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Re: Wierd feeling

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I get to feeling like that sometimes when I have a fever. In fact a fever makes my MS go nuts until I get the fever down. I can't even walk. I am so bad during that time period I can't even crawl. I always use Advil for my fever and once it is gone you wouldn't even know I had a fever I am back walking like normal. If walking with a walker is normal.


Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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Thankyou n.I luv you to pieces.Wish I could hop right in the car and

finally come give you a big ol' hug! HUGZ,CASSY

[Rojas5915@...] wrote:

Love to you, too, Cassy; we are all sorry for what you are going through, but we


learn from what you post! Love,



Re: Re: Wierd feeling

Thanks for replying Mickie.I get worried when I get a new symptom,because Im

already way to ill,and the new ones pile on top of the old and haunt me every

day of my life.Barf.lol.So sorry your havn so much pain.When my illness started

(about 3 yrs.ago) it started with pain in my thighs,stabbing pain,now its in all

my legs and arms,well and everywere,so I know it sucks.Are you taking any pain

meds?I take vicodin,baclofen,and neurontin.I know the vicodin and baclofen help

but im not to sure bout the neurontin these days.They can keep up n the dose And

I dont see any improvement,but I also dont want to stop because I fear it will

get worse.So a no winner.lol.ya.life goes on,can get pretty difficult but

luckily we all have eachother.Lots of luv to u Mickie and all on the group,


[plymate2000@...] wrote:

HI Cassy,

I get that too, feels real weird but it goes away. I notice it in my

right leg. Now my right leg is having stabbing pain in my thigh and

calf and this weird pain behind my knee. That started about a week ago

and doesnt seem to be going away. The stabbing pain comes and goes but

my knee always hurts. Maybe its part of it, who knows. I'm still new

to this crap but life goes on. God Bless!


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If you're anything like me, you may have lived with pain for so long that your tolerance to pain has gone up. It's really not advisable to keep upping the doses. But, I do sympathize with you. I hope that they find what the bleep is wrong with you soon.

Lifting you in prayer... Val

Re: Re: Wierd feeling

Thanks for replying Mickie.I get worried when I get a new symptom,because Im already way to ill,and the new ones pile on top of the old and haunt me every day of my life.Barf.lol.So sorry your havn so much pain.When my illness started (about 3 yrs.ago) it started with pain in my thighs,stabbing pain,now its in all my legs and arms,well and everywere,so I know it sucks.Are you taking any pain meds?I take vicodin,baclofen,and neurontin.I know the vicodin and baclofen help but im not to sure bout the neurontin these days.They can keep up n the dose And I dont see any improvement,but I also dont want to stop because I fear it will get worse.So a no winner.lol.ya.life goes on,can get pretty difficult but luckily we all have eachother.Lots of luv to u Mickie and all on the group, cassy[plymate2000] wrote:HI Cassy,I get that too, feels real weird but it goes away. I notice it in my right leg. Now my right leg is having stabbing pain in my thigh and calf and this weird pain behind my knee. That started about a week ago and doesnt seem to be going away. The stabbing pain comes and goes but my knee always hurts. Maybe its part of it, who knows. I'm still new to this crap but life goes on. God Bless!Mickie

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Well, I know you're not crazy. I'm always getting odd little sensations. I don't usually say too much about them because I just assume that we all get them. Like yesterday, I started getting a burning feeling in the ball of my foot. I've had it before in my right foot, now it's in the left. I'm guessing that it will probably be gone in a couple weeks or so.

Love, Val

Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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LoL! Thats what im saying! Lol.You know they think it cuz thats how they look at

us.lol.well,we can all jus go crazy together then.lol.

[tabeloe@...] wrote:

Ehhhhh. I'm ok I guess. Been better, been worse. Yeah, the chill sensation is

really strange, but what would the Dr. say? Probably say I was just crazy.


Hugs, Trista




Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very

strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was

just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is

annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the

feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever

had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming

back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont

know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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At least we're in good company. lol.


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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Wednesday and Thursday, my left arm (elbow up) burned so badly. It was a deep muscle type pain, but also a burning skin pain. At times I feel like hot grease has splashed me, but I haven't burned myself.


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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What we need is some Dr.'s like House and his team. Yeah, he's a bit arrogant and eccentric, but he's a genius and with the rest of the interns and surgeons, they can always find out what's causing symptoms.


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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And the sensation is already gone! Wow! I had the same thing happen to me but it lasted for 3 months. Then disappeared. But, then it went into my other arm and was there for 3 months, then switched to my right foot. It only lasted a few weeks there. You know, there are times when certain parts of my body seems to get confused. I'll have the cold water on, but my body is telling me it's scalding hot. I really hate that!

Love, Val

Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.7.3/809 - Release Date: 5/17/07 5:18 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.7.3/809 - Release Date: 5/17/07 5:18 PM

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Cassy~Listen, you might do well with seeing a pain management specialist. There could be other options for you, like in the form of biofeedback, acupuncture, massage, chiro...etc...Sometimes we need to 'widen our horizons' beyond meds/drugs...Just 'cause, I know I went off everything, as it became a blur of stuff for me..I started to question whether double vision, blurred vision, vertigo, fatigue, nausea, were side effects of meds. or MS! So, with going off everything back in February, I can now journal/document what is truly (most likely!) MS, as I'm off the meds. Yeah, pain--have that..But its funny..I guess we all 'pick and choose' what we can deal with...I can deal with pain, as I too, had natural births, 4 out of 5 of them were at home, with NO drugs...Anyways..I'm having the hardest time dealing with the cognitive aspects of the MS--for me, that is more emotionally painful than actual physical pain! Blessings, kate> Thanks Val.Yes.I have lived with pain over 3 yrs. And ill tell > ya,and I have told my fam that id rather give birth everyday of > my life then to have this pain.(just a lil example for them,you > know to imagine how it feels)both my girls were very large and > very hard to deliver.But ya,I went a long time suffering before > meds,and even now.My doc says the next step up for pain is > oxycodone and contin.Im hesitant of those so am just tryn to > deal with it.They are more then willing to up the neurontin > though and im takn 2400mg.Sometimes I feel im takn it for > nuthn.Pain everyday,one of my major symptoms.It sucks but hey > what can we do?When its really bad I hide and cry otherwise its > icepacks,lyns 5 herb balm,and my tens machine.I dont imagine > it lessening either considering it jus keeps get worse and > spreading.Oh the joys of the unknown diagnosis.lol.Bad > joke.lol.Luv to all, cassy> Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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Thanks Kate.They say no no on ciropractic care for now with all the symptoms im

having.I have tried acupuncture and it sent my body into jerking spasms or

tremors(im not sure witch) but my body was jerking awful,you could hear the

table moving.It didnt stop so the nurse quickly took everything out and put a no

no for that too.My insurance dosnt cover pain management so nopie on that one

too.Besides im not ready to try anything stronger im just dealing with it as

long as I can,even if it does mean to hide on the bad days.I didnt have my girls

at home,I had epidurals,but just didnt work much.They almost had to take my

youngest c-section because she was 10 lbs and once she was in the canal she

wasnt coming out.Her shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone and they had to

pry her out.They had to fill the epidural 4 times,it was a very hard birth.Poor

thing went threw hell,so did I.lol.Once she came out she wasnt breathing and OMG

was that scary,then she had complications and had

to stay at the hospital a week,hugz

[katelloydkidz@...] wrote:

Cassy~Listen, you might do well with seeing a pain management specialist. There

could be other options for you, like in the form of biofeedback, acupuncture,

massage, chiro...etc...Sometimes we need to 'widen our horizons' beyond

meds/drugs...Just 'cause, I know I went off everything, as it became a blur of

stuff for me..I started to question whether double vision, blurred vision,

vertigo, fatigue, nausea, were side effects of meds. or MS! So, with going off

everything back in February, I can now journal/document what is truly (most

likely!) MS, as I'm off the meds. Yeah, pain--have that..But its funny..I guess

we all 'pick and choose' what we can deal with...I can deal with pain, as I too,

had natural births, 4 out of 5 of them were at home, with NO

drugs...Anyways..I'm having the hardest time dealing with the cognitive aspects

of the MS--for me, that is more emotionally painful than actual physical pain!

Blessings, kate

> Thanks Val.Yes.I have lived with pain over 3 yrs. And ill tell

> ya,and I have told my fam that id rather give birth everyday of

> my life then to have this pain.(just a lil example for them,you

> know to imagine how it feels)both my girls were very large and

> very hard to deliver.But ya,I went a long time suffering before

> meds,and even now.My doc says the next step up for pain is

> oxycodone and contin.Im hesitant of those so am just tryn to

> deal with it.They are more then willing to up the neurontin

> though and im takn 2400mg.Sometimes I feel im takn it for

> nuthn.Pain everyday,one of my major symptoms.It sucks but hey

> what can we do?When its really bad I hide and cry otherwise its

> icepacks,lyns 5 herb balm,and my tens machine.I dont imagine

> it lessening either considering it jus keeps get worse and

> spreading.Oh the joys of the unknown diagnosis.lol.Bad

> joke.lol.Luv to all, cassy


Please visit: http://www.bicycleman.com

awesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for

an MS Bike Tour!

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I know the feeling. I get it mostly in my left arm although I have had it in my legs also; one at a time. The only thing that I have found that seems to help is a pair of leg warmers. For the leg I put both on one above the other. For my arm I just put one on it and pin it to my shirt. It is not instant relief but it seems to help.

HAPPINESS and BUTTERFLIES Lynn Butterflies are angels bringing messages from God Re: Wierd feelingTo: MSersLife > HI Cassy,> > I get that too, feels real weird but it goes away. I notice it > in my > right leg. Now my right leg is having stabbing pain in my thigh > and > calf and this weird pain behind my knee. That started about a > week ago > and doesnt seem to be going away. The stabbing pain comes and > goes but > my knee always hurts. Maybe its part of it, who knows. I'm still > new > to this crap but life goes on. God Bless!> > Mickie> > > >

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Trista.I cant imagine burning pain like that.:( I mostly have stabbing and then

odd sensations here and there.I know how it feels to get burned and couldnt

imagine actually feeling that on my skin without the actual burn.My skin is

hyper-sensitive witch is also painful but more bothersome.My fiance cannot rub

my hand neither can my girls it sends a pain and then causes my hand and arm to

jerk up in a cramp and twich.Almost like a spasm and cramp at the same time.I

got alot of burning when I used the capaisin cream.No more of that

stuff.lol.Hopefully one of these days we will get some real answers.Luv to you

trista! And all here on the group,cassy

[tabeloe@...] wrote:

Wednesday and Thursday, my left arm (elbow up) burned so badly. It was a deep

muscle type pain, but also a burning skin pain. At times I feel like hot grease

has splashed me, but I haven't burned myself.

Hugs, Trista




Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is

very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it

was just one of....

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Ya! Thank god for that.;) lots of luv to all, cassy

[tabeloe@...] wrote:

At least we're in good company. lol.

Hugs, Trista




Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very

strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was

just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is

annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the

feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever

had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming

back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont

know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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Ya! Thank god for that.;) lots of luv to all, cassy

[tabeloe@...] wrote:

At least we're in good company. lol.

Hugs, Trista




Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very

strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was

just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is

annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the

feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever

had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming

back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont

know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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, I am so sorry for what you are enduring; sending prayers and love, as I can

thing of nothing more effective--I always meditate though, too, more love, more

n Rojas5915@...

Re: Re: Wierd feelingThanks for replying Mickie.I get worried when I get a new symptom,because Im already way to ill,and the new ones pile on top of the old and haunt me every day of my life.Barf.lol.So sorry your havn so much pain.When my illness started (about 3 yrs.ago) it started with pain in my thighs,stabbing pain,now its in all my legs and arms,well and everywere,so I know it sucks.Are you taking any pain meds?I take vicodin,baclofen,and neurontin.I know the vicodin and baclofen help but im not to sure bout the neurontin these days.They can keep up n the dose And I dont see any improvement,but I also dont want to stop because I fear it will get worse.So a no winner.lol.ya.life goes on,can get pretty difficult but luckily we all have eachother.Lots of luv to u Mickie and all on the group, cassy[plymate2000] wrote:HI Cassy,I get that too, feels real weird but it goes away. I notice it in my right leg. Now my right leg is having stabbing pain in my thigh and calf and this weird pain behind my knee. That started about a week ago and doesnt seem to be going away. The stabbing pain comes and goes but my knee always hurts. Maybe its part of it, who knows. I'm still new to this crap but life goes on. God Bless!Mickie----------------------------------------------------------No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.7.3/809 - Release Date: 5/17/07 5:18 PM

' in Texas

Courage is not being fearless, courage is facing your fears and not running for cover!

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Yes.I feel so blessed to have my pcp.He truly cares.He has seen the hell I have

been threw and is genuinely concerned about how quickly im progressing.He orders

x-rays,tons of blood,basically anything he can think of regarding my symptoms

and what he sees on exam.I love him to pieces he is an angel.


[dixmstx@...] wrote:


At least you are with a dr that is working with your pain medicine. Some dr's

forget that a pt's concept of their pain is real and not for them to judge what

it is.


cassandra workmn wrote:

Thanks Val.Yes.I have lived with pain over 3 yrs. And ill tell ya,and

I have told my fam that id rather give birth everyday of my life then to have

this pain.(just a lil example for them,you know to imagine how it feels)both my

girls were very large and very hard to deliver.But ya,I went a long time

suffering before meds,and even now.My doc says the next step up for pain is

oxycodone and contin.Im hesitant of those so am just tryn to deal with it.They

are more then willing to up the neurontin though and im takn 2400mg.Sometimes I

feel im takn it for nuthn.Pain everyday,one of my major symptoms.It sucks but

hey what can we do?When its really bad I hide and cry otherwise its

icepacks,lyns 5 herb balm,and my tens machine.I dont imagine it lessening

either considering it jus keeps get worse and spreading.Oh the joys of the

unknown diagnosis.lol.Bad joke.lol.Luv to all, cassy

[cop.girl@...] wrote:


If you're anything like me, you may have lived with pain for so long that your

tolerance to pain has gone up. It's really not advisable to keep upping the

doses. But, I do sympathize with you. I hope that they find what the bleep is

wrong with you soon.

Lifting you in prayer...


Re: Re: Wierd feeling

Thanks for replying Mickie.I get worried when I get a new symptom,because Im

already way to ill,and the new ones pile on top of the old and haunt me every

day of my life.Barf.lol.So sorry your havn so much pain.When my illness started

(about 3 yrs.ago) it started with pain in my thighs,stabbing pain,now its in all

my legs and arms,well and everywere,so I know it sucks.Are you taking any pain

meds?I take vicodin,baclofen,and neurontin.I know the vicodin and baclofen help

but im not to sure bout the neurontin these days.They can keep up n the dose And

I dont see any improvement,but I also dont want to stop because I fear it will

get worse.So a no winner.lol.ya.life goes on,can get pretty difficult but

luckily we all have eachother.Lots of luv to u Mickie and all on the group,


[plymate2000@...] wrote:

HI Cassy,

I get that too, feels real weird but it goes away. I notice it in my

right leg. Now my right leg is having stabbing pain in my thigh and

calf and this weird pain behind my knee. That started about a week ago

and doesnt seem to be going....

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Do you also have joint pain? If so you might try MSM with Glucosamine. I started taking it because I have a trigger finger and a very painful thumb joint. I was very happy to discover my bad back pain and weakness got better. I've run out a few times and the back pain came back. LDN also helps with the pain. Other than that I only take Tylenol except for my regular meds.

My youngest was 10 lbs. 2 oz. But I saw a 14 lb. newborn on the news last week. Big baby!


Re: Re: Wierd feeling

Thanks Kate.They say no no on ciropractic care for now with all the symptoms im having.I have tried acupuncture and it sent my body into jerking spasms or tremors(im not sure witch) but my body was jerking awful,you could hear the table moving.It didnt stop so the nurse quickly took everything out and put a no no for that too.My insurance dosnt cover pain management so nopie on that one too.Besides im not ready to try anything stronger im just dealing with it as long as I can,even if it does mean to hide on the bad days.I didnt have my girls at home,I had epidurals,but just didnt work much.They almost had to take my youngest c-section because she was 10 lbs and once she was in the canal she wasnt coming out.Her shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone and they had to pry her out.They had to fill the epidural 4 times,it was a very hard birth.Poor thing went threw hell,so did I.lol.Once she came out she wasnt breathing and OMG was that scary,then she had complications and

hadto stay at the hospital a week,hugz[katelloydkidz@ optonline. net] wrote:Cassy~Listen, you might do well with seeing a pain management specialist. There could be other options for you, like in the form of biofeedback, acupuncture, massage, chiro...etc. ..Sometimes we need to 'widen our horizons' beyond meds/drugs.. .Just 'cause, I know I went off everything, as it became a blur of stuff for me..I started to question whether double vision, blurred vision, vertigo, fatigue, nausea, were side effects of meds. or MS! So, with going off everything back in February, I can now journal/document what is truly (most likely!) MS, as I'm off the meds. Yeah, pain--have that..But its funny..I guess we all 'pick and choose' what we can deal with...I can deal with pain, as I too, had natural births, 4 out of 5 of them were at home, with NO drugs...Anyways. .I'm having the hardest time dealing

with the cognitive aspects of the MS--for me, that is more emotionally painful than actual physical pain! Blessings, kate> Thanks Val.Yes.I have lived with pain over 3 yrs. And ill tell > ya,and I have told my fam that id rather give birth everyday of > my life then to have this pain.(just a lil example for them,you > know to imagine how it feels)both my girls were very large and > very hard to deliver.But ya,I went a long time suffering before > meds,and even now.My doc says the next step up for pain is > oxycodone and contin.Im hesitant of those so am just tryn to > deal with it.They are more then willing to up the neurontin > though and im takn 2400mg.Sometimes I feel im takn it for > nuthn.Pain everyday,one of my major symptoms.It sucks but hey > what can we do?When its really bad I hide and cry otherwise its > icepacks,lyns 5 herb balm,and my tens machine.I dont imagine

> it lessening either considering it jus keeps get worse and > spreading.Oh the joys of the unknown diagnosis.lol. Bad > joke.lol.Luv to all, cassy> Please visit: http://www.bicyclem an.comawesome guy, fantastic site. All types of bicyles, many recumbents; perfect for an MS Bike Tour!

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Thank you Cassy. You are starting to sign off like n. lol. :)


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of....

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Sharon.I have never heard of that,I will look into it.My friends baby was over

11 lbs.Ahhh.lol.My pain is deep down,like punching it isnt deep enough and dosnt

hurt.My pcp always pushes or squeezes,its weird cuz I do have alot of numbness

yet there is so much pain.It is an all day everyday stabbing.I could handle it

alot more before the cramps and spasms and stiffness and all that.Those are

everyday as well,cramps are sumthn awful.Willin to try out other things but dont

like to take to much meds.I have takn everything im on for awile now,but dont

like to add in others.I tried the baclofen before the neurontin,thats what

helped me use a cane instead of always the walker.Now I only use the walker on

bad bad days.I never really did notice a difference on the neurontin,but like I

said im scared bout stopn incase its helpn more then I think.The pain and

weakness pretty much keep me housebound.Leave when I can but its hard.Still

learnin to adapt.Luv to all,cassy

[wobbletowalk@...] wrote:

Do you also have joint pain? If so you might try MSM with Glucosamine. I

started taking it because I have a trigger finger and a very painful thumb

joint. I was very happy to discover my bad back pain and weakness got better.

I've run out a few times and the back pain came back. LDN also helps with the

pain. Other than that I only take Tylenol except for my regular meds.

My youngest was 10 lbs. 2 oz. But I saw a 14 lb. newborn on the news last week.

Big baby!


Re: Re: Wierd feeling

Thanks Kate.They say no no on ciropractic care for now with all the symptoms im

having.I have tried acupuncture and it sent my body into jerking spasms or

tremors(im not sure witch) but my body was jerking awful,you could hear the

table moving.It didnt stop so the nurse quickly took everything out and put a no

no for that too.My insurance dosnt cover pain management so nopie on that one

too.Besides im not ready to try anything stronger im just dealing with it as

long as I can,even if it does mean to hide on the bad days.I didnt have my girls

at home,I had epidurals,but just didnt work much.They almost had to take my

youngest c-section because she was 10 lbs and once she was in the canal she

wasnt coming out.Her shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone and they had to

pry her out.They had to fill the epidural 4 times,it was a very hard birth.Poor

thing went threw hell,so did I.lol.Once she came out she wasnt breathing and OMG

was that scary,then she had complications and had

to stay at the hospital a week,hugz

[katelloydkidz@ optonline. net] wrote:

Cassy~Listen, you might do well with seeing a pain management specialist. There

could be other options for you, like in the form of biofeedback, acupuncture,

massage, chiro...etc. ..Sometimes we need to 'widen our horizons' beyond

meds/drugs.. .Just 'cause, I know I went off everything, as it became a blur of

stuff for me..I started to question whether double vision, blurred vision,

vertigo, fatigue, nausea, were side effects of meds. or MS! So, with going off

everything back in February, I can now journal/document what is truly (most

likely!) MS, as I'm off the meds. Yeah, pain--have that..But its funny..I guess

we all 'pick and choose' what we can deal with...I can deal with pain, as I too,

had natural births, 4 out of 5 of them were at home, with NO drugs...Anyways.

..I'm having the hardest time dealing with the cognitive aspects of the MS--for

me, that is more emotionally painful than actual physical pain! Blessings, kate

> Thanks Val.Yes.I have lived with pain over 3 yrs. And ill tell

> ya,and I have told my fam that id rather give birth everyday of

> my life then to have this pain.(just a lil example for them,you

> know to imagine how it feels)both my girls were very large and

> very hard to deliver.But ya,I went a long time....

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ya.I think we all need a house doc.lol.Sounds kinda funny.lol.I wish my pcp were

a specialist.:( I know id be dx'd if he was.Most docs,especially specialists(in

my opinion) dont wanna look outside " the box " .There are so many diseases out

there,and yet they only want to look for the 1 or 2 things they think " are most

likely " .Ughh.I dont think my views on docs will ever change.Luv to all,cassy

[dixmstx@...] wrote:

You've got it. I would give anything if there was a real House who would devote

the time to figure what the heck is wrong with me.


Val Lee wrote:

What we need is some Dr.'s like House and his team. Yeah, he's a bit

arrogant and eccentric, but he's a genius and with the rest of the interns and

surgeons, they can always find out what's causing symptoms.


Wierd feeling

Hey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very

strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was

just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is

annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the

feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever

had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming

back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont


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Most people look at me like I'm high or crazy when I tell of these sensations. But, this group ALWAYS knows exactly what I mean. :)


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of my weird sensations I get.But it is only on the left leg and it is annoying not painful,but today it has been non stop,it seems like as soon as the feeling goes away it comes right back.Any ideas?or does anyone get this?or ever had it?Maybe it is just the numbness thawing out?lol.could it be feeling coming back?I worry it could be the start of another flair up or new symptom.I dont know.Thanks guys.Luv ya all, cassy

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It's kind of addictive, isn't it? I find myself signing off like n sometimes too. We all love n!love to all on the list :)Sharon Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of....

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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I do the same. hee hee. n must be resting after her newest adventure. Wish I could get out and people watch or animal watch, but the only animals I see are in my zoo..... I mean home. lol.


Wierd feelingHey guys.Im having a chill/goosebump feeling only on my left leg.It is very strange,from the top of my thigh down.It started yesterday and I figured it was just one of....

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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LoL.Guess I waited til I was comfortable enough,ya know the big L word.lol.Cuz I

do love you all,and hey people musta been sayn that for centuries.lol.Right

n!?lol..Well,I have been here awile maybe n just wore off on me.;)

either way,from my heart,maybe not my created words.hehe. but just how I

feel.love,me(is that one me?lol.will everyone know its me if i put that.lol.but


[wobbletowalk@...] wrote:

It's kind of addictive, isn't it? I find myself signing off like n

sometimes too. We all love n!

love to all on the list :)


Re: Wierd


It was Trista.And I get them down my back,I....

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