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Re: Re: Detox Ideas (from concrete etc)

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> A strange coincidence... this morning I woke up with the flu so I

> cancelled

> everything and have been able to sleep almost 12 hours so far. Since I

> have

> absolutely NO interest in eating it reminded me that animals Fast and

> sleep

> when they are sick. From my point of view at this moment it seems a very

> reasonable thing to do.

> ~Robin

Would be interesting to find if it is all animals that fast when sick or if

it's more prevalent in herbivores and omnivores than more carniverous. My

husband who doesn't require the protein I do has always stopped eating when

he doesn't feel well. I just eat less if I can't taste it because of

congestion or sense imbalance but never stop eating.

My only familiarity with fasting is most Native American tribes do fasting

during celebrations, then feast after. Longer water fasts are only for male

initiation into manhood or ceremony at a specific age where a vision,

indication to life purpose is hoped to be learned. Nature gives females,

womanhood with first menses, moontime. There seems to be gender as well as

spiritual reason here just like there is reason for you and my husband to

fast and maybe even finer distinctions between herbivore, omnivore and

carnivore humans. I find human carnivores are best off fasting all the time

from some more historically modern foods that herbivores and omnivores can

eat without issue.



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>Would be interesting to find if it is all animals that fast when sick or if

>it's more prevalent in herbivores and omnivores than more carniverous. My

>husband who doesn't require the protein I do has always stopped eating when

>he doesn't feel well. I just eat less if I can't taste it because of

>congestion or sense imbalance but never stop eating.

That's interesting -- it's the same for me. I might eat less, but I still

eat plenty, whereas Binky, who seems to be of a somewhat different

metabolic type, will pretty much entirely lose her appetite and stop eating.


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> Re: Re: Detox Ideas (from concrete etc)




>> A strange coincidence... this morning I woke up with the flu so I

>> cancelled

>> everything and have been able to sleep almost 12 hours so far. Since I

>> have

>> absolutely NO interest in eating it reminded me that animals Fast and

>> sleep

>> when they are sick. From my point of view at this moment it seems a very

>> reasonable thing to do.

>> ~Robin


>Would be interesting to find if it is all animals that fast when

>sick or if

>it's more prevalent in herbivores and omnivores than more carniverous.

That's funny because whenever I think of animals fasting I always think of

carnivores. It never ocurred to me that herbivores fast.

Dogs fast and they primarily carnivores. AFAIK, wolves fast too and they ARE

carnivores. I can't find my copy of " Wild Health " but I'm sure the author

covers the topic there.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My husband who doesn't require the protein I do has always

stopped eating when

he doesn't feel well. I just eat less if I can't taste it because of

congestion or sense imbalance but never stop eating. >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hi Wanita and , I'm actually one of the ones who just cut back when I'm

sick too. I'm not sure if it's good or bad I just never seem to lose my

appetite for food. Psychologically I look to food as a cure or source of

energy so it's hard to turn it down.

Anyway, a couple hours ago I drank the Kombucha tea, had a couple of VSL3

packets in water, took extra vitamin C and used the Netti pot. I went back

to sleep until a little while ago. When I woke up my sore throat was almost

gone, glands were less swollen and sinuses are clear. (wow) I was hungry for

soup and my bone/bean broth was thawed. I heated up the stock (with roots

that included burdock and galangal leftover from a KimChee-making weekend) I

added a raw egg and some South River 3 year barley Miso (that stuff is so

good!) I feel a whole lot better now. Not perfect but well on the road to

being cured of this pesky thing; It seems everybody around here has it right


By the way, on the subject of Fasting, I just remembered that broth

" Fasting " was the way I got through my rough spells the past year. (There

were times when my digestive tract just wouldn't function and that's when I

started the habit of making huge batches of bone and root stocks and then

freezing it in quart size containers.)

I think a cleansing fast with a good potassium-rich stock would be something

to consider... It would certainly be more grounding than these sugar fasts.


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> That's funny because whenever I think of animals fasting I always think of

> carnivores. It never ocurred to me that herbivores fast.


> Dogs fast and they primarily carnivores. AFAIK, wolves fast too and they


> carnivores. I can't find my copy of " Wild Health " but I'm sure the author

> covers the topic there.



> Suze Fisher

Was thinking more about choosing or instinct to fast more when sick. Wolves

can have days on end when food can't be successfully hunted after becoming

hungry again. Snakes go long periods until they want more. Don't see that as

choosing to fast. Pretty sure some carnivores will nurse and feed their sick

or injured young. One metabolic typer found dogs and cats to have different

levels of protein to carb requirements. Our female mastiff needs more

protein than our male lab/springer mix, could be breed difference.

Herbivores and omnivores have majority of their diet more available and

accessible, depending on location, season. Can eat all day long, every day

if they wanted. Of course, all wild animals know the time of year to overeat

so they can make it through to the next time of more availability.



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> Re: Re: Detox Ideas (from concrete etc)




>> That's funny because whenever I think of animals fasting I

>always think of

>> carnivores. It never ocurred to me that herbivores fast.


>> Dogs fast and they primarily carnivores. AFAIK, wolves fast too and they

>> ARE

>> carnivores. I can't find my copy of " Wild Health " but I'm sure the author

>> covers the topic there.



>> Suze Fisher


>Was thinking more about choosing or instinct to fast more when


Yes, that's what I was referring to - abstaining from food when they're


Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:14:07 -0500

Idol <Idol@...> wrote:

> -


> >Just recently I did an eight day water fast using water and coconut

> >water. I did not do it for any physical reason but for spiritual

> >purposes.


> If this is a spiritual issue, please disregard this post, but why would you

> consider a coconut water fast a water fast? Despite the name, coconut

> water is effectively a fruit juice.

It doesn't affect me in any way like fruit juice does when I fast.

That may be because it does not effectively operate as a fruit juice

since it is a whole food in liquid form.

Below are some of the medical uses of coconut water:

1. Good for feeding infants suffering from intestinal disturbances.

2. Oral rehydration medium

3. Contains organic compounds possessing growth promoting properties

4. Keeps the body cool

5. Application on the body prevents prickly heat and summer boils and

subsides the rashes caused by small pox, chicken pox, measles, etc.

6. Kills intestinal worms

7. Presence of saline and albumen makes it a good drink in cholera


8. Checks urinary infections.

9. Excellent tonic for the old and sick

10. Cures malnourishment.

11. Diuretic

12. Effective in the treatment of kidney and urethral stones

13. Can be injected intravenously in emergency case.

14. Found as blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not

produce heat, does not destroy red blood cells and is readily accepted

by the body.

15. Aids the quick absorption of the drugs and makes their peak

concentration in the blood easier by its electrolytic effect.

16. Urinary antiseptic and eliminates poisons in case of mineral



" I feel sorry for all those health food

people. Someday, they will be lying in a hospital bed,

dying of nothing. "

Redd Foxx


" This is what the king who will reign over you will do:

He will take... He will take... He will take... He will take...

... he will take... He will take... "

(I 8:11-17)


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On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 12:25:54 -0800

" Robin Reese " <robin.reese@...> wrote:

> I think a cleansing fast with a good potassium-rich stock would be something

> to consider... It would certainly be more grounding than these sugar fasts.


> ~Robin

Potassium broths are a very good idea when doing a fast. During my

longest fast thus far (over 40 days) I had potassium broth regularly.

" I feel sorry for all those health food

people. Someday, they will be lying in a hospital bed,

dying of nothing. "

Redd Foxx


" This is what the king who will reign over you will do:

He will take... He will take... He will take... He will take...

... he will take... He will take... "

(I 8:11-17)


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On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:16:54 -0500

Idol <Idol@...> wrote:

> -


> >In Russia, fasting has been

> >used for over a half-century as the most effective treatment for

> >schizophrenia, with irrefragable studies showing that 70% of patients

> >improved mentally after 20-to-30 days of controlled fasting.


> As low-carb ketogenic diets seem to be effective for schizophrenia, this is

> unsurprising, but it therefore wouldn't seem to be the fasting per se

> that's helpful.

Its the benign dietary ketosis that fasting produces that is effective,

at least in the case of epileptic seizures:


Keep in mind that medical ketogenic diets were " developed " with the idea

of finding a dietary approach that mimics the results of fasting without

actually having to fast.

> > Similarly,

> >one Japanese research clinic fasted 382 patients, all suffering

> >psychosomatic disease, with a success rate of 87%.


> Psychosomatic disease? That could mean anything, including just about any

> real disease.

Sure could and since I don't know the original study the author was

referring to, I will punt on this one. I meant to delete it from the

original post anyway.

" I feel sorry for all those health food

people. Someday, they will be lying in a hospital bed,

dying of nothing. "

Redd Foxx


" This is what the king who will reign over you will do:

He will take... He will take... He will take... He will take...

... he will take... He will take... "

(I 8:11-17)


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On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:16:54 -0500

Idol <Idol@...> wrote:

> >In Russia, fasting has been

> >used for over a half-century as the most effective treatment for

> >schizophrenia, with irrefragable studies showing that 70% of patients

> >improved mentally after 20-to-30 days of controlled fasting.

When I lived in Tokyo in the 70's I remember hearing about a pretty severe

protocol where hospital supervised Fasting was used to try to cure cancer

patients. The thinking was that the body would gradually eat itself up (my

interpretation obviously!) and that it would eat up the things it needed

least and that would include something like a cancer tumor...


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>Its the benign dietary ketosis that fasting produces that is effective,

>at least in the case of epileptic seizures:




>Keep in mind that medical ketogenic diets were " developed " with the idea

>of finding a dietary approach that mimics the results of fasting without

>actually having to fast.

Yes (though I think ketogenic diets have a more varied history than that)

but my point is that since the benefits accrue via either fasting OR a

ketogenic diet, it doesn't seem to be fasting that's the cause at all, but

the removal of sufficient carbs.


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>When I lived in Tokyo in the 70's I remember hearing about a pretty severe

>protocol where hospital supervised Fasting was used to try to cure cancer

>patients. The thinking was that the body would gradually eat itself up (my

>interpretation obviously!) and that it would eat up the things it needed

>least and that would include something like a cancer tumor...

This sort of data is certainly interesting, and your interpretation is far

from unheard of, but the problem is that it can also be interpreted in

several other ways. (Just one, for an example: when fasting, the body is

no longer under assault by various toxins and thus can heal

itself.) There's not really any way to decide which is correct without

further investigation and more information.


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>That may be because it does not effectively operate as a fruit juice

>since it is a whole food in liquid form.

I think that's a highly dubious distinction -- after all, you're removing

part of the coconut, and anyway, it's an extremely sweet liquid from a nut

-- but if it works for you, cool.


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Hi Wanita,

> Haven't you said you're a strong metabolic protein type?

> Juice fasting would

> make you more acid, speeding up metabolism. Celery ok, not

> cucumber or

> cabbage. I do apple cider rarely with cinnamon. Even though I

> do a warrior

> style fast during the day its all animal protein, fat, nuts,

> celery and

> avocado.


I've been meaning to ask you about your level of knowledge regarding the

science of Metabolic Typing. It's been a while since I read the book but I

recall being unimpressed by the level of support that Wolcott presented for

his assertions and I was also mystified as to how he (and Dr. Kelley)

figured out which foods were appropriate for which type of metabolism. It

all seemed like voodoo to me back when I got my first diagnosis of being a

Protein Type and I didn't really get a solid grip on how to actually apply

the principles until I started working with Dodie of Metabolic Ed.

I still have little understanding of how to figure out on my own why one

food or the other will cause my metabolism to work properly or not.

You, OTOH, seem to understand all of this very well. Is there some other

source you have found that contains this information? If there is I am very



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Hi Robin,

> One thing I don't understand with all these sorts of " Fasts "

> is the reliance

> on almost purely isolated sugars. I have no idea but is it

> possible that

> some of these " results of detox " are the body's response to glycemic

> overload?

I can tell you that I have clearly experienced the effects of glycemic

overload and the effects of the juice fasts are very, very different.

As to the reliance on isolated sugars, I am as mystified as you. Even more

interesting is the fact that I was getting my juices from very low

carbohydrate density sources. I most definitely had a different experience

of that than I do of overloading on fresh fruit juices.

> Just curious why a water fast is rarely mentioned.

> It's certainly

> cheap and to the point.

This thread is starting to point me in that direction for the next round.

Anyone have any good sources of information for the proper implementation of

a water fast or is it as simple as stop eating food, drink water for 7 days?


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Hi Robin,

> More of my two cents- I know when I am doing the liver flush

> or the juice

> fast that I really am getting rid of nasties. Liver flush I get green

> stones out, and juice fast I eliminate some real foul

> chemical smelling

> stuff. Plus I have detox symptoms like rashes.

Same experiences for me.

I am fascinated that there have been zero comments about my liver flush

pictures. Of all of the things that I have experienced on these detox

cycles THAT is by far the most compelling to me.


> I cant stress how important it is to get your

> liver/gallbladder cleaned out

> before you start this process. It can make the difference between

> mobilizing nasties into your bloodstream and mobilizing them

> out of your

> body.

I have a strong suspicion, now that I have seen the results of my 4 liver

cleanses, that a lot of what I experienced as detox overload during the

first 4 fasting cycles and my 12 colon hydrotherapy sessions was actually

toxic bile from my liver being dumped into my digestive tract. We'll know

better over the next year as I continue to eliminate stones during cleanses.

My next one begins next week.


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>I am fascinated that there have been zero comments about my liver flush

>pictures. Of all of the things that I have experienced on these detox

>cycles THAT is by far the most compelling to me.

I think those pictures would be a lot more compelling if accompanied by lab

analyses. Otherwise, they pretty much just look like garden-variety

excrement. Anyway, a liver flush is one thing, but fasts and extended

cleanses are completely different.


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One of my favorite books on fasting, juicing, detoxing, etc., is by Dr. Don

Colbert, " Toxic Relief. " In it he discuses all types of fasting and

detoxification methods, and even gives some basic protocols, depending upon your

goal. I know that Jordin Rubin endorses his methodology. However, even though

he (Colbert) is an MD (his other stuff is rather like Dr. Weil's as far

as diet recommendations go), he is a Christian, so there is some mention of his

faith in the book. That might bother some people. He does cover what he

considers spiritual benefits of fasting, but also covers the benefits from a

medical/physiological point of view. FYI


RE: Re: Detox Ideas (from concrete etc)

Hi Robin,

> One thing I don't understand with all these sorts of " Fasts "

> is the reliance

> on almost purely isolated sugars. I have no idea but is it

> possible that

> some of these " results of detox " are the body's response to glycemic

> overload?

I can tell you that I have clearly experienced the effects of glycemic

overload and the effects of the juice fasts are very, very different.

As to the reliance on isolated sugars, I am as mystified as you. Even more

interesting is the fact that I was getting my juices from very low

carbohydrate density sources. I most definitely had a different experience

of that than I do of overloading on fresh fruit juices.

> Just curious why a water fast is rarely mentioned.

> It's certainly

> cheap and to the point.

This thread is starting to point me in that direction for the next round.

Anyone have any good sources of information for the proper implementation of

a water fast or is it as simple as stop eating food, drink water for 7 days?


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Hi ,

> This sounds eerily familiar to me, heh.

You too?

>Do you eat raw liver?

> suggested it to me and it really works.

Not yet, but I'm headed in that direction. Any advice on dosing?

> And especially take a good

> B-vitamin if you get carbs/simple sugar cravings. It makes a huge

> difference for me. It sounds adrenal-linked.

It's funny -- I rarely get cravings for it. It was the 4 detoxes that

pushed me over the edge. Of course, once I got going the binges got ugly.

Fortunately they only lasted a couple of weeks.

> And I hate to say it,

> but--gulp--gluten sensitivity? OMG.

Ya know what? I bet this is a large part of it. I've been pretty much

ignoring the gluten posts since they " didn't apply to me " . The recent

post-surgery carb cycle, though, really got my attention and I'm starting to

think there might be something to it as I don't really crave sugar primarily

-- it's definitely a floury thing that turns on. Slightly sweet floury


What on earth would cause this to kick in after a detoxification cycle,

though? Hmm. Any thoughts from Heidi?


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> >That may be because it does not effectively operate as a fruit juice

> >since it is a whole food in liquid form.


> I think that's a highly dubious distinction -- after all,

> you're removing

> part of the coconut, and anyway, it's an extremely sweet

> liquid from a nut

> -- but if it works for you, cool.


IIRC the sugar content of coconut water is identical to that of Gatorade.

It's one of the proverbial 7% sports drinks with all natural ingredients.

Is it possible that pure sugar in that concentration has particular effects

that sugar in heavier or lighter concentrations does not?


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Hi Rebekah,

> One of my favorite books on fasting, juicing, detoxing, etc.,

> is by Dr. Don Colbert, " Toxic Relief. "

It's in the shopping cart at Amazon.



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>During each of the four fasts I experienced two separate things. The first

>element was the feeling in my body. The second was the feeling in my head

>or my level of conscious awareness. My head was a wreck during each of the

>four fasts. Brain fog to the point of unawareness sometimes. Cognitive

>dysfunction. Inability to generate memories. General absence from present


This is sounding worse and worse!

>10 years ago I started

>having panic attacks that I experienced as heart attack symptoms

>(tachycardia, arrhythmias). Even though I have gotten them under control

>through diet and mental processes I still sense the " field " around my heart.

>This is pretty lame description, but it's the best I can do. On both juice

>fasts ALL of these symptoms went completely away. My body felt coherent and

>aligned and stable.

Do you eat grains during the normal course of events? Or other starchy

foods, like potatoes? Many people find symptoms like those disappear when

they go on a low-carb or even ketogenic diet. Alternately, your experience

might be like mine. I used to have panic attacks until I added a

pancreating enzyme supplement to my meals. Presto, no more panic

attacks. On a juice fast you wouldn't have that problem because you'd be

eliminating virtually all fat and protein.

>How so? I'm interested in your thought process here.

Inasmuch as carb cravings come from adrenal axis malfunctions, your fasting

appears to have dramatically stressed your adrenals. Also, your body

responded to your fasts by dropping LBM and adding stubborn fat, and ending

the fasts and working out didn't remedy the situation. This tells me that

you've damaged your metabolism, perhaps permanently, by fasting. The first

symptom, the binging, was due to direct adrenal stress (and nutrient

depletion generally, I'm sure) and the second, the LBM loss and more

importantly stubborn fat gain, was due to a long-term alteration in your

metabolism brought about by the famine condition of fasting.

>So a 15 pound loss of muscle may well

>have been correct and a corrective action by my body given where I started.

ly I think that's a crock, unless you were some sort of hyper-muscled

freak like those bodybuilding grotesques you see in bodybuilding

competitions. If you stress your muscles with proper exercise, you're

going to strengthen them and likely add muscle mass. There's nothing

unnatural about that.

>I spend a lot of my time monitoring myself to see if I've slipped over the

>edge into behavior that is no longer about fixing my health and into dealing

>with issues of control -- which is where I think this desire for purity

>comes from.

I don't think a desire for control is the only source of the lust for

purity, though. There's a valid evolutionary reason for desiring some

forms of purity: pure (or clean) food and water, for example, are clearly


>So, the purpose of my cleanses and detoxes are to remove all of the

>accumulated garbage that I have picked up that has not spontaneously gone

>from eating clean for 3 years. How can you argue with the results that you

>see in the picture I posted to the photo section?

I'm not going to argue with the photos because neither you nor I have any

idea what's in them.

>I would be very interested in reading some of the things that have lead you

>to this conclusion. I have seen very few reports of bad results from

>fasting. I am not only open to this, I'm actively interested in seeing it.

>Any links you have would be great.

Bulimics will tell you they benefit from their barfing too. But like I

said before, just look at your own experiences. They don't sound good.


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>> And I hate to say it,

>> but--gulp--gluten sensitivity? OMG.


> Ya know what? I bet this is a large part of it. I've been pretty much

> ignoring the gluten posts since they " didn't apply to me " . The recent

> post-surgery carb cycle, though, really got my attention and I'm starting

> to

> think there might be something to it as I don't really crave sugar

> primarily

> -- it's definitely a floury thing that turns on. Slightly sweet floury

> things.


> What on earth would cause this to kick in after a detoxification cycle,

> though? Hmm. Any thoughts from Heidi?


> Ron


Not Heidi, but I was good competition along with you on the sweet, floury

foods before going gf. In the appendixes of Metabolic Man, 10,000 Years from

Eden, Abravnel's metabolic body types lists the thyroid dominant type as

desiring sugar, carbohydrates, caffeine, uses coffee and danish to stimulate

thyroid. Needs, high protein (adrenal stimulants), minimum carbohydrates.

Must admit, still can't kick the coffee but it's always black, organic and

through unbleached filters. If you're juicing, veggies alone even, you're

still keeping that carbs and glucose energy base going. Brain fog,

disoriented, real yukky with fasts sounds like Heidi giving up gluten. Bone

broths as Robin brought up would be a better choice if you feel you must

fast. Carbohydrates are metabolizing and burning off too quickly and kicking

in craving for more. is right on thyroid and adrenals. When the

carbohydrate energy base gets replaced with the protein your hunger,

metabolism changes so you don't crave the carbohydrates anymore.



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Yes, I have been saving some of my stones in the freezer for a very long

time, hoping to have them analyzed, but I don't think that is going to

happen. The proof I require is in my health and well being. If other

peoples choice to make up their own mind about it.


> [Original Message]

> From: RBJR <rbjr@...>

> < >

> Date: 3/18/2005 12:22:01 PM

> Subject: RE: Re: Detox Ideas (from concrete etc)



> Hi Robin,


> > More of my two cents- I know when I am doing the liver flush

> > or the juice

> > fast that I really am getting rid of nasties. Liver flush I get green

> > stones out, and juice fast I eliminate some real foul

> > chemical smelling

> > stuff. Plus I have detox symptoms like rashes.


> Same experiences for me.


> I am fascinated that there have been zero comments about my liver flush

> pictures. Of all of the things that I have experienced on these detox

> cycles THAT is by far the most compelling to me.



> [snip]


> > I cant stress how important it is to get your

> > liver/gallbladder cleaned out

> > before you start this process. It can make the difference between

> > mobilizing nasties into your bloodstream and mobilizing them

> > out of your

> > body.


> I have a strong suspicion, now that I have seen the results of my 4 liver

> cleanses, that a lot of what I experienced as detox overload during the

> first 4 fasting cycles and my 12 colon hydrotherapy sessions was actually

> toxic bile from my liver being dumped into my digestive tract. We'll know

> better over the next year as I continue to eliminate stones during


> My next one begins next week.


> Ron






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>IIRC the sugar content of coconut water is identical to that of Gatorade.

>It's one of the proverbial 7% sports drinks with all natural ingredients.

>Is it possible that pure sugar in that concentration has particular effects

>that sugar in heavier or lighter concentrations does not?

And you think Gatorade is a good thing?


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