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Re: help / Ang.

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Since you gave me all this info now I seem to come up with alot of

questions for you.

Can you explain what BMR is? I am not sure but is it base metabolism


Also, regarding the calories you quote for sedatary, slightly active,

etc. seem quite high to me. I calculated everything I ate today and

it was about 1,100 calories. From what I remember about seeing alot

of diets I think a person is suppose to be in about that range of

calorie consumption for dieting but I am getting alittle confused

with like sedatary is says 2,412. If I only consumed about 1,100

that leaves 1,312 calories that I burned over and above what I

consumed by calories. Does that mean that ... by the way.. I just

got back from the gym. About an hour work out. I did the bicycle to

warm up, treadmill for 30 minutes, worked on my ab and arms for

awhile and then the stairmaster for 10 minutes. Afterwards I treated

myself to the sauna. Wow.. this all feels so good! Anyway, my

question... I guess I would consider with my workout that I really

could have consumed 3,395 calories.. (I only consumed 1,100) so that

means I burned 2,295? For some reason I am not sure I have this all

right. Please correct me if I do not. I also know it takes burning

3,500 calories to lose 1 lb right? I think the reason why I might be

confused is when you work the machines at the gym, they tell you how

many calories you burn. I guess I never calculated the whole rest of

my day as activity level also. (LOL)

Is this how I should be calculating lossing the fat? If not Ang, any

information you can give me to help me understand this better I would

greatly appreciate.

Thanks so very much.


> Your BMI is the same as mine was at my start lst year - 41. But my

> body fat was 49.31%, and yours is only 36.08% ! Boy that extra 3

> inches you have on me makes a difference!

> Let's see, 153 pounds of lean body mass, only 86 of it fat (I like

> seing such a small number associated with my fat. LOL)

> Ok. Your BMR is 1787. And sedative to slightly active is 2412

> calories a day. Moderately active is 2823, and if you HAVE to have

> pizza you can go clear up to 3395 calories if you are heavely


> that day to burn them off.

> If you loose 1.3 pounds a week you could get down to 170, your BMI

> down to 28 (wow - what a drop! I'm STILL at 31), in under a year.

> Man, only 44 waist too, mine was 49.9999999 (I refuse to say 50 - I

> just won't do it). LOL. Buy the way - at 170 now, my waist has

> dwindled down to a 31 1/2 :-) Wow - that's darn near 20 inches. I

> can't hardly believe it.

> Ang


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Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a while. I

missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> Ang,

> Can you explain what BMR is? I am not sure but is it base


> rate?

..........Yep, you got it :-)

Your body needs 'so many' calories per day just to function as a

living unit. This number of calories is the BMR. If we don't have

at least that amount of calories, instead of the organizm simply

dieing - our body is versitile enough to make adjustmants. And too

few calories = an adjustment in motabolism, lowering it so that it

doesn't cost the body so many calories to survive.

What we'd like to do is raise our motabolism to it's peek by eating

enough calories and eating foods that cost the body more calories to

digest (complex carbs, protien - basicaly if God grew it that way -

we can eat it :-)

> Also, regarding the calories you quote for sedatary, slightly


> etc. seem quite high to me.

........Yes, it was a hard thing for me to swallow at first too. I

was brought up in a world screaming 1200 calories for women, 1500

calories for men. Period. And to loose weight ment even less.

Well, I spent 10 years doing 1200 calories or less and did nothing

but slow my motablosim to a crawl. It took me almost 6 months to get

it back to where it belonged after I finaly ditched 'diet' ideas of

today and went strait to the books to learn about the body myself. I

am far from well learned, as there is SO MUCH to take into account,

but the amount of calories and what kind of calories they are are

important - the key. The diet industry was right that it all goes

back to the number of clories we eat - but they are basing it on the

wrong idea.

I actualy loose more weight eating 1800 calories a day, with an

occational boost of 2000 - 2200 than I doo at 1500 - 7000 calories a

day. I didn't just read info, I actualy tried doing many things and

keeping track of everything in my files.

(of course all bodyies are different - and everyone would have to

take the 'bace' idea and program it for their needs) - but I've now

lost 55 pounds without what you would consider a diet or exersice. I

have changed alot of things for a healthier way of life, in order to

get my body to do it's job efficently.

Us long term dieters see to avoid alot of things that our bdies need

to get rid of the fat, not only that - commmercial food industry has

taken out all the 'good stuf' we need and added a bunch of stuff that

bogges down our bodies.

Just simply adding a few supliments makes a difference, a few

essential amino acids and fatty iols that we don't get in our diet.

Our bodies weren't ment to store so much extra fat - some, but there

is a limit. If we store more than that, and don't have a medical

problem enducing it, then it is because our bodies are not

functioning properly and we need to look and see what it needs.

(basicaly, not less food - more nutriants).

> I am getting alittle confused

> with like sedatary is says 2,412. If I only consumed about 1,100

> that leaves 1,312 calories that I burned over and above what I

> consumed by calories.

.....No. and this is another area of big missconeption (thank you

diet world). How do I explain....(sorry, had to Lucia :-)....

Ok, you're child has a new battery opperated toy. A new battery with

lost of jiuce = a fast car, clear honking sounds, bright lights

flashing. What happens if you take out a good battery (at least BMR

calories), and put in a used one (only 1100 calories)? The lights

are dim, the noise is wabbled and low, it is slow and may not eve go

on the carpet.

Same thing. Only all the things that car is doing - for our bodies

is the calorie burning motabolism. If we want our bodies to burn

calories, burn fat, feel good and be healthy - it needs new

batteries. It will still run with the used batteries - but it will

not run at top function.

Now hopefully Lucia will jump in here and give those #s and %s

examples so I don't have to stop and get side tracked...

But say you ate 1100 calories a day this week.

Next week you tried the 1800 calories a day.

While eating the 1100 caloires a day your motabolism may only be

running at 50%.

While eating 1800 calories a day you motabolism is runing at 100%.

So if we figured out all the numbers, and added up exactly how many

calories a day your body burned during those times....you would find

that when eating only 1100 calories a day you may even have extra

calories you didn't burn, and while eating 1800 calories a day you

actualy burned more than that.

(I am so sorry this is so long - but I know it can be hard to

understand till it 'clicks' - then - it's a breeze.)

As far as wanting to eat less calories than you burn - that's why I

always stay just above my BMR. Even if I am at a moderate activity

level, I stay between my BMR and sedative calorie total. But I have

also learned that the body reacts to everything we do or eat. So

there are dtimes when I find that actually eating that 2500 calories

a day for a few days (my actual activity level) - that I will actualy

loose more weight - it kind of stokes the preverbial fire so to say.

If our bodies are given what it needs - it can deal with extra

calories nicely. Of course to eat that amount of calories every day,

that would result in my body adjusting to that new intake and burning

just that amount - which would = no loss.

> Anyway, my

> question... I guess I would consider with my workout that I really

> could have consumed 3,395 calories.. (I only consumed 1,100) so


> means I burned 2,295? For some reason I am not sure I have this


> right.

....IF you eat your BMR (1800 calories or what ever it was) - THEN you

could say, that with your motabolism functioning properly, you could

add up your calories consumed, then subtract all the activity burned

and come up with a number like that. But you haven't been eating

enough calories to have your motabolism running propperly. If your

motabolism is only functioning at 50% - then your only burning 1/2

the calories doing whatever it is you do during the day. That's why

you can actualy eat more and loose more weight when you keep track of

what your body needs.

Let me see if it's easier to see with an example.

Week 1:

Eating 1100 calories a day.

Doing 2000 calories worth of exersice and calorie burning a day.

Now we are lead to believe that this would mean we are depleted by

900 calories a day. Which would = almost a 2 pound loss a week.

Then we realise that we bearly loose anything at all, much less 2

pounds a week. Why? Because although we are 'doing' 2000 calories

worth of caloire burning activities - our body isn't using 2000

calories to do those activities. Why? Because the motabolism was

not up to par. Why? Because it didn't have enough calories to

maintain survivale if it didn't slow the calorie burning furnace

(motabolism). Too few calories, not enough water, not enough

movement, not enough/proper nutrition, certain foods - all these

things = slower motablosim.


Week 2

Eat 1800 calories a day.

Doing 2000 calories worth of calorie burning activities.

Here we would have a 1400 calorie deffinciatcy and therefore loose

almost 1/2 pound a week. We will hae eaten 700 calories more per day

and did the same activities, yet lost 1/2 pound a week instead of not

loosing. Why? Because our bodies had the fuel it needed (new

batteries) to do it's job propperly.

Now these numbers aren't real numbers - I'm sure all of us use more

than 2000 calories a day unless we literaly sit all day. So the

numbers would be different.

To increase your motablosm, certain foods (hot/spicey, proper

nutrition/suppliments or healthy eating or both/some form of

activity - not just exersice - but just steaedy movement. If your at

a desk all day - every so often go to the restroom, grab a drink of

water, stretch, tighten and feel the muscles in your body - just kind

of wake it up :-), eat enough calories, drink plenty of water (1/2

your body weight = # of oz.)

>Please correct me if I do not. I also know it takes burning

> 3,500 calories to lose 1 lb right?

......Yes, a pound of fat FROM fat. A pund from carbs is only like

500. So without bothering a lengthy explination - don't skimp out on

the carbs or do the atkins diet. A propperly runnning body will use

all the carbs and protien it gets (within reason of course).

> I think the reason why I might be

> confused is when you work the machines at the gym, they tell you


> many calories you burn.

......Right - they are telling you how many calories a PROPERLY

functioning body would be burning. Chances are (Lucia, do you know

about this?) - chances are that thtose machine, and the amount of

calories burned that it's showing are set for a healthy, lean, fit

person who has a motablism running at 100%. I meen I'd be more apt

to by a machine that would tell me I'm burning 200 calories and hour

vs the one that says - well, in your case lady, probly only 75 and

hour. LOL.

For a machine to tell you the real amount that you are burning - it

would have to be set up in one of thse air tight rooms I was talking

about and monitared by scientist. (how cool would that be!)

In lue of that - the next best approach would be - it would have to

be able to factore in your age, wight, hieght, calories consumed on

an average day, fat fat/water/lean mass %s....

> Is this how I should be calculating lossing the fat? If not Ang,


> information you can give me to help me understand this better I


> greatly appreciate.

.....Here are a few things to keep in mind, maybe learn about.

Fat = sugar don't mix. Eatting sugar = all your fat cells opening up

like little pac men just waiting for a dribble of fat to store. Eat

sugar free cookies, or fat free cookies - but not sugar and fat


Eat melon, friut or salads a good 1/2 hour before you eat your carbs

and protien for best diegestion and 'burnability'. Best way is to

have a bowl of salad, mellon or piece of fruit while your making the

dinner - then with your dinner - if you want to use a suppliment that

is natural, healthy and will aslo help keep gunk and fat out of your

system, take bromolne or aple pectone with the meal. You've hear " an

apple a day keeps the doctor away " ?

Well, truth be told, eat about 12 apples before each meal and that

indeed would probably keep the doctor away. The pecton in the apples

(bromalain in pineaple - fresh, ripe only), absorb alot of the

preservatives and adatives, and even some non essential fats that we

realy shouldn't be putting in our bodies.

Drink milk, eat hard darriy or take calcium suppliments (be sure to

get magnesium with it - or it won't be utalized propperly - NOT the

stuf with D - D can be over done.)

Take essential faty acids that can't be found in food today - they

regulate the uses and storge of fat.

If you don't eat much protien, take the amino acid suppliments or eat

the combo of foods together that = protien chain building amino

acids. (ex: Red beans and rice)

Drink water - the top layer of fat is pretty easy to loose as it is

hydrated. The lower layers are compact and have less blood

circulation. To get the fat storage emptied from these cells, it

takes more than just fewer calories than burned in a day. It takes

hydration and circulation. Exersice or rubbing is good to get the

blood flowing (Ya Lucia - I found yet another way around the

arobics. LOL - I can't even spell that horrid word!), and you need

lots of water so the cells rehydrate and then the essentioal fatty

acids to break up the fat small enough to pass through the cell

membranes. (that's why I keep telling everyone to get CLA).

Well - This is so long I will stop or everyone might rally to have me

expelled! LOL

I hope this helps a bit.



> Thanks so very much.


> Dianne



> > Your BMI is the same as mine was at my start lst year - 41. But


> > body fat was 49.31%, and yours is only 36.08% ! Boy that extra 3

> > inches you have on me makes a difference!

> > Let's see, 153 pounds of lean body mass, only 86 of it fat (I


> > seing such a small number associated with my fat. LOL)

> > Ok. Your BMR is 1787. And sedative to slightly active is 2412

> > calories a day. Moderately active is 2823, and if you HAVE to


> > pizza you can go clear up to 3395 calories if you are heavely

> active

> > that day to burn them off.

> > If you loose 1.3 pounds a week you could get down to 170, your


> > down to 28 (wow - what a drop! I'm STILL at 31), in under a


> > Man, only 44 waist too, mine was 49.9999999 (I refuse to say 50 -


> > just won't do it). LOL. Buy the way - at 170 now, my waist has

> > dwindled down to a 31 1/2 :-) Wow - that's darn near 20 inches.


> > can't hardly believe it.

> > Ang

> >

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Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a while. I

missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> Ang,

> Can you explain what BMR is? I am not sure but is it base


> rate?

..........Yep, you got it :-)

Your body needs 'so many' calories per day just to function as a

living unit. This number of calories is the BMR. If we don't have

at least that amount of calories, instead of the organizm simply

dieing - our body is versitile enough to make adjustmants. And too

few calories = an adjustment in motabolism, lowering it so that it

doesn't cost the body so many calories to survive.

What we'd like to do is raise our motabolism to it's peek by eating

enough calories and eating foods that cost the body more calories to

digest (complex carbs, protien - basicaly if God grew it that way -

we can eat it :-)

> Also, regarding the calories you quote for sedatary, slightly


> etc. seem quite high to me.

........Yes, it was a hard thing for me to swallow at first too. I

was brought up in a world screaming 1200 calories for women, 1500

calories for men. Period. And to loose weight ment even less.

Well, I spent 10 years doing 1200 calories or less and did nothing

but slow my motablosim to a crawl. It took me almost 6 months to get

it back to where it belonged after I finaly ditched 'diet' ideas of

today and went strait to the books to learn about the body myself. I

am far from well learned, as there is SO MUCH to take into account,

but the amount of calories and what kind of calories they are are

important - the key. The diet industry was right that it all goes

back to the number of clories we eat - but they are basing it on the

wrong idea.

I actualy loose more weight eating 1800 calories a day, with an

occational boost of 2000 - 2200 than I doo at 1500 - 7000 calories a

day. I didn't just read info, I actualy tried doing many things and

keeping track of everything in my files.

(of course all bodyies are different - and everyone would have to

take the 'bace' idea and program it for their needs) - but I've now

lost 55 pounds without what you would consider a diet or exersice. I

have changed alot of things for a healthier way of life, in order to

get my body to do it's job efficently.

Us long term dieters see to avoid alot of things that our bdies need

to get rid of the fat, not only that - commmercial food industry has

taken out all the 'good stuf' we need and added a bunch of stuff that

bogges down our bodies.

Just simply adding a few supliments makes a difference, a few

essential amino acids and fatty iols that we don't get in our diet.

Our bodies weren't ment to store so much extra fat - some, but there

is a limit. If we store more than that, and don't have a medical

problem enducing it, then it is because our bodies are not

functioning properly and we need to look and see what it needs.

(basicaly, not less food - more nutriants).

> I am getting alittle confused

> with like sedatary is says 2,412. If I only consumed about 1,100

> that leaves 1,312 calories that I burned over and above what I

> consumed by calories.

.....No. and this is another area of big missconeption (thank you

diet world). How do I explain....(sorry, had to Lucia :-)....

Ok, you're child has a new battery opperated toy. A new battery with

lost of jiuce = a fast car, clear honking sounds, bright lights

flashing. What happens if you take out a good battery (at least BMR

calories), and put in a used one (only 1100 calories)? The lights

are dim, the noise is wabbled and low, it is slow and may not eve go

on the carpet.

Same thing. Only all the things that car is doing - for our bodies

is the calorie burning motabolism. If we want our bodies to burn

calories, burn fat, feel good and be healthy - it needs new

batteries. It will still run with the used batteries - but it will

not run at top function.

Now hopefully Lucia will jump in here and give those #s and %s

examples so I don't have to stop and get side tracked...

But say you ate 1100 calories a day this week.

Next week you tried the 1800 calories a day.

While eating the 1100 caloires a day your motabolism may only be

running at 50%.

While eating 1800 calories a day you motabolism is runing at 100%.

So if we figured out all the numbers, and added up exactly how many

calories a day your body burned during those times....you would find

that when eating only 1100 calories a day you may even have extra

calories you didn't burn, and while eating 1800 calories a day you

actualy burned more than that.

(I am so sorry this is so long - but I know it can be hard to

understand till it 'clicks' - then - it's a breeze.)

As far as wanting to eat less calories than you burn - that's why I

always stay just above my BMR. Even if I am at a moderate activity

level, I stay between my BMR and sedative calorie total. But I have

also learned that the body reacts to everything we do or eat. So

there are dtimes when I find that actually eating that 2500 calories

a day for a few days (my actual activity level) - that I will actualy

loose more weight - it kind of stokes the preverbial fire so to say.

If our bodies are given what it needs - it can deal with extra

calories nicely. Of course to eat that amount of calories every day,

that would result in my body adjusting to that new intake and burning

just that amount - which would = no loss.

> Anyway, my

> question... I guess I would consider with my workout that I really

> could have consumed 3,395 calories.. (I only consumed 1,100) so


> means I burned 2,295? For some reason I am not sure I have this


> right.

....IF you eat your BMR (1800 calories or what ever it was) - THEN you

could say, that with your motabolism functioning properly, you could

add up your calories consumed, then subtract all the activity burned

and come up with a number like that. But you haven't been eating

enough calories to have your motabolism running propperly. If your

motabolism is only functioning at 50% - then your only burning 1/2

the calories doing whatever it is you do during the day. That's why

you can actualy eat more and loose more weight when you keep track of

what your body needs.

Let me see if it's easier to see with an example.

Week 1:

Eating 1100 calories a day.

Doing 2000 calories worth of exersice and calorie burning a day.

Now we are lead to believe that this would mean we are depleted by

900 calories a day. Which would = almost a 2 pound loss a week.

Then we realise that we bearly loose anything at all, much less 2

pounds a week. Why? Because although we are 'doing' 2000 calories

worth of caloire burning activities - our body isn't using 2000

calories to do those activities. Why? Because the motabolism was

not up to par. Why? Because it didn't have enough calories to

maintain survivale if it didn't slow the calorie burning furnace

(motabolism). Too few calories, not enough water, not enough

movement, not enough/proper nutrition, certain foods - all these

things = slower motablosim.


Week 2

Eat 1800 calories a day.

Doing 2000 calories worth of calorie burning activities.

Here we would have a 1400 calorie deffinciatcy and therefore loose

almost 1/2 pound a week. We will hae eaten 700 calories more per day

and did the same activities, yet lost 1/2 pound a week instead of not

loosing. Why? Because our bodies had the fuel it needed (new

batteries) to do it's job propperly.

Now these numbers aren't real numbers - I'm sure all of us use more

than 2000 calories a day unless we literaly sit all day. So the

numbers would be different.

To increase your motablosm, certain foods (hot/spicey, proper

nutrition/suppliments or healthy eating or both/some form of

activity - not just exersice - but just steaedy movement. If your at

a desk all day - every so often go to the restroom, grab a drink of

water, stretch, tighten and feel the muscles in your body - just kind

of wake it up :-), eat enough calories, drink plenty of water (1/2

your body weight = # of oz.)

>Please correct me if I do not. I also know it takes burning

> 3,500 calories to lose 1 lb right?

......Yes, a pound of fat FROM fat. A pund from carbs is only like

500. So without bothering a lengthy explination - don't skimp out on

the carbs or do the atkins diet. A propperly runnning body will use

all the carbs and protien it gets (within reason of course).

> I think the reason why I might be

> confused is when you work the machines at the gym, they tell you


> many calories you burn.

......Right - they are telling you how many calories a PROPERLY

functioning body would be burning. Chances are (Lucia, do you know

about this?) - chances are that thtose machine, and the amount of

calories burned that it's showing are set for a healthy, lean, fit

person who has a motablism running at 100%. I meen I'd be more apt

to by a machine that would tell me I'm burning 200 calories and hour

vs the one that says - well, in your case lady, probly only 75 and

hour. LOL.

For a machine to tell you the real amount that you are burning - it

would have to be set up in one of thse air tight rooms I was talking

about and monitared by scientist. (how cool would that be!)

In lue of that - the next best approach would be - it would have to

be able to factore in your age, wight, hieght, calories consumed on

an average day, fat fat/water/lean mass %s....

> Is this how I should be calculating lossing the fat? If not Ang,


> information you can give me to help me understand this better I


> greatly appreciate.

.....Here are a few things to keep in mind, maybe learn about.

Fat = sugar don't mix. Eatting sugar = all your fat cells opening up

like little pac men just waiting for a dribble of fat to store. Eat

sugar free cookies, or fat free cookies - but not sugar and fat


Eat melon, friut or salads a good 1/2 hour before you eat your carbs

and protien for best diegestion and 'burnability'. Best way is to

have a bowl of salad, mellon or piece of fruit while your making the

dinner - then with your dinner - if you want to use a suppliment that

is natural, healthy and will aslo help keep gunk and fat out of your

system, take bromolne or aple pectone with the meal. You've hear " an

apple a day keeps the doctor away " ?

Well, truth be told, eat about 12 apples before each meal and that

indeed would probably keep the doctor away. The pecton in the apples

(bromalain in pineaple - fresh, ripe only), absorb alot of the

preservatives and adatives, and even some non essential fats that we

realy shouldn't be putting in our bodies.

Drink milk, eat hard darriy or take calcium suppliments (be sure to

get magnesium with it - or it won't be utalized propperly - NOT the

stuf with D - D can be over done.)

Take essential faty acids that can't be found in food today - they

regulate the uses and storge of fat.

If you don't eat much protien, take the amino acid suppliments or eat

the combo of foods together that = protien chain building amino

acids. (ex: Red beans and rice)

Drink water - the top layer of fat is pretty easy to loose as it is

hydrated. The lower layers are compact and have less blood

circulation. To get the fat storage emptied from these cells, it

takes more than just fewer calories than burned in a day. It takes

hydration and circulation. Exersice or rubbing is good to get the

blood flowing (Ya Lucia - I found yet another way around the

arobics. LOL - I can't even spell that horrid word!), and you need

lots of water so the cells rehydrate and then the essentioal fatty

acids to break up the fat small enough to pass through the cell

membranes. (that's why I keep telling everyone to get CLA).

Well - This is so long I will stop or everyone might rally to have me

expelled! LOL

I hope this helps a bit.



> Thanks so very much.


> Dianne



> > Your BMI is the same as mine was at my start lst year - 41. But


> > body fat was 49.31%, and yours is only 36.08% ! Boy that extra 3

> > inches you have on me makes a difference!

> > Let's see, 153 pounds of lean body mass, only 86 of it fat (I


> > seing such a small number associated with my fat. LOL)

> > Ok. Your BMR is 1787. And sedative to slightly active is 2412

> > calories a day. Moderately active is 2823, and if you HAVE to


> > pizza you can go clear up to 3395 calories if you are heavely

> active

> > that day to burn them off.

> > If you loose 1.3 pounds a week you could get down to 170, your


> > down to 28 (wow - what a drop! I'm STILL at 31), in under a


> > Man, only 44 waist too, mine was 49.9999999 (I refuse to say 50 -


> > just won't do it). LOL. Buy the way - at 170 now, my waist has

> > dwindled down to a 31 1/2 :-) Wow - that's darn near 20 inches.


> > can't hardly believe it.

> > Ang

> >

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Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a while. I

missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> Ang,

> Can you explain what BMR is? I am not sure but is it base


> rate?

..........Yep, you got it :-)

Your body needs 'so many' calories per day just to function as a

living unit. This number of calories is the BMR. If we don't have

at least that amount of calories, instead of the organizm simply

dieing - our body is versitile enough to make adjustmants. And too

few calories = an adjustment in motabolism, lowering it so that it

doesn't cost the body so many calories to survive.

What we'd like to do is raise our motabolism to it's peek by eating

enough calories and eating foods that cost the body more calories to

digest (complex carbs, protien - basicaly if God grew it that way -

we can eat it :-)

> Also, regarding the calories you quote for sedatary, slightly


> etc. seem quite high to me.

........Yes, it was a hard thing for me to swallow at first too. I

was brought up in a world screaming 1200 calories for women, 1500

calories for men. Period. And to loose weight ment even less.

Well, I spent 10 years doing 1200 calories or less and did nothing

but slow my motablosim to a crawl. It took me almost 6 months to get

it back to where it belonged after I finaly ditched 'diet' ideas of

today and went strait to the books to learn about the body myself. I

am far from well learned, as there is SO MUCH to take into account,

but the amount of calories and what kind of calories they are are

important - the key. The diet industry was right that it all goes

back to the number of clories we eat - but they are basing it on the

wrong idea.

I actualy loose more weight eating 1800 calories a day, with an

occational boost of 2000 - 2200 than I doo at 1500 - 7000 calories a

day. I didn't just read info, I actualy tried doing many things and

keeping track of everything in my files.

(of course all bodyies are different - and everyone would have to

take the 'bace' idea and program it for their needs) - but I've now

lost 55 pounds without what you would consider a diet or exersice. I

have changed alot of things for a healthier way of life, in order to

get my body to do it's job efficently.

Us long term dieters see to avoid alot of things that our bdies need

to get rid of the fat, not only that - commmercial food industry has

taken out all the 'good stuf' we need and added a bunch of stuff that

bogges down our bodies.

Just simply adding a few supliments makes a difference, a few

essential amino acids and fatty iols that we don't get in our diet.

Our bodies weren't ment to store so much extra fat - some, but there

is a limit. If we store more than that, and don't have a medical

problem enducing it, then it is because our bodies are not

functioning properly and we need to look and see what it needs.

(basicaly, not less food - more nutriants).

> I am getting alittle confused

> with like sedatary is says 2,412. If I only consumed about 1,100

> that leaves 1,312 calories that I burned over and above what I

> consumed by calories.

.....No. and this is another area of big missconeption (thank you

diet world). How do I explain....(sorry, had to Lucia :-)....

Ok, you're child has a new battery opperated toy. A new battery with

lost of jiuce = a fast car, clear honking sounds, bright lights

flashing. What happens if you take out a good battery (at least BMR

calories), and put in a used one (only 1100 calories)? The lights

are dim, the noise is wabbled and low, it is slow and may not eve go

on the carpet.

Same thing. Only all the things that car is doing - for our bodies

is the calorie burning motabolism. If we want our bodies to burn

calories, burn fat, feel good and be healthy - it needs new

batteries. It will still run with the used batteries - but it will

not run at top function.

Now hopefully Lucia will jump in here and give those #s and %s

examples so I don't have to stop and get side tracked...

But say you ate 1100 calories a day this week.

Next week you tried the 1800 calories a day.

While eating the 1100 caloires a day your motabolism may only be

running at 50%.

While eating 1800 calories a day you motabolism is runing at 100%.

So if we figured out all the numbers, and added up exactly how many

calories a day your body burned during those times....you would find

that when eating only 1100 calories a day you may even have extra

calories you didn't burn, and while eating 1800 calories a day you

actualy burned more than that.

(I am so sorry this is so long - but I know it can be hard to

understand till it 'clicks' - then - it's a breeze.)

As far as wanting to eat less calories than you burn - that's why I

always stay just above my BMR. Even if I am at a moderate activity

level, I stay between my BMR and sedative calorie total. But I have

also learned that the body reacts to everything we do or eat. So

there are dtimes when I find that actually eating that 2500 calories

a day for a few days (my actual activity level) - that I will actualy

loose more weight - it kind of stokes the preverbial fire so to say.

If our bodies are given what it needs - it can deal with extra

calories nicely. Of course to eat that amount of calories every day,

that would result in my body adjusting to that new intake and burning

just that amount - which would = no loss.

> Anyway, my

> question... I guess I would consider with my workout that I really

> could have consumed 3,395 calories.. (I only consumed 1,100) so


> means I burned 2,295? For some reason I am not sure I have this


> right.

....IF you eat your BMR (1800 calories or what ever it was) - THEN you

could say, that with your motabolism functioning properly, you could

add up your calories consumed, then subtract all the activity burned

and come up with a number like that. But you haven't been eating

enough calories to have your motabolism running propperly. If your

motabolism is only functioning at 50% - then your only burning 1/2

the calories doing whatever it is you do during the day. That's why

you can actualy eat more and loose more weight when you keep track of

what your body needs.

Let me see if it's easier to see with an example.

Week 1:

Eating 1100 calories a day.

Doing 2000 calories worth of exersice and calorie burning a day.

Now we are lead to believe that this would mean we are depleted by

900 calories a day. Which would = almost a 2 pound loss a week.

Then we realise that we bearly loose anything at all, much less 2

pounds a week. Why? Because although we are 'doing' 2000 calories

worth of caloire burning activities - our body isn't using 2000

calories to do those activities. Why? Because the motabolism was

not up to par. Why? Because it didn't have enough calories to

maintain survivale if it didn't slow the calorie burning furnace

(motabolism). Too few calories, not enough water, not enough

movement, not enough/proper nutrition, certain foods - all these

things = slower motablosim.


Week 2

Eat 1800 calories a day.

Doing 2000 calories worth of calorie burning activities.

Here we would have a 1400 calorie deffinciatcy and therefore loose

almost 1/2 pound a week. We will hae eaten 700 calories more per day

and did the same activities, yet lost 1/2 pound a week instead of not

loosing. Why? Because our bodies had the fuel it needed (new

batteries) to do it's job propperly.

Now these numbers aren't real numbers - I'm sure all of us use more

than 2000 calories a day unless we literaly sit all day. So the

numbers would be different.

To increase your motablosm, certain foods (hot/spicey, proper

nutrition/suppliments or healthy eating or both/some form of

activity - not just exersice - but just steaedy movement. If your at

a desk all day - every so often go to the restroom, grab a drink of

water, stretch, tighten and feel the muscles in your body - just kind

of wake it up :-), eat enough calories, drink plenty of water (1/2

your body weight = # of oz.)

>Please correct me if I do not. I also know it takes burning

> 3,500 calories to lose 1 lb right?

......Yes, a pound of fat FROM fat. A pund from carbs is only like

500. So without bothering a lengthy explination - don't skimp out on

the carbs or do the atkins diet. A propperly runnning body will use

all the carbs and protien it gets (within reason of course).

> I think the reason why I might be

> confused is when you work the machines at the gym, they tell you


> many calories you burn.

......Right - they are telling you how many calories a PROPERLY

functioning body would be burning. Chances are (Lucia, do you know

about this?) - chances are that thtose machine, and the amount of

calories burned that it's showing are set for a healthy, lean, fit

person who has a motablism running at 100%. I meen I'd be more apt

to by a machine that would tell me I'm burning 200 calories and hour

vs the one that says - well, in your case lady, probly only 75 and

hour. LOL.

For a machine to tell you the real amount that you are burning - it

would have to be set up in one of thse air tight rooms I was talking

about and monitared by scientist. (how cool would that be!)

In lue of that - the next best approach would be - it would have to

be able to factore in your age, wight, hieght, calories consumed on

an average day, fat fat/water/lean mass %s....

> Is this how I should be calculating lossing the fat? If not Ang,


> information you can give me to help me understand this better I


> greatly appreciate.

.....Here are a few things to keep in mind, maybe learn about.

Fat = sugar don't mix. Eatting sugar = all your fat cells opening up

like little pac men just waiting for a dribble of fat to store. Eat

sugar free cookies, or fat free cookies - but not sugar and fat


Eat melon, friut or salads a good 1/2 hour before you eat your carbs

and protien for best diegestion and 'burnability'. Best way is to

have a bowl of salad, mellon or piece of fruit while your making the

dinner - then with your dinner - if you want to use a suppliment that

is natural, healthy and will aslo help keep gunk and fat out of your

system, take bromolne or aple pectone with the meal. You've hear " an

apple a day keeps the doctor away " ?

Well, truth be told, eat about 12 apples before each meal and that

indeed would probably keep the doctor away. The pecton in the apples

(bromalain in pineaple - fresh, ripe only), absorb alot of the

preservatives and adatives, and even some non essential fats that we

realy shouldn't be putting in our bodies.

Drink milk, eat hard darriy or take calcium suppliments (be sure to

get magnesium with it - or it won't be utalized propperly - NOT the

stuf with D - D can be over done.)

Take essential faty acids that can't be found in food today - they

regulate the uses and storge of fat.

If you don't eat much protien, take the amino acid suppliments or eat

the combo of foods together that = protien chain building amino

acids. (ex: Red beans and rice)

Drink water - the top layer of fat is pretty easy to loose as it is

hydrated. The lower layers are compact and have less blood

circulation. To get the fat storage emptied from these cells, it

takes more than just fewer calories than burned in a day. It takes

hydration and circulation. Exersice or rubbing is good to get the

blood flowing (Ya Lucia - I found yet another way around the

arobics. LOL - I can't even spell that horrid word!), and you need

lots of water so the cells rehydrate and then the essentioal fatty

acids to break up the fat small enough to pass through the cell

membranes. (that's why I keep telling everyone to get CLA).

Well - This is so long I will stop or everyone might rally to have me

expelled! LOL

I hope this helps a bit.



> Thanks so very much.


> Dianne



> > Your BMI is the same as mine was at my start lst year - 41. But


> > body fat was 49.31%, and yours is only 36.08% ! Boy that extra 3

> > inches you have on me makes a difference!

> > Let's see, 153 pounds of lean body mass, only 86 of it fat (I


> > seing such a small number associated with my fat. LOL)

> > Ok. Your BMR is 1787. And sedative to slightly active is 2412

> > calories a day. Moderately active is 2823, and if you HAVE to


> > pizza you can go clear up to 3395 calories if you are heavely

> active

> > that day to burn them off.

> > If you loose 1.3 pounds a week you could get down to 170, your


> > down to 28 (wow - what a drop! I'm STILL at 31), in under a


> > Man, only 44 waist too, mine was 49.9999999 (I refuse to say 50 -


> > just won't do it). LOL. Buy the way - at 170 now, my waist has

> > dwindled down to a 31 1/2 :-) Wow - that's darn near 20 inches.


> > can't hardly believe it.

> > Ang

> >

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Hi Ang,

Thanks for all the info! Wow.. I have heard it before but guess I

have heard it from someone who knows first hand now. It sounds like

you know your stuff when it comes to this.

Hey, I think I am going to have a real issue now with understanding

whether I should be eating more or less. Right now, I am trying to

eat as little as possible and even with a work out last night at the

gym which I feel was pretty good, I am up about 3 lbs this morning.

Like you say, maybe my metabolism is not running at full speed. Must

be the problem all along too. Well, I got alot more to learn here so

I better try and soak it in.


> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a while. I

> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)


> > Ang,


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Here are some of the basics I have learned:

To keep your metabolism up- eat several times a day, mini meals.

Do not skip meals, especially breakfast, it slows it down.

The longer you exercise, the longer your metabolism will stay elevated

after-after burn!

Stay hydrated- take your weight in half, that is the minimum ounces of

water you need. If you work out and sweat heavily, you need even more.

Avoid alcohol- it slows the metabolism and dehydrates you.

Everybody needs atleast 1200 cals a day for best body and brain

function so don't cut too much. It sounds strange but we actually need

to eat to lose.

Most of all, be patient and consistent. It needs to be a lifestyle

change. Things you will do for the rest of your life. not to just lose

but to maintain. And...... it's not just about numbers on a scale or

even inches. It is about a healthier lifestyle, feeling better. The

" results " are not always seen in the short term.

Just keep it simple, things you can stick with. That is why most diets

fail. People set unrealistic goal and set themselves up for failure.

Little changes, work on habits. You can do it!!!

Just to note here, I have lost 85 pounds. I have an under active

thyroid, arthritis, asthma, bad knees and back. If I can do it, anybody

can, really! Just work on one thing at a time wether it be getting more

active, eating better, staying hydrated, ect. You can do it!


> Hi Ang,


> Thanks for all the info! Wow.. I have heard it before but guess I

> have heard it from someone who knows first hand now. It sounds like

> you know your stuff when it comes to this.


> Hey, I think I am going to have a real issue now with understanding

> whether I should be eating more or less. Right now, I am trying to

> eat as little as possible and even with a work out last night at the

> gym which I feel was pretty good, I am up about 3 lbs this morning.


> Like you say, maybe my metabolism is not running at full speed. Must

> be the problem all along too. Well, I got alot more to learn here so

> I better try and soak it in.


> Dianne



>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a while. I

>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)


>>> Ang,





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And the point your at now is a scarry one, I remember. I remember

trying so hard to keep food at a minimum, activiey maxed and gaining

instead of looseing. I all but had to starve myself to NOT gain, and

still didn't loose. When I found out what the problem was, that I

needed more fuel for the body - I was more than happy at the thought

of eating more - as I was so hungry all the time - but scared that I

would gain even more.

Here's what I suggest. (FIRST - nothing fast - everything done

slowly, max at a few hundred calories a day so you don't put on any

weight trying to get yourself back in order)

Start taking your calcuim because your body needs it and it will help

a bit in the long run with getting your body to get rid of some extra

fat and keep it from storing too much. Be sure to be drinking enough

water too.

If your already use too fewer calories - it should be no problem for

you to stick to your BMR (which is the max wieght loss place for

calories counters). Take a good week to increase your calories up to

your BMR. But don't do it with a sweet treat or some no-no.

Instead - try to get your motabolism going strong by incorporateing

fiber and raw enzimes.

Maybe keeping your meals and snacks as they are - but add a piece of

7 grain, or whole grain bread to your lunch and breakfast. Maybe

some fresh pineapple (not canned) - keep a bowl of that on the

counter and grab a slice when you walk by. Try making a fresh

spinach salad with various types of lettus and cabage in it, some

boiled egg (whites - yolks are great for the dog), make croutons with

your 7 grain bread, lots of fresh veggies - tomatoe, bell peppers,

cucumber, clerey cut real REAL tiny, carrots, fat free dressings.

Things like that are excellent for health, you won't feel guilty

about them, and the complex carbs and live enzimes will make your

body very happy.

Also - if you like it and can handle it - do hot and spicey for

condoment. Every time my husband feels a bit 'chunky' he starts into

the peppers again and boy does it do a number to his motabolism. (I

never believed all that before - hot = burn calories - but seeing him

loose 225 pounds in one year made a believer out of me!)

Also - if you are exersiceing I wish you'd try CLA.

Do a search on it - I started taking it because of all the great

health benefits and because I knew my body needed it to function and

regulate fat (not store so much). Boy was I suprised to find that it

realy started sliding my weight off. One of the great 'side effects'

is that it breaks up the large fat molicules, letting the stored fat

permiate through the cell wall. With the stored energy running in

the blood, you feel less hungry, and your mucles use more energy

because it is prevalent and available. I noticed very quickly a

definate toneing in my muscles (you can even see them now!!!) I know

it was mucle building becuase in 10 days of takeing 4000 mg a day, I

had gained 3 pounds (muscle) but had lost a bit over a 1/2 inch in my

stomach and 1/4 inch on the upper thighs (lost fat). I beleive that

the reason it was so much easier for me to loose wieght after

discovering this - is because more muscle = more calories burned.

(Note - I won't take a 'diet' pill. That's about the worse thing you

can do for permanent weight loss. Ok if you have 5 pounds to loose

every now and again throu out life - but lots of loss = doing it the

right way. CLA is like a vitamin in regards that it is something we

need. But unlike most vitamins we can't get it from food anymore)


> Hi Ang,


> Thanks for all the info! Wow.. I have heard it before but guess I

> have heard it from someone who knows first hand now. It sounds


> you know your stuff when it comes to this.


> Hey, I think I am going to have a real issue now with understanding

> whether I should be eating more or less. Right now, I am trying to

> eat as little as possible and even with a work out last night at


> gym which I feel was pretty good, I am up about 3 lbs this



> Like you say, maybe my metabolism is not running at full speed.


> be the problem all along too. Well, I got alot more to learn here


> I better try and soak it in.


> Dianne



> > Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

> > answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a while.


> > missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> >

> > > Ang,

> >

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Hi Ang,

Yeah, this is scary. Not sure if I have ever seen this before with

me. I had alittle of the soup that I had made yesterday since

breakfast and I stepped on the scale and I am up another 2 lbs.. so

that is actually 5 more lbs. Wow. I can say today I am the heaviest

I have ever been in my life and I have been eating less and working

out. I can't dwell on it too much right now. I am doing too much

correctly but I am very puzzled at what I see.


> > > Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

> > > answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a


> I

> > > missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> > >

> > > > Ang,

> > >

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Ya. I know I watched the scale climb and climb to my high point I

couldn't stop it. I was so scared because I didn't want to be that

obese, and at the same I was afraid to diet because every time I did

I just put on even more weight.

I went from scared and desperate to completely giving up and deciding

I'd just get a divorce if I had to (so my husband wouldn't see me

like that), and just become a home bound person who did nothing but

eat and gain weight. I went back and forth all day everyday, eat and

give up - then scared and starve.

The only thing I could do is to finaly stop diets, forget about it

completely. I had to focus on living long enough to raise my new

baby and that's all that mattered to me at that point.


> > > > Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I


> > > > answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> while.

> > I

> > > > missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> > > >

> > > > > Ang,

> > > >

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Ya. I know I watched the scale climb and climb to my high point I

couldn't stop it. I was so scared because I didn't want to be that

obese, and at the same I was afraid to diet because every time I did

I just put on even more weight.

I went from scared and desperate to completely giving up and deciding

I'd just get a divorce if I had to (so my husband wouldn't see me

like that), and just become a home bound person who did nothing but

eat and gain weight. I went back and forth all day everyday, eat and

give up - then scared and starve.

The only thing I could do is to finaly stop diets, forget about it

completely. I had to focus on living long enough to raise my new

baby and that's all that mattered to me at that point.


> > > > Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I


> > > > answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> while.

> > I

> > > > missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> > > >

> > > > > Ang,

> > > >

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Ya. I know I watched the scale climb and climb to my high point I

couldn't stop it. I was so scared because I didn't want to be that

obese, and at the same I was afraid to diet because every time I did

I just put on even more weight.

I went from scared and desperate to completely giving up and deciding

I'd just get a divorce if I had to (so my husband wouldn't see me

like that), and just become a home bound person who did nothing but

eat and gain weight. I went back and forth all day everyday, eat and

give up - then scared and starve.

The only thing I could do is to finaly stop diets, forget about it

completely. I had to focus on living long enough to raise my new

baby and that's all that mattered to me at that point.


> > > > Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I


> > > > answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> while.

> > I

> > > > missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> > > >

> > > > > Ang,

> > > >

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It's just the salt in the soup. Drink alot of water today, get some

good cardio in if you can and eat some celery, works for me every time.

The celery is a good diuretic, so is watermelon.


> Hi Ang,


> Yeah, this is scary. Not sure if I have ever seen this before with

> me. I had alittle of the soup that I had made yesterday since

> breakfast and I stepped on the scale and I am up another 2 lbs.. so

> that is actually 5 more lbs. Wow. I can say today I am the heaviest

> I have ever been in my life and I have been eating less and working

> out. I can't dwell on it too much right now. I am doing too much

> correctly but I am very puzzled at what I see.


> Dianne



>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I had

>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> while.

>> I

>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)


>>>>> Ang,





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i am the same way, what's gone is gone and good for me, but i still

see what's there as well. my mom actually commented on my weight

loss this weekend which made me feel good untill we went shopping and

i saw this ugly belly in the mirror, that was all celulite looking,

roled up in a few areas, and i couldn't see my bellybutton the whoel

way. it just upset me. i want a belly button, i want to lose

mybelly. i love the rest of my body and feel i'm doing good losing

weight but id o want to get rid of this belly and it's frustrating

not to notice things yoruself.

> >>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

> > had

> >>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> >> while.

> >>> I

> >>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> >>>>>

> >>>>>> Ang,

> >>>>>

> >

> >

> >

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You have realy done great :-)

But I know what you mean about wondering why you don't feel so

great. I go back and forth. I'm excited and feel great about

myself - then some days instead of seeing how great I look I only see

how great I don't look. Some times I think - WOW I can whear a

13/14 - size 34 waist! Then other days I think - man - 34 waist???

170 pounds??? Am I nuts? How can I think I look good? I'm only

5'2 " for heavens sake!

But sinse I like feeling good vs. bad - I try to stay there. I realy

think attitude makes a big difference for me.

I have found that certain clothing makes me feel better than other

and I try to dress nice every day. Big change from 25 - 50 pounds

ago. Then I would wear huge t-shirts (most of them so old) and big

baggy jogging pants. Even if I weren't fat I'd have still looked



> >>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

> > had

> >>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> >> while.

> >>> I

> >>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> >>>>>

> >>>>>> Ang,

> >>>>>

> >

> >

> >

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You have realy done great :-)

But I know what you mean about wondering why you don't feel so

great. I go back and forth. I'm excited and feel great about

myself - then some days instead of seeing how great I look I only see

how great I don't look. Some times I think - WOW I can whear a

13/14 - size 34 waist! Then other days I think - man - 34 waist???

170 pounds??? Am I nuts? How can I think I look good? I'm only

5'2 " for heavens sake!

But sinse I like feeling good vs. bad - I try to stay there. I realy

think attitude makes a big difference for me.

I have found that certain clothing makes me feel better than other

and I try to dress nice every day. Big change from 25 - 50 pounds

ago. Then I would wear huge t-shirts (most of them so old) and big

baggy jogging pants. Even if I weren't fat I'd have still looked



> >>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

> > had

> >>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> >> while.

> >>> I

> >>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> >>>>>

> >>>>>> Ang,

> >>>>>

> >

> >

> >

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You have realy done great :-)

But I know what you mean about wondering why you don't feel so

great. I go back and forth. I'm excited and feel great about

myself - then some days instead of seeing how great I look I only see

how great I don't look. Some times I think - WOW I can whear a

13/14 - size 34 waist! Then other days I think - man - 34 waist???

170 pounds??? Am I nuts? How can I think I look good? I'm only

5'2 " for heavens sake!

But sinse I like feeling good vs. bad - I try to stay there. I realy

think attitude makes a big difference for me.

I have found that certain clothing makes me feel better than other

and I try to dress nice every day. Big change from 25 - 50 pounds

ago. Then I would wear huge t-shirts (most of them so old) and big

baggy jogging pants. Even if I weren't fat I'd have still looked



> >>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

> > had

> >>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> >> while.

> >>> I

> >>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> >>>>>

> >>>>>> Ang,

> >>>>>

> >

> >

> >

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Exactly! I don't know what these people are seeing. Sometimes I think

they are just being nice, I don't know. I know I look better but still

have a long ways to go. It's nice to get the weight loss recognized but

I know I don't look as good as people are saying I do, yet. I wont be

happy until my belly has gone down more and I can wear shirts without

worrying about my ugly flappy belly hanging out. I envy people who can

wear short midriff shirts! I don't know how much more I need to lose to

get rid of it but I guess when I'm there, I'm there. Just have to keep

focused. I got slack after reaching 200. i kind of let it get to my

head that I have lost so much but enough of that. I'm trying to get

back on track and work on the last of it.








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to getto my goal it's about 50 lbs or so of weight, but it's about 6-

7 inches of waist, and to me it looks like abotu thirty pounds

hanging there, but i'm probably exagerating, who knows maybe it is.

but maybe it's only ten or fifteen, i won't know till i get there as

well. today i'm much more positive and i know i can and will do this.

> ,

> Exactly! I don't know what these people are seeing. Sometimes I


> they are just being nice, I don't know. I know I look better but


> have a long ways to go. It's nice to get the weight loss recognized


> I know I don't look as good as people are saying I do, yet. I wont


> happy until my belly has gone down more and I can wear shirts


> worrying about my ugly flappy belly hanging out. I envy people who


> wear short midriff shirts! I don't know how much more I need to

lose to

> get rid of it but I guess when I'm there, I'm there. Just have to


> focused. I got slack after reaching 200. i kind of let it get to


> head that I have lost so much but enough of that. I'm trying to


> back on track and work on the last of it.


> Gena


> >>

> >>>

> >>>

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Oh yes, big baggy, cover up things! I'm all too familiar with those. My

belly still really bugs me so I still go for longer shirts but not as

baggy anymore. I'm very self conscious though and if I feel something

shows my belly too much I wont wear it. I am so dang thick waisted I

hate it! I have no butt, skinny legs but a 40 inch waist! I can wear

those pants that look like denim but are stretchy in a 14-16, some 18

but I'm not real comfortable. Most of my tops are 14-16 or X large. I

think I will be happy to get to a 10-12 in pants. I can't imagine

losing much more on top, I have big boobs. It's weird, when I'm doing

laundry or taking out a shirt it's like this looks soo small???! It

can't possibly fit! Then I put it on and it does. It's weird, I still

don't believe I'm that size ya know?


> You have realy done great :-)

> But I know what you mean about wondering why you don't feel so

> great. I go back and forth. I'm excited and feel great about

> myself - then some days instead of seeing how great I look I only see

> how great I don't look. Some times I think - WOW I can whear a

> 13/14 - size 34 waist! Then other days I think - man - 34 waist???

> 170 pounds??? Am I nuts? How can I think I look good? I'm only

> 5'2 " for heavens sake!

> But sinse I like feeling good vs. bad - I try to stay there. I realy

> think attitude makes a big difference for me.

> I have found that certain clothing makes me feel better than other

> and I try to dress nice every day. Big change from 25 - 50 pounds

> ago. Then I would wear huge t-shirts (most of them so old) and big

> baggy jogging pants. Even if I weren't fat I'd have still looked

> horrible.

> Ang



>>>>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

>>> had

>>>>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

>>>> while.

>>>>> I

>>>>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)


>>>>>>>> Ang,





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Oh yes, big baggy, cover up things! I'm all too familiar with those. My

belly still really bugs me so I still go for longer shirts but not as

baggy anymore. I'm very self conscious though and if I feel something

shows my belly too much I wont wear it. I am so dang thick waisted I

hate it! I have no butt, skinny legs but a 40 inch waist! I can wear

those pants that look like denim but are stretchy in a 14-16, some 18

but I'm not real comfortable. Most of my tops are 14-16 or X large. I

think I will be happy to get to a 10-12 in pants. I can't imagine

losing much more on top, I have big boobs. It's weird, when I'm doing

laundry or taking out a shirt it's like this looks soo small???! It

can't possibly fit! Then I put it on and it does. It's weird, I still

don't believe I'm that size ya know?


> You have realy done great :-)

> But I know what you mean about wondering why you don't feel so

> great. I go back and forth. I'm excited and feel great about

> myself - then some days instead of seeing how great I look I only see

> how great I don't look. Some times I think - WOW I can whear a

> 13/14 - size 34 waist! Then other days I think - man - 34 waist???

> 170 pounds??? Am I nuts? How can I think I look good? I'm only

> 5'2 " for heavens sake!

> But sinse I like feeling good vs. bad - I try to stay there. I realy

> think attitude makes a big difference for me.

> I have found that certain clothing makes me feel better than other

> and I try to dress nice every day. Big change from 25 - 50 pounds

> ago. Then I would wear huge t-shirts (most of them so old) and big

> baggy jogging pants. Even if I weren't fat I'd have still looked

> horrible.

> Ang



>>>>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

>>> had

>>>>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

>>>> while.

>>>>> I

>>>>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)


>>>>>>>> Ang,





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Oh I know! I look at my belly and think there is atleast 30 lbs right

there! Then there is the flab on my back, butt and arms, yuck! We can

do it. One day at a time. Stay positive, that's right!



> to getto my goal it's about 50 lbs or so of weight, but it's about 6-

> 7 inches of waist, and to me it looks like abotu thirty pounds

> hanging there, but i'm probably exagerating, who knows maybe it is.

> but maybe it's only ten or fifteen, i won't know till i get there as

> well. today i'm much more positive and i know i can and will do this.



>> ,

>> Exactly! I don't know what these people are seeing. Sometimes I

> think

>> they are just being nice, I don't know. I know I look better but

> still

>> have a long ways to go. It's nice to get the weight loss recognized

> but

>> I know I don't look as good as people are saying I do, yet. I wont

> be

>> happy until my belly has gone down more and I can wear shirts

> without

>> worrying about my ugly flappy belly hanging out. I envy people who

> can

>> wear short midriff shirts! I don't know how much more I need to

> lose to

>> get rid of it but I guess when I'm there, I'm there. Just have to

> keep

>> focused. I got slack after reaching 200. i kind of let it get to

> my

>> head that I have lost so much but enough of that. I'm trying to

> get

>> back on track and work on the last of it.


>> Gena









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Oh I know! I look at my belly and think there is atleast 30 lbs right

there! Then there is the flab on my back, butt and arms, yuck! We can

do it. One day at a time. Stay positive, that's right!



> to getto my goal it's about 50 lbs or so of weight, but it's about 6-

> 7 inches of waist, and to me it looks like abotu thirty pounds

> hanging there, but i'm probably exagerating, who knows maybe it is.

> but maybe it's only ten or fifteen, i won't know till i get there as

> well. today i'm much more positive and i know i can and will do this.



>> ,

>> Exactly! I don't know what these people are seeing. Sometimes I

> think

>> they are just being nice, I don't know. I know I look better but

> still

>> have a long ways to go. It's nice to get the weight loss recognized

> but

>> I know I don't look as good as people are saying I do, yet. I wont

> be

>> happy until my belly has gone down more and I can wear shirts

> without

>> worrying about my ugly flappy belly hanging out. I envy people who

> can

>> wear short midriff shirts! I don't know how much more I need to

> lose to

>> get rid of it but I guess when I'm there, I'm there. Just have to

> keep

>> focused. I got slack after reaching 200. i kind of let it get to

> my

>> head that I have lost so much but enough of that. I'm trying to

> get

>> back on track and work on the last of it.


>> Gena









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Oh I know! I look at my belly and think there is atleast 30 lbs right

there! Then there is the flab on my back, butt and arms, yuck! We can

do it. One day at a time. Stay positive, that's right!



> to getto my goal it's about 50 lbs or so of weight, but it's about 6-

> 7 inches of waist, and to me it looks like abotu thirty pounds

> hanging there, but i'm probably exagerating, who knows maybe it is.

> but maybe it's only ten or fifteen, i won't know till i get there as

> well. today i'm much more positive and i know i can and will do this.



>> ,

>> Exactly! I don't know what these people are seeing. Sometimes I

> think

>> they are just being nice, I don't know. I know I look better but

> still

>> have a long ways to go. It's nice to get the weight loss recognized

> but

>> I know I don't look as good as people are saying I do, yet. I wont

> be

>> happy until my belly has gone down more and I can wear shirts

> without

>> worrying about my ugly flappy belly hanging out. I envy people who

> can

>> wear short midriff shirts! I don't know how much more I need to

> lose to

>> get rid of it but I guess when I'm there, I'm there. Just have to

> keep

>> focused. I got slack after reaching 200. i kind of let it get to

> my

>> head that I have lost so much but enough of that. I'm trying to

> get

>> back on track and work on the last of it.


>> Gena









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I think I have a distorted body image. I Try not to judge my body,

but instead remember when I liked the way I looked and shoot for a

goal of those clothing.


> > ,

> > Exactly! I don't know what these people are seeing. Sometimes I

> think

> > they are just being nice, I don't know. I know I look better but

> still

> > have a long ways to go. It's nice to get the weight loss


> but

> > I know I don't look as good as people are saying I do, yet. I


> be

> > happy until my belly has gone down more and I can wear shirts

> without

> > worrying about my ugly flappy belly hanging out. I envy people


> can

> > wear short midriff shirts! I don't know how much more I need to

> lose to

> > get rid of it but I guess when I'm there, I'm there. Just have to

> keep

> > focused. I got slack after reaching 200. i kind of let it get to

> my

> > head that I have lost so much but enough of that. I'm trying to

> get

> > back on track and work on the last of it.

> >

> > Gena

> >

> > >>

> > >>>

> > >>>

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I know what you mean! And before - I'd do the laundry and run hide

it - put it away quick because it looked so huge! Now, (whispered)

there are a few dresses that are clingy like and when not on me the

look so tiny - I leave them right on top the basket! LOL

Love those boobs now - before long they may dissapear :-(

I kept mine for the longest time, then all of the sudden they

disapeared! From a DD to a B :-(

Freaks me out!


> >>>>>>> Sure. And no problem at all with the questions. I felt I

> >>> had

> >>>>>>> answered them all and didn't keep up with the group for a

> >>>> while.

> >>>>> I

> >>>>>>> missed it (and the extra motivation :-)

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>> Ang,

> >>>>>>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

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