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Re: How is Sandrea Doing??

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-Hi Alywin,

I guess things are just the way they should be in that " Mommy " figure

dept. Who knows if we could take that either! We would likely trade

one bad thing for just another! LMAO!!

To update you, I went to the surgeon yesterday and I have a severe

case of spinal stenosis. I have it in the area below and above the

titanium and it explains my falling, numbness,added pain, and one I

haven't mentioned here was " urine leakage " .

He is very concerned about the problem with bladder as it is

indicative of the severity and need for surgery but when do you stop

and say ....no more?!

I could have the surgery, it be the last straw with this DD and be

more likely for infection because of my ammunity or even worse

problems with sedation because of my heart. After all is said and

done, the report stated it is a " degenerative disease " in

progression. I could in 12 months be right back where I am today. I

don't mean to sound depressing but I've had ENOUGH! No more poking,

prodding and being in a level of pain that I cry out to Jesus! I

will take my chances where I am now.

On a good note, I am getting a Standard Poodle and training her for

Assist. I've done my homework on the breed specific to this type of

training and no shedding or dander to worry about. Yes she will be

groomed and kept short cept for a girly doo or bow here and there lol

but I finally got the word today that she is mine. I won't do it

alone but will take instruction from my Friend with ME and Groomer

that also has a standard poodle assist named athan. He is


Well, I will close now on a good note. I hope your hanging in there


God Bless yah! XXOO

(by the way, those arn't the symbols I was talking about)

Sometimes in your text, just before a word there is a like half

circle and two lines through it or some other wierd symbols mixed up

in your letters that I wondered about.

Bye! Huggz!

Going back to my name!

**if it aint broke, don't fix it!**

-- In CFAlliance , " J. Catchpole " wrote:


> Hi Dutchie/ Dear, wouldn't it be loverly if we all had a

mommy type

> nearby to help out with things!! I can hardly take kids these dats


> Just toasts me out…after I moved, a friend came by with her 5 yr.

old (I've

> known since he was born and love him lots) to help unpack…and he

did a big

> brat display – it just toasted me out for days!

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--Hi Sandrea,

I hear you about the " friends " but you know what? I question that it's

because we are ill that it happens. I think in this day and age where

both parents are forced to work full time plus to make ends meet, their

own children fall by the wayside much less any " Friends " getting time

from them. It's a sign of the times I think. Just because the world

of life has halted to a crawl with us doesn't mean it has for them. I

wish I could send someone your way hun!

Love you!

- In CFAlliance , " Sandrea Kornblum "



> Well, I truly wish I had some friends around here both for assistance

> and for friendship. I have a couple of friends but rarely see them or

> hear from them, so I don't really feel like we are friends much any

> longer. I know that folks can be too much to deal with sometimes,

but I

> think I would like to give it a try and have the opportunity to turn

> folks down rather than not have anyone at all.

> Sandrea




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It is too sad how this disease seperates us from the outside world.......thank

God for the friends we make here - the friends who stand by us, understand us

and have big soft shoulders and tender ears to listen with. You will always

have a friend in me


" J. Catchpole " wrote:

Yes, my last couple of local friends are floating away too…not from lack of

love, but just the healthy busy lives they lead. We are miles apart in

lifestyle, and have less and less in common the sicker I get. All I can say

is come for tea, as I can’t really go anywhere or have a party or whatever.

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Hi , I am so sorry that the news was not good…but better to know than

not to know what is going on. To me that’s always a comfort in a strange

way. I certainly think that surgery is a risky business for PWME and, as you

say, with the cardiac issues as well and the fact that it is on the march

anyway. I have decided that I would not ever have surgery again. I am

interested that a lot of folks here have started talking about their

arthritis and spinal issues – wonder how much of that goes with ME over

time…an unexamined area I think. But it is my perception with inflammatory

disease in general that a lot of us end up with those kinds of issues. (I

have had urinary issues as well dear, I don’t have any stenosis though). So

the most important thing is pain/symptom management and I hope the dox have

some good solutions for you in that department.

That’s great about the dog!!! Sounds like you have chosen well and that you

have good support for the process…a friend of mine just got a golden doodle

– a mix of golden lab and poodle. I hope that you will be very happy with


Alas, I could not even keep up with darling little Seven, the Papillion…the

information said they were good disability dogs…but he was totally high

stimulation/activity needs and I’m just the opposite. The good news is that

a dear friend had totally fallen in love with him, and so has taken him on.

She lives in a big house in the city with 9 adults who are doting on him and

he gets to go all over with Geri! She had been looking for the perfect dog

for 4 years, and Papillions especially…has lots of experience with toy dogs

etc. We realized that he went on to her in a lot better shape than he came

to me in…I did lotsa good love and training rehab with him, and he needed

that! He is very happy. I love and miss him, but not the part about trying

to keep up with a little ping pong ball! I’m very relieved that there was a

perfect place for him, or I could not have let him go. I went through a lot

of heartache but all’s well that ends well. I guess it will just be my

darling old Rubydog and I…we both move at the same speed LOL!

I think those weird symbols are a font thing…I don’t type them, but

sometimes they show up in my emails…go figure? Anyway my dear I am sad about

your back but it’s good that you made your decision and can be at peace with

it. XOX Aylwin


From: CFAlliance [mailto:CFAlliance ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 3:26 PM

To: CFAlliance

Subject: Re: How is Sandrea Doing??

-Hi Alywin,

I guess things are just the way they should be in that " Mommy " figure

dept. Who knows if we could take that either! We would likely trade

one bad thing for just another! LMAO!!

To update you, I went to the surgeon yesterday and I have a severe

case of spinal stenosis. I have it in the area below and above the

titanium and it explains my falling, numbness,added pain, and one I

haven't mentioned here was " urine leakage " .

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Hi All, well I had a nice little unexpected social offer…it’s our Canadian

Thanksgiving this weekend and nothing was happening because I could not

gather my lot together because of work schedules etc. But a friend I hardly

ever see, called and said she and her partner were going to cook and bring

over thanksgiving dinner tomorrow! Isn’t that nice? I get too overstimulated

(=brain crash) in larger groups but this will just be the three of us. And

they will leave when I get tired! I’m quite socially starved too these days

so I am looking forward to this.

Turns out that my son and his girlfriend are going away for Xmas, so we have

all committed to come together and have a family Turkey day between now and

then. We just have to find a time that works between work shifts and ferry

schedules! This is always way too much for me, but hey, they are my family

and that’s all there is to it. Tc All, Aylwin xox

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I can surely understand how hard much you will miss your friend when she

leaves. But the great thing is that you reconnected with her and

perhaps now you can talk on the phone and keep up your relationship and

then maybe she will come back and visit at some point. I think your

idea of reconnecting with some friends is a good one and I hope that it

works out well.


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Well, I think there is something to that. But I also think that people

prioritize what matters to them and really good friends want to make

time for their friends. At least that is the way I have always felt

toward my friends. I guess not everyone feels like that.


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Aw ,

That is distressing about your spinal stenosis stuff. I can understand

though that at some point you have to say enough is enough and consider

what the end benefit will be. What I wonder is what you can do to keep

your condition tolerable without having the surgery. The bladder stuff

you can't really do much about besides moving to depends or something

like that I guess. But as far as the other symptoms and falling down

and such, have you an electric wheelchair to get out and about in and

maybe use in your house. Or is there some other way to keep yourself

safe as the disease progresses. I realize the assistance dog can help

with balance and such. I am so happy you have learned the dog is yours.

I grew up with only poodles in the house due to allergies and they are

very smart loving dogs. And they tend to live a good amount of time. I

will be interested in hearing about the training process and what the

dog will be able to help you with etc.


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Morning Jane, yes, I am feeling almost cloistered these days…nunlike…(no I’m

not Catholic!). I have always been ½ hermit and ½ super-social…so the hermit

half is doing fine LOL…and it’s true, you and others in this group are as

much my friends as any around here…and you lot understand! Thank you dear.

Aylwin xox


From: CFAlliance [mailto:CFAlliance ] On

Behalf Of Jane

Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 3:59 AM

To: CFAlliance

Subject: Re: How is Sandrea Doing??

It is too sad how this disease seperates us from the outside

world.......-thank God for the friends we make here - the friends who stand

by us, understand us and have big soft shoulders and tender ears to listen

with. You will always have a friend in me


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Hi Sandrea, are you answering me? I try to have the charitable view, because

so few friends have stuck by me at all. I think that they have good

intentions, but the gap between their lifestyles and my own is so great, and

growing greater by the day. These days I have more in common with you all

than my healthy friends, sad to say. TC, Aylwin xo


From: CFAlliance [mailto:CFAlliance ] On

Behalf Of Sandrea Kornblum

Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 6:47 AM

To: CFAlliance

Subject: Re: How is Sandrea Doing??

Well, I think there is something to that. But I also think that people

prioritize what matters to them and really good friends want to make

time for their friends. At least that is the way I have always felt

toward my friends. I guess not everyone feels like that.


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I am so happy you are getting to have a holiday dinner and have some

socialization. I agree with you it is so necessary and can really perk

us up quite a lot emotionally even if it wrecks havoc physically. If

you can balance it so when you need to have them leave they do then that

is all the better. What does Thanksgiving dinner consist of there?

Here it is turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes pumpkin

pie. Can't remember what else. AT least that is traditional, some

folks have their own traditions.


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I could not have said it better my dear. Most of us suffering from

this DD have yet another thing in common and it's always being the one

that kept old friendships thriving. I have always made the phone call

and trips or they would never happen, I'm sure of that! Well, I just

don't have it in me anymore and I've moved from the state so...other

than knowing a few of my neighbors and Mail Master because I have to

pick up my mail daily, I am pretty much alone even though my hubby is

here too but works alot or is sleeping.

If I had one wish, it would be that we lived closer together so that on

a good day, I could do something nice for my special friends!

XXOO huggles!


> Well, I think there is something to that. But I also think that


> prioritize what matters to them and really good friends want to make

> time for their friends. At least that is the way I have always felt

> toward my friends. I guess not everyone feels like that.

> Sandrea




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I've heard of communities trying to start of for folks like us with

various types of support available and all. I think it would be nice to

live somewhere like that where we would be surrounded by folks like us

and also have assistance and good care.


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Hi Sandrea, yes, we have the same kind of dinner…OK the vegetarians don’t

LOL, but that is the traditional dinner more or less. Sadly, my friends came

down with sore throats and fevers, so we had to rebook for later. Oh

well…Now my daughter (24 yrs. old) is here for a visit, so delightful but a

burnout too fer sure. TC, Aylwin xox


From: CFAlliance [mailto:CFAlliance ] On

Behalf Of Sandrea Kornblum

Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 8:50 PM

To: CFAlliance

Subject: Re: How is Sandrea Doing??

I am so happy you are getting to have a holiday dinner and have some


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Yes Aylwin I was answering you. AT least I think so. I am thinking so

well at the moment. Did I offend you somehow? I was trying to say that

really good friends stand by their friends regardless of the

circumstances. I do find I have more in common with members of this

group than outside friends at the moment, but I think that I try to

stand by my friends whatever is going on and however they are and I

guess am saddened and hurt when I don't get the same treatment back. If

I can be caring and supportive as sick as I am, why can't others offer

me the same.


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Yes Sandrea, I am really happy that we reconnected after these last few years.

It was the first time since I was 5 that we were EVER out of touch. I have

vowed that I will FINALLY go down and visit her in Florida! I always wanted to,

but financially, we just never could.

I have invited 4 other couples over for tomorrow night, to just hang out,

maybe play some games or cards or something. I figure, if I'm not really up for

it,I can curl up in a chair close by and just listen - it's still nice to have

friendly faces around, and at least the sound of others having fun will be a

lovely break from staring at the TV. Fortunately, I don't feel the need to

'hostess' if I'm not able you know? They all know how this dd works by now!!!

Thanks and take good care, ok? You've got a lot going on right now and you're

in my prayers..........

STL Jane

Sandrea Kornblum wrote:

I can surely understand how hard much you will miss your friend when


leaves. But the great thing is that you reconnected with her and

perhaps now you can talk on the phone and keep up your relationship and

then maybe she will come back and visit at some point.

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Hi Sandrea, no I wasn’t offended! I just get confused sometimes ‘cuz I can’t

remember what I write! I was just suggesting that you put “Hi Aylwin” or

whatever at the top of your replies for this old brain fogged grrl! I agree

100% with what you are saying! TC xox Aylwin

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Thanks Sandrea - to show support and caring, especially with all you are going

thru, means a lot to me. We did have a nice time, I paid for it on Sunday, but

it was well worth it!

You are in my thoughts and prayers - I wish you much peace and strength.

STL Jane

Sandrea Kornblum wrote:


Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy yourself tremendously.


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