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Dear Randy: Yes, I'm in Colorado. Up in the mountains. And it WAS the snow

that triggered my episode yesterday. It's exactly as you described -- brain

on overload, can't compensate. It I had to describe exactly how it feels, it

would be akin to putting on someone else's prescription glasses that are the

totally wrong for you, and your brain is going crazy trying to adjust but it

can't. And when I mentioned the cartoons to a friend of mine, who has the

Prisoner-of-Paxil website, this is what he wrote back to me this morning --

and he and I have never discussed this side effect, nor had I read his April

postings because they aren't on the board yet:

" God ... you are writing way too much and scaring me. I TOTALLY relate to

this " cartoonish " imagery you describe. Its like the colors are

oversaturating .... like a cartoon strip pumped up with too much color.

That's EXACTLY why when I go into a color (and stimuli) intensive environment

I practically flip out. I wrote in my April postings that it seems like " the

mass of stimuli " is HEMORRAGING out at me -- and what I need to get the hell

out of there. I need earplugs and a welder's mask to go shopping in a

department store or Lowe's. LOL. Well Glitter, you have to laugh, at least a

little. It is horrible, but, wheew. I don't know. "

So you see, Randy, many of us live with these weird occurences and keep them

to ourselves because a person who hasn't experienced Paxil in all its thrall,

can't relate, and if, as you said, you confide in a medical professional,

they think we're crazy and label us as such. I am NOT crazy, or mentally

ill, or depressed, or any damn thing else. Thanks to Paxil, I have a brain

that malfunctions under stress -- and yes, STRESS is a huge contributing

factor to all of this, whether it's visual or auditory overload, it's still

STRESS on the nervous system. It's why I'm basically homebound where it's

quiet, serene, calm. Some days I can't even answer the phone because talking

to someone would be too stressful. So, I really want to THANK YOU for having

mentioned this effect; I might not have said anything if you hadn't; I for

sure, wouldn't have mentioned it to my Prisoner-of-Paxil pal, and now HE

knows that others have this, too. So there you go!!! How long have you been

off Paxil now, Randy? It's been a couple of years right? It's good to see

you posting again. Blessings to you.

Glitter, author of <A HREF= " http://anxiety-panic.com/griffon " >Blind Reason</A>

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Dear Randy: Yes, I'm in Colorado. Up in the mountains. And it WAS the snow

that triggered my episode yesterday. It's exactly as you described -- brain

on overload, can't compensate. It I had to describe exactly how it feels, it

would be akin to putting on someone else's prescription glasses that are the

totally wrong for you, and your brain is going crazy trying to adjust but it

can't. And when I mentioned the cartoons to a friend of mine, who has the

Prisoner-of-Paxil website, this is what he wrote back to me this morning --

and he and I have never discussed this side effect, nor had I read his April

postings because they aren't on the board yet:

" God ... you are writing way too much and scaring me. I TOTALLY relate to

this " cartoonish " imagery you describe. Its like the colors are

oversaturating .... like a cartoon strip pumped up with too much color.

That's EXACTLY why when I go into a color (and stimuli) intensive environment

I practically flip out. I wrote in my April postings that it seems like " the

mass of stimuli " is HEMORRAGING out at me -- and what I need to get the hell

out of there. I need earplugs and a welder's mask to go shopping in a

department store or Lowe's. LOL. Well Glitter, you have to laugh, at least a

little. It is horrible, but, wheew. I don't know. "

So you see, Randy, many of us live with these weird occurences and keep them

to ourselves because a person who hasn't experienced Paxil in all its thrall,

can't relate, and if, as you said, you confide in a medical professional,

they think we're crazy and label us as such. I am NOT crazy, or mentally

ill, or depressed, or any damn thing else. Thanks to Paxil, I have a brain

that malfunctions under stress -- and yes, STRESS is a huge contributing

factor to all of this, whether it's visual or auditory overload, it's still

STRESS on the nervous system. It's why I'm basically homebound where it's

quiet, serene, calm. Some days I can't even answer the phone because talking

to someone would be too stressful. So, I really want to THANK YOU for having

mentioned this effect; I might not have said anything if you hadn't; I for

sure, wouldn't have mentioned it to my Prisoner-of-Paxil pal, and now HE

knows that others have this, too. So there you go!!! How long have you been

off Paxil now, Randy? It's been a couple of years right? It's good to see

you posting again. Blessings to you.

Glitter, author of <A HREF= " http://anxiety-panic.com/griffon " >Blind Reason</A>

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Hi Glitter yes that is me Randy in Salida if I remember right now

back when I first joined you live out here in Colorado too ? Yeah

same thing here, I can be going along fine and be hit with it, same

thing happens to me also, why I don't know was snowing one night here

started getting hard to see through the flakes, seems like it puts

the brain into overload or something like it can't handle the flakes

moving towards you or something or how many there are or something I

can't even seem to figure out why this happens. For me it seems like

my brain is like gone inside or something or shut down when this all

takes place is scary to say the least you wonder if you will ever

come out of it never feel quite right even after I do. Or like I

might be going along okay and have color start looking cartoon like

my brain goes all messed up here again, never know when this stuff

will happen nor why after, I know when I quit paxil which this is why

at the last I had this happen all of the sudden while still on it

when I went to the Dr. who gave it to me he thought I was crazy well

3 or 4 months prior when he gave me the stuff he was treating me like

anyone else like I was fine, oh man, well I am glad still you shared

this with me glitter please take care and hopefully I am hoping if we

rough it out long enough this stuff will lesson over the years, I

think I have found I have to try and keep my stress level down also

which helps somewhat or about the most. Randy

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Hi Glitter yes that is me Randy in Salida if I remember right now

back when I first joined you live out here in Colorado too ? Yeah

same thing here, I can be going along fine and be hit with it, same

thing happens to me also, why I don't know was snowing one night here

started getting hard to see through the flakes, seems like it puts

the brain into overload or something like it can't handle the flakes

moving towards you or something or how many there are or something I

can't even seem to figure out why this happens. For me it seems like

my brain is like gone inside or something or shut down when this all

takes place is scary to say the least you wonder if you will ever

come out of it never feel quite right even after I do. Or like I

might be going along okay and have color start looking cartoon like

my brain goes all messed up here again, never know when this stuff

will happen nor why after, I know when I quit paxil which this is why

at the last I had this happen all of the sudden while still on it

when I went to the Dr. who gave it to me he thought I was crazy well

3 or 4 months prior when he gave me the stuff he was treating me like

anyone else like I was fine, oh man, well I am glad still you shared

this with me glitter please take care and hopefully I am hoping if we

rough it out long enough this stuff will lesson over the years, I

think I have found I have to try and keep my stress level down also

which helps somewhat or about the most. Randy

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  • 2 months later...
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How long were you on Paxil and at what dose? I'm getting scared now and

wonder if I shouldn't stop mine before I get too far into it. I've only

been on it for about a month and a half. Also taking Klonipin with it,

love that stuff, really helps with my meltdowns and anxiety.


Olivia's mom>>

Rhonda, I'm no doctor, but I won't be on Paxil again. I would definitely

contact your doctor and see if you can switch to something else. There are

much better choices without the possibility of withdrawal. Be insistent if

you have to, because most doctors are still spouting the drug company's

" non-addictive " baloney.


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One session at ASA was on meds and specifically the commonly used

ones in autism. He said that of the SSRI class, Paxil had the

most 'withdrawal' problems and unpleasant side-effects whereas

Zoloft and the newer ones didn't. I have been surprised how many

start off with Paxil when there are less problematic ones out there.

Zoloft is in and out of the system relatively quick (like in days)

whereas Prozac takes weeks. The newer ones are Celexa, Luvox, and

Lexapro. We take Zoloft and are quite happy with that.


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Thanks for the info, . When I began to consider an SSRI for

Allie Paxil was the one that advertises (it's website, please don't

think I saw a commercial and jumped on it, lol) it being

specifically for OCD and anxiety. The others are much more casual

about those disorders and focus more on the depression issues. Since

I felt depression was not an issue for Allie and the OCD and anxiety

are that Paxil would be our best shot. Since I'm blessed with

ignorant physicians who I constantly have to teach about autism,

when I said Paxil the pediatric neurologist wrote me a 10mg

prescrip. No, I'm not kidding, a 10 mg! Thankfully I had researched

enough prior to know that 10mg was not correct and only gave a

fraction of the dose.

Anyway, I think if the other SSRI's would put out there in their

info that they are just as successful in treating OCD and anxiety

then many more people would seek out some of the alternatives.

Thanks again for the info, I love you guys!


> One session at ASA was on meds and specifically the commonly used

> ones in autism. He said that of the SSRI class, Paxil had the

> most 'withdrawal' problems and unpleasant side-effects whereas

> Zoloft and the newer ones didn't. I have been surprised how many

> start off with Paxil when there are less problematic ones out


> Zoloft is in and out of the system relatively quick (like in days)

> whereas Prozac takes weeks. The newer ones are Celexa, Luvox, and

> Lexapro. We take Zoloft and are quite happy with that.


> .

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>> Thanks for the info, . When I began to consider an SSRI for

> Allie Paxil was the one that advertises (it's website, please

don't think I saw a commercial and jumped on it, lol) it being

> specifically for OCD and anxiety. The others are much more casual

> about those disorders and focus more on the depression issues.

Okay, well you are right about that. Each SSRI targets things a

little differently and that is the one said to target OCD and

anxiety, so that makes sense why you would choose that one first.

Good luck if you decide to try another one. I know what a godsend

the right med can be and how dreadful the wrong one is. :)

Wouldn't it be great if we had little tri-corders like Dr. McCoy had

on Star Trek. We could wave it over someone and listen to the bebby-

bebby-beep and then just read the little screen and know exactly

what to give.


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Hi Rhonda-- let's see... how long was I on paxil? I can't recall

exactly-- maybe a year total, and that was including the 'withdrawal'

months. The dose was something around 30 mg's I think. I honestly

don't know why some people have terrible withdrawals when stopping it

and others have no problem whatsoever.

I started it for depression issues, but after getting off of it, and

doing colonics for a while, and using very small amounts of ojibwa

tea, the depression has not been a major issue.


> <<w,

> How long were you on Paxil and at what dose? I'm getting scared

now and

> wonder if I shouldn't stop mine before I get too far into it. I've


> been on it for about a month and a half. Also taking Klonipin with


> love that stuff, really helps with my meltdowns and anxiety.

> Rhonda


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  • 1 month later...



> Hi Alyson,

I haven't heard of that but that does sound pretty serious and I will

have to check with my son's doctor. He is on 20mg of Paxil and 1mg of

risperdal a day and it has helped enormously. the paxil is supposed to

treat my son's obsessive side. Is this just a side effect of paxil and

risperdal or of the other antidepressent with risperdal as well? IF not

it seems to me one could substitute zoloft. I have heard one has to be

careful if the child has bipolar as well in which taking Paxil or

antidepressent drugs could make it worse. Thanks for the info. Will have

to do research! My son does not seem to get dizzy and his blood pressure

was okay in his last checkup. But it could effect them long term. (I


take care,







> > Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 10:03:54 -0700 (PDT)

> From: Alyson Gardner <alykatg@...>

> Subject: Re: Re:puberty hits home


> I recently found out that there is a drug reaction

> between resperdal and paxil called setatonin syndrome,

> w/ symptoms of increased blood pressure and temp and

> mood swings and dizziness. Since my sone is only 6 and

> non verbal I've been especially worried since he

> couldn't tell me if he is hot or dizzy and it's always

> hard to gage mood swings. Anyways I am wondering if

> you had heard of this for your son or if you had any

> problems with any of this. Since we are reluctant to

> take him off the paxil, sincew it does seem to help.

> Any feed back would be appreciated.

> Alyson

> PS My son has been on the paxil for 6 mo and we just

> found out about the interaction.





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Paxil is addictive and not without side effects. Take a look at www.

medbroadcast.com and www.quitpaxil.org.

My family's experiences with Paxil have been scary, to say the least.

SSRIs are only safe if used under direction by a doctor who knows what he is

doing *and* has profiled the patient before prescribing. One needs to know ones

Serotinin balance and metabolism.


Colin (Happily off Paxil).

Quoting Sandy Rupnow <sparkk@...>:

> />

> >

> > Hi Alyson,

> I haven't heard of that but that does sound pretty serious and I

> will

> have to check with my son's doctor. He is on 20mg of Paxil and 1mg of

> risperdal a day and it has helped enormously. the paxil is supposed to

> treat my son's obsessive side. Is this just a side effect of paxil and

> risperdal or of the other antidepressent with risperdal as well? IF not

> it seems to me one could substitute zoloft. I have heard one has to be

> careful if the child has bipolar as well in which taking Paxil or

> antidepressent drugs could make it worse. Thanks for the info. Will

> have

> to do research! My son does not seem to get dizzy and his blood pressure

> was okay in his last checkup. But it could effect them long term. (I

> think)

> take care,

> Sandy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 10:03:54 -0700 (PDT)

> > From: Alyson Gardner <alykatg@...>

> > Subject: Re: Re:puberty hits home

> >

> > I recently found out that there is a drug reaction

> > between resperdal and paxil called setatonin syndrome,

> > w/ symptoms of increased blood pressure and temp and

> > mood swings and dizziness. Since my sone is only 6 and

> > non verbal I've been especially worried since he

> > couldn't tell me if he is hot or dizzy and it's always

> > hard to gage mood swings. Anyways I am wondering if

> > you had heard of this for your son or if you had any

> > problems with any of this. Since we are reluctant to

> > take him off the paxil, sincew it does seem to help.

> > Any feed back would be appreciated.

> > Alyson

> > PS My son has been on the paxil for 6 mo and we just

> > found out about the interaction.

> >

> >

> >

> >





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  • 3 weeks later...

Lori, weight is one thing I probably won't have to worry about with

Allie, she really doesn't like to eat much. She's also very slender,

when she gets sick I think sometimes she's gonna melt away!

I've read the site about withdrawls, we had her down to about the

smallest doseage one could get, and we use the liquid Paxil and bulb

syringe. I might check into trying to switch over to zoloft and see

if it will help her as much.


After about six

> months on the drug, we noticed that he had put on a lot of extra

> weight. We asked the doctor if we might try switching from Paxil


> Celexa. Our son had about four weeks of what I believe was a very

> difficult withdrawal from the Paxil. There are several sites on


> internet dealing with Paxil withdrawal. I wish I had found them

> earlier, because I would have done things much slower. One of the

> recommendations was to take a nail file and file off a tiny


> of the tablet each day gradually weaning the drug over a few

> months.


> Like you, I wish I could find something effective for my son's

> depression/anxiety to replace his Celexa - I have read 's

> posts about how detrimental these drugs can be but, like you, I am

> afraid of sending my son back to how he was before the drug.


> These are terribly hard decisions.


> Lori.

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I have never used Paxil or Zoloft, but I've noticed my son's emotional

status seems to depend on dietary sulfur intake. He always seemed calmer

and more focused after eating high sulfur foods like eggs, broccoli, and

asparagus. I added MSM and Molybdenum as supplements and things

continued to improve. At one point I removed the MSM to see if he really

needed it. It was a very slow change, but he started getting surly and

difficult and over a 5 month period descended into clinical depression

(couldn't sleep at night and obsessing about death and dying).

I started giving him the MSM and Molybdenum again and things improved

tremendously within 2 weeks. I'm grappling with giving him more than 2g

per day at this point because we are on the hairy edge. We have more

good days than bad, but I can't seem to get him to eat foods like onions

and garlic and add the sulfur naturally instead of the MSM. I haven't

found any information to say upping his MSM would have bad side effects,

but I am always nervous about giving doses of anything more than the

typical amount. If anyone has given their child over 2 g per day of MSM

I'd love to hear about your experience.

My reason for writing this is that I felt we avoided using Paxil and

Zoloft because the MSM achieved the same effect and that maybe someone

else could benefit from trying this.


------------------- Original Message Follows ----------------------

Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:02:12 -0000

From: " lorlaw2002 " <loriwallace@...>

Subject: Paxil

Dear Debi:

I was sorry to read about your daughter's difficulties with what

sounds like withdrawal from Paxil.

My son did wonderfully well when we first put him on enzymes two

years ago, then he started to become more and more, for lack of a

better term, depressed. He became very anxious and incredibly sad.

We were so concerned that after about a year, with much soul-

searching and feelings of guilt, we followed his doctor's

recommendations and put him on Paxil. He too had some incredible

gains - and as you put it, it opened so many doors. After about six

months on the drug, we noticed that he had put on a lot of extra

weight. We asked the doctor if we might try switching from Paxil to

Celexa. Our son had about four weeks of what I believe was a very

difficult withdrawal from the Paxil. There are several sites on the

internet dealing with Paxil withdrawal. I wish I had found them

earlier, because I would have done things much slower. One of the

recommendations was to take a nail file and file off a tiny portion

of the tablet each day gradually weaning the drug over a few


Like you, I wish I could find something effective for my son's

depression/anxiety to replace his Celexa - I have read 's

posts about how detrimental these drugs can be but, like you, I am

afraid of sending my son back to how he was before the drug.

These are terribly hard decisions.


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  • 9 months later...
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Hi Debbi and Cindi,

I spoke with my gastro dr. today. He is sending a script for paxil

and I will start taking that right away. He told me to take the

levbid for a little while when I first start the paxil as it takes a

little time to build in your system. I've been having more problems

swallowing the last few days and I'm hoping it has something to do

with the spasms I'm having. Cindi? I know you and I are near the

same time post op.. have you been having any more trouble swallowing

than you did right after the surgery?

Getting nervous about it.. I felt so much better for 2 weeks and now

I seem to be regressing!

Any opinions?


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Debbie - This week I have been having a little more difficulty swallowing, but I think I have a touch of what my kids have (sore throat bug). Also, I have been eating more & less cautious of it, which I'm sure effects it. But all in all, I have not had any "sticking" incidents that have scared me beyond a few the first few weeks. I always have more trouble when the spasms are frequent & I find that related directly to stress.

All in all, I'm still about 90% improved since surgery! I hope your is just a temporary glitch! cindi

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Hey Deb --

Check to make sure what dosage the doc gives you... I know Paxil normally comes w/ a "starter pack" of (not sure on doses here, so this is just an example) a week of 5mg, a week of 10mg, and a week of 15mg pills to "wean you up" to a full dose -- since less than a "normal" (when prescribed to treat anxiety/depression) dosage may be needed, you may be able to get away with the "baby" or "toddler" dose level pills w/o having to wean up to the higher "grownup" full-strength pills. (You may actually need full-strength, but there's a good chance you won't, too!)

You might want to make sure what they're sending you -- if you get a smaller dose to begin with, you could always double them up if the smaller dose isn't enough.

Oh, and be prepared for naps for the first couple of weeks... Paxil made me HORRIBLY drowsy until my body got used to it, then by the third week I noticed no side effect at all.

Lemme know how it works!!!!Debbi in MI

re: paxil

Hi Debbi and Cindi,I spoke with my gastro dr. today. He is sending a script for paxil and I will start taking that right away. He told me to take the levbid for a little while when I first start the paxil as it takes a little time to build in your system. I've been having more problems swallowing the last few days and I'm hoping it has something to do with the spasms I'm having. Cindi? I know you and I are near the same time post op.. have you been having any more trouble swallowing than you did right after the surgery? Getting nervous about it.. I felt so much better for 2 weeks and now I seem to be regressing! Any opinions?Deb

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Deb - I have to agree with "Pepto Bismol Deb" on this one. I only take 12.5 mg - the smallest dose, I believe, and I have trouble waking up in the AM - and I'm very much a morning person. Cindi

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Deb - I have to agree with "Pepto Bismol Deb" on this one. I only take 12.5 mg - the smallest dose, I believe, and I have trouble waking up in the AM - and I'm very much a morning person. Cindi

LMAO -- I love my new name, Cindi!!!!

By the way, how long have you been on Paxil now? (I'm having a "blonde/senior" kind of morning and can't remember) -- I was just about to tell the doc I couldn't handle the drowsiness (I actually brought a pillow and blanket to work and slept on my office floor at lunchtime!), and then it just went away that third week, thank goodness!

Pepto-Bismol Debbi in Michigan, where Jeter learned to play baseball but not where he was born and we already ascertained that men never really grow up so it's where he graduated high school and where he got drafted..... (PHEW! That's quite a mouthful!)

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I've been on for almost 4 weeks,but my dose has been shifted around, so I'm hoping the sleeping thing will settle down soon. Last night I was up until 1 & got up bright & happy at 7, so I think I'm getting back to my old ADHD self! lol! Cindi

-- Re: re: paxil

Deb - I have to agree with "Pepto Bismol Deb" on this one. I only take 12.5 mg - the smallest dose, I believe, and I have trouble waking up in the AM - and I'm very much a morning person. Cindi

LMAO -- I love my new name, Cindi!!!!

By the way, how long have you been on Paxil now? (I'm having a "blonde/senior" kind of morning and can't remember) -- I was just about to tell the doc I couldn't handle the drowsiness (I actually brought a pillow and blanket to work and slept on my office floor at lunchtime!), and then it just went away that third week, thank goodness!

Pepto-Bismol Debbi in Michigan, where Jeter learned to play baseball but not where he was born and we already ascertained that men never really grow up so it's where he graduated high school and where he got drafted..... (PHEW! That's quite a mouthful!)

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Glad to hear that it's settling down for you, Cindi! I think mine settled down around the time that I got on the steady dose too (after I "weaned up" to where I stayed... it was a few years back, so I don't remember exactly what that was). So hopefully you're "over the hump" and good to go!So, do you notice less NCCPs while on Paxil??Deb of the Pepto Bismol font style....I've been on for almost 4 weeks,but my dose has been shifted around, so I'm hoping the sleeping thing will settle down soon. Last night I was up until 1 & got up bright & happy at 7, so I think I'm getting back to my old ADHD self! lol! Cindi

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PB Deb - Definitely less spasms with the Paxil. Much improved. Of course, with 6 kids, my own business, my illness, losing a friend/co-worker, and our house under renovation, the Paxil is helping with the stress, too,which is helping with the spasms, too!

Cindi on her way out the door to the state that Jeter's team claims as their own!

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 7/26/2004 12:57:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, krisklutas@... writes:

Hi everyone! My doctor has prescribed paxil (20mg). I have been on it for three days. I have had a terrible headache for three days now. Anyone else experience this? I do not know if I can take this much longer. But if anyone else has had this and knows it willl go away, please tell me.Paxil just makes me feel weird. So now I have to decide if it is worth it. This is easy for me to question when I am not having spasms.Kris

Hi Kris,

I've never taken Paxil, but have( and do still take ) taken amytyrptaline (sp?) Elavil.

I think it also can help with spasms, and I have never had any headaches from them.

Jan in Northern KY

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Kris - ask your doc if you can cut your tablets in 1/2. Yes, I've had the headaches as well and they do go away....you may need a smaller dose or if they persist, a different med.

One thing to keep in mind is that nearly all drugs in this family take your body about 2 weeks to fully adjust & get the benefit. Hang in there! Paxil-Woman, Cindi

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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 12/3/04 8:37:11 AM Mountain Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I never did want to take Paxil but because of

> my clinical depression, I've been on it since

> 1994. My family has a history of depression.


If you've successfully gotten off it before, you can do it again. What kind

of health problems are you now experiencing? Paxil causes a whole host of

physical ailments including weight gain, diabetes, thyroid problems, hormone

problems, cognitive problems, and puts you at a 700% increased risk for breast

cancer. This is one drug that should be taken off the market, as very few


escape the side effects that affect your longterm health.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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I never got off of it successfully. Each

time I tapered off I went into the deep,

dark hole of immense depression and I had

to go back on Paxil.

I have blood in my urine and achy joints.


> In a message dated 12/3/04 8:37:11 AM Mountain Standard Time,

> SSRI medications writes:



> >

> > I never did want to take Paxil but because of

> > my clinical depression, I've been on it since

> > 1994. My family has a history of depression.

> >


> If you've successfully gotten off it before, you can do it again.

What kind

> of health problems are you now experiencing? Paxil causes a whole

host of

> physical ailments including weight gain, diabetes, thyroid

problems, hormone

> problems, cognitive problems, and puts you at a 700% increased risk

for breast

> cancer. This is one drug that should be taken off the market, as

very few people

> escape the side effects that affect your longterm health.


> " Blind Reason "

> a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

> Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

> Unsafe At Any Dose
















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