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brain fog

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One of the drugs given for Neuropathy is Neurontin . . bad stuff! Rogenetoxicsalines@... wrote: DeDe, I have the neuropathy issues to, but not as severe as you do....I think Dr. Kolb put me on something for it, I am sure she did... My right three toes go numb..... I don't remember what exactly she gave me for that issue... I will have to do

some checking... I think when you get your implants removed, the issues regarding skin and numbness will cease a lot just from the removal.... Maybe others here have suggestions for neuropathy issues? I will check into the supplement given to me for the neuropathy.... I will pray you get these implants removed soon, I pray your heart is ok to do the surgery soon... God Bless, ~ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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It would probably be easier to count all those who haven't had brain fog . . . It comes with the implant saga. It does get much better as you detox. Rogene KissofSadness@... wrote: >>>>can i get a count of all people who had brain fog<<<< Super, and severe here... (I think it's something about all

of us has, or has had, so expect a lot of chime ins!) Hang in there!!! Hugs and prayers, Brigite AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Extremely bad stuff. I took it 4 days, was a zombie, threw it away.


At 10:23 PM 3/27/2007, you wrote:

>One of the drugs given for Neuropathy is Neurontin . . bad stuff!




>toxicsalines@... wrote:



>I have the neuropathy issues to, but not as severe as you do....I

>think Dr. Kolb put me on something for it, I am sure she did... My

>right three toes go numb..... I don't remember what exactly she gave

>me for that issue... I will have to do some checking... I think when

>you get your implants removed, the issues regarding skin and

>numbness will cease a lot just from the removal.... Maybe others

>here have suggestions for neuropathy issues? I will check into the

>supplement given to me for the neuropathy.... I will pray you get

>these implants removed soon, I pray your heart is ok to do the surgery soon...


>God Bless,








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Brigite ~

Brain Fog.................yup............been there ~done that, still do off and on.........count me in...........more often than I wish.......

Hugs ~ Prayer ~ DAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Yes, still numb, but I know Dr. Kolb gave me stuff to help this... I don't remember what it was exactly, I will try to find out for you.... Since explant it has gotten better, but not totally gone, but better.... I can only pray in time I can feel my toes again.... I have talked to Dr. Kolb regarding this and She see's this all the time in women who are sick from implants. Also she see's that it could just be on one site... Mine is on one side and not the other... Just so happened it is on the side were the implant was leaking the most.... Go Figure.... These devices do so much damage to our bodies. Why are they still claiming they are safe? Oh yes for money and greed....

God Bless,

~AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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I have had periphral neuropathy for 15 years. From what I am told, it is permanent now. They wanted me to have the IVIG treatment back in 1995 for it, but my insurance wouldnt cover it, even tho my oncologist, neurologist, and internal med doctor requested the treatment. They wouldnt cover it because of the cost of it. I appealed it, lost again and gave up. Just too sick to deal with it. I was implant free for 4 years and it did not go away. I really prefer no drugs , but will try natural things. I have far too many reactions to chemicals.......I hope your morning is bright and shiney ~ Hugs N Prayers ~ DAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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I have had periphral neuropathy for 15 years. From what I am told, it is permanent now. They wanted me to have the IVIG treatment back in 1995 for it, but my insurance wouldnt cover it, even tho my oncologist, neurologist, and internal med doctor requested the treatment. They wouldnt cover it because of the cost of it. I appealed it, lost again and gave up. Just too sick to deal with it. I was implant free for 4 years and it did not go away. I really prefer no drugs , but will try natural things. I have far too many reactions to chemicals.......I hope your morning is bright and shiney ~ Hugs N Prayers ~ DAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Here is Dr. Kolb's Protocol read this and see if any natural remedy for Neuropathy? Just make sure it does not have any silicone dioxide in the natural product, some are allergic and you need to get a silicone hypersensitivity test before taking products that have silicone in them.... Good Luck

Silicone Protocol

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Rogene ~

Yes, I took neurontin for about 6 years.... up to 900 mg a day. It did help cut the edge, but not worth it. the edge was far too big.........I just have too much free floating silicone, still to this day, even tho my entire chest wall was stripped with the 4 surgeries, then the baseball sized one removed. My body was pooping out and my PS didnt want to do any more detatchments til the pain was so bad I couldnt stand it anymore.......she didnt think I could make it thru the general again...........and Silicone is SAFE..............I am sorry to be so rude, but may all the men responsible for the safety of these devices have their member enhanced with silicone and be put on a 10 year study ! ! ! Then when they swell and get capsular contracture and have a permanent stiffness that they can no longer hide..........and they get cysts and tumors growing all around, and they get brain fog, and serious pain........ then perhaps they will begin to think with the head on their shoulders and stop the madness of having silicone in any form on the market for human consumption or implantation ! ! !

OK, just had a tourettes syndrome moment.........is that on the list of silicone poisen?? LOLOLOL..........yup........

Love and Hugs to all ~

DAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Hi , My toes go numb like this too all the time!! I didn't ever think that could be connected to anything. Thought I was just wearing ill fitting shoes or something. I learn new things here everyday!! So are your toes still numb after explant?? I hate the numbness! Katy:)toxicsalines@... wrote: DeDe, I have the neuropathy issues to, but not as severe as you do....I think Dr. Kolb put me on something for it, I am sure she did... My right three toes go numb..... I don't remember what exactly she gave me for that issue... I will have to do some checking... I think when you get your implants removed, the issues regarding skin and numbness will cease a lot just from the removal.... Maybe others here have suggestions for neuropathy issues? I will check into the supplement given to me for the neuropathy.... I will pray you get these implants removed soon, I pray your heart is ok to do the surgery soon... God Bless, ~ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more

about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Hi , My toes go numb like this too all the time!! I didn't ever think that could be connected to anything. Thought I was just wearing ill fitting shoes or something. I learn new things here everyday!! So are your toes still numb after explant?? I hate the numbness! Katy:)toxicsalines@... wrote: DeDe, I have the neuropathy issues to, but not as severe as you do....I think Dr. Kolb put me on something for it, I am sure she did... My right three toes go numb..... I don't remember what exactly she gave me for that issue... I will have to do some checking... I think when you get your implants removed, the issues regarding skin and numbness will cease a lot just from the removal.... Maybe others here have suggestions for neuropathy issues? I will check into the supplement given to me for the neuropathy.... I will pray you get these implants removed soon, I pray your heart is ok to do the surgery soon... God Bless, ~ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more

about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Gretchen it took me two years to get over the fact that I was no

longer the centerfold model. Traveling the world. I looked like a

completely different person. People didn't even recognize me. It was

very depressing going from a centerfold model who also did covers for

muscle and fitness magazines to being a mom and then getting sick

after my baby was born, It took me two years to come to terms with

that. I had to let that life go and make a new life. I was no longer

that centerfold girl traveling and getting atuographs riding on

yachts and getting paid tons of money for my looks, I had to let it

all go. My health was more imortant, I had to pick my self up and

make a new life for myself and my children. You go on or you sit

around feeling sorry for your self. That is the hard choice you have,

are you going to let this beat you? Or are you going to become a

survivor.You are never going to go back to that exact person. You

must learn from this experience and get proffessional help if you

need it and then move on to be a stronger better, more educated

person for it. You are young you have a chance to stand up and talk

about your new and improvved implants made you sick and show your

story, bring your medical records make someone listen to you. You

will get your power back.This is your chance to shine and bring your

experince up. Look at all the thigs that happened to you in such a

short time, This is a perfect example of why they should not have

been approved.

Terri P

-- In , " foxygretchy " <gretchenc@...>



> can i get a count of all people who had brain fog

> im suffering from it so bad

> i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...

> but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...

> and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off


> desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u

> remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look

> like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen..


> i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago

> before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all

> these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

> feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i


> that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru


> of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

> happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the

> world now.

> thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and

> this will end and i can LIVE.


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You can count me in,

Terri p


> >>>>can i get a count of all people who had brain fog<<<<


> Super, and severe here... (I think it's something about all of us

has, or

> has had, so expect a lot of chime ins!)


> Hang in there!!!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Brigite




> ************************************** AOL now offers free email to


> Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.


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thanks for the email. im sad bec. im 26... i was about to start my

dream job as a marketing manager and i had just done 2 fitness shows.

i never even got to be in a magazine or acheive those goals.. i

thought thats what implants would help with. :(

now i have no job nothing.. i dont know who i am.

> >

> > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog

> > im suffering from it so bad

> > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...

> > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...

> > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off

> my

> > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u

> > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look

> > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen..

> but

> > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago

> > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all

> > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

> > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i

> need

> > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru

> pix

> > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

> > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the

> > world now.

> > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and

> > this will end and i can LIVE.

> >


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has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that

they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms

krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do.

i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how

long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.

--- In , Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>



> Gretchen,


> You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are

> going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply

them. Dr.

> Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the

> panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your

> fear stand in between you and healing.


> Kenda



> > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog

> > im suffering from it so bad

> > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...

> > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...

> > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my

> > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u

> > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look

> > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but

> > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago

> > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all

> > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

> > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need

> > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix

> > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

> > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the

> > world now.

> > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and

> > this will end and i can LIVE.

> >


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Dear Gretchen, Don't worry, as you recover you will be able to pursue a fabulous job again. You're so young and you still have a bright future ahead of you to do anything you want! It is unfortunate that this experience has come along and been an obstacle, but you will move on from it to live whatever life you choose for yourself! Stay positive! Katy:)foxygretchy <gretchenc@...> wrote: thanks for the email. im sad bec.

im 26... i was about to start mydream job as a marketing manager and i had just done 2 fitness shows.i never even got to be in a magazine or acheive those goals.. ithought thats what implants would help with. :(now i have no job nothing.. i dont know who i am.> >> > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog> > im suffering from it so bad> > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...> > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...> > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off > my> > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u> > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look> > like you? like if i

look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. > but> > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago> > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all> > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt> > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i > need> > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru > pix> > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that> > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the> > world now.> > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and> > this will end and i can LIVE.> >>

All new -

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How is the diet going?


> has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that

> they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms

> krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do.

> i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how

> long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.




>> Gretchen,


>> You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are

>> going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply

> them. Dr.

>> Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the

>> panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your

>> fear stand in between you and healing.


>> Kenda



>>> can i get a count of all people who had brain fog

>>> im suffering from it so bad

>>> i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...

>>> but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...

>>> and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my

>>> desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u

>>> remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look

>>> like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but

>>> i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago

>>> before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all

>>> these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

>>> feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need

>>> that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix

>>> of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

>>> happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the

>>> world now.

>>> thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and

>>> this will end and i can LIVE.





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Gretchen, I think you should focus on your diet for sure, but I think you need to look a bit deeper into the adrenal fatigue issue as well. I think the crash you experienced may be related to adrenal issues as much or more than yeast, but that's just my 2 cents. It just seems too odd to have that severe a reaction from yeast alone. Pattyfoxygretchy <gretchenc@...> wrote: has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again thatthey had rid of for a month? i

know its the yeast all the symptomskrept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do.i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know howlong it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.--- In , Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>wrote:>> Gretchen,> > You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are> going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to applythem. Dr.> Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the> panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your> fear stand in between you and healing.> > Kenda> > > > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog> > im suffering from it so bad> > i know ppl say listen to

music u like, book you like, etc...> > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...> > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my> > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u> > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look> > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but> > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago> > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all> > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt> > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need> > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix> > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that> > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i

feel so lost in the> > world now.> > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and> > this will end and i can LIVE.> >>

Don't pick lemons.

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Gretchen's diet was not good, so I think yeast could have done it. It

certainly could do it to me.


At 01:19 PM 3/30/2007, you wrote:


>I think you should focus on your diet for sure, but I think you need

>to look a bit deeper into the adrenal fatigue issue as well. I

>think the crash you experienced may be related to adrenal issues as

>much or more than yeast, but that's just my 2 cents. It just seems

>too odd to have that severe a reaction from yeast alone.



>foxygretchy <gretchenc@...> wrote:

>has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that

>they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms

>krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do.

>i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how

>long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.


>--- In

><mailto: %40> ,

>Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>


> >

> > Gretchen,

> >

> > You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are

> > going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply

>them. Dr.

> > Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the

> > panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your

> > fear stand in between you and healing.

> >

> > Kenda

> >

> >

> > > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog

> > > im suffering from it so bad

> > > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...

> > > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...

> > > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my

> > > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u

> > > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look

> > > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but

> > > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago

> > > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all

> > > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

> > > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need

> > > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix

> > > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

> > > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the

> > > world now.

> > > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and

> > > this will end and i can LIVE.

> > >

> >




>Don't pick lemons.

>See all the



>2007 cars at





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ya my adrenals are messed up... when the yeast was gone and i tookhc i felt better... but i was eating bad the whole time. i feel like my lifeis over again.. yeast really makes my brain not work :( i have no memory again and it was back.

i cant beleive i was so close to getting better and i messed it up.its so scary to be in this state of mind again.On 3/30/07, Lynda <

coss@...> wrote:

Gretchen's diet was not good, so I think yeast could have done it. It

certainly could do it to me.


At 01:19 PM 3/30/2007, you wrote:


>I think you should focus on your diet for sure, but I think you need

>to look a bit deeper into the adrenal fatigue issue as well. I

>think the crash you experienced may be related to adrenal issues as

>much or more than yeast, but that's just my 2 cents. It just seems

>too odd to have that severe a reaction from yeast alone.



>foxygretchy <gretchenc@...> wrote:

>has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that

>they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms

>krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do.

>i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how

>long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.


>--- In

><mailto: %40group

s.com> ,

>Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>


> >

> > Gretchen,

> >

> > You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are

> > going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply

>them. Dr.

> > Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the

> > panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your

> > fear stand in between you and healing.

> >

> > Kenda

> >

> >

> > > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog

> > > im suffering from it so bad

> > > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...

> > > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...

> > > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my

> > > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u

> > > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look

> > > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but

> > > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago

> > > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all

> > > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

> > > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need

> > > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix

> > > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

> > > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the

> > > world now.

> > > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and

> > > this will end and i can LIVE.

> > >

> >




>Don't pick lemons.

>See all the



>2007 cars at





-- gretchen

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I know Candida issues can be very severe...I guess I thought it took alot longer than 5 weeks for them to crash a body though. Some people suffer through various stages for years and years before they figure out what is going on, and the fungus has a chance to mutate into the more virulent forms. I certainly don't know...just want to make sure she is treating all possible areas, not just one. It's only an opinion, and maybe it's a wrong one? But I think the hormonal issues are very much a possible consideration. Gretchen, did you say you had signs of adrenal insufficiency? Are you on Cortef? I personally feel that my issues were not totally candida related--I can't say that I ever really totally gave up sweeteners or sweets. I've been using small amounts of raw honey, maple syrup, and sucanat the whole time through my

illness, though I cut out white sugar and most junk foods full of sugar and white flour. But I've always celebrated birthdays with my kids and family, joining in with the cake and ice cream...I've definitely splurged on sweets at times. I agree that our diet is really important though. I'm just not certain that candida is the only thing that could be causing this cognitive dysfunction and brain fog. I don't think it was the only thing causing mine, as I had brain fog with my monthly cycle more than anything else. Patty Lynda <coss@...> wrote: Gretchen's diet was not good, so I think yeast could have done it. It certainly could do it to me.LyndaAt 01:19 PM 3/30/2007, you wrote:>Gretchen,>I think you should focus on your diet for sure, but I think you need >to look a bit deeper into the adrenal fatigue issue as well. I >think the crash you experienced may be related to adrenal issues as >much or more than yeast, but that's just my 2 cents. It just seems >too odd to have that severe a reaction from yeast alone.>Patty>>foxygretchy <gretchencgmail> wrote:>has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that>they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms>krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize

why and now i do.>i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how>long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.>>--- In ><mailto: %40> , >Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>>wrote:> >> > Gretchen,> >> > You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are> > going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply>them. Dr.> > Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the> > panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your> > fear stand in between you and healing.> >> > Kenda> >> >> > > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog>

> > im suffering from it so bad> > > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...> > > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...> > > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my> > > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u> > > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look> > > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but> > > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago> > > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all> > > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt> > > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need> > > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix>

> > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that> > > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the> > > world now.> > > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and> > > this will end and i can LIVE.> > >> >>>>>Don't pick lemons.>See all the ><http://autos./new_cars.html;_ylc=X3oDMTE0OGRsc3F2BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDbmV3Y2Fycw-->new >2007 cars at ><http://autos./new_cars.html;_ylc=X3oDMTE0OGRsc3F2BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDbmV3Y2Fycw-->! >Autos.>

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well i got sick from implants in 2 weeks, then after improper explant even sicker by 8 weeks.

after kolb my candida symptoms were gone... but i think i had adrenal fatigue because i felt much

better when i took cortef... even though i dont think i can take it bec. i had neg. sides from it (retaining water thirsty and left side of body blowing up 3x its size with headeaches) - this is why i had a sezuire.

since the sezuire where the hospital gave me TONS of gatorade to replenish my sodium and terrible food... then i got out and felt better

i was eating out with my mom and boyfriend every day - fries, pizza, chocolate, ranch, cheese, etc... so i never gave it up

to treat the yeast all the way like i should have. prob why i was craving such bad food and i kept saying i deserve it after all i had been through. i am so mad at myself beleive me. i never " saw " yeast so i guess i thought

that didnt apply to me. well... slowly (now i look back on this past month and realize)... i was getting all my old implant symptoms again

starting to get confused, burning back, fog, couldnt retain anything anymore, anxiety... etc. ALL this was gone after surgery!

Anyways.. now i have all those symptoms, terrible fog, yeast " down there " , in my brain, on my tongue, sores in my mouth.

So I know I have a yeast and an adrenal problem.. just sucks because its hard to treat both at once and I prob never really killed the yeast properly to begin with post surgery. :( now i cant even go to the bathroom so i dont know if i need colon cleanse or something.. because how can i get the yeast out if i cant go good. my job wants me back in a month or i might get fired and i might lose my apartment. honestly... i know the problem and im on the sporonox now and doing the diet. How long does it take to kill yeast or did I make my body grow it again and its going to be VERY hard to get rid of this time? I am very scared and very sad... but I know I saw the real me again for a few days and I want that back without all this memory loss agian. It is the scariest feeling in the world.

On 3/30/07, Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

I know Candida issues can be very severe...I guess I thought it took alot longer than 5 weeks for them to crash a body though. Some people suffer through various stages for years and years before they figure out what is going on, and the fungus has a chance to mutate into the more virulent forms.

I certainly don't know...just want to make sure she is treating all possible areas, not just one. It's only an opinion, and maybe it's a wrong one? But I think the hormonal issues are very much a possible consideration.

Gretchen, did you say you had signs of adrenal insufficiency? Are you on Cortef?

I personally feel that my issues were not totally candida related--I can't say that I ever really totally gave up sweeteners or sweets. I've been using small amounts of raw honey, maple syrup, and sucanat the whole time through my illness, though I cut out white sugar and most junk foods full of sugar and white flour. But I've always celebrated birthdays with my kids and family, joining in with the cake and ice cream...I've definitely splurged on sweets at times.

I agree that our diet is really important though. I'm just not certain that candida is the only thing that could be causing this cognitive dysfunction and brain fog. I don't think it was the only thing causing mine, as I had brain fog with my monthly cycle more than anything else.


Lynda <coss@...> wrote:

Gretchen's diet was not good, so I think yeast could have done it. It certainly could do it to me.LyndaAt 01:19 PM 3/30/2007, you wrote:>Gretchen,>I think you should focus on your diet for sure, but I think you need >to look a bit deeper into the adrenal fatigue issue as well. I >think the crash you experienced may be related to adrenal issues as >much or more than yeast, but that's just my 2 cents. It just seems >too odd to have that severe a reaction from yeast alone.>Patty>>foxygretchy <gretchenc@...

> wrote:>has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that>they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms>krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do.

>i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how>long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.>>--- In ><mailto:


, >Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>>wrote:> >> > Gretchen,> >> > You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are

> > going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply>them. Dr.> > Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the> > panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your

> > fear stand in between you and healing.> >> > Kenda> >> >> > > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog> > > im suffering from it so bad

> > > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...> > > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...> > > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my

> > > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u> > > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look> > > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but

> > > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple weeks ago> > > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all> > > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt

> > > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need> > > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix> > > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that

> > > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the> > > world now.> > > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and> > > this will end and i can LIVE.

> > >> >>>>>Don't pick lemons.>See all the ><

http://autos./new_cars.html;_ylc=X3oDMTE0OGRsc3F2BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDbmV3Y2Fycw-->new >2007 cars at ><

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-- gretchen

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I looked up Cortef after reading Patty's email to Gretchen....who is taking this? I'm not too sure about this one...it kind of scares me. What are hydrocortisone tablets? (Back to top) HYDROCORTISONE (Cortef®, Hydrocortone®) is a corticosteroid. It helps to reduce swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. Hydrocortisone is similar to natural steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland. Hydrocortisone treats severe allergies, skin problems, asthma, arthritis, or many other conditions. Generic hydrocortisone tablets are available.What should my health care professional know before I take hydrocortisone? (Back to top) They need to know if you have any of these conditions:•blood clotting disorder•Cushing's syndrome•diabetes•high blood pressure•infection, including chicken-pox, herpes, measles, or tuberculosis•liver disease•myasthenia gravis•osteoporosis•previous heart attack•psychosis•seizures (convulsions)•stomach or intestinal disease•under-active thyroid•an unusual or allergic reaction to hydrocortisone, corticosteroids, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives•pregnant or trying to get pregnant•breast-feedingHow should I take this medicine? (Back to top) Take hydrocortisone tablets by mouth. Follow the directions on the prescription label. Swallow the tablets

with a drink of water. Take with milk or food to avoid stomach upset. If you are only taking hydrocortisone once a day, take it in the morning, which is the time your body normally secretes cortisol. Take your doses at regular intervals. Do not take your medicine more often than directed. Do not stop taking hydrocortisone except on your prescriber's advice.Contact your pediatrician or health care professional regarding the use of this medicine in children. Special care may be needed.What if I miss a dose? (Back to top) If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you can. If it is almost time for your next dose, consult your prescriber or health care professional. You may need to miss a dose or take a double dose, depending on your condition and treatment. Do not take double or extra doses without advice.What drug(s) may interact with hydrocortisone? (Back to top) •antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen)•aspirin•barbiturate medicines for inducing sleep or treating seizures (convulsions)•bosentan•calcium supplements•carbamazepine•female hormones, including contraceptive or birth control pills•heart medicines•medicines for diabetes•medicines that improve muscle strength or tone for conditions like myasthenia gravis•phenytoin•rifampin•toxoids and vaccines•water pillsTell your prescriber or health care professional about all other medicines you are taking, including non-prescription medicines, nutritional supplements, or herbal products. Also tell your prescriber or health care professional if you are a frequent user of drinks with caffeine or alcohol, if you

smoke, or if you use illegal drugs. These may affect the way your medicine works. Check with your health care professional before stopping or starting any of your medicines.What side effects may I notice from taking hydrocortisone? (Back to top) Some side effects can be reduced by taking single daily doses in the morning. Check with your prescriber or health care professional to determine the best schedule for your condition.Side effects that you should report to your prescriber or health care professional as soon as possible:•bloody or black, tarry stools•confusion, excitement, restlessness, a false sense of well-being•eye pain, decreased or blurred vision, or bulging eyes•fever, sore throat, sneezing, cough, or other signs of infection•frequent passing of urine•hallucinations (seeing and

hearing things that are not really there)•increased thirst•irregular heartbeat•menstrual problems•mental depression, mood swings, mistaken feelings of self-importance, mistaken feelings of being mistreated•muscle cramps or muscle weakness•nausea, vomiting•pain in hips, back, ribs, arms, shoulders, or legs•rounding out of face•skin problems, acne•stomach pain•swelling of feet or lower legs•unusual bruising or red pinpoint spots on the skin•unusual tiredness or weakness•weight gain or weight loss•wounds that will not healSide effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your prescriber or health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):•diarrhea or constipation•change in taste•headache•increased appetite or loss of appetite•increased sweating•nervousness, restlessness, or difficulty sleeping•unusual increased growth of hair on the face or

body•upset stomachWhat should I watch for while taking hydrocortisone? (Back to top) Visit your prescriber or health care professional for regular checks on your progress. If you are taking corticosteroids for a long time, carry an identification card with your name, the type and dose of corticosteroid, and your prescriber's name and address. Do not suddenly stop taking hydrocortisone. You may need to gradually reduce the dose, so that your body can adjust. Follow the advice of your prescriber or health care professional.If you take corticosteroids for a long time, avoid contact with people who have an infection. You may be at an increased risk from infection while taking hydrocortisone. Tell your prescriber or health care professional if you are exposed to anyone with measles or chickenpox, or if you develop

sores or blisters that do not heal properly.People who are taking certain dosages of hydrocortisone may need to avoid immunization with certain vaccines or may need to have changes in their vaccination schedules to ensure adequate protection from certain diseases. Make sure to tell your prescriber or health care professional that you are taking hydrocortisone before receiving any vaccine.If you are diabetic, hydrocortisone can affect your blood sugar. Check with your prescriber or health care professional if you need help adjusting the dose of your diabetic medicine.If you take hydrocortisone tablets every day, you may need to watch your diet. Your body can also lose potassium while you take this medicine. Ask your prescriber or health care professional about your diet, especially about your salt intake.If you are going to have surgery tell your prescriber or health care professional that you are taking hydrocortisone, or have taken it

within the last 12 months.Alcohol can increase the risk of getting serious side effects while you are taking hydrocortisone. Avoid alcoholic drinks.Elderly patients have an increased risk of side effects from hydrocortisone.Hydrocortisone can interfere with certain lab tests and can cause false skin test results. ". .Gretchen. ." <gretchenc@...> wrote: well i got sick from implants in 2 weeks, then after improper explant even sicker by 8 weeks. after kolb

my candida symptoms were gone... but i think i had adrenal fatigue because i felt much better when i took cortef... even though i dont think i can take it bec. i had neg. sides from it (retaining water thirsty and left side of body blowing up 3x its size with headeaches) - this is why i had a sezuire. since the sezuire where the hospital gave me TONS of gatorade to replenish my sodium and terrible food... then i got out and felt better i was eating out with my mom and boyfriend every day - fries, pizza, chocolate, ranch, cheese, etc... so i never gave it up to treat the yeast all the way like i should have. prob why i was craving such bad food and i kept saying i deserve it after all i had been through. i am so mad at myself beleive me. i never "saw" yeast so i guess i thought that didnt apply to me. well... slowly (now i look back on this past month and realize)... i was getting all my old implant symptoms

again starting to get confused, burning back, fog, couldnt retain anything anymore, anxiety... etc. ALL this was gone after surgery! Anyways.. now i have all those symptoms, terrible fog, yeast "down there", in my brain, on my tongue, sores in my mouth. So I know I have a yeast and an adrenal problem.. just sucks because its hard to treat both at once and I prob never really killed the yeast properly to begin with post surgery. :( now i cant even go to the bathroom so i dont know if i need colon cleanse or something.. because how can i get the yeast out if i cant go good. my job wants me back in a month or i might get fired and i might lose my apartment. honestly... i know the problem and im on the sporonox now and doing the diet. How long does it take to kill yeast or did I make my body grow it again and its going to be VERY hard to get rid of this time? I am very scared and very sad... but I know I saw the real me

again for a few days and I want that back without all this memory loss agian. It is the scariest feeling in the world. On 3/30/07, Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401 > wrote: I know Candida issues can be very severe...I guess I thought it took alot longer than 5 weeks for them to crash a body though. Some people suffer through various stages for years and years before they figure out what is going on, and the fungus has a chance to mutate into the more virulent forms. I certainly don't know...just want to make sure she is treating all possible areas, not just one. It's only an opinion, and maybe it's a wrong one? But I

think the hormonal issues are very much a possible consideration. Gretchen, did you say you had signs of adrenal insufficiency? Are you on Cortef? I personally feel that my issues were not totally candida related--I can't say that I ever really totally gave up sweeteners or sweets. I've been using small amounts of raw honey, maple syrup, and sucanat the whole time through my illness, though I cut out white sugar and most junk foods full of sugar and white flour. But I've always celebrated birthdays with my kids and family, joining in with the cake and ice cream...I've definitely splurged on sweets at times. I agree that our diet is really important though. I'm just not certain that candida is the only thing that could be causing this cognitive dysfunction and brain fog. I don't think it was the only thing causing mine, as I had

brain fog with my monthly cycle more than anything else. Patty Lynda <cossprivatei> wrote: Gretchen's diet was not good, so I think yeast could have done it. It certainly could do it to me.LyndaAt 01:19 PM 3/30/2007, you wrote:>Gretchen,>I think you should focus on your diet for sure, but I think you need >to look a bit deeper into the adrenal fatigue issue as well. I >think the crash you experienced may be related to adrenal issues as >much or more than yeast, but that's just my 2 cents. It just seems >too odd to have that severe a reaction from yeast alone.>Patty>>foxygretchy <gretchencgmail >

wrote:>has anyone gone this far off the diet and got memory loss again that>they had rid of for a month? i know its the yeast all the symptoms>krept up again. i just didnt know or recognize why and now i do. >i regret messing up the good dr kolb did with diet and dotn know how>long it takes to kill this yeast agaimnn so i can think.>>--- In ><mailto: %40> , >Kenda Skaggs <lovesgoldens@...>>wrote:> >> > Gretchen,> >> > You really do need to focus on your healing and stop panicking. You are > > going to get better, you have the tools. You just need to apply>them.

Dr.> > Kolb and many women here have told you how. Please try to let go of the> > panic. You are not alone and you are not crazy but you are letting your > > fear stand in between you and healing.> >> > Kenda> >> >> > > can i get a count of all people who had brain fog> > > im suffering from it so bad > > > i know ppl say listen to music u like, book you like, etc...> > > but IN the fog i get scared.. i cant pay attention too much...> > > and i am trying to keep busy right now by cleaning the old pix off my > > > desktop. i know this may sound weird.. but if u had brain fog.. do u> > > remember looking at pix of u b4 the fog and thinking it doesnt look> > > like you? like if i look in the mirror right now i see gretchen.. but > > > i dont feel like her right now. i think i did a couple

weeks ago> > > before diet went haywire.. but its hard to remember now. i see all> > > these pix of this pretty happy girl.. i know its gretchen but doesnt > > > feel like its me. please tell me this goes away with the fog. i need> > > that feeling back.. its hard right now... feels like im going thru pix> > > of a dead friend or something bec its hard to remember being that > > > happy or being that girl a few months ago when i feel so lost in the> > > world now.> > > thanks guys.. sorry if i sound crazy. i just hope im not alone and> > > this will end and i can LIVE. > > >> >>>>>Don't pick lemons.>See all the ><

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