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Hi .... Its so nice to hear from you. I have been

thinking about you and how you were doing. I have read

just some of your journel but will go back to finish later.

It sounds like it was some enlightening experience.

I'm so glad all went well.


Live Long....Laugh Hard....Email Often

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 16:09:20 -0000,

Meredith wrote:

Muscles become stronger when we exercise them

regularly, and so it is

with willpower, intentionality and self-discipline too.

Why am I so sure of this? Well, I have just completed 30

days of dawn-

to-dusk fasting - following the muslim Ramadan

tradition, although I

am not a muslim myself. Actually I varied the Ramadan


slightly by taking water while fasting - which I believe


fasting safer and also aids the physical detox benefit of


Fasting has been used for thousands of years by people


purification (of mind, body, spirit and emotions), clarity,


and guidance for their lives, so I have been very

intrigued to " give

it a shot " in my own life.

A diary of my journey through the experience of

daytime fasting is on-

line for anyone interested in having a go themselves:


What are my overall conclusions about fasting?


Well, I have found that fasting can be a very powerful

experience on

all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. After

30 days

of modest but persistent fasting I feel more empowered,

more centered

and more energised.

I have also had some pretty magical experiences of


connection, insight and a flow of blessings. Fasting guru,

Bragg, refers to the " Miracle of fasting " and I believe

that this is

true, provided that the time saved in less eating, less

snacking and

less comfort-eating and comfort drinking is spent in


contemplative intentionality activities such as prayer,


and affirmations.

I call this " riding and transforming " the energy of the

cravings -

i.e. confronting them, feeling them fully and transmuting

them. Here

is an example of what I mean:



Bragg has just brought out a new book on the

science and art of

fasting by the way, you can find details here:



My thanks to for her interest and support in my

fasting journey!

Connecting with others who have either done this

journey before, or

are contemplating it in the future, has been one of the

great rewards

in doing it and sharing it.

Best wishes

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Yes, it was indeed a magical and transformative journey, though at

times a difficult path to keep to. As the saying goes " No pain- No

gain! "

Now in the aftermath I am aware of a real shift towards more self-

confidence and self-empowerment...

In the last few days I have confronted unacceptable behaviour towards

me in two relationships - in one case someone who was repeatedly

hypercritical of me and in the other, someone who was repeatedly does

a thing called " enforced teaming " - where by a variety of tactics

they draw you into their personal or group agenda against your own

better judgement, needs and self-will.

In the first case I stopped distancing myself from the constantly

critical " friend " and instead really expressed my outrage directly

and, after this pure assertive direct communication was ignored -

hotly and forcibly!

I had avoided the direct hot and forcible approach previously because

I prefer gentleness with friends. Also I feared it would result in a

deterioration of an already declining relationship. In fact, the

reverse happened...

After I had given him the " rough edge of my tongue " without any

noticable impact, I told him I had no alternative but to strangle him

(semi-joking of course!) and placed my hands around his neck

pretending to strangle him. He did not resist - just seemed genuinely

surprised - he had not really taken on board before how strongly I

felt about having to constantly defend and justify myself against a

constant tide of his self-righteous critical remarks.

After this real physical expression of my feelings, the atmosphere

became softer and more relaxed between us (in recent times there had

been a growing tension between us). A friend who was sitting with us

and has also suffered at his hands (he is a persistent offender with

everyone but gets away with it because he combines it with a certain

good nature and generosity) was laughing her socks off at seeing his

irritating pattern dealt with in this dramatic and very unspiritual

fashion (we all belong to the same spiritual group).

To my surprise he responded to my outrage-driven aggressive display

by moving closer, speaking more softly and warm and inviting me to

contribute a bit of self-publicity to our organisation's website.

This experience felt like a very satisfying kind of victory to me,

but I know the dangers of getting to attached to a sense of self-

righteous " win " over somemone else. So shortly afterwards, I

encountered him again. In these days following Ramadan fast, muslims

have a tradition of apologizing to anyone you might in the past have

caused hurt, upset or offence. Although not a muslim, I have

been " trying out this aspect of their spiritual practice. So, when I

met him later, I apologized to him (sincerely) for any past hurt,

upset or offence I may have caused. He was visibly touched and we

hugged each other warmly - the first genuinely warm and mutual hug in

many months!

The second area of relationship shift - with my girlfriend - is

rather more tricky and still " in process " - I will report back later.

At present it is at the stage of an uncomfortable facing of " the

truth about significant differences and agendas " between us. We both

value each others love and support in many ways, so putting our

relationship " on the line " by facing deep divisions is quite scary.

We have discussed " toxic relationships " on Affirmations to De-Stress

before and I have put together a webpage of resources here:


However, having good information or good mantras, is not always

enough to create a shift in our quality of life. Often we need to

engage in experiences which will cultivate particular life-

transforming qualities, such as self-confidence, clarity, will-power,

and purity (facing truth and holding to the path of truth).

My fasting journey was certainly a valuable step in this direction.

Here is the address of my weblog diary again, for anyone interested:


Best wishes to all - and a special hug to !

> Hi .... Its so nice to hear from you. I have been

> thinking about you and how you were doing. I have read

> just some of your journal but will go back to finish later.

> It sounds like it was some enlightening experience.

> I'm so glad all went well.

> Hugs


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  • 1 month later...

Hi :

Im happy to hear your letter sounding more positive. If you

look back in the groups archieves you will see alot of good

letters and information and stories and positive affirmations

on differant things.I again stress the importance of

combatting the negative with positive affirmations, or write

your own and stick with them.

Im glad to hear you cleaned today. That was something that

made you feel bad to see, but I believe makes you feel better

to see it clean. Look at all you do now as achievements.

Yes I know what you are saying you want the changes to

happen yesterday, but they wont.

A big congratulations on what you plan to do tomorrow. I pray

you go through with it.

You said in another letter......

.... " i want to join a neighborhood church just to meet other ppl

in my community and get involved in activites and this is

something my boys seem interested in too :-) for the past 4

sundays they got up and ready to go to this church that i have

picked but im the one that didnt want to go " .

Those children seem to have went though alot and are still

going through it with their Father. They are being hurt inside.

You also asked in another letter.. " Why are men like that " ..well

I believe its because you let them. They wouldnt with me.

You say your EX broke into your appt and physically assulted

you...My first question would be why was the police called and

he charged. I am not going to ask you this though.

Because of the abuse why do you have anything to do with

him, he is your ex. He does what he does and will continue too

until you stop it.. But that is something I know you have to

deal with and do on your own.

I also hope you dont have anything to do with this boyfriend

but again you have to make that choice.

Sometimes I feel we have to encounter something enough

times to where we get to a point where we say.. " Ive had

enough " then strength comes to you and you stop it.

YOU have alot, you have your health, a job and roof over your

head and a car and you have 2 boys who need YOU.

Everyone who makes changes needs to start somewhere,

and in this letter its sounds like you are starting, and I couldnt

be happier for you. You do it girl, and YOU can do it girl, you

do it for YOU and your boys.

I care and am here for you if you need me.

Big hugs

On Sat, 1 Jan 2005 17:00:00 -0500, frozenfire34@...


hi again linda :-)....yea i have the list of positive things and i


went out and bought a real nice journal a few weeks ago to

write all

this stuff down....today i have been working on cleaning up my


because it is really really bad and that always makes me feel


worse.....my X husband came and took the boys away a few

hours ago, im

not even sure if he even gonna bring them back? he tells

them bad

things about me but they are 13 and 15 and by now they

really see him

for who he really is

yes im gonna force myself to do something i dont really want


do!...tommarrow morning im gonna get out of bed and drive

myself to a

church and its not for the religios perpose either, i dont want

to get

out and meet ppl !

another one of my huge problems is the fact that i am VERY


want to fix my life and be happy but i want all that as of


that makes me too desparate and i want to push and force

even tho i know

i cant do that so i need to find ways to be more patiant and

take those

baby steps and just accept what i do have now and leave

room for growth

and change

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thanks again :-) and the police were called to my house and that is the

only way i would have been able to get him out of my home anyway and it

is kinda my fault cause i did open the door but i still think he should

have left when i told him too

as for the boyfriend, i really wish i had the strength to just let that

go....he dosnt want a relationship with me at all except to talk on the

phone every now and then....why cant i just accept this? and what i hate

even more is all the things i do to try and trick him into calling me

earlier or more offten....all the lies i have told him just to to get

his attention are so horrilble that i could never really be in a

relationship with him at all anyways

thanks again :-)


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Hi :

Your always welcome dear and I can only offer words of

advice from what I have learned, or read or experienced.

I hope something I say will help in some way if only to rethink

something you struggle with.

Things can change for us but it required work, and I know we

have to be ready to work on what we want changed.

I know in some cases I wasn't ready to have changes made

so until I realized and understood myself and wanted it bad

enough...I changed things.

For some people its very easy, for some it takes work and for

some they spend years to make changes.

I believe you do have the strength inside to just let that

relationship go, maybe you have to look a little deeper for it.

Accepting things in life isn't the easiest part for alot of people.

It takes work, and time. It has taken me 2 yrs to accept the

fact that my daughter left and isn't coming back and she wont

allow me to see my first grandchild. He has now turned 2.

I agree with what someone just mentioned about you being in

a group enviroment where you can talk to people who have

went though what you have and you can make friends.

I know in the group I was involved with helped me alot, gave

me ideas, encouraged me...and even though I didnt want to

go many times it always ended up, I felt better, encouraged

and happier when I left. I do hope you consider this.

I love Tereas quote today as I think back I would of been the

one to stand in the dark and keep looking for the light....but

today I'd march right on down there and turn it on myself...

I read this quote awhile back and its stuck in my head and I

do believe it...it went something like....

" Maybe you arnt getting what you want because God has

something better planned for you. "

Please take care of yourself my friend and I know you have

the strength inside. You are important.

Caring hugs

Live Long....Laugh Hard....Email Often

On Sat, 1 Jan 2005 22:02:07 -0500, frozenfire34@...


thanks again :-) and the police were called to my house and

that is the

only way i would have been able to get him out of my home

anyway and it

is kinda my fault cause i did open the door but i still think he


have left when i told him too

as for the boyfriend, i really wish i had the strength to just let


go....he dosnt want a relationship with me at all except to talk

on the

phone every now and then....why cant i just accept this? and

what i hate

even more is all the things i do to try and trick him into calling


earlier or more offten....all the lies i have told him just to to


his attention are so horrilble that i could never really be in a

relationship with him at all anyways

thanks again :-)


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Hi : I am so glad to hear you are able to spend time

with your Son. I am so happy to hear that.

I found your letter very inspiring this morning about your " just

DO IT " approach..GOOD for you.

Now that is something I will remember, I have trouble to be

able to do that somtimes with certain things. For some people

it IS a really hard thing to do.

Thankyou for inspiring me.

Big Hugs

On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 10:17:59 EST, RareBreeeze@...


Hi ,

My name is , I live in Alabama with my husband and

soon to be 5 yr. old

precious daughter. I am one of the co-moderators of the

group. I've been

kinda out of the loop for a few days. My 21 yr. old son has

been visiting from

Missouri and he keeps me on the road when he's here!

There have been some wonderful emails in response to yours.

They were all

filled with love and concern. And, as mentioned, if you'll

go through the

archives when you have a chance, you'll find great material!

Well...gotta get ready for church. That's my New Years

Resolution too!!

I've been thinking about finding one and haphazardly

searching for a church, so

this morning I'm just going to DO IT and GO! I'm just picking

one out of the

phone book - if we don't like that one, we'll find another next

week. JUST DO

IT! Maybe that should be my motto for 2005. I've always

thought that people

who say " just do it " don't have a clue as to how hard that

really is.

But...that's the only way its gonna get done :) JUST DO IT!!

Anyway, welcome to the group. We're a really great bunch!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

For the folks that have problems with being alone, there is a condition called

existential lonliness (aloneness) that is a really powerful thing. Some reading

that I would suggest, include:





I don't know if anybody else can relate to this human condition...but just

wanted to share in case someone can. If you have more interest in this topic,

do a Google search using either " existential aloneness " or existential

lonliness " . There is a lot of information available.


whittonangela@... wrote:

I'm 36 on mental disability have schisifrenia (sp), bi-polar, borderline

personality disorder, anxiety attacks badly, and ptsd and a little of OCD. But,

I see a sike and a therapist. I take medication and it keeps everything

controllable. I've been married for 15 years and have two children. I'm happy

as long as I'm with someone but when I'm alone I have problems hating life.

I go to a twelve step support group called Emotions Anonymous and it has done

wonders for me.


-- Lynn


" To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in every-

thing He has given us - and He has given us everything.

Every breath we draw is a gift of His love. "

- Merton

-------------- Original message --------------

shreiman@... wrote:

> Well, I'm 53. Live in a one bedroom apart. have no car. am on

> disability. son is 29-schophrenia-lives with dad. Am bored. One brother


> himself 4 years ago and I just can't seem to get myself back to me

> like I was. I was so confident, outgoing-after I withdrew and now feel

scared of

> people. I don't know. ine

ine, you and I need to talk privately badly. I'm 43, single, no car, am


disability and my brother took his life in 1986. Your life and mine seem




Email: SeekingFreedom@...

AIM/AOL: SeekingFreedom2

Yahoo: SeekingOurFreedom

MSN: mikohn@...

ICQ: 4609988

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: Its sooo good to hear from you. I've been so

worried about you. God Bless you dear....Keep the

positive attitude, it is the best you can do for you and

please take care of YOU and dont do too much till you

get back to the doc.

Your always in my prayers

Love and healing hugs

RareBreeeze@... wrote:

Thanks PJ,

Its so good to be " kinda " back!! Now if I could just catch up

on all these

emails. LOL

I see there are some new members suffering in various ways.

I am thinking of

each of you and praying for you. I've been there. I know what

you're going

through. I made it and YOU WILL TOO!!!

To each of the new members: You've joined the greatest

group on the

internet!! Welcome ~ I'll be back to normal soon (ewww what

a scary thought...LOL).

PJ, the group owner, and the other co-moderators, and

Charlene, are

absolutely wonderful and are friends that I wouldn't want to

live without!!

There are many people on this group that have become very

special to me and even

all the lurkers out there have a special place in my heart!

When things seem bad, I know people always say just take it

a day at a time.

Well, sometimes I've had to take it a MINUTE at a time cause

a day was just

too overwhelming. I make it through one minute, then the

next, and soon its a

new day! And with each new day comes the beautiful chance

to start all over

on some new adventure!!!

Please know that life is so special and magical. And each of

you are so

special that God/Universe/Spirit (however you believe) is

working just for you!!

He knows who you are and sees where you are. YOU ARE


believe that when He sees us pick ourselves up and smile and

help another person

(sometimes that person is ourself) that it excites Him and He

starts opening

doors and moving mountains all on our behalf!!!

I love you all,

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Hi : So good to hear your thoughts and good

ones. You have a good attitude and beliefs.

We never know what tomorrow brings. It has brought

me the most wonderful then it has brought me pain,

but you have to keep focosed on the wonderful.

You have me thinking of a saying which I will try to


God had not promised us, sunshine without rain

Days without sorrow... and Im sorry I dont remember

the rest.

I remember this girl I spoke to once in a class I was in.

She told me she was having troubles and didnt see a

future for her at all, so she tried to take her life,

obviously never happened. Then a few years later she

ended up meeting a man, falling in love, got married

and had children. She wanted to stress strongly to me

that you never know what tomorrow holds.

Never lose that great attitude you have!!!

Love and hugs

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 05:24:13 -0800 (PST), kathleen kronk


, I am & I struggle with depression, too & it is so

reasurring to me to know that God isn't through yet & there is

always tomorrow, just keep putting one foot in front of the

other. I love this saying from " Touch By An Angel " it

goes " God put our faces on the front of the head for a

reason " . I believe that reason is so we can't look back. Well,

we can look back, but....we can't change yesterday.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

When I still had fibroids, a lot of endo (wouldn't doubt if I had some still

around my bladder and intestines somewhere, but who knows), and that large

swollen uterus, my periods and right before were h#ll, with it all literally

cutting off the circulation to my legs almost.

> ,


> HOw are you doing?


> I read your post a while back about you having your fibroids removed

> (couldn't find it) and just wanted to know if you have decided if you

> are going to go through with it.


> I am not sure what to think about my surgery b/c I am having quite a

> bit of pain with this cycle, I am having a hard time standing up,

> walking, etc. I kind of wish they would have taken my fibroids out.

> hmphh.


> Let me know how you are doing!!


> Take care,

> L.

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Well sheesh, my lower back and the tops of my legs have been hurting

for a long time. Lower back seems to be getting a bit better but the

tops of my legs hurt. Good to know it's not all in my head. I think

it's very possible that if one's uterus is enlarged, it could very

well be pressing on a nerve or two or three. Thanks for sharing.

> When I still had fibroids, a lot of endo (wouldn't doubt if I had

some still

> around my bladder and intestines somewhere, but who knows), and

that large

> swollen uterus, my periods and right before were h#ll, with it all


> cutting off the circulation to my legs almost.







> > ,

> >

> > HOw are you doing?

> >

> > I read your post a while back about you having your fibroids


> > (couldn't find it) and just wanted to know if you have decided if


> > are going to go through with it.

> >

> > I am not sure what to think about my surgery b/c I am having

quite a

> > bit of pain with this cycle, I am having a hard time standing up,

> > walking, etc. I kind of wish they would have taken my fibroids


> > hmphh.

> >

> > Let me know how you are doing!!

> >

> > Take care,

> > L.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

" Yes,this is a goof idea "

Oops ! The I messed up the two words : good as goof. Please read it as good.


Dr Munish Raizada wrote:

I strongly agree with 's views. that the mail may be sent back to the

writer for re-wording by the moderator. This way,total censorship issue also

will be resolved.

Munish Raizada'85

Sinha wrote:

Ihave taken ages to reply to this topic and in the process have also been

reading everyone else's reply to this.I an afraid my opinion is isolated but

since we all were asked to give it here is my 2 bit-I think we are all grown

up(I hope so) and mature folk.We are all used to interacting with friends of

different social and cultural backgrounds and respecting their

sensitivities-and we put our ideas across in any discussions that take place

contentious or otherwise with respect so why not on this site.Religion yes

is an issue to which people react emotionally rather than rationally but

that is precisely the point-it is a rational discussion based on evidence

that is the need of the day to change any perceptions-merely not talking

about it to avoid offending people is not my way.Let me illustrate my point

abuot two points of view-

one of the Asian dominated areas in London as any desi food lover knows is

Southall which is Punjabi Sardar dominated-very crowded and quite a

ghetto-and there are stories based on fact about how when these labourers

came across in the 60's they were treated very badly by the locals and

ostracised in isolation etc.Now any one who goes there today-it is like

Jullunder-chaotic traffic salwarkameez shops-jalebis fried on the shopfront

on a Sunday-and not a gora in sight for miles!!!

So imagine my surprise when I found this sewing machine franchise(I was

buying one just to escape my mum's nagging-she believed every good housewife

should haveone)-being run by an English guy and we started chatting-he said

that the shop had been in his family for 3-4 generations and now he is the

only angrez left in the whole high street and how all his friends and other

English people had seen the whole place change character in the last 30 yrs

and moved out and he felt very isolated and a misfit but did not want to

leave for sentimental reasons-reverse racism???

A lot of so called racist sentiment is based on unfamiliarity and fear-once

you know that the next chap is not ET but someone not far from you-and you

get familiar with them-you may never be friends but it goes a long way to

promote tolerance!!Yes there will always be extremism in every society but

not talking about it only serves to achieve theirgoals

So if Hindus feel 'persecuted' in their own country or if Muslims feel that

Palestine or Iraq are antiIslamic' I feel this is a good forum for moderate

viewpoints to be put thru-yes if offensive language is used or personal

attacks made well that is what the moderators are there for-the mail should

be sent back for rewording and maybe also a time limit imposed on these

discussions so that it does not go on endlessly and get boring-there is a

whole lot of controversial stuff out there-reservation system-inheritance

rights-outsourcing-immigration-gay rights-etc etcetc-r we going to never

chat about anything which is controversial -life shall then be boring!!!!!


ps I am expecting a lot of replies to this


Website: www.mgims.org



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  • 4 weeks later...
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where did you find a liquid herbal for the adrenals ???

I take raw adrenal capsules, but things dont digest properly for me, so all

my meds have to be under tongue or liquid.

I'd be interested in knowing about the one you mentioned.

I'm allergis to wheat, yeast and all forms of gluten. my lips, mouth,

throat, esophagus, stomach and intestines swells up if I consume any gluten.

my stomach and intestines will go into spasms for about 4 days til the

offending food is out of my system, its very painful. I was taken to

emergency room once because they didnt know what it was.

my eyes water non stop if I eat anything with wheat or gluten, and the

joints in my hands and feet swell and become very painful. one DR thought I

had rheumatoid arthritis and it turned out to be my allergy instead.

right now I suffer from adrenal exhaustion. both my mother and my daughter

have adrenal disorders. and I'm right in the middle of them.

I started taking the raw adrenals..and they seem to help a little. but not

as much as I wish they would.

so I am interested in learning about the liquid supplement .



Message: 2

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 17:17:40 -0000

Subject: thyroid vs. adrenal symptoms, plus other autoimmune disorders

I have seen Dr. Manzanero twice now. He tested my adrenals after my

first visit. When I went back, he said that my adrenal hormone levels

were not very good, but asked me to try taking an herbal supplement

before we consider hormone supplementation. After a month, I gave up.

I noticed no change on the nasty herbal liquid. I felt he was

reluctant to supplement other hormones though. My free T3 and free T4

levels were good, and we will retest my levels before my next visit.

I'm taking 1.75 grains of nature thyroid. Has anyone else found him

reluctant to supplement cortisol/aldosterone/DHEA?

My fatigue and mental confusion have lessened quite a bit on my new

nature thyroid dose. I still have no stamina though - walking any

distance tires me. Is that a thyroid thing or not? I'm not falling

asleep when I get home from work any more, but I do feel exertion

quickly. Manzanero commented that my pulse rate was very high after

walking across his office building during my last visit.

I've noticed that my stomach hurts after I eat in a restaurant. My

family eats gluten-free at home because my kids cannot tolerate

gluten-containing grains. Have any of you been tested for celiac?

Where would I go to be tested?

Finally: have any of you tried taking low-dose naltrexone for

auto-immune thyroid (Hashi's)? It seems to have helped many with other

auto-immune conditions. I haven't tried it, but I'm interested.


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The herbal supp is called Prime One, and I got it from Dr. Manzanero.

None of the ingredients look like they contain gluten (my kids cannot

consume gluten, so I'm used to looking for hidden sources!).

take care,

> ,

> where did you find a liquid herbal for the adrenals ???

> I take raw adrenal capsules, but things dont digest properly for me,

so all

> my meds have to be under tongue or liquid.

> I'd be interested in knowing about the one you mentioned.

> I'm allergis to wheat, yeast and all forms of gluten. my lips, mouth,

> throat, esophagus, stomach and intestines swells up if I consume any


> my stomach and intestines will go into spasms for about 4 days til the

> offending food is out of my system, its very painful. I was taken to

> emergency room once because they didnt know what it was.

> my eyes water non stop if I eat anything with wheat or gluten, and the

> joints in my hands and feet swell and become very painful. one DR

thought I

> had rheumatoid arthritis and it turned out to be my allergy instead.


> right now I suffer from adrenal exhaustion. both my mother and my


> have adrenal disorders. and I'm right in the middle of them.

> I started taking the raw adrenals..and they seem to help a little.

but not

> as much as I wish they would.

> so I am interested in learning about the liquid supplement .

> thanks

> Lin




> Message: 2

> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 17:17:40 -0000

> From: " maryebe " <eberlein@a...>

> Subject: thyroid vs. adrenal symptoms, plus other autoimmune disorders


> I have seen Dr. Manzanero twice now. He tested my adrenals after my

> first visit. When I went back, he said that my adrenal hormone levels

> were not very good, but asked me to try taking an herbal supplement

> before we consider hormone supplementation. After a month, I gave up.

> I noticed no change on the nasty herbal liquid. I felt he was

> reluctant to supplement other hormones though. My free T3 and free T4

> levels were good, and we will retest my levels before my next visit.

> I'm taking 1.75 grains of nature thyroid. Has anyone else found him

> reluctant to supplement cortisol/aldosterone/DHEA?


> My fatigue and mental confusion have lessened quite a bit on my new

> nature thyroid dose. I still have no stamina though - walking any

> distance tires me. Is that a thyroid thing or not? I'm not falling

> asleep when I get home from work any more, but I do feel exertion

> quickly. Manzanero commented that my pulse rate was very high after

> walking across his office building during my last visit.


> I've noticed that my stomach hurts after I eat in a restaurant. My

> family eats gluten-free at home because my kids cannot tolerate

> gluten-containing grains. Have any of you been tested for celiac?

> Where would I go to be tested?


> Finally: have any of you tried taking low-dose naltrexone for

> auto-immune thyroid (Hashi's)? It seems to have helped many with other

> auto-immune conditions. I haven't tried it, but I'm interested.


> Thanks,


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  • 1 month later...


Thank you for your support. It was a very trying time. Thank God for my supportive family! I see Dr. Sone in ville (Highland Village) We are close to 1171 and Garden Ridge.

I can take care of any of your MK needs (LOL)!

The TSH reading just doesn't seem to be a good measure for me with Hashimoto's at all. I can look fine on the lab results and feel rotten! I do feel better on Armour!

Thanks for the mail!

cstherineflores wrote:

Sorry to hear about the death of your first husband. That must have been quite a traumatic challenge for you, especially pregnancy and delivery.Which Dr. do you see, one in ville?Hey, I need some Kay, LOLI live in Highland Village, just north of ville.My TSH seems to be a challenge to regulate, as well. I can remember, when living in Denver, they couldn't regulate my TSH, so they had me taking different doses of Synthroid, every other day.I started Amour about 3 weeks ago.CathThank you!**************K.A.sFuture Independent Sales Director Kay Cosmetics"The most valuable gift that you can give your children is not money; it is the ability to think positively." - Kay Ash__________________________________________________

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If you like I can put a link to your business in the member commercial folder. If there is no website, we can post a two sentence ad along with an email address. Please send it to me by private email. Vaglica wrote:


Thank you for your support. It was a very trying time. Thank God for my supportive family! I see Dr. Sone in ville (Highland Village) We are close to 1171 and Garden Ridge.

I can take care of any of your MK needs (LOL)!

The TSH reading just doesn't seem to be a good measure for me with Hashimoto's at all. I can look fine on the lab results and feel rotten! I do feel better on Armour!

Thanks for the mail!

cstherineflores wrote:

Sorry to hear about the death of your first husband. That must have been quite a traumatic challenge for you, especially pregnancy and delivery.Which Dr. do you see, one in ville?Hey, I need some Kay, LOLI live in Highland Village, just north of ville.My TSH seems to be a challenge to regulate, as well. I can remember, when living in Denver, they couldn't regulate my TSH, so they had me taking different doses of Synthroid, every other day.I started Amour about 3 weeks ago.Cath

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Couple of more questions for you – forgive me if I sound dumb – I am ! Ha!

I don’t have much experience with politics and/or dealing with my state

government, so you’ll have to help educate me:

What function do the “Appropriations” committees serve?

Would you address concerns to the entire Education Committees? Or just the

Education Reform committees?

Thank you!

A. Weber

Latest autism figures for Texas.






" The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for enough good men to do

nothing. " Edmund Burke

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  • 1 month later...

, I do not have a medical answer for you, but on a personal level - let me tell you that I will pray for you to have strength and peace. Blessings to you! dixie in tampa, fl wrote: I have thyroid cancer and am in the middle of another internal radiation, which aggravates my asthma! Any advice??? I have no exposer to "triggers" while being radiated and isolated, other than stressors of being isolated, but I am

scared! How do you deal with situations like this??? Internal radiation goes to the lungs, so how do I combat that? Eat right, stay calm, deep breathe... What else? I am stressing over the lack of knowledge I have!

All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

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  • 1 year later...

I will stay in touch. Take care,

-----Original Message-----From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ]On Behalf Of leonie centSent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:24 PMTo: mb12 valtrex Subject:

Hi ,

I'm going to get the Body Ecology Diet book too, and make some changes. I find getting the diet aspect right is the hardest thing, as craving junk foods can be one of the most insidious addictions to have. Anyway, I hope it works for you so keep in touch.



Re: Hello - I'm new

Hello LeoniI am glad to see your post since I am in a similar situation. I have dealt with numerous addictions + depresion since very young. I have found many solutions in the 12 step/recovery communities, however, I am aware that I need more resources and a serious approach to diet. I think this might be it and I am very exited about the recovery videos and the diet testimonials.I met Stan very briefly last Saturday as I attended the DAN! conference and his suggestion was to 'jump into it'. It all seems completely safe. Right now I'm looking for a new General practicioner that can prescribe the nasal B12. In addition I am looking at the Body Ecology diet since I am convinced that I've had systemic fungus condition since I was very youg. I wish you luck in your endeavour and hopefully we will both have good news to share in the near future. Regards,>> Hello, I'm new here, and finding all the information on Stan's website fascinating in regard to Autism and chronic illness. Thanks Stan, for all your dedication and research, and making this information available to the public.> > I'm 42 y/o, have Rheumatoid Arthritis/anxiety/chronic fatigue/pain and dullness in the head/poor socialisation and feeling "different", and that's why I'm here. Although I don't have any proof, I feel that my problem is connected with diet, toxic overload/infection in my body - I just feel really bad after eating certain foods and always feel very unwell, although I never catch a cold or anything. It's next to impossible to find a practitioner who is aware of these issues, so finding it's a lonely and challenging journey trying to do it all on one's own.> > I'm hoping to get some pointers from others who might be on this group and experiencing similar problems. Especially with ideas on diet - that's a real challenge for me as I crave "junk" all the time and often give in. I've excluded a lot of the bad stuff like wheat and dairy etc, but the substitutes I use, like rice crackers and rice milk etc probably aren't much better, after reading some of the info here.> > If anyone has any ideas or pointers, I'd really appreciate any advice.> > Best,> Leonie (in Australia)>

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O.K., her it is, everything I know, are you ready!!!! This diet does work, did I mention work, it is hard work, but gets easier, almost simple as if it was never hard........ make sense? It is limited to meat fish, veggies,fruit, seeds, not legumes or nuts like peanuts, no grain whatsoever etc. It takes planning but the cravings disappear after day 4, because, grain has a hormonal effect combined with an insulin effect that creates most of your cravings in the first place, and most of them are false cravings. The body is left with this craving because grains create a vicious cycle of needing a lot from your body to digest them, there is an insulin spike more with grains with any thing thus creating this false hunger for even more than 2 days. That is why you need to go 4 days at least to truly rid your body of these false cravings. Next thing imagine breading your chicken in almond flower, eating white fish and fruit for breakfast, it is very fun, you have to get creative, but the pay off is that you find yourself, and yourself with a centered mind, energy, no naps, clarity.I love this diet, and to answer your last question, the raw veggies can be better, than cooked, but alternating is what I do.- MTo: mb12 valtrex From: 5osullivans@...Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:54:45 -0700Subject: RE:

Hi Mattea,

I have read conflicting instructions for this diet; especially about how to eat vegetables (raw?), and how much to eat. Do you have a good website?

Thank you for the input; cravings are my BIGGEST roadblock.


I will stay in touch. Take care,

-----Original Message-----From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ]On Behalf Of leonie centSent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:24 PMTo: mb12 valtrex Subject:

Hi ,

I'm going to get the Body Ecology Diet book too, and make some changes. I find getting the diet aspect right is the hardest thing, as craving junk foods can be one of the most insidious addictions to have. Anyway, I hope it works for you so keep in touch.



Re: Hello - I'm new

Hello LeoniI am glad to see your post since I am in a similar situation. I have dealt with numerous addictions + depresion since very young. I have found many solutions in the 12 step/recovery communities, however, I am aware that I need more resources and a serious approach to diet. I think this might be it and I am very exited about the recovery videos and the diet testimonials.I met Stan very briefly last Saturday as I attended the DAN! conference and his suggestion was to 'jump into it'. It all seems completely safe. Right now I'm looking for a new General practicioner that can prescribe the nasal B12. In addition I am looking at the Body Ecology diet since I am convinced that I've had systemic fungus condition since I was very youg. I wish you luck in your endeavour and hopefully we will both have good news to share in the near future. Regards,>> Hello, I'm new here, and finding all the information on Stan's website fascinating in regard to Autism and chronic illness. Thanks Stan, for all your dedication and research, and making this information available to the public.> > I'm 42 y/o, have Rheumatoid Arthritis/anxiety/chronic fatigue/pain and dullness in the head/poor socialisation and feeling "different", and that's why I'm here. Although I don't have any proof, I feel that my problem is connected with diet, toxic overload/infection in my body - I just feel really bad after eating certain foods and always feel very unwell, although I never catch a cold or anything. It's next to impossible to find a practitioner who is aware of these issues, so finding it's a lonely and challenging journey trying to do it all on one's own.> > I'm hoping to get some pointers from others who might be on this group and experiencing similar problems. Especially with ideas on diet - that's a real challenge for me as I crave "junk" all the time and often give in. I've excluded a lot of the bad stuff like wheat and dairy etc, but the substitutes I use, like rice crackers and rice milk etc probably aren't much better, after reading some of the info here.> > If anyone has any ideas or pointers, I'd really appreciate any advice.> > Best,> Leonie (in Australia)>

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  • 2 weeks later...


The prescription is written by Dr. Gupta (UC Irvine). We do the

infusions in our house every four weeks; a pediatric IV nurse comes

to our house and does the whole thing. We use Access Therapeutics (I

think they are in Westchester County) to obtain the IVIG, and the

nurse is contracted through them as well (but was recommended by Dr.


Feel free to send amy more questions my way.



> who does the IVIG for your child in New York. I am from


> soo very intrested. thks Kavita


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Has it helped and have y'all had any issue's with the IV thus far?

-------------- Original message from "" : --------------

Kavita,The prescription is written by Dr. Gupta (UC Irvine). We do the infusions in our house every four weeks; a pediatric IV nurse comes to our house and does the whole thing. We use Access Therapeutics (I think they are in Westchester County) to obtain the IVIG, and the nurse is contracted through them as well (but was recommended by Dr. Gupta).Feel free to send amy more questions my way.Best,>> who does the IVIG for your child in New York. I am from Upstate > soo very intrested. thks Kavita>

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We noted some interesting improvements in the first month (increased

playfulness, better language), but nothing discernable since then.

We continue the treatments as part of a comprehensive plan to address

what look like a cluster of autoimmune issues (including severe GI



> >

> > who does the IVIG for your child in New York. I am from

> Upstate

> > soo very intrested. thks Kavita

> >


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We noted some interesting improvements in the first month (increased

playfulness, better language), but nothing discernable since then.

We continue the treatments as part of a comprehensive plan to address

what look like a cluster of autoimmune issues (including severe GI



> >

> > who does the IVIG for your child in New York. I am from

> Upstate

> > soo very intrested. thks Kavita

> >


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