there at the top (or at least I did for a

long time)! Even after warning the therapist we went to see that our bp dtr

was lying and manipulative, and that she would snow the therapist, it

happened anyway. And that's a so-called " trained " mental health



If you go to court, if your daughter loses her hubby for good, there is

still more to come from her.......I call it drama, another good word is

chaos. Your daughter has obviously set up working on a good distortion

campaign against you with the school and the daycare. Seh may continue on

with a restraining order. I would consider what you are going through with

your daughter to be more closely resemblinga divorse with a BPD involved.



Re: venting and anger


What do you mean I have lots of drama to get through???


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My daughter doesn't have achance to get a restraining order. My son, who's

an asst dist attny in a neighboring state says he thinks I should file a

petition with the court to have her committed for evaluation. I am thinking



He also says that with her current behavior the police will laugh at her.


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I have not discussed that with him. My son had said when was

pregnant the he did not even want to see the baby. He did not want to get close



My daughter has a major heart defect that she refuses to get corredted. She

had been advised when it college not to ever get pregnant before having the

hole in her heart closed.

So, of course she did not use birth control and got pregnant twice (my

grandsons). Then she got pregnant last year again. I asked her what the h---


was thinking. She was now 6 years older and still has the hole in her heart

and there she is pregnant again. I asked her WHY don't you use birth control

and at 31 years old, she looked me square in the eye and said it was MY fault

because I never told her about it!!!!!! She has had sex education in school

since she was in 8th grade!

I know she will be pregnant again if she is not already. I had suggested she

have her tubes tied at the time she dekivered this baby a month ago, but she

didn't want to do that.

The point I am getting to here is I cannot raise a myriad of children. The

boys are at ages where I can still work. I cannot raise an infant. And quite

honestly, I have a history with and . She has not let me even

see the baby since I told the dirtbag off the day I picked them up at the

hospital, when he slammed my car door in my face.


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I am hoping to take today off from all this mess. I am not going to contact

the detectives and hope that they don't contact me for anything. I am not

going to check with ' daycare director who does keep me posted as to

whether he comes into school or not. It is Easter and I had planned on taking

them on an Easter Egg hunt as we do every year.

But I have to accept what my daughter has said. The boys ARE her children,

not mine and I am going to have to live my life for me and without them in it.


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They have not really bonded with her. They have been being treated badly

since the baby was born and they already think Mommy loves the baby more than


So, I don't know.

Tell me, the part about her taking no thought for her health in regards to

constant pregnancies, is that part of the saelf destructive behavior. Does she

want to die during a pregnancy or what???

And I just don't know how she thinks she can afford to raise these children.

She knows he wion't work and she doesn't seem to mind that.


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I was going to write and ask why she would do such a thing, but I guess I

have to really accept that the only thing I am ever going to know is true about

her is that she is irrational.

And I will never be able to understand anything she does, not ever!


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What do you think will happen when she actaully loses the house and her new

car? When she actually sees the sheriff come and lock the doors to her house

and the repo truck comes and picks up thje car? I know she will be blaming me,

but how violent do you think it will get?


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I think I know what she will do if she is indeed bp. I think this would be a

form of abandonment, so she will move before the house is foreclosed on.

That way it is she making the decision to " abandon " the house. She won't be

losing it.

Am I on the right track with how " they " think???


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If she only lives in the moment, thenwhy did she spend 4 years cleaning up

her credit? She declared bankruptcy in 1998 after the boys' father ran up all

her credit cards and totaled her the brand new car which did end up getting

repossesed. But, by the time that dirt bag was finished with it, it was no


loss. So, I put her in touch with an attorney who handles those things and

she declared bankruptcy, but she was able to get a mortgage 4 years later as

soon as everything on her credit report was the way the mortgage originator told

her to get it. She spent 3 years with all 3 credit reporting agencies,

writing letters and more letters until everything was perfect. She had the

tenacity to do this to get the house and now look at her. Why?????


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The detective just called me. She only stayed at her house 15 min yesterday

and then left. She never had the kids wiith her. The dirt bag's brother

called the police and told them she pickled up the kids and he no longer had


They were going on HIS word. I told them, the kids are probably still

there!!!!!!! She had the brother say that to throw the detectives off the


How stupid are they " Jeesh!\


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Your son is right. You should file that petition along with a petition for

temporary custody of the children.

What does your son think about filing for custody of just two children and not

the baby?



Re: venting and anger

My daughter doesn't have achance to get a restraining order. My son, who's

an asst dist attny in a neighboring state says he thinks I should file a

petition with the court to have her committed for evaluation. I am thinking



He also says that with her current behavior the police will laugh at her.


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What you said makes me about as depressed as I can possibly get. If he tells

her to " get rid " of the boys, will she do that too? So what does she care

about now? Nothing but harboring him?

I went to the mall, kept my hairdresser's appt, and showed 3 houses. That is

about all I can handle today. I think I am going to have a breakdown soon.

What is going to happen to my poor grandsons?


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The detective was in court yesterday. And the one who is covering the area

where the dirtbag lives was down there and it's a 1/2 hr away from here. The

neighbor across the street(who they have watching her house) called to tell them

she was only there 15 minutes.


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