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Re: Character assasination

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Wow - I really like that. Stating up front that " no one can win in this

situation " really helps. People on the outside probably thought the root of

me and my mom's problems was normal stuff like " you missed curfew " or " you

got a bad grade. " They probably can't imagine that really she was screaming

at me for taking a normal developmental step toward adulthood, cleaning the

house or for putting vegetables in the food I cooked for her dinner.


> That's a good question. It depends who I am talking to as to how much I

> disclose. I always preface with, " I am not going to give you my opinion, I

> am just going to give you the facts. This is a no win situation - there are

> no sides to be picked, bc both sides lose. " For me, that kind of sets the

> stage for the conversation. Be very careful talking to people who do not

> know her well. Also, make sure everything you say is completely honest and

> something that you would say to her face (bc there is a good chance it will

> get back to her).


> If anyone starts telling you how it is your fault and you need to

> " respect " your mother or any of that bull, I would assertively tell them

> they have not, nor will they ever stand in your shoes. While you are

> willing to give them your " side " or the story, and are willing to hear what

> they have to say too, I would calmly explain that you have weighed your

> options and thought this through carefully and you have decided, for you

> (NOT for your mother), that NC is the best move FOR YOU. Tell them you

> understand that your mother is hurting and that you are hurting too. You

> have to mitigate your own pain before you can do anything about hers. For

> the time being, your pain subsides from being away from her. PERIOD. This

> is where they should stop pushing. Be polite, but assertive. Sometimes the

> peopel asking you questions come masked in compassion, but they are truly a

> soldier of your mothers.


> This is why all conversations where I talk to someone about what has

> happened and why my husband and I are NC, begin with, " I am not going to

> give you my opinion, I am just going to give you thefacts. This is a no win

> situation - there are no sides to be picked,bc both sides lose. " You do not

> know if you are talking to someone you can trust or not. Also, that

> statement makes it perfectly clear that this is not a power play (at least

> on your side). The most important thing you can get across to anyone, I

> think, is that everyone loses in these situations. There's no winning, no

> resolution, and NC is simply your way of moving on with your life.


> Re: Re: Character assasination


> Thank you, those are very helpful thoughts. What do you

> do when someone asks

> you about it? What do you say?



> >

> > Its exactly what you said: SURVIVAL. The character assassination is

> > horrible and is the part that bothers me the most. My MIL annihilates

> > my husband and I behind our backs. Here's the silver lining though:

> > I think deep down most people know. Its animal instinct to try and

> > rescue someone who is crying and most of the BPs do a brilliant job

> > working the victim angle and weeping about how awful YOU are how they

> > " just don't understand what they have done to deserve this. "

> >

> > Pull out of the situation though, and pretend you don't know your

> > mother and you are listening to her go on about how aweful and hurtful

> > her child is. Do you believe her? What's your main objective? If

> > your like most, you want to put a bandaid on it. People around your

> > mother quickly gather that the quick fix would be for you to apologize

> > (for something you didn't do). It doesn't matter to them whether or

> > not her accusations are true. They are just trying to keep the peace.

> > They don't have near the investment in this woman that you do.

> >

> > Plus, I think sometimes at church people get the idea of emulating

> > Christ and being a doormat confused.

> >

> > Bottom line: people that know you will know she is lying. Most

> > likely, even people that don't know you will know she is lying.

> > However, most people will not call someone out on a lie - its just

> > easier to sympathize (put the bandaid on it).

> >

> > Try not to worry about it, bc it will never change.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Hello Everyone,

> > > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird

> > gifts and

> > > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother

> > would talk

> > > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders

> > about how

> > > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have

> > believed

> > > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished

> > image and

> > > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to

> > this as

> > > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC with

> my

> > > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> > >

> > > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her

> > mother the

> > > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several

> hours

> > > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as

> > long as

> > > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother

> didn't

> > > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter

> Day

> > > Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship "

> > each other,

> > > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.

> > >

> > > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because

> she

> > > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into the

> > > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some

> > of the

> > > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The worst

> > > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I

> was

> > > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible mother,

> > and she

> > > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "

> > >

> > > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town for

> 5

> > > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends

> who

> > > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't

> > face the

> > > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her

> > based on

> > > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone

> > would

> > > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at all.

> > >

> > > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> character

> > > assassination.

> > > XOXO, Girlscout

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Oh, Girlscout...this is an issue very very near and dear to my fragile ego. For

me, it has been one of the most devastating things my mother has continually

done...and continues to do. It is precisely why I went nc with her 2 1/2 months

ago. She assassinates my character behind my back...and to my face. It's

amazing to find out I'm not the deceitful, manipulative, hypersensitive,

self-centered, hedonistic brat that she's always told me I am. My therapist

about choked, I think, when I was explaining how my mother has always made a

point of telling me that some therapist told her...when I was TEN...that I was

hedonistic...and that this was often used as justification for the other things

she did to me. My therapist was basically stunned and explained how by her

definition I'm as far from a hedonist as it gets!

Some of the smear campaign was very subtle...half truths, you know? She would

goad me and torment me and ridicule me into tears or a tantrum...and then call

everyone and tell them what histrionics I was giving her and how awful it was

and that she had no idea what I was pitching a hissy fit about this time...all

as if she had been sitting there innocently and I just blew up for no reason.

She'd not even be accurate about what I'd said...I remember listening to her

tell these stories and getting even more upset. I was a child, I had no

defense, you know? My father traveled a good bit for his work...so he heard

rather than witnessed much of this. To this day he still has trouble believing

I'm anything other than what she led him to believe all those years. I mean,

there she would be...harassing me about my homework and trying to micromanage it

(when I hadn't asked for help) or, if I asked for help she would get mean and

tell me how lazy and stupid I was...or how

resistant to help I was...and keep going until I was in tears and refused to

touch the homework. Then the story would be " I try so hard to motivate and

encourage her, but she just throws a tantrum and refuses to do any schoolwork at

all. I don't know what to do with her... "

Some of it has been pretty out there, though...bald face lies that she seems

to actually believe. I think I've mentioned some of them before. For

instance...she spent a good number of my college years convinced that I was

hiding a pregnancy from her. She would harass my roommate about it at every

opportunity (but it was supposed to be a secret) and tell her friends how hurt

she was, that she just KNEW I was pregnant. I wasn't. I never have been. But

you can't convince her of that. In October of 2000, I was a bone marrow/stem

cell donor through the National Marrow Donor Program. My mother got angry that

I had other people going with me and not her (I dunno, ma...you haven't spoken

to me in almost 10 months until you heard about this and now all of a sudden you

want to be there for me? No thank you.) I didn't want her to go...I knew she

wouldn't be supportive and that for her it was all about telling people she was

involved in it. She decided that I must be

lying...so that Sunday she accosts me and one of my friends (who had gone with

me) and accused us...in front of the altar in a Catholic Church...of being

liars. She then proceeded to tell us, rather loudly, that she knew what I'd

really done was go to have an abortion. Uh...right. I'm going to drive 3 hours

away to have an abortion when I already live in a major metropolitan area with

plenty of options for that around? And it's just not a choice that *I* would

make, anyway. But, she was convinced. She not only continued to confront that

friend of mine for several years to " just tell the truth " ...she also lamented to

various people in our parish about my " big lie. " I ended up donating 2 more

times for the same recipient...I'm sure she thinks those were also abortions.

Heck, I even MET my recipient...and it was on the front page of her metropolitan

paper...and my mother still will sometimes forget that she made up the abortion


Another fun one was finding out that several of my distant relatives thought I

had spent almost two years in drug rehab. Now, I'll admit to being a party

drinker during my college years...a LONG TIME AGO...but drugs have never been my

thing. I leave that to my brother. Those two years? When I was away and they

thought I was in rehab? I was doing mission work in a third world orphanage.

Some drug rehab, right?

and I could go on. What I finally realized...the last time I saw her...was

that no matter what I do or say she is going to spin it so that she looks like a

victim and I look like a bad person. It KILLS me to know that I have relatives

who think I'm who she's led them to believe I am. Kills me. Because I can't

fight it, you know? I have had several who have approached me in the last few

years to apologize, though...they've been talking amongst themselves apparently

and my mother's brother is one of my biggest champions. He told me, soon after

I returned from mission, " I've been telling people that they need to get to know

you on their own terms, away from other people. I tell them that they will

learn what I've learned, that you are not the person we've been led to believe

you are. You are a person of great depth, intelligence, compassion, and

integrity and it would be their loss to not get to know you. " I'm sure my

mother would completely lose it if she knew

about that conversation, though. It would be spun into what a gossip I am and

how I bad mouth her all the time! Can't win...so I'm not even going to try.

My therapist...God bless this woman and her neverending patience with me and

my stubbornness...keeps reminding me that when I meet people (even people who

know my mother and her distortions) that I need to give them some credit for

having their own minds. And, that anyone who meets me in real life is going to

see who I am, weigh it against what she says, and then realize the truth and

like me for it. I'm still working on believing I'm likeable, but I'm getting



Girlscout Cowboy wrote:

Hello Everyone,

We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird gifts and

I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother would talk

to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders about how

horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have believed

her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished image and

really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to this as

BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC with my

mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her mother the

most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several hours

late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as long as

she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother didn't

believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day

Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship " each other,

or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.

Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because she

could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into the

church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some of the

stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The worst

moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I was

about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible mother, and she

said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "

Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town for 5

years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends who

helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't face the

curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her based on

what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone would

believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at all.

I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the character


XOXO, Girlscout

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Wow! Holy crazy lady, batman! It all rung true for me but especially the

homework part. My mom was an English/special ed teacher and I would actually

make appointments with her to review my English papers before I turned them

in. Every single time, when I went at the time of the appointment and asked

her to read it, she would launch into a full on fit that would last about 2

hours because she was " too tired " and how dare I be so selfish. Then she

would tell the world how selfish I was.

I was so confused. I mean, my friend's moms were excited when their kids did

well in school and wanted to support them in that.


> Oh, Girlscout...this is an issue very very near and dear to my fragile

> ego. For me, it has been one of the most devastating things my mother has

> continually done...and continues to do. It is precisely why I went nc with

> her 2 1/2 months ago. She assassinates my character behind my back...and to

> my face. It's amazing to find out I'm not the deceitful, manipulative,

> hypersensitive, self-centered, hedonistic brat that she's always told me I

> am. My therapist about choked, I think, when I was explaining how my mother

> has always made a point of telling me that some therapist told her...when I

> was TEN...that I was hedonistic...and that this was often used as

> justification for the other things she did to me. My therapist was basically

> stunned and explained how by her definition I'm as far from a hedonist as it

> gets!


> Some of the smear campaign was very subtle...half truths, you know? She

> would goad me and torment me and ridicule me into tears or a tantrum...and

> then call everyone and tell them what histrionics I was giving her and how

> awful it was and that she had no idea what I was pitching a hissy fit about

> this time...all as if she had been sitting there innocently and I just blew

> up for no reason. She'd not even be accurate about what I'd said...I

> remember listening to her tell these stories and getting even more upset. I

> was a child, I had no defense, you know? My father traveled a good bit for

> his work...so he heard rather than witnessed much of this. To this day he

> still has trouble believing I'm anything other than what she led him to

> believe all those years. I mean, there she would be...harassing me about my

> homework and trying to micromanage it (when I hadn't asked for help) or, if

> I asked for help she would get mean and tell me how lazy and stupid I

> was...or how

> resistant to help I was...and keep going until I was in tears and refused

> to touch the homework. Then the story would be " I try so hard to motivate

> and encourage her, but she just throws a tantrum and refuses to do any

> schoolwork at all. I don't know what to do with her... "


> Some of it has been pretty out there, though...bald face lies that she

> seems to actually believe. I think I've mentioned some of them before. For

> instance...she spent a good number of my college years convinced that I was

> hiding a pregnancy from her. She would harass my roommate about it at every

> opportunity (but it was supposed to be a secret) and tell her friends how

> hurt she was, that she just KNEW I was pregnant. I wasn't. I never have

> been. But you can't convince her of that. In October of 2000, I was a bone

> marrow/stem cell donor through the National Marrow Donor Program. My mother

> got angry that I had other people going with me and not her (I dunno,

> ma...you haven't spoken to me in almost 10 months until you heard about this

> and now all of a sudden you want to be there for me? No thank you.) I didn't

> want her to go...I knew she wouldn't be supportive and that for her it was

> all about telling people she was involved in it. She decided that I must be

> lying...so that Sunday she accosts me and one of my friends (who had gone

> with me) and accused us...in front of the altar in a Catholic Church...of

> being liars. She then proceeded to tell us, rather loudly, that she knew

> what I'd really done was go to have an abortion. Uh...right. I'm going to

> drive 3 hours away to have an abortion when I already live in a major

> metropolitan area with plenty of options for that around? And it's just not

> a choice that *I* would make, anyway. But, she was convinced. She not only

> continued to confront that friend of mine for several years to " just tell

> the truth " ...she also lamented to various people in our parish about my " big

> lie. " I ended up donating 2 more times for the same recipient...I'm sure she

> thinks those were also abortions. Heck, I even MET my recipient...and it was

> on the front page of her metropolitan paper...and my mother still will

> sometimes forget that she made up the abortion thing.


> Another fun one was finding out that several of my distant relatives

> thought I had spent almost two years in drug rehab. Now, I'll admit to being

> a party drinker during my college years...a LONG TIME AGO...but drugs have

> never been my thing. I leave that to my brother. Those two years? When I was

> away and they thought I was in rehab? I was doing mission work in a third

> world orphanage. Some drug rehab, right?


> and I could go on. What I finally realized...the last time I saw her...was

> that no matter what I do or say she is going to spin it so that she looks

> like a victim and I look like a bad person. It KILLS me to know that I have

> relatives who think I'm who she's led them to believe I am. Kills me.

> Because I can't fight it, you know? I have had several who have approached

> me in the last few years to apologize, though...they've been talking amongst

> themselves apparently and my mother's brother is one of my biggest

> champions. He told me, soon after I returned from mission, " I've been

> telling people that they need to get to know you on their own terms, away

> from other people. I tell them that they will learn what I've learned, that

> you are not the person we've been led to believe you are. You are a person

> of great depth, intelligence, compassion, and integrity and it would be

> their loss to not get to know you. " I'm sure my mother would completely lose

> it if she knew

> about that conversation, though. It would be spun into what a gossip I am

> and how I bad mouth her all the time! Can't win...so I'm not even going to

> try.


> My therapist...God bless this woman and her neverending patience with me

> and my stubbornness...keeps reminding me that when I meet people (even

> people who know my mother and her distortions) that I need to give them some

> credit for having their own minds. And, that anyone who meets me in real

> life is going to see who I am, weigh it against what she says, and then

> realize the truth and like me for it. I'm still working on believing I'm

> likeable, but I'm getting there.


> Ninera

> Girlscout Cowboy <girlscout.cowboy@...<girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>>

> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird gifts

> and

> I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother would

> talk

> to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders about how

> horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have

> believed

> her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished image and

> really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to this

> as

> BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC with my

> mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.


> It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her mother

> the

> most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several hours

> late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as long as

> she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother didn't

> believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day

> Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship " each

> other,

> or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.


> Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because she

> could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into the

> church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some of the

> stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The worst

> moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I was

> about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible mother, and

> she

> said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "


> Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town for 5

> years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends who

> helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't face

> the

> curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her based

> on

> what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone would

> believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at all.


> I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the character

> assassination.

> XOXO, Girlscout



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Girlscout Cowboy wrote:

>>Thank you, those are very helpful thoughts. What do you do when someone


you about it? What do you say?<<

When they ask about...the distortions and lies? I get that, occasionally,

from random friends of hers at church. It used to frustrate me to no end...that

triangulation. I finally took some excellent advice about not spilling out my

side of the story to every random person. Sometimes I will say " Oh, is that

what she said? " or I will say " I can't control what she says, and I can't

control what you believe, but I can tell you that you don't know the whole story

and I would ask that you refrain from judgement based on that fact alone. "

Mostly I just say, now, " Thanks for your concern. This is a private family

matter. " Once in awhile, wI will just give them a really blank or confused look

and say " Why would you even say that to me? "

With people I know a little better...and who know me a little better, I will

say something along the lines of " Wow. Does that even sound to you like

something I'd do? " or " Does that fit with your experience of me? " They always

pause and answer, " well, no...it doesn't. " and I say, " Well, then, there's your

answer. " If I really have to, with someone really pushing the issue, I will say

" I'm not comfortable going into this right now, but I would ask you to consider

what kind of mother would want you to think so negatively about her own child. "

That usually stops them. And, I have to say...at least at church...other than

her very few friends, everyone else has watched this stuff play out and watched

as I just don't participate in the smear campaign...and they've all come to

realize how wrong she is and how dishonest she is. So they just smile and nod

and when she turns away they roll their eyes and hug me.

With family members, I still fight the urge to really really defend myself.

When it's an out and out lie, (like the drug rehab thing) I will give them the

facts and refrain from commenting on her behaviour. When they say " Why would

she say something like that, then " I tell them they need to ask her, since it's

not my responsibility to explain her behaviour.



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this is a great post. all of my siblings have had at least one

relationship with a bpd/npd type. I fear for my youngest

brother...his wife is slightly 'off', something is just not right.

My sister's first husband beat her, and my other brother right now

is in a custody battle for his child with a npd/bpd type. I've been

with a couple of really dysfunctional types. I know one error I make

is I draw these folks in and don't let go, no matter what. No matter

how great the pain gets, I can take it, because in my child mind

it's the only love I'm going to get. It makes me so mad that not

only did a bpd mess up my childhood but my adult-hood has been a

wreck in many ways because of this too.

I am struggling with my weight right now too. I am trying to gear

myself to lose weight for health reasons. I remember being as close

to being 'perfect' physically as I will ever get, around age 30, and

being in this relationship with an abuser (though a very good-

looking one, we both 'looked great' on the outside) and being so

miserable and empty. And being shocked that being the perfect weight

and completely physically fit did not make me happy. At all. I was

at a conference, staying on the seventeenth floor for about four

days, and I took the stairs up to my room all but two or three

times. Sometimes I walked them just for exercise, sometimes two at a

time. Everyone there was going out to eat every night (and breakfast

too) and I couldn't because my diet was so restrictive. So that was

my 'I got what I always wanted and it really kind of sucks'

moment....I have to have a different motivation to lose weight this


My dad has always been extremely critical of women's appearances. He

sees women as objects who are expected to present themselves as

attractively as possible; if they don't, they are deficient as a

person. I remember being excited about a friend I'd made in a new

school in a town we'd moved to and when we got our pictures back I

took one home and handed it to him, saying 'this is my friend

Becky!'. He studied the photo, said 'she's got a big nose' and

handed it back to me and walked away. I realized he was evaluating

her looks and 'rating her' instead of acting like an @#$% adult and

validating that his child was proud of her new friend. What a maroon

he was about so many things like that...and my sister and I of

course didn't measure up and were made to feel deficient. My sister

had gastric bypass and is finally a normal weight after struggling

her entire life, childhood included, with her weight (she was

overweight even as an infant, my mom thinks they overfed her but on

the upside she has perfect teeth and to this day has never had a

cavity). We were made to feel bad about our looks before we even

really had looks, honestly. My dad is so bitter about whatever

happened to him as a child that apparently destroying his children's

self-esteem was necessary to mitigate that. It's such a waste in so

many ways, and so absurd because my dad is such an intelligent,

gifted man...I don't know how things got so warped.

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Thank you. This reminds me that when I went NC with my mom she thought that

losing weight would change things. She was always sending me letters, " I

lost 30 lbs, " or " I " m eating better " or " I went for a walk last night. "

I mean, she was a b*tch, so why do I care if she's a health b*tch or an

unhealthy b*tch. But for some reason, that was the main thing she had to say

to me. I never responded. Even 5 years later, she thinks I care about her



> this is a great post. all of my siblings have had at least one

> relationship with a bpd/npd type. I fear for my youngest

> brother...his wife is slightly 'off', something is just not right.

> My sister's first husband beat her, and my other brother right now

> is in a custody battle for his child with a npd/bpd type. I've been

> with a couple of really dysfunctional types. I know one error I make

> is I draw these folks in and don't let go, no matter what. No matter

> how great the pain gets, I can take it, because in my child mind

> it's the only love I'm going to get. It makes me so mad that not

> only did a bpd mess up my childhood but my adult-hood has been a

> wreck in many ways because of this too.


> I am struggling with my weight right now too. I am trying to gear

> myself to lose weight for health reasons. I remember being as close

> to being 'perfect' physically as I will ever get, around age 30, and

> being in this relationship with an abuser (though a very good-

> looking one, we both 'looked great' on the outside) and being so

> miserable and empty. And being shocked that being the perfect weight

> and completely physically fit did not make me happy. At all. I was

> at a conference, staying on the seventeenth floor for about four

> days, and I took the stairs up to my room all but two or three

> times. Sometimes I walked them just for exercise, sometimes two at a

> time. Everyone there was going out to eat every night (and breakfast

> too) and I couldn't because my diet was so restrictive. So that was

> my 'I got what I always wanted and it really kind of sucks'

> moment....I have to have a different motivation to lose weight this

> time.


> My dad has always been extremely critical of women's appearances. He

> sees women as objects who are expected to present themselves as

> attractively as possible; if they don't, they are deficient as a

> person. I remember being excited about a friend I'd made in a new

> school in a town we'd moved to and when we got our pictures back I

> took one home and handed it to him, saying 'this is my friend

> Becky!'. He studied the photo, said 'she's got a big nose' and

> handed it back to me and walked away. I realized he was evaluating

> her looks and 'rating her' instead of acting like an @#$% adult and

> validating that his child was proud of her new friend. What a maroon

> he was about so many things like that...and my sister and I of

> course didn't measure up and were made to feel deficient. My sister

> had gastric bypass and is finally a normal weight after struggling

> her entire life, childhood included, with her weight (she was

> overweight even as an infant, my mom thinks they overfed her but on

> the upside she has perfect teeth and to this day has never had a

> cavity). We were made to feel bad about our looks before we even

> really had looks, honestly. My dad is so bitter about whatever

> happened to him as a child that apparently destroying his children's

> self-esteem was necessary to mitigate that. It's such a waste in so

> many ways, and so absurd because my dad is such an intelligent,

> gifted man...I don't know how things got so warped.




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Sometimes I think we pay for generations of abuse either physical or mental..

But as to how we got so warped, little by little, step by step. And that is how

we get out as well. I found something on another website and thought it would be

good here.

Live: life to the fullest

Love: without reservations

Laugh: everyday " it keeps you young at heart "

Learn: from your mistakes

Leave: yesterday in the past


Re: Character assasination

this is a great post. all of my siblings have had at least one

relationship with a bpd/npd type. I fear for my youngest

brother...his wife is slightly 'off', something is just not right.

My sister's first husband beat her, and my other brother right now

is in a custody battle for his child with a npd/bpd type.. I've been

with a couple of really dysfunctional types. I know one error I make

is I draw these folks in and don't let go, no matter what. No matter

how great the pain gets, I can take it, because in my child mind

it's the only love I'm going to get. It makes me so mad that not

only did a bpd mess up my childhood but my adult-hood has been a

wreck in many ways because of this too.

I am struggling with my weight right now too. I am trying to gear

myself to lose weight for health reasons. I remember being as close

to being 'perfect' physically as I will ever get, around age 30, and

being in this relationship with an abuser (though a very good-

looking one, we both 'looked great' on the outside) and being so

miserable and empty. And being shocked that being the perfect weight

and completely physically fit did not make me happy. At all. I was

at a conference, staying on the seventeenth floor for about four

days, and I took the stairs up to my room all but two or three

times. Sometimes I walked them just for exercise, sometimes two at a

time. Everyone there was going out to eat every night (and breakfast

too) and I couldn't because my diet was so restrictive. So that was

my 'I got what I always wanted and it really kind of sucks'

moment....I have to have a different motivation to lose weight this


My dad has always been extremely critical of women's appearances. He

sees women as objects who are expected to present themselves as

attractively as possible; if they don't, they are deficient as a

person. I remember being excited about a friend I'd made in a new

school in a town we'd moved to and when we got our pictures back I

took one home and handed it to him, saying 'this is my friend

Becky!'. He studied the photo, said 'she's got a big nose' and

handed it back to me and walked away. I realized he was evaluating

her looks and 'rating her' instead of acting like an @#$% adult and

validating that his child was proud of her new friend. What a maroon

he was about so many things like that...and my sister and I of

course didn't measure up and were made to feel deficient. My sister

had gastric bypass and is finally a normal weight after struggling

her entire life, childhood included, with her weight (she was

overweight even as an infant, my mom thinks they overfed her but on

the upside she has perfect teeth and to this day has never had a

cavity). We were made to feel bad about our looks before we even

really had looks, honestly. My dad is so bitter about whatever

happened to him as a child that apparently destroying his children's

self-esteem was necessary to mitigate that. It's such a waste in so

many ways, and so absurd because my dad is such an intelligent,

gifted man....I don't know how things got so warped.



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wow. what is sad is that even back then there were people I'm sure who

felt so sorry for you and knew it was unnatural for a mother to be

slandering her child so badly, but they didn't know what to do to

help. That word 'hedonistic' jumped out at me because it was used in

the last chapter we did in my human development class, the sentence,

which I can't find now, was 'all children are hedonistic by nature';

all that means is that they move toward pleasure and away from things

that aren't enjoyable. It's just like on that show on Court tv which

features lifeguards, they always say that children as a rule will walk

away from the sun because the sun is hot, so when a lost child is

reported on the beach they start searching in the direction facing

away from the sun. It makes me so mad to think that you were spoken

about this way as a child. I can identify with that situation and the

over-whelming confusion it generates; i'm realizing that part of the

reason I've struggled so much with 'depression' my whole life was just

that I was simply overwhelmed from trying to make sense of both my

parent's wacked out behavior. It was such an oppressive feeling, like

something was weighing down on me and even the very air was heavy.

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Thank you, Thank you! This post has been so helpful. I see pieces of

my Nada in all your stories. The worst is that she has completely

snowed all of my friends and they think she is wonderful. When I try

to tell them some of the things she does and says they think I am

making it up.


> Hello Everyone,

> We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird

gifts and

> I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother

would talk

> to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders

about how

> horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have


> her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished

image and

> really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to

this as

> BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC

with my

> mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.


> It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her

mother the

> most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several


> late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as

long as

> she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother


> believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter


> Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship "

each other,

> or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.


> Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because


> could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into


> church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some

of the

> stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The


> moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I


> about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

mother, and she

> said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "


> Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town

for 5

> years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends


> helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't

face the

> curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her

based on

> what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone


> believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at



> I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the


> assassination.

> XOXO, Girlscout




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holy moly, what a rude, abusive woman! Sounds like my mom, I didn't dare

play piano if she was in the house. My mom was the queen of " Your dad said.

.. . . "


> This technique was one of my nada's specialities. Here's a few

> samples.


> 1. " My friends always tell me that for a fat girl you always dress

> nicely and look so clean! " (This one was a regular starting at about

> age 10 and continuing until about 5 years ago at age 55!


> 2. " Your father told me to tell you that he noticed that your upper

> lip was dark. Now I see why, you have a lot of hair growing on it! "

> (said at age 24 when I was pregnant with my daughter and it wasn't

> hair, it was a darkening of my skin that you often get when pg. C'mon

> now - MY FATHER noticed that!


> 3. " The neighbor lady told me that you are very bossy with your

> brothers and sisters outside in the neighborhood. I think you get

> that from my mother. She was always telling other people what to do. "

> (OK to " raise " your kids for you - not OK to " boss " them around in

> front of the neighbor lady)


> 4. " Why don't you get your nose out of that stupid book and go

> outside and do something constructive. " You think you're so smart

> always reading like that! "


> 5. Here's one that really hurt - my youngest sister was 9 years

> younger than me. I was her godmother when she was born and I always

> looked out for her until I left home to get married when she was 10.

> She said to me when we were both grown, " You know I really like you.

> You are such a caring, kind person. You're nothing at all like Mom

> told me you were! " " I always thought you were the fat, bossy, nasty,

> mean, selfish child. " " Mom didn't really even know who you were at

> all. " ouch!


> Finally.........


> I sang in a trio throughout high school. Performed often for many

> years snd always sang at family gatherings when she was present. At

> age 50, my sister brought her to my church for a Christmas program. I

> sang several songs with a group of 7 other men and women. After the

> program, she came up to me and said, " Why didn't you tell me you

> could sing so well? I could have used you at some of the benefits I

> put on. I mean you aren't great at singing but good enough!!


> You gotta marvel at that kind of unconditional support huh?



> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird

> gifts and

> > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother

> would talk

> > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders

> about how

> > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have

> believed

> > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished

> image and

> > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to

> this as

> > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC

> with my

> > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> >

> > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her

> mother the

> > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several

> hours

> > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as

> long as

> > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother

> didn't

> > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter

> Day

> > Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship "

> each other,

> > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.

> >

> > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because

> she

> > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into

> the

> > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some

> of the

> > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The

> worst

> > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I

> was

> > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

> mother, and she

> > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "

> >

> > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town

> for 5

> > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends

> who

> > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't

> face the

> > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her

> based on

> > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone

> would

> > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at

> all.

> >

> > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> character

> > assassination.

> > XOXO, Girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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My NADA is focusing all her attention on me because she is going

through a divorce. I am hoping that she will start dating someone

and forget I exist. I have set up boundaries and am limitng how much

I see her. Meanwhile, she has joined my church (not just

joined--she is teaching Sunday school and joined the lay ministers

program). She bad mouths me to all my friends at church because I am

not giving her the attention she wants. She goes out with the

groups of ladies I used to go out with. It's church--it's not like I

can ask her not to come. The last time I went when she was there, a

friend commented how lucky my mom and I were to get to know each

other as adults because her mother had died when she was 21. My

mother looked right at this woman and said, " Well, yeah, the grass

isn't always greener. " The whole table was quiet. We have

actually visiting a new church (even though I was married in and our

daughter was baptized in the first one). When we came home from the

church we were visiting, my mom was waiting in our driveway and tried

to find out where we had been, but I avoid any direct answers. I

wish I knew something better to do than run and hide but so far it's

the only thing that has given me any peace.


> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird

> gifts and

> > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother

> would talk

> > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders

> about how

> > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could


> believed

> > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished

> image and

> > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer


> this as

> > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC

> with my

> > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> >

> > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her

> mother the

> > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be


> hours

> > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for


> long as

> > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother

> didn't

> > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and


> Day

> > Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship "

> each other,

> > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.

> >

> > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed,


> she

> > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her


> the

> > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard


> of the

> > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The

> worst

> > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when


> was

> > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

> mother, and she

> > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "

> >

> > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home


> for 5

> > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's


> who

> > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just


> face the

> > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe


> based on

> > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe


> would

> > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at

> all.

> >

> > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> character

> > assassination.

> > XOXO, Girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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My Mom also was not happy when I was doing well in school. If I was excited and

brought home a paper with a good grade, she would read it and then critique it

to the point that an " A " from the teacher meant nothing. I recently found a 4th

grade report card from a semester where I missed a bunch of school from being

sick with strep throat. The teacher wrote - " Tag has missed so much time, her

work was bound to suffer. " My Mom wrote back " I am also concerned about Tag's

schoolwork, I certainly hope it's not because she is not trying hard enough. "

What the hell? Zero support for someone in 4th grade.


Re: Character assasination

Wow! Holy crazy lady, batman! It all rung true for me but especially the

homework part. My mom was an English/special ed teacher and I would actually

make appointments with her to review my English papers before I turned them

in. Every single time, when I went at the time of the appointment and asked

her to read it, she would launch into a full on fit that would last about 2

hours because she was " too tired " and how dare I be so selfish. Then she

would tell the world how selfish I was.

I was so confused. I mean, my friend's moms were excited when their kids did

well in school and wanted to support them in that.


> Oh, Girlscout... this is an issue very very near and dear to my fragile

> ego. For me, it has been one of the most devastating things my mother has

> continually done...and continues to do. It is precisely why I went nc with

> her 2 1/2 months ago. She assassinates my character behind my back...and to

> my face. It's amazing to find out I'm not the deceitful, manipulative,

> hypersensitive, self-centered, hedonistic brat that she's always told me I

> am. My therapist about choked, I think, when I was explaining how my mother

> has always made a point of telling me that some therapist told her...when I

> was TEN...that I was hedonistic.. .and that this was often used as

> justification for the other things she did to me. My therapist was basically

> stunned and explained how by her definition I'm as far from a hedonist as it

> gets!


> Some of the smear campaign was very subtle....half truths, you know? She

> would goad me and torment me and ridicule me into tears or a tantrum...and

> then call everyone and tell them what histrionics I was giving her and how

> awful it was and that she had no idea what I was pitching a hissy fit about

> this time...all as if she had been sitting there innocently and I just blew

> up for no reason. She'd not even be accurate about what I'd said...I

> remember listening to her tell these stories and getting even more upset. I

> was a child, I had no defense, you know? My father traveled a good bit for

> his work...so he heard rather than witnessed much of this. To this day he

> still has trouble believing I'm anything other than what she led him to

> believe all those years. I mean, there she would be...harassing me about my

> homework and trying to micromanage it (when I hadn't asked for help) or, if

> I asked for help she would get mean and tell me how lazy and stupid I

> was....or how

> resistant to help I was...and keep going until I was in tears and refused

> to touch the homework. Then the story would be " I try so hard to motivate

> and encourage her, but she just throws a tantrum and refuses to do any

> schoolwork at all. I don't know what to do with her... "


> Some of it has been pretty out there, though...bald face lies that she

> seems to actually believe. I think I've mentioned some of them before. For

> instance...she spent a good number of my college years convinced that I was

> hiding a pregnancy from her. She would harass my roommate about it at every

> opportunity (but it was supposed to be a secret) and tell her friends how

> hurt she was, that she just KNEW I was pregnant. I wasn't. I never have

> been. But you can't convince her of that. In October of 2000, I was a bone

> marrow/stem cell donor through the National Marrow Donor Program. My mother

> got angry that I had other people going with me and not her (I dunno,

> ma...you haven't spoken to me in almost 10 months until you heard about this

> and now all of a sudden you want to be there for me? No thank you.) I didn't

> want her to go...I knew she wouldn't be supportive and that for her it was

> all about telling people she was involved in it. She decided that I must be

> lying...so that Sunday she accosts me and one of my friends (who had gone

> with me) and accused us...in front of the altar in a Catholic Church...of

> being liars. She then proceeded to tell us, rather loudly, that she knew

> what I'd really done was go to have an abortion. Uh...right. I'm going to

> drive 3 hours away to have an abortion when I already live in a major

> metropolitan area with plenty of options for that around? And it's just not

> a choice that *I* would make, anyway. But, she was convinced. She not only

> continued to confront that friend of mine for several years to " just tell

> the truth " ...she also lamented to various people in our parish about my " big

> lie. " I ended up donating 2 more times for the same recipient... I'm sure she

> thinks those were also abortions. Heck, I even MET my recipient... and it was

> on the front page of her metropolitan paper...and my mother still will

> sometimes forget that she made up the abortion thing.


> Another fun one was finding out that several of my distant relatives

> thought I had spent almost two years in drug rehab. Now, I'll admit to being

> a party drinker during my college years...a LONG TIME AGO....but drugs have

> never been my thing. I leave that to my brother. Those two years? When I was

> away and they thought I was in rehab? I was doing mission work in a third

> world orphanage. Some drug rehab, right?


> and I could go on. What I finally realized...the last time I saw her....was

> that no matter what I do or say she is going to spin it so that she looks

> like a victim and I look like a bad person. It KILLS me to know that I have

> relatives who think I'm who she's led them to believe I am.. Kills me.

> Because I can't fight it, you know? I have had several who have approached

> me in the last few years to apologize, though...they' ve been talking amongst

> themselves apparently and my mother's brother is one of my biggest

> champions. He told me, soon after I returned from mission, " I've been

> telling people that they need to get to know you on their own terms, away

> from other people. I tell them that they will learn what I've learned, that

> you are not the person we've been led to believe you are. You are a person

> of great depth, intelligence, compassion, and integrity and it would be

> their loss to not get to know you. " I'm sure my mother would completely lose

> it if she knew

> about that conversation, though. It would be spun into what a gossip I am

> and how I bad mouth her all the time! Can't win...so I'm not even going to

> try.


> My therapist... God bless this woman and her neverending patience with me

> and my stubbornness. ..keeps reminding me that when I meet people (even

> people who know my mother and her distortions) that I need to give them some

> credit for having their own minds. And, that anyone who meets me in real

> life is going to see who I am, weigh it against what she says, and then

> realize the truth and like me for it. I'm still working on believing I'm

> likeable, but I'm getting there.


> Ninera

> Girlscout Cowboy <girlscout.cowboy@ gmail.com<girlscout.cowboy% 40gmail.com> >

> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird gifts

> and

> I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother would

> talk

> to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders about how

> horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have

> believed

> her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished image and

> really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to this

> as

> BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC with my

> mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.


> It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her mother

> the

> most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several hours

> late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as long as

> she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother didn't

> believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day

> Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship " each

> other,

> or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.


> Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because she

> could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into the

> church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some of the

> stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The worst

> moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I was

> about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible mother, and

> she

> said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "


> Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town for 5

> years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends who

> helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't face

> the

> curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her based

> on

> what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone would

> believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at all.


> I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the character

> assassination.

> XOXO, Girlscout



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Move to the new church if it suits you and do not tell your Nada where it is or

what church it is. Don't say anything. Don't even acknowledge that you are going

to church to her. Instruct your husband to simply smile and say that it is a

deeply personal decision and they will not discuss it. It is none of her

business. It is not fair, but you need sanctuary at a place of worship and if

your mother will not let you have it you need to seek it out. Don't feel guilty,

this is for you not her.

Re: Character assasination

My NADA is focusing all her attention on me because she is going

through a divorce. I am hoping that she will start dating someone

and forget I exist. I have set up boundaries and am limitng how much

I see her. Meanwhile, she has joined my church (not just

joined--she is teaching Sunday school and joined the lay ministers

program). She bad mouths me to all my friends at church because I am

not giving her the attention she wants. She goes out with the

groups of ladies I used to go out with. It's church--it's not like I

can ask her not to come. The last time I went when she was there, a

friend commented how lucky my mom and I were to get to know each

other as adults because her mother had died when she was 21. My

mother looked right at this woman and said, " Well, yeah, the grass

isn't always greener. " The whole table was quiet. We have

actually visiting a new church (even though I was married in and our

daughter was baptized in the first one). When we came home from the

church we were visiting, my mom was waiting in our driveway and tried

to find out where we had been, but I avoid any direct answers. I

wish I knew something better to do than run and hide but so far it's

the only thing that has given me any peace.


> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird

> gifts and

> > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother

> would talk

> > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders

> about how

> > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could


> believed

> > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished

> image and

> > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer


> this as

> > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC

> with my

> > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> >

> > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her

> mother the

> > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be


> hours

> > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for


> long as

> > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother

> didn't

> > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and


> Day

> > Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship "

> each other,

> > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.

> >

> > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed,


> she

> > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her


> the

> > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard


> of the

> > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The

> worst

> > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when


> was

> > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

> mother, and she

> > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "

> >

> > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home


> for 5

> > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's


> who

> > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just


> face the

> > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe


> based on

> > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe


> would

> > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at

> all.

> >

> > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> character

> > assassination.

> > XOXO, Girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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Girlscout Cowboy and ,

Thanks for the support--changing churches after seven years is a

really big deal for me but it may all turn out for the best--moving

away sounds even better, but alas, I have business reasons to stay

here and it's likely my NADA would follow.


> > > >

> > > > Hello Everyone,

> > > > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and


> > > gifts and

> > > > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My


> > > would talk

> > > > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church


> > > about how

> > > > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could

> > have

> > > believed

> > > > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a


> > > image and

> > > > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they


> > to

> > > this as

> > > > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go


> > > with my

> > > > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> > > >

> > > > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs


> > > mother the

> > > > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be

> > several

> > > hours

> > > > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and


> > as

> > > long as

> > > > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My


> > > didn't

> > > > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and

> > Latter

> > > Day

> > > > Saints), but members of this church are expected

to " fellowship "

> > > each other,

> > > > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the


> > > >

> > > > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed,

> > because

> > > she

> > > > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her

> > into

> > > the

> > > > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard

> > some

> > > of the

> > > > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible.


> > > worst

> > > > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me,


> > I

> > > was

> > > > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

> > > mother, and she

> > > > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her

better. "

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home

> > town

> > > for 5

> > > > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's

> > friends

> > > who

> > > > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just

> > can't

> > > face the

> > > > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly


> > her

> > > based on

> > > > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe

> > anyone

> > > would

> > > > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or

actress at

> > > all.

> > > >

> > > > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> > > character

> > > > assassination.

> > > > XOXO, Girlscout

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Something similar: The teachers suspected some of the abuse that I received at

home. They would go out of theri way to say flattering things to me. They would

compliment me in front of Nada. She would smile big and beem but, once I made it

" home " , she would rant and rtage about that I wqasn't smart at all. Really, she

would repeat it over and over againg for hours. I think it took her sometime to

realize that the compliments weren't for her but were fo rme. She is such a low


C Kipp wrote: My Mom also was not happy when I was doing

well in school. If I was excited and brought home a paper with a good grade, she

would read it and then critique it to the point that an " A " from the teacher

meant nothing. I recently found a 4th grade report card from a semester where I

missed a bunch of school from being sick with strep throat. The teacher wrote -

" Tag has missed so much time, her work was bound to suffer. " My Mom wrote back

" I am also concerned about Tag's schoolwork, I certainly hope it's not because

she is not trying hard enough. " What the hell? Zero support for someone in 4th



Re: Character assasination

Wow! Holy crazy lady, batman! It all rung true for me but especially the

homework part. My mom was an English/special ed teacher and I would actually

make appointments with her to review my English papers before I turned them

in. Every single time, when I went at the time of the appointment and asked

her to read it, she would launch into a full on fit that would last about 2

hours because she was " too tired " and how dare I be so selfish. Then she

would tell the world how selfish I was.

I was so confused. I mean, my friend's moms were excited when their kids did

well in school and wanted to support them in that.


> Oh, Girlscout... this is an issue very very near and dear to my fragile

> ego. For me, it has been one of the most devastating things my mother has

> continually done...and continues to do. It is precisely why I went nc with

> her 2 1/2 months ago. She assassinates my character behind my back...and to

> my face. It's amazing to find out I'm not the deceitful, manipulative,

> hypersensitive, self-centered, hedonistic brat that she's always told me I

> am. My therapist about choked, I think, when I was explaining how my mother

> has always made a point of telling me that some therapist told her...when I

> was TEN...that I was hedonistic.. .and that this was often used as

> justification for the other things she did to me. My therapist was basically

> stunned and explained how by her definition I'm as far from a hedonist as it

> gets!


> Some of the smear campaign was very subtle....half truths, you know? She

> would goad me and torment me and ridicule me into tears or a tantrum...and

> then call everyone and tell them what histrionics I was giving her and how

> awful it was and that she had no idea what I was pitching a hissy fit about

> this time...all as if she had been sitting there innocently and I just blew

> up for no reason. She'd not even be accurate about what I'd said...I

> remember listening to her tell these stories and getting even more upset. I

> was a child, I had no defense, you know? My father traveled a good bit for

> his work...so he heard rather than witnessed much of this. To this day he

> still has trouble believing I'm anything other than what she led him to

> believe all those years. I mean, there she would be...harassing me about my

> homework and trying to micromanage it (when I hadn't asked for help) or, if

> I asked for help she would get mean and tell me how lazy and stupid I

> was....or how

> resistant to help I was...and keep going until I was in tears and refused

> to touch the homework. Then the story would be " I try so hard to motivate

> and encourage her, but she just throws a tantrum and refuses to do any

> schoolwork at all. I don't know what to do with her... "


> Some of it has been pretty out there, though...bald face lies that she

> seems to actually believe. I think I've mentioned some of them before. For

> instance...she spent a good number of my college years convinced that I was

> hiding a pregnancy from her. She would harass my roommate about it at every

> opportunity (but it was supposed to be a secret) and tell her friends how

> hurt she was, that she just KNEW I was pregnant. I wasn't. I never have

> been. But you can't convince her of that. In October of 2000, I was a bone

> marrow/stem cell donor through the National Marrow Donor Program. My mother

> got angry that I had other people going with me and not her (I dunno,

> ma...you haven't spoken to me in almost 10 months until you heard about this

> and now all of a sudden you want to be there for me? No thank you.) I didn't

> want her to go...I knew she wouldn't be supportive and that for her it was

> all about telling people she was involved in it. She decided that I must be

> lying...so that Sunday she accosts me and one of my friends (who had gone

> with me) and accused us...in front of the altar in a Catholic Church...of

> being liars. She then proceeded to tell us, rather loudly, that she knew

> what I'd really done was go to have an abortion. Uh...right. I'm going to

> drive 3 hours away to have an abortion when I already live in a major

> metropolitan area with plenty of options for that around? And it's just not

> a choice that *I* would make, anyway. But, she was convinced. She not only

> continued to confront that friend of mine for several years to " just tell

> the truth " ...she also lamented to various people in our parish about my " big

> lie. " I ended up donating 2 more times for the same recipient... I'm sure she

> thinks those were also abortions. Heck, I even MET my recipient... and it was

> on the front page of her metropolitan paper...and my mother still will

> sometimes forget that she made up the abortion thing.


> Another fun one was finding out that several of my distant relatives

> thought I had spent almost two years in drug rehab. Now, I'll admit to being

> a party drinker during my college years...a LONG TIME AGO....but drugs have

> never been my thing. I leave that to my brother. Those two years? When I was

> away and they thought I was in rehab? I was doing mission work in a third

> world orphanage. Some drug rehab, right?


> and I could go on. What I finally realized...the last time I saw her....was

> that no matter what I do or say she is going to spin it so that she looks

> like a victim and I look like a bad person. It KILLS me to know that I have

> relatives who think I'm who she's led them to believe I am.. Kills me.

> Because I can't fight it, you know? I have had several who have approached

> me in the last few years to apologize, though...they' ve been talking amongst

> themselves apparently and my mother's brother is one of my biggest

> champions. He told me, soon after I returned from mission, " I've been

> telling people that they need to get to know you on their own terms, away

> from other people. I tell them that they will learn what I've learned, that

> you are not the person we've been led to believe you are. You are a person

> of great depth, intelligence, compassion, and integrity and it would be

> their loss to not get to know you. " I'm sure my mother would completely lose

> it if she knew

> about that conversation, though. It would be spun into what a gossip I am

> and how I bad mouth her all the time! Can't win...so I'm not even going to

> try.


> My therapist... God bless this woman and her neverending patience with me

> and my stubbornness. ..keeps reminding me that when I meet people (even

> people who know my mother and her distortions) that I need to give them some

> credit for having their own minds. And, that anyone who meets me in real

> life is going to see who I am, weigh it against what she says, and then

> realize the truth and like me for it. I'm still working on believing I'm

> likeable, but I'm getting there.


> Ninera

> Girlscout Cowboy >

> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird gifts

> and

> I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother would

> talk

> to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders about how

> horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have

> believed

> her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished image and

> really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to this

> as

> BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC with my

> mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.


> It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her mother

> the

> most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several hours

> late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as long as

> she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother didn't

> believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day

> Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship " each

> other,

> or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.


> Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because she

> could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into the

> church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some of the

> stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The worst

> moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I was

> about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible mother, and

> she

> said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "


> Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town for 5

> years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends who

> helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't face

> the

> curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her based

> on

> what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone would

> believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at all.


> I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the character

> assassination.

> XOXO, Girlscout



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That's a tough one. Any chance she might lose interest in your church if you

ignore her behavior? I can't imagine, finding your mother at church. That

would sort of be like if i walked into work and found my mother answering

the phones at the reception desk.


> Girlscout Cowboy and ,


> Thanks for the support--changing churches after seven years is a

> really big deal for me but it may all turn out for the best--moving

> away sounds even better, but alas, I have business reasons to stay

> here and it's likely my NADA would follow.


> Bunny



> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Everyone,

> > > > > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and

> weird

> > > > gifts and

> > > > > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My

> mother

> > > > would talk

> > > > > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church

> leaders

> > > > about how

> > > > > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could

> > > have

> > > > believed

> > > > > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a

> polished

> > > > image and

> > > > > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they

> refer

> > > to

> > > > this as

> > > > > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go

> NC

> > > > with my

> > > > > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs

> her

> > > > mother the

> > > > > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be

> > > several

> > > > hours

> > > > > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and

> for

> > > as

> > > > long as

> > > > > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My

> mother

> > > > didn't

> > > > > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and

> > > Latter

> > > > Day

> > > > > Saints), but members of this church are expected

> to " fellowship "

> > > > each other,

> > > > > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the

> church.

> > > > >

> > > > > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed,

> > > because

> > > > she

> > > > > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her

> > > into

> > > > the

> > > > > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard

> > > some

> > > > of the

> > > > > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible.

> The

> > > > worst

> > > > > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me,

> when

> > > I

> > > > was

> > > > > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

> > > > mother, and she

> > > > > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her

> better. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home

> > > town

> > > > for 5

> > > > > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's

> > > friends

> > > > who

> > > > > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just

> > > can't

> > > > face the

> > > > > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly

> believe

> > > her

> > > > based on

> > > > > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe

> > > anyone

> > > > would

> > > > > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or

> actress at

> > > > all.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> > > > character

> > > > > assassination.

> > > > > XOXO, Girlscout

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Oh geez, that stinks. I can just imagine the things your nada must be coming

up with to have a few moments alone with your daughter. My boyfriend says

that the most disbturbing part of BPD for him is that the people who have it

have no self respect. I can just imagine your mom doing something like

stuffing her bra with kleenex and then having the kleenex fall out all over

the nursery so that she can stay a few moments longer - whew, wild

imagination, but my nada would have done that (if she hadn't been terrified

of her own breasts, that is).

My nada also used church as a place to gossip about me, and that was really

really hard. It's actually probably one of my most painful memories. But, I

think you are on the right track. It's smart that you are leaving and I do

think she will lose interest.

How old is your daughter by the way? It sounds like you two have a great

relationship! Good on you for not allowing unsupervised visits. I literally

wouldn't let my mother watch my dog, so don't leave her alone with your

precious child!


> That is exactly what it's like! We tried to stay at church for about

> six months, thinking that she would eventually move on to something

> else. When we gave up a few weeks ago and started visiting other

> churches (and she was waiting in our driveway), she told me that

> she's not all that committed to our church (Sunday School teacher?

> Lay Minister? Confirmation Classes? All just hobbies, I suppose)and

> that she might look around too---the subtext was that she would look

> wherever we are looking. AGH! I have been careful not to teach my

> daughter the name of the church we have been attending--we call

> it " Ms. Becky's church " because my friend Becky attends there. I

> feel like such a coward, but it got to the point at our church that I

> couldn't go to the service because I couldn't leave the nursery for

> fear my NADA would get my daughter and tell her God-knows-what. (We

> don't allow NADA unsupervised time with my daughter--which we have

> never told her but which she has figured out--and she will do really

> odd things to try to get a few minutes alone with her). By the time I

> took our girl to the nursery in the morning, the nursery worker would

> say, " You're mother has been by here three times already looking for

> her. " So I would just stay with my girl in the nursery with my mother

> hovering outside the window--which was fun playtime --except for the

> stress--but we could have done that if we spent the morning at home--

> without the stress. But yes, I do hope that now that we aren't

> attending our church she will give up and we can quietly go back.

> And I hope that if we do, that my friends will have enough history

> with me that they won't believe all the horrible things my mother is

> saying. It's a church where people don't really gossip, and I like

> to think that other people can see through her facade because all of

> her friendships are so short-lived.



> >

> > That's a tough one. Any chance she might lose interest in your

> church if you

> > ignore her behavior? I can't imagine, finding your mother at

> church. That

> > would sort of be like if i walked into work and found my mother

> answering

> > the phones at the reception desk.

> >


> >




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" you wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you realized how seldom

they do. "

It's something like that. Dr. Phil says it all the time. It basically says -

it's not all about


I agree that within the structure of a normal persons life that is an accurate


however in my experience my nada DOES use her time to dwell on every little

nuance and

slight and offense, real or imagined. Every word that someone says is


Although by the time it makes it through the labyrinth that is her twisted

thinking it bears

little resemblance to the facts.

I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a little.


> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and weird

> gifts and

> > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My mother

> would talk

> > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church leaders

> about how

> > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could have

> believed

> > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a polished

> image and

> > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they refer to

> this as

> > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go NC with my

> > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> >

> > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs her

> mother the

> > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be several hours

> > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and for as

> long as

> > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My mother didn't

> > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day

> > Saints), but members of this church are expected to " fellowship "

> each other,

> > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the church.

> >

> > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed, because she

> > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her into the

> > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard some

> of the

> > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible. The worst

> > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me, when I was

> > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible mother,

> and she

> > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her better. "

> >

> > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home town for 5

> > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's friends who

> > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just can't

> face the

> > curious, questioning looks. I know they at least partly believe her

> based on

> > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe anyone

> would

> > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or actress at all.

> >

> > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the character

> > assassination.

> > XOXO, Girlscout

> >

> >

> >

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Do what is best for you, sugar. If you cannot move away then by all means find

another church. Don't be surprised if your mom shows up. If she would track you

down to another state she may try to follow you to another church. You have my

sympathies. I have no idea what to advise.

Re: Character assasination

Girlscout Cowboy and ,

Thanks for the support--changing churches after seven years is a

really big deal for me but it may all turn out for the best--moving

away sounds even better, but alas, I have business reasons to stay

here and it's likely my NADA would follow.


> > > >

> > > > Hello Everyone,

> > > > We've had some excellent discussions about hair pulling and


> > > gifts and

> > > > I guess I'm ready to talk about a deeper level of hurt. My


> > > would talk

> > > > to her friends, my relatives, my teachers and my church


> > > about how

> > > > horrible I was and how I hurt her. I don't see how they could

> > have

> > > believed

> > > > her because my mom wasn't a good actress, didn't have a


> > > image and

> > > > really just seemed like a big fat phony. In the books they


> > to

> > > this as

> > > > BPD character assasination. A huge part of my decision to go


> > > with my

> > > > mother was the fact that she told such horrible lies about me.

> > > >

> > > > It was the worst during and after puberty, when a girl needs


> > > mother the

> > > > most. My mom went to church every week and would always be

> > several

> > > hours

> > > > late getting home. What she did is, during the service, and


> > as

> > > long as

> > > > she could afterwards,she would hold court in the lobby. My


> > > didn't

> > > > believe in the church (Mormon, or Church of Jesus Christ and

> > Latter

> > > Day

> > > > Saints), but members of this church are expected

to " fellowship "

> > > each other,

> > > > or try to get people who are drifting away back into the


> > > >

> > > > Anyway, my mom would go to church specifically, I believed,

> > because

> > > she

> > > > could hold court their, using the women's desire to bring her

> > into

> > > the

> > > > church as a full believer to hold their attention. I overheard

> > some

> > > of the

> > > > stories she told about me and they were absolutely horrible.


> > > worst

> > > > moment of my life was when one of these women came up to me,


> > I

> > > was

> > > > about 14 and very emotionally fragile because of my horrible

> > > mother, and she

> > > > said, " Your mother is a good woman. You need to treat her

better. "

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, the pain of all of this has kept me away from my home

> > town

> > > for 5

> > > > years. I haven't seen any of my extended family or my dad's

> > friends

> > > who

> > > > helped raise me because I know she tells them lies and I just

> > can't

> > > face the

> > > > curious, questioning looks.. I know they at least partly


> > her

> > > based on

> > > > what they say and the questions they ask me. I can't believe

> > anyone

> > > would

> > > > believe her phony BS, I mean, she isn't a good liar or

actress at

> > > all.

> > > >

> > > > I'd love to hear similar stories and how you all survived the

> > > character

> > > > assassination.

> > > > XOXO, Girlscout

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I can relate to what you are saying about continuing to attract

these people. I've shared here before about having gotten involved

with a cluster of them in the last couple of years. One of them is

just loved by everyone, despite being a diagnosed bpd and obvious

alcoholic. Another is someone that has double decade recovery in AA

and has learned to use 'recovery talk' to make himself sound sane,

when really he is a raging sex addict (this he admitted to me but it

was under the guise of being a 'former' sex addict...not so, he

broke two of my friends hearts in quick succession and then

slandered them and tried to portray them both as 'crazy' rather than

face up to his lies). I think going through that with those folks

plus a couple others was hitting bottom for me, there was no way to

deny that it was I that was attracting them, it did not happen by

accident. I am at a complete loss about how to recognize 'good'

people, how to attract them, and how to maintain relationships with

them. I sometimes don't trust their motives and over-react to things

that they do. If I do attract them in I think sometimes I harm the

relationship because of my own behavior. I'm really seething mad

that this stuff has had such a far-reaching effect on my life. I

have not had any kind of romantic relationship in almost a decade,

because the last two were physcially abusive and I don't trust

myself to draw in a person who is not violent, and I won't go

throught the self-esteem killing effects of being with an abusive

partner again. The last one was only that way when the person was

under the influence, but I had the experience, what I call my 'cops

moment' where I had to call the police...it was so demoralizing to

realize that I could have been one of those people on that show

Cops. That did it for me. To be honest I envy people on here when

they talk about their spouses and the great relationships they have

with them. I don't understand how that happens, that you grow up

being victimized by a bpd and then attract a sane spouse. I would

love to have a supportive relationship like that one day.

I know that these people give out clues as to their dysfunction,but

I do not recognize them, or I ignore them. In hindsight, I can

always see how I ignored the red flags, when they were right there

all along. I want to know why it is I ignore them, and how I can

learn to recognize them and heed them. I think that part of the

problem is I keep myself so isolated that I am almost desperate when

someone comes along who might be a friend. I am so lonely that I am

willing to disregard these little signs, or minimize them, and then

end up regretting it. Con artists and people with dubious motives

are always on the lookout for lonely, desperate, and needy people to

take advantage of. I need to do things differently, I just don't

know how evaluate people like a normal person would, instead of

blinding myself to the signs, as a KO does.

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Not only yes, but hell yes. This is in no way normal behavior. Admit that you

were trained to react the way you are reacting. You have some real work ahead of

you to try and decouple your behavior and reactions from what your mother did to

you. DID to you. She did this for her own reasons which you may NEVER be able to

understand. Work on getting distance between you and this abhorrent behavior. As

for attracting the wrong sort of people. My God what else do you know? Honey,

you have my deepest sympathies for what you are going through. Be good to

yourself. I cannot even begin to understand what it may be like to walk in your

shoes, but if any of us can pull ourselves out of that hole so can you. For me

the first step was letting go of the illusions I had about my family. That if

only I were " better, " what ever that meant, that my family would be better. Not

gonna happen. You can renegotiate your relationships on you terms. It is up to

your family to

either accept or reject it, but that is their problem not yours.

Right now I am working on letting my brother go for good. I don't like the way

he treats me and I really don't like the way he treats my son. Not going to put

up with it and not going to let anyone hurt my son. Fortunately my mother and I

are renegotiating our relationship, but I am not hopeful that it will turn out

all right. I can't be because I have been let down so many times before. We will

see what will happen.

When you finally accept that you deserve to be treated better you will seek out

people who will treat you better. You deserve to be treated better in every

respect. I think there are healthy people and people who get healthy and that is

a part of growing up. Here is my idea of healthy: it doesn't hurt and you have

nothing to explain if there is nothing to explain.

Be strong.

Re: Re: Character assasination

I'm in a bad place regarding all of this right now. I began therapy several

months ago..it has helped but I'm still in the painful healing process.

My main wound that must heal is that I have developed an absolute terror of

other people. Really, it has been destructive to my functioning as a productive

member of society. Here's the situation:

My Nada would do the cruelest abuses she could think of (having fake heart

attacks, beating me without any warning or provocation, horrible character

assassination, and one psycho episode after the next). She would do all of that

in private without witnesses but, the SECOND any member of the " public " showed

up, she would immediately become " saintly " .

Here's one example: She would often have her fake heart attacks. I had already

learned not to call the paramedics when she did that (the first time I tried to

call for help she forced me intro a choke hold and then dragged me around the

kitchen floor by my hair). Imagine this: A supposed grown woman was on the floor

in fake convulsions, frothing at the mouth. The phone then rang and, like

nothing had happened at all, she immediately got up and answered the phone. She

sounded so sweet and calm. She often changed her demeanor like a light switch.

Another example: She would rage while driving to church. She would scream

obscenities at small kids but, the SECOND, her foot hit the church parking lot,

she became " saintly " again. I would watch her as she went up to get Communion

(for those that aren't Catholic, it is a mortal sin to accept Communion without

confession. She obviously didn't consider screaming obscenities at children to

be sinful at all). I almost expected her head to spin around like the " Exorcist "

movie when she blessed herself with Holy Water or took Communion. It is terrible

when you live with a " mother " who really is just Satan's Sadistic Sister.

How did all that affect me? I don't trust anyone. The sweeter a person is the

more uncomfortable I am around them. I don't have any personal friendships

anymore because the terror of " waiting for the attack " is too much to handle.

Ironically, I can handle myself well in superficial situations. I am a kind,

respectful, and trustworthy person. Other people have noticed that and have

offered their friendships to me. The moment they ask me to socialize with them I

find excuses not to go because I am terrified that they will hurt me. I am

terrified that they are sadists that are scheming to attack when I am


How do I heal from this? It has sabotaged my career,my mental health, and my

life. I want to heal but I don't know how. Do any of you feel that way? How did

you cope?

sboothdaniels wrote:

I am sooo in that place right now. While therapy has been incredibly

supportive and discovering the real issues of my Nada have been

helpful all of this has also slammed me wide awake to the patterns

(although less) that I have learned through my nadas behavior.

Forgiveness and giving myself a break is not coming easy. I feel

horrible for some of the things I have put my husband through and yes

I do feel in my gut I am to completely blame even though it was a

dynamic. It's that black and white thing all over the right and

wrong. I am doing so much better in my relationships now and yet

still can't find the acceptance button. How come the rewind and play

back buttons are so easy to find? and the darn eject button never

works? Sorry you are having a troubled day Mercy.


> >

> >

> > I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a little.

> >

> > Carla


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I can relate to this:

then when she's done and she gets out of the car, it's like

> nothing ever happened. WTF?!!?!??!??!


When I first got into recovery from alcoholism there was a while where

I thought maybe my mother was mpd or something like that, just because

of these weird 'blanks' she would have.

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I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we

are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the

more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and

discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a

sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that

sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as

far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the

border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath).

Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing

of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not,

most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool

and are ill-groomed...when those are the extreme cases and the far

more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks

good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has

no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never

learned about...all this time thinking it was me and I guess I

deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my

life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally

say 'something really messed up is going on here'.

I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers

who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multple

personality...there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it.

How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to

torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the

outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live

with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to

their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but

be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how

to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of

wrong-doing...those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet

they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick-

study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating,

even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I

am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous.

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I suppose that in their own sick way that is how they get control. Kind of the

Lord of the Flies for parents. They were abused so they are taught that it is ok

to abuse. What gets me is that there are many many people who are abused and

then don't go on to do that to their children. It is as if there is a crazy

switch that is turned on or off depending on the circumstances.. Some part of

you says that it is not ok and that the people who are telling you that it is

are liars. It is despicable for any adult to do that to a child. I also do not

believe that anyone who crosses that line is redeemable. In my eyes if they are

not in jail they should not be left alone with any child and they should be told

that if they go near a child their next action would be to plead guilty in


What I am going to ask is very sensitive question and if I am off base you let

me know. But do you think that the reason your mother did not stop what was

going on with you and you sister is because she was trying to buy your

Grandfada's affection? That the two of you were gifts to keep her tenuous

relationship with him? It absolutly turns my stomach to even think about it, but

it does explain her reaction when you told her what had happened and she blew

you off. Your nada is a very disturbed person and in a way it is not her fault

that she is disturbed. It is her fault that she did not do more to protect you.

You assume that she has guilt about what she has done and said, I hate to tell

you that but I don't think she does. If she had guilt she would be trying to do

what is right by you, and she is not. She is disconnected from her

responsibilities as a parent. Amazing. No doubt that parts of her emotional make

up died when she was molested. Don't let

that happen to you.

I am so sorry this happened to you. It is not fair. But I do believe in Karma,

what goes around comes around. Look at it this way the more progress you make

the less significant they become. You can never forget what happened, but you

can be strong enough to let it not control you. Keep working on it. Be strong.

You will get there, once you decide where there is.

Re: Character assasination

I think it's crazy but it's a different kind of crazy than what we

are taught about growing up. The further into this work I get the

more furious I get that we aren't even taught to watch for and

discern for sociopaths when we are young/er. 1 out of 20 people is a

sociopath. Bpds and npds act like sociopaths to the point that

sometimes you can't tell the difference. I read somewhere that as

far as borderline that is why it's called that, because it is on the

border between a narcissist and a full-blown sociopath (psychopath) .

Someone correct me if I have that wrong. And then there is the thing

of thinking that sociopaths are all serial killers. Most are not,

most aren't even criminals. And of thinking that crazy people drool

and are ill-groomed. ..when those are the extreme cases and the far

more dangerous crazy person, most of the time, is the one that looks

good, smells okay, dresses well, is well-spoken and charming and has

no conscience whatsoever. This is something I can't believe I never

learned about...all this time thinking it was me and I guess I

deserved this. Only after this last year of drawing several into my

life at once and being hurt by their behavior did I finally

say 'something really messed up is going on here'.

I sometimes wonder reading these posts if it's possible the mothers

who flipped back and forth mood-wise so much are multple

personality. ..there is a new name for that now, I can't remember it.

How is it that they are able to be crazy yet know that it is okay to

torment their children as long as they keep their appearance to the

outside world. How is it they can torment their children and live

with the guilt? How is it that they can be so absolutely insane to

their kids and so without any understanding of what parenting is but

be so astute as to be able to discern almost perfectly exactly how

to toe the line with the outside world so as not to be suspected of

wrong-doing. ..those two things seem so contradictory to me and yet

they are present in the same person; someone who is a very quick-

study and a master manipulator but seems incapable of approximating,

even remotely, normal parenting behavior. Sorry I have no answers I

am just thinking out loud and pretty incredulous.



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i thought it was going to be a good idea when my parents divorced

because they fought ALL the TIME and if they had some time away from

each other, i thought they could chill out. that isn't what

happened...my mom turned on me and fought ALL the TIME anyway. and

without dad there, i was the closest thing to a rational adult in the

house (and i was 11). i realize that it takes two to tango, but it's

really hard for me not to blame her for the divorce.

also, it adds a whole new level of jealousy and craziness to family

holidays. mom would always " forget " every year that we were going to

go to dad's holiday things and would plan something at the exact same

time across town and freak out when we decided to stick to the plan

and go to dad's thing. and she would get crazy jealous of the time i

spent with dad's sisters. she would often threaten to send me to live

with my dad, but she never did...now THAT would have been nice. see,

there never really was time away from her. there was time preparing

to tell her we were doing something and time waiting for the onslaught

of craziness and time worrying how life would be when we got back and

time hearing how our entire family was out to get us and that they

didn't like us anyway. never a break...not even in the middle of the

night...thinking about this is kind of making me wonder whether i'm a

rational adult or whether i'm so crazy i have deluded myself into

THINKING i'm a rational adult, because it doesn't seem that anything

good could come out of a crazy situation i came from.

sounds like your mom is a big honking hypocrite. why does life have

to be so chaotic for them? why do they HAVE to create these

situations? why can't they just let anybody ever relax around them?

i don't get it.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I say as KO's we should be forgiven for our paranoia just a

> > little.

> > > > >

> > > > > Carla

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!

> > Search.

> > >

> > >

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