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At 13:54 12.03.99 -0500, you wrote:

>Dear, Dusan!

>I hope you can help me with any information that you may have!

>I am 30 years old and a week ago was diagnosed with malignant melanoma.

>The doctor removed my mole on the leg in order to examine the stage of the

disease. I will know what stage I have next week.Now doctor hopes that it

is second or less.

>Now I am pregnant with my second child(1.5 months pregnancy).

>I got very scared and not sure what should I do.

>I want to keep the baby and be able to take care about my kids.

>I will appreciate any advice that you can give me.

>Thank you very much


This is what I would do:

1.Avoid all everyday toxins !


2.Stop eating foods that kill!


3.Start eating a lot of fresh vegetable juices. I would purchase juicer.

4. Start with Johana Budwig diet !


5. Adjust your diet for your blood type !


Eat fruits, fish soups, vegetable, grains and grain sprouts, occasionaly

beens, seaweed , ...

5. Wash your skin and melanoma with H2O2, Hydrogen Peroxide, food grade, 6%.


Cancer cells die in the presence of oxygen.

6. Put fresh flaxseed oil on the tumor, if you still have it.


Avoid dental cleanse !

Avoid Gallstones cleanse !

I would be melanoma free in less then 3 months !!!!!

Three most important things for curing cancer are:

1 Learn

2 Learn More

3 Leearn Even More

Dusan Stojkovic


Some stories :


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  • 1 month later...
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--- ranlin@... wrote:

> From: ranlin@...


> Hi everyone. I received an e-mail from the lyme

> list. They did not give their name. When I tried

> to return the message, it would not go through. The

> address that I have is: lclott@... Does

> anybody know who this is? When I responded to her

> e-mail, it got sent back. Could not be

> delivered.....Thanks


> Hi -

Im yhr mystery person you are looking for. My e mail is

lclott@.... Dont know why it wouldnt go thru. Maybe too much in

my mailbox. Please try again as i would like to hear from you.



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Hi ,

That is from Michigan, maybe the I is really a small L?


Hope that helps,


>From: ranlin@...


>Hi everyone. I received an e-mail from the lyme list. They did not give

their name. When I tried to return the message, it would not go through.

The address that I have is: lclott@... Does anybody know who this

is? When I responded to her e-mail, it got sent back. Could not be



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  • 2 months later...
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Just being diagnosed, and HAVING the disease are

2 different things. Most people already have had

HCV for 15-20 years when they find out they have it.

Your brother's doctor can't know how long he will live

unless his liver is damaged beyond repair. A liver

biopsy is the ONLY way to tell this. <br><br>Is your

brother seeing a primary care physician or a

Gastroenterologist? He needs to be seeing a Gastro. PCP's don't know

diddly about HepC and can only scare the hell out of

you.<br><br>Here is my website. There is quite a bit of helpful

info there. California has some of the best HepC

doctors around and I'll be happy to help you find him

one. Email me from the website and I'll get some info

mailed to you. (I run a support group in Ventura,

CA)<br><br>Hang in there and gather some information! Your

brother most likely isn't going to die anytime

soon!<br><br>LeighAnn<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/4259


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Hi,<br>He was diagnosed 3 yrs ago. Probably got

it 4 years ago.. He was hospitalized due to bleeding

ulcers and that was when they discovered his Hep C

virus. Immediately they put him on Interferon (?). He

had liver damage already..The only way he could have

contracted Hep C was when he got a tattoo in Jersey City (I

believe), which was supposedly reputable (?)

Yeah..right..Anyway I am still numb..and do not know where to turm to

help him..I love him dearly..can't stand the thought

of his pain and suffering..crying out loud!!! Thank

you for your help..

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Hi LeighAnn,<br><br>Thank you for replying. The

answer to your questions are; he has had a number of

liver biopsies (at least 2 that I know of) and he

resides in Pennsylvannia, the diagnosis came from a

Gasrto, (I was adamant to find out that info). They have

encouraged him to go through the tests to get on the donor

list about 6 mos. after he started Interferon

treatments. I do not understand how his liver can fail so

fast..He truly is a good person..a JOLLY guy..He has a

loving wife.Married for 20 yrs (or so) very faithfull,

not a drug user, a hard worker, and all that!! Any

advice from your expertise in Hep C will be appreciated

immensely..troubled with no where to turn...I love my brother..need

help desperately..I can admit I am ignorant in the

subject, but not STUPID!!..

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How long ago did he get that tattoo?? HepC takes up to 20 years to damage a

liver. <br><br>Get him a biopsy before you do any more treatment. You need to

know exactly where he stands, damage wise!!

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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...
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dear christie,

i am sorry i don't know about michigan medical establishments.

this might help as you get info though:

check up on your doctor's report card before your next visit.

check up on your doctor's report card before your next visit.

also hospitals, healthcare insurance plans


we survived crisis to crisis for 2 years, so i understand to some degree

what you are living with.

isn't it positively fitting for you to get that letter late on a saturday?

when life is following this pattern everything seems to filter into

existence in the worst possible way.

prayers with you,


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  • 6 months later...

Hi Mikey,<br>This is a great place to learn info

and ask questions. Leighann and are especially

knowledable and helpful on this disease among others on the

board. I can tell you I was diagnosed in Dec. and just

had a biopsy last week. <br>Went in to hospital they

prep you as a pre surgical patient, IV, sometimes they

give a sedative or pain med before the procedure, my

doctor dosn't do that...but I think he should. It went

very fast once you are prepped. They find the area,

numb the area and in and out with the biopsy needle

very quickly. Mine didn't hurt until after the

procedure. Some people report no pain at all. I needed some

pain med when I got to recovery. You have to stay at

the hospital for 4 to 5 hours after the procedure to

monitor you for bleeding. Have someone drive you home. By

that eve I was feeling much better. You need to take

it easy for a few days. Good luck!

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Hi Mikey,<br><br>Most people with HCV have high

iron levels for some reason. Mine have always been

high, and I avoid iron like the plague!<br><br>Ask your

doctor about giving you a mild sedative before the

biopsy. It helps you relax! Remember, if you have no

liver damage per the biopsy, you may not NEED to do the

treatment yet. If your dr hasn't done it yet, ask him/her

to do a GENOTYPE test on you as well. It's a simple

blood test.<br><br>What study are you

considering?<br><br>You may find some helpful info on my webpage

too.<br><br>Hang in there...you are NOT

alone!<br><br>LeighAnn<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/1Leighann


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  • 4 months later...
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This is not MGB related but you guys know so much so I thought I would throw

this out there. I had two moles removed the second one came back as being

Malignant Melatonin (something like that) I know nothing about this so far.

My doc said I have skin cancer and need to have surgery. I didn't think skin

cancer was a big deal - but he is telling me its pretty serious. The only

thing I have read so far said that 50,000 people get this a year and can be

more deadly than other skin cancers. So any info would be helpful. Thanks


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, Go on line and read about your illness. Do some research and get

information. Go to

WEBmd or Ask Jeeves, Or Google. But RESEARCH and then you will know what

decisions are best for you. BNest of luck. PhillyJude

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Your are in my prayers! Have surgery ASAP! Time is of the essence with skin

cancer. When I was 21 I had on removed off my arm the doctor took a huge

chunk out to insure he got it all.

BTW I talked to the digestive center her in town and they told me you can

have soy products if you are taking synthroid BUT not within 4 hours meaning

before or after. That also goes for Kale family, cabbage etc..

Love you,


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Hi ,

My dad was diagnosed with malignant melatonin. It was on his arm

right at his elbow. He had surgery to have it removed. They removed alot of

surrounding tissue to make sure they " got it all " . His recovery was very

good (he was in his 70's) and he never had a reoccurence. This is a VERY

deadly skin cancer...but when caught early can be completely taken care of.

I'm not writing you to scare you or anything....just to let you know that IT

IS and take your doctor seriously. Let me know if I can be of any more help

to you.


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In a message dated 6/18/2001 10:49:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

metrishal@... writes:

If I could only type...lol

> ,

Let me correct this

> Your are in my prayers! Have surgery ASAP! Time is of the essence with

> skin

> cancer. When I was 21 I had one removed off my arm, the doctor took a huge

> chunk out to insure he got it all.

> BTW I talked to the digestive center here in town and they told me you can


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Have it surgically removed IMMEDIATELY!!! Malignant melanoma can be one of

the deadliest cancers if allowed to spread!!!


Re: Need Info

This is not MGB related but you guys know so much so I thought I would throw

this out there. I had two moles removed the second one came back as being

Malignant Melatonin (something like that) I know nothing about this so far.

My doc said I have skin cancer and need to have surgery. I didn't think skin

cancer was a big deal - but he is telling me its pretty serious. The only

thing I have read so far said that 50,000 people get this a year and can be

more deadly than other skin cancers. So any info would be helpful. Thanks


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Say it even more strongly -----




Re: Need Info



> This is not MGB related but you guys know so much so I thought I would



> this out there. I had two moles removed the second one came back as being

> Malignant Melatonin (something like that) I know nothing about this so


> My doc said I have skin cancer and need to have surgery. I didn't think



> cancer was a big deal - but he is telling me its pretty serious. The only

> thing I have read so far said that 50,000 people get this a year and can


> more deadly than other skin cancers. So any info would be helpful. Thanks


> Busching





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I had maglignant melanomia in 1982.

It started as the size of a quarter on my back. They removed it (left a

hole the size of a soup dish).

But I'm alive 19 years later.

2 years prior, a friend had a similiar skin 'thingee " on his back. He

died before my surgery.

Do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200.00.

Get that tumor OFF your body and follow all/any other treatments prescribed.

Melenomia is a killer - It is nothing to fool with or delay.

If you want to talk I'll email you (privately) my phone number. BUT DO IT

NOW !!

Re: Need Info

> , Go on line and read about your illness. Do some research and get

> information. Go to

> WEBmd or Ask Jeeves, Or Google. But RESEARCH and then you will know what

> decisions are best for you. BNest of luck. PhillyJude




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I meant to add, and do so now, that time is of the essence here, and your

research should be done in a day, and then please proceed to treatment.

Surgical removal is the Standard of Care for melanoma, if that is what you

have. (I wasn't clear on that???) Take good care so that we can continue to

enjoy your company. PhillyJude

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I am afraid you mean malignant melanoma and that is very serious. You need to

get it seen about as soon as possible. It is definitely not something to mess

around with!!!! Good luck and my prayers for a good recovery. There are

squamous cell cancers of the skin that are not as serious as melanoma.

Pat Eppler

Re: Need Info

This is not MGB related but you guys know so much so I thought I would throw

this out there. I had two moles removed the second one came back as being

Malignant Melatonin (something like that) I know nothing about this so far.

My doc said I have skin cancer and need to have surgery. I didn't think skin

cancer was a big deal - but he is telling me its pretty serious. The only

thing I have read so far said that 50,000 people get this a year and can be

more deadly than other skin cancers. So any info would be helpful. Thanks


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Jeanne in NY

--- on <jwmson1@...> wrote:

> Say it even more strongly -----



> YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> on


> Re: Need Info

> >

> >

> > This is not MGB related but you guys know so much

> so I thought I would

> throw

> >

> > this out there. I had two moles removed the second

> one came back as being

> > Malignant Melatonin (something like that) I know

> nothing about this so

> far.

> > My doc said I have skin cancer and need to have

> surgery. I didn't think

> skin

> >

> > cancer was a big deal - but he is telling me its

> pretty serious. The only

> > thing I have read so far said that 50,000 people

> get this a year and can

> be

> > more deadly than other skin cancers. So any info

> would be helpful. Thanks

> >

> > Busching

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >

> >

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