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Poop art

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How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?

The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got a

long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest son

(8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for us but

canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3 hours!!!), and the

doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do an autism eval on our

oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter seems fine.

We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

needs assessment.

I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped on

the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs and


I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!) but

it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to the

potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on the

kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one up and

stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that poop art

is next!

What can we do?

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, if you have an autism support group or organization in your area.

Contact them & ask them if they could recommend an OT who specializes

w/sensory integration disorder or sensory process disorder? An evaluation

could be done here.

Many psychologist are not in tune w/this as there was one who I knew who

could not even handle their own child, until of course I suggested the same

recommendation of being tested. Their child was not born w/DS or dx'd w/AU,

so of course wonder what was going on? The child is doing wonderful now that

the mom has learn about SPD. There were other psychologist who are now aware

of seeking the updated information of interventions & some are now becoming

ABA therapist.

So, seems like this psychologist is in tune. I would not hesitate on

following through w/the psychologist recommendation of such testing, at

least you would leave a paper trail & see what the outcome of the results.

Keep us posted should you have this done.

When you can read Raising A SENSORY SMART child by Lindsey Biel, M.A.,OTR/L

& Peske

The Out-of-Sync Child, Recognizing & Coping w/Sensory Integration

Dysfunction by Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.

If reading directly from the listserve, look over under the links file,

under sensory integration, there you will find numerous of links/resource


Then once you read this information, another intervention to look into is

ABA, may I highly suggest the Verbal Behavior Approach.

Once again when you have some time, read the Verbal Behavior Approach, How

to Teach Children w/AU & Related Disorders by Lynch Barbera w/


If interested on ABA/VB, once again contact the autism support or

organization in your community to also inquire of a good ABA therapist or

your son's psychologist may already have such resource connection.

My son stopped being a poop artist once he was seen by an OT who specialized

w/sensory integration disorder & ABA/VB, etc.

Your son sounds like such an explorer, may you find some solutions to help

here with this issue. There are ways to redirect this, when implementing

some sensory & motor activities to help such sensory input which an OT who

specializes with SPD would recommend w/a sensory diet.








> How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?


> The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got

> a long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

> Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest

> son (8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for

> us but canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3

> hours!!!), and the doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do

> an autism eval on our oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter

> seems fine.


> We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

> waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

> needs assessment.


> I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

> distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

> had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped

> on the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs

> and hands.


> I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!)

> but it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to

> the potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on

> the kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one

> up and stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that

> poop art is next!


> What can we do?






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My oldest was dx'd with SPD when he was 3...our house looks like an OT clinic.

We have a rocking board, swing, trapeze bar, mats, weighted blankets...all

inside. Outside we have a 360 degree tire swing, trapeze, swings, heavy work

toys. We have bubbles, play doh, fingerpaint.

has always been a seeker. Since he started rolling as an infant, he's

been an explorer! Now he climbs and is an escape artist.

They use VB at school but I appreciate the book/site recommendations so I can

learn more. is using PECS to make requests, and putting things into our

hands when he needs help. Definitely still relating on an instrumental level

(he sees us as things to manipulate to get what he needs) but at least he's

relating at all!

We're on one salary...four kids, 3 of whom have special needs. There isn't

money for OTs right now aside from what he gets in school. We make too much for

Medicare/Medicaid and our DDD had no funds this year for the voucher program.

So we get zip...and though we make too much for Medicare we can't afford the

copays for therapies. Besides which he comes home from school exhausted. He

gets OT, PT, ST 3 times a cycle each, and DT/VB two hours a day. It's a lot for


Sent from my iPhone

, if you have an autism support group or organization in your area.

Contact them & ask them if they could recommend an OT who specializes

w/sensory integration disorder or sensory process disorder? An evaluation

could be done here.

Many psychologist are not in tune w/this as there was one who I knew who

could not even handle their own child, until of course I suggested the same

recommendation of being tested. Their child was not born w/DS or dx'd w/AU,

so of course wonder what was going on? The child is doing wonderful now that

the mom has learn about SPD. There were other psychologist who are now aware

of seeking the updated information of interventions & some are now becoming

ABA therapist.

So, seems like this psychologist is in tune. I would not hesitate on

following through w/the psychologist recommendation of such testing, at

least you would leave a paper trail & see what the outcome of the results.

Keep us posted should you have this done.

When you can read Raising A SENSORY SMART child by Lindsey Biel, M.A.,OTR/L

& Peske

The Out-of-Sync Child, Recognizing & Coping w/Sensory Integration

Dysfunction by Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.

If reading directly from the listserve, look over under the links file,

under sensory integration, there you will find numerous of links/resource


Then once you read this information, another intervention to look into is

ABA, may I highly suggest the Verbal Behavior Approach.

Once again when you have some time, read the Verbal Behavior Approach, How

to Teach Children w/AU & Related Disorders by Lynch Barbera w/


If interested on ABA/VB, once again contact the autism support or

organization in your community to also inquire of a good ABA therapist or

your son's psychologist may already have such resource connection.

My son stopped being a poop artist once he was seen by an OT who specialized

w/sensory integration disorder & ABA/VB, etc.

Your son sounds like such an explorer, may you find some solutions to help

here with this issue. There are ways to redirect this, when implementing

some sensory & motor activities to help such sensory input which an OT who

specializes with SPD would recommend w/a sensory diet.






How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?

The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got

a long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest

son (8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for

us but canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3

hours!!!), and the doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do

an autism eval on our oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter

seems fine.

We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

needs assessment.

I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped

on the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs

and hands.

I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!)

but it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to

the potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on

the kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one

up and stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that

poop art is next!

What can we do?

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Actually this is wonderful. Your son KNOWS that he needs to go and takes

off the involved clothing!!!! And he is only 4. Kudos. HE knows where the

bbathroom is, knows to take off his clothes - great steps. Now work on a

sign or signal he can give you that he neds the bathroom . And let him help

clean up. Good thing y9u have no rugs - this stage is hard on carpets.



> How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?


> The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got

> a long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

> Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest

> son (8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for

> us but canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3

> hours!!!), and the doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do

> an autism eval on our oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter

> seems fine.


> We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

> waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

> needs assessment.


> I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

> distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

> had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped

> on the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs

> and hands.


> I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!)

> but it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to

> the potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on

> the kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one

> up and stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that

> poop art is next!


> What can we do?







Sara- different pathways lead to Nirvana.

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We've been working on the potty sign forever. The hard part is that has

always been an " I'll just do it myself " type. He's only JUST learning to

request help, and only for the few things he truly can't get by himself.

When he was little --around 2--, his ST told us to put all his favorite toys in

a big plastic bin so he'd be forced to gesture or request to get to the toys.

was a proficient roller by this time (was using rolling as locomotion by

the time he was a year old--well before his sister was born!) and beginning to

pull up to a stand. So he sees this box. His favorite stims are inside --music

cube, v-tech ball. Within 20 minutes, he had it open. He pushed it to the

china cabinet, climbed up, stood holding the china cabinet, walked the bin over

onto its side (giggling), and sat on the side and bounced on it. The lid popped


Once he'd done it once, he could always do it. I had allowed him to explore the

box thinking there was NO WAY he'd ever open it. How wrong I was!!!

He doesn't YET know how to unbuckle the car seat, but he can get out of most

strollers. He has those loose joints and can sort of fold himself over and

climb out. He's very strong, for a kid with low tone. We put him in gymnastics

class so he can learn to climb safely. Because he IS going to climb. When he

was about 2.5, he figured out how to climb over the play kitchen and rock it

while on top. I asked his Early Intervention PT to help me make it safer for

him to climb on that and he looked at me like I had two heads. But I knew there

was no way to stop him (it would be difficult, but possible now, but not

possible then!).

He's also good at creating a diversion so he can run away...at school he'll

topple something and when his aide comes to help clean up, he'll race out of the

classroom (laughing). He's smart in the things that are important to him, but

when something's not on his agenda, forget it!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Actually this is wonderful. Your son KNOWS that he needs to go and takes

off the involved clothing!!!! And he is only 4. Kudos. HE knows where the

bbathroom is, knows to take off his clothes - great steps. Now work on a

sign or signal he can give you that he neds the bathroom . And let him help

clean up. Good thing y9u have no rugs - this stage is hard on carpets.



> How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?


> The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got

> a long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

> Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest

> son (8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for

> us but canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3

> hours!!!), and the doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do

> an autism eval on our oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter

> seems fine.


> We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

> waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

> needs assessment.


> I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

> distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

> had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped

> on the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs

> and hands.


> I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!)

> but it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to

> the potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on

> the kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one

> up and stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that

> poop art is next!


> What can we do?







Sara- different pathways lead to Nirvana.

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Irma, I agree is very much sensory and also could be parasites (intestinal) or

strep (PANDAS). My son had both and so when we got this under control he

stopped. In the mean time to keep him from doing this I bought PJ's with feet in

the winter for bedtime, clothing put on overalls, or use leotards under clothing

so they cannot dig in the diaper/pull up.My son at first hated pj's with feet so

I cut the feet out then he got used to them and wanted footed pj's. 's OT

suggested using clay or play doh to give the same sensory inssue. I am glad

those days are over and my heart goes out to the parents dealing with this

issue. Every time I caught doing that I thought why? Some days I really

thought I was losing my mind and that I might end up in a straight jacket.

Thanks to this group for saving my life. Cyndi B


> >

> >

> > How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?

> >

> > The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got

> > a long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

> > Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest

> > son (8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for

> > us but canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3

> > hours!!!), and the doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do

> > an autism eval on our oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter

> > seems fine.

> >

> > We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

> > waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

> > needs assessment.

> >

> > I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

> > distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

> > had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped

> > on the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs

> > and hands.

> >

> > I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!)

> > but it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to

> > the potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on

> > the kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one

> > up and stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that

> > poop art is next!

> >

> > What can we do?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




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I feel like I could have written your post myself! This is SOOOO (7

years). We are working on the potty thing, she will do it, but shows NO signs of

when she has to, nor words, nor pecs, nor hand signs. She will pull everything

off, thats the only sign. And then its eating it, playing with it, smearing it.

Its so disgusting. We had to pull up the carpet in her room, which under it is

this horribly, ugly, icky green tile. But at least I can clean that!! Its either

all or nothing with her, she can go days without pooping and then, we do sit her

on the potty, or in the shower and put her feet up on the seat and have her go.

Its horrible, but its the only way she will finally go. So we give her the stool

softeners which she will let loose with too. I just wanted to say I can relate!


> How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?


> The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got a

long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest son

(8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for us but

canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3 hours!!!), and the

doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do an autism eval on our

oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter seems fine.


> We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

needs assessment.


> I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped on

the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs and



> I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!) but

it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to the

potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on the

kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one up and

stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that poop art

is next!


> What can we do?




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, Just an idea but you may want to try magneisium. used to not go

everyday but since Dr. Mumper put him on Mag he goes 2 x daily everyday.

was a poop artist but since we got his gut issues under control he no longer

does that. Cyndi B

> >

> > How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?

> >

> > The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got

a long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest son

(8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for us but

canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3 hours!!!), and the

doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do an autism eval on our

oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter seems fine.

> >

> > We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

needs assessment.

> >

> > I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped on

the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs and


> >

> > I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!) but

it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to the

potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on the

kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one up and

stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that poop art

is next!

> >

> > What can we do?

> >

> >

> >


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My son who is 4yrs. Old was taking out the poop out of his dipper, he turned 4

in Sep. and he started doing this a little before he was 4. Now he stopped, I

started to sit him on the potty and showed him the sign for poo he did not get

it at first but I still did it for some months. I asked his Speech Therapist for

the same pec the school had for the bathroom, wash hands on the sink and some

more around the apartment. I think that was what made him interested in going to

the bathroom he cant say bathroom but nocks on the door and points at the pec,

He now uses the sign for poop when he wants but I think my son was getting the

poop out of the dipper because he was ready to go potty and this was his way of

telling me. He is not fully potty trained but it is very rare that he does poo

in his dipper and if he does he now lets me know. Now I just need to take it to

the next step but I know he is ready he was almost on a schedule it was just me

who did not follow through with it.

mom to Elias 4yrs.


> How did/are you deal(ing) with poop art?


> The other day, we had a meeting with our 6-year-old's psychologist. We got a

long list of dx's for , including Asperger's, highly gifted, OCD, Tic

Disorder, ADHD...well, there was more but you get the picture. Our oldest son

(8) and baby daughter (3) were with us (my mom was supposed to sit for us but

canceled and we can't afford babysitters for all 4 kids for 3 hours!!!), and the

doc mentioned that clinically, she thought we should do an autism eval on our

oldest, too, though clinically at least our daughter seems fine.


> We came home, got the kids from the sitter, and had a quick lunch while we

waited for the psychologist from the behavioral network to come and do our

needs assessment.


> I noticed (DS/Autism, 4) wandering towards the bathroom but got

distracted with the dishes. It was now 5 minutes to 3...I smelled something.

had pulled down his pants, peed on himself, then sat down and pooped on

the (thankfully wooden) family room floor. It was on his butt and legs and



> I cleaned it all up (thank goodness for clorox clean-ups and my wetjet!) but

it's tiring. He's done this twice since. One of the times, we got him to the

potty but he just peed, no poop. Then 5 minutes later, he let loose on the

kitchen floor (after pulling everything off). DH got to clean that one up and

stopped just as he was reaching for it. Yuck. Frightened that poop art

is next!


> What can we do?




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