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  • 1 year later...


I'm sorry, I don't know anyone where you live, I don't even know if

ya'll have a good medical system. If anybody tells you it's in your

head, run as fast as you can from that idiot.


> Hi,

> My name is Trish and I live in Ballina Australia, I was on this

list a little while ago when I found out I had vestibulitis , I have

just been for a Pap Smear and my GP couldn't get near my cervix

because of spasms so have now got vaginismus....

> I was wondering if anyone knew of a specialist in either Brisbane

or Sydney I could go and see who is understanding and not going to

tell me the pain is in my head...

> I haven't been able to have a successful sexual relationship with

my fiancee for nearly 4 years , I am very lucky to have a

very supportive partner.

> Hi to those that may remember me and I am trying to locate Kathy

from WA ( my puter crashed a couple of months ago and I lost her E-

mail address).

> Thanks in advance

> Trish

> Mum to Danny 15 and Jodie 11 DS

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Hi Trish,

Its been a while since I have looked at this list, otherwise I would

have replied sooner. Anyway, I do know a good doctor in Sydney, a

Vulval dermatologist, who can rule out potential skin problems, and

give sensible treatment advice. Trouble is, I have gone and forgotten

her last name! Send me a personal email if you would like me to locate

it for you. My other favorate doctor is from Canberra, so a bit out of

your way, but a very cluey gynocologest and well worth seeing. He is

Dr Chiragakis (02) 62821514.

Wishing you all the very best

Alison (ACT)

> Hi,

> My name is Trish and I live in Ballina Australia, I was on this list

a little while ago when I found out I had vestibulitis , I have just

been for a Pap Smear and my GP couldn't get near my cervix because of

spasms so have now got vaginismus....

> I was wondering if anyone knew of a specialist in either Brisbane or

Sydney I could go and see who is understanding and not going to tell

me the pain is in my head...

> I haven't been able to have a successful sexual relationship with my

fiancee for nearly 4 years , I am very lucky to have a very

supportive partner.

> Hi to those that may remember me and I am trying to locate Kathy

from WA ( my puter crashed a couple of months ago and I lost her

E-mail address).

> Thanks in advance

> Trish

> Mum to Danny 15 and Jodie 11 DS

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Howdy folks.

The Sidney Vulvar Dermo is Tanja G. Bohl.

She E-mailed me privately about some issues with pelvic floor dysfucntion and

nerve, blood vessel entrapments.

She seemed very concerned about her patients.

If you need to get in touch with her, try the phone book in Sidney.


oothoona wrote:

> Hi Trish,

> Its been a while since I have looked at this list, otherwise I would

> have replied sooner. Anyway, I do know a good doctor in Sydney, a

> Vulval dermatologist, who can rule out potential skin problems, and

> give sensible treatment advice. Trouble is, I have gone and forgotten

> her last name! Send me a personal email if you would like me to locate

> it for you. My other favorate doctor is from Canberra, so a bit out of

> your way, but a very cluey gynocologest and well worth seeing. He is

> Dr Chiragakis (02) 62821514.

> Wishing you all the very best

> Alison (ACT)



> > Hi,

> > My name is Trish and I live in Ballina Australia, I was on this list

> a little while ago when I found out I had vestibulitis , I have just

> been for a Pap Smear and my GP couldn't get near my cervix because of

> spasms so have now got vaginismus....

> > I was wondering if anyone knew of a specialist in either Brisbane or

> Sydney I could go and see who is understanding and not going to tell

> me the pain is in my head...

> > I haven't been able to have a successful sexual relationship with my

> fiancee for nearly 4 years , I am very lucky to have a very

> supportive partner.

> > Hi to those that may remember me and I am trying to locate Kathy

> from WA ( my puter crashed a couple of months ago and I lost her

> E-mail address).

> > Thanks in advance

> > Trish

> > Mum to Danny 15 and Jodie 11 DS



> *****END OF MESSAGE*****

> -------------------------------------------------

> To post message: VulvarDisorders

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> Unsubscribe: VulvarDisorders-unsubscribe

> List owner: VulvarDisorders-owner


> *****

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My name is Anja. I live in Sydney. You can go and see Dr

Westeed. She is at the Royal North Shore Hospital. Their phone number is

9926 7414.

She is dermatologist. I don't know how much she knows about vaginismus.

Perhaps Dr Reid. People have different opininons about him.

Then propably for vaginismus you will have to do biofeedback which is done

by Marek Jantos. He is from Adelaide but comes to Sydney once a month.

There are some other doctors too. I am going to see Dr Hunter At

Royal North SHore Hospital after I had a baby.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hope I haven't confused you much.

If you need the phone numbers for others ring information. I think it is



Re: Hi

> Hi Trish,

> Its been a while since I have looked at this list, otherwise I would

> have replied sooner. Anyway, I do know a good doctor in Sydney, a

> Vulval dermatologist, who can rule out potential skin problems, and

> give sensible treatment advice. Trouble is, I have gone and forgotten

> her last name! Send me a personal email if you would like me to locate

> it for you. My other favorate doctor is from Canberra, so a bit out of

> your way, but a very cluey gynocologest and well worth seeing. He is

> Dr Chiragakis (02) 62821514.

> Wishing you all the very best

> Alison (ACT)




> > Hi,

> > My name is Trish and I live in Ballina Australia, I was on this list

> a little while ago when I found out I had vestibulitis , I have just

> been for a Pap Smear and my GP couldn't get near my cervix because of

> spasms so have now got vaginismus....

> > I was wondering if anyone knew of a specialist in either Brisbane or

> Sydney I could go and see who is understanding and not going to tell

> me the pain is in my head...

> > I haven't been able to have a successful sexual relationship with my

> fiancee for nearly 4 years , I am very lucky to have a very

> supportive partner.

> > Hi to those that may remember me and I am trying to locate Kathy

> from WA ( my puter crashed a couple of months ago and I lost her

> E-mail address).

> > Thanks in advance

> > Trish

> > Mum to Danny 15 and Jodie 11 DS




> *****END OF MESSAGE*****

> -------------------------------------------------

> To post message: VulvarDisorders

> To Subscribe: VulvarDisorders-subscribe

> Unsubscribe: VulvarDisorders-unsubscribe

> List owner: VulvarDisorders-owner


> *****

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Yes I am glad to hear from thae lurkers as well! Come on join the fun!!!






Hi to the people who have decided to come out from lurkdome! I am so

happy you decided to speak up. I am a bit behind and so cant reply to

your posts but thought I would introduce myself. I am Jacquie H(so

not to be confused with Jacquie the list owner) Married to Jeff and

we live in Northern California. We have 2 boys Greggory 6 yrs HFA and

Alec 4 yrs autistic and adhd and BP. :)

Jacquie H

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  • 5 months later...


Glad to meet you. I think you will enjoy it here.

Mike Nicholson

Northbrook IL

> Hi my name is Debbie and I am in the wonderful State of Tennessee,I

> have been a EMT-IV tech for about 6 yrs and a flight dispatcher for

> about 2 yrs. Love to chat so if you get a chance drop me a line.

> Would love to hear from you. Everyone have a great Day.

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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 1/23/2003 1:37:22 PM Eastern Standard Time,

hekate@... writes:

> What I was wondering is if I could lose the weight and eat better can the

> Diabetes " go away " ?

Hi Jo,

Diabetes will not go away, but losing weight and eating healthier will give

you much better control of your bg's. This will delay (hopefully for a long

time) other complications caused by diabetes.

Welcome to the group. This is a great group of people, willing to offer

encouragement and support. We will also try to answer any other questions

you may have. You may be overwhelmed with diabetes and everything you need

to learn, but it does get easier. Just take it one day (or one meal) at a




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It doesn't " Go away " it is just under control. But the weight loss would allow

you to control it better and depending on what your doctor recommends possibly

discontinue the meds you are on. That is my goal to discontinue the meds.




I am newly diagnosed with Diabetes, and at this point just checking Blood

Sugars 5 times a day to record readings for the Doctor.

My levels are not too high, erratic yes-because I do not eat tenably or

regularly (which I am working on).

I am about 100 pounds over weight. What I was wondering is if I could lose the

weight and eat better can the Diabetes " go away " ?

Thanks Jo

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Hi Jo,

I am pretty much in the same boat as you are. I was diagnosed at the

end of November. So far I have lost 25 pounds (only 75 more to go!

Wooohoooo!) and frankly it hasn't helped my BG according to my BG

monitor. My meals are very carefully planned so my BG after meals is

not that difficult to control (only when I am difficult to control!

lol!) but my morning FBG is still a hold out. I still have hopes that

by losing enough weight it will allow me to be med free forever, but

it may not too. The reality is that in most people weight loss helps

to overcome IR, but that is not a guarantee for everyone. As my

doctor told me, once you are diabetic, you are always diabetic. What

matters is how closly you intend to control it. Since I have grown

used to all my body parts where they are and I have no wish to lose

any further funtionality of any other parts, I intend to control this

no matter what. It can be done. So far it is not fun, I am not

having a great time with this, but I am sure that with time, as

everything else, these things that bug me now will become habit and

will be easier to deal with. You need to just make up your mind that

you are diabetic and you need to take control of it, because you do

not want it taking control of you.


> Hi

> I am newly diagnosed with Diabetes, and at this point just checking

Blood Sugars 5 times a day to record readings for the Doctor.

> My levels are not too high, erratic yes-because I do not eat tenably

or regularly (which I am working on).

> I am about 100 pounds over weight. What I was wondering is if I

could lose the weight and eat better can the Diabetes " go away " ?


> Thanks Jo




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In a message dated 1/24/2003 9:04:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

brucewilson@... writes:

> My doctor told me that, if I could maintain my BS averages within a 'normal'

> range for a year I could stop considering myself diabetic.

Hi Bruce,

I have been told the same thing. It doesn't mean that I can go back to my

old unhealthy habits. The truth is I don't want to go back to my old habits.

I love the new me.

This also applies to high blood pressure. I am no longer on blood presssure

meds, therefore when filling out medical/insurance forms, I do not check the

box for high blood pressure. If I did, they would want to know why I'm not

on medication.



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My doctor told me that, if I could maintain my BS averages within a 'normal'

range for a year I could stop considering myself diabetic. However, I have read

other sources that say 'Not so! Once a diabetic, always a diabetic!' Just to be

on the safe side, I think I'll continue to avoid sugars and starches even after.



I am newly diagnosed with Diabetes, and at this point just checking Blood

Sugars 5 times a day to record readings for the Doctor.

My levels are not too high, erratic yes-because I do not eat tenably or

regularly (which I am working on).

I am about 100 pounds over weight. What I was wondering is if I could lose the

weight and eat better can the Diabetes " go away " ?

Thanks Jo

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I know what you mean. Now, when I look at those heavy, carb-laden things I used

to eat, they just don't look good to me; I still miss pasta and rice, though.

When I was in college, the cook at our fraternity house was a nice German lady;

she was a good cook, but I think at some point someone in her family must have

died of a carbohydrate deficiency, and she was determined that nobody she cooked

for would ever suffer the same fate! All well and good when you're cooking for

a bunch of energetic young men--especially in Wisconsin, when we burned off a

considerable amount just keeping warm--but those tastes and eating habits don't

serve one well when one becomes middle-aged and sedentary.

Re: Hi

I love the new me.

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In a message dated 1/24/2003 10:46:40 AM Eastern Standard Time,

brucewilson@... writes:

> but those tastes and eating habits don't serve one well when one becomes

> middle-aged and sedentary

Hi Bruce,

I may be middle-age (old to some people), but I don't think so. I certainly

don't feel old and I'm a long ways from sedentary. LOL



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" What I was wondering is if I could lose the weight and eat better can the

Diabetes " go away " ? " I heard that lie too and many more. What is so sad is that

many of them come from the doctors we trust our care to. I used to believe

everything they told me I mean God They were Doctors!! But when it comes to

diabetes whether it is type 1 or type 2 or somewhere in-between like I am -

there are only guidelines - no cut in stone rules - not magic cures. Losing

weight can help your blood sugar - excerise can always help everyone diabetic

or non-diabetic. Excercise is especially important for us to help - control

weight, blood sugar, and maintain a healthy heart. The sad part also is this

stuff will KILL you - oh not over night but slowly - How slowly is where we do

have some tiny amount of control. We choose if we should take care of ourselves

or just not care or make believe if we ignore it we won't have to deal with it.

My wake up call came 5 years ago. I had been living with diabetes since I was

19 and I had been blessed I had no side effects. I took my insulin watched what

I ate somewhat thought I had this stuff whipped and trained. Then in August of

1997 my mother suddenly died - this turned my world so far upside down and

screwed up I didn't know what hit me. By Februray 1998 my diabetes was so far

out of control I was a mess. My kidneys were spilling blood into my urine, my

blood pressure was up, my immune system sucked - I had pnumonia twice, just

mention a few. So with a new doctor's help I started trying to heal. I still

have to work hard everyday. We can work together to stay healthy. Together

sure beats alone!! DoriType 1 1/2diag 1979


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Don, you are so right. I had an endocrinologist who used to just shake his

head in despair at my high readings and push up my insulin units and gave me

no inspiration. then the diabetes specialist nurse said that a new young guy

had joined the department, another specialist and I asked to be switched

over. this young dishy guy did everything that the other didn't. he bothered

to encourage me and gave me targets and bothered to look at my feet. we

worked on getting insulin down by two units a day and building on that. He

took an interest in my welfare and was bothered to see me every week for a

month to get me started on a better road. I have been with Mark since and my

sugars are well down and HbA1c now lowest it has ever been, 6.7% and I am

getting better.I was on over 100 units of insulin a day, I now take very very

little. The other guy is a big shot in islet cell transplantation and had no

interest in my welfare. i bumped into him the other day when getting my blood

results. I congratulated him on his work with dr. Shapiro in canada and I

told him how well I was doing and instead of saying well done on hard work or

something positive just grunted and said " good " and walked off. Yet I

actually like him as a bloke but he is so unmotivating. His clinics always

run so late, by two hours and he never would apologise or anything. If Mark

is 15 mins late he apologises and says that he believes in giving patients





> " What I was wondering is if I could lose the weight and eat better can the

> Diabetes " go away " ? " I heard that lie too and many more. What is so sad is

> that many of them come from the doctors we trust our care to. I used to

> believe everything they told me I mean God They were Doctors!! But when

> it comes to diabetes whether it is type 1 or type 2 or somewhere in-between

> like I am - there are only guidelines - no cut in stone rules - not magic

> cures. Losing weight can help your blood sugar - excerise can always help

> everyone diabetic or non-diabetic. Excercise is especially important for

> us to help - control weight, blood sugar, and maintain a healthy heart. The

> sad part also is this stuff will KILL you - oh not over night but slowly -

> How slowly is where we do have some tiny amount of control. We choose if

> we should take care of ourselves or just not care or make believe if we

> ignore it we won't have to deal with it. My wake up call came 5 years ago.

> I had been living with diabetes since I was 19 and I had been blessed I

> had no side effects. I took my insulin watched what I ate somewhat thought

> I had this stuff whipped and trained. Then in August of 1997 my mother

> suddenly died - this turned my world so far upside down and screwed up I

> didn't know what hit me. By Februray 1998 my diabetes was so far out of

> control I was a mess. My kidneys were spilling blood into my urine, my

> blood pressure was up, my immune system sucked - I had pnumonia twice,

> just mention a few. So with a new doctor's help I started trying to heal. I

> still have to work hard everyday. We can work together to stay healthy.

> Together sure beats alone!! DoriType 1 1/2diag 1979


> _______________________________________________

> Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com

> The most personalized portal on the Web!




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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 2/15/2003 6:44:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

chrisallen1953@... writes:

> Anyways stand by for lots of questions, it's great to find this group

> so quickly



This is a great group of people. Ask all the questions you need to ask. We

will try to answer them. You may get different answers from different

people. The reason is that diabetes is not a " one size fits all " . It

affects each of us differently.

I'm sure you are or will be overwhelmed with all the information. Don't let

it stress you. Take one day (or one meal) at a time. It will not take you

long to learn what you can and cannot eat.

Exercising is one of the best things you can do to help reduce your bg's

(blood sugar) and also help you to lose weight.

Did your doctor put you on meds? Did he do an HbA1c test? Do you have

another appointment to see him?

I've asked some questions, now you can start asking them.


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In a message dated 2/16/2003 4:58:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

chrisallen1953@... writes:

> I am having to re-evaluate my whole life style and at

> 50 it's going to be tough I think



I was older than 50 when I had to make a change, and I don't regret it.

Having diabetes has made me a much healthier person. I lost weight, so now I

feel good about myself. I'm eating (most of the time) the healthy foods. I

have energy to spare. At first, it may seem hard to make the changes, but it

will get easier.

We have at least one member from the UK in this group. There may be more.

Fenella has not been active in the discussions for the past couple of weeks.

She will get back into the discussions soon, though.

You can make the necessary changes. Just take one day (or one meal) at a


Eunice (in Virginia where we are getting snow/sleet/freezing rain)

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Hi Eunice,

Up to now I have had blood tests only, and the results, I am seeing the

nurse at the doctors on monday, so I will know more then what is going on.

One of the things I have been told is that here in the UK all diabetic

related drugs and foot care is free.

I do have a problem with excersize with other medical problems oh yes did I

mention I'm lazy too! I am having to re-evaluate my whole life style and at

50 it's going to be tough I think



>This is a great group of people. Ask all the questions you need to ask.


>will try to answer them. You may get different answers from different

>people. The reason is that diabetes is not a " one size fits all " . It

>affects each of us differently.


>I'm sure you are or will be overwhelmed with all the information. Don't


>it stress you. Take one day (or one meal) at a time. It will not take you

>long to learn what you can and cannot eat.


>Exercising is one of the best things you can do to help reduce your bg's

>(blood sugar) and also help you to lose weight.


>Did your doctor put you on meds? Did he do an HbA1c test? Do you have

>another appointment to see him?


>I've asked some questions, now you can start asking them.




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Free?? That's wonderful!!

What is WRONG with our government as regards healthcare?????

Carol in NC

Re: Hi

Hi Eunice,

Up to now I have had blood tests only, and the results, I am seeing the

nurse at the doctors on monday, so I will know more then what is going on.

One of the things I have been told is that here in the UK all diabetic

related drugs and foot care is free.

I do have a problem with excersize with other medical problems oh yes did I

mention I'm lazy too! I am having to re-evaluate my whole life style and at

50 it's going to be tough I think

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#1 - pretend you work for the government.

#2 - pretend you are stupid.

Wait, I already said that. =)

(No offence meant to anybody that does work for the gov.)

----- Original Message -----

Free?? That's wonderful!!

What is WRONG with our government as regards healthcare?????

Carol in NC


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.455 / Virus Database: 255 - Release Date: 2/13/2003

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Adapted from Mark Twain.

The original was: " Suppose you were a member of congress; and suppose you were

an idiot. But I repeat myself. "

Re: Re: Hi

#1 - pretend you work for the government.

#2 - pretend you are stupid.

Wait, I already said that. =)

(No offence meant to anybody that does work for the gov.)

----- Original Message -----

Free?? That's wonderful!!

What is WRONG with our government as regards healthcare?????

Carol in NC


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.455 / Virus Database: 255 - Release Date: 2/13/2003

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Glad you are home, hope you feel better soon.


> Hi

> I am home now. I was in hospital for ten days until last saturday with two

> left leg ulcers. This was caused by my spine being damaged which caused

> sciatica and flared up neuropathy and cellulitis. My immobiliy caused


> and on admission my doctor did Hb!1c which was 6.9%. Ulcers healed well,


> is from back pain, sciatica and spasms and neuropathy.On major dose of

> narcotics.


> I will write more soon

> Hugs

> Fenella





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In a message dated 3/19/2003 1:13:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

organiclemon1000@... writes:

> I am home now.

Hi Fenella,

Glad you are home. Hurry up and get well. We miss you.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 4/2/2003 4:56:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

heraldhabitat@... writes:

> But I have so much more energy now that I have some

> control back, that I am increasing the walking for now at least


Walking is a great exercise. Walking for 10 minutes several times a day will

help with weight loss.


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