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Re: Greetings

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Did they help him, you or both. I called them and because I don't have a

car they couldn't do anything for me. ine

Original Message:


From: angelamdavey2300 angelamdavey2300@...

Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 17:32:35 -0000

To: AffirmationstoDe-Stress

Subject: Greetings



Hello Everyone, <BR>

I would like to encourage one and all who have a loved one(s) <BR>

suffering with mental illness to contact NAMI, National Alliance for <BR>

the Mentally Ill.  I attended their 12 week (free) educational <BR>

classes and then was asked to teach these classes and train future <BR>

teachers.  I gained so much insight and support.  I too have a 37 yr. <BR>

old son who has suffered for years with alcoholism and mental <BR>

illness.  Right now he is taking his medication, is not drinking and <BR>

has a place to live.  If not for the support of people, programs, <BR>

people praying daily for our son and our family, I would not be <BR>

coherant enough to type this e-mail and be filled with self-pity and <BR>

play the part of terminal victim.<BR>



Her head is healing very well.  She told me the other day that she <BR>

was so glad she didn't get stitches because then they would have had <BR>

to shave her head.  <BR>



Today my husband of 42 yrs. is celebrating his birthday.<BR>

I am grateful he is with me and that we have grown over these years <BR>

through the " better or worse. " <BR>




I live each day of this weekend with expectancy and joy.<BR>

I contribute peace, joy, and blessings to all I meet.<BR>

I receive the blessings of the day gratefully.<BR>


Blessings coming your way, <BR>









href= " http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/AffirmationstoDe-Stress " >http://h

ealth.groups.yahoo.com/group/AffirmationstoDe-Stress</a> <BR>


A positive thinking, positive affirmations support group, discussing ways

to cope with the stresses of daily life. Come aboard!   PJ and Gang<BR>







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  • 7 months later...

G'mornin', Marta. We aren't holiday folks. My husband is at work and

our kid is packing up to spend a day or two here and then take me to

Delano. We decided--at the last minute--to hit Knott's for dinner

last night. It was a case of pre-planned leftovers, because their

meals are enormous.

Today, at lunch, my mother and daughter and I (as much as I can

participate) will have tamales and eggs and refried beans. That

pretty much makes a holiday here.

I've moved back to Prevacid--but twice a day. I HOPE it works a

little better. But I do have a Reglan question. The Rx says

q6h/prn...but it also says " take 1/2 hour before meals. " Does that

mean " don't take any more frequently than q6h, AND give it a half hour

to work, you moron? "



> Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it. I am alone, but not

> lonely. My mantel is covered with cards to remind me of the many

> people who think of me!


> I had my first baby leave the nest since the mass escape back in

> September, by the way. It begins again...


> Marta


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Sue, we order it that way. Yes, it takes a half-hour to work its

magic so plan to hold off on eating for thirty minutes or else it

won't do you any good. Do not take it closer together than 6 hours.

Correct again! Only take it if you need it (prn). Don't ask me how

you know 30 min in advance whether or not you will need it, I don't

have a clue! lol


> But I do have a Reglan question. The Rx says q6h/prn...but it also

> says " take 1/2 hour before meals. " Does that mean " don't take any

> more frequently than q6h, AND give it a half hour to work?

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Thanks and LOL.

At first, I fixated on the six hour thing. Then I fixated on the half

hour thing. Finally, I figured tht if I eat lunch at noon and then

start thinking about an early dinner...SOME rule is going to be

broken. Such is life!


> Sue, we order it that way. Yes, it takes a half-hour to work its

> magic so plan to hold off on eating for thirty minutes or else it

> won't do you any good. Do not take it closer together than 6 hours.

> Correct again! Only take it if you need it (prn). Don't ask me how

> you know 30 min in advance whether or not you will need it, I don't

> have a clue! lol


> Marta



> > But I do have a Reglan question. The Rx says q6h/prn...but it also

> > says " take 1/2 hour before meals. " Does that mean " don't take any

> > more frequently than q6h, AND give it a half hour to work?


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Sue, I almost hate to point this out to you, but you can eat whenever

you feel like it. You can eat for six straight hours if it pleases

you. The effect of the medication lasts for several hours, after all.



> Thanks and LOL.


> At first, I fixated on the six hour thing. Then I fixated on the


> hour thing. Finally, I figured tht if I eat lunch at noon and then

> start thinking about an early dinner...SOME rule is going to be

> broken. Such is life!

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Point, point, Marta!

I'm battling some acid here--and maybe a little band-related

esophageal dysmotility ergo the Reglan--and it's making me nuts. I

take my Prevacid (I tried to go along with the program) and it settles

the acid thing down, but not for long enough. So I'm sitting here,

with acids gurgling in my gut and esophagus, and it's always just a

matter of time. Eventually, the purge...and then it's time to take

the Reglan and plan a meal.

But I hear I'm kinda fun to watch.

Thanks again,


> >

> > Thanks and LOL.

> >

> > At first, I fixated on the six hour thing. Then I fixated on the

> half

> > hour thing. Finally, I figured tht if I eat lunch at noon and then

> > start thinking about an early dinner...SOME rule is going to be

> > broken. Such is life!


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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Welcome, Kel. I am also a bit older (63) and have some of the concerns you have.

Let me tell you, none of those issues gets better with time. I have set target

dates to get fit and healthy for myself at ages 50, 55, 60, and am now aiming

for 65. DON'T BE LIKE ME!! Get it done this time!

's podcasts and book are helping me to get to the real issues that cause me

to overeat and be under-active. So far, It's going pretty well. You will find

excellent support here with no judgement and tons of compassion!!




To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:19 AM

Subject: Greetings


Hi All -- Being over weight and in my 50's . I find its time to look at whats

ahead of me.

Do I really want to continue with sore knees, feet and the fear every time i get

indigestion its a heart attack? No I don't , working in the health care industry

I see the terrible diseases that people suffer for no apparent reason. Let alone

being like me and a time bomb encouraging disease to come on down.

Having tried most diets known to man and I will be honest some have given me

great results [upto 22kg] but the weight comes back with vengeance. So I find

myself at the 100kg mark and think there has to be more to weight loss and

surely its a mind body combo.

So I have started working my way thru Full Filled. It makes senses to me so far.

More so than other weight loss programmes have.

So greeting and nice to meet you my fellow full fillers


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