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In a message dated 3/5/99 12:03:52 PM, HolyGstPwr@... writes:

<< Dear Val,

could you tell me what hbot is?

God Bless,



HBOT is short for the Hyber baric Oxygen Tank. God Bless you too,-Val

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Hi Helen, Yes I was consdering that new hyberbaric center in East Hampton. I

called them and the cost is really expensive but my parents live only 45

minutes from there so it is pretty convenient distance wise. I am just still

hesitent to actually go and try. They seemed really nice and the physicans are

prety much the best. Let me know if you decide to go. If anyone wants I can e-

mail the phone number and address. -Val

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Hi Val,

Never heard of a " bad " side effect but am all ears. I am considering HBO

seriously--too sick--too long. $$$ is a big issue no matter how much you say

" anything for your health " . I think you know who I mean when I say " the best "


at least way, way up there) now has a new facility built onto his office. Prices

are high but it is supposed to be very well run. Anybody going " there " or


of it? May be worth it if at all possible to somehow cut costs and drive time


someone else. Just an idea

Your friend Helen in NJ.

ValP74@... wrote:

> From: ValP74@...


> HI guys, I was just discussing HBOT with a friend and she had heard of people

> who got worse from it and then never recovered. Has anyone out there ever

> heard of this happening? Up untill now I have only heard basically good things

> about it and that comment really scared me. I even went down to Florida and

> spoke to Dr. Neubaur about his protocal and he assured me that it was safe and

> that the worseining of symptoms was only from herx's and that virtually

> everyone who tried it had some kind of improvement. Please get back to me if

> anyone has any further info on this matter.

> Feel better everyone-Val


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Hi Val,

This lady, Betsy, at yfeldman@... did it. I don't remember her

results. She wrote about it, but I can't recall the article. Maybe she can

enlighten you.


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Hi Meg, I was just wondering how your daughter was doing. I am so interested

in HBOT and would love to know more about your experiance. Hope she is much

better God Bless -Val

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Oh Hi Meg again, I just read your post about your daughters excellent

progress. I am so excited to hear that!!!! Can you write us on the list and

tell about your experiance If she had herx's and any other details. God bless-


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I have no experience with this, but saw on the sci.med message board that if

you have erhil or babesia that HBO treatments will make you worse. Check out

the old archives you may find the info you are looking for.



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Connie, I am interested in finding out where this Hyperbaric Chamber is? I

am also interrested in knowing how anyone else did with it, to compare notes

with as my daughter has just finished treatments in the chamber. If you

have any more info. I would appreciate it. Meg


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Sandy, HBOT is Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. You receive 100% oxygen while

sitting in a chamber which is pressurized to the equivalent of 45 feet

under water. I think the treatment is slightly different depending on where

you go. My daughter Annie did 60 treatments, 2 a day for 6 weeks. Each

treatment is 1 hour long. She has made fantastic progress. Our fingers are

crossed. Meg

>From: ValP74@...



>In a message dated 3/5/99 12:03:52 PM, HolyGstPwr@... writes:


><< Dear Val,

> could you tell me what hbot is?

>God Bless,


> >>


>HBOT is short for the Hyber baric Oxygen Tank. God Bless you too,-Val




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Hi Meg,

The lady here in Michigan is named Betsy, her e-mail is yfeldman@...

She did do it and write an article, but I can't remember it. maybe she can

tell you or I could find the article,

Glad to help


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Dear Connie,

I spoke with my doc yesterday and he also said that Henry Ford has one. I

would love to check it out, maybe on Monday I could find some information and

I'll let you know.

God Bless,


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Dear Connie,

My hard drive took a " dump " about 1 month ago. I lost all my memory

including all the neat sights for lyme, if you have them can you forward to


God Bless,


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Hi Sandy,

I don't keep a list I just go to any place and type Lyme, you can find lots of

places. I don't keep a list, cuz my memory is so bad , Sorry,


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  • 1 year later...
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I searched on the internet, but where do you find these clinics--the only one

I saw was in California and it is too far for me (I live in Michigan), esp in

my condition. I was on oxygen in the hospital a month ago and felt great the

next month after it but now I feel so sore all over!! Do you think taking

oxygen (by nose) could also possibly help? I might be able to get my doctor

to prescribe a tank for my home.

> I had my first treatment today. The 'center' is a chiropractor who has a

> portable single person chamber which is at 1.37 ATM. One thing was he

> checked my ears beforehand, and said I seemed to have a perforated eardrum

> in the ear that got a fungal infection a few months ago! I recall someone

> in the group having the same problem.


> Anyway, the chamber was easy; I fell asleep. He suggests a 40 treatment

> committment at $65/each; He says you have to start at 2-3 times a week for

> a while. Sounds like you might have used a more sophisticated chamber with

> more ATM's. I think if I am herxing than I should get good results. My

> next treatment is Thursday. I'll keep the group informed.



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I had an ear infection, mould, that was bad enough to perforate my ear drum

too. Get it looked after. Mine destroyed the hammer, the little bone in

my ear. My ENT thought it was from a bad strep infection. I can't use

about 20% of the hearing in that ear because of it. It is there but

unavailabe because of the perforation and destroyed hammer.

I have found this week also to have intermittent pain behind my ear and

swollen glands that hurt when I eat or talk, almost like when I had the

mumps when I was a kid.

Good luck with the HBOT. I hope you get good results.


>I had my first treatment today. The 'center' is a chiropractor who has a

>portable single person chamber which is at 1.37 ATM. One thing was he

>checked my ears beforehand, and said I seemed to have a perforated eardrum

>in the ear that got a fungal infection a few months ago! I recall someone

>in the group having the same problem.


>Anyway, the chamber was easy; I fell asleep. He suggests a 40 treatment

>committment at $65/each; He says you have to start at 2-3 times a week for

>a while. Sounds like you might have used a more sophisticated chamber with

>more ATM's. I think if I am herxing than I should get good results. My

>next treatment is Thursday. I'll keep the group informed.




>>From: " Lisbeth " <lisbeth@...>

>> " Patten " <leslie@...>

>>Subject: LESLIE Re: HBOT

>>Date: Tue, May 16, 2000, 5:08 AM



>>WHEEEEH !! What exciting news .<warm smile>




>>Please do let me know how you get on.....if you have time. I'm hoping


>>feel the effects really quickly as I did!








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Do they mean the RA never comes back and you need no more treatments

after the initial batch? Does it work for everyone, and have they done

any studies on it at all?





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  • 5 years later...
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We just got back from doing 40 dives - two dives a day. We were in a

multiperson chamber - the chamber had 4 seats and the kids sat in front of you

on the floor. In this type of chamber - you pressurize for 15 minutes which can

cause ear problems if you don't " clear " your ears while the chamber is

pressurizing - usually takes about 15 minutes - you clear your ears by drinking

water and yawning. Your ears have to clear - or you will cause damage (and feel

pain). Where we were if you could not get your ears to clear - they would stop

the pressurizing until you could clear them. Then we put a clear plastic hood

over our heads - it had a rubber seal at the neck. The oxygen was pumped into

the hoods for an hour and then the hood came off and it was another 15 minutes

de-pressurizing. I was amazed at how well the kids did. I've always known that

I was a little clostrophobic but I didn't know how bad it was until I was in

that chamber. In the chamber there was a TV outside a little

portal window and the sound was pumped in. The kids were allowed to take in

books and some rubber toys. With my son we have noticed longer sentences (he

was verbal and considered high functioning) - he used more typical language

including age appropriate slang. Asking lots of questions and I do mean lots!

lol His eye contact is much better too. Just seems to be more with it. My son

is 8 yo. There was a little boy there with CP who could barely walk and didn't

use his right hand at all. By the end of the 40 dives - this little guy was

running around chasing all the other boys and had total use of his right hand.

It was awesome to see. His mom has already signed up to do 40 more dives in

November. All the children showed improvements - I was told that I would

probably see even more improvements in the next few months.


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Dare I ask how much this was and where you had it done? Sounds

incredible & hopeful!


> We just got back from doing 40 dives - two dives a day. We were in

a multiperson chamber - the chamber had 4 seats and the kids sat in

front of you on the floor. In this type of chamber - you pressurize

for 15 minutes which can cause ear problems if you don't " clear " your

ears while the chamber is pressurizing - usually takes about 15

minutes - you clear your ears by drinking water and yawning. Your

ears have to clear - or you will cause damage (and feel pain). Where

we were if you could not get your ears to clear - they would stop the

pressurizing until you could clear them. Then we put a clear plastic

hood over our heads - it had a rubber seal at the neck. The oxygen

was pumped into the hoods for an hour and then the hood came off and

it was another 15 minutes de-pressurizing. I was amazed at how well

the kids did. I've always known that I was a little clostrophobic

but I didn't know how bad it was until I was in that chamber. In the

chamber there was a TV outside a little

> portal window and the sound was pumped in. The kids were allowed

to take in books and some rubber toys. With my son we have noticed

longer sentences (he was verbal and considered high functioning) - he

used more typical language including age appropriate slang. Asking

lots of questions and I do mean lots! lol His eye contact is much

better too. Just seems to be more with it. My son is 8 yo. There

was a little boy there with CP who could barely walk and didn't use

his right hand at all. By the end of the 40 dives - this little guy

was running around chasing all the other boys and had total use of

his right hand. It was awesome to see. His mom has already signed

up to do 40 more dives in November. All the children showed

improvements - I was told that I would probably see even more

improvements in the next few months.





> __________________________________________________


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  • 6 months later...


We did HBOT with very little results


-- In , " jerzmomof4 "

<Jerzmomof4@...> wrote:


> Hi everyone,

> Did I once read here that someone tried HBOT with their apraxic


> And if so, what were the results. Since I belong to several

> groups, sometimes I can't remember where I read what. KWIM?


> Thanks

> Dawn in NJ


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What is HBOT? It sounds like the latest toy craze. LOL


> Hi everyone,

> Did I once read here that someone tried HBOT with their apraxic


> And if so, what were the results. Since I belong to several

> groups, sometimes I can't remember where I read what. KWIM?


> Thanks

> Dawn in NJ


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You can view a short video about HBOT for free here


from http://www.hhi-kc.com/whatis.htm

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a method of administering pure oxygen at

greater than atmospheric pressure to a patient in order to improve or correct

conditions. By providing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber we are able to

deliver 10-15 times more oxygen then if delivered at sea level or at normal

atmospheric levels. Some of the effects this has are to promote the growth of

new blood vessels, decreases swelling and inflammation, deactivates toxins,

increase the body’s ability to fight infections, clears out toxins and metabolic

waste products, and improve the rate of healing. HBOT should be used to

compliment conventional therapies and treatments.

For years, conventional medicine thought of HBOT only as a treatment for

decompression sickness, however, the use of HBOT is becoming increasingly common

in general practice as more doctors become acquainted with new applications.

Doctors now realize that HBOT has other uses, including the treatment of

non-healing wounds, Carbon Monoxide poisoning, various infections, damage caused

by radiation treatments, near- drowning, near-hanging, brain and nerve

disorders, cardiovascular disorders; and some digestive system disorders.

Unfortunately, in the US there are currently 13 approved indications for HBOT

that hospitals will treat.

While most programs limit their hyperbaric treatment protocols to only those

13 indications that are reimbursed by federally funded programs, Hyperbaric

Healing Institute’s treatment protocols encompass all indications that have

proven beneficial effects. There are approximately 66 applications that have

been noted to receive benefit from HBOT.

<<<<What is HBOT? It sounds like the latest toy craze. LOL


> Hi everyone,

> Did I once read here that someone tried HBOT with their apraxic


> And if so, what were the results. Since I belong to several

> groups, sometimes I can't remember where I read what. KWIM?


> Thanks

> Dawn in NJ



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