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Re: Help 5 month old son is severly constipated!!

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I remember those askew glances I'd get from DH when I began

incorporating NT principles. It certainly can get frustrating,

especially when you find yourself justifying your reasons for the

ump'teenth time, hehe. Just do you best and be patient. Living the NT

way is not something that happens overnight, but I see you already

have a head-start having done organic for a while.

As for too much calcium, well, children need a lot for growing bones

but if there's not enough magnesium, much of that calcium will be

poorly absorbed. I'm not sure how goat's milk compares to cow's milk

as far as calcium levels go, but this site states that one cup (8 oz.)

of whole cow's milk has about 295mg of calcium,


.. Accordingly, breastfed babies' recommended dietary intake is 300mg

and bottlefed babies' RDI is 500mg. Your ds may need somewhere in

between these amounts.

I don't know if you're a member of the WAPHB (Weston A. Price Healthy

Babies) discussion group, but I thought you'd be interested in case

you aren't. It's a very helpful group, though I'm mostly a lurker there.

One poster there says:

" A teaspoon of magnesium citrate well mixed in a glass of milk is a

very safe laxative for children. You just have to stir it very well or

it is gritty. It has almost no taste.

Rae. "

Here's the link to the group,

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/waphb/ .

Derya :)

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Hi There,

Um, I have been silent, mostly because I am new to the list. BUT, something struck me...and I would not feel right if I did not say anything.

The egg? Several people in my family have always had problems with eggs. Those of us who do, were given eggs at an early age, and we had the same problems you are talking about.

I am now able to eat eggs from a couple of sources....and they are free-range only, and not from the store. So, my "very good" Pediatrician suggeste that I wait until my children were at least a year old before introducing the eggs....and 18 months for my premie daughter. Now, they eat more eggs than anyone in our family. Although my nephews did have this problem, my children did not. (I was not able to breastfeed my oldest...the next one for about a year, and my daughter.... 1/2 formula 1/2 breastmilk for the 1st 4 months..then breast milk only once she was out of the hospital....food at different stages for each.)

Anyway....just my 2 cents, but try leaving the egg out of the recipe and see how he does.

Good luck and keep us posted.


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One of the reasons I asked is that we have a number of relatives who are

gluten sensitive. In particular, their second child went through H**ll

because of gluten. Turns out he had celiac disease and his bowels were

in terrible shape. He was also allergic to soy. He had trouble with it

even when he was being nursed. His mom ate whole wheat bread she made


*~*~* Jo & Pete *~*~*


" Laudo Deum " Farm


Raising quality Kinder and Nigerian Dwarf goats

for small acreage farmers, homesteaders and

families with young children.

(And producing natural soaps for humans and animals.)

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It is a far strech from a calf to a baby boy human...The mother dried off early and we did the same thingon a move from Norfolk to Corpus Christi. The milk dried off. The family doctor is a sister. She recommendedsoy formula as did not pediatricians at that time. Also we introduced foods slowly and stopped the foodif we say any signs of allergy. We treated from 300 to 500 babies a week. During theyears I was there we never had to report a death from our clinic files.... We saw underweight children, children that we FTTalso. We saw abused children and all the sad thingsthat you see when working in peds. We did howeverhave very little problems with constipation. By regulatingthe karo surup, the mother could get the poop or stool theconsistency she wanted it. Remember, most of the military mothers were away from their families. Many were

also away from husbands whowere deployed providing the freedom that you and I enjoy.I stick by my earlier post.... karo surup works.Used and then removed from the diet as the child getsolder. We did not recommend anything besides breast mill for the first 6 months.... but mamas would brag about the diettheir child was on.... is on beets already, Carol and ison peas. and Carol were only 5 months old and haddiaper rashes. Any wonder.... we had parenting classes andwe had cluster clinics.... after the cluster clinic we would then give imminizations. We had the cluster clinics at 2 weeks.Then we estabished a chart and started teaching. We also didthe PKU. Then we had clinics at 2 and 4 and 6 months. Moreteaching and more imminizations. We then ended well babyclinics with a 15 month followup. We were written up in Militarymedicine for the job we did with

the cluster clinics. We had fewproblems for two overworked MD's and one PNP. You may laughand perhaps times have changed. I also taught prenatal classes.We caught them early and trained them right. We we had JCAH andIG we passed with flying colors. We recommended Karo surup and did not own stock in the company. We also recommend Ivorylaundry detergent....I can not speak to much on WAP, but I can tell you that if it isn't brokendon't try to fix it. I never got complaints about our clinic... We were overworked and underpaid, but we stuck to the task at hand... We keptmilitary dependents, primarly children from newborn to 13 years old,healthy. We had an open door policy and we got a few calls at night,but what doctor doesn't get called at night....Our nurses and nurse practiners saw patients and we treated lots of families.For less than $2 you can sold a problem that

you will have a hard timetrying to figure our....I am proud of my military service, even if you don't think Karo surup is theway to go, over the years it worked for many families. I avoided Circs more than 25 years ago. We tried to avoid ear rings too.We guided families and we enjoyed out jobs....Now I enjoy my retirement.JJPhilippines wrote: I guess it is because I was a Le Leche Leader for years and that was never ever on the radar of giving children cornsyrup. As a military wife I would not be pleased with someone pushing corn syrup let alone putting it in every bottle of formula! She is breastfeeding and that is what GOD intended babies to drink not high fructose cornsyrup with nasty formula. Bloody diarrhea is something to look at and is not just constipation in my opinion. I have had this before as I have raised 4 kids 12, 8, 3.5, and 2 yrs old and I’m still breastfeeding my 2 yr old. If you would have told me to do this on a military facility I would have told you, you were crazy. A baby that is exclusively breastfed does not have constipation very rare. It is when people start introducing formula and all kinds of other stuff. That is why God gave us breasts to feed our babies. Here is resources that she should be

reading. As you could see she is a Weston A Price person and WAP people don’t use corn syrup. If she would only just breastfeed and not give her baby anything else the constipation would clear up on it’s own. The baby is constipated because you are giving it something unnatural to it’s digestive system. I don’t think you would give a cow corn syrup for constipation. The cow drinks it’s mother milk just like a baby should drink it’s mother’s milk. Why would you give it to a baby. I invested in a breast pump when ever I could not feed the baby the breastmilk was pumped and put in a bottle for the baby to drink in my absence. www.westonaprice.org http://www.lalecheleague.org/FAQ/bm.html http://www.lalecheleague.org/NB/NBJulAug98p100.html Pediatric clinics in Virginia, Texas, Philippines and California. Why are you so dead set against a cure that does work and was and is used on thousands of babies.... JJ <aegearhartbellsouth (DOT) net> wrote: Corn syrup imo is not healthy for anyone especially babies. Just breastfed the child and it will take care of it. Wow never heard that of that at a military clinic any where. My esperince from my running Pediatric Clinics is that Breast fed babies seem to have a looser stool than those that are bottle fed. We used to get a lot of mothers that felt their babies had too firm a stool. Most were bottle fed or a mix of bottle and breast that had the firm stools. We recommend about 4 tablespooms of light Karo for each 4 ozs of forumula. What will the world find in 2020? Leave a part of your 2006 in the Yahoo! Time Capsule. Contribute now!

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,What university is your Doctorate from?I am sure you learned well with 5 children.JJPhilippines wrote: The book noursishing traditions and there website www.westonaprice.org Explains how we eat. Here is what WAP says to avoid- I would never ever give a baby corn syrup Dietary Dangers Don't eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, etc. Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose and high fructose corn syrup. Avoid white flour, white flour products and white rice. Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils. Avoid all vegetable oils made from soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed. Do not use polyunsaturated oils for cooking, sauteing or baking. Avoid fried foods. Do not practice strict vegetarianism (veganism); animal products provide vital nutrients not found in plant foods. Avoid products containing protein powders. Avoid pasteurized milk; do not consume lowfat milk, skim milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products. Avoid battery-produced eggs and factory-farmed meats. Avoid highly processed luncheon meats and sausage containing MSG and other additives. Avoid rancid and improperly prepared seeds, nuts and grains found in granolas, quick rise breads and extruded breakfast cereals, as they block mineral absorption and cause intestinal distress. Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed, bioengineered or irradiated fruits and vegetables. Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Most soups, sauce and broth mixes and commercial condiments contain MSG, even if not so labeled. Avoid caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. Avoid chocolate. Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, baking powder and antacids. Do not use aluminum cookware or aluminum-containing deodorants. Do not drink fluoridated water. Avoid synthetic vitamins and foods containing them. Do not drink distilled liquors. Do not use a microwave oven. RE: Help 5 month old son is severly constipated!! iam not sure what ''wap'' friendly is. I retired 14 years ago. Still it is pan cake surup. We used it in 1000's of babies and had very few if any problems. It works and it worke well and cheap... JJ <aegearhartbellsouth (DOT) net> wrote: It’s corn syrup and is NOT wap friendly. It’s what they put in coke and other stuff. Thank you for your advice. I am a little ignorant to karo syrup. What exactly is it and would you think it is WAP friendly? It sounds like a lot of syrup per formula but its worth a shot. Thank you candace What is the internet to you? Contribute to the Yahoo! Time Capsule and be a part of internet history.

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,What university is your Doctorate from?I am sure you learned well with 5 children.JJPhilippinesThe website looks good, but I still think, that with the largemasses of patients and small numbers of providers, this maynot be the real answer either. I once wondered why I was assigned for a few months to an air craft carrier.... come to find out some of our boys were justthat, boys.... What works works... even if you do not approve.We found that certain thing worked.... we inspected the food ofour boys everyday. I once made a line of 1000 sailors wait as the food was not hot enough. I caught he-- to, but I stuck by myconvections as I do now. WAP has some ideas... but so does a lotof other good medical sources.JJPhilippines... wrote: The book noursishing traditions and there website www.westonaprice.org Explains how we eat. Here is what WAP says to avoid- I would never ever give a baby corn syrup Dietary Dangers Don't eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, etc.

Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose and high fructose corn syrup. Avoid white flour, white flour products and white rice. Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils. Avoid all vegetable oils made from soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed. Do not use polyunsaturated oils for cooking, sauteing or baking. Avoid fried foods. Do not practice strict vegetarianism (veganism); animal products provide vital nutrients not found in plant foods. Avoid products containing protein powders. Avoid pasteurized milk; do not consume lowfat milk, skim milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products. Avoid battery-produced eggs and factory-farmed meats. Avoid highly processed luncheon meats and sausage containing MSG and other additives. Avoid rancid and improperly prepared seeds, nuts and grains found in granolas, quick rise breads and extruded breakfast cereals, as they block mineral absorption

and cause intestinal distress. Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed, bioengineered or irradiated fruits and vegetables. Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Most soups, sauce and broth mixes and commercial condiments contain MSG, even if not so labeled. Avoid caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. Avoid chocolate. Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, baking powder and antacids. Do not use aluminum cookware or aluminum-containing deodorants. Do not drink fluoridated water. Avoid synthetic vitamins and foods containing them. Do not drink distilled liquors. Do not use a microwave oven. RE: Help 5 month old son is severly constipated!! iam not sure what ''wap'' friendly is. I retired 14 years ago. Still it is pan cake surup. We used it in 1000's of babies and had very few if any problems. It works and it worke well and cheap... JJ

<aegearhartbellsouth (DOT) net> wrote: It’s corn syrup and is NOT wap friendly. It’s what they put in coke and other stuff. Thank you for your advice. I am a little ignorant to karo syrup. What exactly is it and would you think it is WAP friendly? It sounds like a lot of syrup per formula but its worth a shot. Thank you candace What is the internet to you? Contribute to the Yahoo! Time Capsule and be a part of internet history.

What will the world find in 2020? Leave a part of your 2006 in the Yahoo! Time Capsule. Contribute now!

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Children are our most important asset.We treated the children, happy childrenmade happy moms, and happy moms madefor happy servicemembers that defended our country....Thanks for your post.I am glad you only had call to use Karo once,but I am further glad that you report is was usedand that it worked for you and your family.JJPhilippinesballardpaint@... wrote: I heard that preached all over the US and Europe when

I was in the service.I got out about 4 yrs ago. Used it on my own baby when she was breastfed.Only had one episode of constipation and the karo cleared it right up. Never would I let my baby suffer with that, she was so miserable.

What will the world find in 2020? Leave a part of your 2006 in the Yahoo! Time Capsule. Contribute now!

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I don’t need a degree to help people breastfeed. I have breastfed so far

for a total of 6 yrs 3 kids and I have had two homebirths out of my 4 children

and I trained under leaders from La Leche League for a year and a half and then

was a leader in the field helping mothers everyday calling my house and

leading meetings and yes I made house calls for new moms for 5 yrs so that is

my experience. Then I had to retire to homeschool my children. Most medical

people have no idea about breastfeeding and nutrition and I don’t take my

children to Dr.s very often because of people like you.


What university is your Doctorate from?

I am sure you learned well with 5 children.



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Candace, I have a 5m dd. She went through a time from about 7 weeks until 10 weeks where she had a hard time going to the bathroom. When she did it was very thick and pasty. I exclusively breastfeed her. The only think I can attribute it to was that I gave blood as soon as I was able (6 weeks) and even though I drank tons and thought that I was hydrated enough, I don't think I was able to produce the type of milk she needed. Also I wasn't drinking raw milk then. She is our 6th child and I have nursed all of them into toddlerhood. I waited until they could eat table food. All of my babies were chunky. Even though it's not politically correct, breastmilk alone can nurish babies. I haven't been able to follow all the posts- If you can nurse laying down or reclined in a chair- try to take a nap with your baby. It will help stimulate your milk and just let your baby stay attached even

if it seems your milk is not letting down. If your dh allows let your baby sleep with you at night too. Did you immunize?, or has the baby been on antibiotics ( or you)? There are some probiotics you can give. I have a friend whose nursing infant dealt with this. Severe constipation, blood in stools, and fissture. I remember one thing was bannanas that she couldn't eat. If you want to contact me off list I'll get you her information. You can add magnesium to you and your baby by taking epsom salt baths together. If you google it you should be able to find info. If not add autism to the search because that is how I found out about it. You can also make epson salt lotions etc.. if someone is lacking magn. I will be praying for your sweet baby, and for you and your husband to have wisdom and to be on the same page. -

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I think everyone really needs to just calm down and look at this from the perspecitives of the other person. We are all adults here (AFAIK) and need to act like it.

JJ - I commend you for all the wonderful work you did in the Army helping parents get their children get off to as healthy a start as you knew how to teach. Karo Syrup makes sense in the aspect that human milk IS much sweeter than cow or goat milk as it contains more lactose. For years artificial breastmilk was made form Carnation condensed milk and Karo Syrup. It was what the medical community recommended and the best people knew back then. And it solved the Acute problem of diarrhea quite well. What wasn't understood then, and some researchers and nutritionists and organizations (like the WAPF) are learning, now, is that dextrose (sugar) like in corn syrup is NOT the same thing as the lactose in mother's milk. While it solved acute problems back then, it's quite possible it may have caused many Chronic problems later on in the life of those people that consumed it as babies. But this is not your fault, JJ! She is just sharing information from her many years of experience that she has seen work. And it just may still work, and used for a very short time it might not do any or much damage. Even in LLL they always told me that we do the best we can with what we know at the time. And it sounds like JJ did a LOT of good for a lot of babies while practicing in a very difficult situation.

What and those of us not liking corn syrup are concerned of are the possible long-term, chronic effects of these kinds of things in the diet, and that can start in infancy. I suggested to Candace that she try using the lactose that she still probably has from the NT formula ingredients, along with the Lifestart Lactobacillus Infantis. This would provide the sugar, but in the form of lactose rather than dextrose. Babies do need lactose for body functions, which is why there is enough in breast milk to make it pretty sweet tasting. This may be part of the reason, but it's just an idea I had, after thinking about the Karo Syrup. There was a reason and a purpose for what was done decades ago before more understanding of possible side effects of these things were realized.

So, please, lets all just get along, and respect each other for our different experiences, knowledge and perspectives. We can all learn a lot from each other.


Actually I don’t need a degree to help people breastfeed. I have breastfed so far for a total of 6 yrs 3 kids and I have had two homebirths out of my 4 children and I trained under leaders from La Leche League for a year and a half and then was a leader in the field helping mothers everyday calling my house and leading meetings and yes I made house calls for new moms for 5 yrs so that is my experience. Then I had to retire to homeschool my children. Most medical people have no idea about breastfeeding and nutrition and I don’t take my children to Dr.s very often because of people like you.

,What university is your Doctorate from?I am sure you learned well with 5 children.JJPhilippines

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Hear, hear Sally! Thanks for that sound advice.


I think everyone really needs to just calm down and look at this from the perspecitives of the other person. We are all adults here (AFAIK) and need to act like it.

JJ - I commend you for all the wonderful work you did in the Army helping parents get their children get off to as healthy a start as you knew how to teach. Karo Syrup makes sense in the aspect that human milk IS much sweeter than cow or goat milk as it contains more lactose. For years artificial breastmilk was made form Carnation condensed milk and Karo Syrup. It was what the medical community recommended and the best people knew back then. And it solved the Acute problem of diarrhea quite well. What wasn't understood then, and some researchers and nutritionists and organizations (like the WAPF) are learning, now, is that dextrose (sugar) like in corn syrup is NOT the same thing as the lactose in mother's milk. While it solved acute problems back then, it's quite possible it may have caused many Chronic problems later on in the life of those people that consumed it as babies. But this is not your fault, JJ! She is just sharing information from her many years of experience that she has seen work. And it just may still work, and used for a very short time it might not do any or much damage. Even in LLL they always told me that we do the best we can with what we know at the time. And it sounds like JJ did a LOT of good for a lot of babies while practicing in a very difficult situation.

What and those of us not liking corn syrup are concerned of are the possible long-term, chronic effects of these kinds of things in the diet, and that can start in infancy. I suggested to Candace that she try using the lactose that she still probably has from the NT formula ingredients, along with the Lifestart Lactobacillus Infantis. This would provide the sugar, but in the form of lactose rather than dextrose. Babies do need lactose for body functions, which is why there is enough in breast milk to make it pretty sweet tasting. This may be part of the reason, but it's just an idea I had, after thinking about the Karo Syrup. There was a reason and a purpose for what was done decades ago before more understanding of possible side effects of these things were realized.

So, please, lets all just get along, and respect each other for our different experiences, knowledge and perspectives. We can all learn a lot from each other.


Actually I don't need a degree to help people breastfeed. I have breastfed so far for a total of 6 yrs 3 kids and I have had two homebirths out of my 4 children and I trained under leaders from La Leche League for a year and a half and then was a leader in the field helping mothers everyday calling my house and leading meetings and yes I made house calls for new moms for 5 yrs so that is my experience. Then I had to retire to homeschool my children. Most medical people have no idea about breastfeeding and nutrition and I don't take my children to Dr.s very often because of people like you.

,What university is your Doctorate from?I am sure you learned well with 5 children.JJPhilippines

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Group Guests:I am not trying to be rude or crude...I am asking a question.... am I not entitled to ask her background after she tried to imply thatmy methods would not work and would beharmful if tried when they worked for thousandsof babies over a 22 1/3 year period when I proudlyserved my native country, the United States of America.Since my tried and true ideas were cut down I thoughtI would inquire as to where she was coming from.I met no harm then and I mean no harm now.I have raised three children plus two nephews andassisted with the birth and raising or seven other nieces and nephews.JJNow in the PhilippinesCharity wrote: I agree. has given me more useful information about breastfeeding than any of the doctors and nurses ever did. It was an incredibly rude comment to imply that she doesn't know what she is talking about because of a lack of initials after her name! > > Actually I don't need a degree to help people breastfeed. > > > > , > What university is your Doctorate from? > I am sure you learned well with 5 children. > JJ > Philippines >

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Hi Everyone, I am sorry if my question has caused so much controversy i never meant to do that. I really am grateful for all your help everyone. We all have a difference of opinions and i am thankful for views. I have chosen to give him a small amount of prune juice because hes in so much pain i cant stand to see him like that. Now i know it might not be the best option but its the most natural and fast acting thing that i know of. He went to the bathroom yesterday without severe pain so i think it helped. He didnt go very much but at least he wasnt screaming and his poops werent too big for him to get out. I am also going to try to get my supply back up so i wont have to deal with this problem anymore. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you so much. Also if anyone has any really good info on the benefits of raw milk my brother is reading all the propaganda and doesnt believe me so im sending him the power point from sally but thats all i could

find. thanks candacesamanka farm wrote: Group Guests:I am not trying to be rude or crude...I am asking a question.... am I not entitled to ask her background after she tried to imply thatmy methods would not work and would beharmful if tried when they worked for thousandsof babies over a 22 1/3 year period when I proudlyserved my native country, the United States of America.Since my tried and true ideas were cut down I thoughtI would inquire as to

where she was coming from.I met no harm then and I mean no harm now.I have raised three children plus two nephews andassisted with the birth and raising or seven other nieces and nephews.JJNow in the PhilippinesCharity <CharityFamilyFarms> wrote: I agree. has given me more useful information about breastfeeding than any of the doctors and nurses ever did. It was an incredibly rude comment to imply that she doesn't know what she is talking about because of a lack of initials after her name!>> Actually I don't need a degree to help people breastfeed. > > > >

,> What university is your Doctorate from?> I am sure you learned well with 5 children.> JJ> Philippines> What is the internet to you?Contribute to the Yahoo! Time Capsule and be a part of internet history. ~To Your Success And Mine~ Candace Independent Representative ONE Group Manager www.Genuineorganics.mionegroup.com

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina

Re: Re: Help 5 month old son is severly constipated!!

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry if my question has caused so much controversy i never meant to do that. I really am grateful for all your help everyone. We all have a difference of opinions and i am thankful for views. I have chosen to give him a small amount of prune juice because hes in so much pain i cant stand to see him like that. Now i know it might not be the best option but its the most natural and fast acting thing that i know of. He went to the bathroom yesterday without severe pain so i think it helped. He didnt go very much but at least he wasnt screaming and his poops werent too big for him to get out. I am also going to try to get my supply back up so i wont have to deal with this problem anymore. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you so much. Also if anyone has any really good info on the benefits of raw milk my brother is reading all the propaganda and doesnt believe me so im sending him the power point from sally but thats all i co uld find. thanks

candacesamanka farm <samanka_farm.ph> wrote:

Group Guests:I am not trying to be rude or crude...I am asking a question.... am I not entitled to ask her background after she tried to imply thatmy methods would not work and would beharmful if tried when they worked for thousandsof babies over a 22 1/3 year period when I proudlyserved my native country, the United States of America.Since my tried and true ideas were cut down I thoughtI would inquire as to where she was coming from.I met no harm then and I mean no harm now.I have raised three children plus two nephews andassisted with the birth and raising or seven other nieces and nephews.JJNow in the PhilippinesCharity <CharityFamilyFarms> wrote:

I agree. has given me more useful information about breastfeeding than any of the doctors and nurses ever did. It was an incredibly rude comment to imply that she doesn't know what she is talking about because of a lack of initials after her name!>> Actually I don't need a degree to help people breastfeed. > > > > ,> What university is your Doctorate from?> I am sure you learned well with 5 children.> JJ> Philippines>

What is the internet to you?Contribute to the Yahoo! Time Capsule and be a part of internet history. ~To Your Success And Mine~ Candace Independent Representative ONE Group Manager www.Genuineorganics.mionegroup.com

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Well i am apart of raw dairy and WAPB group and i get both sets of emails everyday. When i went to post my questions i accidently posted it to this group and i couldnt take it back so i am sorry for all of the off subject talk i promise not to post on here anymore about anything relating to health candaceggilks wrote: I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part

of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina Re: Re: Help 5 month old son is severly constipated!! Hi Everyone, I am sorry if my question has caused so much controversy i never meant to do that. I really am grateful for all your help everyone. We all have a

difference of opinions and i am thankful for views. I have chosen to give him a small amount of prune juice because hes in so much pain i cant stand to see him like that. Now i know it might not be the best option but its the most natural and fast acting thing that i know of. He went to the bathroom yesterday without severe pain so i think it helped. He didnt go very much but at least he wasnt screaming and his poops werent too big for him to get out. I am also going to try to get my supply back up so i wont have to deal with this problem anymore. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you so much. Also if anyone has any really good info on the benefits of raw milk my brother is reading all the propaganda and doesnt believe me so im sending him the power point from sally but thats all i co uld find. thanks candacesamanka farm <samanka_farm.ph> wrote: Group Guests:I am not trying to be rude or crude...I am asking a question.... am I not entitled to ask her background after she tried to imply thatmy methods would not work and would beharmful if tried when they worked for thousandsof babies over a 22 1/3 year period when I proudlyserved my native country, the United States of America.Since my tried and true ideas were cut down I thoughtI would inquire as to where she was coming from.I met no harm then and I mean no harm now.I have raised three children plus two nephews andassisted with the birth and raising or seven other nieces and nephews.JJNow in the PhilippinesCharity <CharityFamilyFarms> wrote: I agree. has

given me more useful information about breastfeeding than any of the doctors and nurses ever did. It was an incredibly rude comment to imply that she doesn't know what she is talking about because of a lack of initials after her name!>> Actually I don't need a degree to help people breastfeed. > > > > ,> What university is your Doctorate from?> I am sure you learned well with 5 children.> JJ> Philippines> What is the internet to you?Contribute to the Yahoo! Time Capsule and be a part of internet history. ~To Your Success And Mine~ Candace Independent Representative ONE Group Manager www.Genuineorganics.mionegroup.com Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. ~To Your Success And Mine~ Candace Independent Representative ONE Group Manager www.Genuineorganics.mionegroup.com

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

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Maybe you should think about that a little bit more.

When do you think they are going to claim mothers are " manufacturing

infant formula " by feeding them breast milk? Breast milk is raw milk.

There is already a social bias against breastfeeding and I don't think

it would take much for the government to frown on it as being unsanitary

etc...Does a mother have HIV? Does a mother have strep bacteria?

Insanitary milk!

The original question was about formula made from raw milk.

*~*~* Jo & Pete *~*~*


" Laudo Deum " Farm


Raising quality Kinder and Nigerian Dwarf goats

for small acreage farmers, homesteaders and

families with young children.

(And producing natural soaps for humans and animals.)

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Ina,If you have a problem about baby poop and breast feeding, learn to delete. And if mother's milk isn't the ultimate " raw milk " for a baby, what is? There couldn't be a better place to ask questions. Get some counseling for your " feelings " because they're screwed up.


I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina

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Candace, It isn't off-topic, as far as I can see. It brought up a lot of interesting points. Some think that mother's breast milk isn't the ultimate in raw milk. Others aren't quite into the 21st century with food recommendations. Yet others are still of the mentality that " everybody else did it so it must be okay " . Those who follow raw dairy also have a mindset that factory-farming, factory-food, industrialzed nutrition isn't a healthy way of life. All the topics get blended at some point. I don't see a need to apologize. You seemed like you selected a wise, healthy solution for your baby. And maybe other people learned something......


Well i am apart of raw dairy and WAPB group and i get both sets of emails everyday. When i went to post my questions i accidently posted it to this group and i couldnt take it back so i am sorry for all of the off subject talk i promise not to post on here anymore about anything relating to health


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this is very much about what us farmers face daily. Phone calls from people looking for information about how raw milk can help in ALL kinds of areas. Geez this lady is dealing with feeding RAW GOAT MILK to her baby and has questions. This is really not anymore off topic to me than a person with thin yogurt or butter that needs to be washed a bit more etc that we all help with everyday.

The archives of this list have piles of good information for your brother to read. Look on the bottom of one of the posts and the links are there. Good luck with your child and hopefully we haven't scared you into asking questions that probably will help many others at sometime.

Debbie ChikouskyManitoba, Canadagdchik@...http://www.winnipegbeach.com/chikouskyfarms/

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Sharon, Hope you feel better. You have a great day Ina

Re: Re: Help 5 month old son is severly constipated!!

Ina,If you have a problem about baby poop and breast feeding, learn to delete. And if mother's milk isn't the ultimate "raw milk" for a baby, what is? There couldn't be a better place to ask questions. Get some counseling for your "feelings" because they're screwed up. Sharon

I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina

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I opened this one by accident... but I have to agree that we have choices in what we read and what we don't. While I'm not interested in breastfeeding discussions (I'm decades past that stage of life), I have just been deleting and moving on. So far, I've deleted 43 in this thread.... and as soon as I hit send, I'll delete this one, too! LOL

Ina,If you have a problem about baby poop and breast feeding, learn to delete. And if mother's milk isn't the ultimate " raw milk " for a baby, what is? There couldn't be a better place to ask questions. Get some counseling for your " feelings " because they're screwed up. Sharon

I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina

.. -- in Oklahoma

Concharty English Shepherds http://www.concharty.comInterested in working from home?http://karencline.thewhycircle.com/

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Just my opinion, or " feeling " , but the only problem I had with this thread is how many people have been snapping at each other back and forth. I'm guessing that this is because this is a topic about which people are quite passionate.

Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and I don't think it's fair to attack someone for expressing what is theirs... I only just recently joined this group and was very excited to do so because I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to learn about something that interests me, and also to perhaps contribute something to the community as well. I'd like to think that I could present a question or voice an opinion, as long as it harmed no-one, without being made to feel bad or shy.

Let's be kind, and welcoming.

I opened this one by accident... but I have to agree that we have choices in what we read and what we don't. While I'm not interested in breastfeeding discussions (I'm decades past that stage of life), I have just been deleting and moving on. So far, I've deleted 43 in this thread.... and as soon as I hit send, I'll delete this one, too! LOL

On 10/26/06, Sharon son <skericson@...

> wrote:

Ina,If you have a problem about baby poop and breast feeding, learn to delete. And if mother's milk isn't the ultimate " raw milk " for a baby, what is? There couldn't be a better place to ask questions. Get some counseling for your " feelings " because they're screwed up. Sharon

I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina

.. -- in OklahomaConcharty English Shepherds http://www.concharty.comInterested in working from home?


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well thank you for your support sharon! Its good to know im not alone :) candaceSharon son wrote: Candace, It isn't off-topic, as far as I can see. It brought up a lot of interesting points. Some think that mother's breast milk isn't the ultimate in raw milk. Others aren't quite into the 21st century with food recommendations. Yet others are still of the mentality that "everybody else did it so it must be okay". Those who follow raw

dairy also have a mindset that factory-farming, factory-food, industrialzed nutrition isn't a healthy way of life. All the topics get blended at some point. I don't see a need to apologize. You seemed like you selected a wise, healthy solution for your baby. And maybe other people learned something...... Sharon On 10/26/06, candace brosemann <candycayne19> wrote: Well i am apart of raw dairy and WAPB group and i get both sets of emails everyday. When i went to post my questions i accidently posted it to this group and i couldnt take it back so i am sorry for all of the off subject talk i promise not to post on here anymore about

anything relating to health candace ~To Your Success And Mine~ Candace Independent Representative ONE Group Manager www.Genuineorganics.mionegroup.com

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com. Check it out.

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Alena,Thank you for your warm, thoughtful and direct post. Itseems to me to be very timely. I am reminded of the saying 'out of the mouth of babes come the pearls ofwisdom'. I did feel like I had been giving good advice, advice that I gave to 1000's of mothers over 20 yearsof Service to the United States of America. I had a person tell me my methods were bad and she contradictedme something fiece. My method was cheap and worked.You have brought to the front line the need to be kind, andto work together as a team. When I asked the person whoposted saying I was wrong and that they would 'never' do or follow advice like mine, I felt wounded. I have letters behind my name, but I have also retired. The letters I now use are HB, human being. Anwway, when I asked the personposting what university she came from I was branded as beingrude. When some one differs

from my line of thought I always start with basics and finding out where this person is comingfrom. Thanks again for your post. I do think the orginal poster, a mother with a constipated 6 moson, would have been better to have asked a group the questionon a new mothers group, or perhaps a breast feeding group. Ido not belong to any of those groups as I have retired. My interestis now in basic back to the land movement and simple farming. I have a small farm in the Philippines. Our island has been rocked by 14 earthquakes over the last 5 days, also rocked with over 800aftershocks. Trust me, I have other things to worry about. Luckly,we had small earthquakes and we had almost no damage. You post is an eye opener for all of us. I will skip my initials and just sign of with the initials mama gave me.Blessing to you and all,JJBoac, Marinduque, RPHome of

the epicenter of 14 earthquakes....and lots of aftershocksAlena Guggemos wrote: Just my opinion, or "feeling", but the only problem I had with this thread is how many people have been snapping at each other back and forth. I'm guessing that this is because this is a topic about which people are quite passionate. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and I don't think it's fair to attack someone for expressing what is theirs... I only just recently

joined this group and was very excited to do so because I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to learn about something that interests me, and also to perhaps contribute something to the community as well. I'd like to think that I could present a question or voice an opinion, as long as it harmed no-one, without being made to feel bad or shy. Let's be kind, and welcoming. On 10/26/06, Cline <karen.clinegmail> wrote: I opened this one by accident... but I have to agree that we have choices in what we read and what we don't. While I'm not interested in breastfeeding discussions (I'm decades past that stage of life), I have just been

deleting and moving on. So far, I've deleted 43 in this thread.... and as soon as I hit send, I'll delete this one, too! LOL On 10/26/06, Sharon son <skericsongmail > wrote: Ina,If you have a problem about baby poop and breast feeding, learn to delete. And if mother's milk isn't the ultimate "raw milk" for a baby, what is? There couldn't be a better place to ask questions. Get some counseling for your "feelings" because they're screwed up. Sharon I don't mean to be rude but I thought this was a raw dairy list. Somehow breast feeding and baby poop does not come to mind as being part of raw dairy. There must be other lists for new mothers....Sorry can't help but feel this way....Ina . -- in OklahomaConcharty English Shepherds http://www.concharty.comInterested in working

from home? http://karencline.thewhycircle.com/

What is the internet to you? Contribute to the Yahoo! Time Capsule and be a part of internet history.

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Thank you Debbie! I will now not feel shy to ask questions candace & Debbie Chikousky wrote: Candace, this is very much about what us farmers face daily. Phone calls from people looking for information about how raw milk can help in ALL kinds of areas. Geez this lady is dealing with feeding RAW GOAT MILK to her baby and has questions. This is really not anymore off topic to me than a person

with thin yogurt or butter that needs to be washed a bit more etc that we all help with everyday. The archives of this list have piles of good information for your brother to read. Look on the bottom of one of the posts and the links are there. Good luck with your child and hopefully we haven't scared you into asking questions that probably will help many others at sometime. Debbie ChikouskyManitoba, Canadagdchik@...http://www.winnipegbeach.com/chikouskyfarms/ ~To Your Success And Mine~ Candace Independent Representative ONE Group Manager www.Genuineorganics.mionegroup.com

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

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