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Welcome ;

My nickname is Melt and I have been diagnosed since 1977 at the age of 19. Let

me say that the best comfort I can give is that the bad times don't always last

and we never know just how far around the corner the good times will be so try

to hang in with our help and welcome to the family.

Smiles, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: cotrain1983

My name is and I was diagnosed with AOSD about four years ago

and a new member to this group. If there are any words of inspiration or

advice anyone could share I would very very grateful.

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Hi , my name is Patti and I was diagnosed in 2002 at the age of 19. I

would just like to say that you have a choice to make. Are you going to let

this disease take over your life or not? The option is up to you. If you

want to do something you can do it you just have to put your mind to it,

even with stills!

Hi everyone, I am back!

Patti (newly married) Gerbrand~Canada


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Hi and welcome to the group and a great new family. I am sorry that

you are back in a flare. One thing you might want to do is contact Bob and

get a brochure from him to let your family read. It explains this disease

as best as anyone can. I have a couple extra, so if you want you can email

me your address and I will send you one. We are all one big family here

that truly understands what you are going thru.. I agree with what Larry

said, you have to listen to your body, if it needs rest you need to rest..

It does suck at times. Our families try to be supportive but sometimes

their hands are tied because they dont understand what we are going thru or

dealing with. You went into remission once and it will happen again,

sometimes it just takes time to get there. That is the hard and frustrating

thing to deal with I know. If you ever need to talk or chat you can get me

on yahoo at kellekn ..

Kelley in Colorado

-- (unknown)

My name is and I was diagnosed with AOSD about four years ago

and a new member to this group. I normally post messages on the


Disease Foundation message board but a lot of them told me that I


get a lot of information from this group. This disease has taken a


of things from me. When I was first diagnosed I was 17 years old and

ended up missing 5 months of my senior years of high school. I got

better and was in remission for almost four years now, and just a

couple weeks ago I fell ill again. This time it took a great toll on

not just my body but me in general. I am off of work now due to the

flare up and feel like my independence has just been taken away. I am

21 now and home bound. My father and boyfriend are helping me get

through it but there are just things they don't understand. For


that I will never always be " well " . It is just so hard still for me


deal with this whole thing. If there are any words of inspiration or

advice anyone could share I would very very grateful.

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Dear ,

Welcome to a very warm family! I'm so glad you have some support at home.

There are a lot of well informed people in the group and a lot of information on

the site. Ask a lot of questions.

Much love,


My name is and I was diagnosed with AOSD about four years ago

and a new member to this group.

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Hello I think we all share that in common about family and friends,

not understanding even though we know they care.You can share your pain here

and guaranteed we will know what you are talking about,take care.



> My name is and I was diagnosed with AOSD about four years ago

> and a new member to this group. I normally post messages on the

> Stills

> Disease Foundation message board but a lot of them told me that I

> could

> get a lot of information from this group. This disease has taken a

> lot

> of things from me. When I was first diagnosed I was 17 years old and

> ended up missing 5 months of my senior years of high school. I got

> better and was in remission for almost four years now, and just a

> couple weeks ago I fell ill again. This time it took a great toll on

> not just my body but me in general. I am off of work now due to the

> flare up and feel like my independence has just been taken away. I am

> 21 now and home bound. My father and boyfriend are helping me get

> through it but there are just things they don't understand. For

> example

> that I will never always be " well " . It is just so hard still for me

> to

> deal with this whole thing. If there are any words of inspiration or

> advice anyone could share I would very very grateful.






> Visit the Still's Disease Message Board

> http://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.html


> The materials and information contained in this message are not intended

> to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a

> substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care

> professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged

> in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult

> your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters

> requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's

> Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to

> any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any

> person following the information offered or provided within this support

> form.


> ion by any person following the information offered or provided within

> this support form.




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  • 1 month later...
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Welcome Susi;

I'm always losing hair. I think mainly from medications we have to take. I had

the rash so many years ago at onset but not lately although I do get rashes they

are not always the Stills. Anyway, welcome to our group. My nickname is Melt

and I look forward to knowing you. Have a nice evening, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: susan mckinney

Hi everyone

This is my first time on this

I was just told that i have still on 3-7-05

and i don't know much about it

did any of you loose your hair

do you itch

have rashes

any thing



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Hi Susie......Welcome to our group! Feel free to ask questions and express

your concerns. We are here to help and listen. I have had " the rash quite a few

times. Some times it has itched horribly and others not at all. Also have

experienced hair loss since I started taking Methotrexate. Hope you are felling



Woodbury Heights, New Jersey

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Hi Susie, I'm so sorry you have Stills, but I hope this website will help

you find answers and comfort.

Yes, I lost hair, itched till I had to just scream, and had rashes

everywhere that would come and then just disappear without a trace. And the


pain and unbelievable sore throats and body aching and night sweats can just

drive you out of your mind some days. This is the strangest disease, as I'm

sure you are finding out. I was sick for almost a year before being sent to

the Mayo Clinic to be diagnosed (I live in WA state), and I had been on a

host of NSAIDS, prednisone, and pain killers before starting methotrexate

injections. Those made the biggest difference in the world. I was on a

handful of

meds 3-4 times a day, plus the chemo from '91 to '97or 98, and have been off

meds now (other than mild pain relievers at times) since '98. I still have

chronic pain, but not break through pain too often, plus I still have night

sweats, so I figure that's just awesome, considering at one point I couldn't

get to the bathroom by myself! I hope you find an excellent dr. who

understands Stills well, and you get on the meds you need to find relief and a

high(er) quality of life, which is essential to surviving this big pain of a


Please feel free to write me any time. We all know exactly what you are

feeling. We're living it too. Keep your chin up!

God Bless,


p.s. - I didn't lose all my hair, just tons, and it grows back in curly on

top and straight underneath! lol A free perm!! lol! I still lose lots

everyday, but it isn't too bad at all. No one would ever know except the


who has to unplug my drains 3 x a year! lol be prepared!

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HI Susie:

Qwlcome to our family. We can always use another person to try and help

us destroy the dragon ( what we call Stills) ask and also be willing to

learn as this place is so full of great knolage it is unreal

One thing I always sugest is get councialing for your self and your

loved ones to help you all understand how this will in some way or other

posable effect you all . after all for some of us it is also a life

changer. For me it has had its good and it bad and this place has been

my saving grace many times . only thing bad about you being here is that

you have to be here not that you wanted to be


Marty in Fresno calif.


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Hi, Susie, welcome to the group! It's very common to have a rash (some itch,

some don't). As far as losing hair, what kind of meds are you on?

Take care and keep us updated on how you are doing

Gail -Visit me, your Kay Independent Beauty Consultant (5% of your

total order will be donated to the International Still's Disease Foundation)


susan mckinney wrote:

Hi everyone

This is my first time on this

I was just told that i have still on 3-7-05

and i don't know much about it

did any of you loose your hair

do you itch

have rashes

any thing




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Welcome Susie ,

Like you I was only diagnosed a few months ago. I am only 34 and live in

florida. I have had a very itchy rash on my chest and face although some people

do not get one. I can tell you that this group is very informative and will

answer your questions. I hope you feel better . And do not be afraid to ask



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Susie and Marie and Jules and any other new residents to the island:

Welcome to the group. My name is Tracilyn (aka nanabuggsomd), I currently

live in hot and humid southern land. I was dx'd with Still in 2004, but

have suffered since I was 17 with the disease.

You have found a wonderful place to come to and everyone has been a wealth

of information and education about Still's. Just ask away your questions

someone is bound to have an answer or point you in the right direction.

And we also like to have cyber parties from time to time, as well as join in

on the Chat nites as we all have a good time and support each other in all

that goes on in each other's lives.

Love and Snuggles,


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  • 4 weeks later...


Welcome to the group, I am Lynn, age 40, just diagnosed after 3 years as


Try this link, I have found it the best way to get folks to understand. Also

our site

www.stillsdisease.org has lots of good info.

Here is the site: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/spoons.htm, I print

this story and give it to everyone.


-- (unknown)

Hi. This is the first time I have written so I should

introduce myself. My name is . I am 35 and

was diagnosed with AOSD August 2004 after 4 years of

symptoms. I feel fortunate that my disease has been

controlled with Plaquenil after 12 months of also

taking Prednisone. My question does not seem as

important as many; however, I am struggling and hope

someone will have some advice...I do not know how to

explain AOSD and how it affects my life daily to

others. I have begun to tell those around me about my

illness but it seems hard for anyone, including my

husband to understand as they can not see the pain,

can not see the fatigue etc...Nobody close to me saw

me when I was engulfed in rash and could not walk to

the restroom. My husband was at work and my symptoms

would be cleared in the AM's. I could not get out of

the house and did not know what was happening so I

avoided outings with friends. The only one to

witness me at my worst was my 5 year old son. I

especially need my husband to understand as he often

catches me resting and thinks I am lazy. Any ideas?

Thank you.

Now I am crippled each afternoon with fatigue and want

others to understand that I am not lazy.


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In my opinion, no one, not even the doctors that treat it can fully

understand what you are going though. Fortunately you found the one group

of people who can.

You must first get your husband on your side. If he has not read the

Still's disease website http://www.stillsdisease.org

<http://www.stillsdisease.org/> . If you have to, print it out for him and

highlight the sections that apply to you. I would also encourage you to

take him with you to at least one appointment with your rheumatologist and

have the doctor explain how the disease affects your ability to function.

Also be sure your doctor knows the details on how you are feeling. He may

have treatments or tips on how to better cope.

As to friends and acquaintances, that's a little harder as it's going to be

hard for them to get it. I wouldn't have believed my own symptoms had I

not experience them first hand. Even now, sometimes, when I am feeling

pretty good, I question myself how much of it is me and how much of it is

the disease. These feelings go away quickly the next time I get sick and I

remember it's not me at all. It's the Still's.

In some cases you will just have to be blunt and tell people I have a

chronic disease that prevents me from doing the things I really want to do.

Sorry, but you will have to do it without me, but thanks for asking me.

And take care of yourself first and foremost. If they don't understand,

then no amount of explaining will likely make them understand. You can

only explain it, you can't loan it to them for a week.

Hang in there and rest. Your not lazy, your taking care of yourself.



From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of Love

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:37 AM

To: StillsDisease

Subject: (unknown)

Hi. This is the first time I have written so I should

introduce myself. My name is . I am 35 and

was diagnosed with AOSD August 2004 after 4 years of

symptoms. I feel fortunate that my disease has been

controlled with Plaquenil after 12 months of also

taking Prednisone. My question does not seem as

important as many; however, I am struggling and hope

someone will have some advice...I do not know how to

explain AOSD and how it affects my life daily to

others. I have begun to tell those around me about my

illness but it seems hard for anyone, including my

husband to understand as they can not see the pain,

can not see the fatigue etc...Nobody close to me saw

me when I was engulfed in rash and could not walk to

the restroom. My husband was at work and my symptoms

would be cleared in the AM's. I could not get out of

the house and did not know what was happening so I

avoided outings with friends. The only one to

witness me at my worst was my 5 year old son. I

especially need my husband to understand as he often

catches me resting and thinks I am lazy. Any ideas?

Thank you.

Now I am crippled each afternoon with fatigue and want

others to understand that I am not lazy.


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Welcome ;

We have free brochures that are very handy for explaining Stills without

printing out pages and pages. They are one page, tri-fold and are free by

simply sending your regular mailing address to Bob Himes at

oldgoat378@... Just ask for as many as you might want and he will send

them out to you.

My nickname is Melt and I hope this helps. Good day, Melt

On Behalf Of Love

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:37 AM

Hi. This is the first time I have written so I should

introduce myself. My name is . .I do not know how to

explain AOSD and how it affects my life daily to


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Hi :

Perhaps it would benefit you to send me your postal

address so that I can send you a batch of our brochures so that you can pass

them out to your Relatives and Friends so that they can understand exactly

what Stills is and what it does to you might help you out? This would also

allow you to pass some of them on to your ER department at your local

Hospital and also give some to your Doctor or Doctors which can also help to

educate them. You would be surprised what these Brochures can do to educate

people who think " it's all in your head " or your " faking it " . Just let me

know your address and how many you would like and I will send them to you.

There is no charge! You take care now and be PAIN FREE! Love Ya'll!


Love Y'all


Carole & Bob

Panama City, FL 32404

Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. web site at:

www.stillsdisease.org . Please make Tax Deductible DONATIONS to the all

volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation Inc., 1123 S. Kimbrel Ave.,

Panama City, FL 32404. There is now a third Political Party: The " VPA " , Veterans

Party of America. Veterans= " Third Class Citizens "

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Your post hit home to me BIG TIME!!!!!! If you need me to write

something to your hubby or doctor in your support let me know. I will be

polite..even though this situation is infuriating!!! Stay with the group here


will get a lot of support and info.Hugs Liz.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Laurel,


jumped ship from being an EN and did my degree. Where are you working in the




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  • 1 year later...

Hi page, Thanks for the info. I hope to be able to help others when I know more about this. Brzynite


Hi Breezynite,My Name is Page (50) got DX last Dec 07Guess this Dragon been quited for 30 years .If my Primary would not have ordered Blood Test due to Cold not getting better i would have never known. Yes it is a lot to take in Treatment (TX), copay Ect...Just take it ONE Day at a Time read everything you can about HEP C.Ask Questions find a Gastric Dr that specializes in Hep keep all you're Blood work it will tell you what Geno Type and Stage you're in .Try to stay strong when you go on TX drink a lot of Water (liquid) 1 Gallon a Day not as hard as it sounds I'm Geno Type 3 Stage 3 i need 24 weeks of TX I'm almost half way there not a Picnic but it is working already Blood work improving. Stay on this site a lot of GREAT People here they are very helpful.Take a deep breath and just do what you can.All my Best, Page>> I was dx. two months ago, had first dr. visit today. I am having a cat > scan done thus. and massive blood tests saturday. I am glad to be a > part of the group. I am nervous because I think I had this for 25 > years or more. Do not feel sick though. I am however over whelmed > already with copayments. I now have two drs. because of other issues > unrelated and four visits in one month. any time I bring the hcv up to > talk to anyone about it I start crying so maybe this will help.Hope to > make some friends and give and receive support. brzynite>

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  • 6 months later...

Welcome, Dana, it's a great goup, you feel warm and you can get the answers for your questions (if you have any). I am benefit from this group a lot. I had the tx one year ago, it's a 6 month treatment. During the treatment, I don't feel alone here. I believe you will feel the same here...


Subject: (unknown)To: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies Date: Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:47 AM

hello ,,,,,,, I'm new here ,,,,,, my name is Dana , 39 f, in la, about 3 weeks ago i was told i was exposed to hep c,,,,,,,,, just did the second blood work ,,,,,, now i wait ,,,,,,,,, i figured this would be a good place for me to learn more ,,,,, I've read all the books , but its not the same as getting to know others who can relate to me ,,,,,,how i got this , i don't know, but that doesn't matter now ,,,,, point is i got it , so now to learn how to deal with it , and learn whats next on this journey , and hopefully make a few friends here , who understand , and accept ,,,,,,,, anyhow its nice to meet you guys ,,,,,,thanks for having me .

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Welcome to our group.I am also genotype 1 and fortunately since treatment in 98 the viral load has been undetectable.Thats as close as we can get to a cure.As long as the virus is no longer active it can't cause more damage.How are you feeling other then being scared.



hello ,,,,,,, I'm new here ,,,,,, my name is Dana , 39 f, in la, about 3 weeks ago i was told i was exposed to hep c,,,,,,,,, just did the second blood work ,,,,,, now i wait ,,,,,,,,, i figured this would be a good place for me to learn more ,,,,, I've read all the books , but its not the same as getting to know others who can relate to me ,,,,,,how i got this , i don't know, but that doesn't matter now ,,,,, point is i got it , so now to learn how to deal with it , and learn whats next on this journey , and hopefully make a few friends here , who understand , and accept ,,,,,,,, anyhow its nice to meet you guys ,,,,,,thanks for having me .

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welcome Dana I'm Jan I just sent you a detailed email whether you got it let me know.been a member not active emailing due to other meds. interfere with simple tasks. oh Gabby read your email welcoming Dana and realized opps my scenerio being theworst level and Dana might not have to even do treatment..sorry mine is a success story especially with bi-polar in the equation whole 12 mon. My Blood MD said "I have responded better than any of her patients with chronic worst level and major liver scarring which has already dramatically improved healing itself.just had gallbladder removedhuge gallstone in duct.regular MD running bloodwork mid December routine and still complained of stomach r/side not liver area...bloodwork came back with flags on liver cts. and songram showed liver somewhat inflamed..done and over with feel alot better and after hep c treatment probably eveBn more better.meds are tough on stomach.this is a good example for

everyone..I had blood draEn 12/09/08 and 12-11-08 same office diff...floor.Did not hear from anyone was to refill thyroid meds. too out end dec.January 7thafter Walmart had no thyroid refill had fax and phone Dr. Off.I beganleaving messages 2 more weeks went by and I talked to a nurse "12-08-08 bloodwork results sonogram results not/thyroid med. not handled or filled walmart phrm.and myself leaving msg.//she acted on it called bk. late afternoon said "your med thyroid called into walmat and test results Dr. Ram wants u to see gastrolgists and suregon somethireatng wrong with LIVER BOTH BLOOD RESULTS AND SONOGRAM. OKAY GUYS YA THINK I LOST IT MY LIVER... NO... NO .....NO ... NURSE' "okay you come next tues. consult with dr. ram he go over test" okay 7 more days before i know anything. gastrologists appt. hour/1/2 after Dr.

Ram..He saw me 10 min before nxt appt.but he so busy but good...HE THEN GOT A SHOCKER MED SYNTHOID STILL NOT FILLED."OH NO WE DID THATA WEEK AGO WHEN YOU CALLED IN" I LOOKED AT MY MOM AND SHE SAID' NO I WENT BY Y esterday not there" He hand wrote 6monthp resp. stay on top of it your body,health, doctors do their exams results and presp. that are ongoing has to be tracked down ball dropping at nurses station. this could ver dbeen alot more critical considering I have chronic hepc liver disease undergoing treatment ... best infoon hep c blood test eaning ect. great informative web sites have numeros ones for anyone i began research medially bi-polar came into mylife 6 yr.ago.. meds research great one.. One more thing have Medicare and Rx called for treatment cost..Lost me 1st.month money wise and They gave manafacturer and they have pap did application over phone

asked income cutoff 50,000 no problem..its great fed ex your meds and nurse oncall ..angels are always around w orking through our Heavenly Father . God Bless you my friends ! PASTING ALL YOUR C ARE UPON HIM; FOR HE CARETH FOR YOU. ( 1 5:7) HE WILL NOT GIVE YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE . Our struggles,weakness ,insecurity is all over-comed with strength through our Father. We are strengthen are within as we struggle,fall,hurt,grived, Just as we are when we are blessed each day through our Father .He loves us all the same I truly believe and gives us the guidance,wisdom,and leaders at our reach and you choose how to grow,worship,gain wisdom through our Father . How We Exists Our

Father In Heaven . hope yall enjoyed my bipolar borderline manic approaching  


rom : Gaby K To: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 5:07:56 PMSubject: Re: (unknown)

Welcome, Dana, it's a great goup, you feel warm and you can get the answers for your questions (if you have any). I am benefit from this group a lot. I had the tx one year ago, it's a 6 month treatment. During the treatment, I don't feel alone here. I believe you will feel the same here...


From: dana manning <danamanning34@ yahoo.com>Subject: [HepatitisCSupportG roupForDummies] (unknown)To: HepatitisCSupportGr oupForDummies@ yahoogroups. comDate: Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:47 AM

hello ,,,,,,, I'm new here ,,,,,, my name is Dana , 39 f, in la, about 3 weeks ago i was told i was exposed to hep c,,,,,,,,, just did the second blood work ,,,,,, now i wait ,,,,,,,,, i figured this would be a good place for me to learn more ,,,,, I've read all the books , but its not the same as getting to know others who can relate to me ,,,,,,how i got this , i don't know, but that doesn't matter now ,,,,, point is i got it , so now to learn how to deal with it , and learn whats next on this journey , and hopefully make a few friends here , who understand , and accept ,,,,,,,, anyhow its nice to meet you guys ,,,,,,thanks for having me .

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Angelo, I get hand, foot & leg cramps all of the time. I thought it might be from low potassium due to the diuretics & started taking supplements but my doctor told me to stop until she checked my potassium levels. They were o k so she told me not to take any extra, that's dangerous. She suggested that I drink tonic water, it's got quinine in it which helps with cramps & eat a banana a day to make sure the potassium stays normal.SuZieLearn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. I've tried!! Subject:

(unknown)To: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 12:19 AM

my fingers locked & cramped up on me

Val, do you get cramping in your hands or fingers alot? How about your legs or feet? If it's hep c related can you let me know why this happens if you know? I have no ep c side effects but this painful cramping in my feet hands and especially legs.


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Great news. Makes me feel better about my upcoming tx in June or July "Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a Pirate after all." Jack Sparrowin NevadaSubject: (unknown)To: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 8:24 PM

Hello all went back to the VA Hospital this week Now all my HEp c IS GONE

Congradulations. I love hearing this great news. Gives everyone alot of hope who haven't done treatment yet.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I do not see a website attached. I would have no problem looking into this and taking a swab test if it is safe. I dont know what is included with being a donor but I dont mind looking at if it something I would do and my risk as well as what risk it would be for him since I am hep c positive. My heart always goes out to these children. LMK

To: ; ; Glen Bell ; Dan Capoot ; Carla Deluca ; Bob Doyle ; Doyle ; dreejone@...; elva gross ; farahansf@...; chris hep c support ; Lehman ; Brittany ; Ashlee

; Adam Wadanius ; Marisa Capoot ; Goyette ; Ruby Grover ; hep c support group <HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies-owner >; hep c support group <hepatitiscsupportgroupfordummies >; hep c support group <hcvsupport4u >; honda ; janie ; Kristi ; kuaji.hill.bism@...; sharon lynch Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 6:33:36 PMSubject: (unknown)

Hello Everyone,

I hope all is well with all of you and your families. Today I am writing to talk with you about a sad topic. Sorry a head of time. My little brother was adopted into another family at a young age. Along with him 4 other children where adopted from another family. The middle aged boy, came down with Lekuma last month. To make matters worse, he has a rare form and there are only 4 other children in the world with it. This is extremely fast acting and he is already done with 2 rounds of chemo, several blood transfusions and he is in a hospital far from his Father and siblings. I will be gathering further information next week re guarding . There is no real knowledge of who 's biological father is so we are having a hard time finding a bone marrow donor. The closest match we have found was 5 points and we need absolutely a minimum of 6. There will be free

DNA testings during the month of June and July. This is noninvasive just a check swab. I do that this is a huge favor to ass of people but I also ask that you send this on to people you know so we can get 's word out there.

To give a brief background of who john is...

is one of the cutest young boys I have ever seen. When smiles it lights up a room. I will never forget the time all of the boys went with to an A's game and we had the time of our lives. Baseballs where signed and hot dogs were ate. But despite the A's game came out to be a Giants fan (way to go )! Before came to live with Jim and Debbie Lehman he had already experienced more in his young life than most d in a whole life. Now here is this strong 13 year old that just wants to make it through a day without throwing up.

Please forward this a respond ONLY if you feel comfortable doing so. The website attached is johns and he would love to hear from you!!!

Thank you


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