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Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

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is that glucophage?

-- Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

Thanks , but the Metformin was a wreck all by itself putting my in

the ER! Then I almost became addicted to Lomotil to counter the effects

of it. I would MUCH rather sue insulin than that again. Besides the

problem is this was let go three years by my stoopid doctor so it is not

just simple insulin resistance type 2. I am fairly certain from the

results I am not getting that I have little insulin left and a burned

out pancreas.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Ok Val, will do.

--- wrote:

> Tell ya what I will send you my info and if by 9AM I

> haven't posted

> anything to the list call me. but if I am at work

> you might have to try

> 2 numbers. I am online before work every AM unless i

> am dying! LOL That

> is my only time I am worried about is overnight if

> I should go too low

> in my sleep and not wake up to correct it. but

> believe me there is no

> danger of that right now. Maybe in another week when

> I get the insulin

> closer to what I probably need but I am adjusting

> very slowly and mostly

> in the daytime. I feel when my levels even get near

> 160 I start shaking.

> And that is not even close to where I should be but

> because I have had

> so high sugar for so long my body acts like it is

> too low way before it

> is, so I get plenty of warning.


> --

> Artistic

> Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store

> (Closing after Xmas!!!)


> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/







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Can you set your alarm for midnight and have some peanut or cashew butter on

graham crackers ready?

-- Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

Tell ya what I will send you my info and if by 9AM I haven't posted

anything to the list call me. but if I am at work you might have to try

2 numbers. I am online before work every AM unless i am dying! LOL That

is my only time I am worried about is overnight if I should go too low

in my sleep and not wake up to correct it. but believe me there is no

danger of that right now. Maybe in another week when I get the insulin

closer to what I probably need but I am adjusting very slowly and mostly

in the daytime. I feel when my levels even get near 160 I start shaking.

And that is not even close to where I should be but because I have had

so high sugar for so long my body acts like it is too low way before it

is, so I get plenty of warning.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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I just got in my supply of glucophage from Thailand. I ordered it back when

you mentioned going on it cause my blood sugar has been running high since

all the solumedrol this summer.

I thought I ordered T4 too, but it never arrived.

I don't think I will be trying the glucophage now that I have seen how it

effected you.

Good luck with your insulin trial. I tend to agree with Linn. I used to

work in endo lab, and diabetic camp, and the adults who tried to keep very

tight control over their blood glucose levels had difficulty. Others who

were not as adament at keeping it at 100 did better.

Cheese sticks, cashew butter, etc. should hold you from midnight to 6:00 am.

What are you eating before bed?

-- Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

>>is that glucophage? <<



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Hi ,

Having been through blood sugar issues myself and on

the verge of passing out in ten seconds flat EVERY

time I ate something (about 3-4 hours after), I used

to sleep on the floor next to my husband's bed so that

I would have time to grab his arm if I was going to go


Hypoglycemia severe. Low sugar, high insulin like

crazy. Fast drops, within seconds.

For 3 years I did that (1992-1995) while the stupid

doctors in the Endocrinology Dept. at the University

of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska told me

there was nothing wrong with me, and that there is no

such thing as hypoglycemia.

I lost over 80 pounds and was so weak and malnourished

(because I had grown afraid to eat) by the time I

found a Broda doc after 3 years of researching

my illness MYSELF in a medical library, I was almost


I'll never forget that, and since I know that karma

comes around, I feel sorry for those docs and their

families because one day they will themselves know

what it is like to be deathly ill and have nobody

believe them.

So I figure when anyone has that type of illness

experience, there is only one thing to do, and that's

just to offer to be there to whatever extent is


Otherwise, what was the use of going through that

whole experience? This way it is turned into a

positive. It's a kind of defeat of the illness, and of

the stupid doctors and their ignorant attitudes - a

" yep i got better and so is this other person going to

get better, in spite of everything. "

A little peace of mind goes a long ways.

--- " C. Mannelli, Ed.D. "


> :


> That is very sweet of you. Maybe we could get

> several members of the list

> to rotate calling.




> -- Re: Re: the radical

> self-care bunch


> Val I would be happy to call you twice a day, or as

> many times as you'd like even, every day, to make

> sure

> you're ok, if you like.



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Alright, now I am gonna be waking up in the middle of the night and

checking my sugar, and it REALLY isn't necessary yet. 171 just now, so I

am gonna try to go back to sleep. This is a problem. Once i wake up past

2AM I have HELL going back to sleep and then it is another totally

wasted day.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Couldn't have said this any better myself! Ditto!! How about I call you to

check on you in the evenings?

in Lake Worth

jambrimar wrote:

I really, really don't want anything to happen to you. I am very



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This year one of the things docs told me is that I am insulin resistant. I have

been told to eat something healthy every two hours and often I forget. I used

to have severe hypoglycemia. It has kind of come and gone in my lifetime.

Do you know why so many of us have blood sugar issues? What is the connection


And also, what did you do to heal yourself from your blood sugar issues?

I'm so glad you're better! That was no way to live!!!


JD wrote: Hi ,

Having been through blood sugar issues myself and on

the verge of passing out in ten seconds flat EVERY

time I ate something (about 3-4 hours after), I used

to sleep on the floor next to my husband's bed so that

I would have time to grab his arm if I was going to go


Hypoglycemia severe. Low sugar, high insulin like

crazy. Fast drops, within seconds.

For 3 years I did that (1992-1995) while the stupid

doctors in the Endocrinology Dept. at the University

of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska told me

there was nothing wrong with me, and that there is no

such thing as hypoglycemia.

I lost over 80 pounds and was so weak and malnourished

(because I had grown afraid to eat) by the time I

found a Broda doc after 3 years of researching

my illness MYSELF in a medical library, I was almost


I'll never forget that, and since I know that karma

comes around, I feel sorry for those docs and their

families because one day they will themselves know

what it is like to be deathly ill and have nobody

believe them.

So I figure when anyone has that type of illness

experience, there is only one thing to do, and that's

just to offer to be there to whatever extent is


Otherwise, what was the use of going through that

whole experience? This way it is turned into a

positive. It's a kind of defeat of the illness, and of

the stupid doctors and their ignorant attitudes - a

" yep i got better and so is this other person going to

get better, in spite of everything. "

A little peace of mind goes a long ways.

--- " C. Mannelli, Ed.D. "


> :


> That is very sweet of you. Maybe we could get

> several members of the list

> to rotate calling.




> -- Re: Re: the radical

> self-care bunch


> Val I would be happy to call you twice a day, or as

> many times as you'd like even, every day, to make

> sure

> you're ok, if you like.



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>>I don't think I will be trying the glucophage now that I have seen how it

effected you.<<

it doesn't affect everyone liek it did me. BUT a word to the wise. If yu

try it start very low. Split those 500MG tablets in half and only take one half

a day for the first week, then add the second half. Have Immodium on hand just

in case.Probabyl the reaction I had was from the idoit doctor's DOSE he started

me on. He started me on 2000MG a day with no working up to it. Then once my

system is in MOOOOVIN mode, it just kept going. I am sure this is at least part

of the reasonm I am this tired still.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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I sincerely believe that hypoglycemia is due to adrenal issues, or a symptom

of it. I don't get hypoglycemia if I remember to take my Cortef on time,

and I can often head off adrenal issues by eating protein.




~ The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical

invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them.

-- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1935

> Do you know why so many of us have blood sugar issues? What is the

> connection here?


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>>I sincerely believe that hypoglycemia is due to adrenal issues, or a symptom

of it. I don't get hypoglycemia if I remember to take my Cortef on time,

and I can often head off adrenal issues by eating protein.<<\

Actually I have been looking into the cortisol/ blood sugar connection alot

lately! (n the same way that low OR high cortisol affects thyroid conversion and

use, it also affects blood sugar the same way and possibly due to the thyroid

connection. When your body is hypo it cannot use glucose so excess can be stored

in the blood, just as in hyper or hypo cortisolism. HIGH cortisol also causes

hypo and hyper blood sugar levels... As it stops the conversion of T4 to T3.

Which further substantiates the fact that my HC usage has been treating high

cortisol rather than low. THIS is why I had no problems recognizing a need for

adrenal support in the night time for me, my shakes were only from low cortisol,

not hypoglycemia!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Thanks ...that's good news since I'm going to be treating my adrenals


Ives wrote: I sincerely believe that hypoglycemia

is due to adrenal issues, or a symptom

of it. I don't get hypoglycemia if I remember to take my Cortef on time,

and I can often head off adrenal issues by eating protein.




~ The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical

invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them.

-- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1935

> Do you know why so many of us have blood sugar issues? What is the

> connection here?


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wrote:>When your body is hypo it

cannot use glucose so excess can be stored in the blood, just as in hyper or

hypo cortisolism.

So when glucose remains in the blood, that triggers insulin to be released...to

store the blood sugar for later use, right?

>HIGH cortisol also causes hypo and hyper blood sugar levels... As it stops the

conversion of T4 to T3.

And T3 would be the substance to trigger the glucose in the blood to be

utilized, right?

>Which further substantiates the fact that my HC usage has been treating high

cortisol rather than low.

You can use HC to treat HIGH or ELEVATED cortisol? I didn't know that. I had

planned to take Seriphos at night to lower my elevated cortisol and take HC

during the day to raise my daytime depressed cortisol.

Does the release of insulin (in response to high blood sugar) trigger the

release of cortisol?


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>>You can use HC to treat HIGH or ELEVATED cortisol? I didn't know that. I had

planned to take Seriphos at night to lower my elevated cortisol and take HC

during the day to raise my daytime depressed cortisol.<<

YES. you may not need the Seriphos at night once on HC. By taking the HC it

lowers your ACTH, which in turn should lower your nighttime cortisol as well.

Many of us need a bedtime dose of HC to sleep well and this is why it can

actually lower it too much. I don't take ANY HC first thiing in the AM now but I

still need the bedtime dose!


>>Does the release of insulin (in response to high blood sugar) trigger the

release of cortisol?<<

This I don't know yet!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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One thing I know for sure. My lack of insulin has definitely been the

cause of my fatigue! I did a 25U dose then when sugar was still too high

this morning I took a second shot of 5U THIS is good! I am cleaning my

house and after a big breakfast my levels are not low, but reasonable.

They went up to 232 right after the meal but now are down to 169, this s

has not happened with the lower doses they had me on. And i certainly

had NO energy. My LR is HALF way to looking good... YAY!!!!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Thanks Val!

wrote: >>You can use HC to treat

HIGH or ELEVATED cortisol? I didn't know that. I had planned to take Seriphos

at night to lower my elevated cortisol and take HC during the day to raise my

daytime depressed cortisol.<<

YES. you may not need the Seriphos at night once on HC. By taking the HC it

lowers your ACTH, which in turn should lower your nighttime cortisol as well.

Many of us need a bedtime dose of HC to sleep well and this is why it can

actually lower it too much. I don't take ANY HC first thiing in the AM now but I

still need the bedtime dose!


>>Does the release of insulin (in response to high blood sugar) trigger the

release of cortisol?<<

This I don't know yet!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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- You really can outsmart the doctors. I've

been praying for you.

--- wrote:

> One thing I know for sure. My lack of insulin has

> definitely been the

> cause of my fatigue! I did a 25U dose then when

> sugar was still too high

> this morning I took a second shot of 5U THIS is

> good! I am cleaning my

> house and after a big breakfast my levels are not

> low, but reasonable.

> They went up to 232 right after the meal but now are

> down to 169, this s

> has not happened with the lower doses they had me

> on. And i certainly

> had NO energy. My LR is HALF way to looking good...

> YAY!!!!


> --

> Artistic

> Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store

> (Closing after Xmas!!!)


> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/







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I wouldn't think it would be necessary to check it every night in the

middle of the night. Depending on what time you take your last

dose, in the evening, shoot for when the peak action of that insulin,

say about 6 hours later than when you took it. So if you could take

the dose around 4 or 5 in the afternoon, then make sure and check

your BG around 11:00, you'd get a good view of how it's working.

Plus didn't you say that you get up really early in the morning, then

you could do your morning check then.


> Alright, now I am gonna be waking up in the middle of the night and

> checking my sugar, and it REALLY isn't necessary yet. 171 just now,

> so I

> am gonna try to go back to sleep. This is a problem. Once i wake up

> past

> 2AM I have HELL going back to sleep and then it is another totally

> wasted day.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


> .



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That's because the glucose hasn't been getting to your cells to give

you energy. The insulin is like a key that unlocks the cell and lets

the glucose enter.


> One thing I know for sure. My lack of insulin has definitely been the

> cause of my fatigue! I did a 25U dose then when sugar was still too

> high

> this morning I took a second shot of 5U THIS is good! I am cleaning my

> house and after a big breakfast my levels are not low, but reasonable.

> They went up to 232 right after the meal but now are down to 169,

> this s

> has not happened with the lower doses they had me on. And i certainly

> had NO energy. My LR is HALF way to looking good... YAY!!!!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


> .



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Thanks Linn. I do check before bed and also eat a protein snack at

bedtime as well. maybe I will allow myself some real p-nut butter

tonight! I am also awake usually by 5 AM the latest! LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Yes, it would, that's what insulin resistance is, your body is

producing insulin, it's just not recognizing it correctly, it's as

if it has the wrong key.


> Would the same be the case with IR, Linn?





> >

> > Val,

> >

> > That's because the glucose hasn't been getting to your cells to give

> > you energy. The insulin is like a key that unlocks the cell and lets

> > the glucose enter.


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Awesome Val!!! Way to GO!

--- wrote:

> One thing I know for sure. My lack of insulin has

> definitely been the

> cause of my fatigue! I did a 25U dose then when

> sugar was still too high

> this morning I took a second shot of 5U THIS is

> good! I am cleaning my

> house and after a big breakfast my levels are not

> low, but reasonable.

> They went up to 232 right after the meal but now are

> down to 169, this s

> has not happened with the lower doses they had me

> on. And i certainly

> had NO energy. My LR is HALF way to looking good...

> YAY!!!!


> --

> Artistic

> Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store

> (Closing after Xmas!!!)


> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/







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Watching my sis and dad die from cancer treatment makes me think about the

karma to the jerks too.

I must have been severely hyperinsulinemic growing up. No matter what I had

for breakfast, I would be hypoglycemic and nauseated as a kid, for years. I

was extremely underweight but mom disguised it with clothes. I also

developed a phobia of eating, not exactly sure from what. I always

attributed it to friction during mealtime at home. Later when I moved out I

started eating normally and putting on weight. But for years in late

adolescence and early 20's I was 105 at 5'6 " and not small boned.

For much of my life I woke up with a kind of morning sickness which I

figured was hypoglycemia. Funny, no doctor I ever went to even noticed!

-- Re: Re: the radical

> self-care bunch


> Val I would be happy to call you twice a day, or as

> many times as you'd like even, every day, to make

> sure

> you're ok, if you like.


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Do high fat snacks at that time not help at all?

-- Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

Alright, now I am gonna be waking up in the middle of the night and

checking my sugar, and it REALLY isn't necessary yet. 171 just now, so I

am gonna try to go back to sleep. This is a problem. Once i wake up past

2AM I have HELL going back to sleep and then it is another totally

wasted day.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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