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Re: Here's Thea

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Happy birthday and Sharon. Take along a bag of pork rinds to the

movie. They are crunchy, salty and yummy and no carbs.

Re: Here's Thea


> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

> Thea






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Yes, if you are a type 2 and not using a short acting insulin like Humalog

or Novalog, then getting that blood sugar back down to normal levels can

take longer. This is also why I do not partake in those wonderful desserts

and sweets. I am one of the original sugar addicts. Now I infrequently

indulge myself.

Re: Here's Thea


> , you're probably used to type 1, but I don't envy you. As a

> type 2 I'm grateful I had 39 years, roughly, to indulge in sins of the

> tummy. I worked with a type 1 lady who was always so isolated at social

> functions, even stayed away from the cafeteria. This was in my

> pre-diabetic days. We all worked as Braille proofreaders at CNIB, and

> the sweets and carbs were always going around: Christmas, birthdays

> every time you turned around, baby showers, promotions, everything

> revolved around food.

> Here in Hawaii, it's the same. I feel kind of left out now bc I can no

> longer enjoy a luau. I mean the whole point of a luau is food.

> Hawaiian culture is so wrapped up in food, and I don't mean carrots and

> celery. Our church has social occasions my husband and I don't attend

> because sins of the tummy are the ever present pivotal point around the

> social occasions.

> Bring our own? Nah. Neither of us drives, so that would present a

> problem.

> I've really accepted this diabetes thing with grace, huh? Not.

> But I guess I get along tolerably.

> Thea







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Better yet, several cans of Mikelob Ultra or Aspin Edge. Two or three

carbs per can and if the movie is lousy, you can suck down enough that

you won't care! Yee haw!


> Happy birthday and Sharon. Take along a bag of pork rinds to the

> movie. They are crunchy, salty and yummy and no carbs.

> Re: Here's Thea


>> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

>> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

>> Thea






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Sorry for an obscure subject line, but I liked it better than constipation.


anyway, this is for Thea specifically, but anyone in general. As some of you

will recall, I have talked about using walnuts to raise my htl, but I also

stated it really helped keep things moving. I also had cronic constipation (if

there is such a thing) but now that I eat walnuts, probably at least 5 or 6 a

day, I am very pleased to be a regular mover again after many years. I do not

see any problem with my bg readings with the large intake of walnuts, but some

may. I don't think they are necessarily fattening, although they are a very

high fat food according to the nutritional data. The study I based my daily

amount on suggested 8-10 walnuts daily to help raise htl, but I don't think I

eat that many. My wife buys me the packaged ones which are of course allready

shelled. hth


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Low sugar reactions are not all that bad, if you can recognize when you are

having one. Fortunately, most type 2 diabetics get a low sugar reaction

warning, and can test to verify and they also use glucose tablets to counter

them. The glucose tablets insure the diabetic of not running extremely

high blood sugars, since bs of 160+ are definitely to be avoided and better

yet to avoid bs levels over 140. On average a 4 gram carb glucose tablet

will raise on average the blood glucose level around 20 points or so in 45

minutes to an hour. Compared to eating a candy bar, or drinking apple

juice, orange juice or a regular Coke, which any one of these sugar foods

can raise your blood sugar 200 points or so in the same amount of time,

pushing the bs well above safe levels. This is why it is advisable for the

diabetic to purchase and have with them at all times a supply of glucose

tablets. I buy mine from Walmart for a bottle of 50 of them for around $10.

Some type 1 diabetics do not have a low sugar warning, and when one of them

has a low sugar reaction, it can be dramatic and scarey.

Re: Here's Thea

>I saw a diabetic have a low sugar reaction on insulin, and it scared the

> bejeepers out of me.Glad I don't take insulin, and in that sense, I'm

> glad I'm a type 2.

> Thea







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I am a long time beer lover. My beer of choice these days is Mikelob Ultra,

due to the low carb content of each bottle of beer. While it does not come

near at all to being what I call a good beer, it at least is a beer. I

always keep a twelve pack in my refrigerator. While I prefer a Giennis or a

Bass Ale, preferably on draft, at least Mikelob Ultra will do.

Re: Here's Thea


>>> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

>>> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

>>> Thea






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I am a long time beer lover. My beer of choice these days is Mikelob Ultra,

due to the low carb content of each bottle of beer. While it does not come

near at all to being what I call a good beer, it at least is a beer. I

always keep a twelve pack in my refrigerator. While I prefer a Giennis or a

Bass Ale, preferably on draft, at least Mikelob Ultra will do.

Re: Here's Thea


>>> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

>>> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

>>> Thea






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I am a long time beer lover. My beer of choice these days is Mikelob Ultra,

due to the low carb content of each bottle of beer. While it does not come

near at all to being what I call a good beer, it at least is a beer. I

always keep a twelve pack in my refrigerator. While I prefer a Giennis or a

Bass Ale, preferably on draft, at least Mikelob Ultra will do.

Re: Here's Thea


>>> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

>>> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

>>> Thea






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You can say that again!

`Re: Here's Thea

> Actually, this is one of those discussions like whether apples or

> oranges are better; they both have their plusses and minuses. I consider

> insulin my friend. Keeps those diabetic complications away and, as

> says, one can corect for high bG much faster than one can any

> other way. Low bG can be a problem but, like everything else, for most

> people, with enough monitoring, one can avoid most of it. And with a

> little planning, even low bG can be managed. It is my observation that

> most people who have insulin reactions (I say most, not all) have fouled

> up somewhere -- too much insulin for what was eaten or too much

> exercise. And such persons often didn't have materials on hand to take

> care of the reaction.


> I'd much rather have a low bG problem than lose my kidneys, have a heart

> attack or lose a limb. Just a matter of perspective.


> Mike




>> I saw a diabetic have a low sugar reaction on insulin, and it scared the

>> bejeepers out of me.Glad I don't take insulin, and in that sense, I'm

>> glad I'm a type 2.

>> Thea







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My sentiments exactly! (grin)


> I am a long time beer lover. My beer of choice these days is Mikelob Ultra,

> due to the low carb content of each bottle of beer. While it does not come

> near at all to being what I call a good beer, it at least is a beer. I

> always keep a twelve pack in my refrigerator. While I prefer a Giennis or a

> Bass Ale, preferably on draft, at least Mikelob Ultra will do.

> Re: Here's Thea


>>>> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

>>>> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

>>>> Thea






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Hmmm? I thought I created a new message and gave it the subject of " my

solution. " Well, I guess after sending out umteen-thousand email messages over

probably 18 years one is entitled to goof one up. <smile> anyway, the message

body is correct.


Re: Here's Thea

Sorry for an obscure subject line, but I liked it better than constipation.


anyway, this is for Thea specifically, but anyone in general. As some of you

will recall, I have talked about using walnuts to raise my htl, but I also

stated it really helped keep things moving. I also had cronic constipation (if

there is such a thing) but now that I eat walnuts, probably at least 5 or 6 a

day, I am very pleased to be a regular mover again after many years. I do not

see any problem with my bg readings with the large intake of walnuts, but some

may. I don't think they are necessarily fattening, although they are a very

high fat food according to the nutritional data. The study I based my daily

amount on suggested 8-10 walnuts daily to help raise htl, but I don't think I

eat that many. My wife buys me the packaged ones which are of course allready

shelled. hth


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As a writer, I sometimes forget to eat, and have some low BG reactions,

like weakness. I've never gone so low I don't know where I am or can't

respond, like this gal did who was on insulin. She was ok the next dzay,

and told me she'd forgotten to compensate for some exercise she'd done,

and taken a bit more insulin than needed.


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Yes, anything can be made with Splenda! Look at their web site. There are

all kinds of cooking tips. But, birthday cake is made with flour, so thre

are still a lot of carbs from that. I personally have been all that fond of

cake or frosting-too sweet. Would rather have pumpkin pie.

Re: Here's Thea

I love chocolate cake. We have popcorn at home so I don't have to go to

the movies for that.

Can birthday cake be made with Splenda?


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Yes, anything can be made with Splenda! Look at their web site. There are

all kinds of cooking tips. But, birthday cake is made with flour, so thre

are still a lot of carbs from that. I personally have been all that fond of

cake or frosting-too sweet. Would rather have pumpkin pie.

Re: Here's Thea

I love chocolate cake. We have popcorn at home so I don't have to go to

the movies for that.

Can birthday cake be made with Splenda?


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Yes, anything can be made with Splenda! Look at their web site. There are

all kinds of cooking tips. But, birthday cake is made with flour, so thre

are still a lot of carbs from that. I personally have been all that fond of

cake or frosting-too sweet. Would rather have pumpkin pie.

Re: Here's Thea

I love chocolate cake. We have popcorn at home so I don't have to go to

the movies for that.

Can birthday cake be made with Splenda?


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Thanks for the hint, harry, but I can't stand pork rinds! As we are going

to dinner first, I am sure I won't need anything at all in the movie.

Re: Here's Thea

Happy birthday and Sharon. Take along a bag of pork rinds to the

movie. They are crunchy, salty and yummy and no carbs.

Re: Here's Thea


> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

> Thea






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But, Dave, are you on a tricyclic antidepressant? That's what's fouling

me up. Other than that, I don't have constipation, only since I started

the tricyclic antidepressants. The SSRI's made me gain weight, feel

nausea, and have diarrhea--the nausea and diarrhea came after I became


I appreciate all the health articles about laxatives, and I'd rather not

use them. It just seems that folks aren't getting what I'm saying: I've

tried all the natural alternatives, and they don't work. I have tried

various fruit, lots of water, walking, Metamucil, stool softeners, and

have experienced variously, water retension (another side effect of

tricyclics), stomach cramps bc the fiber wasn't going through my system,

sluggishness, flatulence, and general intestinal discomfort.

My psychiatrist consulted with a gastroenterologist who said there were

fewer gastro side effects on Desipramine than on Nortriptyline or any of

the other tricyclics, so he put me on that. I'm also on Klonopin, which

appears to cause the same side effects, according to what I read on the


Guys, it's my psych meds that are causing the intractable constipation.

Either I have to quit my psych meds or take laxatives while being

treated, for as long as the treatment lasts. That, according to my MD.


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But, Dave, are you on a tricyclic antidepressant? That's what's fouling

me up. Other than that, I don't have constipation, only since I started

the tricyclic antidepressants. The SSRI's made me gain weight, feel

nausea, and have diarrhea--the nausea and diarrhea came after I became


I appreciate all the health articles about laxatives, and I'd rather not

use them. It just seems that folks aren't getting what I'm saying: I've

tried all the natural alternatives, and they don't work. I have tried

various fruit, lots of water, walking, Metamucil, stool softeners, and

have experienced variously, water retension (another side effect of

tricyclics), stomach cramps bc the fiber wasn't going through my system,

sluggishness, flatulence, and general intestinal discomfort.

My psychiatrist consulted with a gastroenterologist who said there were

fewer gastro side effects on Desipramine than on Nortriptyline or any of

the other tricyclics, so he put me on that. I'm also on Klonopin, which

appears to cause the same side effects, according to what I read on the


Guys, it's my psych meds that are causing the intractable constipation.

Either I have to quit my psych meds or take laxatives while being

treated, for as long as the treatment lasts. That, according to my MD.


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Where do you get these tablets, Thea? I have a friend who is bad dhspe with

his diabetes and can no longer take metformen as it can even more

complications with his heart than he is already having. Maybe these would

help him.

Re: Here's Thea

Harry, our diabetic educator, herself a type 1, recommended RelyOn

tablets. We use those, though I've been known to forget to bring them

with me.


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What does your doctor say, Thea about the constipation problem?

Re: Here's Thea

But, Dave, are you on a tricyclic antidepressant? That's what's fouling

me up. Other than that, I don't have constipation, only since I started

the tricyclic antidepressants. The SSRI's made me gain weight, feel

nausea, and have diarrhea--the nausea and diarrhea came after I became


I appreciate all the health articles about laxatives, and I'd rather not

use them. It just seems that folks aren't getting what I'm saying: I've

tried all the natural alternatives, and they don't work. I have tried

various fruit, lots of water, walking, Metamucil, stool softeners, and

have experienced variously, water retension (another side effect of

tricyclics), stomach cramps bc the fiber wasn't going through my system,

sluggishness, flatulence, and general intestinal discomfort.

My psychiatrist consulted with a gastroenterologist who said there were

fewer gastro side effects on Desipramine than on Nortriptyline or any of

the other tricyclics, so he put me on that. I'm also on Klonopin, which

appears to cause the same side effects, according to what I read on the


Guys, it's my psych meds that are causing the intractable constipation.

Either I have to quit my psych meds or take laxatives while being

treated, for as long as the treatment lasts. That, according to my MD.


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Tell you what Pat,

Hit Harry up for some of his Mick and then you will like the pork


Cy, the Ancient Okie...

Re: Here's Thea

Happy birthday and Sharon. Take along a bag of pork rinds to


movie. They are crunchy, salty and yummy and no carbs.

Re: Here's Thea


> Woops, Pat, forgot to wish you happy birthday.

> How do you handle the birthday cake thing?

> Thea






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You have a good point. Since flour has so many carbs in it, I would rather

have a piece of sugar candy than a cookie.

Re: Here's Thea


> I love chocolate cake. We have popcorn at home so I don't have to go to

> the movies for that.

> Can birthday cake be made with Splenda?

> Thea







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