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Re: Wierd feeling

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I would just like to say: This ADJUSTING crap is for the birds! Everytime we adjust to one think then something comes out of left field and knocks us in the head. According to my psychiatric eval. I have adjustment disorder. DUH!!! ' in Texas Am I being a little sarcastic this morning?cassandra workmn wrote: Sharon.I have never

heard of that,I will look into it.My friends baby was over 11 lbs.Ahhh.lol.My pain is deep down,like punching it isnt deep enough and dosnt hurt.My pcp always pushes or squeezes,its weird cuz I do have alot of numbness yet there is so much pain.It is an all day everyday stabbing.I could handle it alot more before the cramps and spasms and stiffness and all that.Those are everyday as well,cramps are sumthn awful.Willin to try out other things but dont like to take to much meds.I have takn everything im on for awile now,but dont like to add in others.I tried the baclofen before the neurontin,thats what helped me use a cane instead of always the walker.Now I only use the walker on bad bad days.I never really did notice a difference on the neurontin,but like I said im scared bout stopn incase its helpn more then I think.The pain and weakness pretty much keep me housebound.Leave when I can but its hard.Still learnin to adapt.Luv to all,cassy[wobbletowalk] wrote:Do you also have joint pain? If so you might try MSM with Glucosamine. I started taking it because I have a trigger finger and a very painful thumb joint. I was very happy to discover my bad back pain and weakness got better. I've run out a few times and the back pain came back. LDN also helps with the pain. Other than that I only take Tylenol except for my regular meds.My youngest was 10 lbs. 2 oz. But I saw a 14 lb. newborn on the news last week. Big baby! Sharon Re: Re: Wierd feelingThanks Kate.They say no no on ciropractic care for now with all the symptoms im having.I have tried

acupuncture and it sent my body into jerking spasms or tremors(im not sure witch) but my body was jerking awful,you could hear the table moving.It didnt stop so the nurse quickly took everything out and put a no no for that too.My insurance dosnt cover pain management so nopie on that one too.Besides im not ready to try anything stronger im just dealing with it as long as I can,even if it does mean to hide on the bad days.I didnt have my girls at home,I had epidurals,but just didnt work much.They almost had to take my youngest c-section because she was 10 lbs and once she was in the canal she wasnt coming out.Her shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone and they had to pry her out.They had to fill the epidural 4 times,it was a very hard birth.Poor thing went threw hell,so did I.lol.Once she came out she wasnt breathing and OMG was that scary,then she had complications and hadto stay at the hospital a week,hugz[katelloydkidz@ optonline. net]

wrote:Cassy~Listen, you might do well with seeing a pain management specialist. There could be other options for you, like in the form of biofeedback, acupuncture, massage, chiro...etc. ..Sometimes we need to 'widen our horizons' beyond meds/drugs.. .Just 'cause, I know I went off everything, as it became a blur of stuff for me..I started to question whether double vision, blurred vision, vertigo, fatigue, nausea, were side effects of meds. or MS! So, with going off everything back in February, I can now journal/document what is truly (most likely!) MS, as I'm off the meds. Yeah, pain--have that..But its funny..I guess we all 'pick and choose' what we can deal with...I can deal with pain, as I too, had natural births, 4 out of 5 of them were at home, with NO drugs...Anyways. .I'm having the hardest time dealing with the cognitive aspects of the MS--for me, that is more emotionally painful than actual physical pain! Blessings, kate> Thanks Val.Yes.I have

lived with pain over 3 yrs. And ill tell > ya,and I have told my fam that id rather give birth everyday of > my life then to have this pain.(just a lil example for them,you > know to imagine how it feels)both my girls were very large and > very hard to deliver.But ya,I went a long time....'

in Texas Courage is not being fearless, courage is facing your fears and not running for cover!

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ROFL!LOL.lets not give them the pleasure then.lol.

[dixmstx@...] wrote:

Just face it, we are all square pegs they are trying to push in round holes!


cassandra workmn wrote:

ya.I think we all need a house doc.lol.Sounds kinda funny.lol.I wish

my pcp were a specialist.:( I know id be dx'd if he was.Most docs,especially

specialists(in my opinion) dont wanna look outside " the box " .There are so many

diseases out there,and yet they only want to look for the 1 or 2 things they

think " are most likely " .Ughh.I dont think my views on docs will ever change.Luv

to all,cassy

[dixmstx@...] wrote:

You've got it. I would give anything if there was a real House who would devote

the time to figure what the heck is wrong with me.


Val Lee wrote:

What we need is some Dr.'s like House and his team. Yeah, he's a bit arrogant

and eccentric, but he's a genius and with the rest of the interns and surgeons,

they can always find out what's causing symptoms.


Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a....

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That's me too. I live with 4 grandkids ages 4 to 12. The 11 y/o thinks she is 15 and I can see very loooong teenage years coming with her. I retreat to my room often. I would lock the door but they all know how to pick the lock. lol Sharon Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of....

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Ya.Adjusting sucks a**! But not like we even have a choice hu? Yep.thats how it

goes,adjust to one and BOOM! Here comes another,dont know about you but my BOOMS

are big.Ughhh.Now if I had a psych consult id probly have adjustment disorder

to.Lol.! You shoulda seen this thing my PT thought would help me,it was a walker

with forearm crutches attached.She had modified it and said she could modify

mine.It wiped the crap outa me cuz all my upper body weight was putting to much

strain and she had to keep bringn me the chair to rest,I told her it wasnts

workn for me.Thankgod,not tryn to be rude or affend anyone that may use a device

like this but for me I jus couldnt no way,I told her im gonna get one with a

seat so I can rest when needed so instead she wraped my feet in ace bandages

real tight so they would lift more,it helped them lift more but hurt the sides

of my feet so bad I had tears by the time I got to the car.Really is a no winner

I guess.Hope your doin ok.Big hugz,cassy

[dixmstx@...] wrote:

I would just like to say: This ADJUSTING crap is for the birds! Everytime we

adjust to one think then something comes out of left field and knocks us in the


According to my psychiatric eval. I have adjustment disorder. DUH!!!

' in Texas

Am I being a little sarcastic this morning?

cassandra workmn wrote:

Sharon.I have never heard of that,I will look into it.My friends baby

was over 11 lbs.Ahhh.lol.My pain is deep down,like punching it isnt deep enough

and dosnt hurt.My pcp always pushes or squeezes,its weird cuz I do have alot of

numbness yet there is so much pain.It is an all day everyday stabbing.I could

handle it alot more before the cramps and spasms and stiffness and all

that.Those are everyday as well,cramps are sumthn awful.Willin to try out other

things but dont like to take to much meds.I have takn everything im on for awile

now,but dont like to add in others.I tried the baclofen before the

neurontin,thats what helped me use a cane instead of always the walker.Now I

only use the walker on bad bad days.I never really did notice a difference on

the neurontin,but like I said im scared bout stopn incase its helpn more then I

think.The pain and weakness pretty much keep me housebound.Leave when I can but

its hard.Still learnin to adapt.Luv to all,cassy

[wobbletowalk@...] wrote:

Do you also have joint pain? If so you might try MSM with Glucosamine. I started

taking it because I have a trigger finger and a very painful thumb joint. I was

very happy to discover my bad back pain and weakness got better. I've run out a

few times and the back pain came back. LDN also helps with the pain. Other than

that I only take Tylenol except for my regular meds.

My youngest was 10 lbs. 2 oz. But I saw a 14 lb. newborn on the news last week.

Big baby!


Re: Re: Wierd feeling

Thanks Kate.They say no no on ciropractic care for now with all the symptoms im

having.I have tried acupuncture and it sent my body into jerking spasms or

tremors(im not sure witch) but my body was jerking awful,you could hear the

table moving.It didnt stop so the nurse quickly took everything out and put a no

no for that too.My insurance dosnt cover pain management so nopie on that one

too.Besides im not ready to try anything stronger im just dealing with it as

long as I can,even if it does mean to hide on the bad days.I didnt have my girls

at home,I had epidurals,but just didnt work much.They almost had to take my

youngest c-section because she was 10 lbs and once she was in the canal she

wasnt coming out.Her shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone and they had to

pry her out.They had to fill the epidural 4 times,it was a very hard birth.Poor

thing went threw hell,so did I.lol.Once she came out she wasnt breathing and OMG

was that scary,then she had....

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n has made it okay to say "love" on this group, hasn't she? love to all :)Sharon Re: Wierd


It was Trista.And I get them down my back,I....

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lol. :)


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of....

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I can only WISH I had too many clothes, or any of us did! Thing that ticks me off is my almost new bathrobe, a lovely big black hooded fleecey thing, somehow got left behind! And I just got it for Christmas, too....drat. Hugs Akiba Any XXL sizers out there send clothing to....(just kidding) -- Re: Wierd feeling Oh Donna, lol. I KNOW thee too many clothes thing. Mine is due to OCD AND not feeling well enough to wash often. Ours is times 6, since we have 4 boys. I have "laundry mountain" in the garage. I'm thinking of selling tickets and sell it as a theme park type attraction. lol. And no, I have no dx yet. (rolling my eyes. < I do that a lot. lol. ) Hugs, Trista~~~~~~~~~~~And he said unto me, MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE;FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS. Re: Wierd feeling Trista and Cassie,You two are not alone in the sensations you've been feeling. Cassie, I know you haven't been diagnosed as of yet, but Trista I can't remember if you have been or not (I have brain warts ya know? and those warts leave holes that cause my memory to leak like a sieve...lol)But I wanted to tell you that you are definitely not alone... I've had the feeling of goosbumps, and it's usually on my legs, at least that's where I remember them to have been. I get the feeling that I've spilled hot something on the top of my right foot from time to time as well.The goosebumpy feeling is weird and the burning is painful and quite annoying, because nothing stops it... but the most awful sensation I think I get is the "phantom itch".. well maybe it's a toss up between the "phantom itch" and the big toe of my right foot playing "reach for the stars"...The phantom itch causes damage.. because sometimes I scratch or rub, until I've got a blister and/or the blister has been scratched open.. Though we have figured out that the phantom itch is actually some other place on my body that does really have an itch.. and if we find it, and scratch it.. the phantom itch will go away... trick is finding the spot that actually does itch!I've found nothing to cure the "reach for the stars" thing... well the baclofen did stop it for awhile.. but I'm noticing now, like last night, that it didn't work, and I even took the THIRD 10mg pill to see if it would help. It didn't. Though I think I remember putting a blanket on my leg, and when the leg & foot got good and warm, it seemed to ease the spasm a bit..Oh, and have you noticed, (don't know whether it will make a difference for you guys or not) that your numbness, wherever you have it, and sometimes some spots where you don't, get worse or appears when you eat anything with MSG in it?I can't eat Chinese food anymore (because our Chinese Take-Outs all use MSG), and I've had to give up on that Cheese Wiz stuff in the spray can and Summer Sausage as well.. a few types of soup (that I can't remember, but will the next time I eat it) as well as a couple of types of TV dinners.. mmm.. I know which ones of those. Swanson or Banquet, whichever is in the red box.. Salisbury Steak dinner.. but I can eat a Hungry Man Salisbury Steak TV Dinner without a problem... go figure...Well I've rattled enough this morning.. got my pills shoveled in.. have to inject yet.. and read the rest of the emails that have piled up...maybe reply to a few, before I start again with the major house overhaul.. just looked at me last night when he got home from work and saw ALL the stuff that was piled on the bed... He said.. I wouldn't have put it on the bed.. I'd have... I said yeah.. well you aren't moving the stuff around while sitting on the floor either are you? LOL.. the easiest place to put it to get it out of my way, IS on the bed... We have way way way way too many clothes for any one person to wear.. but during the summer months, (before the Copaxone) we tended to buy a whole lot of clothes, because he worked way too many hours and was too tired for laundry and I wasn't able to do the laundry... so if you want clean clothes.....Had to do the same thing when we both worked for Charter.. One of their strategies to get me to quit was to schedule EVERY one of our days off... apart from each other... NO ONE could go to the laundromat (we lived in an apartment then, without laundry facilities).. so had, honest to goodness.. 4 and one half weeks worth of "caual dress" clothes (not to mention undies, t-shirts & socks).. dress shirts & dress slacks.. hanging in the closest.. Needless to say... the habit of buying clothes when they are on sale cheapcheap has stuck... now I've got wall to wall clothes in the bedroom!!! ... well today they are wall to wall clothes strung from the bedroom to the laundry room as I wash & dry them.. dispose of no longer useful stuff and hang or fold the wearable stuff and try to find drawer space to put it all away... I really don't think there is drawer space enough on our WHOLE street!! ROFL...Take Care|)onna

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Sure, I do say that, and do mean it, but others said it before I did! Love to you,

Sharon, and to all in our predicament in this group!

n Rojas5915@...

Re: Wierd feelingIt was Trista.And I get them down my back,I....

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Dearest Donna,

Send your address to happybutterflies@... and I will send you some of the Muscle Spasm Oil. It may help with your toe if it is a spasm causing it. If you want I can also send a sample of the 5 Herb Balm.

This is free to MSers and any other MS patients. Donations excepted but not required.



Butterflies are angels delivering messages form God. Re: Wierd feelingTo: MSersLife > Trista and Cassie,> > You two are not alone in the sensations you've been feeling. > Cassie, I know > you haven't been diagnosed as of yet, but Trista I can't > remember if you > have been or not (I have brain warts ya know? and those warts > leave holes > that cause my memory to leak like a sieve...lol)> > But I wanted to tell you that you are definitely not alone... > I've had the > feeling of goosbumps, and it's usually on my legs, at least > that's where I > remember them to have been. I get the feeling that I've > spilled hot > something on the top of my right foot from time to time as well.> > The goosebumpy feeling is weird and the burning is painful and > quite > annoying, because nothing stops it... but the most awful > sensation I think I > get is the "phantom itch".. well maybe it's a toss up between > the "phantom > itch" and the big toe of my right foot playing "reach for the > stars"...> The phantom itch causes damage.. because sometimes I scratch or > rub, until > I've got a blister and/or the blister has been scratched open.. > Though we > have figured out that the phantom itch is actually some other > place on my > body that does really have an itch.. and if we find it, and > scratch it.. the > phantom itch will go away... trick is finding the spot that > actually does > itch!> > I've found nothing to cure the "reach for the stars" thing... > well the > baclofen did stop it for awhile.. but I'm noticing now, like > last night, > that it didn't work, and I even took the THIRD 10mg pill to see > if it would > help. It didn't. Though I think I remember putting a > blanket on my leg, and > when the leg & foot got good and warm, it seemed to ease the > spasm a bit..> > Oh, and have you noticed, (don't know whether it will make a > difference for > you guys or not) that your numbness, wherever you have it, and > sometimes > some spots where you don't, get worse or appears when you eat > anything with > MSG in it?> > I can't eat Chinese food anymore (because our Chinese Take-Outs > all use > MSG), and I've had to give up on that Cheese Wiz stuff in the > spray can and > Summer Sausage as well.. a few types of soup (that I can't > remember, but > will the next time I eat it) as well as a couple of types of TV > dinners.. > mmm.. I know which ones of those. Swanson or Banquet, whichever > is in the > red box.. Salisbury Steak dinner.. but I can eat a Hungry Man > Salisbury > Steak TV Dinner without a problem... go figure...> > Well I've rattled enough this morning.. got my pills shoveled > in.. have to > inject yet.. and read the rest of the emails that have piled > up...maybe > reply to a few, before I start again with the major house > overhaul.. > just looked at me last night when he got home from work and saw > ALL the > stuff that was piled on the bed... He said.. I wouldn't have put > it on the > bed.. I'd have... I said yeah.. well you aren't moving the stuff > around > while sitting on the floor either are you? LOL.. the easiest > place to put it > to get it out of my way, IS on the bed... We have way way way > way too many > clothes for any one person to wear.. but during the summer > months, (before > the Copaxone) we tended to buy a whole lot of clothes, because > he worked way > too many hours and was too tired for laundry and I wasn't able > to do the > laundry... so if you want clean clothes.....> > Had to do the same thing when we both worked for Charter.. One > of their > strategies to get me to quit was to schedule EVERY one of our > days off... > apart from each other... NO ONE could go to the laundromat (we > lived in an > apartment then, without laundry facilities).. so had, > honest to > goodness.. 4 and one half weeks worth of "caual dress" clothes > (not to > mention undies, t-shirts & socks).. dress shirts & dress > slacks.. hanging in > the closest.. Needless to say... the habit of buying clothes > when they are > on sale cheapcheap has stuck... now I've got wall to wall > clothes in the > bedroom!!! ... well today they are wall to wall clothes strung > from the > bedroom to the laundry room as I wash & dry them.. dispose of no > longer > useful stuff and hang or fold the wearable stuff and try to find > drawer > space to put it all away... I really don't think there is drawer > space > enough on our WHOLE street!! ROFL...> > Take Care> |)onna May you always find



Butterflies are angels bringing messages from God

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So `, you live close to Tyler? My late dh and I went there on the motorcycle to visit his brother and sil and went to the zoo. It is great and I am sure your children will love it. We did and it is one place I would not mind seeing again. Bill and familly have moved back here now so I may never go back but it is a favorite memory. Also some of the museums were fantastic.



Butterflies are angels delivering messages from God. Wierd feeling> > Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left > leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started > yesterday and I figured it was just one of....> > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives > answers, not web links. > > > > > > > ' in Texas > Courage is not being fearless, courage is facing your > fears and not running for cover!> May you always find



Butterflies are angels bringing messages from God

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I might have some tops. I'll have to look through my closet. I went on low carb last October and lost 33 lbs in6 weeks. I got rid of most of my clothes that were too big, then I "fell off the low carb wagon". I haven't gained much, just a few lbs. I need to get back to it. I will go through my stuff. (if you seriously would like them. )


Re: Wierd feeling

Trista and Cassie,You two are not alone in the sensations you've been feeling. Cassie, I know you haven't been diagnosed as of yet, but Trista I can't remember if you have been or not (I have brain warts ya know? and those warts leave holes that cause my memory to leak like a sieve...lol)But I wanted to tell you that you are definitely not alone... I've had the feeling of goosbumps, and it's usually on my legs, at least that's where I remember them to have been. I get the feeling that I've spilled hot something on the top of my right foot from time to time as well.The goosebumpy feeling is weird and the burning is painful and quite annoying, because nothing stops it... but the most awful sensation I think I get is the "phantom itch".. well maybe it's a toss up between the "phantom itch" and the big toe of my right foot playing "reach for the stars"...The phantom itch causes damage.. because sometimes I scratch or rub, until I've got a blister and/or the blister has been scratched open.. Though we have figured out that the phantom itch is actually some other place on my body that does really have an itch.. and if we find it, and scratch it.. the phantom itch will go away... trick is finding the spot that actually does itch!I've found nothing to cure the "reach for the stars" thing... well the baclofen did stop it for awhile.. but I'm noticing now, like last night, that it didn't work, and I even took the THIRD 10mg pill to see if it would help. It didn't. Though I think I remember putting a blanket on my leg, and when the leg & foot got good and warm, it seemed to ease the spasm a bit..Oh, and have you noticed, (don't know whether it will make a difference for you guys or not) that your numbness, wherever you have it, and sometimes some spots where you don't, get worse or appears when you eat anything with MSG in it?I can't eat Chinese food anymore (because our Chinese Take-Outs all use MSG), and I've had to give up on that Cheese Wiz stuff in the spray can and Summer Sausage as well.. a few types of soup (that I can't remember, but will the next time I eat it) as well as a couple of types of TV dinners.. mmm.. I know which ones of those. Swanson or Banquet, whichever is in the red box.. Salisbury Steak dinner.. but I can eat a Hungry Man Salisbury Steak TV Dinner without a problem... go figure...Well I've rattled enough this morning.. got my pills shoveled in.. have to inject yet.. and read the rest of the emails that have piled up...maybe reply to a few, before I start again with the major house overhaul.. just looked at me last night when he got home from work and saw ALL the stuff that was piled on the bed... He said.. I wouldn't have put it on the bed.. I'd have... I said yeah.. well you aren't moving the stuff around while sitting on the floor either are you? LOL.. the easiest place to put it to get it out of my way, IS on the bed... We have way way way way too many clothes for any one person to wear.. but during the summer months, (before the Copaxone) we tended to buy a whole lot of clothes, because he worked way too many hours and was too tired for laundry and I wasn't able to do the laundry... so if you want clean clothes.....Had to do the same thing when we both worked for Charter.. One of their strategies to get me to quit was to schedule EVERY one of our days off... apart from each other... NO ONE could go to the laundromat (we lived in an apartment then, without laundry facilities).. so had, honest to goodness.. 4 and one half weeks worth of "caual dress" clothes (not to mention undies, t-shirts & socks).. dress shirts & dress slacks.. hanging in the closest.. Needless to say... the habit of buying clothes when they are on sale cheapcheap has stuck... now I've got wall to wall clothes in the bedroom!!! ... well today they are wall to wall clothes strung from the bedroom to the laundry room as I wash & dry them.. dispose of no longer useful stuff and hang or fold the wearable stuff and try to find drawer space to put it all away... I really don't think there is drawer space enough on our WHOLE street!! ROFL...Take Care|)onna

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OmG Trista! 33 lbs.im 6 weeks?Wowwww.Wish I could do that,wanna share some

tips?OR an example of the kinds of food you ate?That just blows me away,I soooo

need to lose,tried on some of my 16 size pants and there getn a lil snug.Just

last summer a size 14 was very loose. I always wear sweatpants and jammies,but

with summer coming I wanted to try the capris.No luck there.lol.

HUGZ,cassy(notice I didnt say Lots of love?Now im conscious about it.lol.)

[tabeloe@...] wrote:

I might have some tops. I'll have to look through my closet. I went on low

carb last October and lost 33 lbs in6 weeks. I got rid of most of my clothes

that were too big, then I " fell off the low carb wagon " . I haven't gained much,

just a few lbs. I need to get back to it. I will go through my stuff. (if you

seriously would like them. )

Hugs, Trista




Re: Wierd feeling

Trista and Cassie,

You two are not alone in the sensations you've been feeling. Cassie, I


you haven't been diagnosed as of yet, but Trista I can't remember if you

have been or not (I have brain warts ya know? and those warts leave


that cause my memory to leak like a sieve...lol)

But I wanted to tell you that you are definitely not alone... I've had


feeling of goosbumps, and it's usually on my legs, at least that's where


remember them to have been. I get the feeling that I've spilled hot

something on the top of my right foot from time to time as well.

The goosebumpy feeling is weird and the burning is painful and quite

annoying, because nothing stops it... but the most awful sensation I

think I

get is the " phantom itch " .. well maybe it's a toss up between the

" phantom

itch " and the big toe of my right foot playing " reach for the stars " ...

The phantom itch causes damage.. because sometimes I scratch or rub,


I've got a blister and/or the blister has been scratched open.. Though


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You are sooo silly! I kinda doubt if anyone has a problem with you sharing your love. I love you. I love my whole family here. I'd be lost without y'all. Yeah, even lil' ol' me has a mushy side. Guess I probably don't show it as much as I should. And for that, I'm truely sorry.

God bless... Val

Re: Wierd feelingWell, I know you're not crazy. I'm always getting odd little sensations. I don't usually say too much about them because I just assume that we all get them. Like yesterday, I started getting a burning feeling in the ball of my foot. I've had it before in my right foot, now it's in....

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I stopped buying clothes back in 1999 when I lost my job. I'm still wearing some of the "stretchy" clothes from then, as I haven't been able to afford to buy new clothes. I'm in a real dilema right now. Now, I am being finacially forced to join the work force again. My hubby is not pleased. But, we have no choice. My problem now is. What am I going to wear to interviews? And what size do I wear? When I had to quit my job back then, I was only a size 5/6. My daughter gave me a pair of pants while I was staying with her recently. They're a size 14!! I had no idea I had gotten so big. Believe me, for my height and bone structure...That's fat!

God bless...Val

Re: Wierd feeling

Trista and Cassie,You two are not alone in the sensations you've been feeling. Cassie, I know you haven't been diagnosed as of yet, but Trista I can't remember if you have been or not (I have brain warts ya know? and those warts leave holes that cause my memory to laklike a sieve...lol)But I wanted to tell you that you are definitely not alone... I've had the feeling of goosbumps, and it's usually on my legs, at least that's where I remember them to have been. I get the feeling that I've spilled hot something on the top of my right foot from time to time as well.The goosebumpy feeling is weird and the burning is painful and quite annoying, because nothing stops it... but the most awful sensation I think I get is the "phantom itch".. well maybe it's a toss up between the "phantom itch" and the big toe of my right foot playing "reach for the stars"...The phantom itch causes damage.. because sometimes I scratch or rub, until I've got a blister and/or the blister has been scratched open.. Though we have figured out that the phantom itch is actually some other place on my body that does really have an itch.. and if we find it, and scratch it.. the phantom itch will go away... trick is finding the spot that acualy does itch!I've found nothing to cure the "reach for the stars" thing... well the baclofen did stop it for awhile.. but I'm noticing now, like last night, that it didn't work, and I even took the THIRD 10mg pill to see if it would help. It didn't. Though I think I remember putting a blanket on my leg, and when the leg & foot got good and warm, it seemed to ease the spasm a bit..Oh, and have you noticed, (don't know whether it will make a difference for you guys or not) that your numbness, wherever you have it, and sometimes some spots where you don't, get worse or appears when you eat anything with MSG in it?I can't eat Chinese food anymore (because our Chinese Take-Outs all use MSG), and I've had to give up on that Cheese Wiz stuff in the spray can and Summer Sausage as well.. a few types of soup (that I can't remember, but will the next time I eat it) as well as a couple of types of TV dinners.. mmm.. I know which ones of thoe. Sanson or Banquet, whichever is in the red box.. Salisbury Steak dinner.. but I can eat a Hungry Man Salisbury Steak TV Dinner without a problem... go figure...Well I've rattled enough this morning.. got my pills shoveled in.. have to inject yet.. and read the rest of the emails that have piled up...maybe reply to a few, before I start again with the major house overhaul.. just looked at me last night when he got home from work and saw ALL the stuff that was piled on the bed... He said.. I wouldn't have put it on the bed.. I'd have... I said yeah.. well you aren't moving the stuff around while sitting on the floor either are you? LOL.. the easiest place to put it to get it out of my way, IS on the bed... We have way way way way too many clothes for any one person to wear.. but during the summer months, (before the Copaxone) we tended to buy a whole lot of clothes, because he worked way too many hours and was too tired for laundry and I wasn't ble t do the laundry... so if you want clean clothes.....Had to do the same thing when we both worked for Charter.. One of their strategies to get me to quit was to schedule EVERY one of our days off... apart from each other... NO ONE could go to the laundromat (we lived in an apartment then, without laundry facilities).. so had, honest to goodness.. 4 and one half weeks worth of "caual dress" clothes (not to mention undies, t-shirts & socks).. dress shirts & dress slacks.. hanging in the closest.. Needless to say... the habit of buying clothes when they are on sale cheapcheap has stuck... now I've got wall to wall clothes in the bedroom!!! ... well today they are wall to wall clothes strung from the bedroom to the laundry room as I wash & dry them.. dispose of no longer useful stuff and hang or fold the wearable stuff and try to find drawer space to put it all away... I really don't think there is drawer space enough on our HOLE sreet!! ROFL...Take Care|)onna

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;) WEll,That is one thing I can definetly face.:) hugz, cassy

[wobbletowalk@...] wrote:

You will never get booted off. You might as well face it--you're stuck with us!


Re: Wierd feeling

Trista.I cant imagine burning pain like that.:( I mostly have stabbing and

then odd sensations here and there.I know how it feels to get burned and

couldnt imagine actually feeling that on my skin without the actual burn.My

skin is hyper-sensitive witch is also painful but more bothersome.My fiance

cannot rub my hand neither can my girls it sends a pain and then causes my

hand and arm to jerk up in a cramp and twich.Almost like a spasm and cramp at

the same time.I got alot of burning when I used the capaisin cream.No more of

that stuff.lol.Hopefully one of these days we will get some real answers.Luv

to you trista! And all here on the group,cassy

[tabeloecharter (DOT) net]


Wednesday and Thursday, my left arm (elbow up) burned so badly. It

was a deep muscle type pain, but also a burning skin pain. At times I feel

like hot grease has splashed me, but I haven't burned....

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Hey Sharon~

If you want I'll be your diet buddy. I know Atkins is a very good diet. But, really it's more than that. It's a life-style. How 'bout it?

God bless...Val

Re: Wierd feelingTrista and Cassie,You two are not alone in the sensations you've been feeling. Cassie, I know you haven't been diagnosed as of yet, but Trista I can't remember if you have been or not (I have brain warts ya know? and those warts leave holes that cause my memory to leak like a sieve...lol)But I wanted to tell you that you are definitely not alone... I've had the feeling of goosbumps, and it's usually on my legs, at least that's where I remember them to have been. I get the feeling that I've spilled hot something on the top of my right foot from time to time as well.The goosebumpy feeling is weird and the burning is painful and quite annoying, because nothing stops it... but the most awful sensation I think I get is the "phantom itch".. well maybe it's a toss up between the "phantom itch" and the big toe of my right foot playing "reach for the stars"...The phantom itch causes damage.. because sometimes I scratch or rub, until I've got a blister and/or the blister has been scratched open.. Though we....

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Sharon~I know you know this; but just as a reminder--that Medrol pack you were on (as I was also,recently) drives up our Bl.su. like crazy. Not to say it shouldn't be a concern...

As far as diets go--I know you didn't ask me; but I too, am about to embark on something--however my 'something' is in the form of a liver cleanse and body-detox. My friend did it, and just naturally lost something like 6 lbs in 10 days. I think that would at least help me 'jump start' my diet...http://secure.annlouise.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS & Category=12

This is a product by Ann Louise Gittelman--author of the Fat Flush Diet. I met her in person, when I was doing Fat Flush some years ago. It was a real treat--I had splurged and went out to Idaho--alone! gorgeous country out there!It was a whole group of 'Fat Flushers'; we'd eat real healthy meals together; have outings; they had spa treatments--it was awesome! It took me over a yr. to pay back all that cost to do--it was only a 4 day wk-end, but an exceptional hotel. This product IS expensive--but I'm thinking of only doing it for the 30 days.> I really, REALLY need to get back on the low carb diet myself. > I was doing Atkins last fall, lost 15 pounds and my cholesterol > dropped 40 points! It had been 219 and dropped to 179. My good > cholesterol went up and my blood sugar went down. I had been > having slightly high blood sugar for 9 months and the doc had > been watching it. Which low carb diet were you on Trista?> > Sharon Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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We don't mind it at all. I tell the kids and Chuck I love them all the time.



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Re: Wierd feeling

She sure has! Along with all ya'l.Just comes natural now,ya know?I tell my fam everyday how much I love them,and you all are family so you'l be hearn it everyday as long as im here.Hope no one minds.Thats as long as I dont get booted off.lol.jkjk. Big hugz,cassy[


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Ok, Val and Cassy~You 2 are gittin' me hun-gry! As I just turned off my pot of water, boiling with 3 hard-boiled eggs in it--I opened this email! lol! Our wedding cake was exactly that--carrot cake with cream cheese icing...mmmm--mmm! I have to tell you...I've gone through bizarre times of REALLY overeating-more in the past; bought huge amounts of food; start eating, as I'm driving...then becoming completely disgusted at myself--started chucking the food out the window as I was driving! No--don't worry--it didn't splat on anyone's windshield--I made certain I was on "des-serted" (ha-get it!) anyway..country roads..My cholesterol is 216, and my triglycerides...gulp...472!!! I probably shouldn't even eat 1 egg! I refuse to do drugs for my cholesterol--that's why I'm trying to work out on the treadmill...blessings and hugs to my 'fellow-foodies', kate> Cassy~> I absolutely looooove carrot cake! Especially with cream cheese > frosting! I'm drooling. The next time I pick up a boiled egg, > that's what I'm going to try to visualize...hahaha...LOL> Eat it quick, or throw it away. Can't bear the thought of > throwing away good money? Where's the kids? Nawww. Go ahead and > eat it. You can start your diet tomorrow. I won't tell anyone. > sshhhhhhh... God bless... Val > Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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Ok Val! Great idea--I'm ready to do it...AND putting my hand in the center...oops..let me first put down my fork! ~kate> Okay ladies.....tomorrow, May 22, we are all gonna start our > diets. I guess it really doesn't matter which one we choose, but > the important thing is to be there to support eachother. I'm > doing the Atkins. Well, that and whatever I can do on my income. > I'm also going to buy some Hoodia this weekend. I'll take that > with the diet plan. > Alright, everyone hands in the center. Now raise them high and > shout....WhoooooYahhhh!!!God bless... Val > Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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I don't think they do sell the plant you can chew. I haven't seen it. Bikini...bathingsuit??? What's that?? LOL Val

Re: Wierd feelingHey Sharon~If you want I'll be your diet buddy. I know Atkins is a very good diet. But, really it's more than that. It's a life-style. How 'bout it?God bless...Val----- Original Message ----- From: Sharon Marsden To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.com ....

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My brother is always talking eBay. He sell stuff on there himself. You know, I have never been to that site. I'm going to go check it out. It must be a great place to go, seems like I'm always hearing about it. You suppose they sell Hoodia?

Blessed be...Val

Re: Wierd feelingHey Sharon~If you want I'll be your diet buddy. I know Atkins is a very good diet. But, really it's more than that. It's a life-style. How 'bout it?bless...Val----- Original Message ----- From: Sharon Marsden To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.com ...

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Yes, and the folks who first used this, would go on long hunting expeditions, and used the Hoodia to supress their appetites as they were without food for long stretches on these expeditions...I'm on autoship for Hoodia--it is about 'coming out of my ears' as I had stopped taking it..If anyone should need some... kate> Hoodia is a plant that was discovered by some bush people in > Africa, I believe. They chew on it instead of gum. I heard about > this first on 60 Minutes. A journalist found that by chewing > this plant, it actually stopped hunger, and you could lose > weight on it. It took awhile but, now you can buy it in GNC > stores and some of your herb and health food stores.> You can buy it capsuls. I priced it the last time I went to the > GNC store. It comes in all differnt prices depending on the > quantity. I think the smallest bottle they had was $30.00. I > don't remember how many capsuls were in it. I think about 30. > I'm going to have to check and see how many caps you have to > take daily. I know at a buck a cap. I'm not gonna be able to > take more than one a day. But, one a day is better than none a day.> GBU...Val Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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You're right about that. With these diets you do actually start losing inches before you lose the weight. I'd still like to have a scale so I could at least check my weight once a week though. Actually, I do have a scale. It uses batteries, though. The reason I think it may be broken, is because after my grandies started playing with it, it wouldn't function properly. I thought it was the batteries, so I changed them. Still doesn't work. Maybe I can get a cheap one at Dollar General.

God bless....Val

Re: Wierd feelingOh Donna, lol. I KNOW thee too many clothes thing. Mine is due to OCD AND not feeling well enough to....

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I have bought Hoodia there. I also use a site cakked shopzilla.com, get a lot of good prices there, too. Hugs (and do not get addicted to eBay!) Akiba -- Re: Wierd feeling Akiba~ My brother is always talking eBay. He sell stuff on there himself. You know, I have never been to that site. I'm going to go check it out. It must be a great place to go, seems like I'm always hearing about it. You suppose they sell Hoodia? Blessed be...Val Re: Wierd feelingHey Sharon~If you want I'll be your diet buddy. I know Atkins is a very good diet. But, really it's more than that. It's a life-style. How 'bout it?bless...Val----- Original Message ----- From: Sharon Marsden To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.com ... No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.7.6/813 - Release Date: 5/20/07 7:54 AM

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