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Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

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The stress that brought on my adrenal fatigue was undiagnosed obstructive and

central sleep apnea as well as Hashiomotos thyroidis. And I could not get these

problems diagnosed. I knew I had sleep apnea for decades but doctors would not

take me seriously. Unfortunately I look weird. My eyes don't focus right and I

have Asperger's syndrome. I can't read and respond to facial expressions

correctly so when this strange, teenaged girl claimed her breathing was stopping

on her in her sleep she got labeled a psychiatric patient. They used to think

only overweight, middle aged men could get that problem and I was skinny, young

and female. I was severely sleep deprived for a very, very long time. No amount

of positive thinking can overcome stress damage from long term, severe sleep

deprivation, and looking back, I can't think how in any way possible I could

have done things any differently. I just was not believed by anyone. It took

years to get a diagnosis and proper treatment and there still isn't really good

treatment for central apnea so I'm still under stress from sleep deprivation.

So in some cases it really isn't our fault. Not all stress can be avoided

by changing how we relate to people. I couldn't walk away from needing sleep.

Some of us are in that kind of stress; no way out, no way to walk away or fight

for an end to it. I'm glad you were able to solve your stress by changing how

you reacted to people, but with some of us, it isn't people, its our own body.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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The stress that brought on my adrenal fatigue was undiagnosed obstructive and

central sleep apnea as well as Hashiomotos thyroidis. And I could not get these

problems diagnosed. I knew I had sleep apnea for decades but doctors would not

take me seriously. Unfortunately I look weird. My eyes don't focus right and I

have Asperger's syndrome. I can't read and respond to facial expressions

correctly so when this strange, teenaged girl claimed her breathing was stopping

on her in her sleep she got labeled a psychiatric patient. They used to think

only overweight, middle aged men could get that problem and I was skinny, young

and female. I was severely sleep deprived for a very, very long time. No amount

of positive thinking can overcome stress damage from long term, severe sleep

deprivation, and looking back, I can't think how in any way possible I could

have done things any differently. I just was not believed by anyone. It took

years to get a diagnosis and proper treatment and there still isn't really good

treatment for central apnea so I'm still under stress from sleep deprivation.

So in some cases it really isn't our fault. Not all stress can be avoided

by changing how we relate to people. I couldn't walk away from needing sleep.

Some of us are in that kind of stress; no way out, no way to walk away or fight

for an end to it. I'm glad you were able to solve your stress by changing how

you reacted to people, but with some of us, it isn't people, its our own body.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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The stress that brought on my adrenal fatigue was undiagnosed obstructive and

central sleep apnea as well as Hashiomotos thyroidis. And I could not get these

problems diagnosed. I knew I had sleep apnea for decades but doctors would not

take me seriously. Unfortunately I look weird. My eyes don't focus right and I

have Asperger's syndrome. I can't read and respond to facial expressions

correctly so when this strange, teenaged girl claimed her breathing was stopping

on her in her sleep she got labeled a psychiatric patient. They used to think

only overweight, middle aged men could get that problem and I was skinny, young

and female. I was severely sleep deprived for a very, very long time. No amount

of positive thinking can overcome stress damage from long term, severe sleep

deprivation, and looking back, I can't think how in any way possible I could

have done things any differently. I just was not believed by anyone. It took

years to get a diagnosis and proper treatment and there still isn't really good

treatment for central apnea so I'm still under stress from sleep deprivation.

So in some cases it really isn't our fault. Not all stress can be avoided

by changing how we relate to people. I couldn't walk away from needing sleep.

Some of us are in that kind of stress; no way out, no way to walk away or fight

for an end to it. I'm glad you were able to solve your stress by changing how

you reacted to people, but with some of us, it isn't people, its our own body.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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- you say that the " energy between us is not what I consider conducive to

my well-being and health. " If he's a nice guy than why is it an unhealthy

relationship? I have lost some interest in my boyfriend after losing my libido

due to my hormone imbalance. Maybe that's the real reason you want out? Perhaps

we'd rather be alone if we have no libido?

Gikas wrote:

please allow me to tell a bit of my story so that I can share a bit of

what I'm talking about in " real life " rather than explaining concepts and ideas

in my emails.

I began suffering from CFS back in the mid-90's. I kept up with all the latest

research, did candida, tons of supplements, saw different doctors, and nothing

helped much except I knew that were " looking for a cause and cure " .

Alas, in 2004, My CFS gets much much worse and since then, I have been disabled

from working and there have been periods in the last 4 years that I was

bedridden and mostly housebound. The symptoms were debilitating and I was too

weak to sometimes stand at the stove and prepare a quick something to eat. This

caused me to become highly dependent on my boyfriend of 12 years who pretty much

has sustained me through the last 4 years that I was real bad. So meanwhile I

kept up with the research. I find out from Dr. Teitelbaum's book that CFS and

Fibro are dysregulations of the hypothalamus and thus the break down in

virtually every system and that we need thyroid and adrenal hormone despite

normal labs. So I go after this and I get on thyroid and adrenal. I have a bit

of improvement, but certainly, nothing to write home about. So now this last

year, I was literally ready to give up and just wanted to die if I had to keep

living like this and being barely able to take care of

myself. So I start praying to God to reveal to me a way to regain my health.

Alas, a woman from the UK tells me about Dr. Mickel and his mickel therapy from

the UK which he has found to be the cure for CFS and Fibro. She tells me to get

the book so I do. I read and digest the book, and for the first time in years, I

understood why I was sick. In the book, Dr. Mickel tells us that CFS and fibro

are hypothalamus dysregulations which he calls " hypothalamitis " but it is

triggered by ongoing stress and that the symptoms are there to be protective and

that if we start listening to what they are trying to tell us and do what needs

to be done, that our symptoms will go away and we will be well. At first I

thought this guy must be nuts. I was so PHYSICALLY disabled by CFS symptoms and

could not imagine how anything I was doing could be contributing. So I decide

I've got nothing to lose and contact the only Mickel therapist in the US (so

far) and she tells me she does it by phone.

She is in Vermont. So I have a one hour session on the phone with her and she

gives me this message and tells me to write it down:

" My symptoms are here to tell me to stop running away from my feelings and to

start listening to them and respond accordingly now " . She tells me that my

hypothalamus will start working right again if I do this and she gives me a lot

more details about what to do after I tell her a few things about myself and my

life. The very next day, I took off with this and it just all clicked for me.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this would work for every disease or

illness, and it is specifically set up for this supposed " hypothalamitis "

although now they are having success using it for depression, anxiety disorders,

irritable bowel syndrome, etc. So the next thing I know, everytime I have

symptoms, I start reading my message and I start doing things that I wasn't

doing before. I started speaking up to my boyfriend and I stopped walking away

from conflict (two things I had lots of trouble with). I started saying No

instead of YES when I meant NO. For days, I started this

process with the help of the therapist who told me I had to listen to

" bodymind " and not " headmind " and the next thing I knew, everytime I did this,

my symptoms reduced and I could continue to do what I wanted. Dr. Mickel

explains that what we've been told so far about CFS and Fibro which is to take

it easy and don't overdo it physically is exactly what we should not be doing

and was keeping us worse. The next thing I knew, by doing this therapy, I went

from sometimes bedbound to out shopping and doing pretty much what I wanted. A

few months later, I even traveled alone from Boston to Washington DC to see my

son and everybody was amazed.

Okay so here's what happened and now I'm really sick again. My symptoms have

returned after being virtually symptom free for 5 months. About a month ago,

" bodymind " started telling me that it wasn't happy in this relationship with my

boyfriend anymore and wasn't comfortable here with him and that it wanted to " go

home " and be by myself. " headmind " was telling me that this simply wouldn't be

right since he had stood by my side for the last 4 years and I couldn't do that

to him because it would hurt him and he doesn't deserve to be hurt. So

basically, I stopped my therapy because in reality, I believe that I've wanted

out of this relationship for a long time and that if I hadn't gotten so sick, I

would have left it a long time ago. The problem is just what the book talks

about " headmind " tells us what we should, must and have to do, and we listen to

that instead of listening to " bodymind " which is telling us through our symptoms

what it really wants us to do. We allow things

like guilt and fear to get in the way and this is what gets us into trouble.

Right now, I am very symptomatic again and very dependent upon him again. The

reason I didn't and don't leave is fear. I am afraid to leave because I feel so

guilty, and on the other hand, being sick again sucks and now he's taking care

of me all over again. The hardest part for me about leaving is that I've got the

nicest guy in the world who loves me and is there for me, but I have realized

that I have outgrown this man and that we simply don't have much in common

anymore and the energy between us is not what I consider conducive to my

well-being and health. Now I'm stuck and I had another phone appt. with my

Mickel therapist a few days ago and realize that the only way now I'm going to

get rid of my symptoms again is if I leave this relationship and go home. It's

scary and it almost feels safer to stay here, but I know that's going to keep me

sick because my body knows the truth, not my head

and I have to listen to my body's messages in order to recover for good. I hope

this helps somebody else here because the point is that I can't help but wonder

how many other people here are not being authentic in what their body is really

telling them, not speaking up, not making decisions and taking action, and not

creating the life and environment they really desire because " headmind " is

causing them to deny and explain away and interrupt these messages. I am living

proof of this because I was well for almost 6 months after I had tried

EVERYTHING, including the Fibro and Fatigue Centers who do recognize CFS and

Fibro as a hypothalamus dysregulation but try to treat it medically. This is why

people don't get well even when the hormones are all replaced with these two

illnesses, because we are not listening to our body. I don't know when and how

I'm going to get up the courage to do what I need to do now, but all day today I

felt so uncomfortable here and longed to go

home and be in my own space but I was too afraid. I don't want to hurt this

poor guy because he's good and he's been there for me. My body only sends

symptoms when I stop my practicing my therapy of reading my message and

responding to what it's trying to tell me.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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- you say that the " energy between us is not what I consider conducive to

my well-being and health. " If he's a nice guy than why is it an unhealthy

relationship? I have lost some interest in my boyfriend after losing my libido

due to my hormone imbalance. Maybe that's the real reason you want out? Perhaps

we'd rather be alone if we have no libido?

Gikas wrote:

please allow me to tell a bit of my story so that I can share a bit of

what I'm talking about in " real life " rather than explaining concepts and ideas

in my emails.

I began suffering from CFS back in the mid-90's. I kept up with all the latest

research, did candida, tons of supplements, saw different doctors, and nothing

helped much except I knew that were " looking for a cause and cure " .

Alas, in 2004, My CFS gets much much worse and since then, I have been disabled

from working and there have been periods in the last 4 years that I was

bedridden and mostly housebound. The symptoms were debilitating and I was too

weak to sometimes stand at the stove and prepare a quick something to eat. This

caused me to become highly dependent on my boyfriend of 12 years who pretty much

has sustained me through the last 4 years that I was real bad. So meanwhile I

kept up with the research. I find out from Dr. Teitelbaum's book that CFS and

Fibro are dysregulations of the hypothalamus and thus the break down in

virtually every system and that we need thyroid and adrenal hormone despite

normal labs. So I go after this and I get on thyroid and adrenal. I have a bit

of improvement, but certainly, nothing to write home about. So now this last

year, I was literally ready to give up and just wanted to die if I had to keep

living like this and being barely able to take care of

myself. So I start praying to God to reveal to me a way to regain my health.

Alas, a woman from the UK tells me about Dr. Mickel and his mickel therapy from

the UK which he has found to be the cure for CFS and Fibro. She tells me to get

the book so I do. I read and digest the book, and for the first time in years, I

understood why I was sick. In the book, Dr. Mickel tells us that CFS and fibro

are hypothalamus dysregulations which he calls " hypothalamitis " but it is

triggered by ongoing stress and that the symptoms are there to be protective and

that if we start listening to what they are trying to tell us and do what needs

to be done, that our symptoms will go away and we will be well. At first I

thought this guy must be nuts. I was so PHYSICALLY disabled by CFS symptoms and

could not imagine how anything I was doing could be contributing. So I decide

I've got nothing to lose and contact the only Mickel therapist in the US (so

far) and she tells me she does it by phone.

She is in Vermont. So I have a one hour session on the phone with her and she

gives me this message and tells me to write it down:

" My symptoms are here to tell me to stop running away from my feelings and to

start listening to them and respond accordingly now " . She tells me that my

hypothalamus will start working right again if I do this and she gives me a lot

more details about what to do after I tell her a few things about myself and my

life. The very next day, I took off with this and it just all clicked for me.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this would work for every disease or

illness, and it is specifically set up for this supposed " hypothalamitis "

although now they are having success using it for depression, anxiety disorders,

irritable bowel syndrome, etc. So the next thing I know, everytime I have

symptoms, I start reading my message and I start doing things that I wasn't

doing before. I started speaking up to my boyfriend and I stopped walking away

from conflict (two things I had lots of trouble with). I started saying No

instead of YES when I meant NO. For days, I started this

process with the help of the therapist who told me I had to listen to

" bodymind " and not " headmind " and the next thing I knew, everytime I did this,

my symptoms reduced and I could continue to do what I wanted. Dr. Mickel

explains that what we've been told so far about CFS and Fibro which is to take

it easy and don't overdo it physically is exactly what we should not be doing

and was keeping us worse. The next thing I knew, by doing this therapy, I went

from sometimes bedbound to out shopping and doing pretty much what I wanted. A

few months later, I even traveled alone from Boston to Washington DC to see my

son and everybody was amazed.

Okay so here's what happened and now I'm really sick again. My symptoms have

returned after being virtually symptom free for 5 months. About a month ago,

" bodymind " started telling me that it wasn't happy in this relationship with my

boyfriend anymore and wasn't comfortable here with him and that it wanted to " go

home " and be by myself. " headmind " was telling me that this simply wouldn't be

right since he had stood by my side for the last 4 years and I couldn't do that

to him because it would hurt him and he doesn't deserve to be hurt. So

basically, I stopped my therapy because in reality, I believe that I've wanted

out of this relationship for a long time and that if I hadn't gotten so sick, I

would have left it a long time ago. The problem is just what the book talks

about " headmind " tells us what we should, must and have to do, and we listen to

that instead of listening to " bodymind " which is telling us through our symptoms

what it really wants us to do. We allow things

like guilt and fear to get in the way and this is what gets us into trouble.

Right now, I am very symptomatic again and very dependent upon him again. The

reason I didn't and don't leave is fear. I am afraid to leave because I feel so

guilty, and on the other hand, being sick again sucks and now he's taking care

of me all over again. The hardest part for me about leaving is that I've got the

nicest guy in the world who loves me and is there for me, but I have realized

that I have outgrown this man and that we simply don't have much in common

anymore and the energy between us is not what I consider conducive to my

well-being and health. Now I'm stuck and I had another phone appt. with my

Mickel therapist a few days ago and realize that the only way now I'm going to

get rid of my symptoms again is if I leave this relationship and go home. It's

scary and it almost feels safer to stay here, but I know that's going to keep me

sick because my body knows the truth, not my head

and I have to listen to my body's messages in order to recover for good. I hope

this helps somebody else here because the point is that I can't help but wonder

how many other people here are not being authentic in what their body is really

telling them, not speaking up, not making decisions and taking action, and not

creating the life and environment they really desire because " headmind " is

causing them to deny and explain away and interrupt these messages. I am living

proof of this because I was well for almost 6 months after I had tried

EVERYTHING, including the Fibro and Fatigue Centers who do recognize CFS and

Fibro as a hypothalamus dysregulation but try to treat it medically. This is why

people don't get well even when the hormones are all replaced with these two

illnesses, because we are not listening to our body. I don't know when and how

I'm going to get up the courage to do what I need to do now, but all day today I

felt so uncomfortable here and longed to go

home and be in my own space but I was too afraid. I don't want to hurt this

poor guy because he's good and he's been there for me. My body only sends

symptoms when I stop my practicing my therapy of reading my message and

responding to what it's trying to tell me.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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- you say that the " energy between us is not what I consider conducive to

my well-being and health. " If he's a nice guy than why is it an unhealthy

relationship? I have lost some interest in my boyfriend after losing my libido

due to my hormone imbalance. Maybe that's the real reason you want out? Perhaps

we'd rather be alone if we have no libido?

Gikas wrote:

please allow me to tell a bit of my story so that I can share a bit of

what I'm talking about in " real life " rather than explaining concepts and ideas

in my emails.

I began suffering from CFS back in the mid-90's. I kept up with all the latest

research, did candida, tons of supplements, saw different doctors, and nothing

helped much except I knew that were " looking for a cause and cure " .

Alas, in 2004, My CFS gets much much worse and since then, I have been disabled

from working and there have been periods in the last 4 years that I was

bedridden and mostly housebound. The symptoms were debilitating and I was too

weak to sometimes stand at the stove and prepare a quick something to eat. This

caused me to become highly dependent on my boyfriend of 12 years who pretty much

has sustained me through the last 4 years that I was real bad. So meanwhile I

kept up with the research. I find out from Dr. Teitelbaum's book that CFS and

Fibro are dysregulations of the hypothalamus and thus the break down in

virtually every system and that we need thyroid and adrenal hormone despite

normal labs. So I go after this and I get on thyroid and adrenal. I have a bit

of improvement, but certainly, nothing to write home about. So now this last

year, I was literally ready to give up and just wanted to die if I had to keep

living like this and being barely able to take care of

myself. So I start praying to God to reveal to me a way to regain my health.

Alas, a woman from the UK tells me about Dr. Mickel and his mickel therapy from

the UK which he has found to be the cure for CFS and Fibro. She tells me to get

the book so I do. I read and digest the book, and for the first time in years, I

understood why I was sick. In the book, Dr. Mickel tells us that CFS and fibro

are hypothalamus dysregulations which he calls " hypothalamitis " but it is

triggered by ongoing stress and that the symptoms are there to be protective and

that if we start listening to what they are trying to tell us and do what needs

to be done, that our symptoms will go away and we will be well. At first I

thought this guy must be nuts. I was so PHYSICALLY disabled by CFS symptoms and

could not imagine how anything I was doing could be contributing. So I decide

I've got nothing to lose and contact the only Mickel therapist in the US (so

far) and she tells me she does it by phone.

She is in Vermont. So I have a one hour session on the phone with her and she

gives me this message and tells me to write it down:

" My symptoms are here to tell me to stop running away from my feelings and to

start listening to them and respond accordingly now " . She tells me that my

hypothalamus will start working right again if I do this and she gives me a lot

more details about what to do after I tell her a few things about myself and my

life. The very next day, I took off with this and it just all clicked for me.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this would work for every disease or

illness, and it is specifically set up for this supposed " hypothalamitis "

although now they are having success using it for depression, anxiety disorders,

irritable bowel syndrome, etc. So the next thing I know, everytime I have

symptoms, I start reading my message and I start doing things that I wasn't

doing before. I started speaking up to my boyfriend and I stopped walking away

from conflict (two things I had lots of trouble with). I started saying No

instead of YES when I meant NO. For days, I started this

process with the help of the therapist who told me I had to listen to

" bodymind " and not " headmind " and the next thing I knew, everytime I did this,

my symptoms reduced and I could continue to do what I wanted. Dr. Mickel

explains that what we've been told so far about CFS and Fibro which is to take

it easy and don't overdo it physically is exactly what we should not be doing

and was keeping us worse. The next thing I knew, by doing this therapy, I went

from sometimes bedbound to out shopping and doing pretty much what I wanted. A

few months later, I even traveled alone from Boston to Washington DC to see my

son and everybody was amazed.

Okay so here's what happened and now I'm really sick again. My symptoms have

returned after being virtually symptom free for 5 months. About a month ago,

" bodymind " started telling me that it wasn't happy in this relationship with my

boyfriend anymore and wasn't comfortable here with him and that it wanted to " go

home " and be by myself. " headmind " was telling me that this simply wouldn't be

right since he had stood by my side for the last 4 years and I couldn't do that

to him because it would hurt him and he doesn't deserve to be hurt. So

basically, I stopped my therapy because in reality, I believe that I've wanted

out of this relationship for a long time and that if I hadn't gotten so sick, I

would have left it a long time ago. The problem is just what the book talks

about " headmind " tells us what we should, must and have to do, and we listen to

that instead of listening to " bodymind " which is telling us through our symptoms

what it really wants us to do. We allow things

like guilt and fear to get in the way and this is what gets us into trouble.

Right now, I am very symptomatic again and very dependent upon him again. The

reason I didn't and don't leave is fear. I am afraid to leave because I feel so

guilty, and on the other hand, being sick again sucks and now he's taking care

of me all over again. The hardest part for me about leaving is that I've got the

nicest guy in the world who loves me and is there for me, but I have realized

that I have outgrown this man and that we simply don't have much in common

anymore and the energy between us is not what I consider conducive to my

well-being and health. Now I'm stuck and I had another phone appt. with my

Mickel therapist a few days ago and realize that the only way now I'm going to

get rid of my symptoms again is if I leave this relationship and go home. It's

scary and it almost feels safer to stay here, but I know that's going to keep me

sick because my body knows the truth, not my head

and I have to listen to my body's messages in order to recover for good. I hope

this helps somebody else here because the point is that I can't help but wonder

how many other people here are not being authentic in what their body is really

telling them, not speaking up, not making decisions and taking action, and not

creating the life and environment they really desire because " headmind " is

causing them to deny and explain away and interrupt these messages. I am living

proof of this because I was well for almost 6 months after I had tried

EVERYTHING, including the Fibro and Fatigue Centers who do recognize CFS and

Fibro as a hypothalamus dysregulation but try to treat it medically. This is why

people don't get well even when the hormones are all replaced with these two

illnesses, because we are not listening to our body. I don't know when and how

I'm going to get up the courage to do what I need to do now, but all day today I

felt so uncomfortable here and longed to go

home and be in my own space but I was too afraid. I don't want to hurt this

poor guy because he's good and he's been there for me. My body only sends

symptoms when I stop my practicing my therapy of reading my message and

responding to what it's trying to tell me.

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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According the the IRS, the person who pays the tax on the gift is the giver

and the starting amount is 11k. If I were giving her 11K I might have to

pay a gift tax on it. Since she is receiving the 10K there should be no tax

for unless her state has a tax and unless she lists it when she files. So

she will not be paying any income tax to the feds. I do not know about gift

taxes in Nevada but I she needs to find that out. It is not the first gift

I have given her and she has had 2 years to find out.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

> >

> > I don't think that people turn their backs cause they don't

> understand. I

> > realized that my nurturing attracted people who wanted that


> > without having to return it. When we became ill, they had to


> > returning the nurturing and they did not want to.

> >


> Exactly! And it's a startling discovery when you're going along


> your life all normal-like & suddenly become deathly ill, only to

> realize that those whom you thought were there for you are too much

> into their own whatever to care for you the way you've cared for



> ly, I think that I'm doing pretty well, considering that I


> ill & discovered this in October & it's now February - a mere four

> months later! - and I'm already working to put it in its place in

my life!


> Warmly,








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According the the IRS, the person who pays the tax on the gift is the giver

and the starting amount is 11k. If I were giving her 11K I might have to

pay a gift tax on it. Since she is receiving the 10K there should be no tax

for unless her state has a tax and unless she lists it when she files. So

she will not be paying any income tax to the feds. I do not know about gift

taxes in Nevada but I she needs to find that out. It is not the first gift

I have given her and she has had 2 years to find out.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

> >

> > I don't think that people turn their backs cause they don't

> understand. I

> > realized that my nurturing attracted people who wanted that


> > without having to return it. When we became ill, they had to


> > returning the nurturing and they did not want to.

> >


> Exactly! And it's a startling discovery when you're going along


> your life all normal-like & suddenly become deathly ill, only to

> realize that those whom you thought were there for you are too much

> into their own whatever to care for you the way you've cared for



> ly, I think that I'm doing pretty well, considering that I


> ill & discovered this in October & it's now February - a mere four

> months later! - and I'm already working to put it in its place in

my life!


> Warmly,








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According the the IRS, the person who pays the tax on the gift is the giver

and the starting amount is 11k. If I were giving her 11K I might have to

pay a gift tax on it. Since she is receiving the 10K there should be no tax

for unless her state has a tax and unless she lists it when she files. So

she will not be paying any income tax to the feds. I do not know about gift

taxes in Nevada but I she needs to find that out. It is not the first gift

I have given her and she has had 2 years to find out.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

> >

> > I don't think that people turn their backs cause they don't

> understand. I

> > realized that my nurturing attracted people who wanted that


> > without having to return it. When we became ill, they had to


> > returning the nurturing and they did not want to.

> >


> Exactly! And it's a startling discovery when you're going along


> your life all normal-like & suddenly become deathly ill, only to

> realize that those whom you thought were there for you are too much

> into their own whatever to care for you the way you've cared for



> ly, I think that I'm doing pretty well, considering that I


> ill & discovered this in October & it's now February - a mere four

> months later! - and I'm already working to put it in its place in

my life!


> Warmly,








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When you consider that animal vaccines are made with animal cells, for

example cat kidney cells, there is no doubt that autoimmune problems will

start when you inject a virus tho dead, into cat kidney cells or whatever

cells, and then inject that into animals. Funny how cat's kidneys don't

seem to last as long as they used to. I no longer vaccinate my cats. They

are house cats anyway.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

I know when my Hashi hit, I was a healthy active HAPPY 19 year old. Well

it was when my thyroid died and demanded attention anyway, I had had

painful periods for years before this and constipation as a child so

anyone's guess if the thyroid was pooping out then, but anyway at 19 I

weighed 98 pounds, was a dancer, in acrobatics, and a literal genius in

school. I took college entrance exams at Cal Poly in California and got

the highest scored they had seen in 6 years..on a tenth grade education.

I was a track star in high school, setting a new 100yard dash record,

and life was good. NOTHING in my life prepared me or caused me to

suddenly gain to 160 pounds and start falling asleep standing up. There

was no drastic changes in my life at that time.Just my health. This is

called a genetic trigger. By coincidence, my natural mother had me at 18

years old then suddenly at 19 gained horrible weigh tshe was never able

to lose. now i I did not have my own experience to go on I would say the

birth triggered hers, but the timing was EXACTLY the same age for me and

I have never been PG in my life. Another trigger for autoimmune diseases

is vaccinations. My dog is a perfect example of this, as is my cat. both

are quite hypo. and both this started right after vaccinations. I was

reading somewhere a couple days ago that autoimmune adrenal disease is

on the rise, though it used to be considered very rare. Wher ehave I

heard this before?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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When you consider that animal vaccines are made with animal cells, for

example cat kidney cells, there is no doubt that autoimmune problems will

start when you inject a virus tho dead, into cat kidney cells or whatever

cells, and then inject that into animals. Funny how cat's kidneys don't

seem to last as long as they used to. I no longer vaccinate my cats. They

are house cats anyway.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

I know when my Hashi hit, I was a healthy active HAPPY 19 year old. Well

it was when my thyroid died and demanded attention anyway, I had had

painful periods for years before this and constipation as a child so

anyone's guess if the thyroid was pooping out then, but anyway at 19 I

weighed 98 pounds, was a dancer, in acrobatics, and a literal genius in

school. I took college entrance exams at Cal Poly in California and got

the highest scored they had seen in 6 years..on a tenth grade education.

I was a track star in high school, setting a new 100yard dash record,

and life was good. NOTHING in my life prepared me or caused me to

suddenly gain to 160 pounds and start falling asleep standing up. There

was no drastic changes in my life at that time.Just my health. This is

called a genetic trigger. By coincidence, my natural mother had me at 18

years old then suddenly at 19 gained horrible weigh tshe was never able

to lose. now i I did not have my own experience to go on I would say the

birth triggered hers, but the timing was EXACTLY the same age for me and

I have never been PG in my life. Another trigger for autoimmune diseases

is vaccinations. My dog is a perfect example of this, as is my cat. both

are quite hypo. and both this started right after vaccinations. I was

reading somewhere a couple days ago that autoimmune adrenal disease is

on the rise, though it used to be considered very rare. Wher ehave I

heard this before?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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When you consider that animal vaccines are made with animal cells, for

example cat kidney cells, there is no doubt that autoimmune problems will

start when you inject a virus tho dead, into cat kidney cells or whatever

cells, and then inject that into animals. Funny how cat's kidneys don't

seem to last as long as they used to. I no longer vaccinate my cats. They

are house cats anyway.

-- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like flies?

I know when my Hashi hit, I was a healthy active HAPPY 19 year old. Well

it was when my thyroid died and demanded attention anyway, I had had

painful periods for years before this and constipation as a child so

anyone's guess if the thyroid was pooping out then, but anyway at 19 I

weighed 98 pounds, was a dancer, in acrobatics, and a literal genius in

school. I took college entrance exams at Cal Poly in California and got

the highest scored they had seen in 6 years..on a tenth grade education.

I was a track star in high school, setting a new 100yard dash record,

and life was good. NOTHING in my life prepared me or caused me to

suddenly gain to 160 pounds and start falling asleep standing up. There

was no drastic changes in my life at that time.Just my health. This is

called a genetic trigger. By coincidence, my natural mother had me at 18

years old then suddenly at 19 gained horrible weigh tshe was never able

to lose. now i I did not have my own experience to go on I would say the

birth triggered hers, but the timing was EXACTLY the same age for me and

I have never been PG in my life. Another trigger for autoimmune diseases

is vaccinations. My dog is a perfect example of this, as is my cat. both

are quite hypo. and both this started right after vaccinations. I was

reading somewhere a couple days ago that autoimmune adrenal disease is

on the rise, though it used to be considered very rare. Wher ehave I

heard this before?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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> >

> > diabetes skips generations....................

> >

> > -- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?

> >

> > Lynda,

> >

> > I'm not saying we can change out " genetic predisposition " , but

I believe

> > that when we have a breakdown or imbalance of mental,

spiritual, physical,

> > that we are more likely to get what we are genetically

predisposed to. My

> > grandmother had diabetes for example, but none of her four

children nor her

> > grandchildren (now in their 40's) developed it. Just because

it was in their

> > genes, doesn't mean that it will manifest. My problems are all


> > but I know that even though endocrine problems are in my

family, I got sick

> > because of my emotional response to my environment. I wasn't

being true to

> > myself for years and trying to people please instead and

trying to take care

> > of everybody else's needs and trying to be perfect. My body

broke down to

> > send a message that " you can't do this anymore " . This is what

I mean.

> >

> >

> > Re: Personal issue - friends

dropping like

> > > flies?

> > >

> > > > Val,

> > > >

> > > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you


> > > idea

> > > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is


> > > to

> > > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown


> > > become

> > > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and


> > > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were


> > > longer

> > > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to


> > > sick

> > > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if

we do

> > > the

> > > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> >

> > diabetes skips generations....................

> >

> > -- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?

> >

> > Lynda,

> >

> > I'm not saying we can change out " genetic predisposition " , but

I believe

> > that when we have a breakdown or imbalance of mental,

spiritual, physical,

> > that we are more likely to get what we are genetically

predisposed to. My

> > grandmother had diabetes for example, but none of her four

children nor her

> > grandchildren (now in their 40's) developed it. Just because

it was in their

> > genes, doesn't mean that it will manifest. My problems are all


> > but I know that even though endocrine problems are in my

family, I got sick

> > because of my emotional response to my environment. I wasn't

being true to

> > myself for years and trying to people please instead and

trying to take care

> > of everybody else's needs and trying to be perfect. My body

broke down to

> > send a message that " you can't do this anymore " . This is what

I mean.

> >

> >

> > Re: Personal issue - friends

dropping like

> > > flies?

> > >

> > > > Val,

> > > >

> > > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you


> > > idea

> > > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is


> > > to

> > > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown


> > > become

> > > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and


> > > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were


> > > longer

> > > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to


> > > sick

> > > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if

we do

> > > the

> > > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

Link to comment
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> >

> > diabetes skips generations....................

> >

> > -- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?

> >

> > Lynda,

> >

> > I'm not saying we can change out " genetic predisposition " , but

I believe

> > that when we have a breakdown or imbalance of mental,

spiritual, physical,

> > that we are more likely to get what we are genetically

predisposed to. My

> > grandmother had diabetes for example, but none of her four

children nor her

> > grandchildren (now in their 40's) developed it. Just because

it was in their

> > genes, doesn't mean that it will manifest. My problems are all


> > but I know that even though endocrine problems are in my

family, I got sick

> > because of my emotional response to my environment. I wasn't

being true to

> > myself for years and trying to people please instead and

trying to take care

> > of everybody else's needs and trying to be perfect. My body

broke down to

> > send a message that " you can't do this anymore " . This is what

I mean.

> >

> >

> > Re: Personal issue - friends

dropping like

> > > flies?

> > >

> > > > Val,

> > > >

> > > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you


> > > idea

> > > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is


> > > to

> > > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown


> > > become

> > > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and


> > > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were


> > > longer

> > > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to


> > > sick

> > > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if

we do

> > > the

> > > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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My last vaccine I gave was my little dog, and it was her rabies so I

could take her into the nursing home to see my grandmother. Within 10

days afte that vacicine her coat went south. She was a beautiful glossy

black tikl then when I started seeing dead reddish tones in her coat. Sh

eis now on 6 grais of natural thyroid, daily. and only 2 years old.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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My last vaccine I gave was my little dog, and it was her rabies so I

could take her into the nursing home to see my grandmother. Within 10

days afte that vacicine her coat went south. She was a beautiful glossy

black tikl then when I started seeing dead reddish tones in her coat. Sh

eis now on 6 grais of natural thyroid, daily. and only 2 years old.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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My last vaccine I gave was my little dog, and it was her rabies so I

could take her into the nursing home to see my grandmother. Within 10

days afte that vacicine her coat went south. She was a beautiful glossy

black tikl then when I started seeing dead reddish tones in her coat. Sh

eis now on 6 grais of natural thyroid, daily. and only 2 years old.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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- I'm confused. Why you continue to push the money on her when

she has shown no gratitude or interest in it?

Is it because of your feelings that it's your responsibility to " take

care of " the family? You're not obligated to give it to her, you

know. It wasn't willed to her. She's shown no willingness to accept

the offer. Stop beating yourself up over trying to give it to her.

Keep it & take care of yourself.

I have been trying to get the money to her for 6 months! She has

commented that she does not want to pay taxes on it, as if there is

any tax. So I am supposed to do a lot of work to get her this money!

I told her last week to send me the account number or tell me how she

wants the money to be sent. I get a social email never mentioning

it. My family and ex bf have a history of getting services from me

and when I have offered, it ends up being so much more work for me

that I am just staying alone, period. I cannot fathom someone who is

about to receive 10k totally free, trying to make me work to get it

to her (sister).


> So in this respect I do believe I created what happens with people

in my life. I did not however, create the family that pushed me into

this role starting as a small child who had to take care of my

siblings and parents. Getting out of this role has been very

hard ..........



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- I'm confused. Why you continue to push the money on her when

she has shown no gratitude or interest in it?

Is it because of your feelings that it's your responsibility to " take

care of " the family? You're not obligated to give it to her, you

know. It wasn't willed to her. She's shown no willingness to accept

the offer. Stop beating yourself up over trying to give it to her.

Keep it & take care of yourself.

I have been trying to get the money to her for 6 months! She has

commented that she does not want to pay taxes on it, as if there is

any tax. So I am supposed to do a lot of work to get her this money!

I told her last week to send me the account number or tell me how she

wants the money to be sent. I get a social email never mentioning

it. My family and ex bf have a history of getting services from me

and when I have offered, it ends up being so much more work for me

that I am just staying alone, period. I cannot fathom someone who is

about to receive 10k totally free, trying to make me work to get it

to her (sister).


> So in this respect I do believe I created what happens with people

in my life. I did not however, create the family that pushed me into

this role starting as a small child who had to take care of my

siblings and parents. Getting out of this role has been very

hard ..........



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- I'm confused. Why you continue to push the money on her when

she has shown no gratitude or interest in it?

Is it because of your feelings that it's your responsibility to " take

care of " the family? You're not obligated to give it to her, you

know. It wasn't willed to her. She's shown no willingness to accept

the offer. Stop beating yourself up over trying to give it to her.

Keep it & take care of yourself.

I have been trying to get the money to her for 6 months! She has

commented that she does not want to pay taxes on it, as if there is

any tax. So I am supposed to do a lot of work to get her this money!

I told her last week to send me the account number or tell me how she

wants the money to be sent. I get a social email never mentioning

it. My family and ex bf have a history of getting services from me

and when I have offered, it ends up being so much more work for me

that I am just staying alone, period. I cannot fathom someone who is

about to receive 10k totally free, trying to make me work to get it

to her (sister).


> So in this respect I do believe I created what happens with people

in my life. I did not however, create the family that pushed me into

this role starting as a small child who had to take care of my

siblings and parents. Getting out of this role has been very

hard ..........



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Hi -

This is really interesting. When you say " bodymind " are you talking

about our intuition as opposed to our " headmind " or what we do when we

don't listen to intuition? If not, could you elaborate a bit more on

how to tell the difference between the two.


> >

> > diabetes skips generations....................

> >

> > -- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?

> >

> > Lynda,

> >

> > I'm not saying we can change out " genetic predisposition " , but I


> > that when we have a breakdown or imbalance of mental, spiritual,


> > that we are more likely to get what we are genetically

predisposed to. My

> > grandmother had diabetes for example, but none of her four

children nor her

> > grandchildren (now in their 40's) developed it. Just because it

was in their

> > genes, doesn't mean that it will manifest. My problems are all


> > but I know that even though endocrine problems are in my family,

I got sick

> > because of my emotional response to my environment. I wasn't

being true to

> > myself for years and trying to people please instead and trying

to take care

> > of everybody else's needs and trying to be perfect. My body

broke down to

> > send a message that " you can't do this anymore " . This is what I


> >

> >

> > Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > > flies?

> > >

> > > > Val,

> > > >

> > > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > > idea

> > > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is


> > > to

> > > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > > become

> > > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > > longer

> > > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > > sick

> > > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > > the

> > > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi -

This is really interesting. When you say " bodymind " are you talking

about our intuition as opposed to our " headmind " or what we do when we

don't listen to intuition? If not, could you elaborate a bit more on

how to tell the difference between the two.


> >

> > diabetes skips generations....................

> >

> > -- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?

> >

> > Lynda,

> >

> > I'm not saying we can change out " genetic predisposition " , but I


> > that when we have a breakdown or imbalance of mental, spiritual,


> > that we are more likely to get what we are genetically

predisposed to. My

> > grandmother had diabetes for example, but none of her four

children nor her

> > grandchildren (now in their 40's) developed it. Just because it

was in their

> > genes, doesn't mean that it will manifest. My problems are all


> > but I know that even though endocrine problems are in my family,

I got sick

> > because of my emotional response to my environment. I wasn't

being true to

> > myself for years and trying to people please instead and trying

to take care

> > of everybody else's needs and trying to be perfect. My body

broke down to

> > send a message that " you can't do this anymore " . This is what I


> >

> >

> > Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > > flies?

> > >

> > > > Val,

> > > >

> > > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > > idea

> > > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is


> > > to

> > > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > > become

> > > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > > longer

> > > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > > sick

> > > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > > the

> > > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi -

This is really interesting. When you say " bodymind " are you talking

about our intuition as opposed to our " headmind " or what we do when we

don't listen to intuition? If not, could you elaborate a bit more on

how to tell the difference between the two.


> >

> > diabetes skips generations....................

> >

> > -- Re: Personal issue - friends dropping

like flies?

> >

> > Lynda,

> >

> > I'm not saying we can change out " genetic predisposition " , but I


> > that when we have a breakdown or imbalance of mental, spiritual,


> > that we are more likely to get what we are genetically

predisposed to. My

> > grandmother had diabetes for example, but none of her four

children nor her

> > grandchildren (now in their 40's) developed it. Just because it

was in their

> > genes, doesn't mean that it will manifest. My problems are all


> > but I know that even though endocrine problems are in my family,

I got sick

> > because of my emotional response to my environment. I wasn't

being true to

> > myself for years and trying to people please instead and trying

to take care

> > of everybody else's needs and trying to be perfect. My body

broke down to

> > send a message that " you can't do this anymore " . This is what I


> >

> >

> > Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > > flies?

> > >

> > > > Val,

> > > >

> > > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > > idea

> > > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is


> > > to

> > > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > > become

> > > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > > longer

> > > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > > sick

> > > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > > the

> > > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I wish it were that, but I have the opposite problem. I have a high libido

because my testosterone is off the charts. Basically, we have gone in two

different paths and I just feel that we've grown apart. Like Barbara Brennan

puts it, " we are no longer pulsating harmoniously " ..

Re: Personal issue - friends dropping like

> > flies?

> >

> > > Val,

> > >

> > > I hear what you are saying. I would like to share with you my

> > idea

> > > of a genetic illness. To me, genetics is what one is predisposed

> > to

> > > and where their weaknesses lie if they are to breakdown and

> > become

> > > unbalanced. Thus, I was prone to endocrine problems, and that's

> > > what I got once stress, and the way I was operating were no

> > longer

> > > working. I don't believe that we have to get what we are

> > > genetically predisposed to if we don't set ourselves up to be

> > sick

> > > to begin with. I also believe that our bodies can heal if we do

> > the

> > > necessary work on ourselves and our lives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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