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Hi Ralph......Hey, publicity

isn't my thing. Besides, it sounds very self-serving to promote one's

own web site. Now, if someone else wants to write "Today" or "Dateline"

and mention the JDMS Diary, that would be different ;-) However, we did have a nice front-page article in our local paper in

11/99, complete with photos. Someone send the paper's health reporter an

anonymous tip about . Ralph

But Ralph, you're so good at it !!!! You know what

happens when you become good at something... You get to do it ! What a wonderful thing to happen to you and your family. I think the

newspaper is a good way to get the public more aware of this disease.

Did anything happen after the news article....like doctors calling or

writing you wanting to know more? Hope you have a great day.


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> But Ralph, you're so good at it !!!! You know what happens when you

> become good at something... You get to do it ! What a wonderful thing

> to happen to you and your family. I think the newspaper is a good way

> to get the public more aware of this disease. Did anything happen

> after the news article....like doctors calling or writing you wanting

> to know more?

Actually, the silence after the article was deafening. Of course, we

heard about if from all our local family and friends and such that

didn't really know what was going on with , but nothing from

doctors or other JDMS families. I guess the reach wasn't far enough.

I get a LOT more feedback about the web site - say, 10-15 new email

contacts a week, even a rare note from a doctor.



Ralph Becker http://www.ralphb.net/

Will Juggle for Food. RKBA!

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> Ralph... Did the doctor who wrote you about 's Diary learn

> anything from it?

They don't learn anything medically, but they seem to appreciate seeing

a patient's perspective and that of their family. I liken it to how

doctors react to Jim's book - most have no idea what day-to-day life is

like with Myositis.

I see our doctors in Boston using it as a learning tool. They look at

their records and observations, and compare them to what appears in the

Diary. It helps them interact with other patients and their families,

I imagine.

I have heard that pediatric medical centers all over the world are

systematically sending new JDMS families to the Diary. I have also

been told that is an " international celebrity " in pediatric

rheumatology circles.



Ralph Becker http://www.ralphb.net/

Will Juggle for Food. RKBA!

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