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First, let me say how happy iam to find this support group. I thought i was the

only one with a problem. I took Zoloft (50 mg) for several years, starting

around 2000, with no problems. My mood improved, and sex was great, with no bad

affects. I took myself off of it in 2008 but i had problems late Oct. 2009 and

my doctor prescribed (100mg) in November 2009. He insisted i had been taking

50mg dosage but such was not the case. Within days i felt awful, no purpose, no

interest, non-existant sex drive. I stopped taking it within days (1 week) and

sexually things seemed to be returning to normal. However, the depression

returned Sept.2010 and he put me back on 50 mg. After they were gone (30 day

supply) i still had the 100mg capsules left so save getting a new prescription

for the 50 mg he suggested i split the 100mg caps. However. the pharmacist said

because it was powder they could not be cut in half. Instead i started taking

the whole 100mg. Since then what little libido i had has completely disappeared.

As one writer wrote it is as if i had been chemically castrated. I cannot be

visually or mentally stimulated but with some work i can get aroused if with my

partner. Otherwise no " stirring " whatsoever. I am not a big fan of medication at

the best of times but this has really soured me. I am going to ease off it and

hope i return to normal. Sorry about the length of this but i just had to get

this all down in writing.

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