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Happy New Year - na Update

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Hi All,

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope your holidays were relaxing and enjoyable.

Like Annie I've been kind of swamped too - who hasn't with the holidays and young kids : )

Welcome to all of the new members. Keep fighting insurance. A lot of times it does pay to be the squeky wheel. So, far I'm still squeking.

I see was just casted - let us know when his band comes in. I also read a couple of new folks will be seeing Dr. Belcher. He really does get around doesn't he?! It's great to hear that he is wonderful and helping so many children in Europe.

To all the newbies - the band does raise your babies body temp. Remember to dress them accordingly. I remind myself all the time that na is wearing a "hat". I'm usually freezing so it takes some getting used to not to over bundle her.

Well na has had DOCband #2 for a little over 3 weeks. She is not growing near as fast as she did in band #1. In fact the most she has grown in any week is 1.5 mm. This past week there was no growth, but appeared to be a little correction in her forehead. Our ortho is happy with this more normal growth pattern for her age. She said she didn't want another fast grower like na any time soon : ) Right now it looks like she will be in this band until mid-february. We are going for adjustments every 10 days now. This is great compared to once a week especially since I got a speeding ticket this past Wednesday on my way to the Charlotte office - oops. The cop was very nice. He gave me a ticket, but for much lower than I was actually going. He asked what my hurry was. I think he felt sorry for me. He couldn't really see na in the back due to the tinted windows but I told him I was taking my daughter to Charlotte for a dr appointment (it was easier to say dr than orthotist or clinic - lol). He noted we lived in Florence (150 miles from Charlotte). He probably thought she had a major medical problem. I thank God all the time that it's fixable.

Speaking of God, na was baptised this past Sunday. I'm working on a new website that will have pics (www.thefilyaws.com) It's not up and runnig just yet. She was out of her band for a few hours.

& na

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