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foot pain

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That sounds like peripheral neuropathy - which can be idiopathic, or caused

by something like diabetes (which is where my experience comes from:(). It

can also be a side effect of some medications - sulfasalazine for example.


> really bad after I've been standing on them and sit down that I really

> notice the burning pain. Ouch!



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Hi Jan,

The podiatrist said I had plantar fascitis. I had an EMG and there was

no peripheral neuropathy. I have an appt sometime in September, I

think, guess I need to mention it. The EMG did say I had a

radiculopathy on one side, but both my feet burn, and the rheumie says

I couldn't have a radiculopathy so the EMG must be wrong. Who knows!



> That sounds like peripheral neuropathy - which can be idiopathic, or

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My experience has been that my feet mostly when I walk. I was instructed

to massage the bottom of both feet BEFORE I walked on them in the

morning to prevent tearing and more inflammation. The orthodics seemed

to take care of that. My feet are also tender, ache, and have sharp

pains more frequently than not. Your description of tenderness seems

more than mine - next doctor visits, you may want to discuss it.

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I don't really have tender spots but sometimes when I walk, I have a

tender spot in my forefoot that feels tender. Sometimes I have pain

on the side of my foot just when I am walking but don't notice it at

other times.

I do seem to have different periods where my feet kill me more than

other times. However last night I was sitting with my foot on the

couch and I couldn't stand the pain, so I had to take my foot off the

couch. It's a deep pain. Hard to explain exactly.

I stand on the side of my feet to keep from standing on the bottoms

when I have to stand for even a few minutes. I know that's not good

for my feet! I also catch myself standing on my tippytoes depending

on how much my heels hurt. Like I said before it's worse when I'm

wearing shoes. And I have graduated to wider and wider shoes thinking

that was the problem.

I guess I just need new feet! :-)

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It sounds to me like heel spurs, to me.

These are bony protrusions that grow out from the heel to accommodate

the inflammation in the plantar fasciitis. I have very large spurs on

both of my heels and the orthodics that were prescribed for me work

great. I do, however, continue to have foot pain as I described in the

other messages. But, compared to the pain I had before the orthodics. .


The pain in the front of your foot may be from you avoiding walking on

your heels. Compensating using one part of your body to " protect "

another part causes all kinds of problems. I would suggest that you talk

to your rheumatologist since this is part of having AS.

Good Luck -


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The heel pain was something I had from a child on and was just diagnosed as

" growing pains " because it wasn't in the joint, but the connective tissues. So

I understand what you are saying.

My trigger for the full blown disease was after a female surgery--bout of

intestinal illness almost 5 years ago.

Shortly thereafter I had serious iritis which would not respond to anything

but oral prednisone and drops. Then the rest started......most serious has

always been hips and chest (rib cage area) and back.

I was diagnosed by an eye specialist and my md would not concur until a rh dr

diagnosed me -- which he did after looking at my chart and examining me for

about 5 minutes.

I hope you can find drugs that work for you, but will pray for remission for

you. Hope you find the answers that you need. Kathy from WI

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  • 1 month later...

Could be an injury, but having pain in BOTH your feet, one worse

than the other, mornings worse - it kind of sounds like

osteoarthritis in your feet. Altho again it could just mean you need

to buy new runners ;-)


*probably a trip to the doctor is in your near future*

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  • 5 months later...

Hey I had Plantar Fascitis too, I wonder is there any relation to that and the Still's?

LJ in NJ

-----Original Message-----From: lizdaly101@... [mailto:lizdaly101@...] Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 9:37 AMStillsdisease Subject: Foot painI get that sometimes too....yuk..it hurts..I think they call it fasciitis..(spelling)...Hugs everyone...they will find a cure!!They will!! Liz NJ Visit the Still's Disease Message Boardhttp://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.htmlThe materials and information contained in this message are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form. ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

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Thanks for the info. I never associated the Plantar Fascitis, to the Arthritis before. I can't believe how everything connects together. That definitely makes sense that it could have been related to the Still's. I had the Plantar Fascitis maybe 3 years ago, and I wasn't diagnosed with Still's until A little over a year ago. I definitely feel that I have had the Still's much longer than the diagnosis. I really appreciate your research. I hope you and everyone is feeling good today.

LJ in NJ

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It is truly amazing how everything is inter-connected. When I first started getting sick, my first symptoms were all abdominal issues. I was hospitalized a couple times for the abdominal pain. No one could understand what was causing the intestinal inflammation. They all were sure that the inflammation was the culprit to the high fevers I was experiencing. Who would have thought the true culprit was the Still's Disease. I know they estimate that some 20% of Stilligan's have Abdominal Pain, but I don't hear anyone talking about it much. Am I the only one, who suffers so horribly from the Abdominal pain? I know a few of us have other abdominal issues like Irritable bowel, and such. Not many people now the true nature of my illness, they all ask me how my tummy is. When they see me limping, they all ask how I hurt myself. I used to say I have Arthritis but then they would comment that I was too young for Arthritis. If they only knew. Now I just smile when they say something and I hobble away.

I am glad that you are doing all right, and are ready and willing for your knee replacement. You are already on my prayer list, and I will be sure to include the Thumb grafting as well as the knee replacement. I hope everything goes as planned and that you have a speedy recovery. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

LJ in NJ

From: Marilyn Hogg [mailto:mhogg69@...] Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:02 AMStillsdisease Subject: Foot pain

Hi Lara, you are so welcome for the information. It's amazing how arthritis can affect so many different things in our body and so many people think it's just an aching and stiffness with pain type disease. If only they knew.

I'm doing all right, looking forward to my up coming surgery to have my knee replaced as well as my thumb bone grafted and then fused in order to stablize it. It will be nice to walk around without the pain, etc.

Take care,


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My daughter always has abdominal pain and headaches when she flares. Her arthritis in the joints are good right now, but she says her abdomen feels like she has done 1000 sit ups. The doctors can't figure it out and tested her for lupus and Crohn's, but it is just the good old STill's. (n,15,systemic)

RE: Foot pain


It is truly amazing how everything is inter-connected. When I first started getting sick, my first symptoms were all abdominal issues. I was hospitalized a couple times for the abdominal pain. No one could understand what was causing the intestinal inflammation. They all were sure that the inflammation was the culprit to the high fevers I was experiencing. Who would have thought the true culprit was the Still's Disease. I know they estimate that some 20% of Stilligan's have Abdominal Pain, but I don't hear anyone talking about it much. Am I the only one, who suffers so horribly from the Abdominal pain? I know a few of us have other abdominal issues like Irritable bowel, and such. Not many people now the true nature of my illness, they all ask me how my tummy is. When they see me limping, they all ask how I hurt myself. I used to say I have Arthritis but then they would comment that I was too young for Arthritis. If they only knew. Now I just smile when they say something and I hobble away.

I am glad that you are doing all right, and are ready and willing for your knee replacement. You are already on my prayer list, and I will be sure to include the Thumb grafting as well as the knee replacement. I hope everything goes as planned and that you have a speedy recovery. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

LJ in NJ

From: Marilyn Hogg [mailto:mhogg69@...] Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:02 AMStillsdisease Subject: Foot pain

Hi Lara, you are so welcome for the information. It's amazing how arthritis can affect so many different things in our body and so many people think it's just an aching and stiffness with pain type disease. If only they knew.

I'm doing all right, looking forward to my up coming surgery to have my knee replaced as well as my thumb bone grafted and then fused in order to stablize it. It will be nice to walk around without the pain, etc.

Take care,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Boardhttp://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.htmlThe materials and information contained in this message are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form. ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

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& n,

Thank you for responding I feel so much more normal. (Well as normal as the Still's will let me be!) For myself I don't always have the abdominal pain, but when I do, I feel like I am going to die. The one time that I was hospitalized for it, I actually Had an Ileus (The intestines tied themselves into a knot) and no doctor could figure out why. I definitely sympathize with n. I hope her abdomen starts to feel better and that she goes into remission soon. That's my prayer for all of the Stilligan's.

Thanks again for the response,

LJ in NJ

-----Original Message-----From: WILLIAM PRICE [mailto:bc.price@...] Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:47 AMStillsdisease Subject: Re: Foot pain

My daughter always has abdominal pain and headaches when she flares. Her arthritis in the joints are good right now, but she says her abdomen feels like she has done 1000 sit ups. The doctors can't figure it out and tested her for lupus and Crohn's, but it is just the good old STill's. (n,15,systemic)

RE: Foot pain


It is truly amazing how everything is inter-connected. When I first started getting sick, my first symptoms were all abdominal issues. I was hospitalized a couple times for the abdominal pain. No one could understand what was causing the intestinal inflammation. They all were sure that the inflammation was the culprit to the high fevers I was experiencing. Who would have thought the true culprit was the Still's Disease. I know they estimate that some 20% of Stilligan's have Abdominal Pain, but I don't hear anyone talking about it much. Am I the only one, who suffers so horribly from the Abdominal pain? I know a few of us have other abdominal issues like Irritable bowel, and such. Not many people now the true nature of my illness, they all ask me how my tummy is. When they see me limping, they all ask how I hurt myself. I used to say I have Arthritis but then they would comment that I was too young for Arthritis. If they only knew. Now I just smile when they say something and I hobble away.

I am glad that you are doing all right, and are ready and willing for your knee replacement. You are already on my prayer list, and I will be sure to include the Thumb grafting as well as the knee replacement. I hope everything goes as planned and that you have a speedy recovery. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

LJ in NJ

From: Marilyn Hogg [mailto:mhogg69@...] Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:02 AMStillsdisease Subject: Foot pain

Hi Lara, you are so welcome for the information. It's amazing how arthritis can affect so many different things in our body and so many people think it's just an aching and stiffness with pain type disease. If only they knew.

I'm doing all right, looking forward to my up coming surgery to have my knee replaced as well as my thumb bone grafted and then fused in order to stablize it. It will be nice to walk around without the pain, etc.

Take care,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Boardhttp://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.htmlThe materials and information contained in this message are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form. ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form. Visit the Still's Disease Message Boardhttp://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.htmlThe materials and information contained in this message are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form. ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi a,

I hate to sound like a broken record but, you MUST get yourself to a

rheumatologist. The longer you wait, there is more chance of you

having joint damage. Not to mention, that you don't need to subject

yourself to unnecessary pain. I am sure it is difficult having your

husband if bad shape, but what if you end up as bad or worse? Who

will take of him then? And who will be taking care of you?

I know it's easy for me to say, but you MUST get past your worry and

fears and all of the " what ifs " and stop thinking of the worst.

There is nothing I can say or do that might convince you.

But, don't you deserve to not have pain? And there is some

possibilty that your pain is not related to PA at all?

I hope you summon up the courage and strength to go see a

Rheumatololgist. And today is not too soon.

Stay Well, Be Well,

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Make an appointment with a good foot doctor. It sounds like you have

plantar fascitis. Usually treated with orthotics and a cortisone

injection and then you will be as good as new. I'm get them alot with

my PA and when the cortisone shot doesn't work, my doc puts me in a

walking cast for three weeks and then I'm good as new.


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  • 8 months later...


I have had similar problems with my ankles but am really unsure what to blame it

on. With over 200 parachute jumps, and 12 years as a mascot, it is only God who

knows. I never really thought of Br. Body when I did some of my stunts. Br.

Body was coined by St. Francis of Assisi.

My problems are quite often in the morning upon getting out of bed and for

driving for more than 2 hours at when on a trip.


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Hi Everyone,

Most of you know that I am a chronic Reiter's sufferer, and my first

symptom 25 years ago was a sore big toe. Since then, the RS has destroyed all


cartilage in my feet, both of them. Anyhow, this has damaged the bones to the

point that I have " broken " feet, and am now on large doses of pain killer. I

had the same " bump " on the top of my right foot that caused extreme pain. I was

sent to an Orthopedic surgeon, and had surgery to repair some of the damage.

The bump was part of a mass of tissue that was cartilage at one time, and the

doctor spent two hours removing it. He also " fused " all the joints (I don't

know how). I sure hope none of you have to undergo any of this. I can still

walk, but no farther than 50 yards or so, before I start moaning. Yours, Harv



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Angie,

I'm sorry about your foot pain. This is common in RA, as I found out

awhile ago. Althea, has been having a time with her foot, she also

has a stress fracture. I will keep you in my prayers, Tawny


> I am still having really bad foot pain. Saw my rheumy yesterday,


> now thinks I probably have a stress fracture in my foot. He told


> these are common with RA does this mean I get to have these


> I have to go for a bone scan of the foot and then he wants to see


> back in 2 weeks and we will discuss what to do. Also told me I may

> want to start thinjking of another job. I just can't imagine not

> being with the kids all the time. I love my job have done in for


> years. Oh well I will stop whining I just am a little scared of

> what all is going on.

> Thanks for letting me whine to you guys

> Angie

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Angie, I can feel for you. I have 5 stress fractures in my left

foot. So, yes, you may be prone to them again. My recomendation to

you would be to get that scan then take all scans and xrays with you

to see a foot and ankle specialist. You can either go with a

podiatrist or an Orthopedic foot and ankle specialist. My

orthopedist actually sent me to an ortho foot and ankle specialist

rather than a podiatrist because he felt that an ortho foot and

ankle specialist would be better prepared for the complexities of

the RA along with the stress fractures. But, either one would be a

good choice. Just get one with enough experience and if they decide

they want to scan your foot (MRI or CT) make sure they include your

ankle. Many foot problems can originate in the ankle.

As for the job, I am in the same boat. I don't want to give up

what I do because I love it. Just not to crazy about where I am

doing it at right now. My rheumy had suggested I go on disability,

but I don't want to, not yet. I know I need to, and I am looking

for another position within the company, but I'm not having much

luck. Oh well, what will be, will be. I understand your fear. I

am dealing with that very same thing. We'll get through

this....Love and prayers........Marina/Ohio


> I am still having really bad foot pain. Saw my rheumy yesterday,


> now thinks I probably have a stress fracture in my foot. He told


> these are common with RA does this mean I get to have these


> I have to go for a bone scan of the foot and then he wants to see


> back in 2 weeks and we will discuss what to do. Also told me I


> want to start thinjking of another job. I just can't imagine not

> being with the kids all the time. I love my job have done in for


> years. Oh well I will stop whining I just am a little scared of

> what all is going on.

> Thanks for letting me whine to you guys

> Angie

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sorry to hear that, angie... we will pray for the best...:o)


[ ] foot pain

I am still having really bad foot pain. Saw my rheumy yesterday, he

now thinks I probably have a stress fracture in my foot. He told me

these are common with RA does this mean I get to have these again.

I have to go for a bone scan of the foot and then he wants to see me

back in 2 weeks and we will discuss what to do. Also told me I may

want to start thinjking of another job. I just can't imagine not

being with the kids all the time. I love my job have done in for 13

years. Oh well I will stop whining I just am a little scared of

what all is going on.

Thanks for letting me whine to you guys


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

hrayn <hrayn@...> wrote:I also have a great deal of pain in my feet. I

have found New Balance tennis shoes and gel insoles do more for me than anything

else. I can hardly walk bare foot at all anymore. The insoles really help me. I

prefer bare foot, but you do what ever makes it easier.


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