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>My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the mercury

>blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She

>said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was told

>by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were

>supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury. CONFUSED!!!!

>Can anyone here help me?

>Jenna Everhart

Hi Jenna,

This is SOOOO funny--- I JUST sent you another (private) message

in response to the one you sent me yesterday! I mean I *just*

sent it, and now I see you have, indeed, " made it " to the

autism treatment list. (good!) But, you must have seen the msg

I *posted* on whatever-list-it-was.

Anyhow, your mom is closer to the right answer that the doc.

Mercury stays in blood for only a VERY short time (sorry, I

don't remember how long-- I'm awful with info like numbers!)

It stays in the brain ALMOST forever-- I think the half life

is something like 30 years or 50 years--- Which is why a lot

of us (on this list) are doing " chelation " to get the darned

stuff outta there.

You need a hair test, and it needs to be processed by DDI

(which is a lab). Then use the counting rules to understand

how to READ the results:


I'd also recommend a few deep breaths --- this doctor-induced-confusion

can be a bit stressful, no? Feel free to get your bearings

before you decide whether/how to explain to the doctor that she

is mistaken.

If the doctor-induced-confusion happens to turn into

doctor-induced-apathy-and-discouragement, then please read

some of the stuff you can find here:


You will find personal evidence that chelation has significant

benefits for many kids. Which, I hope, will help you

summon the energy and motivation to continue to read about all

this " chelation " long enough to sort things out.



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Jenna wrote:

> My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the mercury

> blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She

> said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was told

> by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were

> supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury. CONFUSED!!!!

> Can anyone here help me?

> Jenna Everhart


Hi Jenna,

glad you found this group! I understand how much you want to help your


Depending on when the last exposure to mercury was you may or may not

find much mercury in the blood (nor hair and fecal tests either). If

your sons were exposed to mercury, it is likely their is mercury in

their systems. After about 4-6 months most of the mercury in their blood

will go into the cells of the body. There is really no way to quantify

what's in the cells even with a hair test. Maybe your Dr doesnt know

this fact. If you decide to go through chelation for your sons what they

excrete (urine and stools) should show mercury coming out (this is

somewhat dependent on age on how fast it comes out, it may take several

rounds before you see it).

You are NOT crazy! It has been my experience that most Dr's are ignorant

(which means uniformed) as to the nature of mercury in the body OR the

have accepted what they have been told as to the nature of the type of

mercury found in shots (ethyl mercury).

You are on the right steps. Educate yourself!

Find out what shots your sons have had. Go to the Dr as soon as you can

and get their immunization records. By law they must give it to you. If

you feel odd/worried asking for them say you need it for school. Ask for

a copy of their records. Look at the chart they give you and if you have

ANY questions about what abbreviates or such mean ask then and write it

down. Once you have found out what shots they have had go here


That will tell you what shots had mercury (in the form of " thimerasol " )

in them. If your sons are older, you may need to get an older reference

chart that should be available from the Autism Research Institute

(someone here can help you find that or may even have an older chart).

Once you have done that you can confirm your suspicions. If they have

had DTP, HiB or HepB shots its likely they have been exposed.

If you need a good start on what this all about I suggest looking here

http://www.autism treatment.com

That should keep you busy reading for awhile and give you links to other

info (dont do like I did, try to get some sleep at night!).

safeminds.org is another related site. If after that point you'd like to

know more, just ask. There are files in the newsgroup with plenty of

info and I'd be more than happy to send you the months worth of

bookmarked links I have obtained.

Other than this newsgroups files there are several sites which you might

visit regarding treatment. I dont recommend any kind of treatment at

this point but you can find out about different treatments here:


If your Dr thinks otherwise you can order hair tests for yourself (I

dont know if you can do that with stool tests), although you will not

likely get insurance reimbursement for them and some labs require a DR

request the work. I went and had the tests done with a sympathetic Dr.

so I dont have any links for you. But Im sure one of us other " know it

alls " will ;)

Hang in there! It IS a lot of info to digest but once you start it

becomes easier.

need help just ask

We are ordering our DMSA for chelation today!

Best Wishes to your sons and your family

Caleb's dad


" There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics. "


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Mueller wrote:



> Jenna wrote:


> > My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the mercury

> > blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She

> > said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was told


> > by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were

> > supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury.


> > Can anyone here help me?

> > Jenna Everhart

> >


WOW lots of errors in the spell checker!


> Hi Jenna,


> glad you found this group! I understand how much you want to help your


> sons.


> Depending on when the last exposure to mercury was you may or may not

> find much mercury in the blood (nor hair and fecal tests either). If

> your sons were exposed to mercury, it is likely THERE is mercury in

> their systems. After about 4-6 months most of the mercury in their

> blood

> will go into the cells of the body. There is really no way to quantify


> what's in the cells even with a hair test. Maybe your Dr doesnt know

> this fact. If you decide to go through chelation for your sons what

> they

> excrete (urine and stools) should show mercury coming out (this is

> somewhat dependent on age on how fast it comes out, it may take

> several

> rounds before you see it).


> You are NOT crazy! It has been my experience that most Dr's are

> ignorant

> (which means UNINFORMED) as to the nature of mercury in the body OR

> the

> have accepted what they have been told as to the nature of the type of


> mercury found in shots (ethyl mercury).


> You are on the right steps. Educate yourself!


> Find out what shots your sons have had. Go to the Dr as soon as you

> can

> and get their immunization records. By law they must give it to you.

> If

> you feel odd/worried asking for them say you need it for school. Ask

> for

> a copy of their records. Look at the chart they give you and if you

> have

> ANY questions about what abbreviates or such mean ask then and write

> it

> down. Once you have found out what shots they have had go here


> http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm


> That will tell you what shots had mercury (in the form of

> " thimerasol " )

> in them. If your sons are older, you may need to get an older

> reference

> chart that should be available from the Autism Research Institute

> (someone here can help you find that or may even have an older chart).


> Once you have done that you can confirm your suspicions. If they have

> had DTP, HiB or HepB shots its likely they have been exposed.


> If you need a good start on what this all about I suggest looking here


> http://www.autism treatment.com


> That should keep you busy reading for awhile and give you links to

> other

> info (dont do like I did, try to get some sleep at night!).

> safeminds.org is another related site. If after that point you'd like

> to

> know more, just ask. There are files in the newsgroup with plenty of

> info and I'd be more than happy to send you the months worth of

> bookmarked links I have obtained.


> Other than this newsgroups files there are several sites which you

> might

> visit regarding treatment. I dont recommend any kind of treatment at

> this point but you can find out about different treatments here:


> http://www.healing-arts.org/children/autism-treatments.htm


> If your Dr thinks otherwise you can order hair tests for yourself (I

> dont know if you can do that with stool tests), although you will not

> likely get insurance reimbursement for them and some labs require a DR


> request the work. I went and had the tests done with a sympathetic Dr.


> so I dont have any links for you. But Im sure one of us other " know it


> alls " will ;)


> Hang in there! It IS a lot of info to digest but once you start it

> becomes easier.

> need help just ask


> We are ordering our DMSA for chelation today!


> Best Wishes to your sons and your family


> Caleb's dad


> --

> " There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics. "

> Clemens





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Hi Jenna -

Mercury deposits itself in the organs (liver, brain,etc.) so therefore, it

doesn't always show up in the blood, or in the hair for that matter (if it's

been awhile since the last exposure) Do you have a DAN Doc?

mom to Dean (autistic)

Jenna wrote:

> My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the mercury

> blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She

> said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was told

> by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were

> supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury. CONFUSED!!!!

> Can anyone here help me?

> Jenna Everhart



> =======================================================


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what is a DAN DOC???? LOL I have no clue what that is. Ya

see...we live in the wonderful world of the military family. NOT!!!!

lol -

-- In @y..., jennifer shearer <jshearer@f...> wrote:

> Hi Jenna -

> Mercury deposits itself in the organs (liver, brain,etc.) so

therefore, it

> doesn't always show up in the blood, or in the hair for that matter

(if it's

> been awhile since the last exposure) Do you have a DAN Doc?


> mom to Dean (autistic)


> Jenna wrote:


> > My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the


> > blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She

> > said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was


> > by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were

> > supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury.


> > Can anyone here help me?

> > Jenna Everhart

> >

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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I totally agree with every word wrote, most particularly the

encouragement to Jenna; just want to comment on one little aspect:

> You are NOT crazy! It has been my experience that most Dr's are


> (which means uniformed) as to the nature of mercury in the body OR


> have accepted what they have been told as to the nature of the type


> mercury found in shots (ethyl mercury).

The're not even uninformed; they're aggressively MISinformed by the

American Academy of Pediatrics. My son's pediatrician sent me an

article from the August issue of the AAP Journal, titled " Chelation

Therapy for Autism Neither Safe Nor Effective " and containing a whole

series of wrong info, misinterpretations and self-contradictions. In

that doc's case at least, it's not that she knows nothing or doesn't

care; it's that the source she relies on for current medical

knowledge is wantonly bogus. Not that this distinction makes a great

deal of difference to my son or yours or anybody's, but IMO the

source of the problem lies upstream from the general pede.

If anybody wants a copy of the text of that article email me at c g b

e i e r @ a o l . c o m (spaces deleted) and I'll send it back as an


PS It doesn't come obviously or painlessly to me either to flout the

current medical wisdom and experiment with " alternative " drug

therapy. There are theories and counter-theories and arguments this

way and that all over the place. On this subject, the one person I

believe uncritically, who has no agenda whatsoever and tells me the

whole truth of what I need to know, is my son . It's WORKING

for him, like nothing else ever, or else we wouldn't keep doing it.

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> what is a DAN DOC

A DAN doc is one who knowledgeable about, and available to implement,

the biomedical interventions for autism agreed-upon by the

organization Defeat Autism Now. There's a list of practitioners, in

zip code order, up on their web site.


If I may presume to paraphrase the consensus of opinion around here,

a DAN doc is probably a great deal better than an ordinary

pediatrician for most of these issues pertaining to autism; however

they're not in possession of the One True Cross either, and as

parents we have to continue to educate ourselves and make up our own

minds about a lot of things. In particular, the chelation protocol

specified in the DAN Consensus Paper recommends 8-hour dosing with

DMSA, and while that sounds at least twice as convenient as 4-hour

dosing, many of us (myself included) have found that 4-hour really is

absolutely necessary.

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> My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the mercury

> blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She

> said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was


> by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were

> supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury.


Depends on what kind of doctor.

Mainstream doc's are supposed to test the blood, find it is OK, and

tell you there is nothing that can be done and you shouldn't waste

time and money chelating or doing any other " witch doctor " rituals.

Other kinds of doctors often don't know what they are doing (and in

many cases do harmful things - remember, they were trained just the

same as the other guys) but at least they WANT to help.

If you will read the counting rules file, and the FAQ, you ought to

know what to ask the doc to order so you can make an informed


> Can anyone here help me?

The best person to do that is yourself. Most of the people I know

who got well, or got their kid better, made the decisions

themselves. While doc's often do give good advice, very few people

who let the doc's take over and make the decisions end up getting


Other than that, you'll get as much help on this list as you can find


> Jenna Everhart

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That's what they should do but it doesn't help much unless they understand the

counting rules and use the right lab. Blood and hair and urine only show as

high merucry if it's recent (acute) exposure rather than chronic, otherwise the

mercury goes into the various tissues and doesn't show up on regular tests. Not

many doctors understand mercury toxicity, how to diagnosis it or how to detox

properly. Many on the list have either gone it alone or taught the rare

willing-to-learn docs.


On Tue, 23 October 2001, " Jenna " wrote:


> <html><body>

> <tt>

> My name is Jenna and I have 2 autistic boys. I just had the mercury <BR>

> blood test yesterday and I am worried about what the Dr. said. She <BR>

> said there may not be any mercury left in his system but, I was told <BR>

> by my mom that it always stays with you. I thought that dr's were <BR>

> supposed to test the hair and not the blood for mercury. CONFUSED!!!! <BR>

> Can anyone here help me? <BR>

> Jenna Everhart<BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


> <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->


> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

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href= " http://rd./M=210672.1513963.3091383.1442549/D=egroupweb/S=1705061\

616:HM/A=655208/R=0/*http://www.prostateinfo.com/piya " ><img

src= " http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/as/astrazeneca/a3.gif " width= " 468 "

height= " 60 " border= " 0 " ></a></td>

> </tr>

> <tr><td><img alt= " " width=1 height=1

src= " http://us.adserver./l?M=210672.1513963.3091383.1442549/D=egroupmai\

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> </table>


> <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| -->



> <br>

> <tt>

> =======================================================<BR>


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi , my name is Vicki, mom to 5 years old, high functioning

autistic, I am RH negative and recieved the Rhogam also during pregnancy,

currently I am in the process of finding out his lot numbers and

manufacturers of the vaccines he was given and getting my records from my

pregnancy, but no its not easy to get these doctors to cooperate , thats for

sure!! Best of Luck to you and everyone.

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Guest guest


According to the clinical data compiled so far, about 49% of the

mothers of autistic children in the practice of Amy Holmes and

Cave are Rh negative. (the incidence of Rh neg. in the

general population is 10-15%).

Scary, isn't it?

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Guest guest

Wow, that is surprising. I received two RhoGham injections while I was pregnant.

My son showed signs of autism when he was a baby (acted as if deaf, etc) and did

not develop normally. But, he still had a regression at 20 months of age and

lost nearly all of his skills.


" Bradley's Mom "


[ ] Re: New Here


According to the clinical data compiled so far, about 49% of the

mothers of autistic children in the practice of Amy Holmes and

Cave are Rh negative. (the incidence of Rh neg. in the

general population is 10-15%).

Scary, isn't it?

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>Hi, I have a 2 1/2 year old son dx'd with AS and a 7 year old

>daughter who we are waiting on a dx. My question is how many RH-

>mothers are on this list with children on the autistic spectrum. Also

>have any of your children had IgA deficencies? I firmly believe that

>my childrens problems are from mercury in the vaccines they recieved

>and the rhogam i was given. I am in the process of trying to get them

>tested but am having a hard time with drs. wanting to do the test.



Hi , Since you say you are having trouble with getting a hair

test, you may find this information useful:


here is some info on interpreting the results when you get them back:


best wishes,


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> -----Original Message-----

> From: chevy974@... [mailto:chevy974@...]


>The DR

> wanted to do

> Silver fillings and a stainless steel crown. I got him to NOT use

> the filling

> but still insist on the stainless steel crown he said the tooth

> is to bad not

> to. I worry about the toxicity of this. I didnt vaccinate her due to NOT

> wanting this stuff in her sweet little body and now i am faced

> with this. We

> have 3 PED dentist in this area I have seen them all they all say

> the same

> thing. I am lost and scared can any one here HELP Please. Is this stuff

> extrememly toxic?

You are asking about the stainless steel, right? (the " silver " mercury

fillings are very toxic) Stainless steel is *usually* okay, but some

individuals become nickel sensitive, especially those that have other


> My primary reason for joining htis group is My 16 mo old DD is

> due to have

> dental surgery to fix decayed teeth from Breast feeding.

How did breast feeding decay the teeth?


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Hayley & welcome to our group!

Glad you have found us! Happy to hear your appt with the plastic surgeon is just a couple wks away, those waits are the longest to see a specialist for plagio! Grrrr. Have you been repositioning Owyn? If so, have you seen any correction? It's good to have you with us! Where abouts are you located?

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad MichiganHayley <flutterby1026@...> wrote:

Hi, My name is Hayley and my son is Owyn. He is 5 months old. I realized he had positional plagiocephaly (not yet diagnoised by specialist, just ped) when he was 1 month old. We have our first appointment with the plastic surgeon on August 5 and I can't wait! We've had to wait two months to see him. I can't wait to get to know all of you!HayleyOwyn 2/8/03For more plagio info

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Welcome to the group. This group is very supportive. Please let us know what you find out at Owyn's appointment. Angie and Jenna(STARband grad 1/21/03) New here Hi, My name is Hayley and my son is Owyn. He is 5 months old. I realized he had positional plagiocephaly (not yet diagnoised by specialist, just ped) when he was 1 month old. We have our first appointment with the plastic surgeon on August 5 and I can't wait! We've had to wait two months to see him. I can't wait to get to know all of you!HayleyOwyn 2/8/03For more plagio info

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Hi Hayley,

Welcome to the group!! Do you plan on banding Owyn?

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Hayley " <flutterby1026@y...>


> Hi, My name is Hayley and my son is Owyn. He is 5 months old. I

> realized he had positional plagiocephaly (not yet diagnoised by

> specialist, just ped) when he was 1 month old. We have our first

> appointment with the plastic surgeon on August 5 and I can't wait!

> We've had to wait two months to see him. I can't wait to get to


> all of you!


> Hayley

> Owyn 2/8/03

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Hi Hayley my name is Donna and my son, Xavier, is 3.5 months old. I

too noticed my sons flat spoet very early and we got started. We were

casted last week for the DOCband and our scheduled to get it on the

28th. We are in Phoenix, AZ, where are you located and what kind of

band are you looking to get for Owyn?

Donna momma to Xavier

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Hayley " <flutterby1026@y...>


> Hi, My name is Hayley and my son is Owyn. He is 5 months old. I

> realized he had positional plagiocephaly (not yet diagnoised by

> specialist, just ped) when he was 1 month old. We have our first

> appointment with the plastic surgeon on August 5 and I can't wait!

> We've had to wait two months to see him. I can't wait to get to


> all of you!


> Hayley

> Owyn 2/8/03

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Hi Hayley and welcome to the group. Owyn, what a cute name, my sister in

law was thinking of that, I love how you spell it!! Great to hear that your

ped is knowledgeble with plagio and is ok with you seeing a specialist, a

lot of us here, had to take action on our own. Good luck with your

specialist, please do keep us posted. Do you know what type of helmet that

they will be putting Owyn in, or how long he will be in it? This will be

the hard time, just waiting to see the specialist, please be sure to ask him

a lot of questions, write things down, and bring them with you, it will be

such an overwelming time, that you will need things to back up on. Best

wishes, Heidi, mom to Jeffry, local helmet grad, MN

Hugs & Drool,

Jeffry, Heidi & Brett


>From: " Hayley " <flutterby1026@...>



>Subject: New here

>Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 00:01:32 -0000


>Hi, My name is Hayley and my son is Owyn. He is 5 months old. I

>realized he had positional plagiocephaly (not yet diagnoised by

>specialist, just ped) when he was 1 month old. We have our first

>appointment with the plastic surgeon on August 5 and I can't wait!

>We've had to wait two months to see him. I can't wait to get to know

>all of you!



>Owyn 2/8/03




>For more plagio info

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Hayley, hi and welcome to the group! Glad you have found us. Where

are you located? It is really good to hear that Owyn's ped has

referred him to a specialist already. Sounds like you have a great


Dustie, mom to , DOC Grad '03

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Hayley " <flutterby1026@y...>


> Hi, My name is Hayley and my son is Owyn. He is 5 months old. I

> realized he had positional plagiocephaly (not yet diagnoised by

> specialist, just ped) when he was 1 month old. We have our first

> appointment with the plastic surgeon on August 5 and I can't wait!

> We've had to wait two months to see him. I can't wait to get to


> all of you!


> Hayley

> Owyn 2/8/03

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  • 4 months later...


you are making the right choice. When you see how simple it is and what wonderful correction you get in a short period of time, you will wonder why you ever thought twice about it. It is really such a simple thing with a lifelong positive result. My son is almost 8 months old and has been wearing his DOC band for a month and a half and his head has rounded it so well. We chose to band him because he had facial asymmetry. Like my husband said, if he has crooked teeth we will get him braces, why would we not do the same for his head?

Hope all goes well


new here

We are new to the Docbands. Our daughter had a traumatic birth and most likely had a flattening of the head inutero. Our dr. referred us to Cranial technologies. We had debated about the process but didn't really know what encouraged many of you to do the procedure. Our daughters head was extremely misshaped at birth but gradually got better. Still not to wear she does not have a conehead. Her ears are misaligned and has some bossing of the forehead. We have decided to start the procedure and get her fitted tomorrow. I guess I'm looking to hear were doing the right thing. Did many of you pursue this because the head is misshaped or for other medical reasons? HOw much luck have you had with insurance coverage. I'm not looking forward to much if any from ours. Has anyone used BC/BS in Phoenix. This is a PPO that we do independently. Thanks for your help!For more plagio info

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Hi tracey,

Welcome to the group! For myself I wasn't happy with the shape of my

son's head and knew that banding was a non-invasive procedure that

could help. It never hurt him at all!

As for insurance, we have a database in the DATABASE section where

people list how their insurance paid. I had BCBS PPO in AL and they

paid 90% but BCBS is notorious for being different from region to

region. Please keep us posted on your daughter.


> We are new to the Docbands. Our daughter had a traumatic birth and

> most likely had a flattening of the head inutero. Our dr. referred

> us to Cranial technologies. We had debated about the process but

> didn't really know what encouraged many of you to do the procedure.

> Our daughters head was extremely misshaped at birth but gradually


> better. Still not to wear she does not have a conehead. Her ears


> misaligned and has some bossing of the forehead. We have decided


> start the procedure and get her fitted tomorrow. I guess I'm


> to hear were doing the right thing. Did many of you pursue this

> because the head is misshaped or for other medical reasons? HOw


> luck have you had with insurance coverage. I'm not looking forward


> much if any from ours. Has anyone used BC/BS in Phoenix. This is a

> PPO that we do independently. Thanks for your help!


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Welcome to the group! My daughter also had some flattening in the

back of her head at birth. We've concluded that since I am so short

(not even 5 ft.), she just ran out of room inutero. From my 25th

week until they delivered her via c-section three weeks early, she

was head down with the back of her head against my tailbone. Thus,

the back of her head was as flat as a board!

Cranial Tech is a WONDERFUL place to go for treatment. We have been

so incredibly happy with the service and the caring staff. And if

you ever question whether or not you're doing the right thing, just

remember that you are doing all you can to improve your daughter's

life. Just a few short months in the band will give her a beautiful

round head for a lifetime and will prevent any of the medical effects

that could happen if her plagio went untreated.

Good luck and you've found a wonderful place for support through this

journey. I don't know what I would have done without this incredible

group of parents. :)

& Jordyn (DOCband 10/13)


> We are new to the Docbands. Our daughter had a traumatic birth and

> most likely had a flattening of the head inutero. Our dr. referred

> us to Cranial technologies. We had debated about the process but

> didn't really know what encouraged many of you to do the procedure.

> Our daughters head was extremely misshaped at birth but gradually


> better. Still not to wear she does not have a conehead. Her ears


> misaligned and has some bossing of the forehead. We have decided


> start the procedure and get her fitted tomorrow. I guess I'm


> to hear were doing the right thing. Did many of you pursue this

> because the head is misshaped or for other medical reasons? HOw


> luck have you had with insurance coverage. I'm not looking forward


> much if any from ours. Has anyone used BC/BS in Phoenix. This is a

> PPO that we do independently. Thanks for your help!


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Hi & welcome to our group:

You are doing the right thing. I've never heard of a parent

regretting their banding decision for their baby. Good luck with the

fitting today. I hope BCBS will come thru w/o any fight!! Keep us


Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad


> We are new to the Docbands. Our daughter had a traumatic birth and

> most likely had a flattening of the head inutero. Our dr. referred

> us to Cranial technologies. We had debated about the process but

> didn't really know what encouraged many of you to do the procedure.

> Our daughters head was extremely misshaped at birth but gradually


> better. Still not to wear she does not have a conehead. Her ears


> misaligned and has some bossing of the forehead. We have decided


> start the procedure and get her fitted tomorrow. I guess I'm


> to hear were doing the right thing. Did many of you pursue this

> because the head is misshaped or for other medical reasons? HOw


> luck have you had with insurance coverage. I'm not looking forward


> much if any from ours. Has anyone used BC/BS in Phoenix. This is a

> PPO that we do independently. Thanks for your help!


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