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Re: Metabolism of a Slug

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, you are probably right on target about the intervals and

fooling the body. I admire what you are doing. I learned that a long

time ago, but I love to eat so much that reducing calories and doing

the several small meals per day is something I have to psych myself

up for.

Even so, it just CHEWS ME UP to watch someone like my husband NOT do

the above, and STILL lose weight SO easily. Some folks are just

blessed with a better metabolism, especially if they have more

muscle like he does. Dang it!!


> We need to eat the correct number of calories at the correct time

> intervals to convince our bodies into believing that food is in

>plentiful supply and will be offered on a consistent basis. That

>way the body is gonna just go nuts burning calories willy nilly

>because it does not sense the need to go to the extra trouble of

>turning into fat.... When it knows that more food will be coming,

>regularly, it happily draws extra energy from the fat stores to

>make up for the fact that the calorie intake, although frequent,

>isn't quite enough to keep up with energy requirements.


> If you think about it, it makes perfect sense, I think.....


> How does Diet Power determine what your caloric intake should be?


> Topper ()


> On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 19:11:09 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

> " OM@b... " <OM@b...> writes:

> > Hi Janie and EveryOne,

> >

> > Janie wrote: I have the metabolism of a slug even on Armour,


> > it

> >

> > Me too!!! My Diet Power software has me now on less than 800

> > calories a day

> > to lose weight. I have lost 15 lbs. over several months and I


> > very good

> > food and take supplements but still: 800-900 calories is very

> > little!

> >

> > Now my temperature is usually over 97.6 to 98.6 and I am taking


> > 1/4 grains

> > of Armour. I exercise moderately but still my metabolism

> > sucks......I don't

> > quite understand how this can be and it makes me wonder if I

need to

> > up my

> > Armour more. I will gradually increase the 1/4 grain at night if


> > turns

> > out that the 1/4 grain does not cause problems.

> >

> > How can one be on the correct dose of Armour and still have a

> > hypo-metabolism? Why doesn't it go back to normal? I know I


> > exercise

> > more but is that the only option and would it make any

> > difference...

> > exercise burns very few calories unless you are chopping wood:-))

> >

> > Peace, Love and Harmony,

> > Bev

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, you are probably right on target about the intervals and

fooling the body. I admire what you are doing. I learned that a long

time ago, but I love to eat so much that reducing calories and doing

the several small meals per day is something I have to psych myself

up for.

Even so, it just CHEWS ME UP to watch someone like my husband NOT do

the above, and STILL lose weight SO easily. Some folks are just

blessed with a better metabolism, especially if they have more

muscle like he does. Dang it!!


> We need to eat the correct number of calories at the correct time

> intervals to convince our bodies into believing that food is in

>plentiful supply and will be offered on a consistent basis. That

>way the body is gonna just go nuts burning calories willy nilly

>because it does not sense the need to go to the extra trouble of

>turning into fat.... When it knows that more food will be coming,

>regularly, it happily draws extra energy from the fat stores to

>make up for the fact that the calorie intake, although frequent,

>isn't quite enough to keep up with energy requirements.


> If you think about it, it makes perfect sense, I think.....


> How does Diet Power determine what your caloric intake should be?


> Topper ()


> On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 19:11:09 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

> " OM@b... " <OM@b...> writes:

> > Hi Janie and EveryOne,

> >

> > Janie wrote: I have the metabolism of a slug even on Armour,


> > it

> >

> > Me too!!! My Diet Power software has me now on less than 800

> > calories a day

> > to lose weight. I have lost 15 lbs. over several months and I


> > very good

> > food and take supplements but still: 800-900 calories is very

> > little!

> >

> > Now my temperature is usually over 97.6 to 98.6 and I am taking


> > 1/4 grains

> > of Armour. I exercise moderately but still my metabolism

> > sucks......I don't

> > quite understand how this can be and it makes me wonder if I

need to

> > up my

> > Armour more. I will gradually increase the 1/4 grain at night if


> > turns

> > out that the 1/4 grain does not cause problems.

> >

> > How can one be on the correct dose of Armour and still have a

> > hypo-metabolism? Why doesn't it go back to normal? I know I


> > exercise

> > more but is that the only option and would it make any

> > difference...

> > exercise burns very few calories unless you are chopping wood:-))

> >

> > Peace, Love and Harmony,

> > Bev

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Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!

You know I've been experimenting with adjusting recipes to make the hypo

friendly (higher protein to carb content). This week one of my

experimental recipes turned out to be an A-1 success. I make my own

fettucine pasta.

check out these numbers: (serving size - calories - protein - carbs)

Store bought pasta/egg noodles:

1 cup cooked - 213 - 8 - 40

My home made pasta

1 cup cooked - 134 - 15.5 - 26.7

Now, this week I added some flavorings to the pasta when I made the

dough, Italian herbs, touch of garlic powder, salt, white pepper and a

dash of nutmeg.

I wanted to see if flavoring the pasta would allow me to go easier on the

sauce. It did!!

Total counts for Herb Pasta and Turkey burger mushroom gravy:

1 cup cooked pasta and 2/3 cup gravy - 289 -27.6 - 33.6

Once you get into the swing of eating frequently a light meal is all you

need. This particular meal was good for three hours, no feelings of

hunger at all at the two hour mark, so go for three on this one. Your

body is quite happy with it. By preparing a meal that you really enjoy

your taste buds are all happy too!

AND to top it off, it's under 30 cents a meal!!!

One of the things I'll be doing over the next couple of weeks is posting

my recipes over at OTDM for anyone that wants them. I may also be posting

them at the web sites.

What I've been doing is making up my meals and putting them into

containers in the fridge. All I have to do at meal time is grab a

container and pop it in the microwave. The food is already portioned and

it takes 1 minute and 20 seconds to heat it. I cook once each day,

setting up anywhere from 6 to 24 meals, depending on what I'm making.

Some I put in containers in the fridge to be used over the next couple of

days, the rest is frozen in serving sizes. Ready to quickly grab.

I made a scrumptious pork and vegie stew last week...

1 cup - 246 - 13.1 - 19.5

Did you know that large muffin tins hold 1 cup in each compartment?

Regular sized muffins hold 1/2 cup. You can portion out foods in the tins

and then freeze over night. Then pop them out of the tins by running a

bit of hot water on the bottom. Then just bag up your chunks. Have a

taste for your home made, soup, or stew or chile? Now you can just grab a

serving and satisfy that craving without making a whole big batch and

being tempted to pig out! And it's soooo convenient to have all of this

good and tasty homemade food.

No 'diet' that makes extra work and deprives you of foods that you enjoy

or that your body craves is going to work for long without making you

feel deprived.

This little project that I've been working on for, oh, about 6 weeks

now... is cutting labor, reducing time, and pretty much just setting me

up with 'instant' food. In portions that satisfy and keep total calorie

counts well within my guidelines.

Heck, I even got to do chocolate cupcakes this week. I did a version that

uses eggs and milk and corn oil (instead of shortening with seems to

available only in soy) I turned them upside down and put the icing on the

bottom. The bottom is about half the size of the top so you only use half

the icing - But it still 'look' covered so your brain doesn't trigger

deprivation. Counts on that

1 iced cupcake - 192 - 4.77 - 33

Still a naughty, indulgent treat, but by reducing the portion by making

it a cupcake instead of a slice of cake you've automatically reduced the

portion by 50%, and by turning it upside down to put on the icing, you've

reduce that by another 50%. You've heard the saying 'have your cake and

eat it too'? These freeze really well. So you can have them in the

freezer and if your taste buds are screaming for a chocolate yummy. It's

their, in a healthy portion.

None of this stuff has preservatives, no nasty additives... All good for

your body. I am leaning more and more over to the side that some of the

problems that our bodies are having with the foods that we eat are all

the chemicals in them. That stuff adds stress to our bodies, to our


It took a good week to get my body used to this new timing. But now...

hey it's great. I have a meal and I might sometimes be of the feeling

that I want more. But I look at the clock and remind myself that I can,

just have to wait for the 2 or 3 hour mark and then I can. After a while

it's cool. You have the meal and it's all yummy good and makes your body

smile (good food meals do that to me) and you realize that in two or 3

hours you get to have more! It's all the psychology needed to get you

through that 'give me more' thingy that your mind goes through.

I think it's worth playing around with, to find what your body wants in

terms of frequency and amounts to satisfy you and still reduce total

caloric intake.

My clothes are just hanging on me... it's unbelievable. I've not changed

my thyroid dosage since last August..... so the only difference right now

is the frequent meal thing. Tomorrow I set up my two week pill box (I

chop my pills every two weeks and set them up) I'm going to be increasing

my thyroid by 1/2 grain per day and my adrenal by 1/4 tab (from 4

quarters per day to 5). I think my body is ready to do another increase.

This 'should' increase weight loss. We'll know in a couple of weeks!

I better stop.. I'm so excited about how this is working.. I'm getting

carried away.....

Topper ()



On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 02:38:03 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> , you are probably right on target about the intervals and

> fooling the body. I admire what you are doing. I learned that a long

> time ago, but I love to eat so much that reducing calories and doing

> the several small meals per day is something I have to psych myself

> up for.

> Even so, it just CHEWS ME UP to watch someone like my husband NOT do

> the above, and STILL lose weight SO easily. Some folks are just

> blessed with a better metabolism, especially if they have more

> muscle like he does. Dang it!!


> Janie

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Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!

You know I've been experimenting with adjusting recipes to make the hypo

friendly (higher protein to carb content). This week one of my

experimental recipes turned out to be an A-1 success. I make my own

fettucine pasta.

check out these numbers: (serving size - calories - protein - carbs)

Store bought pasta/egg noodles:

1 cup cooked - 213 - 8 - 40

My home made pasta

1 cup cooked - 134 - 15.5 - 26.7

Now, this week I added some flavorings to the pasta when I made the

dough, Italian herbs, touch of garlic powder, salt, white pepper and a

dash of nutmeg.

I wanted to see if flavoring the pasta would allow me to go easier on the

sauce. It did!!

Total counts for Herb Pasta and Turkey burger mushroom gravy:

1 cup cooked pasta and 2/3 cup gravy - 289 -27.6 - 33.6

Once you get into the swing of eating frequently a light meal is all you

need. This particular meal was good for three hours, no feelings of

hunger at all at the two hour mark, so go for three on this one. Your

body is quite happy with it. By preparing a meal that you really enjoy

your taste buds are all happy too!

AND to top it off, it's under 30 cents a meal!!!

One of the things I'll be doing over the next couple of weeks is posting

my recipes over at OTDM for anyone that wants them. I may also be posting

them at the web sites.

What I've been doing is making up my meals and putting them into

containers in the fridge. All I have to do at meal time is grab a

container and pop it in the microwave. The food is already portioned and

it takes 1 minute and 20 seconds to heat it. I cook once each day,

setting up anywhere from 6 to 24 meals, depending on what I'm making.

Some I put in containers in the fridge to be used over the next couple of

days, the rest is frozen in serving sizes. Ready to quickly grab.

I made a scrumptious pork and vegie stew last week...

1 cup - 246 - 13.1 - 19.5

Did you know that large muffin tins hold 1 cup in each compartment?

Regular sized muffins hold 1/2 cup. You can portion out foods in the tins

and then freeze over night. Then pop them out of the tins by running a

bit of hot water on the bottom. Then just bag up your chunks. Have a

taste for your home made, soup, or stew or chile? Now you can just grab a

serving and satisfy that craving without making a whole big batch and

being tempted to pig out! And it's soooo convenient to have all of this

good and tasty homemade food.

No 'diet' that makes extra work and deprives you of foods that you enjoy

or that your body craves is going to work for long without making you

feel deprived.

This little project that I've been working on for, oh, about 6 weeks

now... is cutting labor, reducing time, and pretty much just setting me

up with 'instant' food. In portions that satisfy and keep total calorie

counts well within my guidelines.

Heck, I even got to do chocolate cupcakes this week. I did a version that

uses eggs and milk and corn oil (instead of shortening with seems to

available only in soy) I turned them upside down and put the icing on the

bottom. The bottom is about half the size of the top so you only use half

the icing - But it still 'look' covered so your brain doesn't trigger

deprivation. Counts on that

1 iced cupcake - 192 - 4.77 - 33

Still a naughty, indulgent treat, but by reducing the portion by making

it a cupcake instead of a slice of cake you've automatically reduced the

portion by 50%, and by turning it upside down to put on the icing, you've

reduce that by another 50%. You've heard the saying 'have your cake and

eat it too'? These freeze really well. So you can have them in the

freezer and if your taste buds are screaming for a chocolate yummy. It's

their, in a healthy portion.

None of this stuff has preservatives, no nasty additives... All good for

your body. I am leaning more and more over to the side that some of the

problems that our bodies are having with the foods that we eat are all

the chemicals in them. That stuff adds stress to our bodies, to our


It took a good week to get my body used to this new timing. But now...

hey it's great. I have a meal and I might sometimes be of the feeling

that I want more. But I look at the clock and remind myself that I can,

just have to wait for the 2 or 3 hour mark and then I can. After a while

it's cool. You have the meal and it's all yummy good and makes your body

smile (good food meals do that to me) and you realize that in two or 3

hours you get to have more! It's all the psychology needed to get you

through that 'give me more' thingy that your mind goes through.

I think it's worth playing around with, to find what your body wants in

terms of frequency and amounts to satisfy you and still reduce total

caloric intake.

My clothes are just hanging on me... it's unbelievable. I've not changed

my thyroid dosage since last August..... so the only difference right now

is the frequent meal thing. Tomorrow I set up my two week pill box (I

chop my pills every two weeks and set them up) I'm going to be increasing

my thyroid by 1/2 grain per day and my adrenal by 1/4 tab (from 4

quarters per day to 5). I think my body is ready to do another increase.

This 'should' increase weight loss. We'll know in a couple of weeks!

I better stop.. I'm so excited about how this is working.. I'm getting

carried away.....

Topper ()



On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 02:38:03 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> , you are probably right on target about the intervals and

> fooling the body. I admire what you are doing. I learned that a long

> time ago, but I love to eat so much that reducing calories and doing

> the several small meals per day is something I have to psych myself

> up for.

> Even so, it just CHEWS ME UP to watch someone like my husband NOT do

> the above, and STILL lose weight SO easily. Some folks are just

> blessed with a better metabolism, especially if they have more

> muscle like he does. Dang it!!


> Janie

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> Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!

And don't stop telling us the details!! Your personal experiments

are fascinating and inspiring. I loved the upside down frosted

cupcake!! haha


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> Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!

And don't stop telling us the details!! Your personal experiments

are fascinating and inspiring. I loved the upside down frosted

cupcake!! haha


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Such inspiration, Pard! Keep up the good work, ThyroGeek!

Did you use that homemade alfredo yet with the fettucine?So anxious to hear how

that turns out.You know me and parmesan.So it seems it is the tyrosine I am


Much hugs,


Re: Re: Metabolism of a slug

Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!

You know I've been experimenting with adjusting recipes to make the hypo

friendly (higher protein to carb content). This week one of my

experimental recipes turned out to be an A-1 success. I make my own

fettucine pasta.

check out these numbers: (serving size - calories - protein - carbs)

Store bought pasta/egg noodles:

1 cup cooked - 213 - 8 - 40

My home made pasta

1 cup cooked - 134 - 15.5 - 26.7

Now, this week I added some flavorings to the pasta when I made the

dough, Italian herbs, touch of garlic powder, salt, white pepper and a

dash of nutmeg.

I wanted to see if flavoring the pasta would allow me to go easier on the

sauce. It did!!

Total counts for Herb Pasta and Turkey burger mushroom gravy:

1 cup cooked pasta and 2/3 cup gravy - 289 -27.6 - 33.6

Once you get into the swing of eating frequently a light meal is all you

need. This particular meal was good for three hours, no feelings of

hunger at all at the two hour mark, so go for three on this one. Your

body is quite happy with it. By preparing a meal that you really enjoy

your taste buds are all happy too!

AND to top it off, it's under 30 cents a meal!!!

One of the things I'll be doing over the next couple of weeks is posting

my recipes over at OTDM for anyone that wants them. I may also be posting

them at the web sites.

What I've been doing is making up my meals and putting them into

containers in the fridge. All I have to do at meal time is grab a

container and pop it in the microwave. The food is already portioned and

it takes 1 minute and 20 seconds to heat it. I cook once each day,

setting up anywhere from 6 to 24 meals, depending on what I'm making.

Some I put in containers in the fridge to be used over the next couple of

days, the rest is frozen in serving sizes. Ready to quickly grab.

I made a scrumptious pork and vegie stew last week...

1 cup - 246 - 13.1 - 19.5

Did you know that large muffin tins hold 1 cup in each compartment?

Regular sized muffins hold 1/2 cup. You can portion out foods in the tins

and then freeze over night. Then pop them out of the tins by running a

bit of hot water on the bottom. Then just bag up your chunks. Have a

taste for your home made, soup, or stew or chile? Now you can just grab a

serving and satisfy that craving without making a whole big batch and

being tempted to pig out! And it's soooo convenient to have all of this

good and tasty homemade food.

No 'diet' that makes extra work and deprives you of foods that you enjoy

or that your body craves is going to work for long without making you

feel deprived.

This little project that I've been working on for, oh, about 6 weeks

now... is cutting labor, reducing time, and pretty much just setting me

up with 'instant' food. In portions that satisfy and keep total calorie

counts well within my guidelines.

Heck, I even got to do chocolate cupcakes this week. I did a version that

uses eggs and milk and corn oil (instead of shortening with seems to

available only in soy) I turned them upside down and put the icing on the

bottom. The bottom is about half the size of the top so you only use half

the icing - But it still 'look' covered so your brain doesn't trigger

deprivation. Counts on that

1 iced cupcake - 192 - 4.77 - 33

Still a naughty, indulgent treat, but by reducing the portion by making

it a cupcake instead of a slice of cake you've automatically reduced the

portion by 50%, and by turning it upside down to put on the icing, you've

reduce that by another 50%. You've heard the saying 'have your cake and

eat it too'? These freeze really well. So you can have them in the

freezer and if your taste buds are screaming for a chocolate yummy. It's

their, in a healthy portion.

None of this stuff has preservatives, no nasty additives... All good for

your body. I am leaning more and more over to the side that some of the

problems that our bodies are having with the foods that we eat are all

the chemicals in them. That stuff adds stress to our bodies, to our


It took a good week to get my body used to this new timing. But now...

hey it's great. I have a meal and I might sometimes be of the feeling

that I want more. But I look at the clock and remind myself that I can,

just have to wait for the 2 or 3 hour mark and then I can. After a while

it's cool. You have the meal and it's all yummy good and makes your body

smile (good food meals do that to me) and you realize that in two or 3

hours you get to have more! It's all the psychology needed to get you

through that 'give me more' thingy that your mind goes through.

I think it's worth playing around with, to find what your body wants in

terms of frequency and amounts to satisfy you and still reduce total

caloric intake.

My clothes are just hanging on me... it's unbelievable. I've not changed

my thyroid dosage since last August..... so the only difference right now

is the frequent meal thing. Tomorrow I set up my two week pill box (I

chop my pills every two weeks and set them up) I'm going to be increasing

my thyroid by 1/2 grain per day and my adrenal by 1/4 tab (from 4

quarters per day to 5). I think my body is ready to do another increase.

This 'should' increase weight loss. We'll know in a couple of weeks!

I better stop.. I'm so excited about how this is working.. I'm getting

carried away.....

Topper ()



On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 02:38:03 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> , you are probably right on target about the intervals and

> fooling the body. I admire what you are doing. I learned that a long

> time ago, but I love to eat so much that reducing calories and doing

> the several small meals per day is something I have to psych myself

> up for.

> Even so, it just CHEWS ME UP to watch someone like my husband NOT do

> the above, and STILL lose weight SO easily. Some folks are just

> blessed with a better metabolism, especially if they have more

> muscle like he does. Dang it!!


> Janie

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Such inspiration, Pard! Keep up the good work, ThyroGeek!

Did you use that homemade alfredo yet with the fettucine?So anxious to hear how

that turns out.You know me and parmesan.So it seems it is the tyrosine I am


Much hugs,


Re: Re: Metabolism of a slug

Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!

You know I've been experimenting with adjusting recipes to make the hypo

friendly (higher protein to carb content). This week one of my

experimental recipes turned out to be an A-1 success. I make my own

fettucine pasta.

check out these numbers: (serving size - calories - protein - carbs)

Store bought pasta/egg noodles:

1 cup cooked - 213 - 8 - 40

My home made pasta

1 cup cooked - 134 - 15.5 - 26.7

Now, this week I added some flavorings to the pasta when I made the

dough, Italian herbs, touch of garlic powder, salt, white pepper and a

dash of nutmeg.

I wanted to see if flavoring the pasta would allow me to go easier on the

sauce. It did!!

Total counts for Herb Pasta and Turkey burger mushroom gravy:

1 cup cooked pasta and 2/3 cup gravy - 289 -27.6 - 33.6

Once you get into the swing of eating frequently a light meal is all you

need. This particular meal was good for three hours, no feelings of

hunger at all at the two hour mark, so go for three on this one. Your

body is quite happy with it. By preparing a meal that you really enjoy

your taste buds are all happy too!

AND to top it off, it's under 30 cents a meal!!!

One of the things I'll be doing over the next couple of weeks is posting

my recipes over at OTDM for anyone that wants them. I may also be posting

them at the web sites.

What I've been doing is making up my meals and putting them into

containers in the fridge. All I have to do at meal time is grab a

container and pop it in the microwave. The food is already portioned and

it takes 1 minute and 20 seconds to heat it. I cook once each day,

setting up anywhere from 6 to 24 meals, depending on what I'm making.

Some I put in containers in the fridge to be used over the next couple of

days, the rest is frozen in serving sizes. Ready to quickly grab.

I made a scrumptious pork and vegie stew last week...

1 cup - 246 - 13.1 - 19.5

Did you know that large muffin tins hold 1 cup in each compartment?

Regular sized muffins hold 1/2 cup. You can portion out foods in the tins

and then freeze over night. Then pop them out of the tins by running a

bit of hot water on the bottom. Then just bag up your chunks. Have a

taste for your home made, soup, or stew or chile? Now you can just grab a

serving and satisfy that craving without making a whole big batch and

being tempted to pig out! And it's soooo convenient to have all of this

good and tasty homemade food.

No 'diet' that makes extra work and deprives you of foods that you enjoy

or that your body craves is going to work for long without making you

feel deprived.

This little project that I've been working on for, oh, about 6 weeks

now... is cutting labor, reducing time, and pretty much just setting me

up with 'instant' food. In portions that satisfy and keep total calorie

counts well within my guidelines.

Heck, I even got to do chocolate cupcakes this week. I did a version that

uses eggs and milk and corn oil (instead of shortening with seems to

available only in soy) I turned them upside down and put the icing on the

bottom. The bottom is about half the size of the top so you only use half

the icing - But it still 'look' covered so your brain doesn't trigger

deprivation. Counts on that

1 iced cupcake - 192 - 4.77 - 33

Still a naughty, indulgent treat, but by reducing the portion by making

it a cupcake instead of a slice of cake you've automatically reduced the

portion by 50%, and by turning it upside down to put on the icing, you've

reduce that by another 50%. You've heard the saying 'have your cake and

eat it too'? These freeze really well. So you can have them in the

freezer and if your taste buds are screaming for a chocolate yummy. It's

their, in a healthy portion.

None of this stuff has preservatives, no nasty additives... All good for

your body. I am leaning more and more over to the side that some of the

problems that our bodies are having with the foods that we eat are all

the chemicals in them. That stuff adds stress to our bodies, to our


It took a good week to get my body used to this new timing. But now...

hey it's great. I have a meal and I might sometimes be of the feeling

that I want more. But I look at the clock and remind myself that I can,

just have to wait for the 2 or 3 hour mark and then I can. After a while

it's cool. You have the meal and it's all yummy good and makes your body

smile (good food meals do that to me) and you realize that in two or 3

hours you get to have more! It's all the psychology needed to get you

through that 'give me more' thingy that your mind goes through.

I think it's worth playing around with, to find what your body wants in

terms of frequency and amounts to satisfy you and still reduce total

caloric intake.

My clothes are just hanging on me... it's unbelievable. I've not changed

my thyroid dosage since last August..... so the only difference right now

is the frequent meal thing. Tomorrow I set up my two week pill box (I

chop my pills every two weeks and set them up) I'm going to be increasing

my thyroid by 1/2 grain per day and my adrenal by 1/4 tab (from 4

quarters per day to 5). I think my body is ready to do another increase.

This 'should' increase weight loss. We'll know in a couple of weeks!

I better stop.. I'm so excited about how this is working.. I'm getting

carried away.....

Topper ()



On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 02:38:03 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> , you are probably right on target about the intervals and

> fooling the body. I admire what you are doing. I learned that a long

> time ago, but I love to eat so much that reducing calories and doing

> the several small meals per day is something I have to psych myself

> up for.

> Even so, it just CHEWS ME UP to watch someone like my husband NOT do

> the above, and STILL lose weight SO easily. Some folks are just

> blessed with a better metabolism, especially if they have more

> muscle like he does. Dang it!!


> Janie

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The cupcake was an inspiration. I love to have the frosting, although

these are good enough without. But with the stuff the Dr. Phil is sharing

about weight control is not depriving yourself of things that you love,

it's learning to control yourself and not over do it.

I tried using half the frosting but it made the cupcake look

pathetic..... but turn it upside down... and half the frosting looks


You still get a bit of frosting with each bite, it's a thick enough layer

to get a bit messy so that you have to lick your lips! All the

satisfaction.. but a much smaller portion!

Part of the food/hunger/deprivation is how we feel about something and

how it looks.... The better your gratification the less you NEED. If you

have something that does not satisfy what you crave, you eat more....

actually have a smaller portion of exactly what you crave and more times

than not you will not only consume fewer calories but are a heck of a lot


I start testing a new theory, effective today.

I have been splitting my vitamins into thirds, taking a piece with my

breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then I started splitting them into quarters

taking one with each of those three meals and one at 9 pm with my other

supplements. Today I split them into 6th (they're capsule shaped. I split

them in half, then cut of the rounded end and then split the middle part

in half, works great). I'll be taking a piece with each of my five meals

a day plus one at 9 with the supplements.

Our bodies let us know when they need fuel or nutrition by telling us to

eat, by causing us to feel hunger. When I was a body builder I learned

the value of nutrition throughout the day. I've learned since then that

our bodies do far better having high nutrition foods. For those of us

that are hypo with less than optimal metabolic rates I'm wondering. If we

can increase the nutritional value of our food with vitamin/mineral

supplements, will it reduce the hunger call even more? If we increase

that nutritional input at meals is it possible to drop calorie count just

that wee bit more?

I'll be finding out. The new regime starts today. I've increase my daily

thyroid and adrenal by 25% each and split my daily multi-vitamin/mineral

tablet into 6 pieces.

I forgot about my 10 am meal today. I looked up and saw that it was a

quarter to 11. Now, how many folks on a strict 'diet' have that happen?

Topper ()

On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 15:19:43 -0000 " loboshe " writes:

> > Janie.... I'm just so excited about how this is working!!!


> And don't stop telling us the details!! Your personal experiments

> are fascinating and inspiring. I loved the upside down frosted

> cupcake!! haha


> Janie

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I would if I could swing buying the ingredients... it's out of my


Sucks being poor! :(

Topper ()

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 09:56:47 -0600 " Webb Osterloh "


> Such inspiration, Pard! Keep up the good work, ThyroGeek!

> Did you use that homemade alfredo yet with the fettucine?So anxious

> to hear how that turns out.You know me and parmesan.So it seems it

> is the tyrosine I am needing......

> Much hugs,

> ThyroFeisty

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I would if I could swing buying the ingredients... it's out of my


Sucks being poor! :(

Topper ()

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 09:56:47 -0600 " Webb Osterloh "


> Such inspiration, Pard! Keep up the good work, ThyroGeek!

> Did you use that homemade alfredo yet with the fettucine?So anxious

> to hear how that turns out.You know me and parmesan.So it seems it

> is the tyrosine I am needing......

> Much hugs,

> ThyroFeisty

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BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time, exact

same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Hi ,


> I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in


> books too.


> However, when I tried your formula if my math was right:

considering I want

> to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories

and BTW

> I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I

eat more

> than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably

eat around

> 1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes


> off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my


> with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I


> rather than lose weight....


> So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds

of where I

> want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I

have been

> at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right

now I am at

> a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more

I gain

> more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I

am also

> eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a

way of

> eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I

am at my

> ideal weight.


> It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5'

8 " tall

> and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started


> hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so

ago. Then I

> gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have

now lost

> almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.


> If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it

doesn't work

> that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale

the next

> day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I

can't lose

> two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise

more, I

> don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I

will stick

> to it.


> Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my

body to

> go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I


> Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it

sounds better

> as long as it works for you.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


> PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do,

and your weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what

your individual metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat

and still lose weight. It uses all the information you put in every

day and keeps recalculating your own metabolic rate.

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BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time, exact

same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Hi ,


> I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in


> books too.


> However, when I tried your formula if my math was right:

considering I want

> to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories

and BTW

> I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I

eat more

> than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably

eat around

> 1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes


> off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my


> with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I


> rather than lose weight....


> So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds

of where I

> want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I

have been

> at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right

now I am at

> a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more

I gain

> more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I

am also

> eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a

way of

> eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I

am at my

> ideal weight.


> It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5'

8 " tall

> and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started


> hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so

ago. Then I

> gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have

now lost

> almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.


> If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it

doesn't work

> that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale

the next

> day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I

can't lose

> two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise

more, I

> don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I

will stick

> to it.


> Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my

body to

> go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I


> Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it

sounds better

> as long as it works for you.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


> PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do,

and your weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what

your individual metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat

and still lose weight. It uses all the information you put in every

day and keeps recalculating your own metabolic rate.

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BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time, exact

same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Hi ,


> I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in


> books too.


> However, when I tried your formula if my math was right:

considering I want

> to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories

and BTW

> I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I

eat more

> than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably

eat around

> 1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes


> off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my


> with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I


> rather than lose weight....


> So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds

of where I

> want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I

have been

> at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right

now I am at

> a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more

I gain

> more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I

am also

> eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a

way of

> eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I

am at my

> ideal weight.


> It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5'

8 " tall

> and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started


> hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so

ago. Then I

> gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have

now lost

> almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.


> If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it

doesn't work

> that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale

the next

> day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I

can't lose

> two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise

more, I

> don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I

will stick

> to it.


> Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my

body to

> go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I


> Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it

sounds better

> as long as it works for you.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


> PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do,

and your weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what

your individual metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat

and still lose weight. It uses all the information you put in every

day and keeps recalculating your own metabolic rate.

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Excellent advice, !


Re: Metabolism of a Slug

BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time, exact

same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Hi ,


> I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in


> books too.


> However, when I tried your formula if my math was right:

considering I want

> to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories

and BTW

> I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I

eat more

> than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably

eat around

> 1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes


> off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my


> with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I


> rather than lose weight....


> So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds

of where I

> want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I

have been

> at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right

now I am at

> a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more

I gain

> more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I

am also

> eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a

way of

> eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I

am at my

> ideal weight.


> It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5'

8 " tall

> and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started


> hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so

ago. Then I

> gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have

now lost

> almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.


> If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it

doesn't work

> that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale

the next

> day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I

can't lose

> two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise

more, I

> don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I

will stick

> to it.


> Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my

body to

> go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I


> Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it

sounds better

> as long as it works for you.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


> PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do,

and your weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what

your individual metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat

and still lose weight. It uses all the information you put in every

day and keeps recalculating your own metabolic rate.

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Excellent advice, !


Re: Metabolism of a Slug

BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time, exact

same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Hi ,


> I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in


> books too.


> However, when I tried your formula if my math was right:

considering I want

> to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories

and BTW

> I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I

eat more

> than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably

eat around

> 1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes


> off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my


> with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I


> rather than lose weight....


> So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds

of where I

> want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I

have been

> at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right

now I am at

> a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more

I gain

> more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I

am also

> eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a

way of

> eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I

am at my

> ideal weight.


> It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5'

8 " tall

> and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started


> hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so

ago. Then I

> gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have

now lost

> almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.


> If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it

doesn't work

> that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale

the next

> day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I

can't lose

> two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise

more, I

> don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I

will stick

> to it.


> Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my

body to

> go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I


> Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it

sounds better

> as long as it works for you.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


> PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do,

and your weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what

your individual metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat

and still lose weight. It uses all the information you put in every

day and keeps recalculating your own metabolic rate.

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Excellent advice, !


Re: Metabolism of a Slug

BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time, exact

same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Hi ,


> I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in


> books too.


> However, when I tried your formula if my math was right:

considering I want

> to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories

and BTW

> I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I

eat more

> than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably

eat around

> 1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes


> off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my


> with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I


> rather than lose weight....


> So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds

of where I

> want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I

have been

> at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right

now I am at

> a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more

I gain

> more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I

am also

> eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a

way of

> eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I

am at my

> ideal weight.


> It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5'

8 " tall

> and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started


> hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so

ago. Then I

> gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have

now lost

> almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.


> If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it

doesn't work

> that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale

the next

> day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I

can't lose

> two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise

more, I

> don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I

will stick

> to it.


> Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my

body to

> go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I


> Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it

sounds better

> as long as it works for you.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


> PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do,

and your weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what

your individual metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat

and still lose weight. It uses all the information you put in every

day and keeps recalculating your own metabolic rate.

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Bev, can you be adding muscle mass?


Metabolism of a Slug

Hi ,

I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in several

books too.

However, when I tried your formula if my math was right: considering I want

to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories and BTW

I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I eat more

than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably eat around

1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes on.......not

off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my metabolism

with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I gain

rather than lose weight....

So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds of where I

want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I have been

at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right now I am at

a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more I gain

more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I am also

eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a way of

eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I am at my

ideal weight.

It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5' 8 " tall

and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started being

hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so ago. Then I

gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have now lost

almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.

If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it doesn't work

that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale the next

day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I can't lose

two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise more, I

don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I will stick

to it.

Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my body to

go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I gain.

Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it sounds better

as long as it works for you.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do, and your

weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what your individual

metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat and still lose weight. It

uses all the information you put in every day and keeps recalculating your own

metabolic rate.

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Bev, can you be adding muscle mass?


Metabolism of a Slug

Hi ,

I hear you and it does make sense:-)) I have read the same thing in several

books too.

However, when I tried your formula if my math was right: considering I want

to weigh about 135 lbs it still came out to around 800-900 calories and BTW

I am losing about 1 pound a week even on that! The catch is, if I eat more

than 1,000 calories a day I start to _put on weight_. I probably eat around

1,000 calories a day now but if I eat any more the weight goes on.......not

off. I know I have watched it very carefully. I can increase my metabolism

with exercise but that also increases my appetite and once again I gain

rather than lose weight....

So I have lost almost 15 pounds and I am within about ten pounds of where I

want to go - maybe even closer, - it has been quite awhile since I have been

at these weights so I will see where I feel best and stop. Right now I am at

a weight I haven't seen in over ten years! On days when I eat more I gain

more. I keep track. I eat very well and often and it is working. I am also

eating a diet that includes carbs because I want to try to get a way of

eating that I can stay on - just adding a few more calories when I am at my

ideal weight.

It is so much easier to maintain a weight than to lose it! I am 5' 8 " tall

and at most, I weighed 180 lbs. Gained that 40 lbs. when I started being

hypothyroid I think and lost thirty of those pounds a year or so ago. Then I

gained back 10 of them so I weighed 160 a few months ago. I have now lost

almost 15 and will keep going till I reach the weight I like.

If I could eat any more and lose weight I would but for me it doesn't work

that way. On days when I eat a bit more I see it there on the scale the next

day. I can gain two pounds in one day after a big dinner but I can't lose

two pounds in a week. I have also noticed on days that I exercise more, I

don't necessarily lose weight. Since what I am doing is working I will stick

to it.

Probably all the fasting etc. I have done over the years taught my body to

go into fasting mode all the time. The more I eat the more weight I gain.

Wish it was otherwise....I wish your way would work for me, it sounds better

as long as it works for you.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


PS the diet power counts what you eat, plus the exercise you do, and your

weight loss and keeping track of all that lets you know what your individual

metabolic rate is and how many calories you can eat and still lose weight. It

uses all the information you put in every day and keeps recalculating your own

metabolic rate.

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Hi Bobby and EveryOne,

Yup, I've heard that one too: " Throw away the scale, or don't weigh yourself

every day " .

That may work for some people but it certainly didn't work for me. It was

during the years that I didn't even own a scale that I gained all the weight

Up until I went hypothyroid my body just maintained the right weight for me

no matter how much I ate, scale or no scale. I never really paid much

attention and figured my body knew what it was doing. Well all of a sudden

it didn't seem to know any more. I gained pound after pound and for quite

awhile trusted that my body was making some kind of adjustment and then

would stop. It didn't stop!

When I realized that my body was putting on weight no end in site, I bought

a scale: took off thirty pounds, and felt a lot better for it. Now I am on

the last of the weight I have to lose. Everything is different now then it

used to be before hypo: now I gain weight so fast that if I don't watch it

every day I can gain two pounds per day, five per week. It takes me two

weeks to take off two pounds I don't want to have to do that again and again

For me, the constant reinforcement of the scale and the diet power program

works. I have never dieted in my life before now, was always thin, and I

need the feedback of the scale and diet power program to know right away

what is happening. It is so hard to lose weight for me, usually a few ounces

a day, but so very easy to gain it. I don't want to go through that again

ever...........my intention is to reach my ideal weight and maintain it. Not

easy but easier than gaining and losing.. then I will use the scale to make

sure I am keeping to my " set point " to maintain my weight.

One man's nectar is another man's poison. We each have to find what works

for us and use it. It is wonderful to share ideas and it helps a lot. I am

trying to incorporate what I can of Topper's ideas into my program,

especially eating a little bit every so often. I have learned so much from

the folks on this list. In the end though, we have to take what works for us

and just do it!

Peace, Love and Harmony,


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Hi Bobby and EveryOne,

Yup, I've heard that one too: " Throw away the scale, or don't weigh yourself

every day " .

That may work for some people but it certainly didn't work for me. It was

during the years that I didn't even own a scale that I gained all the weight

Up until I went hypothyroid my body just maintained the right weight for me

no matter how much I ate, scale or no scale. I never really paid much

attention and figured my body knew what it was doing. Well all of a sudden

it didn't seem to know any more. I gained pound after pound and for quite

awhile trusted that my body was making some kind of adjustment and then

would stop. It didn't stop!

When I realized that my body was putting on weight no end in site, I bought

a scale: took off thirty pounds, and felt a lot better for it. Now I am on

the last of the weight I have to lose. Everything is different now then it

used to be before hypo: now I gain weight so fast that if I don't watch it

every day I can gain two pounds per day, five per week. It takes me two

weeks to take off two pounds I don't want to have to do that again and again

For me, the constant reinforcement of the scale and the diet power program

works. I have never dieted in my life before now, was always thin, and I

need the feedback of the scale and diet power program to know right away

what is happening. It is so hard to lose weight for me, usually a few ounces

a day, but so very easy to gain it. I don't want to go through that again

ever...........my intention is to reach my ideal weight and maintain it. Not

easy but easier than gaining and losing.. then I will use the scale to make

sure I am keeping to my " set point " to maintain my weight.

One man's nectar is another man's poison. We each have to find what works

for us and use it. It is wonderful to share ideas and it helps a lot. I am

trying to incorporate what I can of Topper's ideas into my program,

especially eating a little bit every so often. I have learned so much from

the folks on this list. In the end though, we have to take what works for us

and just do it!

Peace, Love and Harmony,


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Hi Bobby and EveryOne,

Yup, I've heard that one too: " Throw away the scale, or don't weigh yourself

every day " .

That may work for some people but it certainly didn't work for me. It was

during the years that I didn't even own a scale that I gained all the weight

Up until I went hypothyroid my body just maintained the right weight for me

no matter how much I ate, scale or no scale. I never really paid much

attention and figured my body knew what it was doing. Well all of a sudden

it didn't seem to know any more. I gained pound after pound and for quite

awhile trusted that my body was making some kind of adjustment and then

would stop. It didn't stop!

When I realized that my body was putting on weight no end in site, I bought

a scale: took off thirty pounds, and felt a lot better for it. Now I am on

the last of the weight I have to lose. Everything is different now then it

used to be before hypo: now I gain weight so fast that if I don't watch it

every day I can gain two pounds per day, five per week. It takes me two

weeks to take off two pounds I don't want to have to do that again and again

For me, the constant reinforcement of the scale and the diet power program

works. I have never dieted in my life before now, was always thin, and I

need the feedback of the scale and diet power program to know right away

what is happening. It is so hard to lose weight for me, usually a few ounces

a day, but so very easy to gain it. I don't want to go through that again

ever...........my intention is to reach my ideal weight and maintain it. Not

easy but easier than gaining and losing.. then I will use the scale to make

sure I am keeping to my " set point " to maintain my weight.

One man's nectar is another man's poison. We each have to find what works

for us and use it. It is wonderful to share ideas and it helps a lot. I am

trying to incorporate what I can of Topper's ideas into my program,

especially eating a little bit every so often. I have learned so much from

the folks on this list. In the end though, we have to take what works for us

and just do it!

Peace, Love and Harmony,


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You're exactly right... it's how healthy you are in the way your feel,

lack of illness, energy levels and self-esteem, not the numbers on the


According to the insurance charts/guidelines. I'm not supposed to weigh

more than 165... At 175 I was catching colds all the time, everyone of my

ribs showed.. we won't even talk about my hip and collar bones.. I looked


Topper ()

On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 22:12:35 -0000 " robert "


> BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

> yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time,

> exact

> same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

> If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

> you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

> feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

> Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Bobby

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You're exactly right... it's how healthy you are in the way your feel,

lack of illness, energy levels and self-esteem, not the numbers on the


According to the insurance charts/guidelines. I'm not supposed to weigh

more than 165... At 175 I was catching colds all the time, everyone of my

ribs showed.. we won't even talk about my hip and collar bones.. I looked


Topper ()

On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 22:12:35 -0000 " robert "


> BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

> yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time,

> exact

> same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

> If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

> you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

> feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

> Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Bobby

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You're exactly right... it's how healthy you are in the way your feel,

lack of illness, energy levels and self-esteem, not the numbers on the


According to the insurance charts/guidelines. I'm not supposed to weigh

more than 165... At 175 I was catching colds all the time, everyone of my

ribs showed.. we won't even talk about my hip and collar bones.. I looked


Topper ()

On Sun, 02 Nov 2003 22:12:35 -0000 " robert "


> BUTTING IN! Hi... Throw away your scale! Or if not, only weight

> yourself one time per week, and always the same day, same time,

> exact

> same scale, and scale location... and the same clothes, or NAKED...

> If you put TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOO much importance on the #### on the dial,

> you miss the point of FITTNESS, or body image... get to a place you

> feel good looking in the mirror, and screw the ### on the scale...

> Just my unwanted opinion!!!!!!


> Bobby

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