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Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

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I suffered with bad headaches and migraines that were definitely

linked to my cycle for over 20 years, turned down the lovely new

drugs that my doc offered me. Started using progesterone and haven't

had a single one linked to my cycle again. I was pretty pissed off

when I told my old doc about it working and how much I didn't

appreciate not one single doctor that I complained to or saw about

it, not knowing the cause. When I think of all the times I had to

lay still in a dark room with a cold rag on my head and even

prescription strength meds wouldn't cut the pain or hanging my head

in the toilet because the pain was so bad it made me vomit, I could

just strangle a doc or two!! (That's when I'm in a good mood!!)

I'm not real polite in what I tell people anymore about mainstream

medicine, I tell them very bluntly what I went through and how

medicine works in this country anymore, no interest in curing only

treating symptoms. People seem to get that notion quicker than

getting them to read information. It's pretty hard not to be able to

see it now, with all the TV commercials being shoved down our

throats. There are many more people than you think who see the

light. The problem with a lot of people is that they can't see the

problem until it affects them personally. Then the light bulb goes off.




> >

> >

> I tell my friends that I didn't intend to become a

> > radical, but that I've learned that my health depends on it...


> Yeah, me neither, but here we are!


> I guess I get surprised by those who are willing to just sit there and

> take it.


>> .



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I totally understand, all too well. My MIL just underwent a

hysterectomy at the age of 75 just because her doc scared her into

it. Turned out that she didn't really need it, which I was sure of,

and tried to talk her into a couple of tests and some alternative

stuff first, but she wouldn't hear any of it, just wanted it out,

just in case it was cancer. Worse part of it was that she has

several other health problems including Crohn's disease so surgery

for her is a major deal. Totally unnecessary, and such a risk,

especially at her age.

Keep on talking, occasionally you'll reach somebody and they'll be so

very grateful you spoke up!! It's like teaching, repetition,

repetition, repetition.


> Hi, Linn,


> I agree that people are starting to get it. It's just frustrating to

> me that people whom I care about are too busy or disinterested, even

> after seeing what I've gone through, to even think about it.


> It's really NOT that I need them to see things MY way, but rather that

> I can see all of the medication they're taking, that's not really

> even fully working, and there's probably a SIMPLE answer/remedy to

> their problem with limited side effects, yet they can't be bothered to

> look into anything.


> I guess I need to get over it & just take care of me. It's hard

> though, because I've always been into info sharing - why not, if it

> helps?


> Oh well...


> Warmly,



> .



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In a message dated 06/11/2006 09:43:26 GMT Standard Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

have to adjust my own insulin dose. Doctor won't do it for a MONTH, so I

will. Wish me luck... Any time I have had to do a med on my own it is

scary at first, but sure builds confidence as it works!

So how do you do it Val? You test with a pin-prick and then...........


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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Well I am starting a NEW adventure in self treatment now as well.. NOW I

have to adjust my own insulin dose. Doctor won't do it for a MONTH, so I

will. Wish me luck... Any time I have had to do a med on my own it is

scary at first, but sure builds confidence as it works!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Are you using insulin now instead of the oral meds? Please feel free

to contact me if you need help. Do you have a starting number for

insulin to carb ratio and a correction ratio?


> Well I am starting a NEW adventure in self treatment now as well..


> have to adjust my own insulin dose. Doctor won't do it for a MONTH,

> so I

> will. Wish me luck... Any time I have had to do a med on my own it is

> scary at first, but sure builds confidence as it works!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


> .



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Actually I am increasing it but 5U each dose. I woke up this AM with

alot of numbness now in my RIGHT hand.. This is serious, so I am not

playing around with a too low dose for another month. I have a three

month script, so I guess I have to do this myself too.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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>>Are you using insulin now instead of the oral meds? Please feel free

to contact me if you need help. Do you have a starting number for

insulin to carb ratio and a correction ratio?<<

Yes the new doc I saw a week ago started me on insulin. I am on a 70/30 mix but

the dose they started me on was not even keeping me where I was on Metformin! I

have no knowledge of this stuff at all, so I am just increasing it slowly and

testing my sugar ALOT. I eat low carb all the time and have been for a couple

years, and my work is VERY active. I am trying to walk every day but not having

the energy most days. After grooming and wrestling 4-7 dogs in a day I am played

out. Any advice with this is very welcome.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Sending you majorly good energy for confidence and healing! I know exactly how

you feel...but then I have you and the others here to hold my hand. Is there a

diabetic counterpart to this group?

wrote: Well I am starting a NEW

adventure in self treatment now as well.. NOW I

have to adjust my own insulin dose. Doctor won't do it for a MONTH, so I

will. Wish me luck... Any time I have had to do a med on my own it is

scary at first, but sure builds confidence as it works!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Have you told the doc that the 70/30 isn't even

keeping you where you were on Metformin?

--- wrote:

> >>Are you using insulin now instead of the oral

> meds? Please feel free

> to contact me if you need help. Do you have a

> starting number for

> insulin to carb ratio and a correction ratio?<<


> Yes the new doc I saw a week ago started me on

> insulin. I am on a 70/30 mix but the dose they

> started me on was not even keeping me where I was on

> Metformin! I have no knowledge of this stuff at all,

> so I am just increasing it slowly and testing my

> sugar ALOT. I eat low carb all the time and have

> been for a couple years, and my work is VERY active.

> I am trying to walk every day but not having the

> energy most days. After grooming and wrestling 4-7

> dogs in a day I am played out. Any advice with this

> is very welcome.


> --




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I wonder if the doc would make an exception on

his " month " thing of not adjusting. If you tell him

that it's not even keeping you where the Metformin

was, and how exhausted you are after the dogs, and the

numbness and all. Tell him he really needs to make an

exception, and that this just isn't right.

--- wrote:

> Actually I am increasing it but 5U each dose. I woke

> up this AM with

> alot of numbness now in my RIGHT hand.. This is

> serious, so I am not

> playing around with a too low dose for another

> month. I have a three

> month script, so I guess I have to do this myself

> too.


> --

> Artistic

> Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store

> (Closing after Xmas!!!)


> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/







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>>Have you told the doc that the 70/30 isn't even

keeping you where you were on Metformin? <<

Yes I called them nad his nurse told me to come in in a month and she would look

at my numbers then and make adjustments IF needed. What a jerk. I am NOT waiting

another month.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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>> I wonder if the doc would make an exception on

his " month " thing of not adjusting. If you tell him

that it's not even keeping you where the Metformin

was, and how exhausted you are after the dogs, and the

numbness and all. Tell him he really needs to make an

exception, and that this just isn't right.<<

They know all this and like every other doctor I have been to they really don;t

care. I am self adjusting it now. Just like thyroid only different and WAY more



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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>>Is there a diabetic counterpart to this group?<<

I have joined tow lists, haven't found enough info yet and one has sure got alot

of misgivings. I am seeing alt of undertreated hypo, statins, low & no salt

diets instead of corrrect salt, just too amny things that tell me they are not

really that knowledgeable abotu health in general. I just can't take on another

list to help.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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I called Dr. Lowe's office in Colorado to see if he works with diabetics.

Tammy, his office manager, said that he has had experience with blood sugar

issues as part of the metabolic research he does. And that if he didn't know

what you needed, he could direct you to who might be the best resource.

I can't remember if there was anything else in Dr. Peatfield's book about

diabetes...it's out on loan...but you could try these two resources.

Just a thought.

wrote: >>Is there a diabetic

counterpart to this group?<<

I have joined tow lists, haven't found enough info yet and one has sure got alot

of misgivings. I am seeing alt of undertreated hypo, statins, low & no salt

diets instead of corrrect salt, just too amny things that tell me they are not

really that knowledgeable abotu health in general. I just can't take on another

list to help.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Thanks , I have scoured the books I have which include Peatfield's.

Anfd not much help there. I am not looking for another doctor. I have

been to two now and the ER and all I got was a $1500 bill and told it

just takes time. Maenwhile my hlads are going more numb and my eyesight

is fading. I am NOT giving doctors my eyesighht and my ability to run my

business. If I die fromk taking too much Insulin, it will be over quick

and easy.. Better than a slow death where I become an invalid at their

WAIT another month. I can do this. I have been self treating for over 10

years now and Diabetes is just one mroe hurdle in life for me, But i

long ago quit depending on docs to help my health problems., I guess

this is no different.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Actually most diabetics do the majority of their own care anyway

without their doc's help. They expect you to do it, even the Type

1's. Even if we do need the doc, it's usually just help by phone.

The majority of the care is fairly easily to figure out, once you get

the hang of it, it's definitely handled by the user, so I have no

doubt that Val can manage this, with the doc's she's already got.

They sent us home from the hospital in a little over 24 hours after

my daughter was diagnosed, got her past the danger zone, showed us

how to do shots and sent us on our way!! It's the type of disease

that you bear the majority of the responsibility for. Definitely

different from what most of us are used to, but Val's already used to

this type of thing so I'm betting she'll be an expert at it rather



> Thanks , I have scoured the books I have which include

> Peatfield's.

> Anfd not much help there. I am not looking for another doctor. I have

> been to two now and the ER and all I got was a $1500 bill and told it

> just takes time. Maenwhile my hlads are going more numb and my

> eyesight

> is fading. I am NOT giving doctors my eyesighht and my ability to

> run my

> business. If I die fromk taking too much Insulin, it will be over

> quick

> and easy.. Better than a slow death where I become an invalid at their

> WAIT another month. I can do this. I have been self treating for

> over 10

> years now and Diabetes is just one mroe hurdle in life for me, But i

> long ago quit depending on docs to help my health problems., I guess

> this is no different.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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Ok Val. Well, we are with you all the way, you've done

so much to help everyone here, we are right behind

you, and next to you, and wherever else you need us.

Is there someone in your area there who knows what's

going on with you being diabetic and can check on you

once or twice a day while you're getting this all

adjusted? That would at least help set your mind at

ease a bit in case you did need help.

--- wrote:

> >> I wonder if the doc would make an

> exception on

> his " month " thing of not adjusting. If you tell him

> that it's not even keeping you where the Metformin

> was, and how exhausted you are after the dogs, and

> the

> numbness and all. Tell him he really needs to make

> an

> exception, and that this just isn't right.<<


> They know all this and like every other doctor I

> have been to they really don;t care. I am self

> adjusting it now. Just like thyroid only different

> and WAY more scary.



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thanks but there is no one. I live alone at the end of a dead end

street and my only neighbor is my landlord who is seldom home. My

clients would miss me if I didn;t have the shop open! But I have no

family that even calls ever and only my clients that I consider friends

to call on for help if I need it. It is scary being this alone when you

are ill. But I managed through hypo and the five cases of pneumonia I

had that last year of doctor's " care " with it, and the super high blood

pressure that threatened to take me down, and this is certainly no worse

than that. I AM careful with insulin adjustments. I am trying them out

in the daytime when I am aware of what is gong on and I just bought

another 200 test strips on Ebay this past week as i am sticking my

fingers to death to monitor what is going on... LOL


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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To help with the fingers from being so sore, don't use the center of

the end of the fingers, prick it closer to the side edge, it won't

hurt as much and you won't lose the feeling in your fingertips as



> thanks but there is no one. I live alone at the end of a dead

> end

> street and my only neighbor is my landlord who is seldom home. My

> clients would miss me if I didn;t have the shop open! But I have no

> family that even calls ever and only my clients that I consider

> friends

> to call on for help if I need it. It is scary being this alone when

> you

> are ill. But I managed through hypo and the five cases of pneumonia I

> had that last year of doctor's " care " with it, and the super high

> blood

> pressure that threatened to take me down, and this is certainly no

> worse

> than that. I AM careful with insulin adjustments. I am trying them out

> in the daytime when I am aware of what is gong on and I just bought

> another 200 test strips on Ebay this past week as i am sticking my

> fingers to death to monitor what is going on... LOL


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)

> http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/




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Val I would be happy to call you twice a day, or as

many times as you'd like even, every day, to make sure

you're ok, if you like.

If you'd like, it doesn't even need to be any more


" Hey Val, this is , you ok? "

" Hi , yep. "

and that's it, if you'd like. Whatever you'd like.

If I get no answer, I can try every five minutes after

that for half an hour or so, or whatever you'd like,

before calling emergency.

I've got an " all you can call for 25.00 a month " phone

plan, so it wouldn't cost me a dime. I'd just need the

numbers to the local emergency there, your doc, and

whatever other numbers you'd want to give me, in case

it was needed.

You can keep the info (bracelet or written paper) on

you stating what you're taking and when, and you can

tell it to me too if you'd like, so i could tell it to

the emergency people if needed.

If you're prone to not accept this offer, then please

keep it in mind, ok? The offer is open. I KNOW what

it's like to be sick like this and not have anyone

nearby, especially with blood sugar issues.

--- wrote:

> thanks but there is no one. I live alone at

> the end of a dead end

> street and my only neighbor is my landlord who is

> seldom home. My

> clients would miss me if I didn;t have the shop

> open! But I have no

> family that even calls ever and only my clients that

> I consider friends

> to call on for help if I need it. It is scary being

> this alone when you

> are ill. But I managed through hypo and the five

> cases of pneumonia I

> had that last year of doctor's " care " with it, and

> the super high blood

> pressure that threatened to take me down, and this

> is certainly no worse

> than that. I AM careful with insulin adjustments. I

> am trying them out

> in the daytime when I am aware of what is gong on

> and I just bought

> another 200 test strips on Ebay this past week as i

> am sticking my

> fingers to death to monitor what is going on... LOL


> --




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That's what I have been doing the bad part is the neuropathy is just bad

enough in my left hand that I can only use the index and middle fingers

the others are WAY too sensitive! Very har d to explain how they can be

numb and super sensitive all at once! Guess I will have to start picking

on my right hand for a while...


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Thanks , but the Metformin was a wreck all by itself putting my in

the ER! Then I almost became addicted to Lomotil to counter the effects

of it. I would MUCH rather sue insulin than that again. Besides the

problem is this was let go three years by my stoopid doctor so it is not

just simple insulin resistance type 2. I am fairly certain from the

results I am not getting that I have little insulin left and a burned

out pancreas.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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Insulin is a safer med than any of the oral diabetic meds. Most

people have no idea of how the oral meds work, some of them have very

bad side effects and can cause damage to other organs. Several oral

diabetic meds have been pulled from the market because of the

complications that cost people their lives. It's not uncommon for

Type 2 diabetics to be put on insulin when they are first diagnosed

especially if they are having trouble getting their blood sugar under




> ,


> You have done so much for me and probably don't know it. But I am

> concerned right now for you. My dad is an insulin dependent diabetic

> too. His doctor has him on a combination of oral meds and

> insulin/humulin.


>> .



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Tell ya what I will send you my info and if by 9AM I haven't posted

anything to the list call me. but if I am at work you might have to try

2 numbers. I am online before work every AM unless i am dying! LOL That

is my only time I am worried about is overnight if I should go too low

in my sleep and not wake up to correct it. but believe me there is no

danger of that right now. Maybe in another week when I get the insulin

closer to what I probably need but I am adjusting very slowly and mostly

in the daytime. I feel when my levels even get near 160 I start shaking.

And that is not even close to where I should be but because I have had

so high sugar for so long my body acts like it is too low way before it

is, so I get plenty of warning.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store (Closing after Xmas!!!)




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That is very sweet of you. Maybe we could get several members of the list

to rotate calling.

-- Re: Re: the radical self-care bunch

Val I would be happy to call you twice a day, or as

many times as you'd like even, every day, to make sure

you're ok, if you like.

If you'd like, it doesn't even need to be any more


" Hey Val, this is , you ok? "

" Hi , yep. "

and that's it, if you'd like. Whatever you'd like.

If I get no answer, I can try every five minutes after

that for half an hour or so, or whatever you'd like,

before calling emergency.

I've got an " all you can call for 25.00 a month " phone

plan, so it wouldn't cost me a dime. I'd just need the

numbers to the local emergency there, your doc, and

whatever other numbers you'd want to give me, in case

it was needed.

You can keep the info (bracelet or written paper) on

you stating what you're taking and when, and you can

tell it to me too if you'd like, so i could tell it to

the emergency people if needed.

If you're prone to not accept this offer, then please

keep it in mind, ok? The offer is open. I KNOW what

it's like to be sick like this and not have anyone

nearby, especially with blood sugar issues.

--- wrote:

> thanks but there is no one. I live alone at

> the end of a dead end

> street and my only neighbor is my landlord who is

> seldom home. My

> clients would miss me if I didn;t have the shop

> open! But I have no

> family that even calls ever and only my clients that

> I consider friends

> to call on for help if I need it. It is scary being

> this alone when you

> are ill. But I managed through hypo and the five

> cases of pneumonia I

> had that last year of doctor's " care " with it, and

> the super high blood

> pressure that threatened to take me down, and this

> is certainly no worse

> than that. I AM careful with insulin adjustments. I

> am trying them out

> in the daytime when I am aware of what is gong on

> and I just bought

> another 200 test strips on Ebay this past week as i

> am sticking my

> fingers to death to monitor what is going on... LOL


> --



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