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Yes, these are separate issues - when someone not on meds has normal

levels, the majority of traditional doctors will not treat. The reason

is that without the labs to support treatment, these docs could even be

sued later.

Now, when someone on meds has normal labs, that is taken as evidence

that the dosage of meds the patient is on is working and should be

maintained for health.


Toni wrote:

> ,

> This is a direct quote from the article. My point is and has been

> that some docs believe that when your levels are normal that you don't

> need thyroid meds. Are these two separate issues? I'm not sure. I

> am merely pointing out this article to show that although research

> shows this should be treated anyway many docs don't believe it

> necessary. That's not to say this is appropriate.


> " There are, however, some endocrinologists, as well as holistic MDs,

> osteopaths and other practitioners, who believe that Hashimoto's

> disease -- as confirmed by the presence of thyroid antibodies -- along

> with symptoms, are enough to warrant treatment with small amounts of

> thyroid hormone.


> The practice of treating patients who have Hashimoto's thyroiditis but

> normal range thyroid function tests is supported by a study, reported

> on in the March 2001 issue of the journal Thyroid. In this study,

> German researchers reported that use of levothyroxine treatment for

> cases of Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis where TSH had not yet

> elevated beyond normal range (people who were considered " euthyroid " )

> could reduce the incidence and degree of autoimmune disease progression.


> In the study of 21 patients with euthyroid Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

> (normal range TSH, but elevated antibodies), half of the patients were

> treated with levothyroxine for a year, the other half were not

> treated. After 1 year of therapy with levothyroxine, the antibody

> levels and lymphocytes (evidence of inflammation) decreased

> significantly only in the group receiving the medication. Among the

> untreated group, the antibody levels rose or remained the same.


> The researchers concluded that preventative treatment of normal TSH

> range patients with Hashimoto's disease reduced the various markers of

> autoimmune thyroiditis, and speculated that that such treatment might

> even be able to stop the progression of Hashimoto's disease, or

> perhaps even prevent development of the hypothyroidism. " ©2004 About,

> Inc. All rights reserved. A PRIMEDIA Company.

> http://thyroid.about.com/cs/hypothyroidism/a/hashivshypo.htm



> Toni

> List Owner of:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GDHWS/

> This is for guide dog handlers with residual vision.

> And

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ToniAtGDB/

> This mailing list is to share my experiences in getting my next guide dog.

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That is exactly the parallel I made, Jamy - or even if you don't wanna

be as dramatic, you have someone on blood pressure meds, take them off

them, they go dangerously high, you put them on again. That would be a

perfect parallel as both high BP and hypothyroidism can kill people of

heart attacks.


Jamy wrote:


> The best parallel would be like a diabetic. They give them insulin

> till they blood sugar level is normal, then they take them off and

> wait till they are heading to a coma, then remedicate!

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That is exactly the parallel I made, Jamy - or even if you don't wanna

be as dramatic, you have someone on blood pressure meds, take them off

them, they go dangerously high, you put them on again. That would be a

perfect parallel as both high BP and hypothyroidism can kill people of

heart attacks.


Jamy wrote:


> The best parallel would be like a diabetic. They give them insulin

> till they blood sugar level is normal, then they take them off and

> wait till they are heading to a coma, then remedicate!

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well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

they are told it is something else like nerves...


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:08:22 -0300


That is exactly the parallel I made, Jamy - or even if you don't wanna

be as dramatic, you have someone on blood pressure meds, take them off

them, they go dangerously high, you put them on again. That would be a

perfect parallel as both high BP and hypothyroidism can kill people of

heart attacks.


Jamy wrote:


> The best parallel would be like a diabetic. They give them insulin

> till they blood sugar level is normal, then they take them off and

> wait till they are heading to a coma, then remedicate!

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well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

they are told it is something else like nerves...


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:08:22 -0300


That is exactly the parallel I made, Jamy - or even if you don't wanna

be as dramatic, you have someone on blood pressure meds, take them off

them, they go dangerously high, you put them on again. That would be a

perfect parallel as both high BP and hypothyroidism can kill people of

heart attacks.


Jamy wrote:


> The best parallel would be like a diabetic. They give them insulin

> till they blood sugar level is normal, then they take them off and

> wait till they are heading to a coma, then remedicate!

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The whole problem with this is that when they take the wrong tests, or fail to do the correct tests they are sentencing the person to a 'living death' sentence, just as so many of us have.

I keep rolling it around in my mind... unless and until I KNOW I can find a good doc... I have no desire to even see one.

I have IMPROVED over the last two years... I'm gonna say it again. I have IMPROVED over these last two years that I've been self-medicating with natural thyroid.

All the years, more than a decade, under a doc's care, taking labs, never even telling me the numbers, always prescribing Synthroid and at a dose that was 30% under the dose that I should have had - based on my weight and the fact that I had NO thyroid function (gland killed of by RAI) and EACH and EVERY year that went by I lost another part of myself.. Not just myself.. I lost my home, my car, my license to drive, the ability to do the work that I had been qualified to do and paid me enough to have a home of my own and a real life.

I don't want to see folks lose so much just because they don't know how to find the best way to treat their thyroid condition. Be that surgery, or medication, or for the few that have no alternative, RAI.... We need to help others to learn and to understand that they don't have to watch their lives slip away.... We need to give them the knowledge, the power, to have a QUALITY life and not just exist...

.... and I'm jumping off my soap box right this second... I think my head is in a dark place tonight... sorry.

Topper ()

Yes, these are separate issues - when someone not on meds has normal levels, the majority of traditional doctors will not treat. The reason is that without the labs to support treatment, these docs could even be sued later.Now, when someone on meds has normal labs, that is taken as evidence that the dosage of meds the patient is on is working and should be maintained for health.Jan

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Yehuh! But this just makes me cringe as to what the medical schools turned

out today. Even the tiny amt of time medical students spend on studying the

thyroid, THIS isn't even a part of their training. I'm thinking these

doctors are asleep on the job or partied too much in medical school and

barely scraped by. Here's the joke:

What is a medical student who made a barely passing grade?

Answer---A doctor

P.S. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Hi again

> Yes, these are separate issues - when someone not on meds has normal

> levels, the majority of traditional doctors will not treat. The reason

> is that without the labs to support treatment, these docs could even be

> sued later.


> Now, when someone on meds has normal labs, that is taken as evidence

> that the dosage of meds the patient is on is working and should be

> maintained for health.



> Jan

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Guest guest

Yehuh! But this just makes me cringe as to what the medical schools turned

out today. Even the tiny amt of time medical students spend on studying the

thyroid, THIS isn't even a part of their training. I'm thinking these

doctors are asleep on the job or partied too much in medical school and

barely scraped by. Here's the joke:

What is a medical student who made a barely passing grade?

Answer---A doctor

P.S. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Hi again

> Yes, these are separate issues - when someone not on meds has normal

> levels, the majority of traditional doctors will not treat. The reason

> is that without the labs to support treatment, these docs could even be

> sued later.


> Now, when someone on meds has normal labs, that is taken as evidence

> that the dosage of meds the patient is on is working and should be

> maintained for health.



> Jan

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Guest guest

Yehuh! But this just makes me cringe as to what the medical schools turned

out today. Even the tiny amt of time medical students spend on studying the

thyroid, THIS isn't even a part of their training. I'm thinking these

doctors are asleep on the job or partied too much in medical school and

barely scraped by. Here's the joke:

What is a medical student who made a barely passing grade?

Answer---A doctor

P.S. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Hi again

> Yes, these are separate issues - when someone not on meds has normal

> levels, the majority of traditional doctors will not treat. The reason

> is that without the labs to support treatment, these docs could even be

> sued later.


> Now, when someone on meds has normal labs, that is taken as evidence

> that the dosage of meds the patient is on is working and should be

> maintained for health.



> Jan

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Oh, yeh, and the more popular one is " change of life " . Huhh!! It's a

change all right. Makes me wonder if my friends who are older than me never

have a " change of life " , being as they are very active, out there jogging,

partying, and acting like nothing ever happened to THEM!!

Re: Hi again

> well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

> they are told it is something else like nerves...

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Guest guest

Oh, yeh, and the more popular one is " change of life " . Huhh!! It's a

change all right. Makes me wonder if my friends who are older than me never

have a " change of life " , being as they are very active, out there jogging,

partying, and acting like nothing ever happened to THEM!!

Re: Hi again

> well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

> they are told it is something else like nerves...

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Guest guest

Oh, yeh, and the more popular one is " change of life " . Huhh!! It's a

change all right. Makes me wonder if my friends who are older than me never

have a " change of life " , being as they are very active, out there jogging,

partying, and acting like nothing ever happened to THEM!!

Re: Hi again

> well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

> they are told it is something else like nerves...

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Yeah, I had a friend who believes in past lifes I guess say what did I do to

someone to be like this


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: <The_Thyroid_Support_Group >

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:34:46 -0500


Oh, yeh, and the more popular one is " change of life " . Huhh!! It's a

change all right. Makes me wonder if my friends who are older than me never

have a " change of life " , being as they are very active, out there jogging,

partying, and acting like nothing ever happened to THEM!!

Re: Hi again

> well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

> they are told it is something else like nerves...

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Guest guest

Yeah, I had a friend who believes in past lifes I guess say what did I do to

someone to be like this


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: <The_Thyroid_Support_Group >

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:34:46 -0500


Oh, yeh, and the more popular one is " change of life " . Huhh!! It's a

change all right. Makes me wonder if my friends who are older than me never

have a " change of life " , being as they are very active, out there jogging,

partying, and acting like nothing ever happened to THEM!!

Re: Hi again

> well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

> they are told it is something else like nerves...

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Guest guest

Yeah, I had a friend who believes in past lifes I guess say what did I do to

someone to be like this


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: <The_Thyroid_Support_Group >

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:34:46 -0500


Oh, yeh, and the more popular one is " change of life " . Huhh!! It's a

change all right. Makes me wonder if my friends who are older than me never

have a " change of life " , being as they are very active, out there jogging,

partying, and acting like nothing ever happened to THEM!!

Re: Hi again

> well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

> they are told it is something else like nerves...

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wonder then if in the next life we come back as pigs!

Re: Hi again

> Yeah, I had a friend who believes in past lifes I guess say what did I do


> someone to be like this



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I want to come back as a graceful and limber creature on a planet where I won't be killed for my feathers, or fur or stem cells....

.... oh.. I could go on and one with this dream...

This is the thought that I want to have in my head tonight when I go to sleep.. I bet it would be the seed for a really nice dream!

Topper ()

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 13:15:25 -0500 "Feisty\(ThyroFeisty\)" writes:

wonder then if in the next life we come back as pigs!

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peppered bacon for what I want to end up


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: <The_Thyroid_Support_Group >

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 13:15:25 -0500


wonder then if in the next life we come back as pigs!

Re: Hi again

> Yeah, I had a friend who believes in past lifes I guess say what did I do


> someone to be like this



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peppered bacon for what I want to end up


>Reply-To: The_Thyroid_Support_Group

>To: <The_Thyroid_Support_Group >

>Subject: Re: Hi again

>Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 13:15:25 -0500


wonder then if in the next life we come back as pigs!

Re: Hi again

> Yeah, I had a friend who believes in past lifes I guess say what did I do


> someone to be like this



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Oh it is always nerves! Don't get me started. Someone posted an article

on PMS at my work forum (the one I moderate for a living) and although I

try to stay neutral, I had to rant about it. Basically it said that PMS

was " all in our heads " and is supposed to " teach us to slow down and not

try to adapt to male rhythm " . Yeah, we should sit at home resting, cause

it is not like women can do " male rhythm " things like working all 30

days of the month. Grrrrrrr. I am still angry and nope, it is NOT PMS time.


JAMY wrote:

>well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

>they are told it is something else like nerves...





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Oh it is always nerves! Don't get me started. Someone posted an article

on PMS at my work forum (the one I moderate for a living) and although I

try to stay neutral, I had to rant about it. Basically it said that PMS

was " all in our heads " and is supposed to " teach us to slow down and not

try to adapt to male rhythm " . Yeah, we should sit at home resting, cause

it is not like women can do " male rhythm " things like working all 30

days of the month. Grrrrrrr. I am still angry and nope, it is NOT PMS time.


JAMY wrote:

>well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

>they are told it is something else like nerves...





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Guest guest

Oh it is always nerves! Don't get me started. Someone posted an article

on PMS at my work forum (the one I moderate for a living) and although I

try to stay neutral, I had to rant about it. Basically it said that PMS

was " all in our heads " and is supposed to " teach us to slow down and not

try to adapt to male rhythm " . Yeah, we should sit at home resting, cause

it is not like women can do " male rhythm " things like working all 30

days of the month. Grrrrrrr. I am still angry and nope, it is NOT PMS time.


JAMY wrote:

>well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because

>they are told it is something else like nerves...





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I don't need PMS to go off on people that are too lazy to dx someone. I had low aldosterone, low renin, low ferritin and low transferrin. 2 DR's saw the flagged results and did nothing even though my blood pressure was something like 70/65. Only skinny people would have those test results, so both labs were wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Re: Hi again

Oh it is always nerves! Don't get me started. Someone posted an article on PMS at my work forum (the one I moderate for a living) and although I try to stay neutral, I had to rant about it. Basically it said that PMS was "all in our heads" and is supposed to "teach us to slow down and not try to adapt to male rhythm". Yeah, we should sit at home resting, cause it is not like women can do "male rhythm" things like working all 30 days of the month. Grrrrrrr. I am still angry and nope, it is NOT PMS time.JanJAMY wrote:>well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because >they are told it is something else like nerves...>>> >

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I don't need PMS to go off on people that are too lazy to dx someone. I had low aldosterone, low renin, low ferritin and low transferrin. 2 DR's saw the flagged results and did nothing even though my blood pressure was something like 70/65. Only skinny people would have those test results, so both labs were wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Re: Hi again

Oh it is always nerves! Don't get me started. Someone posted an article on PMS at my work forum (the one I moderate for a living) and although I try to stay neutral, I had to rant about it. Basically it said that PMS was "all in our heads" and is supposed to "teach us to slow down and not try to adapt to male rhythm". Yeah, we should sit at home resting, cause it is not like women can do "male rhythm" things like working all 30 days of the month. Grrrrrrr. I am still angry and nope, it is NOT PMS time.JanJAMY wrote:>well, here it gets even more sad, many women die of heart attacks because >they are told it is something else like nerves...>>> >

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